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David T. Cole

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I don't hate that BSG episode, but the extended version on the Blu-ray just goes on and on...

Yeah, that episode bothers me far less than "Deadlock" from season four. I have been angry at Jane Espenson ever since. And as a Whedon fangirl, I get looks for saying that, but I don't care- "Deadlock" was inexcusable.

*takes long breaths while counting to ten...*

Edited by Sheena

I'd love him to show up on Girls to deliver Hannah a withering lecture about how her life and everything in it is meaningless. Hannah's head explodes. End of series.

Then he can stop by Friends as Fun Bobby's older brother! He would tell Monica she ruined Fun Bobby's fun life and expound the merits of alcoholism. They'd have to add a 'The More You Know' PSA at the end, but it could be fun!

The first one that popped into my head was Access on The West Wing. It was like somebody told some guys about a show they had never seen and then said, "Go make an episode."

It doesn't even feel like the same show. And worst of all, it's boring! 

Oh, I hate that episode. There are very few good episodes done in that mockumentary format, and that's one of the worst.

The Veronica Mars episode that comes to mind is "One Angry Veronica," the episode where Veronica serves on a jury, and does about a dozen things that would have caused a mistrial. There's also a B-plot where Deputy Leo steals evidence related to the Aaron Echolls/Lilly Kane case and sells it, which felt incredibly out of character, and only happened because they wanted Aaron to be found innocent. Oh, and then Meg gives birth to her coma baby and dies for some reason.

I think opinions vary on where Six Feet Under's place in TV history is - is it a *great* show? A *very good* show? A *merely above average* one? 

Regardless of where you stand on the show as a whole, I think those who have seen the show would generally agree that one of the most terribad episodes of the show is the season 4 episode, "That's My Dog", in which David Fisher is memorably abducted by a hitchhiker. There are probably individual parts of the episode that aren't horrible, but I think generally speaking, its overall effect on the arc of the show was pretty memorably awful. For that reason, I believe that "That's My Dog" is a worthy Nonac submission. 

In a similar note, I'd also like to nominate the season 2 episode of The Shield, "Co-Pilot". On its own merits, it's not a horrendously awful episode of The Shield, although it is admittedly subpar by the excellent standards of that show. However, when viewed in the context of its attempted rewriting of the history of the show, it falls significantly. In concept it's a fun idea - we go back to the creation of the Strike Team, etc. However, one major problem with the episode is its placement in the middle of a major Season 2 story arc, causing it to really end up releasing a lot of built up tension in an unsatisfactory way. 

The far bigger problem, however, is the many ways in which it totally breaks the chronology of the show. In the original pilot of the show, the Strike Team has seemingly been in existence for a while, it's Julien's first day, and Acevada is a newcomer to the Barn, the new head who wants to clean up shop. Co-Pilot rewrites the history by showing us that the Strike Team was only recently formed, and Acevada was in fact the guy who helped start the Barn to begin with. Acevada let Vic head up the Strike Team, and yet later in the episode is already suspicious of Vic and trying to take him down. Additionally, Co-Pilot shows Julien already hanging out in The Barn, being a part of the team, when we established in the Pilot that he was a new guy. 

It's an episode that at best is a mediocre, unsatisfying distraction from a pretty good storyline, and at worst is a disastrous attempt to meddle with the chronology of a great show. For that, I believe that "Co-Pilot" is Nonac worthy. 

I agree, though it's not like the chronology of The Shield was that solid to begin with. The show took place over two-three years, but Vic's daughter was around eight at the start of the series and about fifteen by the end.

Oh I mean the show was never exactly expertly done as far as chronology, but I don't think that was ever something that the show was really concerned with, which is why this episode is so problematic. 

This likely wouldn't work as a submission because it's a multi-episode arc and not a single bad episode (I can't remember if there was a single episode that focused more heavily on this plot), but that whole thing with Landry killing a guy on Friday Night Lights was just... ugh. When I think of major missteps, I always think of that.

Totally agree about "Where the Wild Things Are," too. I hated Riley in general.

Now, the tough thing here is if a show eventually jumps the shark, it can still be remembered as a great show--but would you choose an episode that's not so hot from when it was good or are you just fishing for crap in the later terrible season(s)? Because I love Gilmore Girls and Buffy but think that season 7 of GG and s6 and 7 of Buffy are mostly terrible. I think picking an ep from those seasons that stink would be a bit "easy" and the Nonac should be from pre-jumping the shark, no?

Nick joins us for the lead topic Hannibal and much more!

FYI, I uploaded a better version of the episode around 12:30am PT with normalized Canon clips (they were too soft).

Game Time was tons of fun this week, thanks Rob!

We didn't get any Nonac submissions yet. :\

I'm a bit of a Hannibal nerd (as in I've read all the books multiple times, I first read Silence of the Lambs when I was 12, clearly I was not being supervised properly) so since it came up in this episode of EHG I figured I'd post a Hannibal Timeline over in the board for the show because some of the questions you all brought up have answers it will be spoilerific for the books and potentially some of the plot of the show but they're not following the books YET so who the hell knows what they plan on doing. They have said that a character from the books will show up this season though, and that is going to start to tie things together. 

I loved that episode of Gilmore Girls so much. I'm so glad y'all talked about it. My grandmother was Emily Gilmore, I mean my mom and grandmother were never estranged but the personality quirks and over the toppedness of Emily was personified in my Oma, one year when I was 9 or 10 she gave me a unicycle for Christmas. A UNICYCLE. Never had I mentioned wanting one, because why would I? I promptly broke my elbow attempting to learn how to ride it and we sold it at a yard sale that summer. Apparently she bought it because she had been in Baltimore at the Inner Harbour and seen a street performer riding one and juggling and thought "I should get one of those for my accident prone granddaughter" or something. We'll never know.

Awesome episode! :)  Great canon induction, and also Sarah is my hero for her choice for Loser of the Week; I was a convention panel once where the Spuffy vs Bangel debate literally almost came to blows (fists were being clenched, people were turning red- it was nuts), and I've sort of tried to let the matter lie since then (despite being firmly entrenched in the Bangel camp), but I'm always glad to hear this kind of news and I may not have otherwise heard it. Thank you, Sarah!

And wow, Tara's mum sounds like a really amazing person!

With a Time Warner Cable outage preventing Sarah from joining us, we have to soldier on with our two guests, John Ramos and Nick Rheinwald-Jones, for a discussion about the new, Kickstarter-supported Veronica Mars movie, given that John was TWoP’s Mars recapper the whole way through, and Nick is fan enough to have actually contributed his own cash money to the Kickstarter campaign! We move on to click Around The Dial for our biggest TV obsessions of the week. With a brief pause for a couple of Twitter Tiny Triumphs, we switch out The Canon for The Nonac — the pantheon of terrible episodes of otherwise good shows — as Nick and John join forces to tag-team their submission: the *Amends* episode of Buffy The Vampire Slayer. After Tara (and Sarah, in absentia) name the week’s Winner and Loser, we dig into a new Game Time that still might feel strangely familiar. Listen up — and don’t forget to bring Backup!

Hit the spoiler for the play-along answers to Game Time:


I didn't hate One Angry Veronica as much as everyone else did, though it definitely wasn't good. Ditto with the S4 Buffy episodes mentioned.

Completely agree with anything-to-do-with-Landry-in-FNL-season-2, though choosing a particular one would probably require rewatching that season....

There's also that season 3 Sopranos episode about Columbus Day and Indian casinos and whatnot. shudder  I don't quite care enough to submit a nonaC (that should be the capitalization, right?), but that's probably my top contender.

THANK YOU, DAVE! Yes, when Veronica answered that call, I thought "Really? She still has his number in her phone? And a picture?"

I've been out of school the same amount of time as Veronica (the episode where she started college aired the day I started college) and I still have all my schoolfriends' numbers in my phone. I don't have pictures set up for them though.

Guys, I maybe have a bit too much time on my hands... But, here's a screen grab of the phone and copy of the actual picture which based on context clues I'm saying is from Season 1 of the show... I know I'm crazy but it was bugging me too so I had to do some research. It doesn't necessarily make it that much better but I'm going with the story of Veronica still has Logan's old number in her phone and his picture from high school saved as his contact picture in her emails etc.? She doesn't strike me as someone who would delete contacts even if it was an ex. Ok sorry. I'm going to try to stop being crazy now. Enjoy Logan's necklace. It's epic. 


Well, I can't explain the how of it, but I can tell you that the old picture thing was intentional. The script says "[Veronica's] phone begins vibrating. She checks the caller ID and discovers Logan’s 19-year-old face on screen." So either she resets a photo of him on every new phone she gets (possible), or it transfers from SIM card to SIM card somehow?

That Nonac was just a delight, start to finish. I'd been trying to think of a BtVS Nonac, and it's actually sort of hard because there are plenty of terrible episodes. But John and Nick approached it the right way: a terrible episode in the midst of great ones. And Amends is certainly that. Other than the Oz/Willow stuff, which is great, the only redeeming thing about this episode is that it almost feels like The Zeppo sends it up, only a few episodes later. With the melodrama and the music cranked up to here, while Xander just runs through like, "Ugh, no time for this."

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