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That Collider article was very good but also very vague. There are a few references I couldn't figure out:



What is the huge problem of the 3rd season?

I could guess a few options, but this makes it sound like it should be obvious.


Which is THAT sex scene? Is it Louis? Is it the one(s) at then end of the book?

Again, it sounds like it should be obvious.


And a comment: At first, I was really taken aback

that they weren't shooting Culloden this season. Sam's mentioned the battle a few times during Comic-Con. Then I remembered the actual battle isn't in DIA, just the run-up to it. So I'm sure part of that is budget. They don't have to allocate season 2's budget for that particular battle. They could advocate for that need when they get the greenlight for season 3.

So that does make sense.


1)  I could guess a few options, but this makes it sound like it should be obvious.


I'm guessing it's the fact that

Jamie and Claire spend 20 years apart. There's a lot that happens in Jamie's life during that time that they can't just gloss over and while they might be able to do some of it in flashbacks, it will probably be challenging to write.

Dust Bunny I'm going to speculate answers to your questions.



The huge problem of the 3rd book is that Jamie and Claire are apart for the first half of it.  Think of all that story that only Jamie is in: waking up on Culloden field, being sent home to Lallybroch against his will, the years in the cave, the years in Crainsmuir prision, the years living as "MacKenzie" on that estate.  And all the while, no Claire.  She's off becoming a surgeon and having prolonged marital difficulties with Frank.  This show is centered on Jamie and Claire's life together but in the book they live separate lives  for 20 years. It will suck for the viewers if the two of them are not in a single scene together for the first 3 or 4 episodes.   



I'm assuming the difficult sex scene is the one with King Louis although there's another one I'm not too fond of -- the one where Jamie reveals he knows about Louis and that he resents Claire's having done what she did because he guesses (correctly) that while she did it mostly to save him, she also did it to punish him.  He brushes a nettle across Claire's bare skin as they lay naked outdoors, raising welts on her as a punishment -- an icky threatening moment that I do not like.


3. I was also taken aback by Ron's comments about

the battle of Culloden

because I too thought that contradicted what Sam said during the "New Warriors" panel about an upcoming "bad-ass" moment for him.  But now I presume Sam was talking about

the Jacobite Uprising in general, including the Battle of Prestonpans, which is in DIA, and not about Culloden in particular.

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Just watched the Comic Con panel (both parts) and I have to say Diana Gabaldon makes me uncomfortable!  I kind of cringe whenever she is on one of these panels or interviews because I feel like I'm never sure what is going to come out of her mouth and usually she says something sort of nasty or condescending.   Am I the only one?  In all fairness, she is very, very supportive of the adaptation of her beloved books and is also complementary, but I seriously get nervous when she is included in these public panels.


I watched the Season 2 previews.  I haven't read the books and I will fully admit I don't like change.  I LOVED the first season, the cast, the actors, the setting, the relationships,  etc.  The second season is freaking me out a little, everything seems so different.  Will I get that same feeling of love for the show in the second season?  Jamie looks so different.  


Someone hold me and tell me it's going to be ok.





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Okay Summer....hugs and I promise, it is going to be okay.  I realize I may be prejudiced as DIA happens to remain my favorite of all the books, and yes, it is very different from the first book in setting and tone, but if you go into it open minded shall we say, you will find it wonderful in it's own 'different' way.  Do not be discouraged or scared off.....the story continues!

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Just watched the Comic Con panel (both parts) and I have to say Diana Gabaldon makes me uncomfortable!  I kind of cringe whenever she is on one of these panels or interviews because I feel like I'm never sure what is going to come out of her mouth and usually she says something sort of nasty or condescending.   Am I the only one?

No, you're not the only one. I thought I was the only one, since some posters here who have met her have said how nice she is. For me? based on her thoughts of how she has looked down on the romance genre and said how this series should NOT be in the romance category, and just the smug expressions I've seen of her last year's? this year's? Paleyfest? I'm not a fan. 


So if you need someone to hold you, I'm here.

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Colin Odonoghue responded to Sam challenge to wear the kilt. Also Jennifer Morrison (plays Colins love interest on OUAT) has a bit of a crush on Sam and tells Colin daily on set of her love for Outlander as Colin mentioned on Nerd Hq panel yesterday. Can't put any links to the source since im on my phone.

For me? based on her thoughts of how she has looked down on the romance genre and said how this series should NOT be in the romance category, and just the smug expressions I've seen of her last year's? this year's? Paleyfest?



If it helps any, years ago I took a five week seminar at the Smithsonian in Washington. Each week a different romance author was interviewed by Pamela Regis who is a professor of English at McDaniel College, specializing in the study of popular romance. She's written a book called, A Natural History of the Romance Novel. http://www.amazon.com/A-Natural-History-Romance-Novel/dp/0812215222


We met each week in a smallish conference room/ballroom that held around 50 people or so.


The five authors who were interviewed over those weeks, who later took questions and signed books were: Mary Jo Putney, Jennifer Crusie, Suzanne Brockmann, Carly Phillips, and ****DRUM ROLL**** Diana Gabaldon. So, she was interviewed on one of those nights, was very gracious, explained why she had a problem with fiction being pigeon-holed in one way or another, took questions from an audience that was full of romance fans, greeted us individually and signed our books.


I get why she feels the way she does, especially in the past when romance novels were ghettoized in bookstores, looked down upon, and not respected. It's getting better now, so new authors coming in don't have the stigma that earlier authors had to deal with. But, all I can say is, she participated in this event fully knowing what it was and didn't badmouth anything or anyone and treated everyone with respect. So....

Edited by Nidratime
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No, you're not the only one. I thought I was the only one, since some posters here who have met her have said how nice she is. For me? based on her thoughts of how she has looked down on the romance genre and said how this series should NOT be in the romance category, and just the smug expressions I've seen of her last year's? this year's? Paleyfest? I'm not a fan.

So if you need someone to hold you, I'm here.

Thanks, GHScorpiosrule!   Yes, I have heard she is lovely to her fans.  She just seems like a contradiction, she can be very smug and condescending one minute and full of adulation and praise over the same subject two seconds later.  The whole "Sam is grotesque" dialogue at Paleyfest, but then she goes on to say how brave of an actor he is.  I follow her on Facebook and she is very good about responding to many fans, but one fan asked "Why doesn't Claire talk about the future more" and Diana responded "Why should she?"  I thought the fan asked a pretty valid and interesting question.  


Dustoffmom-I will take your advice and try not to stress about it too much.  I love Jamie and Claire, but I find love Highlander Jamie and Sassenach Claire, but maybe once I see them together again in Season 2 all will be right with my world :)

Edited by Summer
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Summer it's my least favorite of all the books but it has some of the best moments. I think you will like it, I'm certainly looking forward to it!


I also can't stand DG and wish she would stop being invited to these panels, she adds nothing. 


I also wish that is the last time Kristen Dos Santos hosts their panel. I thought her shtick was a waste of time and the pirate thing should have been done at an interview, not the panel. Her drinking game was funny at Paleyfest but embarrassing this time. I would think the last thing anyone on Outlander would want is bringing Fifty Shades of Grey into the mix.

Edited by peacefrog
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Summer posted a quote of DG, "Why doesn't Claire talk about the future more" and Diana responded "Why should she talk about the future.


Jamie is the only one she has told about her time travel. They have on screen talked about Culloden, airplanes and BJR. 

I too would love to have them occasionally talk about the future. Maybe this will happen.   


But can you imagine how annoying ( and possibility of being overheard) saying where I come from we have running hot water, Frank has a roadster, we have antibiotics etc,,,


Hugs and shivering cuddles too summer.  I have not read the books and have anxiety that my beloved couple will be separated and reunite in old age.  And I am still not sure that given a choice Claire would stay with Jamie. I know that she didn't go through the stones but we don't know her thoughts as she made the decision to stay in 1700s.  Could she have been unsure how it all worked and if she would end up in a worse time period that forced her decision to stay with Jamie?  

Oh my! Now I really know what Droughtlander means.  smiles.......

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I'm in agreement with you peacefrog, IRT the pirate thing. It should have been done elsewhere.  Although I don't dislike DG, I don't think she needed to be on this particular panel since the focus was not really on the book to screen aspect enough to warrant her thoughts.  They should have included some of the French cast instead.   And 1000x yes to the 50 shades lines.  I was cringing for the panel having to read those slips of paper.

Edited by Glaze Crazy
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Agreed with all of you!   I am still mad at Kristin Dos Santos for building up the finale so much "The MOST disturbing scenes on TV EVER, and yes they went THERE!!!!!!!"  By her reaction I could not fathom exactly what they were going to show, I honestly thought it might be....er....ahem...actual bodily fluids, if you get my drift...I know, I know, but the way she carried on.....  And then followed by the last five minutes was the BIG PAYOFF!!!! That lame kiss on the boat??  Yeah, all set with Kristin Dos Santos and her stupid interview schtick.  The whiskey was a cute touch at Paleyfest but jokes over now.  Totally cringed at them reading off the slips of paper, except Sam reading Dougal's "grind your corn" line was pretty funny.  


I think that is one of my issues with DG on these live panels.  She's not funny.  Everyone else is pretty quick on their feet, but she just falls flat when she is trying to be funny.  For a woman who is so talented with the written word she definitely struggles when she is not in front of a computer.   I personally love Ron Moore.  I find him funny, articulate, well spoken and always has a thoughtful answer to even the most frivolous questions.  


I also cringe sometimes audience questions so I stopped the video at that point, was there anything particularly interesting during that part?  If so I will go back and watch.  


Also, slightly off topic, but I have been watching The Crimson Field on PBS.  There is a Scottish actor on there who is just adorable and has a wonderful thick Scottish accent.  I am not loving the entire show but there is a nice little "slow burn" with this actor and the lead actress that is appealing and if you're missing that accent you might want to take a peak.  

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Summer The Crimson Field is great.  I'm glad you are enjoying it (and yes, I'd be verra happy to see that Scottish actor turn up in Outlander.


As for the Comic Con panel -- yes it was a bit lame.  The timing of Comic Con was unfortunate with regard to the filming schedule.  They're not ready to tell us much about the coming season.  There are big secrets about the story structure that they are working hard to keep.  They did not reveal the casting of two major characters from the 2nd book, which leads me to believe that they really haven't been cast yet (remember how late in the game they found Cait) or they just know that there are only so many PR goodies you get to use during the hiatus and they want to save that info.  Either way, we're left with a panel made up of people who have have already been interviewed to death about season 1 and who can't say much about season 2.  So what are we left with?  Drinking games and an over-hyped rivalry between Sam and Colin O'donahue. I like that Kristin Dos Santos is an Outlander booster but yeah, her schtick is getting tired.


As for those "50 Shades" quotes -- we have to blame the fans for those.  Kristen invited the fans, via Twitter, to submit the lines that they thought would crack up the cast.  I applaud the person who thought to send in the line from book 2 about Jamie bursting into a brothel wielding a verra large sausage.  That IS a very funny line from the book.  I'm sure there are more funny lines but we didn't send them in, which led to the "50 Shades" mocking, which was actually in poor taste (knocking another book, show or fandom is never a good idea).


Convention panels are a minefield.  It is very easy for a panelist to say something they regret that then gets blown out of proportion.  Questions from the audience are frequently cringe-worthy.  All things considered I enjoyed the Outlander panel.  It was warm and friendly.  They were happy to be there.  They were happy to be engaging with their fans. The audience questions didn't suck.  It was, overall, a very positive experience for everyone.  It just wasn't anything particularly special.

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The line with

"oxters" --Jamie's shock at seeing Claire had shaved her underarms

would have been a funnier line, since we know that scene will take place in Season two.


And sorry, and mebbe it's my Sam bias, but there is no comparison between Sam and Colin. Of course, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and is subjective. 

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Btw how long before Sam does a whisky commercial in a magazine. ??

That whisky they used in the panel is one of Sam's two favorites.  I know this because he mentioned it on twitter so I bought it to drink during episodes 109 - 116.  I thought it was funny the way Sam set it on the table with the label showing on both the bottle and the tube it comes in.  I'm sure the PR Dept for that company will find a way to make use of that and I'm equally sure the STARZ PR team was thinking -- "Hey, who authorized a product placement during this panel?  Are we getting paid for this?"


If you want to see that Comic Con Brave New Warriors panel that Sam was on without the annoying big head or seeing it thru the filming of a screen, you can find a recording of it on this page:




Okay, I didn't watch it all the way through. They do film a screen. ;-( But, the big head is gone!

Edited by Nidratime
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Good point, Cypfan didn't even think of that. I bet Sony was like "Ooookey, can we please stop promoting Once Upon a Time?"

I've a friend who works for Sony (in script development) she "worked" CC this year and she didn't mentioned any problems with what happened at the panel Sony was very very pleased with it. She has been involved in all things Outlander since they got the pilot script.

Also as of Saturday the official Outlander twitter account and Caitriona Balfe are following Colin and Colin is following both of their twitter account. So seems like no harm done.

Edited by mtsmvfn
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Mary and Blake of the OutlanderCast website did a recent interview with Executive Producer, Ira Steven Behr who, of course, was involved in writing the season finale episodes. I have not listened to the interview, so I don't know if there are any spoilers for the future or how much book talk there is. Just wanted to bring it to your attention and the conversations can be held on another thread, if need be.


Outlander Cast Chats w/ Outlander Executive Producer/Writer Ira Steven Behr - Episode 30



Outlander was included in a recent Mashable article about underdog Emmy nominations they would like to see. 


16 emmy nominations that would prove there is a TV god




(I've had bad luck with posting links lately, so I hope this works... if not I might give up, ha)


Edit: Okay, I don't know what's going on, but the link won't work. Again. Sorry y'all. Either google it or maybe someone else will repost.

Edited by Keeta

So nada, minus acknowledgement for the musical scoring.  


I wish I could say I'm surprised by the complete snub, but I'm not.  Starz doesn't really have much of a track record of being taken seriously and like it or not, there's a popular perception of Outlander being based on a bunch of romance novels.  There's also been a fairly consistent bias against anything with a fantasy/sci-fi element even if Game of Thrones seems to finally be breaking through that.

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I am very disappointed for the Outlander team.  I'm not surprised by their being overlooked in the acting territory for the reasons cited above (bias against anything that smells of romance or fantasy) but I genuinely thought we stood a chance in production design, costumes, and in casting.  But yay for Bear McCreary!  Thank goodness he only got nominated for one show or he'd split the vote.  


So . . . can I just give a "Hell Yeah!" for Tatiana Maslany of "Orphan Black"?  Because she is AMAZING!  Tobias plays two roles in Outlander.  Tatiana plays all of the following:









Tony (a trangender male)


and she makes every one of them distinctive.   Occasionally one clone has to impersonate another of the clones and you can totally tell who is impersonating who. Amazing!  A real tour de force of acting. So since I can't celebrate for Caitriona or Sam or Tobias I'm celebrating Tatiana.  Hooray!

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Yes, Tatiana's nomination is long overdue. She should just get to be the whole category...nominated separately for each of the characters she plays. I think the fact that she's just now getting nominated after three seasons of their show, illustrates how slowly the "awards community" (for lack of a better word) recognizes talent. Sam and Cait are both sooooo new. They're both amazing in my book, but I can see lots of people looking at their name and saying, "Who?" With time, when they prove they're not flash in the pan talent, I'm sure they'll get some recognition. Just keep thinking about all the amazing stuff there is to come for them to work with (

the war, the departure, the reunion...sigh

). They love what they do, we love what they do, Starz seems to love what they do...it's all good.

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Sony Productions and Starz did a very nice job getting Outlander in the news.


 They laid the groundwork for future recognition. I imagine, it assisted the actors and production crew by making their names more recognizable and associated with important companies like Sony and Starz.


My hope is that all this good buzz will garner more viewers so that Season 3 comes to fruition. 


Congratulations to Bear McCreary for his nomination.

Yes WatchrTina I read the Twitter as they debated what to call the off time for season 2.

 It is a clever reference to the French aspect of the new season but I wonder how many new potenetial viewers will catch the reference or even see it as a reference to 2. I did smile the first time I saw the word Droughtlander "verra" clever.


Yikes I just used my first "verra".  big smile...........

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