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All Past Seasons of the Late Lamented Show

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On 9/23/2022 at 2:07 AM, sATL said:

Is Lisa the seamstress making the uniform, or just tailoring? The reason I ask is there a a large storage container of shorts, as well as a large pile on the bench. 

Then if a TCC is cut- in most cases she has their original uniform. 

Wonder what happens to the uniforms of the retired vets?

A while back an insider said that the girls have to give everything back when they get cut or retire. The things that still look good are kept as spares and used to replace something if necessary. I also recall someone saying something similar about the boots: They have a good, brand new pair for performances and use older ones for training purposes.

As for the seamstress; it’s my guess she really makes the entire uniform. Kelli and Lisa mentioned several times that a lot of fabric is needed to make the tiny blouses and shorts. Also, when you look at the shorts during the first fittings, you can clearly see they’re only roughly cut and put together. They don’t even have seams yet. I doubt they’re bought like that. 

One thing I have always found odd is why TCC’s are already given their custom made uniforms as quite a few still get cut. It really seems like a waste of time and fabric. I sort of understand the need to see them in the actual uniform, but they have so many spare pieces, that it should be simple to dress them in those to see what they look like.

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On 1/7/2020 at 6:14 PM, TennInTexas said:

Why oh why did I click on stupid Pluto!? This is a bigger time suck than instagram....

Couple things-

Kali Nicole and Alex Hermès are both adorable. Were they well liked? 

as bad as the nepotism seemed at the time with Cassie, it pales in comparison to the VK-o-Rama we have now. Cassie never impressed me, she just seemed to have an expressionless look to me, but I think so did Whitney Isleib 

those breast cancer Performance outfits are TERRIBLE! They’re way too little-pageant-girl! Ick! (I think this is season 7?) 

 Does anyone have a roster of everyone from the show and their tenure on the squad? Just curious re-watching this who are the one and dones. 

Cassie grew on me in the middle years. Not the first and not the last. It was just too clear that her injury allowed her to stay on the team - close to queen of the mountain top.

'The first season - just what was her dance, not cheer/tumbling background ? And was she on a college cheer/tumbling team? It just seem a little odd that when they do TH of the rookies you tend to see them in dance situations - even if its someone's living room. Or pictures from when they were little - in their first ballet outfit.

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44 minutes ago, sATL said:

Cassie grew on me in the middle years. Not the first and not the last. It was just too clear that her injury allowed her to stay on the team - close to queen of the mountain top.

'The first season - just what was her dance, not cheer/tumbling background ? And was she on a college cheer/tumbling team? It just seem a little odd that when they do TH of the rookies you tend to see them in dance situations - even if its someone's living room. Or pictures from when they were little - in their first ballet outfit.

I think Cassie was on one of those competitive cheer squads outside of a school-related one.  IIRC, it was one of those elite ones that do all the ridiculously complicated tumbling and stunts.  If what I remember is true, there isn't a lot of dance in those routines, maybe a bit here and there, but nothing more than a few counts and likely not more than an 8 count or so.  There isn't a lot of actual dancing in a squad like that, it's more about the stunts and tumbling.

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6 hours ago, LilyD said:

One thing I have always found odd is why TCC’s are already given their custom made uniforms as quite a few still get cut. It really seems like a waste of time and fabric. I sort of understand the need to see them in the actual uniform, but they have so many spare pieces, that it should be simple to dress them in those to see what they look like.

Well TC ends not so long before the season begins so I bet she won't have enough time to get all the girls uniforms done if she started after the team was set. Actually I just noticed that they need the uniform ready for the final day of TC so they can "receive their uniforms" and take pictures of them.

I can't believe they have auditions (meaning TC) so late compared to other squads. 

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11 minutes ago, Kamal said:

Well TC ends not so long before the season begins so I bet she won't have enough time to get all the girls uniforms done if she started after the team was set. Actually I just noticed that they need the uniform ready for the final day of TC so they can "receive their uniforms" and take pictures of them.

I can't believe they have auditions (meaning TC) so late compared to other squads. 

Miami dolphins training camp is longer then dcc they don’t set their final team til after preseason games are over  and their training camp starts the beginning of June 

Edited by Holly85
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10 hours ago, EricaShadows said:

I think Cassie was on one of those competitive cheer squads outside of a school-related one.  IIRC, it was one of those elite ones that do all the ridiculously complicated tumbling and stunts.  If what I remember is true, there isn't a lot of dance in those routines, maybe a bit here and there, but nothing more than a few counts and likely not more than an 8 count or so.  There isn't a lot of actual dancing in a squad like that, it's more about the stunts and tumbling.

hmmm. kinda of a different choice given her mom has been placing her in the squad photo of dancers since she was an infant... maybe she took dance lessons on the side.. to at least learn the technical stuff and long choreo fast. let me look up how many years she did show group.

I've also felt that half time show with all of the stunts was performed because she was there and it was her last breast cancer halftime show. And Judy didn't know about all of those aggressive stunts until a couple a days rehearsal before the game ??? Some of the DCC was a little too small to be basket-tossed into the air, IMO..

Edited by sATL
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13 hours ago, sATL said:

hmmm. kinda of a different choice given her mom has been placing her in the squad photo of dancers since she was an infant... maybe she took dance lessons on the side.. to at least learn the technical stuff and long choreo fast. let me look up how many years she did show group.

She would have had to take some sort of dance lessons leading up to Training Camp, if she hadn't been taken them before, because she was one of the weakest dancers they ever took into Training Camp.  At least she was in her rookie year.

13 hours ago, sATL said:

I've also felt that half time show with all of the stunts was performed because she was there and it was her last breast cancer halftime show. And Judy didn't know about all of those aggressive stunts until a couple a days rehearsal before the game ??? Some of the DCC was a little too small to be basket-tossed into the air, IMO..

The DCC only did those stunting routines BECAUSE of Cassie, to show her (and what she could do) off.  AFAIK, the DCC only did those routine when Cassie was on the squad, not before and not after.  Also, Cassie was the only DCC to have one of her solos turned into a half-time routine (and it wasn't because her solo was that amazing) so I'm wondering if Cassie truly came up with the routine and Judy just ripped it off for the Halloween Half-Time show or did Cassie rip the Halloween half-time show off for her solo?

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23 hours ago, Holly85 said:

Miami dolphins training camp is longer then dcc they don’t set their final team til after preseason games are over  and their training camp starts the beginning of June 

I wonder why they haven't announced the new squad yet. The website still shows the 2021-22 squad picture and bios. It says: ""The 2023 Miami Dolphins Cheerleaders roster will be announced prior to the start of the 2022 NFL Season".  


Edited by MrsEVH
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4 hours ago, EricaShadows said:

She would have had to take some sort of dance lessons leading up to Training Camp, if she hadn't been taken them before, because she was one of the weakest dancers they ever took into Training Camp.  At least she was in her rookie year.

The DCC only did those stunting routines BECAUSE of Cassie, to show her (and what she could do) off.  AFAIK, the DCC only did those routine when Cassie was on the squad, not before and not after.  Also, Cassie was the only DCC to have one of her solos turned into a half-time routine (and it wasn't because her solo was that amazing) so I'm wondering if Cassie truly came up with the routine and Judy just ripped it off for the Halloween Half-Time show or did Cassie rip the Halloween half-time show off for her solo?

Good to hear,

1) If the the plan was to have the ladies do stunt work, they need to access if they are able (not if they want to ) do stunting. Just b/c a dancer was in ballet and worked with a partner , does not mean she wants to be lifted by Mr. Muscles on a football field. I think it was Jenna (who is very small) was tossed into the air like a tennis ball.

2) liability - has to come into the discussion. Someone really can get hurt. What if that guy Cassie landed on was hit in the eye, as opposed to his cheek? Or he could have lost a tooth. It does make some sense to start of the stunt practice in a gym with cushy mats.

3) I could tell in a few scenes that Judy didn't like that someone else was chorographer #1.  I said then - I'll bet this would be the last time she let someone have that much say in a 1/2 time show at AT&T. That's her territory.

Edited by sATL
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13 minutes ago, sATL said:

when does the DCRB perform ? Is this another squad that would attract TCC who do not make it or want to gain experience  - meaning are the dancers close to the same caliber and trained level ?

Dcrb is the coed hip hop team for the Dallas cowboys here is a video of them at draft day 2022 they perform at various times before kick off around the stadium for an example there last home game they preformed 3 times outside 1 preformance outside and then they did their parade around the stadium 

Edited by Holly85
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4 hours ago, sATL said:

Good to hear,

1) If the the plan was to have the ladies do stunt work, they need to access if they are able (not if they want to ) do stunting. Just b/c a dancer was in ballet and worked with a partner , does not mean she wants to be lifted by Mr. Muscles on a football field. I think it was Jenna (who is very small) was tossed into the air like a tennis ball.

2) liability - has to come into the discussion. Someone really can get hurt. What if that guy Cassie landed on was hit in the eye, as opposed to his cheek? Or he could have lost a tooth. It does make some sense to start of the stunt practice in a gym with cushy mats.

3) I could tell in a few scenes that Judy didn't like that someone else was chorographer #1.  I said then - I'll bet this would be the last time she let someone have that much say in a 1/2 time show at AT&T. That's her territory.

1) I don't think Judy really cared if they were able to do stunting or not.  IIRC, VERY few of the DCC had any experience with it besides Cassie, like maybe 2 or 3 girls, if that.  They had to find girls who were small and light enough to get thrown around as flyers.  Even then, I don't think they got enough training, IF they got any training besides the day of.

2) Not just liability for the bases (though there would have been plenty of that), what about the liability for the girls forced to be flyers?  What if they'd landed wrong, slipped, or worse?  Would Judy or the team step up and say "Sorry, we screwed up by not making sure they had experience and plenty of training beforehand, especially if they were new"?  Not likely.  I wouldn't be surprised if Judy/Kelly/Charlotte did their best to eliminate as much of the liability as possible and I wouldn't be surprised if they deflected it to the performers as much as possible or call it a "horrible accident"/mistake to cover their backsides.

3) I like Judy, but there are times where she comes off as having as big an ego as Kelli and doesn't like it when she thinks people are edging into what she perceives as her territory.  That's probably one reason why the dances haven't been updated like they should have.  Judy doesn't want to have anyone horn in on her "territory" without her permission much less "challenge" her authority by trying to update anything or bring in anything new (especially if she could get either full or partial credit for doing so).

4 hours ago, cgloss said:

Do they still do that same Halloween routine?

I don't think so though they did for a few years (maybe two or three years) after Cassie left.  I think there's a new routine though the costumes are somewhat similar.  However, I haven't paid attention to the Halloween halftime in several years.

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I respectfully disagree with the notion that they were forced to do stunt work and that inexperienced girls had to do it. 

From what I have seen about Cheer stunts over the past few years, this is not something that can simply be taught in a matter of a few hours. It also takes an awful lot of confidence to do this. A stunt will fail if you are scared or have no faith in your base and spotters. Building a relationship like that takes time, unless you've really got to know someone beforehand. So I really doubt things like a basket toss can be learned in one or two sessions to an inexperienced boy or girl. 

I  also remember seeing Jackie Bob and Whitney performing stunts and both performed with ease and very smoothly which leads me to believe they've done that before. They also took Olivia Rene out of the stunts because she was scared to do the basket toss.

I really think they selected the girls for stunt work with care and left the others to do the dancing and simple "stunts" like cart wheels and a lift during the dances. That's stuff most people can learn easily. Or already know. Most cheerleaders can do stuff like cart wheels or a basic tumble move.

Edited by LilyD
rephrased original post
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20 hours ago, sATL said:

when does the DCRB perform ? Is this another squad that would attract TCC who do not make it or want to gain experience  - meaning are the dancers close to the same caliber and trained level ?

Teri was a DCRB for at least one year prior to becoming a DCC.

I think there have been one or two dancers that tried out for DCC and went on to be a DCRB, but I don’t know any details. Maybe I am making that up in my head…

Edited by StellaCL
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2 hours ago, LilyD said:

I respectfully disagree with the notion that they were forced to do stunt work and that inexperienced girls had to do it. 

From what I have seen about Cheer stunts over the past few years, this is not something that can simply be taught in a matter of a few hours. It also takes an awful lot of confidence to do this. A stunt will fail if you are scared or have no faith in your base and spotters. Building a relationship like that takes time, unless you've really got to know someone beforehand. So I really doubt things like a basket toss can be learned in one or two sessions to an inexperienced boy or girl. 

I  also remember seeing Jackie Bob and Whitney performing stunts and both performed with ease and very smoothly which leads me to believe they've done that before. They also took Olivia Rene out of the stunts because she was scared to do the basket toss.

I really think they selected the girls for stunt work with care and left the others to do the dancing and simple "stunts" like cart wheels and a lift during the dances. That's stuff most people can learn easily. Or already know. Most cheerleaders can do stuff like cart wheels or a basic tumble move.

I wasn't sure how many of the girls actually had flyer/stunting experience.  I remembered hearing that a few did, but not exactly how many.  I will admit to that.  I'm glad that Judy actually pulled girls out who were scared to do it instead of forcing them to do it despite being scared.  I wonder how much practice they actually got overall and how much additional practice they got for the stunting.

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21 hours ago, StellaCL said:

Teri was a DCRB for at least one year prior to becoming a DCC.

I think there have been one or two dancers that tried out for DCC and went on the be a DCRB, but I don’t know any details. Maybe I am making that up in my head…

I think Teri was a DCRB for about 3 years. Miranda Jones (former Seahawks cheerleader) who auditioned for the DCC was a DCRB for 1 year. In fact she was on the squad the last year it was all female.

EDITED: Teri and Miranda were both on the DCRB (different seasons) when it was all female.

Edited by MrsEVH
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1 hour ago, ByTor said:

Whenever I see the DCRB routines I imagine how silly Maddie would look doing them. Those are some great hip hop dancers.

I the same passing thought when I viewed a vid of the dcrb,,,Maddie would have a "style" issue..Where is she now, by the way? Teaching in her mom's dance studio? Having a daughter-retired-DCC on staff can bring in new revenue dancers,,

When are auditions for the DCRB?

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5 minutes ago, sATL said:

I the same passing thought when I viewed a vid of the dcrb,,,Maddie would have a "style" issue..Where is she now, by the way? Teaching in her mom's dance studio? Having a daughter-retired-DCC on staff can bring in new revenue dancers,,

When are auditions for the DCRB?

They held auditions in June 

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57 minutes ago, sATL said:

I the same passing thought when I viewed a vid of the dcrb,,,Maddie would have a "style" issue..Where is she now, by the way? Teaching in her mom's dance studio? Having a daughter-retired-DCC on staff can bring in new revenue dancers,,

When are auditions for the DCRB?

She moved to California (L.A. I think) with Savannah, but I'm not sure if they're still there.

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57 minutes ago, sATL said:

I the same passing thought when I viewed a vid of the dcrb,,,Maddie would have a "style" issue..Where is she now, by the way? Teaching in her mom's dance studio? Having a daughter-retired-DCC on staff can bring in new revenue dancers,,

When are auditions for the DCRB?

Maddie moved to LA and is working with Evan Miller. 

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On 10/11/2022 at 11:24 AM, eyelash said:

Looking for some music help from Season9, Episode 3 (I think)  Breelan is a rookie and I'm pretty sure it's the first time they introduce Melissa Rycroft as a mentor.  About midway through the episode the candidates are doing kicks across the floor and K&J make  comments about Mary's long legs and Alexandra's low kicks.  While they are doing this, an instrumental song is playing (on the Pluto version). It's a much "lazier" tune than usual and has no lyrics. 

It's been driving me crazy, so if anyone knows the name of it, I would love to know!  

The original song in that clip is Charlie XCX’s “Boom Clap”.  
Ugh don’t get me started on how much I hate that the original music is not featured on the streamed episodes. I hate all the instrumental crap.  I get it… licensing and rights to the music and all that jazz. Boooo.

Side note… I’m obvi missing something bc am I the only one that thinks Mary actually has SHORT legs and a long torso, similar to Tara?  I remember that clip of her veteran solo with the gold pants.. made her legs look even shorter. She’s a beauty for sure though.  

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2 hours ago, GetEmUp said:

I’m obvi missing something bc am I the only one that thinks Mary actually has SHORT legs and a long torso

OMG no you are not! Whenever I see the part with Kelli talking about her long legs, I always think no, they're really not. Thank you, I always wonder what I am missing there! 

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Does anyone know why it seems like fans of this show are so obsessed with Bridget and hold her in such high regard? She was on the squad for only two years, and it's not like we saw her that much on the show. 

I will say it was odd when Marty pulled her out as a rookie on that one routine he taught and went in on how she supposedly looked like such a completely different dancer than everyone else and looked nervous or whatever. Just saw that part again. Felt very unnecessary. 

From what I can see she was a solid dancer and seemed smart and like she had a good head on her shoulders, and she was pretty with a girl-next-door-type look, but she wasn't, like, a bombshell. 

Was she really that good a dancer (and it wasn't really showcased on the show)?

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1 hour ago, vanillagum said:

Does anyone know why it seems like fans of this show are so obsessed with Bridget and hold her in such high regard? She was on the squad for only two years, and it's not like we saw her that much on the show. 

I will say it was odd when Marty pulled her out as a rookie on that one routine he taught and went in on how she supposedly looked like such a completely different dancer than everyone else and looked nervous or whatever. Just saw that part again. Felt very unnecessary. 

From what I can see she was a solid dancer and seemed smart and like she had a good head on her shoulders, and she was pretty with a girl-next-door-type look, but she wasn't, like, a bombshell. 

Was she really that good a dancer (and it wasn't really showcased on the show)?

She made show group as a rookie so she was a great dancer. For me, I love her moreso for her personality. She seems like a real girls' girl and that showed by her winning ROTY. I just find her energy infectious and she's the sort of woman I could be friends with!

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3 hours ago, vanillagum said:

From what I can see she was a solid dancer and seemed smart and like she had a good head on her shoulders, and she was pretty with a girl-next-door-type look, but she wasn't, like, a bombshell. 

Girl next door has always been my preference.  I don't need the glam pageant style which seems very fake to me.  Bridget was approachable, humble and the kind of girl I bet would be a blast to hang out with.  She also seemed to greatly care about her teammates as witnessed when she thought Lily and Meredith were cut.

Bridget has an infectious laugh and personality that draws people in.  I loved her affection and connection with animals which is what first drew me to her.  But she was a solid dancer and had just the right amount of spark to her performance without being overdone.

The show or team has never been the same for me since she retired.

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3 hours ago, vanillagum said:

Does anyone know why it seems like fans of this show are so obsessed with Bridget and hold her in such high regard? She was on the squad for only two years, and it's not like we saw her that much on the show. 

I will say it was odd when Marty pulled her out as a rookie on that one routine he taught and went in on how she supposedly looked like such a completely different dancer than everyone else and looked nervous or whatever. Just saw that part again. Felt very unnecessary. 

From what I can see she was a solid dancer and seemed smart and like she had a good head on her shoulders, and she was pretty with a girl-next-door-type look, but she wasn't, like, a bombshell. 

Was she really that good a dancer (and it wasn't really showcased on the show)?

I used to have these same thoughts exactly. This past year, I saw more clips of her dancing and she had showmanship down to a tee! Something just clicked for her when she danced. No one quite like her IMO on the team before or after.

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3 hours ago, go4luca said:

Girl next door has always been my preference.  I don't need the glam pageant style which seems very fake to me.  Bridget was approachable, humble and the kind of girl I bet would be a blast to hang out with.  She also seemed to greatly care about her teammates as witnessed when she thought Lily and Meredith were cut.

Bridget has an infectious laugh and personality that draws people in.  I loved her affection and connection with animals which is what first drew me to her.  But she was a solid dancer and had just the right amount of spark to her performance without being overdone.

The show or team has never been the same for me since she retired.

Allllll of this. Bridget's smile shines out through her eyes. She seems so very genuine, one of the ones who didn't get caught up in being a DCC 24/7.

I'm gutted her IG is private because I would love to know what she is up to these days. I wonder if she is still in Arizona.

On 10/15/2022 at 4:15 AM, MrsEVH said:

I think Teri was a DCRB for about 3 years. Miranda Jones (former Seahawks cheerleader) who auditioned for the DCC was a DCRB for 1 year. In fact she was on the squad the last year it was all female.

EDITED: Teri and Miranda were both on the DCRB (different seasons) when it was all female.

Fun fact: two dancers who were DCC first and became R&B afterward are Candice Estfan and Chelsea Keifer. Both overlapped with Teri. 

Edited by sleepyjean
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13 minutes ago, sleepyjean said:

I'm gutted her IG is private because I would love to know what she is up to these days. I wonder if she is still in Arizona.

I feel exactly the same.  I've tried many times to follow.  A few times I got in only to be removed a few short days later.  I never post on any of the girl's SM so not sure what happened.  The photos I was able to see, of her outdoors enjoying nature or with animals, were my favorites.

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1 hour ago, sleepyjean said:

Fun fact: two dancers who were DCC first and became R&B afterward are Candice Estfan and Chelsea Keifer. Both overlapped with Teri. 

I wonder if they both were cut from the DCC and then auditioned  for the DCRB afterward. Or maybe they just retired and wanted to try something different.

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1 hour ago, sleepyjean said:

Allllll of this. Bridget's smile shines out through her eyes. She seems so very genuine, one of the ones who didn't get caught up in being a DCC 24/7.

I'm gutted her IG is private because I would love to know what she is up to these days. I wonder if she is still in Arizona.

Fun fact: two dancers who were DCC first and became R&B afterward are Candice Estfan and Chelsea Keifer. Both overlapped with Teri. 

when I saw "chelsea" - I was secretly hoping this was my girl who kitty tattled on... I do hope she found team to dance on afterwards and now (since its been years) off to a great next chapter. 

I like and use one of her many sayings  - "I got myself into something really hard"...

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7 hours ago, DCC-UK said:

She made show group as a rookie so she was a great dancer. For me, I love her moreso for her personality. She seems like a real girls' girl and that showed by her winning ROTY. I just find her energy infectious and she's the sort of woman I could be friends with!

I think she won VOTY (Caroline won ROTY from that same rookie class, I think)

But yes, could not agree more!! She seems like such a good teammate and friend. I'll always think of the S14 team reveal when she was sobbing at the thought of Lily and Meredith being cut 💔

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1 hour ago, MrsEVH said:

I wonder if they both were cut from the DCC and then auditioned  for the DCRB afterward. Or maybe they just retired and wanted to try something different.

Chelsea was cut at finals in Season 1.  She did become a DCRB post-cut.  Candice…not sure.  I read she was cut as a two-yr vet in 2005 during the regular season.  So that could be true for both. 

Edited by WenD08
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1 hour ago, sATL said:

when I saw "chelsea" - I was secretly hoping this was my girl who kitty tattled on... I do hope she found team to dance on afterwards and now (since its been years) off to a great next chapter. 

I like and use one of her many sayings  - "I got myself into something really hard"...

Do you mean Chelsea Chaney? I think she stopped dancing after DCC. She has a business with her sister, but I'm not sure what they do. She married in March 2021 and just had a baby girl last month. She seems happy.

1 hour ago, MrsEVH said:

I wonder if they both were cut from the DCC and then auditioned  for the DCRB afterward. Or maybe they just retired and wanted to try something different.

The Chelsea I was talking about was Chelsea Keifer. She was a DCC in 2005. Candice Estfan was a DCC 2004 and 2005. According to this wiki, both Candice and Chelsea were cut. Candice before the 2005 season ended, and Chelsea during 2006 DCC auditions.

Candice went on to dance with the Mavs for the 2006 NBA season. I don't know if she was cut after that or retired. When DCC R&B started in 2009, Chelsea, Candice, and Teri were all on the inaugural squad.

Candice is the blonde, Chelsea K is the brunette



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14 hours ago, vanillagum said:

Does anyone know why it seems like fans of this show are so obsessed with Bridget and hold her in such high regard?

I can think of a couple of reasons....

Seriously, though, I agree with what everyone else said.  She seemed really sweet, fun, kind, down to earth, and she was a great showman (show-woman?)  Great smile, too.

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11 hours ago, sleepyjean said:

Do you mean Chelsea Chaney? I think she stopped dancing after DCC. She has a business with her sister, but I'm not sure what they do. She married in March 2021 and just had a baby girl last month. She seems happy.

yes.  I hardly recognize her in some of the pictures..Cute little baby

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14 hours ago, HitItHarder..BAM said:

I think she won VOTY (Caroline won ROTY from that same rookie class, I think)

But yes, could not agree more!! She seems like such a good teammate and friend. I'll always think of the S14 team reveal when she was sobbing at the thought of Lily and Meredith being cut 💔

Bridget is the only second year veteran to have ever been awarded VOTY. She was a Chargers cheerleader for four years before becoming a DCC.

Edited by PomPomPom
Extended comment.
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Every time I see the lawn perfectly cut at the house on the corner, I slow down just to make sure there's no one laying out her clothes on the grass for a business meeting, like Karissa Lynae did. Good thing she did that before ring cameras got so popular.

I guess living out of your car could work, for a minute- shower at valley ranch, find safe places to park overnight (  some super Wal-Mart's let RVs park overnight) so you could sleep, eat in at restaurants.

Actually that's one look we haven't seen, a TCC who had an RV🤔🤔

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7 hours ago, sATL said:

Actually that's one look we haven't seen, a TCC who had an RV🤔🤔

There was that one older lady who auditioned in a earlier season. She and her husband were traveling over the USA in an RV and it was something she always wanted to do. She obviously didn't make it to semis. 

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On 10/15/2022 at 4:15 AM, MrsEVH said:

I think Teri was a DCRB for about 3 years. Miranda Jones (former Seahawks cheerleader) who auditioned for the DCC was a DCRB for 1 year. In fact she was on the squad the last year it was all female.

EDITED: Teri and Miranda were both on the DCRB (different seasons) when it was all female.

I get mad all over again when Seattle Miranda’s tryout is on Pluto. She is such a fantastic dancer and would have been an amazing ambassador. She was a great performer on the Seagals and has a great career too. No idea why she didn’t get into camp. 

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19 minutes ago, kalibean said:

I get mad all over again when Seattle Miranda’s tryout is on Pluto. She is such a fantastic dancer and would have been an amazing ambassador. She was a great performer on the Seagals and has a great career too. No idea why she didn’t get into camp. 

I agree. Miranda would have made a great DCC.

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1 hour ago, kalibean said:

I get mad all over again when Seattle Miranda’s tryout is on Pluto. She is such a fantastic dancer and would have been an amazing ambassador. She was a great performer on the Seagals and has a great career too. No idea why she didn’t get into camp. 

I assume she was too smart and too together/mature to be as much of a "yes ma'am" type as they want.

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Two thought provoking questions..

1- how come the photo taking at the end of finals, with 45 ladies, who just endured the stress of dancing,  is done much quicker than the squad photo of the team of 36?

2- how come Melissa r (or anyone) didn't film Emily Rosyln and her feet and hips being turned in? She keeps saying she's had training and understands what Kelli is saying, but I don't think she does. The Mavericks s style must not be as concerned with turn out.

Edited by sATL
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7 hours ago, sATL said:

Two thought provoking questions..

1- how come the photo taking at the end of finals, with 45 ladies, who just endured the stress of dancing,  is done much quicker than the squad photo of the team of 36?

I think bc the squad photo is the official team photo, while the post-finals photo is just a quick picture to document the moment. So, for the picture at the end of finals, they just have all 45 TCC stand together and make sure no one's making a weird face. While for the squad photo, they have to do official hair and makeup and have everyone in a particular order. 

I guess it's kind of like the difference between a Christmas card photo and the picture someone takes when their family is opening presents around the tree on Christmas morning. If you're paying a professional to take pics and this is the picture you're using to represent your family/organization for the next year, you're going to make sure you get your money's worth

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