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Former Hosts: PROFESSIONAL Life After The View


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And it's funny. Bitsy had feuds with Kathy Griffin and Bill Maher, both fairly liberal people who don't have many fans over there at Fox News. But it's her fight with Rosie that the Fox crowd fixates on. I think that's because they're exploiting what they think is their viewership's homophobia.




I would agree with that but I also think it might have something to do with the fact that Bill  Maher and Kathy Griffin would just return fire if Fox News lobbed anything their way.  Rosie I think has truly moved on from what happened with Elisabeth.  And she knows Fox News pounces whenever she does or says anything remotely controversial.  Bill and Kathy on the other hand don't give a shit about Fox News or Elisabeth Hasselbeck.

Edited by susieq147
  • Love 10

As much as we like Rosie, she unwittingly made Bitsy's career.

And it's funny. Bitsy had feuds with Kathy Griffin and Bill Maher, both fairly liberal people who don't have many fans over there at Fox News. But it's her fight with Rosie that the Fox crowd fixates on. I think that's because they're exploiting what they think is their viewership's homophobia.

That's an interesting point about the homophobia Mumbles and you are probably right.   But I think another big difference between Bitsy vs Griffin or Maher is the venue and the fallout.   The venue was RO's workplace - where she was set up with the pre-arranged split screen.  As a result, she left the show two weeks earlier than she had planned - which made the story so much bigger because then it was about RO leaving instead of just a disagreement on The Spew.   It was a big deal when RO signed on and an even bigger deal when she left because of her last day - so every story about RO leaving the show included Elisabeth Hasselbeck's name.  


I think you are 100% right that Bitsy owes Rosie O'Donnell a huge debt of gratitude - maybe more than she owes Geddie.  

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 8

Meredith was on Watch What Happens Live last night.  Andy asked her who she thought would win in a fight: Rosie O'Donnell or Whoopi.  Meredith noted that Whoopi has recently thrown her back out so probably RO but diplomatically added a verbal fight would be a toss up.   Then after a pause,  in true Meredith fashion,  she said, "I could beat the shit out of both of them though."  LOL

  • Love 9

I have access to Sirius radio for a while and listened to two of Jenny McCarthy's shows.  If I hadn't watched her on The View and if I didn't know about her anti vaccine misinformation, I would think of her as thoughtful and a pretty good interviewer.  One show had a monsignor on and since Jenny was raised very Catholic, they discussed some topics that confuse people.  Light hearted but to me not offensive.  The other show had a person from the transgender community on and Jenny was trying to be respectful to terminology - I didn't get to listen very long.  I would tune in again depending on the topic and guests.  And now I'm going to slap myself upside the head for that last comment.

  • Love 5

Meredith was on Watch What Happens Live last night.  Andy asked her who she thought would win in a fight: Rosie O'Donnell or Whoopi.  Meredith noted that Whoopi has recently thrown her back out so probably RO but diplomatically added a verbal fight would be a toss up.   Then after a pause,  in true Meredith fashion,  she said, "I could beat the shit out of both of them though."  LOL



I miss Meredith.

  • Love 4

I miss her too.  But I just couldn't hang in there with her show.  Something is missing.  


Agree, something is missing.  She almost seems lost and just doesn't look happy to be there.  Her brow is furrowed a lot of the time and she almost seems nervous and uncomfortable.  It is not because of a new venue that is for sure so I now wonder is it because she is solo.  And I don't agree she interviews people well, she makes me squirm!  

  • Love 6

Meredith's show is pretty bad. I think she needs a partner, or something. Maybe her own Ed McMahon. Yeah, I'm that old. Plus, I hate the games. I don't watch Ellen because of the damn games, and, the kids she finds so fascinating.


Count me in as old!!  LOL  Ed McMahon or sidekicks like him are needed so comedians can have a foil for their jokes but Meredith is not a comedian so a sidekick wouldn't work I don't think.  Katie was no comedian either and her show failed.  Anderson Cooper failed....they have saturated us with too many talk shows after taking away our beloved soaps!!!!   

  • Love 4

I have access to Sirius radio for a while and listened to two of Jenny McCarthy's shows. If I hadn't watched her on The View and if I didn't know about her anti vaccine misinformation, I would think of her as thoughtful and a pretty good interviewer. One show had a monsignor on and since Jenny was raised very Catholic, they discussed some topics that confuse people. Light hearted but to me not offensive. The other show had a person from the transgender community on and Jenny was trying to be respectful to terminology - I didn't get to listen very long. I would tune in again depending on the topic and guests. And now I'm going to slap myself upside the head for that last comment.

Sounds like you caught the show on some decent days. I've only heard it a couple times as well, and I must have caught it on bad days. She was insufferable, thinking she was being so edgy by using the word "fuck" whenever possible, and basically just reading Yahoo newsfeed items and then commenting on them. Both times, I rolled my eyes and turned to another station after about 5 minutes. Maybe one of these days I'll catch her discussing a topic like the ones you mention above

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Has anyone read Barbara's book "Audition"?   If so, what did you think?


I just finished it, and I found it really interesting.  I really enjoyed reading about her early years when her family was having financial highs and lows and they were moving all the time.  And the people she interviewed over the years, and became aquainted with, is truly impressive.  I wonder if any news people/reporters today have that close a relationship with politicians and other famous people.


The only part that I found myself getting bored, was the Monica chapter.  There was just too much with the "behind the scenes" of trying to get the interview, that I found my eyes skimming over several paragraphs.


Sometimes forum posters wonder why The View seems to miss getting the "big stars" that other shows get.   That was answered in her book, as because The View is an ABC show, not syndicated like Kelly & Michael, The View is in competion with Good Morning America, 20/20 etc. for the "stars".  And because those shows bring in higher ad revenue than The View, they get the "bigger stars".

  • Love 2

I listened to Audition and for the most part enjoyed it.  Of course it was all about Barbara - it was her story.  I got it from the library right after it came out so can't recall everything.  She didn't have an easy life.  I don't know what kind of person she is in "real life" but she did work hard.  I agree that it is time for her to enjoy her View from her couch.

  • Love 1

Sometimes forum posters wonder why The View seems to miss getting the "big stars" that other shows get.   That was answered in her book, as because The View is an ABC show, not syndicated like Kelly & Michael, The View is in competion with Good Morning America, 20/20 etc. for the "stars".  And because those shows bring in higher ad revenue than The View, they get the "bigger stars".

It's good to finally know the answer to that. I haven't read Audition, and it's not because I don't like Barbara. I just generally don't read biographies unless I'm a big fan of the person (Angela Lansbury comes to mind, among others; and Joy Behar, ofc.). Barbara Walters does have a very strong work ethic, which is the thing I've most admired about her, whatever her flaws.

  • Love 2


Sometimes forum posters wonder why The View seems to miss getting the "big stars" that other shows get.   That was answered in her book, as because The View is an ABC show, not syndicated like Kelly & Michael, The View is in competion with Good Morning America, 20/20 etc. for the "stars".  And because those shows bring in higher ad revenue than The View, they get the "bigger stars".



It's good to finally know the answer to that. 

I don't know, they certainly used to never have a problem with it.  I can remember when the A-listers were on the schedule at least a few times a month if not more.    But probably before Ellen.  Academy Award nominees (and winners) real movie stars (Tom Cruise used to come by until Babs pissed him off a few years ago badgering him about the death of John Travolta's son) and not just the ones that were doing Whoopi a favor  like De Niro - who is a terrible interview unless he is on with a pro like Fallon or Letterman.   Anytime the stars were swinging their press tour through NYC they seemed to stop by  until this show got so rude and stupid.  Of course YMMV on what constitutes a 'big star', but I don't count anyone on a reality show a fifth supporting actor with a bit part in a movie.  

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The way guests were badgered in the last 5 or 6 years I don't blame them for not coming on. They need not asked about personal things, asked to perform like a monkey, fawned and pawed over.


I always thought BW went in for the kill asking them about personal things in their real lives ubrelated to what they were there for to promote, and others like SS swooning and dropping her uterus over how sexy they were.


IOW - they abused their guests.


Kelly and Regis/Michael, Ellen and the Chew are a soft place to be to promote something professional they are doing. This show is not.


The only exception I can think of is an author coming on. 


It never occurred to the co-hosts that had kids in their homes at the time and never acknowledged having a nanny or two that to play the as a single mother card was stupid in their case. Even after A and B stars would come on and say basically they had a village (help). After the pleading question from a co-host  HOW DO YOU DO IT!? Not that it would necessarily be a walk in the park.......but admitting having help is not a sin. Especially with so many women/single men doing it alone working several jobs without any. The guests could see that, those co-hosts - not.

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I remember enjoying "Audition" because it was like taking a class in modern American history. Barbara covered a LOT of events in that book that I had little knowledge about, so I appreciated it for that aspect.


When Rosie had her Sirius show, she said of Elisabeth Hasselbeck, "I created that monster." She's certainly aware of her part in Bitsy's success.

  • Love 5

From the "monster" that Rosie created:




Just clueless. 


On a side note, survey of those who thought American Sniper was robbed - 95% Republicans who voted for Romney. So according to the Fox meme "Hollywood" people are liberal elites who hate real America. The Academy Awards are not/should not be about popular opinion resulting from heavily distributed movies but rather about the quality of the presentations.  

Edited by merriebreeze
  • Love 9

From the "monster" that Rosie created:




Just clueless. 


On a side note, survey of those who thought American Sniper was robbed - 95% Republicans who voted for Romney. So according to the Fox meme "Hollywood" people are liberal elites who hate real America. The Academy Awards are not/should not be about popular opinion resulting from heavily distributed movies but rather about the quality of the presentations.  

That is pretty interesting but not surprising.  But Bitsy is talking about all the "politics".  I watched and I noted the number of people who used their time to talk about "shining a light" on something, like ALS, Alzheimers, Suicide, Equal pay for women and women's rights, still existent racial divides, sexual orientation, whistleblowers (okay, that one was political, I guess).  These things are not politics, they are about humanity, compassion, equality, human rights.  I didn't find it offensive at all. 


I found the show quite boring though.  I think if Bitsy was on the View she would have been supportive of these issues.

  • Love 5

I think if Bitsy was on the View she would have been supportive of these issues.



Elisabeth knows how to play to her audience.  The Fox news viewers expect her to be a good Republican Barbie and speak out against the big bad liberal Hollywood.


I noted the number of people who used their time to talk about "shining a light" on something, like ALS, Alzheimers, Suicide, Equal pay for women and women's rights, still existent racial divides, sexual orientation, whistleblowers (okay, that one was political, I guess).  These things are not politics, they are about humanity, compassion, equality, human rights.




These are all things conservatives don't give a shit about. 

  • Love 5

Wow, just watched Bitsy on Rachael--had no idea she was going to be on, it was on in the background while I am working.  So I stopped and paid attention.  Two observations.


  • Rachael Ray is now dead to me.  She LURVES Bitsy, everything about her.  Blech, puke, puke, and spit!  I won't elaborate it was too nauseating.
  • Bitsy said the exact same things  word for word about The View as she said on the other show (O'Reilly?), and even when RR was talking and the audience applauding, she got in her thing about not kissing someone who broke up with you and she made that stupid face.  So she obvi has no problem continuing to dis the show that she was on for ten..., er, a decade (she must think a decade sounds better because she corrected herself).  But the best part was when RR asked her about what she thought about the revolving co-hosts at the View, Bitsy said:  what's going on over there, I haven't been watching (followed by several quick blinks!).  BTW she thinks those two doofus co-hosts of hers on Faux are really smart!  And they take good care of her!  And she loves going to work!  And she's actually happy!
  • Love 5

Well, we knew Sherri and Elisabeth had no class, but who knew how ungrateful they could be. Although I guess Sherri always did talk about how hard it was for her living on a rich person's salary. Regardless of how unappealing they make themselves look with all those sour grapes, at least these days they get exactly the recognition they deserve: none. They're two of the lowest poles in conservative pundits/comedy, respectively.


The only co-hosts I think had a right to feel a little bitter are Star, Rosie O, and maybe Jenny McCarthy. I'm just going to go ahead and say Rosie Perez, too.

  • Love 3


Wow, just watched Bitsy on Rachael--had no idea she was going to be on, it was on in the background while I am working.  So I stopped and paid attention.  Two observations.


  • Rachael Ray is now dead to me.  She LURVES Bitsy, everything about her.  Blech, puke, puke, and spit!  I won't elaborate it was too nauseating.
  • Bitsy said the exact same things  word for word about The View as she said on the other show (O'Reilly?), and even when RR was talking and the audience applauding, she got in her thing about not kissing someone who broke up with you and she made that stupid face.  So she obvi has no problem continuing to dis the show that she was on for ten..., er, a decade (she must think a decade sounds better because she corrected herself).  But the best part was when RR asked her about what she thought about the revolving co-hosts at the View, Bitsy said:  what's going on over there, I haven't been watching (followed by several quick blinks!).  BTW she thinks those two doofus co-hosts of hers on Faux are really smart!  And they take good care of her!  And she loves going to work!  And she's actually happy!


Yikes, for a minute there I thought you meant Rachel Maddow, not Rachael Ray!  I was all, "WHAT?"  Hahahaha


The fact that she repeated (apparently verbatim) her comments about The View just shows how well she can learn her lines.  We watched her do it for years on this show - repeating the talking points Geddie fed her without any real knowledge or common sense to back them up.  So either someone wrote those not funny quips for her or she came up with them herself but that's her story and apparently she's sticking to it.  Shocker.  


Of course she's happy at Faux News - where else is she going to get a gig on TV?  She was happy on The View too - until she got fired, which by the way is still my most favorite day on this shit show.  hee!

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 7


But the best part was when RR asked her about what she thought about the revolving co-hosts at the View, Bitsy said:  what's going on over there, I haven't been watching (followed by several quick blinks!)


You know, the year after she was shitcanned, Bitsy would dodge any question about The View, or be vaguely complimentary. Now she's being bitchy. I suspect this is because her boy Sweaty Geddie was shitcanned at the end of last season. She wouldn't be saying stuff about the show if it was still her boy's show.


[One year on his birthday, she wore her hair in some bizarro early-60s bouffant and told the audience she was wearing it that way because it was his birthday and he liked her hair that way. Those two had a very, very weird relationship.]


She would probably lay off if Baba was still there. I think she's scared of her (and rightfully so.)


If it's any comfort, there's been rumors for years that Rachael Ray is a nightmare.

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I rarely watch Rachael, I think it was just on that channel and I saw peroxide Bitsy, and stopped what I was doing!  She gushed in a most ridiculous way over her, I think she must be trying to get the Faux demo, I can see no other reason why she would have been so effusive. I am pretty sure she said something like Bitsy was "sunshine"!

  • Love 1

I have access to Sirius radio for a while and listened to two of Jenny McCarthy's shows.  If I hadn't watched her on The View and if I didn't know about her anti vaccine misinformation, I would think of her as thoughtful and a pretty good interviewer.  One show had a monsignor on and since Jenny was raised very Catholic, they discussed some topics that confuse people.  Light hearted but to me not offensive.  The other show had a person from the transgender community on and Jenny was trying to be respectful to terminology - I didn't get to listen very long.  I would tune in again depending on the topic and guests.  And now I'm going to slap myself upside the head for that last comment.


IMHO, Jenny is basically a pretty nice woman from a humble background who ROYALLY screwed up with the antivaccine debacle. And her beliefs were based upon a medical doctor's "research" study and she trusted his findings. She was trying desperately to find something to help her son who had been diagnosed on the Autism Spectrum. A lot of people go online and actually do make discoveries to help diagnose mysterious diseases their children come down with.


She knows the doctor has been sanctioned and stripped of his license and that everything he promoted as medically true was a sham. And she has certainly not spoken of it very much if at all as of late.


I didn't mind her on the View. I thought she was OK when Sherri wasn't pawing her to get a shared limelight like when Jenny announced that she was engaged. I have noticed that in the title sequence for Jenny and Mark's reality show that they show that announcement and it does not include Sherri tackling her.

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Make no mistake, Jenny may have dialed down her public antivax *I cured my son of autism in less than a year with diet, vitamins and cleanses* rhetoric because it was hurting her career, but she is still front and center of Generation Rescue and they remain true believers despite Wakefield's outing as a fraud and the ever increasing stack of expert scientific evidence that there is to date no credible, provable link between vaccines and autism. Oh, they've tried to backpedal it a bit in recent years, but their doublespeak is still basically saying "we are not anti-vaccination, we just believe all current vaccines are contaminated poison." No matter what else she accomplishes in her public life, she will forever be remembered as the irresponsible queen bee of the antivax crusade and the symbol for the revival of preventable diseases once thought to be nearly eradicated in this country.

Edited by TribbleTrouble
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I think Jenny says Evan is a normal kid now?  I don't get that impression though from watching him or the way he is coddled on their show Donny Loves Jenny where they baby him constantly.  And man he sure looks like his grandfather!  That show is a hard watch because it will be so laughable in a couple of years when they split up.     

  • Love 3

Elisabeth should be in a patriotic mood tomorrow - moreso than usual - now that the family of Chris Kyle has received justice and his wife can resume her Healing Hearts Through Guns and Ammo Tour.

I saw the wife at the Oscars too, where lib'rul Hollywood snubbed American Sniper (and six other films, including one about a gay mathematician, because everyone knows lib'ruls hate gays.)

I had the last hour of Fox and Friends on in the background today, they mentioned the Kyle verdict no less than three times. They also did a story on how ISIL is releasing videos of their own sniper, which the three dummies got all outraged about. You see, only AMERICAN snipers are okay. Other snipers are cowards who shoot people in the back.

  • Love 12

Over at Ask Ro:

Anna writes:February 25, 2015 12:09 am
Rosie, What was stressful about working on The View? Please be specific.

(Ro) well ...
did u watch ?


Leaving no doubt that she left because of the stress level (created by working with Whoopi IMO).  She recently thanked Babs for watching out for her, and Cindi Berger advised her to get out of there too for her health's sake. Maybe they told her she needed to jump before it goes under. As long as  Whoopi has such a dominant role, I really can't see the show lasting much longer. And the big decision makers are in a difficult position. They can't rein in Whoopi without facing a backlash. 

Edited by merriebreeze
  • Love 11

What did Rosie O expect when she went back to The View?  Her answer above begs the return question "Did Rosie watch The View before she re-joined it?".  Surely, if she had, she could see that her views and WG's didn't/wouldn't agree...so why go back in the first place???  If we as regular viewers of the show get stressed, how could RO not know this situation would not be good for her stress level and health?  Why would she throw herself back in the fray?


That's what confuses me...lots of questions, but no answers.


ETA:  Just for laughs, I went back to my posts in "Future Hosts" to double-check what I had written back in June '14.  I'm bumping it up here, because my current thoughts aren't new to me:

Jun 27 2014. 11:24 am


Rosie and Whoopi on the same panel would, IMO, be a disaster.  Both are too strongly opinioned.   Should they agree on an issue, they'll loudly overrun any other panel members and their agreement with each other will be boring.  Yet, if they don't agree on an issue, we're right back to the shouting matches/lectures of the past.  Neither situation will make for a better show.
Frankly, I don't care much for Rosie and didn't like her tenure on The View.  She's just so damn loud, and her accent drives me nuts.  I can't imagine Whoopi agreeing to sit beside her as it once again becomes The Rosie Show.   Both need to be RIGHT all the time, and I don't see it meshing.  Whoopi isn't one to acquiesce to another...




Jun 28 2014. 12:37 pm


If Rosie were to sign on, I'm wondering who would become the moderator?  Rosie has too strong a personality and wants to be in charge, so I can't see her agreeing to be second banana to Whoopi.  Whoopi may not be the best moderator, but I can't see her taking a demotion and taking a back seat to Rosie.  Classic power struggle.  Would their shared interests (Broadway, movies, stand-up) be too much of the same thing?  Ultimately, under these circumstances, I'd bet Whoopi would pack up her tent(s) and leave.



...not exactly matching, but darn close!

Edited by Tunia
  • Love 2

Another thing I saw on Ask Ro the other day was someone pointing out how the co-hosts acted so much happier she was gone and then asked if it was a coincidence. Her response was "no."


I disagree that Rosie O should've expected Whoopi to act like that. I've watched the show for years, and I didn't. Most of Whoopi's opinions before she came back aligned with most of what Rosie O said, imo. She only disagreed for the sake of argument because...well, I'll leave that language in my head.

Edited by TheGreenKnight
  • Love 16

Rosie's a fan. She's in awe of celebrities - Streisand, Madonna, etc. She was a super fan of Babs and Whoopi until she got up close and personal and saw how ill-suited they each were for the moderator role. And I'm sure she was taken aback by Whoopi's contrariness. Whenever Rosie expressed an opinion, Whoopi was against it, no matter if she had been for it previously. I don't think she saw how unprofessional Whoopi is until she was actually there as a co-worker. 

  • Love 14

I saw the wife at the Oscars too, where lib'rul Hollywood snubbed American Sniper (and six other films, including one about a gay mathematician, because everyone knows lib'ruls hate gays.)

I had the last hour of Fox and Friends on in the background today, they mentioned the Kyle verdict no less than three times. They also did a story on how ISIL is releasing videos of their own sniper, which the three dummies got all outraged about. You see, only AMERICAN snipers are okay. Other snipers are cowards who shoot people in the back.

But they weren't waving the war movie torch when Zero Dark Thirty and Jessica Chastain failed to win Oscars, am I right? These people and their cartoon characterizations, lol. Can you imagine Elisabeth's tongue-clucking if Chris Kyle's widow came out in favor of gun control? What separates Chris from his killer anyway? They both murdered people on American soil - if Mr. Kyle is to be believed.

Kudos to Rosie for her not so subtle dig at Whoopi. Bravo, Rosie! You are missed!

  • Love 9

As far as I am concerned WG has changed dramatically this season.

I so agree!  I have watched on and off for years but have never seen her this bizarre, forceful and aggressive.  I always thought of her as softer and thoughtful and her comments were a voice of reason or another point of view.  It is not like that now.  A different point of view for her is a battle she intends to win and she makes that clear from the get go.  I have lost all respect for her.    

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn
  • Love 13

Another thing I saw on Ask Ro the other day was someone pointing out how the co-hosts acted so much happier she was gone and then asked if it was a coincidence. Her response was "no."


I disagree that Rosie O should've expected Whoopi to act like that. I've watched the show for years, and I didn't. Most of Whoopi's opinions before she came back aligned with most of what Rosie O said, imo. She only disagreed for the sake of argument because...well, I'll leave that language in my head.

Absolutely!  Whoopi had become lazy and indifferent before Rosie O came back.  When Rosie returned, Whoopi was hostile and bullying.   All of her "we don't know, we weren't there", became more belligerent, challenging, angry.  Because Rosie didn't accept Whoopi's "final word" when Whoopi shut down discussions, She started with the angry attitude, and really twisting Rosie's words around in order to disagree with her.  I never expected it, I expected Whoopi to continue being lazy and indifferent. 


Rosie's a fan. She's in awe of celebrities - Streisand, Madonna, etc. She was a super fan of Babs and Whoopi until she got up close and personal and saw how ill-suited they each were for the moderator role. And I'm sure she was taken aback by Whoopi's contrariness. Whenever Rosie expressed an opinion, Whoopi was against it, no matter if she had been for it previously. I don't think she saw how unprofessional Whoopi is until she was actually there as a co-worker. 

Yes .  This was most evident in the discussion of racism, when Whoopi yelled that America isn't a racist country because "some white people get it."  They BOTH basically agreed on the issue - that some people judge others by their appearance - race, clothing, whatever.   But Whoopi had to do the finger-pointing, yelling "that's not racism, that's ignorance!"  thing that made no sense whatsoever.  Is there a way of being racist that ISN'T ignorant?  

I think that was a crucial moment for Rosie, because as a viewer, I was taken aback by how much of an asshole Whoopi was being- and for no reason. 

Edited by backformore
  • Love 19


But they weren't waving the war movie torch when Zero Dark Thirty and Jessica Chastain failed to win Oscars, am I right? These people and their cartoon characterizations, lol.

 No, because Zero Dark Thirty had the gall to suggest the moral ambiguity of war.  THERE IS NO MORAL AMBIGUITY OF WAR (when Americans are fighting it.)  Plus, it had a female protagonist (and a female director). That can't be good, in Fox-and-Friends-world.

  • Love 11

Another question from "Ask Ro"

April writes:February 23, 2015 9:32 pmI recently listened some past shows of you being on Howard Stern. The both of you have such great chemistry. Any future plans of going back on his show?

yes in march

I have no doubt that Howard is going to dig deep into why Rosie left The View and this is where the real juicy truth is bound to come out. Can't wait!

  • Love 9

Shut up Bitsy before somebody gets killed -



O'Reilly pronounced Dr. George Tiller a baby killer and a listener following up on those words thought it his duty to go out and murder the doctor. Words have consequences especially when spoken by someone in the media, even the faux media. 

Edited by merriebreeze
  • Love 7

Gawd, I don't know if NewsHounds doctored that Bitsy photo but gawd, that neck!


ETA: Guys, one of Bitsy's kids made a flag picture for her "because [he] knows [she] loves it." She calls this "#raisingpatriots". Because that's all you need to do to be a patriot!



Edited by Mumbles
  • Love 5

Oh good lord, she is being dangerous now!  Imagine if someone from the "liberal media"  incited a riot by reporting a story.  She and her F&F buddies would be all over that.  But she believes she has good intentions, and she loves america, so all is good. 

  • Love 3

Shut up Bitsy before somebody gets killed -





I always felt like Elisabeth was only showing us a sliver of her distaste for anyone or anything not of her white rich privileged world but onboard her mother ship her true colors (no pun intended) are flying freely.  She was raised by two parents who from everything Elisabeth said about them on the View are absolutely nothing like her.  When she married into the Hasselbeck family she must have drank some pretty fucking strong Kool Aid.

ETA: Guys, one of Bitsy's kids made a flag picture for her "because [he] knows [she] loves it." She calls this "#raisingpatriots". Because that's all you need to do to be a patriot!






In Elisabeth's world loving the American flag or running around Central Park waving an American flag qualifies you for patriot status.  But if you are loving or waving any other country's flag you are a terrorist threat to America and should immediately be apprehended and waterboarded until you confess to your hatred for this great country of ours.  That is her view.  You are either with us or against us.

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