CooperTV May 1, 2019 Share May 1, 2019 Quote The team on the ground flights to survive the threat they face on the new planet. Meanwhile, Raven must join forces with an unlikely ally to save everyone on board the Mothership. 5/7/2019 Link to comment
ottoDbusdriver May 1, 2019 Share May 1, 2019 I'm pretty sure that is supposed to be 'fights', not 'flights' in the episode description. I didn't see any planes in the air in the preview. :) Link to comment
Lady Calypso May 8, 2019 Share May 8, 2019 Um, so MVP goes to Diyoza for being a smart badass leader. I like how she figured out how to subdue the Sanctum people and kept one alive for leverage. That's how you get shit done. Also MVP? Murphy, for somehow avoiding the psychosis (maybe because he can be psychotic as well? Or he just embraces it? Or some other reason why it didn't affect him?), helping Clarke snap out of her psychosis and kind of being a voice of reason. I like his animosity with Clarke. Their scene in the classroom was surprisingly well done, even if I don't totally agree with Murphy's anger. I do get it, though. Murphy was shot multiple times and then stabbed at least three times by Emori. He's not having a great 125 years...or, for him, he's not having a great week, as that's probably about the time that he feels has passed. Either way, I am now worried about him. Will he take over Raven's record for being tortured and injured the most? Probably not, but he is rising in those ranks. Speaking of Raven, she finds out about Shaw's death. I can't imagine her reaction is going to be least it shouldn't be. Everyone she's interested in dies. Although his death was nobody's fault, I wouldn't blame her if she snapped anyway. Raven's lost a lot. It's probably about time she does something differently. So, Bellamy turns into a psychotic angry person determined to kill anyone in his way. Miller and Jackson hallucinate bugs. Emori tries to kill Murphy. Echo is smart enough to tranq herself before she can turn into a potential psychotic murderer as well. Clarke tries to kill herself because of all the self-loathing she has. And the sane one who tries to save people. Sounds about right. Octavia is still the worst. Unfortunately, I don't know what they could do to redeem her, especially with her trashing Monty like that, who saved her and her people twice last season. The one thing that bugged was how they showed the psychosis. I hated the camera work they chose. 2 Link to comment
UNOSEZ May 8, 2019 Share May 8, 2019 Man somebody throw Abby out the airlock please... " the difference between you and me is I feel bad about it? " seriously!!?? Not that ur an actual adult and for all intents and purposes octavia is the girl who lived in the floor just a few years ago.. Abby the Junkie who was just as guilty but turned tail and ran with her traitor boyfriend as soon as she could sits and smugly looks on as some ppl after getting worked finally get the upper hand on Octavia and beat her down... And then orders ppl to let her live with herself... Like she did when she was high all the time... Lord show... Plz don't push Abby fwd into leadership.. She was a shit leader on the ark but wasn't blamed because ppl had Jaha and Kane to hate... Diyoza was definitely the MVP... Madi came thru and helped out.. But I didn't love the attitude.. I don't want the show to turn her into someone I won't like.. And I don't always trust this show to do the right thing 5 Link to comment
quarks May 8, 2019 Share May 8, 2019 Repeating what I said last episode: Octavia. You are on a brand new world. Stop worrying about who betrayed who and start focusing on wondering why the plant life on this new moon looks so suspiciously like the plant life near Vancouver, allowing your tracking skills to be immediately useful. On the bright side, at least OneKru Plus Diyoza, Madi and New Dude had the sense to leave people in the dropship this time, presumably at least slightly reducing the chance of hijacking. 2 Link to comment
tennisgurl May 8, 2019 Share May 8, 2019 Yeah, you know things are bad when Murphy has to be the voice of reason. His stuff with Clark, especially when he talked her out of killing herself, were all really good, as well as him and Clark taking down out of his mind crazy Bellamy. He definitely had the best episode this week. So did Murphy not get affected because he is already pretty unstable, or is it because of whatever those veins were on him? So whats this place deal, and how soon will it screw everyone over, or will they screw up? Clark messes up pretty frequently and has done a lot of fucked up stuff, but at least she usually is trying to help people, and tries to take responsibility for her screw ups, and thats more than a lot of people certainly. Diyoza was grade A badass. 6 Link to comment
AudienceofOne May 8, 2019 Share May 8, 2019 (edited) Oh God, now we have obnoxious characters in two timezones to be annoyed by. Somebody tell me to stop watching. Just... ban me from watching this show. It is plumbing new levels of bad. Seriously, though, the main thing wrong with this season so far is that characterisation is non-existent. People aren't characters, they're just who they're mad at this week. This is reflected in the dialogue, which is just awful. I have no idea why they thought we'd want to watch two hours of juvenile idiots sniping at each other. It reminds me of the first season episode of this show where they used a similar conceit, except in that case what Bellamy and Clarke were hallucinating told us something about who they were. This didn't. So, yeah, I want to quit this show. I really do. I think I need help. Edited May 8, 2019 by AudienceofOne Link to comment
AudienceofOne May 8, 2019 Share May 8, 2019 3 hours ago, tennisgurl said: Clark messes up pretty frequently and has done a lot of fucked up stuff, but at least she usually is trying to help people, and tries to take responsibility for her screw ups, and thats more than a lot of people certainly. The whole "when Clarke's in charge, people die" thing just steams me in a way I don't have enough words to deal with. I don't want to take away from the valid points people have made about the Great White Saviour stuff or about Clarke's ethnocentrism, but mostly I find the criticism of Clarke the most unfounded out of anybody. 1 Link to comment
UNOSEZ May 8, 2019 Share May 8, 2019 2 hours ago, AudienceofOne said: The whole "when Clarke's in charge, people die" thing just steams me in a way I don't have enough words to deal with. I don't want to take away from the valid points people have made about the Great White Saviour stuff or about Clarke's ethnocentrism, but mostly I find the criticism of Clarke the most unfounded out of anybody. The Great white savior part has never been an issue for me with Clarke and if you've ever seen me post the idea itself boils my blood... It did bother me with Lexa/Madi/ that other character played by Nadia Hilker... They almost got deified and all seemed to have some black woman by their side as their number one... That is problematic for me... Octavia was a bit diff to me as she just clawed her way for respect and then killed a bunch of ppl and got put in charge... Even the small time Madi had this week had her being followed around by Tati Gabrielle's character like a handmaiden and a little princess... But for Clarke I never felt that... I do however feel that because she's the star we seem to see more personal things about her and most of these horrible decisions that she has to make have a more personal flavor to them.. So they seem more selfish than the others... I wager that if some cold number cruncher went over everything her actions would be up there with other characters who made seemingly selfish or more self-serving than not decisions but not by such a wide margin that others could complain as much as they have... But she has made mistakes and I feel most of last season was just her doing things she felt she needed to do for Madi .. Whether anyone including Madi wanted it Link to comment
thuganomics85 May 8, 2019 Share May 8, 2019 Credit to everyone who noticed that Sean Maguire's photo was in the premiere! Cool seeing him here, even if I wasn't feeling the attempt at an American accent (granted, I kind of say that for a lot of British and Australian actors whenever they have to do one. Just let them be who they are, television!) And I'm guessing they didn't bother to just get him for that one scene, so I wonder if we'll be seeing more flashbacks or if he'll somehow still be alive. Should have known that freaking Murphy would end up overcoming the toxin and being the sane one of the group. Of course, he still gets his ass kicked (again) and now seems to infected by something? Murphy has the worst luck ever, it seems. Also not surprising? That an Infected Clarke would go after herself instead of the others. I swear, she and Oliver on Arrow would get along so well considering how they always blame themselves for every bad thing ever. Because, again, Clarke is far from a saint, but everyone here has done something extremely awful, and the piling on is just getting out of hand. Especially compared to Octavia, who really seems to think her shit doesn't stink, and not only act like everyone should bow down and worship her, but even shits on Monty for... reasons? And then when everyone hauls off and beats her ass, she gets all "Just finish me, please!", which leads to Abbie all "Nope, you ain't taking the easy way out of here, Blood Rayna." Who knew being a psychotic tyrant and continuing to act high and mighty about it would end up making everyone hate you even more?! Meanwhile, Raven at least acts smart and frees Diyoza after their ship is taken over, who frees Madi, and then gets shit done. Yeah, Diyoza is clearly the most reliable character here. 4 Link to comment
Lady Calypso May 8, 2019 Share May 8, 2019 4 hours ago, thuganomics85 said: Should have known that freaking Murphy would end up overcoming the toxin and being the sane one of the group. Of course, he still gets his ass kicked (again) and now seems to infected by something? Murphy has the worst luck ever, it seems. He has the worst luck out of everyone in terms of how much damage is inflicted on him in a short amount of time. Shot a bunch of times in the Valley, then (after 125 years of cryo), stabbed a bunch of times by his girlfriend and then an attempted drowning by his psychotic friend, AND also now infected with something and near death. What's next? Someone attempts to set him on fire next episode? 4 hours ago, thuganomics85 said: Especially compared to Octavia, who really seems to think her shit doesn't stink, and not only act like everyone should bow down and worship her, but even shits on Monty for... reasons? And then when everyone hauls off and beats her ass, she gets all "Just finish me, please!", which leads to Abbie all "Nope, you ain't taking the easy way out of here, Blood Rayna." Who knew being a psychotic tyrant and continuing to act high and mighty about it would end up making everyone hate you even more?! Yeah, I can't say I feel for Octavia right now. Sure, she's self destructing and trying to attempt suicide, but she's causing others to finish the job for her. I don't like Abby, as she's a huge hypocrite and has a role in the Bunker Games and the cannibalism that took place last season, but damn if I was happy that she stopped Octavia from taking the easy way out. If she wants to redeem herself, she needs to feel everything that she's done. Link to comment
Taryn74 May 8, 2019 Share May 8, 2019 1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said: If [Octavia] wants to redeem herself, she needs to feel everything that she's done. See, and I feel just the opposite. It wasn't Abby Holier-Than-Thou Griffin who could rattle off the top of her head the numbers of remaining survivors in the Bunker as well as the number of those slain in the Valley, it was Octavia. It was Octavia who said "All of me for all of us" like a heartfelt prayer every time she ate, long after the Dark Year was over, in honor and remembrance of the sacrifices made. Octavia feels the weight of every decision she's ever made as Blodreina, she always has. It's Abby and Kane (Abby more so than Kane, but his actions in the latter part of S5 were damn near unforgivable to me) who need to step up and own what they've done. Just my opinion, as always. 😉 6 Link to comment
Lady Calypso May 8, 2019 Share May 8, 2019 19 minutes ago, Taryn74 said: See, and I feel just the opposite. It wasn't Abby Holier-Than-Thou Griffin who could rattle off the top of her head the numbers of remaining survivors in the Bunker as well as the number of those slain in the Valley, it was Octavia. It was Octavia who said "All of me for all of us" like a heartfelt prayer every time she ate, long after the Dark Year was over, in honor and remembrance of the sacrifices made. Octavia feels the weight of every decision she's ever made as Blodreina, she always has. It's Abby and Kane (Abby more so than Kane, but his actions in the latter part of S5 were damn near unforgivable to me) who need to step up and own what they've done. Just my opinion, as always. 😉 Oh, do not get me wrong, nothing would make me happier than Abby dying this season. She's been awful this entire time and only recent self-reflection has gotten me to realize that I've ALWAYS disliked Abby. But Octavia's whole "Monty was a coward" really pissed me off. Monty's the only one to try to help Octavia out, not even just last season. Monty/Octavia always had a small friendship with each other, even way back in season 1. I know Octavia's motives so far this season have been to try to sacrifice herself in some warped version of a suicide mission (or maybe she doesn't really want to DIE, but just be punished) but she has a lot of atoning for herself. She went on a serious power trip which caused a lot of pain. But that's why I'm ok with a redemption arc. Octavia, for all that she's done, can be redeemed. I mean, I'm not entirely interested in a redemption arc for Octavia but objectively, she can come back from her actions. She just needs to start actively acknowledging that she was wrong and she went on a major power trip. It's too late for Abby, on the other hand, as she's doing the exact same stuff she did before the series started. Kane made a lot of mistakes, but at least he's tried to become a better person. I'd gladly sacrifice Abby to save Kane. 3 Link to comment
Sakura12 May 8, 2019 Share May 8, 2019 I said it last season too, in the beginning I understood why Octavia did what she did in the bunker. It's when she let the power get to her head, that it became a problem for me. She became a dictator that reveled in her power. She changed rules when she wanted too and destroyed a food source because she wanted to stay in power. That's what she needs to acknowledge and own up too. Not the killing and eating people part. I think Abby being the worst, is the one thing most of us agree on. Lol 4 Link to comment
UNOSEZ May 8, 2019 Share May 8, 2019 13 minutes ago, Sakura12 said: I think Abby being the worst, is the one thing most of us agree on. Lol Amen Link to comment
Taryn74 May 8, 2019 Share May 8, 2019 (edited) 25 minutes ago, Sakura12 said: I think Abby being the worst, is the one thing most of us agree on. Lol Ha ha, agreed. I've always hated her, beginning with realizing she let her daughter blame/hate her best friend for her father's death, when it was Abby who turned him in. I just......gah. Hate. 36 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said: But Octavia's whole "Monty was a coward" really pissed me off. Oh yeah, that did upset me quite a bit, and Jordan's quiet anger in response was spot-on. I've only watched the episode once but I'm thinking we'll find out over the next episode or so that the eclipse was affecting those on the ship, too, not just the ones on the ground, because everyone seemed just slightly 'off' to me. Well, the ones who were woke up in the middle of the eclipse anyway. Kind of like themselves, but almost hypersensitive versions of themselves if that makes any sense. So while I don't like Octavia accusing Monty of being a coward, not at all, I almost don't think that was really "her" saying that. We'll see. Edit - reading Toni's recap right now, and this says it all. LOL. Go die in a hole, Abby. Edited May 8, 2019 by Taryn74 1 Link to comment
KittenPokerCheater May 8, 2019 Share May 8, 2019 I haven’t seen this episode yet and and after reading everyone’s comments, I already am sick of Abby. Also, do not disparage Monty on my watch, Octavia. Of all the characters on the show, he seems to be the only one who was genuinely good. I hope the show kills the character of Octavia too. Link to comment
UNOSEZ May 8, 2019 Share May 8, 2019 1 hour ago, KittenPokerCheater said: I haven’t seen this episode yet and and after reading everyone’s comments, I already am sick of Abby. Also, do not disparage Monty on my watch, Octavia. Of all the characters on the show, he seems to be the only one who was genuinely good. I hope the show kills the character of Octavia too. Month was great.. And definitely wasn't a coward... He also wasn't perfect he was a bit of a waffle and the whole I'm tired of doing the wrong thing led to some inaction last season... And inaction is a decision as well... Again Octavia calling him a coward was way outta bounds... But he wasn't blameless... But unlike so many other characters across all TV shows.. He took out a family member for the greater good... So many times ppl on shows allow scores of nameless redshirts to die because they have to save some person close to them instead of sacrificing them or taking them out for the greater good... Month will always have my respect for sniffing out his own Mom 1 Link to comment
Subrookie May 8, 2019 Share May 8, 2019 I just can't figure out how people living on this moon for something like 10 generations can steal a spaceship, presumably the first one they've seen in 240+ years and take over another ship before even knowing why they are there. What if it was a long lost supply ship full of papayas, apples or oranges from earth? Did not understand all that. 3 Link to comment
mxc90 May 9, 2019 Share May 9, 2019 (edited) Any chance the two 236 year old motorcycles will be found and ready to ride after wiping off the dust? Octavia went from lunatic sparring partner, to raging asshole to the others, to beating recipient, to ready to forgive sins, to stowaway, then to master asshole tracker. The children's book of doom should have been dedicated to Octavia! 1 hour ago, Subrookie said: I just can't figure out how people living on this moon for something like 10 generations can steal a spaceship, presumably the first one they've seen in 240+ years and take over another ship before even knowing why they are there. (Just a guess) If the children didn't come from that moon, there's another ship around that brought them there. Maybe the 4 had experience flying. Edited May 9, 2019 by mxc90 1 Link to comment
tennisgurl May 9, 2019 Share May 9, 2019 15 hours ago, thuganomics85 said: I swear, she and Oliver on Arrow would get along so well considering how they always blame themselves for every bad thing ever Oh God, if the two of them ever ended up in a room together, they would spend so much time feeding off each others undeserved self hatred that they would end up blaming themselves for everything from the spread of the plague to the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand to the cancellation of Firefly. 4 2 Link to comment
SourK May 9, 2019 Share May 9, 2019 I was not a fan of this. I got briefly interested when Clarke, Bellamy, and Murphy chained themselves up in the same room and traded keys, because I thought we were being set up for a thing where, once the madness set in, they'd try to manipulate each other into unlocking them and it would be interesting... but then they unlocked themselves within 10 seconds and went running off. Echo was maybe not the MVP, but she was a VP in my books for actually following the plan. (Though, I allow, no one expected the eclipse to make someone try to kill themselves by bashing their head against the wall. That part didn't seem to be in the book.) Link to comment
hertolo May 9, 2019 Share May 9, 2019 This show delivers something completely different from what I want. I know it‘s a rule of TV that any show needs to be about its characters and their interactions, but that doesn‘t mean the setting should just be window dressing. Take your time, explore, communicate and so on, but of course such a set-up fits better within a book. Instead we get mindless „action“, constant blamings and other drama. I‘m not out, but I‘m going to fast forward a lot I guess. (this is by the way not a critique of the show on itself, just a statement that this just isn‘t for me). Link to comment
Ziggy May 9, 2019 Share May 9, 2019 18 hours ago, Subrookie said: I just can't figure out how people living on this moon for something like 10 generations can steal a spaceship, presumably the first one they've seen in 240+ years and take over another ship before even knowing why they are there. What if it was a long lost supply ship full of papayas, apples or oranges from earth? Did not understand all that. Thank you! Could they not have at least radioed the mother ship (after the left the atmosphere) and asked them what was going on or introduced themselves or something? Must characters always capture/kill first and talk later? 1 Link to comment
roctavia May 10, 2019 Share May 10, 2019 9 hours ago, Ziggy said: Thank you! Could they not have at least radioed the mother ship (after the left the atmosphere) and asked them what was going on or introduced themselves or something? Must characters always capture/kill first and talk later? This is the thing that bothers me so much about this show. Everyone everywhere jumps straight to attack, violence shoot first!!! Instead of just talking. This was the same problem last season- yes it was a ship full of prisoner so be wary, but both sides were dumb because they were the only people left on earth and more diversity in skills and genetics is how you get a successful new world. What the hell was dioza going to do with a bunch of violent criminals anyway? (not that they necessarily were all violent, but it seemed that way) So this season we start off in a brand new place, fresh start, yay! And the people from this new planet start off attacking, and then wonder why 3 of the 4 of them are now dead. Talk to the ship, find out what's going on, who they are, why they are here.... how did they get there after 200 years etc. Why jump to "take the bridge, lock people up" We somehow know how this ship works 200 years later when none of our original crew still exist. I mean, their other ship could still exist and be functional to a degree, but then why are they still on the planet if they have a ship? It just seems to stupid to me that everyone starts off killing people instead of just talking to them/trying to work together. 1 6 Link to comment
Taryn74 May 10, 2019 Share May 10, 2019 56 minutes ago, roctavia said: What the hell was dioza going to do with a bunch of violent criminals anyway? (not that they necessarily were all violent, but it seemed that way) Actually, they were. She "joked" with Shaw in Eden that he could take the non-violent offenders -- "both of them" -- with him to scout things out. 2 Link to comment
Paloma May 11, 2019 Share May 11, 2019 On 5/9/2019 at 10:57 PM, roctavia said: It just seems to stupid to me that everyone starts off killing people instead of just talking to them/trying to work together. It is stupid, but probably realistic given the tendency of many humans to be suspicious of and aggressive toward those who are unknown or different. Link to comment
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