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NeNe Leakes: "Bloop!"

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I turned on AH just as Greg was giving his son the tour of The tomb of the unknown Soldier (by the sound of his voice it had to be some sacred place),he was almost breathless ,speaking with as much passion as Greg Leakes has, then he said "one day your picture will be on this wall".  Then I heard "yes I will talk to the owner about that when this meal is over' and then to the waiter, "I will have the, " quesodilla".  I couldn't speak I was laughing so hard,then I felt embarrassed. NeNe Leakes, Greg Leakes  are the Beverly  Hill hillbillies

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They know nothing about Sardi's except it is where a lot of theatre people used to go for dinner before their performance, or stop in after the play was over. If they knew anything, they would have ordered Shrimp Sardi, steak tartare, or the cannelloni....dishes Sardi's is famous for. Not something you can get at Taco Bell. The restaurant is not what it used to be, from what I read when looking at reviews. Someone said the place has a musty smell, which I am surprised Ms. Nose didn't comment on.

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They know nothing about Sardi's except it is where a lot of theatre people used to go for dinner before their performance, or stop in after the play was over. If they knew anything, they would have ordered Shrimp Sardi, steak tartare, or the cannelloni....dishes Sardi's is famous for. Not something you can get at Taco Bell. The restaurant is not what it used to be, from what I read when looking at reviews. Someone said the place has a musty smell, which I am surprised Ms. Nose didn't comment on.

That was my thought too, quesadillas? Really? 


I was wondering why Sardi's was so important to Gregg, anyone know that answer? 



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Gregg is old enough that he probably remembers Sardi's from old movies or old magazines where you'd see stars hanging out at the same places, like the Brown Derby in L.A. or Spago in Beverly Hills. If he knew how to get online and do a little research, he'd find today's more popular places where NeNe might actually see and be seen by a lot of people. Not likely anyone would ask for her autograph in Sardi's, but in any of these places... more likely:


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I would have thought they would be in Joe Allen's. Pfft what do I know?  Did Bravo not do any crossovers with Nene for a reason?  They could have had a couple of the RHoNY hang with her, show her the trendy spots etc...


I can see Bethanny taking Nene around to the hot spots.  I think that would be interesting and fun to watch.


I wonder if she would be receptive to any of the women from Blood, Sweat and Heels?

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With NYC starting up right now, it would have been the perfect opportunity for a Bethenny/NeNe crossover. But, as I said, I think NeNe's ship with Bravo has sailed.

I would not be surprised if this little bit with Kim is the last we see of her on Bravo.

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I can't imagine her really leaving Bravo unless she gets a solo show on another network.  As much as she talks, she seems afraid to lose this paycheck (which might be a smart move).


I wonder if she would be receptive to any of the women from Blood, Sweat and Heels?


If they bow to her, probably.  

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She obviously doesn't want to film with all the ladies on this show. She cannot keep a series with just her and Kim going. Bravo would have to find another vehicle for her to ride in, but if she's become a diva behind the scenes with them, they may not think it's worth it. You can only thumb your nose at people for so long before you come to the point that you don't have much left to bargain with. JMO

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See that's the thing.  She must not act that divaish with people outside of RHOA because she would have been blackballed by now.   She may have a wild personality but she has learned to reel it in when necessary.  After all Donald Trump still speaks well of her even though she walked off the show.  We are not seeing the whole Nene Leakes by watching RHOA.

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Donald Trump's son, who had more day-to-day interaction with those people, doesn't speak highly of NeNe at all.

He exposed her lie that she was paid a big sum of money for appearing on the show. Her claims of a big "Trump check" were false.

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Nene has been working as an actress for years before RHOA. She did a movie and did guest appearances on several sitcoms before getting the gig on RHOA. So this is not actually her just being a reality star doing acting, she has been in acting for quite some time

If NeNe's done more acting than the two sitcoms, she's hiding that info from the world. Appearing as "herself" doesn't count nor does being a guest on a talk show.


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Ditto for me. How many people who've worked for years and years in the theater had to stand in the background and watch as NeNe took the stage in a role that she was totally clueless about? Asking the director if she could do different accents? Thundering like she does on this show? Remember back when NeNe was complaining about this role, as opposed to something on TV, and how she didn't think she wanted to play this part? Whether she was making that up for show, or she really felt that way, my heart broke a little for the people I know personally who'd have given their eye teeth, their first born and their last dime for an opportunity to play even a small part in a Broadway play. It's her entitled attitude that killed it for me in this episode. I wish her all the best, but I just hope at some point she learns some humility.

She basically turned her nose up at the role when her manager mentioned it.  I remember her actually making a face when she learned about it.  It wasn't good enough for her, as she wanted to the Chicago role.  That's why I roll my eyes every time she throws the "I'm on broadway" statement around to prove her awesomeness.


Someone else upthread, or in another thread, said that Nene want to act just for the sake of being famous.  If she was really serious about it, she wouldn't turn down acting jobs and she wouldn't snub acting lessons.  

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I was watching some 20/20 reruns on OWN tonight, and there are a lot of commercials for Tyler Perry's shows. He's in Atlanta. His shows are pretty popular. Why isn't NeNe on any of them? There are some fairly compelling roles for women in all of his shows.

I know Perry is good friends with Kandi, so he obviously knows the housewives. Where's NeNe?

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I was watching some 20/20 reruns on OWN tonight, and there are a lot of commercials for Tyler Perry's shows. He's in Atlanta. His shows are pretty popular. Why isn't NeNe on any of them? There are some fairly compelling roles for women in all of his shows.

I know Perry is good friends with Kandi, so he obviously knows the housewives. Where's NeNe?


There is only one diva on Tyler Perry's set and that is Tyler.  I cannot imagine Tyler and Nene sharing the same space without some sort of issue. 

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I was watching some 20/20 reruns on OWN tonight, and there are a lot of commercials for Tyler Perry's shows. He's in Atlanta. His shows are pretty popular. Why isn't NeNe on any of them? There are some fairly compelling roles for women in all of his shows.

I know Perry is good friends with Kandi, so he obviously knows the housewives. Where's NeNe?

Remember when Nene claimed she knew Tyler Perry and said she had his number, and the person she was with egged her on to call him, only for the number to be disconnected? Good times.

Edited by luckyroll3
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This is kind of sad...

While NeNe and Gregg were dining at Sardi's with their son, NeNe's other son was going through a really tough time.



So this is an honest question:  While I do work with kids, I don't have any of my own so they don't come home with me.  But what do you do as a parent when you realize your kid is actually a moron??

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I'd have him come live under my roof so I could supervise him and educate him on how NOT to behave. It sounds like he's been out on his own and running wild. Doing drugs, drinking, etc. He clearly cannot take care of himself like an adult.

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I'd have him come live under my roof so I could supervise him and educate him on how NOT to behave. It sounds like he's been out on his own and running wild. Doing drugs, drinking, etc. He clearly cannot take care of himself like an adult.

Sadly, it doesn't work. She's tried that before (2 or 3 years ago) and all he did was sleep in late, loaf around during the day and party at night. That's when he had already served jail time (twice I believe) and got his girlfriend pregnant and I think that's when he got a job and moved out.

Anyway, you can't sit on a grown adult 24/7, even if he's acting like an irresponsible teenager. He isn't going to change and get help until he wants to, and it doesn't look like he wants to. Looks like partying with drugs and alcohol is the most important thing to him and he runs with losers like himself. He's got a long road to hoe ahead of him, thank God he hasn't seriously injured or killed someone.

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What strikes me as likely is that Bryson's bad activities did not begin as an adult. Juvenile records are private. Nene paid no attention to that child. She doesn't care a whit.

Sure, she was busy chasing her dream but sometimes kids are just dumb by themselves.

He does not strike me like a very brainy individual, could he be slow?

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If he has any type of learning issues, that's all the more reason for his mother to spend more time with him. Since his father hasn't been in his life at all, it seems. The first time a child gets in trouble with the law should be a wake-up call for the parent that the child needs more of their parent's time.

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If he has any type of learning issues, that's all the more reason for his mother to spend more time with him. Since his father hasn't been in his life at all, it seems. The first time a child gets in trouble with the law should be a wake-up call for the parent that the child needs more of their parent's time.

I think she was but her son seems quite stubborn.
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It seems he has a low self-esteem. Brent seems to be somewhat different. Maybe not having his father around affected the way he feels about himself.

The same could be said for his mother. And the cycle continues. I will pray for his children.

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Remember when Nene claimed she knew Tyler Perry and said she had his number, and the person she was with egged her on to call him, only for the number to be disconnected? Good times.


Ha! Yes! And that was Ryan Murphy of Glee/The New Normal. Ryan tends to reuse a lot of his actors - I wonder why he hasn't hired Nene for American Horror Story or Scream Queens? I guess he got bored with her.

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Ha! Yes! And that was Ryan Murphy of Glee/The New Normal. Ryan tends to reuse a lot of his actors - I wonder why he hasn't hired Nene for American Horror Story or Scream Queens? I guess he got bored with her.

Maybe he's noted how much Nene's head has grown and no longer wishes to contribute to the problem,  OR Nene just doesn't have the acting chops needed to portray any character other than a "Nene."

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I hope the girl gets child support from NeNe and then some. That's horrible. The fact the mother wants DNA testing done to prove paternity, and Bryson and NeNe keep postponing it.... wow, that's a shitty way to treat your grandchild. I can see NeNe giving the girl the side-eye now, just like she does on TV.

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I seems Nene's oldest has blessed her with four grandchildren.  Feel for the grandchildren and their mothers. 



That crap is coming from Radar online so we all know how accurate they are.  Thus we really don't know if this information is true.  If it is, like RedKoolAide said, it is not Nene's responsibility to secure a DNA test.  That is on the very adult 25 year old Bryson.  And really, should Nene be held accountable for all of the babies, Bryson is spawning?  She has done her job and did the best she could to get him straight.  It is his choice to sire children without taking responsibility.   Put the blame where it should go.  On Bryson alone

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Why would Nene have to pay child support? That's her son's responsibility. He needs to use condoms. He can't support himself but has a bunch of kids.

But if NeNe is his sole source of support, they will come after her. Or she'll have to bail Bryson out to keep him out of jail. Or she'll have to cut him off and never see her grandchildren. What choices!!

This goes further to explain her short answer when Andy asked her how Bryson was doing. "He's fine. He's 25." In other words, Bryson.....you're on your own.

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Sounds like Kevin was over the top, but the last line of the article is typical Nene: 



During her "Hot Topics" section on her talk show, Wendy called her then-friend out for being a hypocrite in the aforementioned tweet — and NeNe was furious, as she felt her "friend" betrayed her by attacking her without reason.

Edited by ToukieSmith
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From experience, watching a friend of mine go through something similar, it is what will happen if NeNe's name is on anything that Bryson has. Apt. lease, car loan, etc. It varies from state to state, but in Georgia I watched a mother have to go to court to cover costs of her daughter's screw-ups. I can see NeNe buying a vehicle and handing Bryson the keys to keep her name out of it, but if that's all he's got as an asset, they'll seize his car. If he's got lousy credit, which I am guessing is the case, no one would rent to him without a parent or legal guardian co-signing his lease. That's what I meant by saying they would come after NeNe's funds for child support, via Bryson. If he can't pay it, he goes to jail. If NeNe wants to keep him out of jail, the money will come from her.

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