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S5EP1: I thought this was a really good concept for an episode. The way the ghosts got Alison in the beginning was really good, but also a great start for the season. I particularly enjoyed her prank on Thomas. With the background music and the use of warmer tones for the cinematography, they set such a good mood that was very appropriate for the occasion. And I loved the inspectors line about only real life being that absurd because well yeah, real life is often more wild than the things we can come up with. Finally, the pregnancy announcement took me by surprise. I did not expect the show to go there, but good for them! I am curious to see how this show will handle that storyline.

S5EP2: The whole south vs north debate wasn't really clear to me, but I guess it's one of those things that only UK people understand. I liked how poetic Frannie was and her realization about home by the end of the episode, even giving her blessing! I'm curious to see what else happens.

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10 hours ago, Harvey said:

S5EP2: The whole south vs north debate wasn't really clear to me, but I guess it's one of those things that only UK people understand.

Yeah, there is a huge divide between the north and south of England, both cultural and economic (this divide is traditionally felt to start at the Watford Gap, although Watford isn't far north at all). Pat is a northerner, Julian is a southerner.

  • Mind Blown 1

S5EP4: A little tedious episode, but I was happy that they managed to make a business deal with the french woman in the end. I continue to be impressed by how smart Robin is, good on him for learning a whole other language just by listening to others speak.

S5EP5: Wow, the captain's death scene was really emotional but also the way he went out was so tragic. He got a heart attack from the stress of that situation? That seems a bit much, but it is what it is. I like that the show finally tackled the idea of these ghosts moving on at some point, although in a very surface level way. And I don't get that, they knew this was the final season. The ghosts could have started resolving their inner traumas and hangups which probably allow them to move onto the next phase of existence. And each episode could have been focused on 1-2 different ghosts dealing with their issues and finding relief, then moving on. Now that would be an interesting final season. But the show just continues to focus upon the ghosts hanging out as a family unit and not even trying to understand the mysteries of their condition.

S5EP6: I was surprised when Pete started to insult Robin's intelligence because that is the one thing he always did have. I was also surprised with them making a series finale like this. I was left with a feeling of...that was it? A fake breakup and a contest over the affections of a woman neither contestant has a chance with are not particularly special or hard-hitting storylines for a series finale. Even the 5th episode was more inventive than that! This felt just like any other episode, not a grand finale. Are they planning to do a big goodbye with the christmas episode, is that why this was so average? Very weird.

12 hours ago, Harvey said:

Are they planning to do a big goodbye with the christmas episode, is that why this was so average?

Yes, they'd have known while making this season that the Christmas episode would be their last, therefore I would expect the big goodbye to happen in that episode, rather than this. And obviously we will also get the birth of Alison's baby in that episode.

To be honest, though, I doubt we'll see many if any of the ghosts moving on at Christmas. The show has made it clear from the start that it is relatively normal for ghosts to happen - in the early episodes, Alison kept seeing them everywhere she went. The main focus of the show has always been found family, the weird housemate setup of living with ghosts, so I would expect the last episode to underline that rather than dissolve it.

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On 10/25/2023 at 2:17 AM, Llywela said:

The main focus of the show has always been found family, the weird housemate setup of living with ghosts, so I would expect the last episode to underline that rather than dissolve it.

Agreed. I found the show and binged it all in the past couple of weeks (actually watched it twice because I enjoyed it so much), and I was so worried that


the final season was building up to Mike and Alison selling out. And very relieved that didn't happen. 

(Spoilering since the show is now just airing for most Americans on CBS.) In any event,I don't think they'll undermine that in the Christmas special. 

One of the things I most enjoyed is there are no characters I dislike. They all amuse me, even if they'd be really frustrating to deal with IRL. 

On 10/24/2023 at 2:05 PM, Harvey said:

The ghosts could have started resolving their inner traumas and hangups which probably allow them to move onto the next phase of existence. And each episode could have been focused on 1-2 different ghosts dealing with their issues and finding relief, then moving on. Now that would be an interesting final season. But the show just continues to focus upon the ghosts hanging out as a family unit and not even trying to understand the mysteries of their condition.

I really don't think it is as straightforward as that. (Again spoilering the rest of my answer since the show just airing in the US.)


What I actually really like about the show is it doesn't seem like there is a clear-cut path to being sucked off. They all clearly have some trauma or unresolved issues about their lives and deaths, but it doesn't seem like resolving those issues automatically leads to getting sucked off. I think we see 3 incidents over the course of the show of this happening, and each time it happens in the middle of an ordinary moment. Nobody has just had an epiphany or a therapy breakthrough. It happens just as randomly and mysteriously as death. That strikes me as very real, and I actually appreciate that way more than them just checking off all the boxes to move the characters on. 

Also, quite frankly, they're all so dysfunctional that I can see a sustained effort to resolve their traumas and hang-ups ending as ridiculously as most of their efforts. On a softer note, I also actually think in some odd way they have found a weird peace with their afterlife and the people in it, far more so than they did in life for most of them and more so than they did in death before the time period the show depicts. It's something that the show manages to do in a way that is genuinely quite sweet but without seeming sappy or forced. As much as they may bitch about being together for all eternity, I think they fear being sucked off and leaving the people they know and have come to see as family as much as they may enjoy the idea of something new. 


Edited by Zella
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30 minutes ago, Zella said:


One of the things I most enjoyed is there are no characters I dislike. They all amuse me, even if they'd be really frustrating to deal with IRL. 


Same! I'm already invested in all of them, the same way I was, and am, with the characters in the U.S. version. I'm looking forward to learning more of their backstories and seeing the various dynamics and friendships among them all. Like Julian and Robin's odd little friendship, for instance :D. 

I also kind of already love Thomas. Even with his whole thing with Allison :p. And Kitty is an absolute sweetheart. 

I really enjoyed getting to compare and contrast the dialogue that remained the same across the British and U.S. versions, and how each line hits differently depending on who says it, and how. And I really like the genuinely creepy elements in this version, with the plague girl and everything with Fanny's nightly ritual. The scene with her in the Captain's room was legitimately unsettling. 

And I adore the opening credits. 

Yeah. I'm glad CBS decided to start airing this version, it's fun to see where it all began and have a new set of characters to watch and get to know. I'm looking forward to watching more of this. 

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1 hour ago, Quickbeam said:

Just saw episode #1….Wow, we (US) just really lifted this, didn’t we? I enjoyed it, had some trouble with the husband’s accent. Needed to watch with captions on. I grew up with heavily accented Scots grandparents so accents are not hard for me, just his.

Hopefully you caught both episodes since two of them ran back to back.  And yeah the husband's accent I found hard to understand too.

And I wouldn't say lifted it.  It was the original selling an American franchise of itself.  Though as it goes on you will find ...


the episode content is about 90% different between the two.  I can only remember one episode that was almost totally a copy of one of the UK episodes outside of these two intro episodes.  I'm sure there must have been a couple of others but I can't remember them offhand.

Also one aside that isn't a spoiler about the UK version at all.  In the US version there was an episode called "Dumb Deaths" this past year where a reality show comes to Woodstone to make an episode and the arrogant, uppity actor set to play the role of Pete in the reality show is actually played quite brilliant by the actor that plays Thomas (the would-be in his head only romantic poet and downright Allison stalker guy in the UK version).

Edited by Skooma
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3 hours ago, Annber03 said:

I also kind of already love Thomas.

As someone who took an entire semester-long course on British Romantic literature and sat through college creative writing classes with some particularly insufferable wannabe poets and writers, he makes me laugh very hard. 😂😂😂😂 They really nailed a very particular type of personality with him. 

Edited by Zella
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1 hour ago, Phebemarie said:

It's so fun to watch the early episodes again.  CBS was smart to acquire the rights to the UK version.  I feel better that the actors' strike ended before it started its run.  I wasn't quite sure if I should feel good about watching it while the US Ghosts cast was striking.  

And remember it was a bit of a swap this year as the UK is broadcasting the American version over there now or very soon.

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I think I just need to get used to this version. Unless the U.S. counterpart is obvious, I'm a bit confused who is who. There are more characters in this version. 

Kitty and the little plague girl are my favorites so far. Kitty seems so sweet and just want to make friends. Little plague girl is cute even though she's trying to be creepy.

The woman repeatedly saying "get out" (or was it "go away?") to Allison was annoying but I guess that's the point.

Allison waving to the random ghost woman with the baby carriage was a great visual. I'd be scared to see her if I were walking alone in the dark.

Interesting that the UK trouser-less guy is an older politician. I guess his unresolved business is to clear his name?

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1 minute ago, Snow Apple said:

Interesting that the UK trouser-less guy is an older politician. I guess his unresolved business is to clear his name?

Ghosts UK isn't really about unresolved business. It's a housemates comedy. (Julian can't clear his name. He was caught bang to rights! He is a very specific stereotype of a very specific type of politician of his era. I haven't watched the US version of the show, but all the ghosts here are very specific stereotypes of very specific types of people from very specific eras, that's the joke.)

Glad to see the show getting so much love all of a sudden with this new US release!

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3 hours ago, Harvey said:

What is Kitty a stereotype of? Innocent rich girls?

Yes, basically. She's the naive, simpering Georgian maiden kept ignorant and sheltered by her wealthy family because that was considered marriageable, her character lampoons a very particular idealised vision (of the time she comes from) of what a wealthy young woman should be.

Edited by Llywela
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On 11/16/2023 at 7:51 PM, Annber03 said:

And I really like the genuinely creepy elements in this version, with the plague girl

That even the other ghosts were creeped out by her absolutely cracked me up.

I also got a good laugh at Mike saying "Okay, I've just Googled 'psychotic break' ..." when Alison got out of the car and finally addressed all the ghosts in episode two.  And her calling Robin "Budget Tarzan".

I like this so far.  I had to watch (with commercials) on the CBS app as on Paramount+ the audio and video were slightly out of sync, so hopefully that resolves next week.

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Is anyone in the US watching the more recent seasons? Someone on another thread recommended dailymotion.com.  I can actually find the episodes there but it’s not the easiest to actually watch or cast them to my tv. But more importantly the cc’s are hit and miss, and I hadn’t realized how much I was depending on them. 

Any suggestions for better alternatives?

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I watched this show on Max the first few episodes and loved it!  Love the US version and have watch all episodes numerous times.  Glad to see the UK version here in the US.  Love British shows and this one is great.  Watched with hubby and had to tell him that Allison in real life played a midlife and also married the detective vicar on another PBS show.  LOL.  He's stuck watching PBS on Sunday nights with me.

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Tonight's episodes were fun :D!

"Happy Death Day" - Pat's death has a lot more trauma around it than Pete's did, dang. But the reveal about the grandson still hit just as strongly as in the U.S. version. Aw. I also enjoyed the Captain and Julian working together to get rid of the builders, LOL.

"Free Pass" - I liked how they dealt with that whole concept here, with the actor Alison likes coming to film on the grounds. I can't blame her for being attracted to him, he was pretty cute :p. Poor Mike, though, having to be confronted with the whole "free pass" concept as he was. And poor Thomas, too! This was not a good day for him, either. 

The guy falling through the floorboards at the end, though. OMG XD. 

Really continuing to enjoy this version, it's so fun getting to know these characters more. 

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I like Mary’s ignorance due to her time period, and her trying to understand the modern world in old, superstitious terms. Much more entertaining than Nancy, who is just obnoxious. I also like that the characters are similar, but not locked into their counterpart’s time periods. Miss Sass awfully, but can’t think of a relevant British counterpart.

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Is anyone watching these on Paramount+?  Because I want to, for getting the full version (the CBS airing is cut for time since "half hour" programs are longer in the UK than here), and for not having to deal with ads, but the audio and video are out of sync there.  I find that aggravating to the point of unwatchable.  So last week I just watched on CBS, hoping the P+ thing was a fluke, but it's screwed up on these next two episodes, too.  I just played something else on P+, to see if it was a problem with my app in general, and it played fine.

Update:  After I let the first one run for about five minutes, everything synced up.  Hopefully it stays that way.  (And update again to say it did.  P+ decided to give me the audio description for episode 4, so I had to figure out how to turn that off, but otherwise smooth sailing.)

Edited by Bastet
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I'm glad I got the sync issue straightened out on Paramount+ so I could go back and watch the full versions of the first two episodes; so many funny little things cut for time in the CBS airing of them.  My favorite is when the captain has Julian use his power to move the clock hand, so Fanny will jump screaming out the window when they're all getting up for the morning anyway, not while they're trying to sleep.  I don't know why the clock would affect her routine, since she's not even doing it consciously, and I'm going to miss seeing those jumps, though.  I suppose it could get old after a while, but I kind of wish it had taken the captain longer to come up with the idea.

Pat was adorable in "Happy Death Day" when he ran over to see his grandson -- it got me teary, and then made me laugh when he demonstrated how the kid has his legs.  And of course he was just seeing construction lights, not "The Light", but I still laughed as he told people about themselves and then, oops, I'm not leaving.

"Free Pass" had me laughing from start to finish -- funniest episode yet!  I loved everything about the reactions to filming, particularly Mary asking about the "metal cow" and Kitty wanting them to hurry up and get to the sexy times.  Mike flexing in the presence of the actor was perfect, especially collapsing the tent on himself when he tried to show off his upper body strength.  And then Thomas bobbing in the water at the end. 

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16 minutes ago, Bastet said:

"Free Pass" had me laughing from start to finish -- funniest episode yet! 

I also love the slimy actor forgetting his lie about eating with his eyes closed because of a former role and overcompensating when he catches Allison looking at him as he has lunch. LOLOL 

Edited by Zella
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17 hours ago, Driad said:

An ancient Briton, painted blue with woad?  (Whether they actually did is questionable, but ... )

Possibly, but I think a character like that wouldn’t necessarily have Sass’s sensitivity (remembering his stories and memories).

And, yes, woad does produce a blue dye, but sometimes the “additives” are questionable/unsavory.

Edited by Daff
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"When you first came here...I thought you were a prostitute." XD. 

I also liked the way they pulled the rug out with that note about the heirloom being pawned, LOL. That was a genuinely good means to scare away the woman taking advantage of Alison and Mike, though. And it was cute to see Captain and Kitty interacting as they did. 

Also, all the ghosts Alison saw when she and Mike were looking at all those new homes... God. 

The first episode was good, too - what a nice ending. I liked Robin's explanation for why he was so fond of the moon :). Aw. 

I also loved all the stuff with them connecting with the show "Friends", and the running gag of Thomas being affected by Robin's broken English :p. 

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I finally connected with Robin, who has only partially been working for me on a comedy level, with his moon storyline, it being the only thing that's been with him this whole time.  That really brought home the enormity of his experience, how very, very long he spent alone once he became a ghost.

Alison nopeing out of great house after great house because of ghosts was a fun little interlude.  Her idea of what the upper class don for dinner with a neighbor was a fantastic sight gag in every shot.  And I love Mike losing £100 at poker in the short time it took her to walk into the next room, grab a bottle, and return to the table.


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On 12/2/2023 at 1:06 AM, Snow Apple said:

I have questions about the two ghosts that Allison saw outside the window of the tall building. Can they wander? Are they stuck there? That would be awful. So sad we'll never find out.

Stuck there.
Possibly within the bounds of their plane, probably within the bounds of their seats - they're up there, looking bored as hell, positioned as if they were still strapped in.


What I don't understand, is why Robin, Mary and the Plague village are bound by the boundaries of the more modern house & grounds.

For Mary and the plague victims, you could argue that it's more the boundaries of the village, before the estate was built; but it's a hell of a coincidence that it's such a precise overlap. For Robin though, it should be pretty much the whole county.
The answer, of course, is narrative imperative, but still...

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11 hours ago, Which Tyler said:

The answer, of course, is narrative imperative, but still...

I agree it really doesn't make sense, and it is probably the biggest plot hole of the entire premise. But I do enjoy how the show lampshades that in a later episode with one of them wearily noting to a newly minted ghost trying to figure out what the hell is going on. "It doesn't make sense, does it?" It's actually one of my favorite lines from the entire show. 

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I've seen a lot of interesting theories about the property boundaries, both with this version of the show and the U.S. one. Some have theorized it might be more of a psychological thing, or maybe the boundary is one that they imposed on themselves somehow. Epecially as more ghosts wind up on the property/it becomes their home and they find they're not as eager to leave as they thought they were. Or maybe at one time they did have more room to move about, but as the property started to develop and build up, the boundaries sprang up as a result. 

All sorts of theories. I could see them doing a thing where they eventually learn that there was an easy way around the boundary that they could've used to leave the property this whole time :p. 

Edited by Annber03
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59 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

I've seen a lot of interesting theories about the property boundaries, both with this version of the show and the U.S. one. Some have theorized it might be more of a psychological thing, or maybe the boundary is one that they imposed on themselves somehow. e specially as more ghosts wind up on the property/it becomes their home and they find they're not as eager to leave as they thought they were), Or maybe at one time they did have more room to move about, but as the property started to develop and build up, the boundaries sprang up as a result. 

All sorts of theories. I could see them doing a thing where they eventually learn that there was an easy way around the boundary that they could've used to leave the property this whole time :p. 

I can't speak for the American one because I've never seen it, but the British show's tone has a lack of finality to it that makes me suspect they will never explain why the boundaries exist. It's just another incidental facet of this absurd world to accept and contend with rather than a problem to solve. 

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On 11/30/2023 at 9:13 PM, Annber03 said:

"When you first came here...I thought you were a prostitute." XD. 


"......you thieving giiiiiit!"

I've loved Fanny ever since she tried to explain the 'bees and flowers' to Kitty.

Below is a video of Martha Howe Douglas (as Fanny Button) reading a letter that Fanny wrote to White Star Line demanding a refund for her Titanic tickets.  


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It's tiresome that the ghosts in the UK version never come to appreciate Allison the way the USA ghosts appreciate THE PERSON WHO CATERS TO THEIR EVERY NEED. I get that it's a specific kind of humor, but I'm a bit exhausted by the constant undermining and ingratitude while Allison toils away, being thwarted constantly.

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"About Last Night" was fun! I liked how Alison tried to remember the events from the night before, and how the ghosts' comments aided her in recovering those memories. Whether she wanted to or not :p. 

Pat and Thomas' little radio thing in "The Grey Lady" was cute. And I liked Thomas dancing to the Cure, and getting a glimpse into how they spend their mornings with Alison. I love her timing the Captain during his runs. 

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15 hours ago, TruffleHog said:

Below is a video of Martha Howe Douglas (as Fanny Button) reading a letter that Fanny wrote to White Star Line demanding a refund for her Titanic tickets. 

This is hysterical!! I loved it. Also, there is a companion book to Ghosts UK that puts the characters in historical documents? I must have it. Is it available in the US yet? I looked on Amazon and didn't see it.

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15 hours ago, Annber03 said:

Pat and Thomas' little radio thing in "The Grey Lady" was cute.

This was one of my favorite bits from the UK show. Anyone who's ever watched Ghost Hunters or similar ghost-hunting shows knows all about EVP recording. It cracks me up to think of the ghosts just sitting there like a couple of Morning Zoo DJs cracking jokes and riffing about pop culture. And then the "experts" play the tape back and  . . . nothing.

  • LOL 2
On 12/7/2023 at 9:18 PM, TruffleHog said:

Below is a video of Martha Howe Douglas (as Fanny Button) reading a letter that Fanny wrote to White Star Line demanding a refund for her Titanic tickets.  


She looks so young and pretty without the Lady Button hair, makeup, and facial expression. 

I thought the same thing when I first saw the actress playing Hetty in the US version out of costume, but the difference seem more dramatic with Martha Howe Douglas.

BTW, is Fanny suppose to an inside joke for the show because she's such a proper lady? I know it's a real name (in the past anyway), but thought it's not a nice word in the UK nowadays.

Edited by Snow Apple
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1 hour ago, Snow Apple said:

BTW, is Fanny suppose to an inside joke for the show because she's such a proper lady? I know it's a real name (in the past anyway), but thought it's not a nice word in the UK nowadays.

Yes, it is meant to be a joke. The "Fanny's exposed" line, etc., etc.

(For those not in the know, while fanny is slang for "bottom" in the US, it's slang for "vagina" in the UK.)

On 12/8/2023 at 12:44 AM, Annber03 said:

Pat and Thomas' little radio thing in "The Grey Lady" was cute.

There is an adorable blooper from that scene where Mathew Baynton (Thomas) can't stop laughing. The Ghosts bloopers in general are hilarious; definitely worth watching on Youtube.

1 hour ago, Snow Apple said:

She looks so young and pretty without the Lady Button hair, makeup, and facial expression. 

There is a podcast interview from one of the seasons where it was mentioned that someone on the crew thought the actress was really an old woman!

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8 hours ago, dargosmydaddy said:

There is a podcast interview from one of the seasons where it was mentioned that someone on the crew thought the actress was really an old woman!

Apparently someone on set also didn't realize Humphrey's head and Robin were the same actor and just thought they had an unusually high number of actors named Larry in the cast. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Edited by Zella
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