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S33.E13: Final Destination

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Almost an hour after the episode airs . . . no comments? Dang. My excuse is that The Amazing Race takes a far greater priority.

Good news: Turbo continues his Rookie of the Year campaign by clinching a berth in the final mission. Bad news: So does Cara Maria. And Paulie joins those two in the Tribunal. And before that, a banged-up Kyle got knocked out of the game by Theo, which means nonstop screwing from Cara Maria and Paulie away from the cameras.

Holy crap, Crash Landing was a helluva mission. Make the players solve a puzzle while enduring a simulated plane crash. Throw in Teege in the co-pilot seat grinning like an asshole, and this was one to remember. Dee manages to overcome her fears to complete the mission . . . but she gets targeted by a vengeful Turbo, and sent to the Killing Floor to face Da'vonne. That also stinks, since Da'vonne has given stellar commentary. Even when it's merely making the timeout gesture and merely saying "no" at the thought of riding Challenge Airways, she's still funny.

Looks like we're wrapping up. No never-ending season this time. Sadly, a lot could still go wrong. Cara Maria or Paulie could get the $750K. Who would want that?

Edited by Lantern7
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In almost any other season I would be happy to see Cara secure a spot in a final. But since she got with Paulie the rage hole I just cannot with her. 

And speaking of people I've lost all respect for, Ninja, peddle that "miscommunication" story elsewhere.  You were an asshole,  plain and simple.  No miscommunication. 

I hate losing Kyle. And I hope we don't lose Davonne. Whoever said last week that having a sense of humor about yourself goes a long way toward likeability in this game was absolutely right. Paulie, Cara, Hunter, and Ninja are just so humorless.

Edited by angelamh66
Missed a word
  • Love 16

Can someone please refresh my memory on why exactly Cara and Paulie hate Kyle? I only remember that she hooked up with him on his first season. They were never exclusive. He said something negative about her body. The following season he hooked up with several other girls.  Again not her boyfriend. They flirted.  He wasn’t interested.  She hooked up with the douche bag knowing he had a girlfriend. Now they hate him.  Also during Paulie’s cheat scandal, he said this season really illustrated how compatible they are and fell in love. All I have seen is Cara constantly having Kyle on the brain and MTV forcing her obnoxious relationship down our throats.  That being said, I was sad to see Kyle go. He was entertaining. Maybe now they can show less of the obnoxious relationship. 

Ugh another cliffhanger elimination. 

  • Love 7
8 hours ago, angelamh66 said:

Ninja, peddle that "miscommunication" story elsewhere.  You were an asshole,  plain and simple.  No miscommunication.

Right? That's some revisionist bull right there. Also, Ninja and Dee with their "we were his best friends from the beginning, how could he do this to us?" If he was your friend, maybe don't gang up and scream at him? That said, I wish someone would explain the no-forgiveness culture that Turbo comes from, because that is absolutely foreign to me. Then again, would I be so uncomfortable about Turbo refusing to forgive the girls if they were guys instead? I don't think I would. Hm.

I like Theo, but I was rooting for Kyle to win that elimination. I do not like Dee, and I love Da'Vonne, so I hope our Lady of the Talking Heads can pull it out somehow.

I was surprised that Mattie couldn't finish the puzzle, since she was so fast on the slider puzzle on top of the car, but I thought it was sweet how she was pep-talking Dee in the plane. I hope Mattie can make it to the final. How many people do we think will go to the final? Three of each? Four? I would like Da'Vonne, Mattie, and Georgia (plus Cara, I guess, since she's already in) for the girls and Turbo, Wes, and Theo for the guys. If I have to pick a fourth guy, I pick Wes again.

Edited by strippedhalo
Spell Da'Vonne's name correctly.
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Turbo is such a gorgeous human being. He looks like he stepped off the set of a Steve Reeves movie.

I actually appreciated how Cara Maria sat next to him while Dee and Ninja was bashing him last episode. Those two have not come off well at all.

Georgia? Once again Cara nailed it - She's a little firecracker that one is.

Paulie - still ugh. I hope Cara Maria wakes up and stops being so dickmatized by him. And by guys in general. Maybe we need a "Cara Maria Project" where she tries different modes of self-help.  

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Of course Cara makes another final without ever seeing an elimination. Ugh. For the love of all things holy, please don’t let Paulie Peacock make it too. They are literally the worst. 

I’m happy for Turbo, and I have a feeling everyone else is just competing for second place. I’m unsure what his weakness could be in a final. Perhaps he has a weak stomach and can’t eat the crazy gross things they usually make them eat in a final. I’m assuming the checkpoint puzzles will be translated for him, otherwise I’m not sure how well he reads English. He seems more well rounded than all of the rest, as he is more physically gifted than Wes. 

My preferred final:

Men - Turbo,Wes, and Theo

Women - Cara,Georgia, and Mattie

  • Love 5
8 hours ago, Kantsing said:

Can someone please refresh my memory on why exactly Cara and Paulie hate Kyle? I only remember that she hooked up with him on his first season. They were never exclusive. He said something negative about her body. The following season he hooked up with several other girls.  Again not her boyfriend. They flirted.  He wasn’t interested.  She hooked up with the douche bag knowing he had a girlfriend. Now they hate him.  Also during Paulie’s cheat scandal, he said this season really illustrated how compatible they are and fell in love. All I have seen is Cara constantly having Kyle on the brain and MTV forcing her obnoxious relationship down our throats.  That being said, I was sad to see Kyle go. He was entertaining. Maybe now they can show less of the obnoxious relationship. 

Ugh another cliffhanger elimination. 

My guess is that Paulie still holds a grudge from the previous season, when the roles were flipped and Kyle somehow decided that Paulie hooking up with Cara Maria was a perfectly acceptable reason to make Paulie his number one target.

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And to think I actually rooted for Cara at one point.  I judge myself for that, actually.

I wanted Kyle to win because I like him and also because anything that irritates Cara is ok with me.

Also she can fuck off sideways with her “behind every crazy woman is a man who made her that way.”  Take some responsibility, crotchmuffin.

So Natalie still thinks she did nothing wrong huh.  Actions have consequences!  Who knew?!

Also, Dee, shut your face.

  • Love 6
33 minutes ago, mojoween said:

And to think I actually rooted for Cara at one point.  I judge myself for that, actually.

Also she can fuck off sideways with her “behind every crazy woman is a man who made her that way.”  Take some responsibility, crotchmuffin.

Despite appearances, Cara Maria Sorbello is an adult. She is allowed -- entitled, even -- to make her own choices. If something works for her, she should stick with it. With that said, this is a GIF showing how I've felt about her in the past few seasons.

angry tyra banks GIF
8 hours ago, ImpinAintEasy said:

Of course Cara makes another final without ever seeing an elimination. Ugh. For the love of all things holy, please don’t let Paulie Peacock make it too. They are literally the worst.

Neither did Turbo. It's a mix of skills of competing and politicking. It's just that Turbo might be the best thing the Republic of Turkey has produced in recent memory, while Cara has worn out her welcome and hooked up with two fugly dudes. I wonder if I should call her "Georgie" and her boyfriend "Pennywise." I keep waiting for her to tell the female rookies that they'll float too.

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Why is Natalie's dumb ass characterizing it as a 'miscommunication'? STFU.

Uh...Georgia, you might wanna be careful before you start saying that someone's culture doesn't believe in forgiveness.

I have to say, after several lazy seasons, this show has finally stepped it up again with their challenges and eliminations. I hope they pull out a worthy final. I couldn't understand in the past several years why the money pot kept getting larger but the challenges were getting easier. The final that Cara won was still the most joke of a final I can recall.

  • Love 4
21 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

Turbo might be the best thing the Republic of Turkey has produced in recent memory

Turkey has produced some of the best things in the world. I've been to a couple of places in Turkey and I think the only place I love more than Istanbul is New Zealand. Both countries had hands down, the most welcoming people I've met in my travels.

Back to the Challenge - I love challenges where these fools are freaking out, but I know I could do really well in (or at least not be freaking out). This was one of them. I'm really glad I don't have a fear of heights (I mean, unless I was on an actual plane that was thousands of feet in the air and death actually was certain). 

I am so distracted in a bad way by Ninja's lips. Also, her personality just makes her ugly. NO ONE OWES YOU ANYTHING. Your actions have consequences. Forgiveness is not a given. Also, you like Paulie as a person, so your judgment is skewed anyway.

Good job Turbo, you've pretty much got this in the bag. 

  • Love 4

I’m probably in the minority here, but I still like Cara Maria and I’m happy she made it to another final. She’s said a few things that have made me raise an eyebrow or two, but at the end of the day, she’s still an awesome competitor.

Turbo is amazing and is doing so well for a rookie! Good for him making it to the final and I also think he’s going to win the whole thing.

I’m rooting for Da’vonne, Mattie, and my favorite Brits, Theo and Georgia to make it to the final. Paulie would be cool too, but not sure what’s going to happen to him on next week’s episode.

  • Love 4
21 hours ago, Steph619 said:

I’m probably in the minority here, but I still like Cara Maria and I’m happy she made it to another final. She’s said a few things that have made me raise an eyebrow or two, but at the end of the day, she’s still an awesome competitor.

Turbo is amazing and is doing so well for a rookie! Good for him making it to the final and I also think he’s going to win the whole thing.

I’m rooting for Da’vonne, Mattie, and my favorite Brits, Theo and Georgia to make it to the final. Paulie would be cool too, but not sure what’s going to happen to him on next week’s episode.

I also don't mind Cara Maria. I don't much like Paulie but I have a LOT of friends that didn't love the choices I made in men in my life including the guy I married (with whom I have been married to for 16 years).  But I think she is strong and I am always team nose ring as I am a 50+ year old with a hoop in my nose and tattoos. 

I think Turbo is pretty awesome. I love how he has a long story for everything. 

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On 5/4/2019 at 5:33 PM, Steph619 said:

I’m probably in the minority here, but I still like Cara Maria and I’m happy she made it to another final. She’s said a few things that have made me raise an eyebrow or two, but at the end of the day, she’s still an awesome competitor.

Turbo is amazing and is doing so well for a rookie! Good for him making it to the final and I also think he’s going to win the whole thing.

I’m rooting for Da’vonne, Mattie, and my favorite Brits, Theo and Georgia to make it to the final. Paulie would be cool too, but not sure what’s going to happen to him on next week’s episode.

As a competitor, I don't mind Cara at all. She's earned her stripes on this show and she's come through this franchise the hard way. Never gonna knock her commitment. I'm not a fan of the version of Cara I'm seeing the past couple of years on this show. I think most people was drawn to Cara because she was always a competitor but she was also a social underdog. I remember a fight in the house where Laura stood up for her and went full savage on Paula because she was sitting in a corner and laughing at Wes throwing coke over Cara's head and Bananas had thrown a water bottle at her. They were absolutely horrible to her. I would say that Cara is overcompensating for feeling and being bullied in her past and dealing with an unhealthy relationship with Abram for years....but given what she's already put up with Paulie, her holding on to anger with Kyle seems disproportionate to how she's handling other relationships in her life. I understand her lashing out because she's still hurting from how things turned out with Kyle but it would be much better for herself to simply admit that. I think Paulie has brought out the worst in her. He has encouraged this attitude that Kyle has deeply hurt and mistreated Cara so Cara feels just in her disproportionate rage against Kyle so that Paulie can stand up and be the hero and defend his girl. At times this season, Paulie has addressed his feud with Kyle in a way that came across (to me) as though he would be fine with Kyle if it weren't for Cara which puts all of the weight on Cara for Paulie's actions. He's a manipulative person and I don't think Cara has learned anything from the number of fucked up relationships she's been in which is unfortunate.

  • Love 10
20 minutes ago, Hiacios said:

Turbo is a pathetic little man. So insecure. 

I have loved Turbo all season, but he definitely rubbed me the wrong way a little bit in this episode.  Like, we get it, Natalie was awful to him during that last challenge, and Dee jumped in to defend her when she didn't really know what was going on. They should not have done that, and he has every right to be mad. However, it seems as though he does not have the capacity for forgiveness. I would understand that, had they killed his dog, or physically abused him, etc, but this just seems blown way out of proportion at this point. 

I have a girl crush on Dee. Beautiful face, gorgeous body, cute accent.  I hope she wins in the elimination.

  • Love 3
20 hours ago, Zima said:

I have loved Turbo all season, but he definitely rubbed me the wrong way a little bit in this episode.  Like, we get it, Natalie was awful to him during that last challenge, and Dee jumped in to defend her when she didn't really know what was going on. They should not have done that, and he has every right to be mad. However, it seems as though he does not have the capacity for forgiveness. I would understand that, had they killed his dog, or physically abused him, etc, but this just seems blown way out of proportion at this point. 

I have a girl crush on Dee. Beautiful face, gorgeous body, cute accent.  I hope she wins in the elimination.

He is way over blowing it. I guess he never learned that women get very emotional. lol. 

Dee is going to crush Da'Vonne in the elimination tomorrow night.

6 hours ago, ImpinAintEasy said:

Ninja was hanging out in Turkey with Turbo. I’m guessing he forgave her.

It kind of seemed like his position was that Ninja and Dee had wronged him, so he needed to avenge himself by putting them into elimination, and once that happened they would be even. (Even from his perspective. Dee clearly felt differently.) I don't know if putting Ninja into consideration counts as enough revenge, or if revenge is had in a future episode, or maybe Turbo just learns to forgive and move on.

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