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S15.E15: We Didn't Start the Fire

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18 hours ago, RedbirdNelly said:

that part was the best thing about the episode. Alex's relief "a real fire!!" was funny. Not the normal fire episode thing to happen.

I cried when I saw the smile in Alex face. That's how I feel when my mother says something that actually makes sense. In that moment, she's back.

Alzheimer's suck.

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6 hours ago, chitowngirl said:

She’s the surgical nurse who is in every surgery and is one in real life-Tiny, Asian woman. She’s been there since the beginning. Once you know that, you’ll notice her. She’s been getting a bit more screen time with name mentioning and she’s been out of the OR several times now. We can see the face behind the mask!

Thanks! I’ll look out for her now

Alex and Jo’s apartment is so idiotic. They can definitely afford at least a two bedroom. This show tries too hard to pretend like it’s still back in the intern days. Even Alex showing up at Jackson’s place like a rube who has never been in a nice place was ridiculous. Actually they make Alex a buffoon half the time. He’s not really the Alex I used to like anymore.

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I'm still trying to figure out what the hell I just watched...

I didn't realize it was a milestone episode until I read the comments here, and that makes it even worse.

Meredith and Deluca-was there not a lock on the door? I actually found them more believable as a couple in this episode, but still hoping that it's just a fun fling and not endgame.

Maggie is still insufferable. I kept saying to myself "shut up already, it's not about you!" Ugh. As a previous poster said, Richard needed to have a different talk with her.

I do get Bailey being uncomfortable with splurging on something she wanted-she didn't come from money, so it doesn't come naturally to spend so much on something that's not a necessity. 

There were so many allusions to there being (what was foreshadowed as a huge) fire, that what actually happened was anti-climactic. I did like Alex's reaction to it though, when he realized that his mom wasn't crazy-at least at that moment.

The whole bit with the Mrs. Karev confusion was ridiculous.

Owen is being a jackass, and I hope that Amelia doesn't go back to him just because Leo's back. 

The scenes with Owen/Amelia/Leo/etc. make me feel like there's a missed episode or something. I mean, the grandparents take Leo in a previous episode, but then in this episode Leo is back at Owen's house for the grandparents to take again.  Am I the only one confused by this?

I was kind of hoping they would put Tom with Meredith.  For right now, though, he and Teddy are working ok for me, except I do wish he wasn't pushing the relationship in Owen's face so much-that's just childish.

Also, as other posters have said, the party was Katherine's idea in the first place, so her whole attitude about it was weird.

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On 3/1/2019 at 8:00 AM, Jillybean said:

Came here to say this exactly.

Maggie has taken her insufferability to new levels that I wouldn't have thought existed. I guess I was alone in disliking her green jumpsuit. 

This made me roll my eyes. Grey's Anatomy Boss Can't Even Deal With Your MerLuca Hate

It's not about wanting Mer to be alone forever...it's that this is a terrible, chemistry-free pairing that just makes me cringe. I would actually have liked to see what could happen with Linc.

Ugh. No to Linc. He may be decent looking, but he's about as interesting as lightly toasted Wonder Bread. 

I like DeLuca. He can speak Italian as MUCH AS HE WANTS.  I'm having trouble with the "he's 29, she's 49" thing, which is wrong, because I never had a problem with Sloan/Lexipedia, or any other older male/younger female pairing on the show.  I prefer Mere with DeLuca over Linc. However, WHY did they get rid of Martin Henderson, just when the audience was starting to get used to the idea of Meredith moving on? The ages were compatible (EP is four years older than MH). 

And fuck Owen. Every year, his rage is a problem SOMEWHERE for SOMEONE. I'm enjoying Koracick as an addition to the cast. His punch of Owen just increased my enjoyment tenfold. 

And Mrs. Karev? Yeah, I couldn't care less about her. 

After watching This Is Us a couple weeks ago, and seeing how lovely Goran Visnjic still is, I wouldn't have a problem with him showing up as a doc in Seattle and getting involved with Mere. Unfortunately, that might remind viewers a little TOO MUCH of ER and Luka Kovac. Hmmmm. I wonder if Doug and Carol work at Seattle Presbyterian (since Mercy West merged with Seattle Grace). 

Edited by ChicksDigScars
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7 hours ago, ChicksDigScars said:

After watching This Is Us a couple weeks ago, and seeing how lovely Goran Visnjic still is, I wouldn't have a problem with him showing up as a doc in Seattle and getting involved with Mere. Unfortunately, that might remind viewers a little TOO MUCH of ER and Luka Kovac. Hmmmm. I wonder if Doug and Carol work at Seattle Presbyterian (since Mercy West merged with Seattle Grace). 

This comment just made me realize I totally missed an episode of TIU!

A reference to Doug and Carol working in town would be awesome!

Edited by ams1001
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I haven't finished but I can't wait to write this. Fucking Maggie. No, it is not only your story to tell. It's the patients story to tell too. She did have to advocate for herself. Meredith is the one that gave you the idea for the surgery anyways. 

Also, fucking Owen and Amelia. I know Teddy isn't popular but I love her. I like Koracik too. 

Yeah, still hate Mere and DeLuca. He's creepy about his like of her. Several times tonight, I felt like she was just being maternal tonight to him. Zero chemistry. I did enjoy the Alex/Mere conversation at the beginning. Give me more of that.

Oh WTF I thought we would be rid of Betty/Britney and Leo. Also, where the heck is the social worker? She should be here during all this child swapping. 

I don't care about Deluca's family. Get rid of them all. 

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On 2/28/2019 at 2:31 AM, Marley said:

I’m sorry but Meredith and Deluca are still not doing it for me. There’s just no chemistry there and it seems so forced. I’m starting to FF a lot of their lame scenes. 

So Delucas dad showing up is this big thing? I’m supposed to be intrigued? Who cares. I know they said something about him before being bad but I don’t care about Deluca his sister or the dad. It’s just all so lame.

I laughed when Koracik punched Owen.  Him and Teddy are another lame couple tho.

Get a bigger place Alex jeez.

This would’ve been a bigger deal and more interesting if his girlfriend who was threatened with deportation showed up. (I don’t even remember what ultimately happened to her)

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I didn't watch at all, after they got rid of April and Arizona. I was pissed. I was watching older seasons on netflix, and it's been moving through last season - I see I didn't miss much. Owen is self-righteous, as usual. Still feeling entitled to the attentions of more than one woman (and can't make up his mind). I wouldn't mind Meredith and DeLuca, since we've seen so many older men with younger women over the years - but the whole "everyone's attracted to Meredith" thing was weird. She does look great, though. I love how they've been dressing her. 

I don't mind Maggie complaining about the woman whose life she saved. That was the most normal part of the episode for me. 

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