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Welcome To The Barge! Life Away from TFGH

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To all passengers on the barge - do not, repeat, do NOT, pick up any little boats with a man, and woman and a baby in it! Especially if the man and woman are gesticulating wildly and otherwise acting like silly buffoons. And most especially if the woman repeats everything she says ... repeats everything she says.

  • Love 7

Not for nothing, but I think the kid will be better off if Morgan is her dad. Morgan being screwed in the head is Sonny's fault, and unlike Mini McMoobster I think he at least has good intentions. At best, Sonny will ignore her because she's a girlchild like Kristina. At worst, he'll wait until she gets older and shoot her in the chest or nearly blow her up with a car bomb.

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Aaaaand ... I realize I've reached my breaking point. It's not even fun to snark on the show any more.

I never thought I'd see the day when Sonny and Carly were no longer my biggest problems with the show. The mob stuff sucks as much as it ever has but the alternative stories are ... Nina and Franco? Even more Jason worship? The endless merry go round of immortal, all powerful villains who do the same horrible and unbelievable things over and over with no real consequences, who are always helped by transparent contrivances in the writing? Shitty, bad, lazy, unsympathetic writing for the characters who aren't absolute psychopaths? The stories are nasty, perverse, and utterly lacking in any kind of romance, sexiness, suspense, or even common sense.

This comes to mind when I think about what they've done to this show (yes, I do realize I'm overreacting a bit):


Ok, maybe my disgust is not quite so dramatic. But still.

Edited by SlovakPrincess
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I never fastforward. There is always too much foreshadowing in the cutting and how they shift scenes off certain lines or beats, especially on a Frank Valentini show. You can see stuff coming based on one person's reaction to one thing in an unrelated subplot. Over the years Frank and the breakdown/daily writers have become as subtle as a heart attack.

Edited by jsbt
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As far as my breaking point, in the past it's always been boredom.


Same. I probably have no real breaking point since I've always come and gone. I watch until I'm bored or something comes up in my life that doesn't allow me that hour every single day and then I come back when I hear about something I'm interested in or my life gets boring.

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I watch so very sporadically I think I am done. I read what is said here, if I can get past the parts that make me gag.If something is said here I might go watch, but I don't like MW, Franco< Nina, I hate with the fire of a thousand sons the unholy three , Patrick has now been destroyed to get even with Kimberly. And the worst thing they did, Kill AJ, and lobotomize Anna.  One thing ADR O fired Sabrina ,and she still runs the hospital ???I think these are the things that have put the topper on the show. The whole show Makes NO sense. I just make it a point to go to the gym while the show is on, The machines I use don't have TV's on them and the big screens in front of me have CNN. I have my music. When I get to the treadmill, the mess is over. no problem.

Edited by testardo
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Patrick has now been destroyed to get even with Kimberly

It's funny you say that because back in 2012, I think, KMc and JT had an event and KMc said that part of the reason she thought it was a good idea not to have Robin die for reals in the lab explosion was because she felt like it didn't do justice to Patrick and Robin as a couple. I wonder what her thoughts are now. Ha.

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I've tolerated a lot over the years, so I could have put up with almost anything but what they're doing to Anna and Robin. Or Monica going through the fifth or so iteration of "your child has been murdered." I'm not even a Luke fan but what they're doing with him now is atrocious, too. Duke was brought back just to become an asshole. Steve Hardy would spin in his grave over the current COS.

It really doesn't pay to be a nostalgia-from-childhood fan of the show right now!

Edited by SlovakPrincess
  • Love 6

It really doesn't pay to be a nostalgia-from-childhood fan of the show right now!


I can only imagine. I think the fact that I'm a newer fan (I started watching during the panic room story, I think. I'm not entirely sure!) makes it much easier for me to still enjoy this show.

Edited by peachmangosteen

I've tolerated a lot over the years, so I could have put up with almost anything but what they're doing to Anna and Robin. Or Monica going through the fifth or so iteration of "your child has been murdered." I'm not even a Luke fan but what they're doing with him now is atrocious, too. Duke was brought back just to become an asshole. Steve Hardy would spin in his grave over the current COS.

It really doesn't pay to be a nostalgia-from-childhood fan of the show right now!

I know EXACTLY how you feel. Robin and Anna, basically anything Scorpio-related, is my breaking point. When the show fucks with them, I'm like...no. Stop right there. No.

Alas, I AM still watching now, but like I stated above, a break is imminent. And will be solidified the MOMENT Robin comes back and most likely apologizes and cries to Patrick.

Now, if she gets to call him an asshole and laughs in his womanizing face? I MIGHT build a shrine to GH in my bathroom.

Edited by HeatLifer
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I've taken a sharp nosedive recently on my ability to tolerate this show. I'm starting to wish that Maura would leave, because her acting is the only thing keeping me from  hauling ass to the barge. I don't like any of the spoilers or storylines involving her, and I'm at the point where it makes me literally unhappy.


What I don't understand though, is how much of the rest of the show is SO bad. And I mean, dreadfully awful. I wasn't a full-time viewer of OLTL, but I watched enough to know what was going on. Ron wrote some good stuff over there. Families were more central, romances weren't insta-created. I have to remind myself that this is the same guy who wrote Kish. Can someone please explain why his writing is so much worse on GH than it was on OLTL?

Edited by tvgoddess
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Hey all --


Given that the last time I watched GH was to catch a few minutes of the van squabble of the jail break (people said it was funny; ehhhh was what I thought), I decided to catch the ferry out here.  I see Kin's still looking for easy marks over at the shuffleboard area.


It's kinda funny trying to keep up with the show via message board.  Apparently, after the jail break no one's yet returned to prison.  Okay, then.  And KA still hasn't learned to support a baby's head when she's holding it.  Other than that, I got nothing.


How are the mai tais?

The Mai tais are fantastic. And of course you can take your drinks into the 80s Viewing Party theater, and the cyber cafe where you can hate-read about the current episodes of the show you can't being yourself to watch.

Also there's a champagne fountain like the one in Mikkos Cassadine's Ice Princess lair. :)

  • Love 1

I keep checking the TFGH page, and I keep inadvertently scrolling.  "Sonny, Carly, Michael, Morgan, Fluke, Tracy ..." my eyes gloss over. I pause at the Spencer mentions simply out of disgust.  The only things I've been able to contribute lately are really bad jokes about breaking ice and explaining my understanding of the term "townie."  I feel a tiny bit like the train is moving on.  Or maybe I'm moving on, I don't know.


But, dammit, I should have a much better tan for being on this barge for the entire sweeps period.  Is this barge sailing is the Arctic Ocean?

Real talk. Define townie. How is that an insult?


For the most entertaining way to learn, watch the movie Breaking Away. It's an awesome movie, BTW.


But basically, imagine a bunch of rich (or at least upper middle class) students coming into town.  They're not there long-term. They have no regard for the city. They look down -- or at least the concept goes -- on the local men who aren't in college. Maybe they have dirt under their finger nails from working in a garage, etc.  They aren't as articulate or educated, at least that's what the college boys think.  And the town is a rinky dink without a lot going for it, so being from there could be seen as a dead-end, pathetic kind of thing.


Think of the scene from Good Will Hunting where the "local" Matt Damon shows up the college boys. Will Hunting would be considered a "townie," because he was a blue collar guy of college age from that area. Though it's kinda ridiculous to insult someone from city like Boston for living in Boston, considering that it's a huge metropolis with a ton of things going for it.  So, basically move Will Hunting to Rochester, New York, where he's a janitor, and that's a townie.


Just remember, everything on this show revolves around Ron and his own experiences and tastes.

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My brother went to school at UVA in Charlottesville and the whole town/gown thing is pretty prevalent there. especially considering that UVA is a very good school, was built by Thomas Jefferson (and he considered that his greatest achievement) and all that. Plus, Charlottesville is one of those rural Virginia town where the joke is that for the amount of people that live there, there aren't a lot of different last names...


Meanwhile, in San Luis Obispo in CA... despite it being a college town, it's also a town where the graduates want to stay and it's really hard to do so. It's a very expensive place to live as opposed to the surrounding areas. Calling someone from SLO a 'townie' doesn't happen because it's a place people would love to be from and would love to settle in. Charlottesville, at least 20 years ago (things may have certainly changed) was often considered to be more a 'hick town' than the suburbs that most of the kids who went there were from.


But that's also the thing about Spencer... he lives in Port Charles. He goes to school there, his family lives there, he's a townie when it comes down to it. Not only that, isn't Spencer's beloved Emma a townie? Spencer using that word is IDIOTIC.

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I think Ron thinks he's clever by having Spencer call everyone "basic bitches" is my take. That's the definition I think Ron is going for based on context. He uses it to Cameron, whom he's jealous of (if this were real life, Cam would shove Spencer in a trash can while the others laughed) and a waiter who screwed up his breakfast order. So yeah, sounds like a spoiled asshole spouting off about basic bitches while they are indeed basic themselves. I've given this too much thought. I need a drink or two.

  • Love 2

So this is a recap of what you missed:

Luke Spencer is in jail. Still not as long as AJ. Fun fact: AJ served more time than Sonny, Luke, and Jason. AJ didn't even kill anyone. Everyone is filing up to Luke's cell like it's the club going "How could you?! Whhhhhyyy?!" All those flavors and Luke chose to be salty. Bobbie is up today. Conversation is all "Omg your mah brother!" Luke gives no fucks. But he's mad too about Sonny's pardon. I'm conflicted. This goes on till Luke is all "Why am I here? Ermergerd!" Bobbie is like fuck this and transports to Kelly's. Because when your brother is crazy, a sammy always helps.

Spoon Island. The Island of Incest and Tunnels. Lulu, Helena, Nik, and Tracy have a dance party that involves what's up with Luke. Bruh. He's got two people in his body. Helena is like dude the guy was talking to a corpse in the basement. He's crazy as fuck. Lulu and Tracy transport to Kellys for sammys too because well yeah. After they peace out,Helena is all Ima tell you about Jake Doe. He hands him Jason's wedding ring. Nik is like a wedding ring? Courtney and I exchanged twist ties. Helena says your bastard cousin Sam gave that to Jake on their wedding day.

The Hospital. Because we're there. Patrick actually discusses Jason's surgery with Sam and then still no dots are connected. Jason mentions the wedding rings to Sam on the way into surgery. Duh from Sam. Then Jason gets flashbacks and mumbles shit. I think he says he's Jason. Liz is right there.

Tomorrow Anna returns. Her hair is goregous. Let me know if you hate this, but yeah. All you're missing is Billy Miller actually being good. The UCG of Patrick. And Luke eating the set. Nom.

Does Spencer know SWSNBN a.k.a. his dear departed mama is a cop killer? Someone ought to bring that up to the little shit. Just shut him up. Then send him to boarding school...on Mars.


But if he went to school on Mars the little turd would ruin our galactic relations.  He'd be referring to the Martians as "townies".

Hopefully they'd retaliate by feeding him to Jabba the Pizza Hut.

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