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S16.E02: HoH Comp #2

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This was a post re: caleb over on Reality Tea . . .


nice. a homophobic racist dressed up for closet outing and gay pride..confused much darlin?


too bad caleb's mind has been so poisoned . . . everything else sure looks good.  and i think he looks like he's going to be fun in the house -- i was surprised

he carried the ever-shrieking frankie piggy-back around the house.


i fluctuate between being glad Jocasta is there and wishing that bow tie would magically tighten and choke her.  I find nutty religious people like that endlessly fascinating.

I believe she invoked the name of jesus right before she took her tumble off the spit -- don't know how she interprets that exactly.

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Now that we've met all 16 of the hamsters -- I'm intrigued, in that only one so far is completely hateful to me, but most of them annoy the living hell out of me, which bodes well for the season, as they're likely to annoy each other as well.  I hope in a non-racist way. 


Really annoying to me:  PowPow or whatever she calls herself; Victoria (the completely hateful one); Joey (people who are completely rigid and intolerant of other points of view piss me off like no other, though I do like the blue hair); Christine (oh my God, that overemotional crying/kissing BS, that voice, those glasses, just give me a freaking break); Joscasta (the bow ties -- no, plus the LOUD praying and whole Jesus is my BFF thing, cause, y'know, he's probably lots of other folks' BFF too); Zach (oh, spare me the "I didn't come here to make friends" before you even get there).  It's unfortunate that these are mostly women, but that's how it's panned out so far for me.


Mildly annoying to me:  Caleb (upgraded partly because I didn't appreciate all the looks when he said he was a hunting guide; take it down a notch, judgies); Frankie (needs to chill and stop picking BFFs every ten seconds);


OK with me so far:  Donny (LOVE this guy; he seems excited to meet new people and experience new things, and doesn't seem stupid at all to me.  I really hope his alliance with Devin succeeds and that they add Nicole); Devin (super-cute and unfortunately knows it, but seems like a good guy); Nicole (just seems like a slightly shy nice girl to me -- don't think she'll last long with the triumvirate of super-psyched with themselves ladies); Derrick (21 Jump St. clone, but also seems like a good guy); Hayden (goofy but trying hard and kind of sweet); Brittany (not much of a read on her so far).


People I forgot:  Amber and Cody.  Both absolutely gorgeous and so far inoffensive.

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There aren't actually teams, right?

Except in an us vs. them way; when they came into the house doesn't mean anything, does it?

I guess I have to wait until next week to see how two HOHs are picked

I think there will be (actual teams I mean).  I got the sense that the idea is that each HoH will pick two noms from the OPPOSITE group of people.  So the HoH from Group 1 noms two people from Group 2, and the HoH from Group 2 noms two people from Group 1.


Then they have some contest to determine which HoH "stays".  The one who does keeps their noms in place, I bet, and the others stop being noms.


Then assuming there is still a veto, that's when the ex-HoH is in danger.  Julie CLEARLY said that a person could go from HoH to eviction in the same week, and post-Veto would seem to be the avenue for that.  If the Veto winner uses the Veto and the remaining HoH picks a new nom I bet it an be anyone, but even if its still restricted to someone from the other team, that would now include the ex-HoH, wouldn't it?

Edited by Kromm
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I think there will be (actual teams I mean).  I got the sense that the idea is that each HoH will pick two noms from the OPPOSITE group of people.  So the HoH from Group 1 noms two people from Group 2, and the HoH from Group 2 noms two people from Group 1.


Maybe, but Julie didn't say anything about that.  So it seems if there are teams, they are not put in place by Big Brother. At least not yet.  Some sort of bonding with the group you entered the house with might cause a split, but it is just defacto. And I don't think the second group would have that bond, since they met each other and the first group at the same time.  I really think people are just looking for teams because there was a pre-game rumor that there would be blood vs. water teams; but clearly there is no blood vs. water set up.



Then they have some contest to determine which HoH "stays".  The one who does keeps their noms in place, I bet, and the others stop being noms.

This was already explained on the show.  The HOHs don't compete. The four nominees do. The team of 2 that wins gets off the block, and the HOH that nominated them is stripped of the HOH title, and no longer completely safe.  What hasn't been explained is what that means- but I think most people are assuming they can be replaced at veto.

Edited by Skittl1321

My husband and I had to pause the show after Julie explained the Battle of the Block twist to try and figure it out in our heads. Then we rewatched the explanation and still weren't quite sure about how it was all supposed to play out. Guess we'll find out on Sunday.


Caleb has a great body, but he's a little… INTENSE. Like the scary kind of intense where I wonder if he's more likely to be thrown out of the house for violence against another housemate as opposed to being evicted.


I did rather enjoy when Jocasta was turning on that HOH comp spit and praying to Jesus to help her win and Jesus was basically like, "Bye, Felicia!"

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As usual the twist is all kinds of shenanigans. Basically it encourages the HoH to nominate the weakest players, because if your nominees win this Block Battle, you lose your HoH status and could potentially wind up on the block yourself after Veto. So, you want to make sure the people you nominate will lose the Battle. Which means we're going to wind up with a bunch of muscly meatheads as the final four. Or at least until they weed out the weaklings; Caleb is going to be around for the long haul.


I don't know how many people caught this since it was over the closing credits but Victoria gave Frankie a hilarious stink-eye when he was riding around on Caleb's back.


Zach is just odd. He brags that everything out of his mouth is a lie yet when he introduces himself to the other HGs he tells the truth and says he's unemployed. I'm surprised he didn't make up some fake occupation. You know, like Derrick. I am so over people who think they have to hide their true "profession" because they think it will make them a target, like if they're a nurse or something they somehow think that will make them seem like a big threat. I don't think anyone would be all that intimidated by the fact that someone's a cop, in fact they might even think it was pretty cool.

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Hmm...Jacosta...I guess Jesus was too busy giving a shit about real problems in the world to lend a girl a hand in a reality show competition.  Quell surpise!


I get a weird feeling Caleb will end up getting forcibly DOR'd for some psychotic tendancies - something about that guy is waayyyy off..and his interest in Amber is a little too intense.


Zach - you aren't remotely capable of being Dr. Will 2.0 - please just shut up and fade into the woodwork until your osted before Jury.


Group 2 felt very heavy on the 'unlikeable' side of the spectrum.

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This was already explained on the show.  The HOHs don't compete. The four nominees do. The team of 2 that wins gets off the block, and the HOH that nominated them is stripped of the HOH title, and no longer completely safe.  What hasn't been explained is what that means- but I think most people are assuming they can be replaced at veto.

This is effectively the same result, whether the HoHs compete or the nominees.  The net result is that the HoH becomes vulnerable and the two noms get off the block.  Meaning that HoH would be available as a Veto replacement.  Short of them totally dropping Vetos and introducing another mechanism they haven't yet revealed, it's what makes the most sense to fulfill the condition we DO know Julie insisted is possible--an HoH going home the same week they are HoH.

Maybe, but Julie didn't say anything about that.  So it seems if there are teams, they are not put in place by Big Brother. At least not yet.  Some sort of bonding with the group you entered the house with might cause a split, but it is just defacto. And I don't think the second group would have that bond, since they met each other and the first group at the same time.  I really think people are just looking for teams because there was a pre-game rumor that there would be blood vs. water teams; but clearly there is no blood vs. water set up.

Since when does Allison Grodner feel compelled to be equally fair to all contestants?  If Group 2 is less bonded but forced into operating as a unified unit, then that's the kind of thing this show and producer historically would have no problem with.  So I think it's still very possible.  


Here's my thought.  Them having people come in two groups of 8 made for an easier intro, sure.  But there are usually multiple reasons for anything like this on this show.  What it also did was create Insta-alliances.  Which may fall apart eventually, sure, but the show loves to bang them together so that the inevitable destruction is even more dramatic.  So my feeling is that the show will make those defacto groups into real ones, but that because we've been promised regular twists, those teams may not stay static week after week.  The current groups will be a starting point though, because other than something like pure chance or schoolyard pick, its what makes the most sense.  Simply having two HoHs and having them pick from the same pool of 14 others feels... too... wide open. Given the unity the show would naturally assume among the group inside an extra day, having the two HoHs pick from the same pools of people would leave open too much likelihood of the original 8 sticking together, but the later 8 not.  Which I suppose the show might be okay with, manipulative bastards that they are, but the WAY the teams are split (with two obvious trouble-makers in Group 2) makes me think the producers wouldn't want to make that whole team obvious sacrificial goats (since they don't want their villains gone so soon).

I just watched last night's episode and had to laugh at how completely confused I was by these cockamamie new rules. I'll keep watching because BB is my all-time favorite hate-watch, but I'm glad I wasn't the only one who had some questions.


PS: The worst thing they've done to this show, IMO, are those scripted diary-room sessions. "OK, Donny... you don't mind if we pump up the dumb, right?" I know they've been doing it for a long time now, but it's soooooo irritating.


From Jacosta's intro video, I found this statement to be a little odd:


"My past is my past. I've done a lot of things. I've done a lot of people - men, women. But God has made me, transformed me, made me the person I am and love is love."


Sounds like she is overcompensating for past mistakes in her life.


Regardless, the bowtie needs to go and her volume setting needs to be turned down from 11.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver

Since when does Allison Grodner feel compelled to be equally fair to all contestants?  If Group 2 is less bonded but forced into operating as a unified unit, then that's the kind of thing this show and producer historically would have no problem with.  So I think it's still very possible.  


I didn't address fairness at all in the post, so I'm honestly not sure what you are questioning about my post. Merely I said that BB doesn't seem to have assigned them groups or teams.  At least, not yet.

The first 8 who entered the house will likely be a group because they did have that extra bonding time, and that alliance. But I don't think the second group is necessarily going to feel that THEY are a group- because they have never been alone together. The second 8 met everyone at the same time.  So they are more likely to be the side alliances of the first 8 (if that crazy eight thing holds up), or mixed group alliances, and, I think, less likely to be a second alliance of 8. So it really only created one insta-alliance. The people in the second group had 15 people to choose from when they decided how to first align, not just 8.  And thus far, nothing has been said about HOHs having to pick from those who entered the house separately from them.


If the next twist is teams, I won't be shocked. But thus far, there aren't any.

Edited by Skittl1321
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From Jacosta's intro video, I found this statement to be a little odd:

"My past is my past. I've done a lot of things. I've done a lot of people - men, women. But God has made me, transformed me, made me the person I am and love is love."

Sounds like she is overcompensating for past mistakes in her life.

Regardless, the bowtie needs to go and her volume setting needs to be turned down from 11.

I think she's saying that she did a lot of bad things before she began her relationship with Jesus. Maybe she's in Celebrate Recovery, too. Christians aren't perfect and they don't have perfect pasts. Your past doesn't stop you from becoming a Christian.

I agree about the bow tie.

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So, if you're a smart HoH, you nominate the two weakest folks in the house (keeping folks like Caleb, Devin, et al. safe). This is also going to ensure a number of the girls (plus probably Frankie, actually) go up and out first. Lame.

I actually like it that the weak players go first. I know some might be girls, but do you really want a house full of floaters like the past couple summers? Yuck. Also, the girls can still excel in non-physical competitions.


I think this is the best twist Big Brother has come up with for years. My only critique is that its explanation of it was worded rather confusingly.



P.S. I am rooting for Zach because he feels like an average joe and not an over the top TV caricature. Yeah, he's just a little bit snobby and socially awkward and not half as intelligent as he thinks he is; but, these people are way underrepresented on television.


Edited by resonance

I'm still holding out judgement on Team America.

I mean if it's an alliance in that we control who they vote for and such, that's stupid.


But the $5,000 to complete a task thing makes me wonder if it will just be silly stuff like "convince the house guests to have a hot dog eating contest". But then I have no idea what tasks would be worth $15,000 so then it makes me worry it is voting stuff (like Get "X voting on by America" voted out this week.)

I actually like it that the weak players go first. I know some might be girls, but do you really want a house full of floaters like the past couple summers? Yuck. Also, the girls can still excel in non-physical competitions.

I agree with the benefit of getting rid of floaters. The problem is that the HOHs won't know if the BotB competition will be physical or mental, and they may automatically equate "weak" with "women" -- until a woman gets to be HOH of course!


I didn't address fairness at all in the post, so I'm honestly not sure what you are questioning about my post. Merely I said that BB doesn't seem to have assigned them groups or teams.  At least, not yet.

The first 8 who entered the house will likely be a group because they did have that extra bonding time, and that alliance. But I don't think the second group is necessarily going to feel that THEY are a group- because they have never been alone together. The second 8 met everyone at the same time.  So they are more likely to be the side alliances of the first 8 (if that crazy eight thing holds up), or mixed group alliances, and, I think, less likely to be a second alliance of 8. So it really only created one insta-alliance. The people in the second group had 15 people to choose from when they decided how to first align, not just 8.  And thus far, nothing has been said about HOHs having to pick from those who entered the house separately from them.


If the next twist is teams, I won't be shocked. But thus far, there aren't any.

I'm going to approach this carefully, because it seems like you saw me questioning something you wrote as an attack on you. It wasn't, I promise. If it came off as such, I apologize.


We seem to be using two different interpretations of the word "group".  Your second post has made it clear by "group" you mean a bonded unit.  I wasn't going by that.  My instinct is that even though Julie Chen hasn't TOLD the viewers that each bunch of eight is linked beyond their mere arrival time, that such is probably the case.  That's all I meant by "group".  I know the "Blood vs.Water" idea isn't happening, but that's not to say "teams" isn't happening (although if they are, that's not to say they will be static teams).   And you've said as much in your post.  I think we're just navigating my feeling that the teams are already in force, whether or not Julie Chen has TOLD us (and them) that.  To me, the WAY they were introduced makes me think it is, although of course I could be wrong about that.  I agree with your conclusion that since "nothing has been said" we don't know.  But I was only speculating--not intending to try and communicate knowledge that any of this was for sure.

They had a good conversation about the changes to the game on Robhasawebsite.com after the episode with Ian Terry from BB14, though even they were a tad confused over exactly how everything worked with the BotB and Team America (Fuck yeah !!).

Heh.  Usually I don't have the patience for all the "aftershows" and such (although I've seen a few of Rob's), but I'm curious about one thing and one only.  Did THEY break into "Fuck Yeah!" when THEY talked about this silly Team America name too?  I gots to know!!!  I mean clearly nothing official on CBS will, but I imagine the rest of the universe can't quite help itself!

Edited by Kromm
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I think she's saying that she did a lot of bad things before she began her relationship with Jesus. Maybe she's in Celebrate Recovery, too. Christians aren't perfect and they don't have perfect pasts. Your past doesn't stop you from becoming a Christian.

I agree about the bow tie.


I think this means when Jocasta gets buck wild in the house to not be surprised. Usually the wildest ones go to the extreme when they find Jesus.  It's never a happy medium. 

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My husband and I had to pause the show after Julie explained the Battle of the Block twist to try and figure it out in our heads. Then we rewatched the explanation and still weren't quite sure about how it was all supposed to play out. Guess we'll find out on Sunday.

Caleb has a great body, but he's a little… INTENSE. Like the scary kind of intense where I wonder if he's more likely to be thrown out of the house for violence against another housemate as opposed to being evicted.

I did rather enjoy when Jocasta was turning on that HOH comp spit and praying to Jesus to help her win and Jesus was basically like, "Bye, Felicia!"

Who is Felicia? I thought I had figured out all of their names but don't remember a Felicia.


Who is Felicia? I thought I had figured out all of their names but don't remember a Felicia.

There isn't anyone named that.  It's a phrase Young Urbanistas apparently say to annoy people they don't care about when they leave (it used to just be African-Americans but has apparently spread).


It was recently referenced by one of the idiot girls on that Marry Harry show, I believe, and also on that Bad Girls Club show, so I'm supposing that's why it's out there wider now.


EDIT - Apparently it refers back to a 1995 movie, Friday, where there's a crackhead named that who's a character, who some main characters are trying to ditch.


Edited by Kromm
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i fluctuate between being glad Jocasta is there and wishing that bow tie would magically tighten and choke her.  I find nutty religious people like that endlessly fascinating.

I believe she invoked the name of jesus right before she took her tumble off the spit -- don't know how she interprets that exactly.


Its downright annoying, and I thought I was the only one who noticed.  I know I've been guilty of it in my life too, but seriously, god has a lot of other things on his plate, do you really think he has the time to listen to you every 2 minutes ask him to help you win $500,000?  Or don't you think its a little over the top to imagine that god favors you over everyone else to win the money?  I'm sure she is trying to bring bowties to the female masses, but its not a good look.

A couple of things I caught that I thought were interesting:


Zach saying he doesn't need friends. Plus he's unemployed and spends his time with his little brother. Definitely something not right with him, but is it some type of a personality disorder or is he really just a jerk? 


Jacosta saying something about being with a LOT of men and woman before her conversion. I don't think they need to worry about her being too shocked by their actions. 


Pic of Christine's husband - I need a closer look at that. 


What got me about Zach is that in one sentence he is saying that he "doesn't care what people think" in the next "everything I tell people is a lie" in the next "I tell people exactly what I think about them which gets me in trouble"  Say whaaaaaaa?  First off, if you don't care what people think, you almost never have a reason to lie because most lies are told to spare someone's feelings.  And furthermore, were you lying when you said that you don't care what people think?  And then if you always lie to people, how did you get knocked out for telling someone exactly what you think about them?  Were you lying to them?  Are you lying to America?  Did you punch yourself in the face?


As for Christine's husband - I never quite understand when people put those giant gages in their ears.  I don't mind the artistic expression, its just that if you at some point decide you want to join the corporate world it might be tough.  Those things just limit job options...and they look like they hurt IMO.



Btw everyone - I hope there's a competition where Donny has to shave his beard - I dont understand why he needs that big bushy beard, he is gorgeous without it!!!! Lookie here: http://starcasm.net/archives/277163


Maybe there is some beard equivalent to "locks of love" and he can donate!


First impressions (based on just the opening VTs and the pre-interviews we've already seen before tonight):


Israeli Girl: I'm not taking her "manipulate the boys" crap too seriously.  I think she may be smarter than that clip implies.


MetroTucky:  Meh.  Double meh,  I smell trouble. And yes, I've seen the racist "info" on him, as well as the defenses from his family.


HotMom:  I smell someone who will go far.  IF (and this is a big one) the existing "all girl alliance" doesn't target her.


Brittany (Hot Mom) could go far, but she may be the sleeper to get into a showmance that dooms her.  She is recently divorced and has been busy with kids.  To me that potentially means she is used to being with a man, and is emotionally vulnerable to these guys eyeballing her.


Yeah, when he initially said The Rock, I was like, "Umm, no sir." I don't know where that came from.


Thank you!  I'm glad I wasn't the only one thinking this.  How dare anyone compare themselves to the Rock, whose babies I may still someday have.


Be grateful you don't have Jacosta representing your team.  I noticed she had the lecturing finger waving while she was praying. I guess God needed some schooling.

Yeah, sadly Jacosta is representing my team.  I would like some new representation.  

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What got me about Zach is that in one sentence he is saying that he "doesn't care what people think" in the next "everything I tell people is a lie" in the next "I tell people exactly what I think about them which gets me in trouble"  Say whaaaaaaa?  First off, if you don't care what people think, you almost never have a reason to lie because most lies are told to spare someone's feelings.  And furthermore, were you lying when you said that you don't care what people think?  And then if you always lie to people, how did you get knocked out for telling someone exactly what you think about them?  Were you lying to them?  Are you lying to America?  Did you punch yourself in the face?


Yes, everything about him struck me as compensating for something. If you truly don't care what people think, you wouldn't have to say it. That's what people say when they want everyone to 'think' they don't care.


As for Christine's husband - I never quite understand when people put those giant gages in their ears.  I don't mind the artistic expression, its just that if you at some point decide you want to join the corporate world it might be tough.  Those things just limit job options...and they look like they hurt IMO.

I don't like those things either, but to each their own. The picture they showed for a second just looked really odd. which was why I wanted to see it again. But I think it was just because he's so tall, thin and hipster-ish. After looking at other pictures I see that he's actually pretty cute.


Wait, so I am confused: is this the most twisted season ever? Because I don't think Julie was very clear about that.

Last year was the most twisted season.  Just not in the way they usually mean that on this show!

Yeah, I'm tired of the way they hype the show. I honestly wish they would keep it the same and just work on getting the most interesting contestants. That's really all I care about, watching the people interact. I could care less about the 'game twists'. 

(I couldn't get this part out of quote mode.)

Edited by TexasChic


As for Christine's husband - I never quite understand when people put those giant gages in their ears.  I don't mind the artistic expression, its just that if you at some point decide you want to join the corporate world it might be tough.  Those things just limit job options...and they look like they hurt IMO.

And I bet they don't smell very good either. At first I couldn't stand Christine b/c she cried when she receive the BB key, but then she grew on me and she is one of my favorites. 

Those plugs are a long road I've heard, and each time you up to the next width it hurts like hell for weeks. I admire the commitment of people that have done it but I don't like the look personally, and should you ever decide to not wear them all you have is giant holes in your lobes that now rest on your shoulders... so yeah... Kinda like tattoos in places that can't be hidden you're already probably in a lifestyle in which said things are okay and not planning to work in, say, a law office some day.


Anyhow... I wonder how they will handle Christine's love of being naked if she goes Richard Hatch on us during non-show hours? They can't blur the live feeds.

Its downright annoying, and I thought I was the only one who noticed. I know I've been guilty of it in my life too, but seriously, god has a lot of other things on his plate, do you really think he has the time to listen to you every 2 minutes ask him to help you win $500,000? Or don't you think its a little over the top to imagine that god favors you over everyone else to win the money? I'm sure she is trying to bring bowties to the female masses, but its not a good look.

The Bible says "pray without ceasing" and "in all things give thanks." It does not say "unless you're trying to win a bunch of money." Maybe she will make mistakes that cause people to question her Christianity, maybe not. Either way, she will take a lot of heat. I give her props for being courageous enough to go on BB knowing she is in a can't win situation.

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The Bible says "pray without ceasing" and "in all things give thanks." It does not say "unless you're trying to win a bunch of money." Maybe she will make mistakes that cause people to question her Christianity, maybe not. Either way, she will take a lot of heat. I give her props for being courageous enough to go on BB knowing she is in a can't win situation.

First, IMO, prayer is something that can be done privately, doing it loudly, in public and on camera looks attention seeking, which shouldn't be the purpose of prayer.  And frankly, it does make me question the sincerity of her Christianity.  Shouldn't she be praying for the right person to win?  How does she know the right person is her?  How does she know that she is god's pick?  Maybe god wants someone else to win, maybe someone else needs it more than she does.  Although, I agree that you should always be thankful, but her prayers have seemed to mostly revolve around imploring god, on camera, to give her a lot of money.  All the time.  And honestly, I certainly hope that god wants me to do things other than pray, because if we all spent out entire day in prayer, no one would be out selling or making food, clothes or shelter.

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How would she not pray on camera in the BB house? Maybe she feels like being shown praying is a testimony to her belief in God. "She calls herself a Christian, why isn't she praying?" Maybe she will ask for the right person to win. Or maybe she had already but the editors don't want to show that. Just like so far, Caleb is being shown as a nice guy, she is being shown as a "God-botherer".

God does want you to ask him for things. And He does want you to pray constantly. But sometimes that means praying while you're driving with your eyes open and your hands on the wheel.

Edited by Runningwild
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I agree Runningwild. We were always told that you should pray for any and everything as God is omnipresent and therefore always available. However we also know that just because you pray for something doesn't mean you will receive.

I am not religious anymore but I will never fault someone for praying, even if I find the prayer asinine. Thank God, God doesn't judge.


How would she not pray on camera in the BB house? Maybe she feels like being shown praying is a testimony to her belief in God. "She calls herself a Christian, why isn't she praying?" Maybe she will ask for the right person to win. Or maybe she had already but the editors don't want to show that. Just like so far, Caleb is being shown as a nice guy, she is being shown as a "God-botherer".

God does want you to ask him for things. And He does want you to pray constantly. But sometimes that means praying while you're driving with your eyes open and your hands on the wheel.


You can ask, but it shouldn't be a production, IMO.  I think your faith should be somewhat personal, and private.  Its like when I see people who are constantly engaged in continual PDA's but then you find out that behind closed doors they don't even want to touch each other. They are more concerned with what other people think their relationship is, than the actual relationship.  If god is special to me, I don't need to loudly proclaim that he is my only alliance, and ask him to help me win gobs of money in front of a TV crew. 


But thats just me, and of course, as with all things I always think that YMMV.  I find her loud prayers and ministrations for god's help annoying, but thats me.

Edited by RealityGal
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I think your faith should be somewhat personal, and private.

But this is very opposite of the beliefs of many people who are evangelical.  I don't know what Jocasta's religion is exactly, but she doesn't appear to be a member of one who thinks it is personal and private. Religion is publically who she is, and many religions have tenants about spreading them- thus not at all personal.


My view is that I find it selfish to ask God to help you win a reality show. "God, give me the strength to meet this challenge" is very different from "God, let me win so I can have half a million dollars"

But this is very opposite of the beliefs of many people who are evangelical.  I don't know what Jocasta's religion is exactly, but she doesn't appear to be a member of one who thinks it is personal and private. Religion is publically who she is, and many religions have tenants about spreading them- thus not at all personal.


My view is that I find it selfish to ask God to help you win a reality show. "God, give me the strength to meet this challenge" is very different from "God, let me win so I can have half a million dollars"


This is all very true, and a persons views on what they want their relationship with god to be is their own.  So....very true, it is a YMMV type of thing, and nothing black and white and set in stone.  Personally, I find it annoying, but that truly may just be me. 

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