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Former Hosts: PROFESSIONAL Life After The View

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Meredith is good at knowing when to get out of Dodge. She left The View just before Elisabeth went crazy, too.


Besides, if I had however many millions she's earned, I wouldn't work those hours either. I wonder what her worth is these days? Too bad about her talkshow, but I'm not very surprised either. I was just hoping it'd at least get a third season. Steve Harvey's show better be next in the cancellation line. 


If they were to cancel The View, it'd be nice if it went out with Meredith, Joy, Star, and Lisa.

Haha!  You are so right about Meredith leaving right before Bits went crazy!   Go Meredith!


Meredith always impressed me as someone that was really good at work/family/life balance - so when she called it a day at The Today Show when she felt it was becoming detrimental to her home life, I wasn't surprised - those hours would kill me.    Unlike talentless Bitsy pretending she wanted to leave THE BEST JOB AND BEST BOSS EVER to make breakfast.   


Wait, that creep Steve Harvey has a talk show?   Geezus.  

Edited by Cosmocrush
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Well, Bitsy just didn't "go crazy" at random. She used the hiring of Rosie (to replace Meredith) to position herself as standing up for right-thinking 'Mer'cuns against big lesbian military-hating Rosie. It was a calculated career move that she and Geddie came up with. No matter how she acted, Rosie was doomed from the beginning (early in her run, she invited Bitsy and her family out to her home to socialize. I think Bitsy even went.) They were gonna get her.

Up to then, Bitsy was a little mouse. She's squeak every once and a while but would be brought down pretty quickly by Joy or Babs. Her main shtick was "young mom."

I suspect that had Meredith never left, Bitsy would have stuck with the "gluten-free mom with right-leaning politics" persona. It wouldn't have gotten her the Fox and Friends gig, but in the long run it might have been better for her, especially given that the mood of the country changed while she was on the View.

Edited by Mumbles
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Sherri was on Watch What happens Live last night (Sunday night) second billing to RHOA, Sherree.   She did okay although still uses that big fake smile to distract people from that fact that's she's a dumbass.   Anyway, one of the viewer questions asked her if she is still friendly with anyone she worked with on The Spew and she said yes and rattled off names [Jenny, Joy, etc] that she keeps in touch with (mostly via twitter so I'm not sure it counts) including  "Lizzie Hasselbeck is my best friend"     I'm wondering if Lizzie knows that?   Ha!

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What a phony. I wish she'd be pressed on that. What was the last thing you did together? When was the last time you talked? Etc. Bitsy never went on any of the myriad bridesmaid outings that Sherri organized leading up to her wedding. Bitsy just showed up for the wedding. Which is fine, but not what a "best friend" did (fwiw I think Sherri was told to pick her as a bridesmaid by the show.)

I hate the big fake smile, especially when she took it out when she was clearly pissed or unhappy about something on The View. It's just not healthy to not express your true feelings, or to pretend you're happy when you're not.

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I hate the big fake smile, especially when she took it out when she was clearly pissed or unhappy about something on The View. It's just not healthy to not express your true feelings, or to pretend you're happy when you're not.

Well she was sure big fake smiling last night - maybe it's her gaydar going off, lol?  On The Spew, I remember her being so uncomfortable when forced to sit next to a guest who was gay that she just grinned the entire segment.  


I always thought she probably spent a lot of money on that smile, knows it's probably her best asset, and flashes it every 30 seconds in the way that Bitsy used to pose her legs sitting at the end of the table. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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I have noticed she has been tweeting a lot about Zumba again.

This must be a stressful time for her so I am sympathetic about her weight gain. But wasn't a lot of the "loss" based on her getting extremely calorie-limited meals from Rocco diSpirito? Diets like that sadly usually result in the weight returning once the diet is over.

I have noticed she has been tweeting a lot about Zumba again.

This must be a stressful time for her so I am sympathetic about her weight gain. But wasn't a lot of the "loss" based on her getting extremely calorie-limited meals from Rocco diSpirito? Diets like that sadly usually result in the weight returning once the diet is over.

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I am sympathetic to anyone who has lost weight and then gained it back. 

UNLESS they pretend to be an expert on dieting and write a book about it.


Sherri, along with Oprah and Kirstie Alley, make money promoting a weight-loss plan, then gaining the weight back, then they come back promoting a DIFFERENT weight loss plan.  They made money promoting a plan that they have now proven is only going to have temporary results.  Doesn't that ruin their credibility?

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Sherri, and later Whoopi loved Rocco Dispirito's meals that were delivered to them. Not now.

In fact Whoopi was kind of rude to him when he was recently on promoting his new cookbook. BTW.....we know WG doesn't cook or like veggies....so why was she even in the segment?

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And we all know that some people eat for reasons other than hunger. So no amount of Rocco's healthy meals or Rosie Daley cooking for Oprah all those years ago are going to fill the void that they try to fill with food. They probably think at the time that this is the answer. Until they are empty and trying to fill something up. Look at all the people ( a lot of people have success with this of course)who have bariatric surgery and then figure out a way to slurp fattening foods and gain it back. Carnie Wilson for one. There was a show about it a while back. My girlfriend had it and had he grueling surgery to remove the skin. And guess what? She is almost back to where she was. She never resolved her issues with food. Oprah prides herself on never having been to a therapist. That's where she should be putting her $$$. In my opinion.

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I believe Star Jones gained a bunch of weight back too, after pretending that pilates, and not surgery was responsible. Oprah will lose weight again, and gain it back. Weight Watchers is a good program, but not perfect. I was a member off and on for 20 some years.

Didn't Oprah do slimfast also, when she brought out the wagon of fat? Besides Rosie Daley, Oprah was with Bob something to...and he was on the cover of her mag with her a few times. When Oprah fails, you know it's hard to do.

Edited by Tosia
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I think Oprah did some kind of liquid diet, maybe not Slimfast.  She did have Bob Greene as her fitness coach.  She hated working out, Even with him to motivate her.  She could spout all the affirmations, etc.  I don't think she ever internalized any of them.  she has her reasons that are not clear to even her.  She must need her fat and/or feel empty, or just likes to eat more than she likes to be thinner.  Having struggled with weight all my life, I know it is not easy.  It is still a struggle.  I am normal sized but it isn't easy.  I tell my family never to get me a bread machine unless they want to take the wall out of the house to get me out.  I know better than to start baking bread.  No control.  People say, Oh you are so small,  you can afford to eat (fill in the blank, the pizza, the ice cream, the chocolate cake).  Yes, I can eat some.  but then can't eat other stuff for a while.  It becomes a habit done long enough, I think.  I say my fantasy is to eat myself to death and die with a piece of chocolate in my mouth.  How sad is that?  I don't really mean it.  I like being able to get around.

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Losing weight is so fucking hard. I bet star and oprah just have the (many) opportunities to eat amazing confections. I always thought that if i had a cook, who made healthy foods and snacks, i cd lose weight easy, and wondered why oprah had such a hard time of it. She's probably got a gym in the bldg. And her homes. And time to work out. I really wonder what her issue is, and Gayle's, because I watch the news and Gayle has put on a few, although she still looks curvy, but good.

Edited by Tosia
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Losing weight is so fucking hard. I bet star and oprah just have the (many) opportunities to eat amazing confections. I always thought that if i had a cook, who made healthy foods and snacks, i cd lose weight easy, and wondered why oprah had such a hard time of it. She's probably got a gym in the bldg. And her homes. And time to work out. I really wonder what her issue is, and Gayle's, because I watch the news and Gayle has put on a few, although she still looks curvy, but good.

It is very hard.  Chef cooks for you.  You don't feel satisfied for whatever reason.  Even with "mock garlic mashed potatoes made from cauliflower". You go get your comfort food.  Gym is in house.  Bob Greene comes over. You don't "feel like" exercising.  Too busy, too tired, not interested.  The issue is inside her head.  In my opinion.  And none of these ventures can be considered a short term project.  One has to develop some other kind of eating pattern that can last.  Or as soon as one is off WW, Optifast, etc. and doesn't adopt a new way of thinking about and eating food, it will all  or most come back.  


Joy Bauer's Fit Club is good in that she has people on that do lose the weight and have kept it off a long time with different eating and exercise patterns.  Something inside their heads was changed so they could make those other changes.

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Sherri is so full of herself, her "role" in Ride Along 2" she refers to as cameo but the world sees "bit part" A cameo role is so called:" is a brief appearance or voice part of a known person in a work of the performing arts, typically unnamed or appearing as themselves."

Olivia Mann is on all the good shows promoting the movie, no mention of Sherri, lol :)

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Double check that.. for a comedy, it's doing fine.. It made a decent profit. It also has nothing to do with Sherri. It's just.. damn it I can't..

I didn't say it wasn't making money, it did get bad reviews. Rotten tomatoes is the website that tracks all the reviews from professional movie critics. By their count, ride along 2 has only 15% positive reviews, with an average dark g of 3.8 out of 10. People are still going to it, but the critics are not liking it.

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The quality of the projects that Sherri acts in is mixed. "Precious" and the Chris Rock movie she was in last year were very good. As was "30 Rock" and "Less than Perfect." And people love "Everyone Loves Raymond" (not my cup of tea.) The problem is, her roles tend to be smaller ones. Her own sitcom on Lifetime was abysmal, but that wasn't her fault, it was the writing.

Sherri is actually a decent actor. The problem is, there aren't a lot of great tv or movie roles for women over 40 (some would say 35), especially for minority women. She should try more stage acting (I believe her stint on Cinderella was well-received.)

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backformore said :


Which was my point. Sherri tends to get roles in movies that aren't very good.

Sort of like the old "which came first the chicken or the egg" Is Sherri making the movie bad (I vote a resounding YES, even for her bit parts!!) Or is Sherri constantly in movies that are destined to be bad???

I respectfully disagree to mumbles statement:


The quality of the projects that Sherri acts in is mixed. "Precious" and the Chris Rock movie she was in last year were very good. As was "30 Rock" and "Less than Perfect."

Sherri plays a great hooker because that is her persona & that is what she played in "Precious" & "Less Than Perfect" It is called type casting.........

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I think I'd be fine with Sherri's acting if I had never seen her on the View. Her performance on the View colored my opinion of her. I also doubt I would know about the son she won't acknowledge if she hadn't been on the View. In her case, less is definitely more.

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FYI, Nicholle Wallace is on Bill Maher tonight!

I caught it and I think she did okay - well except all that cackling laughter whenever Maher made a joke - and I even agreed with her on a few things.   She was wearing a long sleeve dress in a bright color and her hair has really grown out but she looked great. 


Also, she has a "new" book out, and by new I mean new to me since it apparently came out last April.   Madam President    Unlike so many other co-host's books on this show, Nicolle's book is fiction and she actually wrote it.   I haven't read it though.  I'm not a big fiction reader these days. 

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Sherri and Whoopi both had good performances in acting roles. It's their true personalities that are stupid, crass, and disgusting, for the most part. Unfortunately for them, being on the spew or social media has led to a disregard for their acting skills, so i won't watch whatever show they are in.

Today I caught up on am old Oprah network show when she visited the Broadway production of The Color Purple. I was dreading seeing Whoopi's fake humble act, but she wasn't on it live. ..just a couple old pix. The musical looks awesome! I will def see it when it travels.

Sherri and Whoopi both had good performances in acting roles. It's their true personalities that are stupid, crass, and disgusting, for the most part. Unfortunately for them, being on the spew or social media has led to a disregard for their acting skills, so i won't watch whatever show they are in.

Today I caught up on am old Oprah network show when she visited the Broadway production of The Color Purple. I was dreading seeing Whoopi's fake humble act, but she wasn't on it live. ..just a couple old pix. The musical looks awesome! I will def see it when it travels.

Edited by Tosia
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She played a prostitute in that awful movie with Heigl but as far as I know, that's the only time she's played one.

What was funny is that when I read the books (yes, I've read most of them, don't judge) it was Sherry that I pictured in the role. When I found out she had been cast I was happy because she was perfect for the role- and I even liked the movie.  

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I think I'd be fine with Sherri's acting if I had never seen her on the View. Her performance on the View colored my opinion of her. I also doubt I would know about the son she won't acknowledge if she hadn't been on the View. In her case, less is definitely more.

I feel that way too. Also feel that way about Whoopi. The more you know someone in television sometimes the less you like them.

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What was funny is that when I read the books (yes, I've read most of them, don't judge) it was Sherry that I pictured in the role. When I found out she had been cast I was happy because she was perfect for the role- and I even liked the movie.

You're not the only one, Rosieroo. Lulu just seemed to be in Sherry's wheelhouse. I still read the books when a new one comes out even though they aren't as good as the early ones.

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I thought Sherri was perfect casting in One For The Money. (The problem was the casting of Katherine Heigl as Stephanie, imho.) I actually laughed out loud when I heard Sherri had been cast as Lula because it seemed a good fit.


My problem with Sherri is her wilfull ignorance of anything outside her small worldview, and yes, the fact that she engineered the birth of a child and then turned her back on that child, who only exists because of her. I have no problem with her acting, and in fact I admire the fact that she has pretty much engineered a career. I wish I had her drive for success.

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Rosie O will be on The Talk the first week in Feb, according to what she posted on her website.

JenniferT writes: January 19, 2016 4:15 am

When will you be on The Talk? I fell in love with that show when I broke up with the view after you left the first time. Can't wait to see you with that fun group of women!


first week in feb - can't wait



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