mstaken June 13, 2014 Share June 13, 2014 Hi everyone! Some of us have joked about wanting to murder at least half of Salem (for some, that's a rather conservative estimate!), and here's your chance to eliminate them one by one :) We start with a list of characters (and, later on, relationships, storylines, or whatever else we like) Once per 24 hour period, you'll just vote on which ones to eliminate. (Depending on the length of the list, we'll probably start out voting against three at a time.) I tally the votes and update the list once a day. Needless to say, the game gets increasingly tough as it goes on, as it's harder and harder to decide which beloved characters you're willing to vote out. Since I'm still a relative newbie and this canvas is so mammoth, I'm sure I'll omit tons of characters, so please feel free to add to the list before we start voting! Let's limit it to current characters in an effort to keep the list a manageable length (though we can do another round with favorite former characters afterwards!) Sami EJ Marlena Kate Eric Nicole Theresa Brady Daniel Jennifer Abigail Stefano Victor Will Sonny John Kayla Rafe Jordan Ben Paige JJ Maggie Julie Roman ...I'm leaving out a bunch of people, right?! Please feel free to add them before we start! Link to comment
LeftPhalange June 13, 2014 Share June 13, 2014 Additions: Hope Tad Bev Rory Abe Maxine Ann (I think she's still on the show) Link to comment
mstaken June 13, 2014 Author Share June 13, 2014 Thanks! I could have sworn I included Hope...and I totally forgot about the existence of everyone else you included :) Updated List: SamiEJMarlenaKateEricNicoleTheresaBradyDanielJenniferAbigailStefanoVictorWillSonnyJohnKaylaRafeJordanBenPaigeJJMaggieJulieRoman Hope TadBevRoryAbeMaxineAnn If you guys are ready, feel free to vote against the three characters you most want eliminated! I'll end this sometime tomorrow :) My votes: Jennifer Daniel Eric Link to comment
dollsandroses June 14, 2014 Share June 14, 2014 Theresa Daniel Jordan Link to comment
TigerLynx June 14, 2014 Share June 14, 2014 Jennifer Abby Daniel 2 Link to comment
Peanut6711 June 14, 2014 Share June 14, 2014 I'd definitely vote Abby and Jenn off the island. And can I vote that Melanie never comes back??? Link to comment
Dandesun June 14, 2014 Share June 14, 2014 EJ Daniel Jennifer Link to comment
boes June 14, 2014 Share June 14, 2014 Jennifer is the TOP of my list. And of course, her lovely daughter Abigail. And then I want whoever does it to go back and stab them both again. Otherwise, with Gabi gone and Nick planted, I'm good. 1 Link to comment
mstaken June 14, 2014 Author Share June 14, 2014 I think part of the challenge of the game is that if even if there are only two you're dying to vote off, you have to pick a third. It gets harder and harder as the list is narrowed down to people who most of us really like. (Though once we've eliminated half the list, we switch to voting against just two, and then once we're down to our final five, we vote against just one!) Boes and peanut, let me know who you guys are casting your third votes against :) Link to comment
boes June 14, 2014 Share June 14, 2014 I think part of the challenge of the game is that if even if there are only two you're dying to vote off, you have to pick a third. It gets harder and harder as the list is narrowed down to people who most of us really like. (Though once we've eliminated half the list, we switch to voting against just two, and then once we're down to our final five, we vote against just one!) Boes and peanut, let me know who you guys are casting your third votes against :) Okay, I see what you're saying. Then I vote Rafe. The guy has a pretty face but man he's a pain. Link to comment
LeftPhalange June 14, 2014 Share June 14, 2014 Jen Abby Nicole I have a feeling everyone is going to have Dan, Jen, and/or Abby on their list. 1 Link to comment
QuelleC June 14, 2014 Share June 14, 2014 (edited) Abby John Julie Are kids off limits? Edited June 14, 2014 by QuelleC Link to comment
ShadowSixx June 14, 2014 Share June 14, 2014 Abby Jennifer Nicole 1 Link to comment
mstaken June 14, 2014 Author Share June 14, 2014 (edited) SamiEJMarlenaKateEricNicoleTheresaBradyStefanoVictorWillSonnyJohnKaylaRafeJordanBenPaigeJJMaggieJulieRomanHopeTadBevRoryAbeMaxineAnn Okay, so our first round results weren't that surprising...but they sure were satisfying ;) Daniel, Jennifer and Abigail are off the canvas, and the next round is open! We're still voting against three! My round 2 votes: Brady, Marlena, John Are kids off limits? Not at all! We're merciless :) Edited June 15, 2014 by mstaken Link to comment
LeftPhalange June 14, 2014 Share June 14, 2014 Round 2: Dan, EJ, Julie. * If Abby should happen to get pregnant I want to swap out Dan for her unborn baby. Link to comment
TigerLynx June 14, 2014 Share June 14, 2014 Julie John Maggie 1 Link to comment
mstaken June 14, 2014 Author Share June 14, 2014 Wait, isn't Dan gone? is there another Dan I don't know about?! Link to comment
boes June 14, 2014 Share June 14, 2014 John - oh to not have to see that look or hear that voice... Bev - plot point IMO, easy to lose.. Maxine - she made her Dannifer bed, now she gets to lie in it. 1 Link to comment
OnceSane June 14, 2014 Share June 14, 2014 I'll play: Nicole Marlena Rafe Link to comment
QuelleC June 14, 2014 Share June 14, 2014 John Julie Naggie Theo and Ciara might be on my halfway down the list vote, Ciara plays the spoiled manipulative brat way too well to be other than true to life. And Theo just to spare him from being used and hurt by Ciara again. Dan's gone? I hate him too but didn't see that one coming so soon. LP, you read the interviews. Do KM and MR have a clue what the audience thinks of them? Link to comment
mstaken June 14, 2014 Author Share June 14, 2014 I keep breathing a sigh of relief that no one's voted against Victor or Kayla yet. I know, I know...over invested much?! 1 Link to comment
LeftPhalange June 14, 2014 Share June 14, 2014 Wait, isn't Dan gone? is there another Dan I don't know about?! Maybe you're thinking of Nick? He's the guy who was just murdered by Gabi. LP, you read the interviews. Do KM and MR have a clue what the audience thinks of them? I haven't read any interviews with MR. I'm not sure if she does any. Maybe she's laying low after that whole thing with Chick-fil-A. KIM mentioned once that people were saying mean things to her on twitter. JS apparently told them to fuck off in another interview and ED apparently defended her on twitter or something. I didn't personally see either of those things so I'm not sure exactly what they said. I got the impression that KM was shocked or took it personally when people were saying rude things to her. The whole thing was kinda weird to me because I'm sure people like AS and AZ receive way more hate than she does but I've never heard them complain about it or heard of anyone defending them. 1 Link to comment
dmeets June 14, 2014 Share June 14, 2014 John EJ Theresa Link to comment
Peanut6711 June 14, 2014 Share June 14, 2014 Julie Bev Nicole Btw, should Kristin be on the main list since she's coming back? If so, I'll make a preemptive strike against her on the next round. Link to comment
mstaken June 14, 2014 Author Share June 14, 2014 Good point, peanut! I'll add her in next round :) Link to comment
ShadowSixx June 15, 2014 Share June 15, 2014 Marlena John Jordan Link to comment
mstaken June 15, 2014 Author Share June 15, 2014 John and Julie are our next casualties! We had a massive tie for that third spot, but I not-the-least-bit-reluctantly changed one of my votes to Marlena, so now she's history as well. The next round is open! SamiEJKateEricNicoleTheresaBradyStefanoVictorWillSonnyKaylaRafeJordanBenPaigeJJMaggieRomanHopeTadBevRoryAbeMaxineAnn Kristen My votes: Eric, Brady and Bev Link to comment
TigerLynx June 15, 2014 Share June 15, 2014 Stefano Maggie Jordan Link to comment
boes June 15, 2014 Share June 15, 2014 Maxine - Dannifer proppers must be purged. Ann - while I enjoyed her torturing the Deveraux duo, since they're gone, no reason for her. Rafe - Pretty will pass but dumb is forever. Link to comment
LeftPhalange June 15, 2014 Share June 15, 2014 Adrienne, Stefano Kristen Link to comment
cmahorror June 15, 2014 Share June 15, 2014 Rafe - pointless Roman - pointless x 2 Eric - cute but stupid 1 Link to comment
metter1 June 15, 2014 Share June 15, 2014 My votes are: Jordan Ben Bev Link to comment
QuelleC June 15, 2014 Share June 15, 2014 Eric Jordan Kristen - we've heard for months about her coming back, it's like she never left. Link to comment
janeyjay June 15, 2014 Share June 15, 2014 Jordanzzzzzzzzz Ericzzzzzzzzz Maxine. Meh. Link to comment
OnceSane June 15, 2014 Share June 15, 2014 Nicole Rafe Roman Link to comment
ShadowSixx June 16, 2014 Share June 16, 2014 Stefano Jordan Ben Link to comment
mstaken June 16, 2014 Author Share June 16, 2014 Adrienne, LP, she's not on the list. Adrienne and Justin are off the show, right? Or so I hope... :) Link to comment
boes June 16, 2014 Share June 16, 2014 LP, she's not on the list. Adrienne and Justin are off the show, right? Or so I hope... :) Nope, they're both recurring. We last saw Adrienne around the time of the christening, Justin maybe a little before that. They'll be back! Link to comment
LeftPhalange June 16, 2014 Share June 16, 2014 Consider yourself lucky since you were spared from having to listen to her meddle in Sonny's life and tell him how awful Will and Sami/the Brady's are. I'm sure she'll show up again when the affair is exposed and talk about how Abby is sweet girl and doesn't deserve any scorn. Link to comment
mstaken June 16, 2014 Author Share June 16, 2014 SamiEJKateNicoleTheresaBradyVictorWillSonnyKaylaRafeBenPaigeJJMaggieRomanHopeTadBevRoryAbeMaxineAnnKristen Adrienne Justin Eric and Jordan are history, and I'll change my vote from Bev to Stefano to avoid a tiebreaker, so now he's tortured Salem---and us---for the last time as well :) The next round is open, and now that I know Adrienne and Justin still occasionally pop up, they're added to the list. (I was in blissful denial, thank you very much!) My votes: Adrienne Brady Roman Link to comment
boes June 16, 2014 Share June 16, 2014 Maxine Ann Rafe Link to comment
TigerLynx June 16, 2014 Share June 16, 2014 Adrienne Roman Kristen Link to comment
janeyjay June 16, 2014 Share June 16, 2014 AdrienneRoman Maxine Link to comment
sunnyheart June 16, 2014 Share June 16, 2014 What I want to know is why are we are in the 3rd round and Nicole isn't dead yet? My votes are: Pathetic, needy Nicole Debbie Downer Nicole Sad Trombone Face Nicole All other versions of Nicole are welcome to stay. I second that the Josh Taylor version of Roman needs to die immediately and be resurrected as the hunky Wayne Northrup Roman. 2 Link to comment
LeftPhalange June 16, 2014 Share June 16, 2014 Ann Ben Jordan Link to comment
metter1 June 16, 2014 Share June 16, 2014 My votes: Bev Ben Paige Link to comment
dmeets June 16, 2014 Share June 16, 2014 Bev Theresa EJ Link to comment
ShadowSixx June 16, 2014 Share June 16, 2014 Nicole Ben Ann Link to comment
Peanut6711 June 16, 2014 Share June 16, 2014 Nicole Kristin Bev Link to comment
sunnyheart June 16, 2014 Share June 16, 2014 After watching them bore the living shit out of me today, I've decided my votes are for: Jordan Ben and my third vote is for....NICOLE! (no surprise there) Link to comment
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