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S02.E10: Second Time's the Southern Charm

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1 minute ago, Jextella said:

Has the show officially been cancelled?

No. Bravo is weird about cancellations and renewals so a lot of things don’t ever get officially cancelled. Filming last year started in October so probably a few more months for any idea the no reunion isn’t always a deal breaker especially because I can’t imagine they would have a dramatic reunion because even Jeff and Reagan are civil to each other.

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Finally got to watch the episode. Good Lord I really enjoyed Jon this season. So many great lines from him, haha.

It was really nice to see Jeff and his sister. It was really sweet of her to hop on a plane and be there with him on a day that she knew would be tough for him. I'm really happy to hear Jeff sold the house and is starting over. He was beaming when talking with Tamica.

Justin describing his appreciation for Kelsey came across very old school. He has expectations of what a wife and mother should be and he sees the qualities in Kelsey that suggest she's a good option for both those things but he speaks with no passion about her. Maybe Justin wishes he was more emotionally and physically connected to her and thinking the more time they commit to one another, passion will grow. I feel kind of bad hypothesizing this stuff since we only see a fraction of their relationship but they're 4 years in and he's still saying he could see himself with her in the future. That's an uncertainty about her, not about his own fears. If it was just about his own vulnerabilities and fears, I would expect him to at least say he can't imagine himself with anyone else. Problem is, I think he can. Listening to her talk at the table made me want to cringe.

Despite Reagan spending the entire season talking about herself and what's going on with her, I loved that it didn't stop her friends from asking her about how things were going with her (despite Jeff being there) and they seemed genuinely happy to see her happy about how things are going in her life. The wedding turned out beautifully. Kudos to her wedding planner who put that together in such little time! Hope she gets some great business out of this. Also, this episode made me really hungry. It's very clear that Reese is intimidated by Tamica but also wants to desperately get her approval because he knows how much she means to Reagan.

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2 hours ago, drivethroo said:

Doesn't make Jeff look good either.  It makes him look like the simpiest of simps and I wonder if he proposed to Reagan to "lock her down" from Reece, just as I wonder if Reece got Reagan pregnant to "lock her down" from Jeff.

Except Reece played a stupid game and has ended up with a stupid prize while Jeff got to escape and zoom away on his bike.


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8 hours ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

I get what ya'll are saying about the sign.   {{deep breath}} I might agree if I thought she'd abandoned him or cheated on him with Reece.  But.....it looked like there was some stuff we definitely did not see about Jeff.  Not just the extent of the alcohol addiction, but how deep the consequences were.  The rage outs, the storm offs, the fucking running to get away from whatever made him drink to excess to begin with.  This was not a man she could ever have trusted emotionally or physically.  She definitely didn't trust him enough to try and start a family with him.

I never liked Jeff, but I think he was a "Mr Right Now."  It sucks for him, but I think he belongs on the west coast.

If this show doesn't come back, it's sad but sometimes shows shouldn't go on and on and on.  Sometimes shows need to quit while they're ahead.  

I never liked Reese but Reagan seems to love him and she deserves happiness.  Sometimes I think women are guilt tripped to make sure everybody else is happy, except themselves.

2 hours ago, AuntieDiane6 said:

Yet, this cast and the situations are SO MUCH BETTER than the original.  I appreciate that this is a diverse articulate cast with so many interesting MEN who seem to have JOBS.  New Orleans is such an interesting, glittery city; I appreciate that the FAMILIES are shown--no spouses who only appear via phone; I like the storylines:  art shows, weddings, fancy NO parties, serious conversations between fathers and sons which we NEVER hear on TV... 

You are SO right.  But if this show didn't go well in the ratings, it might mean to Bravo that people would rather watch people scream at each other and fight about dumbass stuff.  This show is intelligent and interesting but maybe that's not what people want to see, at least on Bravo.  Maybe if this show were on another network, it would do better.  

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This show has only surpassed the 1.0 rating once but they have a pretty steady fanbase despite how little I think Bravo promotes them. Surely they must get better ratings than the Savannah spin-off since I can't even find any rating information on that show, and it doesn't even have its own Wiki page. I think I'm just grasping at anything to give me hope that these guys might get another season. Why not see decent people get rewarded for a change?

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It sucks for him, but I think he belongs on the west coast.

I don't think so.  He's too old to hang out with the surfers and he's not sophisticated enough or smart enough to hang out with the film crowd, a la Whitney.  LA is also not a friendly town--it's filled with soulless apartments for miles on end filled with acting wannabes.  He's a big oaf--he needs a smaller, nurturing city like NO.

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39 minutes ago, AuntieDiane6 said:

I don't think so.  He's too old to hang out with the surfers and he's not sophisticated enough or smart enough to hang out with the film crowd, a la Whitney.  LA is also not a friendly town--it's filled with soulless apartments for miles on end filled with acting wannabes.  He's a big oaf--he needs a smaller, nurturing city like NO.

Not that I agree with your asssesment of LA but the west coast is a whole lot bigger than LA. He grew up in Oregon.

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3 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

This show has only surpassed the 1.0 rating once but they have a pretty steady fanbase despite how little I think Bravo promotes them. Surely they must get better ratings than the Savannah spin-off since I can't even find any rating information on that show, and it doesn't even have its own Wiki page. I think I'm just grasping at anything to give me hope that these guys might get another season. Why not see decent people get rewarded for a change?

It's cryptic and people are entusiastic, but Tamika posted they will be back.

And she posted some tea!

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23 hours ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

A word.  Which is exactly why I say they're lowkey holding her responsible.   A trip, where everybody who's in a relationship brings their partner but me because it'll trigger Jeff?  Kick rocks.  She was a guuut one for going to Destin.

She was a seeing another dude days before you proposed and you were still fairly confident that she wanted to marry you?   I mean this speaks terribly of Reagan, but for the part that belongs to Jeff?  yeah, no.   Jeff is Kelsey.   

Yeah, I completely agree it's dirty pool to invite one half of a couple on a couples' trip (regardless of the circumstances) and if it wasn't for the show, I would have hoped Reagan would have told them to kick rocks if Reece wasn't invited.  I also have not seen or heard confirmation that there was overlap between Jeff and Reece, just suspicion.

Yup, Jeff is Kelsey!  I know it's tacky to quote myself, but there is also this that I put out there at the beginning of the season, so we're thinking alike:

On 6/10/2019 at 2:39 PM, LibertarianSlut said:

 Kelsey, can't she go out with Jeff, and free Justin up to be single?  Just a thought.

I changed my views on this whole cast since the beginning.  In the beginning, there were those that I loved and those I hated, and now everyone has their shades of grey with me, except I am not a personal fan of Jon Moody's personality type, but I see why there are those that are.

I guess Reagan's neon sign saying "it's always been you" or whatever does fall on the side of tacky, but the thing is...this was her wedding day, or "her day." She's allowed to do whatever she wants.  It's not about Jeff (apparently it never was about Jeff).  The heart wants what the heart wants, and if Reagan always had a flame burning for Reece, this is the time to let it be known and celebrate it.  Any other day of the year, you can tell them to shove it and it's disrespectful to Jeff, but let them have their day, I guess.  

And my prediction?  That once Jeff does meet someone else, he is going to be head over heels for her, and he is going to go around saying insentive things about his past marriage, and if he says he never loved Reagan, I won't say boo.  Move on.

At first I wanted to throat-punch Justin when they flashed back to him on the beach telling Kelsey "July," and Kelsey saying, "ok, what is going to happen July first?"  And Justin pauses then says, "engagement?"  It was the question mark that killed me.  Justin, you pussy, just break it off with her!  But, at the same time, Kelsey is a very intelligent woman (I kind of like her now, which is shocking me), and she should be able to read the writing on the wall that this guy doesn't want her the way she wants him.  She doesn't need Justin's permission to walk--she just needs to pick up her shit and do it (take the adorable dog, Kelsey).  So as much as I want to blame Justin, I have to say Justin and Kelsey are equal participants in this charade.  I felt that way a few episodes ago when Justin's mom told Justin that he was wasting Kelsey's time.  I wanted so much to agree with her, but no, your time and how you spend it is your own choice, so Kelsey, vamoose!  If you decide to keep these people as your friends, they will support you the way they supported Jeff.  

I thought that was a nice wedding.  It makes me wonder why more people don't get married in the winter.  But it being "her day" notwithstanding, I thought it was super rude for Reagan and Reece to sit inside the venue alone.  Their guests were seven degrees away from freezing! When my husband and I got married, we waited our asses in the bridal suite while everyone got seated in the reception hall so that we could walk in last.  I couldn't imagine being that selfish, but otherwise it looked like everyone had a great time.  

I think everything will work out well as long as Reece isn't stupid enough to cheat. I mean that literally.  I like him, but the dude is so damned stupid.  I could see him out with his friends (did anyone catch the skinny Steve Buscemi groomsman?!?!) and I could imagine him becoming so hypnotized by a striking woman that his penis just kind of falls into her vagina, and he makes the walk of shame home the next day, like, "Reagan, babe.  Something bad happened.  It was so bad, because you are the hottest girl with the fattest ass, but I think I may have...cheated on you."  Season Three?

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Did anyone else notice that Tamica wasn't wearing the same bridesmaid dress as everyone else? I guess maybe because she refused to commit one way or the other, they didn't order her the cream dress with the huge collar/shoulder piece and maybe Reagan just told her to wear whatever she had in cream? Or...conspiracy theory...she wasn't really IN the wedding? She was sitting behind the other bridesmaids next to Barry. The whole thing was just kind of weird.

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1 hour ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Yeah, I completely agree it's dirty pool to invite one half of a couple on a couples' trip (regardless of the circumstances) and if it wasn't for the show, I would have hoped Reagan would have told them to kick rocks if Reece wasn't invited.  I also have not seen or heard confirmation that there was overlap between Jeff and Reece, just suspicion.

Yup, Jeff is Kelsey!  I know it's tacky to quote myself, but there is also this that I put out there at the beginning of the season, so we're thinking alike:

I changed my views on this whole cast since the beginning.  In the beginning, there were those that I loved and those I hated, and now everyone has their shades of grey with me, except I am not a personal fan of Jon Moody's personality type, but I see why there are those that are.

I guess Reagan's neon sign saying "it's always been you" or whatever does fall on the side of tacky, but the thing is...this was her wedding day, or "her day." She's allowed to do whatever she wants.  It's not about Jeff (apparently it never was about Jeff).  The heart wants what the heart wants, and if Reagan always had a flame burning for Reece, this is the time to let it be known and celebrate it.  Any other day of the year, you can tell them to shove it and it's disrespectful to Jeff, but let them have their day, I guess.  

And my prediction?  That once Jeff does meet someone else, he is going to be head over heels for her, and he is going to go around saying insentive things about his past marriage, and if he says he never loved Reagan, I won't say boo.  Move on.

At first I wanted to throat-punch Justin when they flashed back to him on the beach telling Kelsey "July," and Kelsey saying, "ok, what is going to happen July first?"  And Justin pauses then says, "engagement?"  It was the question mark that killed me.  Justin, you pussy, just break it off with her!  But, at the same time, Kelsey is a very intelligent woman (I kind of like her now, which is shocking me), and she should be able to read the writing on the wall that this guy doesn't want her the way she wants him.  She doesn't need Justin's permission to walk--she just needs to pick up her shit and do it (take the adorable dog, Kelsey).  So as much as I want to blame Justin, I have to say Justin and Kelsey are equal participants in this charade.  I felt that way a few episodes ago when Justin's mom told Justin that he was wasting Kelsey's time.  I wanted so much to agree with her, but no, your time and how you spend it is your own choice, so Kelsey, vamoose!  If you decide to keep these people as your friends, they will support you the way they supported Jeff.  

I thought that was a nice wedding.  It makes me wonder why more people don't get married in the winter.  But it being "her day" notwithstanding, I thought it was super rude for Reagan and Reece to sit inside the venue alone.  Their guests were seven degrees away from freezing! When my husband and I got married, we waited our asses in the bridal suite while everyone got seated in the reception hall so that we could walk in last.  I couldn't imagine being that selfish, but otherwise it looked like everyone had a great time.  

I think everything will work out well as long as Reece isn't stupid enough to cheat. I mean that literally.  I like him, but the dude is so damned stupid.  I could see him out with his friends (did anyone catch the skinny Steve Buscemi groomsman?!?!) and I could imagine him becoming so hypnotized by a striking woman that his penis just kind of falls into her vagina, and he makes the walk of shame home the next day, like, "Reagan, babe.  Something bad happened.  It was so bad, because you are the hottest girl with the fattest ass, but I think I may have...cheated on you."  Season Three?

Girl you've seen me ask twice right?  That baby being awfully close to when she and Jeff broke up....ya'll I want dates, shit.  Lol! 

up. muffugin. top.   that's all I'm saying.

and me.  ::nextscene::  Zdub Googles "quit claim deed" and packs her things. 

inner semantic nerd won't let this die.  I'm bothered as hell that nobody speaks directly.  I hurt my child's feelings on purpose so ya'll don't have to lol!   She said something like you know I've told you never to waste a woman's time.   Justin don't do heavy-subtle.  Mama tell him YOU'RE WASTING KELSEY's time.   You gotta use names.   When he was talking to #Pastor Linebackerbae ole boy ended a sentence with:  otherwise it's not fair to you or KELSEY because YOU'RE wasting her time.  Do you know this fool had the audacity to look surprised?  

Straight up?  I laughed at her telling Tamika, you not invisible I see you knocking!  Other than that, yeah that's rude.  45 degrees and we're getting a coffee in NY but in NOLA, that's damn Siberia.

The birth certificate conversation was her last chance to bail.  

you ain't shit LOL!!!


32 minutes ago, Nancybeth said:

Did anyone else notice that Tamica wasn't wearing the same bridesmaid dress as everyone else? I guess maybe because she refused to commit one way or the other, they didn't order her the cream dress with the huge collar/shoulder piece and maybe Reagan just told her to wear whatever she had in cream? Or...conspiracy theory...she wasn't really IN the wedding? She was sitting behind the other bridesmaids next to Barry. The whole thing was just kind of weird.

I don't know if you're even old enough for this reference but in the 80s, one of the things popular with teen girls was a 2 piece combo, all the rage creation known as the velour track suit.  You heard me.  I said velour, like the fabric version of Velveeta.   Not quite velvet, velvet-ish.  And shiny.   What a mess.   Anyhoo, she was in the wedding, she walked in first with the shortest non-little person groomsman in the entire world  (I see you Reagan, I see you girl, hee!)


anyway, the dress Tamika found was somehow a combination of velour, sheer mesh sleeves and lace applique.   She had the nerve to show up with that it in a garment bag



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2 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Yeah, I completely agree it's dirty pool to invite one half of a couple on a couples' trip (regardless of the circumstances

It wasn’t a couples trip. Rachel was the one who organized it and she is married and her husband didn’t come. If push came to shove she probably wouldn’t have invited Reagan but she did because production were hoping for drama but there wasn’t any because both Reagan and Jeff acted like adults and didn’t bring any drama.

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I don't want to argue semantics (well, I do, but not about this right now).  Couples were on the trip.  That means to me, that it was, by definition, a couples' trip, and the fact that Rachel approached Reagan very delicately beforehand and asked if Reagan would mind not bringing Reece causes me to think that the default is to invite all couples, and Reece was purposely excluded.  The reasons were obvious, but I didn't agree with them.

Just because Rachel's husband wasn't there doesn't mean it wasn't a couple's trip.  Two (?) seasons ago, on Married to Medicine, Jackie's husband Curtis went to church instead of Hawaii where all the other couples were vacationing.  Curtis's lack of presence didn't negate the idea of this being a couple's trip in my mind any more than Rachel's husband not being there.

In my mind, the way I operate, if there is a trip with mixed company, my spouse and I are invited or neither of us are invited.  Soon-to-be spouses go in that basket.  For me and mine.

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My parents got married on Dec. 30. In Illinois. I think a winter wedding is great, but not an OUTDOOR winter wedding -- even in New Orleans! Even if it hadn't been cold (and NOLA is unpredictable with temps in the winter) there was a fairly good chance of rain. It doesn't look like the venue had an entire second space indoors for a ceremony, so they would have either had to do some serious rearranging to accommodate ceremony AND reception, or...let everyone sit outside in the cold. 

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At some point in the wedding part of the episode I saw what I thought might be an unfinished live painting by a NOLA artist I follow (who does live wedding paintings in a very specific style) and tadaaaaaa turns out it was!

It turned out well, that really does evoke Reece and Reagan.

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Eye of the beholder.  I thought the wedding/reception was beautiful, and I find the painting quite charming.

Now about her personality, and please God give some smooth tone to that gurl's voice.  I just wanna blow my nose listening.

I don't know a thing about RC's family or where their $$$ comes from, but this had to be an absolute obscene amount of money spent on a second wedding.  What I could do with that bundle of cheddah!

Edited by SuprSuprElevated
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6 minutes ago, dosodog said:

I see Jon Moody in the painting! 

I would much rather see a Jon Moody painting of the event!

I think that’s supposed to be Tamica with her arms up behind Jon.

Edited by biakbiak
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16 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:


I don't want to argue semantics (well, I do, but not about this right now).  Couples were on the trip.  That means to me, that it was, by definition, a couples' trip, and the fact that Rachel approached Reagan very delicately beforehand and asked if Reagan would mind not bringing Reece causes me to think that the default is to invite all couples, and Reece was purposely excluded.  The reasons were obvious, but I didn't agree with them.

Just because Rachel's husband wasn't there doesn't mean it wasn't a couple's trip.  Two (?) seasons ago, on Married to Medicine, Jackie's husband Curtis went to church instead of Hawaii where all the other couples were vacationing.  Curtis's lack of presence didn't negate the idea of this being a couple's trip in my mind any more than Rachel's husband not being there.

In my mind, the way I operate, if there is a trip with mixed company, my spouse and I are invited or neither of us are invited.  Soon-to-be spouses go in that basket.  For me and mine.


Is that really by definition what a couples trip is though? I've always thought a couples trip would exclude singles or refer to a trip that a couple takes with one another.  I think the trip was a friends getaway where 4 of the friends were coupled up with each other. Tamica, Barry, Justin, and Kelsey have their own individual relationships with people in the group and so it made sense that they would be there regardless of whether they were married/dating each other. It wouldn't have made sense for Reece to be there other than him being Reagan's partner. Aside from not wanting to trigger Jeff, she likely saw it as a way for Reagan to reconnect with her friends since the distance Reagan created (and then complained about) was created by her being so caught up in her relationship with Reece.

I think Rachel was coming from a good place and I think Reagan recognized that as well otherwise I think she would have had some push back and maybe not even attend the trip if she didn't see some truth in what Rachel was telling her about the state of her friendships.

On a general note, for what it's worth, Jeff did confirm that he doesn't think that Reagan cheated on him during their marriage. Reagan admitted that she quickly jumped into a relationship with Reece soon after she and Jeff separated and I'm pretty sure there would be some gap between the time Jeff and Reagan made that decision and when they officially announced their separation. I honestly think the announcement would have come sooner if it didn't overlap with the airing of season 1 (where they were both denying the state of their marriage at the time so announcing a separation while the show was still airing probably wouldn't have been taken kindly by Bravo).

Edited by RHJunkie
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20 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

I don't want to argue semantics (well, I do, but not about this right now).  Couples were on the trip.  That means to me, that it was, by definition, a couples' trip, and the fact that Rachel approached Reagan very delicately beforehand and asked if Reagan would mind not bringing Reece causes me to think that the default is to invite all couples, and Reece was purposely excluded.  The reasons were obvious, but I didn't agree with them.

Rachel labeled it a "group" trip...not a couples trip.  Reece barely got a baby toe in the group, he can stay home IMO.

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1 hour ago, OnceSane said:

Rachel labeled it a "group" trip...not a couples trip.  Reece barely got a baby toe in the group, he can stay home IMO.

Seriously and Reagan probably knew that if the group had to choose between inviting R/R and Jeff, Jeff would win in a landslide so she didn’t even question it because she wants screentime.

Edited by biakbiak
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It wasn't a couples trip or a group trip...it was a CAST trip. So yeah, it basically was the producers saying, "These people are coming." 

That's what kind of goes unspoken about Reagan and Jeff, if you break down the fourth wall. It's not just that they share the same group of friends...they're co-stars on a reality show. There's a clear way for them to not have to spend so much time together or have Jeff deal with Reagan and Reese anymore -- one of them leaves the show. If neither of them want to hop off the gravy train, sorry, you're "working" with your ex.

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Wow, so many opinions about a couples' trip!  I thought I was the only one who thought about it all this time.  

I dunno.  I think we're mostly saying versions of the same thing.  I acknowledged the TV aspect--that Reagan did and should have gone to Destin because she is on the show.  That's a given.  If she re-ups next season, and it happens again, she should probably do the same thing.  That takes care of the idea that it's a cast trip.  I completely agree with that sentiment.

My point was that it's simply not my bag, and I know very few people in relationships who would be involved in this type of scenario. Maybe I just know a bunch of weirdos.  It could be that simple.

I tried to make it plain that for me, in my relationship with my husband--and maybe it's because we would hang out 24/7 if we could, a regular Alex and Simon without all the pretension--there is no coed trip without both of us going.  It would be anathema to my relationship, and I afford people and their partners the same respect.  I would never, pretty much under any circumstances, invite a person to a coed trip and imply that their partner wasn't welcome, whether those people had been together for 50 years or five days.  If I did that, I would kind of expect the person in question to rightfully stop talking to me.  Maybe I just know more people that can get along, although it's more likely that I just know weirdos!

If a person's partner offends my sensibilities so much, I would say to my friend, "I would invite you and Reece, but there could possibly be tension with Jeff, so I guess I'll catch you back in New Orleans and we can do brunch," or even if Jeff wasn't in the equation, "I would invite you and Reece, but I'm not sure how comfortable everyone would be."  Boom.  It's done.  You spoke your mind without insulting anyone.  I actually think Rachel kind of did this.  She was in a weird situation.

But any version of "Reece/Kelsey/whomever can't hang with us because they haven't been suffiiently vetted/it would be more fun wihout them" flies with me not at all, and I've seen it come up this season a lot.  

Call me old fashioned, but once you're in your thirties and many are paired up, there are no more coed "friend trips" where certain spouses and significant others aren't included--and some are!  If it works for all the parties involved, work it, but I actually think it's insufferably rude.

Couples' trip anecdote part two:  On Married to Medicine last season the whole cast plus Quad went on a couples' trip--so it was like five couples and one single woman.  That did not negate it from being a couples' trip to me.  I stand by my definition that works for me that if a couple is on the trip as a couple, it is a couples' trip.  It's too high school to disclude anyone after that.  Just my opinion.

The only exception to me is if it is a business trip and certain parts of couple happen to be in business together.  You wouldn't necessarily invite the part of a couple who isn't in that business.  But if there's going to be socializing and heavy drinking as there usually is on these business trips? I would think that one part of a couple would probably abstain from the heavy partying aspect.  Nothing really good ever comes out of that.

I don't think a reality show is "business" in the traditional sense.  Your job is to show your reality, not to make deals. I don't think a lot of these reality people have great values anyway, so perhaps it's a moot point.  

That's about all I got on that topic.

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I didn't watch all of the season because Tamika and Reagan are such narcissistic assholes. From the beginning I've enjoyed the men more than the women. (Except when Barry was hurling homophobic slurs in season one).

I did love Reagan's dress and was surprised she wasn't sporting her usual foot o' cleavage. Also surprised there was no second line at the reception, even though it was cold out.

I kind of think she and Reese have a comfortable arrangement.

Justin is using Kelsey as a nanny. That's her value to him. I think he was surprised that his psychologist friend was so direct with him. Hope it embarrassed Justin into doing the right thing (breaking up with Kelsey).

Glad Jeff is working; it will help ground him. I'm sad he has so little family, because he needs it. I hope somebody's mama and daddy in NOLA will adopt him.

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