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S21.E23: Live Eviction #7

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In good news, Kat will eventually discover that Jessica WASN'T lying to her. Although considering how much Kat lied, I don't know if she should make a big deal about it. 

Christie annoyed me sooo much when she voted. Giggling, laughing. Then, "I sadly vote to evict Kat", said in a deeply spiritual and mournful way. Then giggling and celebrating right out the door. Somehow she's awfully cheerful when evicting people who aren't her. 

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Stupid Nicole. Should have kept Kat. Too much power on Christie/Tommy side now and you, my dear (Nicole), will be 6th in that 6 person alliance. 

And she knows that and she did it anyway!  All season she has been at the top of the JU HG ratings, and I don't understand why.  She seems like a nice enough person, but she sucks at this game.

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Okay, let's not bury the lead!

I was thrilled that apparently production must actually read this board and put an END to the much-hated hallway shenanigans! I hope that sticks from now until the day BB gets its pink slip.

Now that was the good...now for the bad.

No not Kat! She was the ONLY spark in this dismal season! Nicole, you are so stupid. Welcome to the BOTTOM of that new alliance. Argh...I was so ready for Cliff to ride off into the sunset. I've been done with him since he punked out and didn't split up the two power couples and instead put a threat to no one...Bella out of the house.

What...the hell...was...that attitude Julie had with Kat? I felt like she was trying to throw shade on her and call her a hypocrite or something without coming out and saying it.

Julie completly being UNABLE to control Kat's interview was a thing of beauty!

What a horrible upside-down world that I had to root for Jackson only for the reason him teaming up with the outsiders would have saved Kat but  no...brain dead Nicole had to ruin any hope that Tommy and Christy won't run the table to the final two.

Finally, I was laughing at Cliff when he was talking to his path to the end of the game. There is NO path. You were  cast as a combination of the older gentleman and down-home rube...and that character type does not win this game...you have no shot...you will never win this game. Please get evicted soon.

Edited by North of Eden
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19 minutes ago, leocadia said:

Between the lederhosen and the big chair, Tommy looked like the leader of the lollipop guild at the start of the HOH.

I really need Christie/Tommy to take a hit this week.  I also need Jackson gone, but he and Holly are on the wrong side of the numbers at this point so it can wait a week.

I want Jackson to take out Christie first and then he can be evicted.

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6 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

What...the hell...was...that attitude Julie had with Kat? I felt like she was trying to throw shade on her and call her a hypocrite or something without coming out and saying it.

Pure speculation, but I thought Julie was hinting at the idea that despite her professed loyalty to Jess/Nicole, she may (or may not) have a final two deal with Holly.  Holly has mentioned it in the DR, but we've never really heard Kat's take on it.  I imagine the "extended" interview will bring that up.  

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51 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

Finally, I was laughing at Cliff when he was talking to his path to the end of the game. There is NO path.

Kind of fitting it's slip n slide tonight because that's about how "clear" Cliff's "path" is. Tread carefully and don't be surprised if/when you land on your ass.

Early on... not enough falling! Though I think they've made is less "dangerous" past few years, we used to really see people go down... now it seems just walking in it clears most of the 'slip' from your lane while before it was the lane itself that was slick and the coating was thin and made it even worse. Ahhh the good old days...

BTW - Way to make an effort there Jessica.

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7 hours ago, North of Eden said:

I was thrilled that apparently production must actually read this board and put an END to the much-hated hallway shenanigans! I hope that sticks from now until the day BB gets its pink slip.

The shout outs are even more annoying, why can't they just take the sound off after they give the name?

7 hours ago, mojoween said:

I didn’t get Kat’s confrontation with Cliff.  I mean, he’s on the block.  You say what you need to to get another week.

I never understood Kat at all, she was floating around for several weeks before finally picking a side, bragging about how she could play both sides and what a great gameplayer she was.

Edited by amazingracefan
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Ugh! First, I was sad to see Kat go but happy she didn't waste time hugging those who voted her out, all while saying how much they loved her. I'd love to see her come back on BB at some point. She is fun and has a good personality. While she acted dumb in the house, her interview proved otherwise.

Second, I hate this HOH comp! It is my least favorite of all the comps. So boring. 

Third, Nicole has done exactly NOTHING to warrant her staying in this house. I wouldn't mind seeing her go.

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I liked Kat so much more before this episode.  I don't believe she was upset because Jess wasn't protected, and I don't believe she would've "stood for what she believed in" in exchange for her own safety.  She hadn't made any deals to protect Jess going forward, but treated Cliff like it was a moral failure that he hadn't.

That said, Cliff is on my last nerve with his dancing & pandering & uber-earnest confessionals.  Ugh.  I don't like him at all, but think Nicole is no worse off - and possibly better off - with him than Kat.

I'm trying not to get spoiled for this week's HOH so that, at least until Sunday, I can hope that somehow Nick & Christie end up on the block, with Tommy as a replacement, and Christie going home.  (Tagging @TheUniverse.  Are you listening?)

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Not sure why Kat decided to go after Cliff in her pre-elimination speech.  Rather than give them reasons to keep her, she tried her hand at smack talk.  Cliff's "I'm not your Father" joke kind of lightened the mood.  It sure seemed to screw with the Chenbot though.  I thought I heard her short circuit.

Since the beginning, I've felt the cast this year was pretty much "charm free".  It's not going to get better. Personally, I enjoy the snark forums here much more than the actual show.

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I found myself really frustrated with Jess this week. She was given the inside scoop of what the other side of the house was planning to do that would get her evicted within a few weeks, and she seemingly did nothing with it.

Why would she not rally all the "outsiders" and convince them that they need to ban together against this plan? Nicole was very honest about being on the fence about what to do, so I'm sure if Jess would have talked to her, Kat, Jackson, and Holly about how they need to work together to get out Tommy, Christie, Sis and Nick, she could have swayed Nicole not to do that stupid 6 person alliance nonsense. Nicole knew she'd be the bottom of that alliance, so if Jess tried she surely could have convinced her it's better to go with the "outsiders" and make it 5 vs 4. Even when the other side's in power, they're gunning for Jackson and Holly so she's not in danger. She could just watch each side take each other out, and get further than 6th place, which is what she is now playing for. And she'd still have Kat and Jess as true allies that have her back, whereas Nick, Christie, Tommy, and Sis would not hesitate to dispose of her when convenient.

Sorry for ranting, but it frustrates me when the house knows there's a big alliance that's picking them off, and rather than ban together, they just passively watch it happen. I don't get why Jess (or Jackson/Holly when they found out) wouldn't actively try to do something with this info rather than casually just passing it along. Maybe more happened that wasn't shown.

Edited by JZone
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So basically it's a choice between really awful people and really stupid people. Alrighty then.


That said, Cliff is on my last nerve with his dancing & pandering & uber-earnest confessionals.  Ugh.

Co-sign. I'm sure there are some who think Cliff is just adorable but I just think he's weird. He's like that sad kid in school who was a total dork and thought everyone liked him but everyone just thought he was weird. When they kept cutting to that shot of him dancing around he just looked so odd, it's off-putting to me.

I have to laugh every time Nicole says something about being best for her "game." The girl has done fuck-all from Day 1, she doesn't have a game. She's in someone else's game, and even then only just barely.


I found myself really frustrated with Jess this week. She was given the inside scoop of what the other side of the house was planning to do that would get her evicted within a few weeks, and she seemingly did nothing with it.

And that's been the case with her all along, as well. I can't decide which is worse - when she stupidly refused to believe there were sides in the house, or when she knew there were and didn't do anything about it.

Like I said . . . horrible people vs. stupid people. Who to root for?

The thing I hate about these comps that go on and on is that Sunday's show will be totally eaten by it. We'll have at least half an hour to watch people fall on their asses. Good times? Not so much, IMO.

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16 hours ago, mojoween said:

I didn’t get Kat’s confrontation with Cliff.  I mean, he’s on the block.  You say what you need to to get another week.  

Jackson needs to win this HoH so Christie heads right back to the block.

No prizes this time for those who can’t do the whole comp?

I completely agree. Is he just supposed to lay down and let himself get voted out?

3 hours ago, JZone said:

She was given the inside scoop of what the other side of the house was planning to do that would get her evicted within a few weeks, and she seemingly did nothing with it.

Well she even cry/hugged to Kat "Okay, yeah we'll blow that ____ up." But then she did nothing as you say. It's puzzling how people (people that need people) in the game refuse to ally against TPTB and take 'em down a peg while there is time/opportunity. Year after year it happens, I guess Jessy is just this year's Fessy, always surprised on eviction night at the inevitable picking off of all their allies.

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23 hours ago, Lamima said:

Stupid Nicole. Should have kept Kat. Too much power on Christie/Tommy side now and you, my dear (Nicole), will be 6th in that 6 person alliance. 

If that is not bad enough she runs and tells people who aren't in the plan the plan.  She really is too stupid.  I can see the preschoolers running all over her.

13 hours ago, sunshine23 said:

Second, I hate this HOH comp! It is my least favorite of all the comps.

I did like that Jess (?) got stuck in the same place.  🤣

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This is totally going against how I've felt most of this season, but Jackson has been making me laugh, and dammit, like him again, just because of his comments about AFT. Yes Christie, America hates you. Maybe not you exactly, but your behavior and hypocrisy. I'd love for Christie to not only go up on the block again, but be voted out. I am manifesting this so hopefully Karma will be on my side and kick Christie in the backside. Then Analyse who is dumber than a box of rocks, then the couple (can't remember Jackson's girlfriend's name because she's so annoying too). The ultimate Karma would be for the six shooters to end up together again....in the jury house.

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