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Guardians of the Galaxy Mafia

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Day 1

Earth 1988

Young Peter Quill sat in the waiting room of a hospital, listening to the ‘Awesome Mix’ tape on his Walkman when his grandfather came over to him.


“Peter, your mama wants to speak with you. Come on, Pete. Take these fool things off” he said as he took the mixtape off of Peter, turned off the Walkman, then led Peter in to see his mother, who was lying terminally ill in bed.


Noticing he had a bruised eye she asked, “Why have you been fighting with the other boys again, baby?”

Peter shrugged his shoulders then blurted out, “They killed a little frog that ain’t done nothin’. Smushed it with a stick!”

“You’re so like your daddy. You even look like him. And he was an angel. Composed of pure light.” Meredith told him.

“Mer? You got a present there for Peter, don’t you?” his grandpa interjected into the awkward silence that followed.

“Of course.” Meredith touched a small wrapped present and card.


Her father picked them up and put them in Peter’s backpack, “There. I’ve got you covered, Pete.”

“You open it up when I’m gone, okay?” Peter’s eyes started to well up with tears, “Your grandpa is gonna take such good care of you; at least until your daddy comes back to get you. Take my hand.”


Peter looked away and began to cry.

“Pete, come on.” his Grandpa said softly.

“Take my hand.” she repeated just as her heart stopped.

“Mom? No! No! No! No! Mom! No!” Peter yelled in horror.

 Doctor’s rushed into Meredith’s room, as Peter’s grandfather carried a screaming and crying Peter out.

In the waiting room he told Peter, “You’ve got to stay here. Please. Okay?”

Peter watched his grandfather walk back into the room, then ran outside into the night and fell to his knees weeping.


Suddenly a spaceship appeared above him, “Mom!” he yelled as a tractor beam lifted him into the air.


26 Years Later on Morag


On the abandoned planet of Morag, an adult Peter Quill searched for a mysterious orb. He entered the cave where the orb was last known to be located and put on his Walkman to listen to "Come and Get Your Love" by Redbone. 

He started dancing and singing along as he searched for the orb.





Just as he’d retrieved the orb he was intercepted by Korath and his henchmen, “Drop it!” Korath ordered.

“Uh...hey.” Peter replied in surprise as Korath’s henchmen surrounded him.

“Drop it, now!” Korath demanded levelling his gun at Peter.

“Hey, cool, man. No problem.” Peter dropped the orb as two henchman came closer with their guns pointed at him, “No problem at all.”

Korath picked up the orb, “How do you know about this?” he asked suspiciously.

“I don’t even know what that is. I’m just a junker, man. I was just...just checking stuff out.” Peter lied.

“You don’t look like a junker. You’re wearing Ravager garb.”

“This is just an outfit, man.” he looked at Korath’s henchman who kept prodding him, “Ninja Turtle, you better stop poking me.”

“What is your name?!” Korath demanded.

“My name is Peter Quill, okay? Dude, chill out.”




“Ronan may have questions for you.” Korath turned to leave.

“Hey, you know what? There’s another name you might know me by.” Korath stopped and turned back to look at Peter, “Star-Lord.”

Korath looked confused, “Who???”


Peter sighed, “Star-Lord, man. Legendary outlaw…” Korath shrugged in non-recognition.  


Peter looked at the henchmen for affirmation, “Guys?” None was forthcoming.

Korath, irked by the interruption, ordered again, “Move!”

Peter had no intention of going anywhere with them, “Ah, forget this.” He pulled out his guns and shot at Korath and the henchmen who fell down.


Just as he picked up the orb, Korath arose and shot at Peter who fell to the ground, put on his helmet, activated his rocket boots and propelled himself out of the cave on his back. Once out, he ran to his ship, throwing a magnetic device at the feet of a nearby second group of henchmen, who all fell over. Then managed to get back to his ship and take off with Korath’s henchmen shooting at the ship.


After escaping Korath and his men, Peter nearly lost control of his ship but managed to pull it back up in time, just then a woman appeared, “Peter? What happened?”

“Hey, uh…uh... I…” Peter couldn’t remember her name.


Realising this she said with resignation, “Bereet.”


“Bereet! Look, I’m gonna be totally honest with you. I forgot you were here.” she looked at him with dismay.


Later, as they travelled away from Morag, Peter watched the news on this monitor.

News Reporter: “Scattered riots broke out across the Kree Empire today protesting the recent peace treaty signed by the Kree Emperor and Xandar’s Nova Prime.”

“Peter, you have call.” Bereet announced as she pressed the screen to answer the call.


“No, wait, don’t!” Peter’s partner, Yondu Udonta came up on the monitor.



“Hey, Yondu.” Peter cringed in resignation, he would’ve preferred to avoid this conversation.

“I’m here on Morag. Ain’t no Orb, ain’t no you.”

“Well, I was in the neighbourhood. I thought I’d save you the hassle.” Peter lied.

“Well, where are you at now, boy?”

Peter grimaced, “I feel really bad about this, but I’m not gonna tell you that.”

“I slaved putting this deal together…”

“Slaved? Making a few calls is ‘slaved’?”

“And now you’re gonna rip me off!”

“I mean, really?” Peter continued in disbelief.

“We do not do that to each other. We’re Ravagers. We got a code.”

“Yeah, and that code is ‘steal from everybody.’”


“When I picked you up on Terra…”

Peter mocked, "Picked me up."

“ …these boys of mine wanted to eat you.”


“They ain’t never tasted any Terran before. I stopped ‘em. You’re alive because of me! I will find you, I will…”



Peter cut him off by ending the call.

Yondu was aggravated, to his men, referring to Peter, he ordered, “Put a bounty on him! Forty K. But I want him back alive.”

“Yeah, Cap.” the first mate, Kraglin, replied.

Horuz clarified, “Alive?”

Yondu confirmed, “That’s what I said.”

“I told you when you picked that kid up, you should have delivered him like we was hired to do! He was cargo! You have always been soft on him.” Horuz complained.

“You’re the only one I’m being soft on! Now, don’t you worry about Mr. Quill. As soon as we get him back here, I’m gonna kill him myself. What we do need to worry about is who else out there wants that orb!”


On the Kree Warship, the Dark Aster

Ronan the Accuser was being dressed and prepared by his servants.


“They call me "terrorist," "radical," "zealot," because I obey the ancient laws of my people, the Kree, and punish those who do not. Because I do not forgive your people for taking the life of my father, and his father, and his father before him. A thousand years of war between us will not be forgotten!” Ronan picked up a massive weapon, which resembled a hammer.

“You can’t do this! Our government signed a peace treaty.” the Xandarian prisoner pleaded.

“My government knows no shame. You Xandarians and your culture are a disease.”

“You will never rule Xandar!” the prisoner shouted defiantly.

“No. I will cure it!”  Ronan said savagely as he used the weapon to strike the prisoner in the head, killing him.

“Ronan, Korath has returned.” Nebula entered and informed him.

Ronan met with Korath, “Master, he is a thief, an outlaw who calls himself Star-Lord. But we have discovered he has an agreement to retrieve the orb for an intermediary known as The Broker.” Korath reported.

“I promised Thanos I would retrieve the orb for him. Only then will he destroy Xandar for me. Nebula, go to Xandar and get me the orb.”

Nebula answered, “It will be my honour.”

“It will be your doom. If this happens again, you’ll be facing our father without his prize.” Gamora spoke up.

“I’m a daughter of Thanos. Just like you.” Nebula retorted.

“But I know Xandar.” Gamora argued back.

“Ronan has already decreed that I…”

Ronan cut her off, “Do not speak for me.” he turned to Gamora,  “You will not fail.”

Gamora was unfazed, “Have I ever?”


This story is all canon, which means that any clue(s) will have had to have been inserted in a fiendishly clever manner so they don’t stand out like sore thumbs. So… I’ve decided not to tell you whether there’s any clue(s) or not this time! #muhahahaha #didsheordidn’tshe

Ergo, there may or may not be clue(s) hidden somewhere in this story. You have 36 hrs until Day ends and Twilight begins unless a DL is completed beforehand.

9 votes are required to complete a DL.

Living players: They May Be Dick’s But They’re Not Complete Assholes, Probably…

  1. Deaja
  2. Spruce
  3. Aquarian1
  4. JTMacc
  5. Lisin
  6. Machiabelly
  7. Drogo
  8. Deadpool
  9. festivus
  10. CuriousParker
  11. Lady Calypso
  12. Hanged Man
  13. meet trouble
  14. saoirse
  15. BizBuzz
  16. garnetarden
  • LOL 1
56 minutes ago, SilverStormm said:

inserted in a fiendishly clever manner


1 hour ago, SilverStormm said:

This story is all canon

I literally just watched this film, and all this shit happens in this exact order.  Except the actual script probably didn't contain 10-pt words like resignation and affirmation.

There's definitely a clue in here, though, because @SilverStormm is that kind of unrelenting clever fiend who says to herself "Fuck it- I'll squeeze a clue into this canon if it kills me and all of them, too."    

1 hour ago, SilverStormm said:

Ronan the Accuser was being dressed and prepared by his servants.


How many servants does it take to make a guy look like this much of a d-bag?  It's like a rejected VMA outfit for Lady Gaga.  Take that nun habit off, sir.  

And did they actually paint tears on his face or was he just crying in non-waterproof mascara?  What a baby.  

  • Love 2

OK, well... as we all know I love a list. As everyone else has said I don’t see anything jumping out, but I wouldn’t expect to based on Silver’s note at the end, and ultimately there may not be a clue at all!! That doesn’t mean I’m going to not look though. And in an effort to make that a teeny bit easier for me (and you!) here’s the list of players with hot links to their profiles for less scrolling needs. (Doing this on an ipad is hard!!)

  1. Deaja
  2. Spruce
  3. Aquarian1
  4. JTMacc
  5. Lisin
  6. Machiabelly
  7. Drogo
  8. Deadpool
  9. festivus
  10. CuriousParker
  11. Lady Calypso
  12. Hanged Man
  13. meet trouble
  14. saoirse
  15. BizBuzz
  16. garnetarden

I personally find it easier to see things to list out the Roles I think may be in play based on Story and knowledge of the property but I want to get another post under us before doing that since as everyone else says this is basically the opening of the movie and we haven’t “met” everyone yet. I’m assuming some of the characters in the above story are NPCs and obviously there are other characters that haven’t yet been introduced. 

I can literally never figure out the math of the ratio of heroes to villains, does anyone else have a guess? I mean with 16 players how many would be baddies? 

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26 minutes ago, Drogo said:

I don't math, but I'd say we could be looking at 5 bads + a recruit (or a SK.) 

This a big game, yo. 

Because 2:1 good to bad is 10:5 with a remainder of 1?  And because of the high nerd quotient around here, the leftover would fit nicely into all of our sensibilities as one of those rogue abilities? That actually makes perfect sense to me.  

Also: Damn Serial Killers. It would be nice not to be murdered by one of them by night two like I was in the last game. Asking nicely for anybody with protective powers to look out for me long enough to get to night three. Heh.  I spent so much time in the off topic bar that I've developed (even more of) a drinking problem.

Anyway, off to look for the non-existent clues...

  • LOL 2
13 minutes ago, JTMacc99 said:

Because 2:1 good to bad is 10:5 with a remainder of 1?  And because of the high nerd quotient around here, the leftover would fit nicely into all of our sensibilities as one of those rogue abilities?


3 hours ago, SilverStormm said:


3 hours ago, SilverStormm said:

irked by the interruption

4 hours ago, SilverStormm said:

cringed in resignation

4 hours ago, SilverStormm said:


^^These have my focus at the moment.  

3 hours ago, Drogo said:

Except the actual script probably didn't contain 10-pt words like resignation and affirmation.

And that's why you think those words seem out of place? It could just be the way Silver speaks, kind of the way I get half way typing out big words and if spell check doesn't recognize it, I bail and go for something shorter.

Having said that, I took a look at the profiles and didn't see anybody who said they like big words.  

I’m scouring the profiles to see if I can make something fit and I’m not seeing anything really bang on. Deaja has anxiety as her weakest quality and if I squint to really force it I could say that sounds kinda like “cringed in resignation” but that isn’t strong enough for me to want to act on it yet. Just throwing it out there since I died first last time and didn’t get a chance to give all my observations! 

26 minutes ago, Lisin said:

I’m scouring the profiles to see if I can make something fit and I’m not seeing anything really bang on. Deaja has anxiety as her weakest quality and if I squint to really force it I could say that sounds kinda like “cringed in resignation” but that isn’t strong enough for me to want to act on it yet.

Or famous resignations?  Like Winston Churchill, the person @Deadpool would've given anything to meet.  

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1 minute ago, Drogo said:

Or famous resignations?  Like Winston Churchill, the person @Deadpool would've given anything to meet.  

Oooh that’s interesting! 

I had just thought “I’ve GOT IT!” When I saw TexasGal would quit her job (resign) if she won the lottery... then I remembered she wasn’t playing this round so that’s useless lol. 

But for sure Churchill is an interesting find, and more “cluey” than the anxiety thing which I acknowledge is a stretch... 

@CuriousParker’s weakest quality is impatience, which could fit “irked by the interruption” which I like because of the alliteration but like the anxiety for @deaja don’t feel strongly enough about (yet) to do anything. Just throwing it out there.

10 minutes ago, Lisin said:

@deaja don’t feel strongly enough about (yet) to do anything. Just throwing it out there.

First off, thanks for the tag because I've been really sick and forgot the game was starting this morning (after checking at midnight to see if a story had been posted.) 

Even though you were tagging me as a potential target..... 😬

I don't think "cringed is resignation" sounds like anxiety, so I don't think it's a good clue plus I'm really not a villain this time. 

Just now, deaja said:

First off, thanks for the tag because I've been really sick and forgot the game was starting this morning (after checking at midnight to see if a story had been posted.) 

Even though you were tagging me as a potential target..... 😬

I don't think "cringed is resignation" sounds like anxiety, so I don't think it's a good clue plus I'm really not a villain this time. 

Heee I realized I didn’t tag you the first time and I thought that may be rude since I was kinda calling you out lol. Like I said I don’t actually think it’s a clue, it’s just the only thing I could kinda squish to fit anything from @Drogo’s list on first pass. 

2 hours ago, Lisin said:

Just throwing it out there since I died first last time and didn’t get a chance to give all my observations! 

Your future's looking brighter for this one: the person who killed you (MarkHB) isn't playing and his evil partner @deaja has already told us she isn't a villain, which is very comforting.

26 minutes ago, JTMacc99 said:

Three players listed their favorite color as Purple: Spruce, SVNBob, and garnetarden. Seems pretty far-fetched, but not as bad as some of my current theories. Heh.

Sadly, nobody seems to have listed a quarter pounder with cheese as a favorite food.

Odd that you say that... I mean we can count out SVNBob because he's not playing, but @garnetarden has favorite color purple and favorite food burgers and @The Crazed Spruce has favorite color purple and favorite food hamburger gravy poutine.   So both of our playing purple-fans have burgers in their profile but you said nobody has burgers in their profile...  we may have to come back to that.  Anyway, purple + burgers + something else we're missing = Grimace ?

BTW, I think I mention Grimace in every game and it's never anything (so if it's something now I'll be satisfied and/or a little perturbed.) 

47 minutes ago, Drogo said:

BTW, I think I mention Grimace in every game and it's never anything (so if it's something now I'll be satisfied and/or a little perturbed.)

Oh.  So if it is anything, it's possible that it's an Easter egg from Silver just for you?

The Purple + Burger = Grimace isn't the craziest thing, but would it satisfy this claim?

8 hours ago, SilverStormm said:

any clue(s) will have had to have been inserted in a fiendishly clever manner so they don’t stand out like sore thumbs

Maybe!   More the straightforward "Purple and Burger" lover than the "Purple and Hamburger Gravy Poutine" lover if I was being forced to choose right now.  I wonder if Canadian Grimace was a Poutine fan? Probably. 

3 minutes ago, JTMacc99 said:

So if it is anything, it's possible that it's an Easter egg from Silver just for you?


Just now, SilverStormm said:

Point of clarification: I never have or would purposely/knowingly use Easter eggs and/or red herrings in any story for any reason.


3 minutes ago, JTMacc99 said:

The Purple + Burger = Grimace isn't the craziest thing, but would it satisfy this claim?

8 hours ago, SilverStormm said:

any clue(s) will have had to have been inserted in a fiendishly clever manner so they don’t stand out like sore thumbs

I don't think anything we would find would satisfy that claim, but then again we never really find clues anyway even without a fiendishly clever disclaimer.  

OK got and read my PM and I am up to speed. Except I noticed no nothings in my prior perusement (wait, that's not a word? hmm whats the noun of peruse? Huh, there isn't one. Fine) perusing peerage (wait, that's the wrong peer? wtf English? there are a lot of words that desperately require nounifying. WHAT‽‽ nounifying isn't a word either‽ Ugh what's the gerunding of noun? there isn't one... Sigh, what's the gerund of gerund? I really should be in charge of English)

T'ain't seen nuttin on first readin'

11 minutes ago, Deadpool said:

@deaja - Her favourite TV show is West Wing, isn't that a show about an american president? Just off the top of my head i can think of a very famous resignation by President Nixon during the watergate scandal.


@Hanged Man in the midst of all that noun gerunding you forgot to invite the Villains to step forward and identify themselves.  

  • Love 1
2 minutes ago, Drogo said:

@Hanged Man in the midst of all that noun gerunding you forgot to invite the Villains to step forward and identify themselves.  

LOL I remembered it after I hit post and decided it would be tacky to add it right after I posted. So I started up Guardians to compare it to the story and was going to post when I reached the end of the story. Which is now. but you had already commented on it, regardless of how close I was.

Do any villains wish to step forward and save all of us a lot of drama and heartache and time? and for the record I am not a villain.

  • LOL 2
3 minutes ago, deaja said:

Nobody resigned in The West Wing though so it's making a clue up out of thin air.  Which is pretty suspicious. Like there is stretching for clues and being like "She likes a show that has a US President in it and one time a US President resigned!  It's a clue!"

Whatever the clue is, it can't be pointing at me when i am a Hero. I am still scouring the story for possible clues.

17 minutes ago, deaja said:

Nobody resigned in The West Wing though so it's making a clue up out of thin air.  Which is pretty suspicious. Like there is stretching for clues and being like "She likes a show that has a US President in it and one time a US President resigned!  It's a clue!"

Ummmm.... guys? Vice-President John Hoynes resigns in a pretty big bombshell Season 4 Episode 21 of The West Wing... Which I remembered and I’ve only watched it through once. I’m not saying this is deflection but... Seems kinda hinkey. 

19 minutes ago, deaja said:

Nobody resigned in The West Wing though so it's making a clue up out of thin air.  Which is pretty suspicious. Like there is stretching for clues and being like "She likes a show that has a US President in it and one time a US President resigned!  It's a clue!"

I don't know if it's suspicious at this point so much as:


4 minutes ago, Lisin said:

Ummmm.... guys? Vice-President John Hoynes resigns in a pretty big bombshell Season 4 Episode 21 of The West Wing... Which I remembered and I’ve only watched it through once. I’m not saying this is deflection but... Seems kinda hinkey. 

Good point.  I did forget about that arc because I was thinking of the main characters/President. Either way. I think it is a strained clue, much like your anxiety clue.  So maybe @Lisin and @Deadpool are trying to implicate me together as villains.

Heh. So, after a surprisingly busy day at work, I am finally here to announce my innocence! 

But really, I've enjoyed listening to everyone's theories on what the clues could be. It beats anything that I could come up with. I didn't notice a whole lot, but I'm known to be inept when it comes to finding clues. I often find clues that were never clues. 

But I'll re-read through the story and try to find something for myself. 

5 minutes ago, deaja said:

Good point.  I did forget about that arc because I was thinking of the main characters/President. Either way. I think it is a strained clue, much like your anxiety clue.  So maybe @Lisin and @Deadpool are trying to implicate me together as villains.

I'm not trying to implicate anyone, just demostrating that resignation can apply to more than just me and therefore probably not a clue at all. @Drogo likes to try and get me killed often, maybe as i tried to kill him in the last game lol

Edited by Deadpool
very bad english
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