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S03.E21: Chapter Fifty-Six: The Dark Secret of Harvest House


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So does this mean no murdered twin favorite twin brother of Cheryl?   Because wasn’t most of season one this whole big mystery about who killed Jason?  Apparently no one.

I did kinda like glimpses of Dark Betty.

And yeah after everything mama gonna bring popcorn to watch Hiram go down.  But side not Mark Consuelos looks fine.  

Endgame will take some time for Archie though.

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I haven't seen the entire episode because... sports. But man, the moments I saw were pretty good. Of course, insane. This show is the definition of insane. I thought the Cheryl ILY to Toni was touching and probably the most selfless thing she's ever done in her life. Jason is the GK? A theory is Chic is impersonating Jason. The organ surgery is a level of crazy this show has never seen. More after I watch in full!

Edited by Wilpen
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I know that next season Riverdale is going to forget everything that happened but Betty needs to never speak to Kevin, Fangs, Polly and her mother ever again. If you make it so I lose one of my organs I am never speaking to you again. And Polly gaslighting her sister. Just why. Dont have Betty be apart of your cult because you know she is going to do everything to fuck it up.

I hope we are done with Hiram. He is just to much of a cartoon. 

How is there 20 kids in Riverdale with no parents. Or are they all like Kevin's dad being to busy pretending to be a boxing coach. Kevin is 17 and joined a cult does he not wonder where his son is. 

  • Love 11

It's not Realistic that Betty would forgive her Horrible POS Mother and Sister along with Horrible BF Kevin and Fangs. But she will cause why? Shes a Doormat for people who dont deserve her. Only Jughead Archie and Veronica deserve her. Shit if I was Jug and found out her Mother Sister Fangs and Kevin were a part I'd be raging

  • Love 3

So Archie/Reggie/Veronica triangle, here we come? Still doesn't seem all that suspenseful. She couldn't even bring herself to say it was true, just that it was "what she said." And that whole reunion took place offscreen.

For even a modicum of suspense they ought to at least make it seem like Veronica has genuine feelings for Reggie too.

  • Love 5

OH my GOD, now this is the kind of insanity that Riverdale does so very well.

First, let's go over how this is the least lucrative version of organ harvesting ever, shall we? While black market organs are definitely a tragic and highly organized thing, this is not the way to procure them. You don't harvest any kind of organ without a recipient, cash in hand, ready to go for the surgery, because organ life outside the body is a matter of a few hours, even on dry ice and being handled by people whose medical knowledge doesn't begin and end at binging House on Netflix. Those pickled specimens sure weren't for transplant, and that bleached out heart sitting on ice cubes wasn't going anywhere but back to tenth grade biology lab. I don't know who's paying Edgar for these bits and pieces but they sure aren't for transplants. 

Proof is Evelyn. Why the HELL would she be on immunosuppressive drugs and dialysis at the same damn time? If she's out recruiting teens and their plump, luscious innards wouldn't she, at the very least, demand a working specimen of her own? Preferably one not harvested at the "Sterile Conditions Are For Pussies" excuse for an OR? 

I'm not even going to go into the whole "I'm walking around mere days after being sawed in half" thing with Kevin and Fangs, both of whom were probably so thankful to actually have screen time they bit their lips and powered through their scenes manfully and with grace. 

The best part of this whole brouhaha was Jug and Betty's competition over who's got the weirder story to tell, and you've got to admit it was pretty neck and neck. Any other day "Jason FAKED HIS OWN DEATH" would be the clear winner, but between that and Polly apparently stanning for him and Edgar while being A-okay with telling Betty she's got serial killer genetics (WOW) and everything else...all I've got to say is that if they escape with their lives these two will have enough material to win about six Pulitzers apiece.

Moving on to Jug, Ethel, the Lost Boys and the Black Hood--that was an admirably compact chunk of exposition/lining up pieces, I must admit. Ethel actually managed to get across some of the desperation that makes a person cling to an abusive relationship and Jughead continues to do most of the police work, which apparently didn't include calling the cops and telling them that the burned out school bus that should have been seized as evidence currently contains a pissed off serial killer but we can't have everything. 

I honestly assumed Hiram was planning some elaborate double cross all along with this ludicrous boxing match bullshit, because while he is a gorgeous man and in hella impressive shape, Archie is twenty years younger, in prime physical condition, a foot taller and has the arm reach to end this bout pretty decisively if any real world logic were involved here. But nope, I guess one of Ronnie's schemes had to work out just in terms of numbers, so okay!  (I also appreciate the commitment FP shows in locking up people just as they're brought in--must have been pretty cold in that cell for sweaty Hiram in nothing but his trunks.) (Also that nearly murdering a minor in the ring isn't among the charges.) (Also that Mary is apparently old college roommates with people in every power position in the United States.)

  • Love 8

Every time I think I know what to expect with this show, they suddenly toss in an actual scene where Jughead is getting chased by spear-wielding boy scouts through the forest.  Yep, that happened!  Because it's Riverdale!

So, The Farm and Edgar's true purpose is running a black market for organs that he harvests from his "flock?"  Honestly, that is actually close to being straightforward for this show.  Just a creepy cult leader getting some bucks!  And now Betty's in his clutches.  Obviously, I doubt she'll end up getting lobotomized or anything, but I wonder how this will play out.  And, yes, I really can't see a way for her to ever forgive Alice, Polly, Kevin, and Fangs for their actions, and yet I suspect the show will somehow end up doing it.

Cheryl does her one unselfish act of the season by letting herself get recaptured in order for Toni to escape.  I do hope she gets to unleash some classic Cheryl mean girl antics on The Farm!

I love that Veronica's entire planned pretty much hinged on Hiram agreeing to fight Archie because, of course, he would be the one mobster in the world who decides he has to prove himself by beating up a high schooler.  Got to impress the mob boys, am I right?!  Who knows how much scarier Tony Soprano would have been if he just start punching kids?!

So, Ethel is claiming that freaking Jason Blossom is the Gargoyle King and Jughead doesn't find a body in Jason's grave!  Ha, oh Riverdale!  If it does end up being Jason, I wonder if he'll actually get to speak this time, or just continue to stare silently at everyone.

I can not wait to see how they wrap (or try to) this ball of crazy next week! 

  • Love 6
10 hours ago, jay741982 said:

It's not Realistic that Betty would forgive her Horrible POS Mother and Sister along with Horrible BF Kevin and Fangs. But she will cause why? Shes a Doormat for people who dont deserve her. Only Jughead Archie and Veronica deserve her. Shit if I was Jug and found out her Mother Sister Fangs and Kevin were a part I'd be raging

That and they also need to have people around to make her look morally superior, since she is such an unlikeable and dull character in her own right. I would agree that they deserve her though. 

The show's obsession with her and her boyfriend is so toxic and it just leads to toxicity in fans as well. The amount of times I saw people saying things like Jughead needs to mutilate Kevin and Fangs (who have already been cut open and are brainwashed - and unlike Betty, have not had their crimes passed off as sexy, fun mental illness) makes my skin crawl. 

  • Love 2

Well this is the best episode since probably, idk 15? Not just cause the fun boxing stuff but we finally went past the point of “The Farm is crazy!” “ The Gargoyle King is elusive and dangerous!!!” 

 Look, I actually don’t mind the two plots, but they are MAIN SEASON ARCS! Now they’re going on simultaneously and it is completely stupid because along with other plots the show is just burning through its completely derailing what could be two interesting stories. 

  CMM could’ve carried this Farm plot all season and we literally started it in Ep 17. Did they seriously not think of more than 5 episodes worth of plot for story they’ve been dropping hints to since I think s1? 

The Gargoyle King stuff isn’t that bad but again it’s being done so... lazily? The biggest excuse I’m seeeing for it online is “well they have deal with 22 episodes” So? The Vampire Diaries perfected 3 22 episode seasons and shows like even Arrow have been to nail the full season orders and you’re telling me Riverdale can’t push past 9 episodes so they to take a literal plot break for several episodes before they can finish it? 

  Those are really my only complaints this week, besides Ethel, I could care less about Ethel. I enjoyed seeing the Black Hood but again I feel like there’s just too much context missing for him to be instantly controlled or out of control already. I don’t mind the Farm being an Organ stealing thing but again, feels SO RUSHED. I honestly loved Archie vs Hiram yeah it’s a bunch of macho crap but I don’t care, it’s fun, it’s Character driven, and is the least cringy thing Riverdale has been doing, besides Ronnie singing during it. 

   Oh, so Reggie and Ronnie are together but, when has Veronica ever looked at Reggie beyond a side piece? 

 I wish cared enough about Kevin, Fangs, Or even Cheryl and Toni at this point to care about them running from the Farm. 

The Jason Blossom reveal HAS to be a fake out, we watched him die and SEEN HIS BODY IN THE PILOT, WASHED UP ON THE RIVERS EDGE. If it’s Chic pretending to be Jason I would rather have it be Jason resurrected. Chic sucked, the storyline sucked, the acting sucked, the scenery choice for him sucked everything about Chic sucked he better not be this big reveal. 

   The promo makes the finale look great, the core four vs The Gargoyle King, and Archie fighting some of Game Of Thrones looming thing THATS SWINGING HIM OFF THE GROUND!? THATS WHAT I WANT RIVERDALE GIVE IT ALL TO ME. 

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Pete Martell said:

That and they also need to have people around to make her look morally superior, since she is such an unlikeable and dull character in her own right. I would agree that they deserve her though. 

The show's obsession with her and her boyfriend is so toxic and it just leads to toxicity in fans as well. The amount of times I saw people saying things like Jughead needs to mutilate Kevin and Fangs (who have already been cut open and are brainwashed - and unlike Betty, have not had their crimes passed off as sexy, fun mental illness) makes my skin crawl. 

I like Betty. And her Mom Sister Kevin have been Shitty to her from almost the start of the series. I'm tired of people who bash Betty and act like Her POS Mom is better than her as well as Kevin is better. And dont generalize Bughead fans as a whole EVERY couplw Fandom has toxic fans. Like Choni for instance the portion of thier Fandom that's toxic bitches where they only have a minute of screentime when it's the same for Bughead in some of these episodes and they act like Bughead gets the whole episode when they dont. Betty's mom has done more horrible things but has the gall to say Betty's untrustworthy. Bitch has no room to talk and I'm also tired people acting like Cheryl is some Angel when she isnt 

Edited by jay741982
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I am confused if people like Betty or not because she is probably my favorite character on the show.  I actually hate Jughead but I get that this is a teenager melodrama so whatever.   The show teases me with Dark Betty but it would never actually go that far which I think is a huge mistake but Again teenage melodrama....oh well.

I am done with Veronica.   I know a lot of people are tired of Cheryl but she still amuses me.  Veronica on the other hand either annoys me or bores me.

  • Love 1
24 minutes ago, Chaos Theory said:

Veronica on the other hand either annoys me or bores me.

Can’t stand her. She sets Archie back mentally, as well. He loses all his progression and good qualities when he’s around her or her psychotic, child abusing father. It’s a shame the character can’t even get one whole season away from her. 

  • Love 3

Veronica basically chose Reggie knowing something was heating up with Archie. Then her response when Archie confronted her of course made it seem like if Archie would have arrived first, they would have gotten back together. That was cold on Vs part. 

Mary saying the word Endgame  was cringe-worthy. 

I want to like Archie/Veronica mainly because I'm not interested in any Archie/Betty/Jughead triangle. That said, Archie/Veronica, unless they fix their issues, really are toxic and not good for each other. Is all hope lost? No. But they need to fix stuff instead of immediately hitting the sheets or else they will break up once again.

Archie is way better off single right now. Or he should go follow Josie who really was the best girlfriend/romantic relationship he's ever had.

Edited by Wilpen
  • Love 3

Mary saying the word Endgame  was cringe-worthy.

Ugh, yes. I'm sooooo sick of that crap; this show doesn't understand how to fan-pander. Back in the day when Television Without Pity was running, their reviewer for Supernatural used the personality of a dragon named Raoul to review episodes, it was funny and witty. So when the writers made the brothers go to a bar during one show, they named it The Green Dragon. Just a little joke, you had to watch to see it, one and done.

Riverdale has used the word endgame three times in the last five episodes! Reggie said it to Ronnie, Josie to Archie and now Mary to Archie, and each time it's like the writers are physically jumping onscreen waving their phones and yelling WE LISTEN TO THE FANS! 

Meanwhile, they never dig into anything really juicy that they've actually laid groundwork for, such as what is Polly's deal????

Polly was the first citizen of Riverdale to go to The Farm, and that was way way back in Season One, after the whole mystery of Who Killed Jason Blossom? was (apparently) solved. She fled her own house and the Blossom Manse to go there after escaping TSOQM's clutches, and nobody blamed her, but what were she and Jason planning to do? What are they planning now? Is it really Jason or Chic pretending to be him? Is Edgar in on all of this or does he just think he is?

Because either way she's actively recruited her mother, is trying to convince Betty she's got serial killer genes that apparently she didn't inherit from her parents* and should totally embrace the murdery side of herself, and HELPED ARRANGE HER SERIAL KILLER FATHER'S ESCAPE in order to--service what end, exactly? 

But the show hasn't breathed ONE WORD about any of this! They actually have backstory to support it and Polly The Silent being the end boss would be brilliant in that twisted, insane Riverdale way. So dollars to doughnuts nobody involved will say a thing. 

Not only are the idea of "psychopath" or "killer" genes junk science that have been thoroughly debunked, YOU CAN'T HAVE GENES YOU DIDN'T INHERIT FROM A PARENT. 

You can have RECESSIVE genes that don't manifest as physical traits unless there's another recessive gene in the allele, but once again, Riverdale flunks sixth grade science. Gregor Mendel is rolling over in his grave right now.

Edited by Snookums
  • Love 11
31 minutes ago, Snookums said:

Not only are the idea of "psychopath" or "killer" genes junk science that have been thoroughly debunked, YOU CAN'T HAVE GENES YOU DIDN'T INHERIT FROM A PARENT. 

It’s funny to me that of all the nonsense that has gone on in Riverdale, this was the thing that crossed the line for me. Serial killer dads, drug pushing nuns, grizzly bear fights, G&G...sure, whatever, it’s a TV show. But serial killer genes? Now we’ve jumped the shark! 

  • LOL 6
1 hour ago, Snookums said:

Right up there with "while you were in the hospital for a concussion we ran tons of genetic tests on the entire family just for funsies! The doctors were super understanding about the cost and it took fifteen minutes!"

And she was 8 years old!  That took me right out of the story.  You ran genetic testing on an 8 year old, determined they had the "serial killer gene" and then let that child run around playing with the neighbor boy and sending her to public school?  Really?

Of course, when it was revealed that Big Sis was pretending to be dark Betty in the "hallucination sequence", it occurred to me that Big Sis is simply trying to get back at Betty for pushing her down the stairs.  That's some next level sibling anger.  My siblings & I were never that angry, and one threw a tricycle at me.

  • LOL 1
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7 minutes ago, MollyWebber said:

I'm not sure what she has done as "Dark Betty" that was horrible aside from the Chuck incident in one of the first episodes of the first season, which I think we all can agree was criminal and handled terribly by the writers? I didn't see anyone excusing it as sexy fun times, not even the characters. Since then almost every one of the younger main and mainish characters except Josie has done something criminal and/or terrible and/or shitty. Multiple times! 

I felt it was treated as no big deal by the show and by many fans, but we can agree to disagree. 

(I also thought the horrible Chick story in season 2 got the same type of treatment where very disturbing writing for the characters involved was passed off as no big deal). 

The whole idea of how horrible Kevin is and how Betty should have just left him is what I mean about how other characters are degraded to push her narrative. It's similar to last year where his cruising story was not about him, but instead about how dare he be so mean to his caring, supportive friend Betty. Now he's in a cult, brainwashed, isolated, being cut open...and somehow, once again it's about how mean he is to his caring, supportive friend Betty. 

I know the show is mostly about Betty and Jughead (and I guess Archie and Veronica), but if they had any real faith in Betty, they would allow her to exist as a character in her own right, without these games.  

  • Love 1

I guess somebody must have given them immunity, but Veronica and Archie seemed pretty eager to implicate themselves and their friends in crimes in order to expose Hiram. Also, does this mean there's no more boxing gym and no more Pop's and no more Bon Nuit?

On 5/8/2019 at 9:06 PM, Chaos Theory said:

So does this mean no murdered twin favorite twin brother of Cheryl?   Because wasn’t most of season one this whole big mystery about who killed Jason?  Apparently no one.

This reminds me: there was an aggravating detail earlier this season where it turned out Betty kept a copy of the video of Jason getting murdered. Everyone seemed really sure from watching that video that he was dead, so I assumed it showed his father shooting him in the face or something. Also, wasn't FP involved in that somehow? I forget how. But it seems really bizarre if he's alive somehow.

9 hours ago, Snookums said:

Riverdale has used the word endgame three times in the last five episodes! Reggie said it to Ronnie, Josie to Archie and now Mary to Archie, and each time it's like the writers are physically jumping onscreen waving their phones and yelling WE LISTEN TO THE FANS!

In fairness, in one of the very first episodes -- maybe the first episode -- Kevin told his "best friend" Betty that she and Archie were endgame. I remember because it was the first time I'd heard someone use that expression and I thought it was weird. So, this is an expression that the writers use, though I agree that they're using it too often.

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, MollyWebber said:

I don't think they're going to keep her away from Archie.

Which is ridiculous because this show likes to beat down the fact that “we’re not following the comics!” So why exactly does Archie have to be paired with Veronica every damn second? At least give me a complete season, man. And on top of that, at least give me a reason why Archie would like her that isn’t “she’s hot and I want to screw her.” There has not been any evidence in my mind that explains why Archie likes or respects this chick.

Edited by HeatLifer
I can’t spell.
  • Love 6
On 5/9/2019 at 1:04 PM, Snookums said:

Not only are the idea of "psychopath" or "killer" genes junk science that have been thoroughly debunked, YOU CAN'T HAVE GENES YOU DIDN'T INHERIT FROM A PARENT. 

You can have RECESSIVE genes that don't manifest as physical traits unless there's another recessive gene in the allele, but once again, Riverdale flunks sixth grade science. Gregor Mendel is rolling over in his grave right now.

Well there are de novo mutations that can cause disease - genetic mutations in a person that neither parent has - but I agree that this whole concept that Betty is the only one in the family with 'serial killer genes' is ridiculous.

On 5/9/2019 at 6:21 PM, MollyWebber said:

They made all that up, Betty pushing Polly down the stairs and drowning Caramel, as part of the brainwashing. At least that was my take of it when they did the Polly reveal. I'm curious as to whether Polly is truly evil or if she's just brainwashed.

I've been wondering this for a long time. From her first scene she seemed a bit nuts, but in a way that makes it easy to believe she was taken in by a cult AND easy to believe that she is just plain psychopathic.

I wondered from that first 'Dark Betty' scene if it was really Polly, and was pleased they revealed this in this episode. Of course, I also predicted the organ harvesting as soon as Fangs was going on about his 'procedure' - the plot line seemed as predictable as it was ridiculous!

22 hours ago, SourK said:

This reminds me: there was an aggravating detail earlier this season where it turned out Betty kept a copy of the video of Jason getting murdered. Everyone seemed really sure from watching that video that he was dead, so I assumed it showed his father shooting him in the face or something. Also, wasn't FP involved in that somehow? I forget how. But it seems really bizarre if he's alive somehow.

IIRC, FP was involved in disposing Jason's body. I will be quite annoyed if Jason is still alive.

  • Love 2
On 5/9/2019 at 7:35 PM, SourK said:

In fairness, in one of the very first episodes -- maybe the first episode -- Kevin told his "best friend" Betty that she and Archie were endgame. I remember because it was the first time I'd heard someone use that expression and I thought it was weird. So, this is an expression that the writers use, though I agree that they're using it too often.

I've seen show writers do this before.  On Big Bang Theory Sheldon would say "jibberjabber", then other characters started saying it.  It's a word I rarely ever hear people use, but on the show it became this common expression.

Its really saying something when after you find out the creepy cult is actually harvesting organs, you can say "well, that actually makes some sense."! By Riverdale standards, thats just a typical Tuesday! I am glad that we seem to be getting closer and closer to some kind of conclusion with the Gargoyle King...maybe. Jason Blossom? Really? I dont know if I quite buy that, I mean, wasnt his death the inciting incident of the whole freaking show? 

I love that Veronica's whole plan hinged on how her father the mob boss couldn't resist the urge to publicly beat up a teenager. Hiram really needs to look at his life and think about a few things. 

Because Riverdale, we also have Lord of the Flies style boy scouts attacking Jughead with spears. Because I assume that spear building is a standard part of the curriculum at Riverdale Elementary. 

Maybe Sheriff Keller should check on his son, who is thoroughly brainwashed by this creepy cult? Just a quick call or text? 

  • Love 4

Archie is way better off single right now.

Archie and Hiram just need to screw each other already, for Christ's sake.  Their 'will-they-won't-they' relationship is beyond fucking ridiculous at this point.


All started with such promise and quickly went to a hot mess.

I beg to differ:  "Hot Mess" is this show's default, and I fucking love it.  I can't wait for the next season, even though this one hasn't even ended yet.

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