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Analyse:  "I'm happy because now we get to add one strong player to our group."

Cliff:  "I hope you all have a spot for me."

Analyse:  "That we do, sir."


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Just now, eskimo said:

Does BB actually enforce have-not rule violations?  I remember they did for someone, way back when.  Jen maybe?  But is it really more of a threat they don't follow through with unless the violation is blatant and in their face?

I’d say, enforcement (of the lack thereof) depends totally upon (a) what impact it would have upon the game, and (b) whether or not TPTB would consider that impact desirable.

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3 minutes ago, eskimo said:

Does BB actually enforce have-not rule violations?  I remember they did for someone, way back when.  Jen maybe?  But is it really more of a threat they don't follow through with unless the violation is blatant and in their face?

Depends on whether the violator is favored by production or not. Well, if Matt Cline is any indication, it's probably more accurate to say whether they give any shit whatsoever.

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3 minutes ago, zorak said:

Analyse:  "I'm happy because now we get to add one strong player to our group."

Cliff:  "I hope you all have a spot for me."

Analyse:  "That we do, sir."


Er - wasn’t Anal threatening to stab Cliff just last night?  😆

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4 minutes ago, eskimo said:

Does BB actually enforce have-not rule violations?  I remember they did for someone, way back when.  Jen maybe?  But is it really more of a threat they don't follow through with unless the violation is blatant and in their face?

usually only if one of the HGs complain. 

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18 minutes ago, Nashville said:

That’s what I was thinking. S o it occurs to me - if Jackson were to eat his way to a penalty nom:

  1. There’d be 3 OTB - Jack, Bella, and Jackson.
  2. Only 4 Sick Shitters would be voting: Anal, Christie, Holly & Tommy.
  3. Potentially 4 votes could be aligned against them: Kat, Nick, Nicole, and Sam.

...and Cliff would be called upon to break any tie.

You forgot about Jessica. Which is fair, because other than ceaselessly running her mouth, she's invisible!

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Jack after telling Cliff how the old Jack would've just pretended to know a fact and lie about it:  "Now I think twice before I say anything now."  So I guess this is proof that anything hateful that comes out of his mouth is deliberately hateful.  Not that I had any doubt or anything.

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Regarding whether or not BB would enforce the HN rule ....  we might not be able to get Ovi, David and Kemi's opinion but I'm sure Bella will voice her's if she is the one to be evicted. 

And, Jackson  would most definitely deny saying or doing anything wrong.

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1 minute ago, Cutty said:

I hope Cliff is on the block next week. 

Same.  He went from being a bad ass to a completely non factor.  At least let Christi burn her power, but he can't even give us that.

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1 minute ago, Cutty said:

I hope Cliff is on the block next week. 

100%. I am praying one of the Shitty 6 gets HOH and noms him. Fucking idiot.

Apparently Sam's pissed about this whole thing. Well, Sam, this is what you get when you're too chicken-shit to do anything yourself and would rather just kiss cool kid ass and wait for someone else to make a move.

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A bunch of them are talking outside and it came up that Ovi was the student body president at the University of Tennessee.  Cliff said that Ovi and Jackson had talked and Ovi said that he thinks Jackson voted for him at the time.  Jackson yelled over that he didn't vote himself, he had a pledge go cast his vote for him because he was too hung over.  What a standup guy he is.  

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Jack is talking to Tommy (with Christie and Analyse there) about bringing Cliff into the group of 8 along with Kat.  Tommy is on board with the idea.  Jack says it's the new Gr8ful.

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Analyse is telling them that she's concerned that if Kat gets HOH, she'll put Analyse up even if they're part of the same 8.  They're trying to assure her that she wouldn't or that it wouldn't matter if she did.

Edited by zorak
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11 minutes ago, zorak said:

Analyse:  "I don't like people taking advantage of my kindness or my sensitive heart."  She's a real sweetheart for sure.

I wish she’d just go like NOW!! Mess up their minds. I can’t stand her

Edited by RockYou
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9 minutes ago, zorak said:

Jack is telling Christie that they need to make sure Cliff and Kat know the importance of using Jess and Nicole moving forward.  

Why is Jack ALWAYS running the show? Why do they allow him to . I hope Kat sneaks in there and exposes them all one by one. I want Kat and Christie to be my final two!

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Christie has GOT to stop using hyperbole like referring to her “moves” as “historical.” It makes her look like such a dumbass and I tend to like her in general most of the time.

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Now Cliff is talking to Nick basically telling him that he made a promise to Christie and he's not going back on it.  Nick is saying that if this was going to be the end result, Christie should have used her power.  So I don't think it's going to be a blindside like Christie is thinking.  Nick says he's not mad at Cliff.

Cliff:  "I'm not going to break my word this early."

Nick:  "Do you think we can get the votes for Bella to stay."

Cliff:  "Absolutely not."

Nick told Cliff he just found out that they told Kat to not vote with them last week.

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Nick is outside on the couches with Jack.  He's made a few comments about hoping they still want to work with him and Jack is staying pretty silent.

Nick is crying and Jack made a comment about feeling for him and that people literally die from heartache.


I think it's time for the veto ceremony!  It just switched to animal cam.

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7 minutes ago, CrazyDog said:

I really, really, really hate that one of these people is going to win $500K.

Damn it Cliff! And Christie (probably) keeps her power.

See ya, Sam.

Aggravating though it may be, I don’t think we can fairly lay ALL of this on Cliff’s doorstep.  Currently there doesn’t look to be any way Kat votes against 6S, and Christie appears to have Jessica’s vote firmly stashed in her back pocket.  

So even if it’s simply prolonging the inevitable, I can’t fault Cliff for not wanting to sacrifice his game for the other nonallieds when they can’t bring themselves together for a common vote - even when it best serves their own individual self-interests.  😞 

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While we’re waiting I point you to this documentary about child beauty pageants and one of the dads (starting around 4:45 in) reminds me a LOT of Nick. Well, facially, anyway.

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7 minutes ago, TimWil said:

While we’re waiting I point you to this documentary about child beauty pageants and one of the dads (starting around 4:45 in) reminds me a LOT of Nick. Well, facially, anyway.

OMFG that is depressing as hell.

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Why the fuck did Nick say to Cliff that this season was like BB19 and feeders should just turn off right now because Jack is going to win it all? Josh ended up winning the season, not Paul. Idiot.

Edited by TimWil
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6 minutes ago, Nashville said:

This coming eviction plus one more before Jury starts, right?

Maybe Nick and Bella won’t have to be separated THAT long....

I don't think we know yet? 20 had five pre-juror boots, but 19 had six, buuuuut that included one drop out. So who knows?? 

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1 minute ago, Dmarie019 said:

Unfortunately Nick can only blame Bella for all of this.... S6 don't seem to have anything against Nick do they? Just Bella?

Nah. They hate Nick now because he had the audacity to try and save Bella and get one of them on the block. 

Trying to get one of Six Shitters on the block shows a lack of morals. 

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19 minutes ago, Drogo said:

I felt bad that Contestant 51's life goal was to own all Toys R Us stores. 

You must’ve made it further into the clip than I did - I had to tap out around the 6 minute mark.  The JonBenét lineup was more than I could take.

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I mean, whatever, it honestly does probably save Cliff for at least a week. It's piss poor game play, but not historically stupid. Similarly, it's not all that impressive, mist-wise, as it isn't like Cliff's eyes aren't open here. He wasn't tricked. He knew the deal. He just is a wimpy dude who did better than expected by even nominating Jack and Son. He shot his shot and BB fucked him like they always fuck underdogs. It isn't an even playing field by any means. 

Also, if Bella wasn't such a piece of shit, Cliff possibly would have gone to the mat for her. 

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14 minutes ago, Cutty said:

Trying to get one of Six Shitters on the block shows a lack of morals. 

Ugh, I don't like when HG's try to use the preservation of a person's real world character to influence that person's gameplay.  From the video posted earlier:  "This is the Big Brother house. You can bounce checks."  The trick is being able to do damage control afterwards. 

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12 minutes ago, Dmarie019 said:

Unfortunately Nick can only blame Bella for all of this.... S6 don't seem to have anything against Nick do they? Just Bella?

Cliffnotesgate, as well. Unless I’m mistaken, overhearing him talking about couples was really what led to the rift. The shitty six, mostly queen christerical, decided that cliff had to go because he’s after the couples, and from there if nick sneezed it was like a terroristic threat. They didn’t give a flying fuck about Nicole. They made nick out to be a monster so that they could justify blindsiding him to get out cliff, and then were outraged when bella had the audacity to be pissed that she just got blindsided. So, in a roundabout way, cliff was both the beginning and the end of this crap. 

Dont get me wrong; bella is vile and I’ll enjoy her eviction. At this point that’s the only fun left for me in this shiteshow:  seeing the massive egos go down one by one.

I hope jack beats Christie. There, I said it. 

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2 minutes ago, Dmarie019 said:

Well BB didn't fuck him at all.... Christie did because she couldn't keep her mouth shut so she was forced to use her power or try and make a deal with Cliff. 

I mean by all these BS extra powers they throw in there. And her's was especially powerful considering that for it to be worth it, two of your side would automatically be playing in Veto, plus decent odds at getting at least half the total players. 

Edited by Brian Cronin
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1 minute ago, Brian Cronin said:

It isn't an even playing field by any means. 

Not with one alliance comprising half the House and holding all the active Powers, it isn’t.  Have to give 6S a modicum of credit, though; when they went to H8teful/Unde9able I thought they were fucking stupid, because (historically speaking, BB-wise) super-huge alliances RARELY last as long as a week before imploding.  Turns out they knew which HGs were too stupid to know when to defect for the good of their own individual game, though.  😑

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