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Sara Lance: The Canary Rises In White

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6 hours ago, squidprincess said:

Yeah, but why bother to throw the bone at all?  They could have easily left them flirtatiously platonic without it.

This might be a little strange, but I actually thought this season had more fuel for a Sara-and-Rip set up than last season did.  He might be gone, but she is the character that tends to mention him the most.  And if she stays captain or co-captain when he comes back, that would eliminate the slightly uneven power dynamic that existed last season.  But that's all speculation which wouldn't be proven until he comes back.  (Arthur Darvill did apparently confirm that he is coming back at his Rhode Island Comic Con appearance last weekend.)

Did he? Can you say more of what he said? Thanks.

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I'll post the link in the speculation thread, since this is Sara's thread, not Rip's.  :-)

Back on topic:  I'd imagine the crossover will provide some clarity to the official stance on Sara's sexuality, given that she'll be interacting with Oliver.

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7 hours ago, squidprincess said:

I'll post the link in the speculation thread, since this is Sara's thread, not Rip's.  :-)

Back on topic:  I'd imagine the crossover will provide some clarity to the official stance on Sara's sexuality, given that she'll be interacting with Oliver.

How would Sara talking to Oliver clarify anything? I doubt they are going to talk about their relationship while fighting aliens. 

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With all those characters? I'm not expecting much character growth for any of them. We'll probably only get some quippy one liners about aliens. 

Also why would Oliver and Sara suddenly bring up a relationship they had 3 years ago? There would be no reason to talk about it. 

Edited by Sakura12
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3 minutes ago, Sakura12 said:

With all those characters? I'm not expecting much character growth for any of them. We'll probably only get some quippy one liners about aliens. 

Also why would Oliver and Sara suddenly bring up a relationship they had 3 years ago? There would be no reason to talk about it. 

How many Arrow and Flash crossovers have we had that didn't, in some way, reference Barry and Felicity's brief flirtation?  

If the network intends Sara to remain bisexual, I'd expect either a flirtatious interaction with a man (and Oliver would be most likely, for obvious reasons) or some passing reference to her past relationship, as is generally customary in these sorts of crossovers

If we get neither of those things, that would be a pretty clear indication of the direction that the network intends to take Sara, namely downplaying her relationships with men in favor of her relationships with women.

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There might be some loose discussion on Arrow but I doubt we get flirting or if we even want it. I hate the sister swapping storyline and the farther that is away from Sara now, the better imo. I do want the show to go into more Sara and Snart though. And I want Sara to flirt with cute guys in time. Along with the cute girls. 

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3 hours ago, tarotx said:

And I want Sara to flirt with cute guys in time. Along with the cute girls. 

Maybe she will. Maybe she just hasn't yet met any guys, other than perhaps Snart, she was attracted to?

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I think Sarah Nicole Jones' tweet should be taken in its full context. While she technically replied to one tweet, she was responding to a longer thread that was less a question of having Sara explicitly called bisexual, and more a condemnation of Mick's erasure of her bisexuality in this week's episode. Here's the whole thing.

It's also worth noting that when given the chance to deny she was saying the network wanted Sara's bisexuality erased, SNJ's response was, "I can't say either way." Why couldn't she, if that wasn't the case? There's no reason for her not to have said she was being misinterpreted if she was. It's what one says when they can't come right out and say it's true but also don't want to lie. She also liked a tweet asking The CW to listen to the fans and SNJ and not erase Sara's bisexuality.

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The tweet from SNJ that I think was erased said she was overruled on Sara being represented as Bi, being a Bi women herself. She was pretty much saying it was the CW's decision to make Sara a lesbian instead of Bi. 



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On 11/21/2016 at 3:32 PM, Sakura12 said:

How would Sara talking to Oliver clarify anything? I doubt they are going to talk about their relationship while fighting aliens. 

may be in the alternative reality will be mentioned. I guess it depends on how the characters feel. If they feel like their old selves before the boat, it means that probably Sara will have feelings for Oliver. But there is a possibility they won't do that to avoid stir the sisters cheating story line. Sara probably will be there to say goodbye to her sister, so maybe they will feel like they do now. But that also means that Oliver won't be in love with Laurel. 

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Any one else excited by the fact that Sara/White Canary is featured as main on the Legends' poster for the crossover. I like the idea of her having more leading role. She as a character has a lot of potential, she is the most complex and developed character on Legends. And I guess we will never get proper Black Canary in these shows, but at least we have Sara/Canary as a bad as female character.

I really hope for her to be recognized as the leader of the Legends from Green Arrow and Flash, because they always fight, who will give the orders. I hope they won't push her on the background as one of the many super heroes.  

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So I'm guessing they really are going to make Sara strictly lesbian.  That's sad.  Don't get me wrong, totally happy she's "gay now", (Buffy callback) but I just really enjoyed her relationship with Oliver (though it was odd I'll grant you) and the flirtation with Snart.

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I took the "prefer" to simply mean that she finds herself attracted to women more often than men. My BFF's husband is bisexual and he describes himself as preferring women in this very way. 

Also, since Sara's last serious relationship with a man was Oliver, which deeply hurt her sister both times they were together, I can see her subconsciously moving away from anyone who would remind her of that time. She didn't hurt Laurel with a woman so she can give into/acknowledge those attractions but, based on this theory, I think Sara would have to have serious feelings before she'd move toward another man. Had Snart not sacrificed himself she might have gotten there with him, and I believe she did feel some mild attraction thanks to Caity's choices opposite Wentworth, but that doesn't seem meant to be. We'll have to wait and see if LOT goes there at all or just keeps pairing her with women. 

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Yeah, I really wish they hadn't included that line about how Sara "prefers girls."  There are a lot of ways that you can handwave that line, if you want (it is, after all, in the same episode where Oliver was brainwashed into thinking that he wanted to marry Laurel, and I do think it was meant to be dramatic irony, since she obviously did hook up with Oliver), but there's really no good justification for writing it.  I mean, if they were going for dramatic irony there, she could have just said "oh, I'd never do that to you" or "Ollie's always been yours" or even "please, that was just a crush; I'd never act on it."  

Like, here's the thing: for me, Sara's bisexuality is a fact of her character.  She spent half of Arrow Season 2 in a serious relationship with Oliver (that's not even including their pre-series relationship) and she spent a good chunk of Legends Season 1 having a vague flirtation with Snart.  I don't feel like she or the writers need to prove that by keeping some sort of even ratio between men and women that she flirts with.  I'm perfectly fine with her not having romantic interactions with random historical guys she runs into (especially since the best thing she can say about most of them is that they eventually get over their sexism) and I'm actually extra fine with her not becoming involved with any of her male teammates.  None of that, to me, makes her any less bisexual.  

That being said, I am wary of the direction that they seem to be going with this.  I think there's a big difference between not acknowledging her bisexuality (at least not as openly as I might like them to) and actively retconning her sexuality, and I worry that they're leaning more towards the latter than I'm really comfortable with.

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Yeah they should have gone with something along the lines of Sara knowing better because "you and [him] always and forever". That would be a callback to what Sara said to Oliver when he discovered she was alive in Starling city. I don't get the reason behind the pushing away from the Bisexual for her. I do get saying "prefer" women doesn't erase the bisexual nature of her character's history. And it's probably true, she prefers women while also being into men. It just makes me feel uneasy. 

Edited by tarotx
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I wonder if the producers think they're doing a good thing but making her lesbian in a way.  You know, more representation and all  that.  I mean, I get that's not the way it works but they've made other questionable choices so I wonder.

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Being Bi doesn't mean she likes men and women equally. It means she attracted to both, she can prefer women, but that doesn't mean she doesn't date men. I liked that they had Sara say prefer. I wonder if that CL's instance, since she's been supportive of representing bisexuals? Because Mick saying last episode that Sara was only into women did upset me. But I can take that as he's only seen her be interested in women. She didn't have to correct him because her sexuality is no one business, but hers. 

However I don't know why they are suddenly talking about her sexuality. They never did before. We saw Sara had a relationship with Nyssa than she hooked up with Oliver and they never said anything about it. Even after she came out to her dad about Nyssa. He didn't say anything about it when he found out she was with Oliver again. It was never mentioned last season either. Now we've heard it mentioned twice. Do they not realize that it is LGBTQ? They are representing by having Sara be a badass openly bisexual woman. 

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Last episode was great for Sara. I really feel that Legends are giving the fans the Canary, Arrow never managed to do. I love how she was vulnerable, tempted, broken and at the same time - brave, victorious and a true leader and friend.

They established her as the best fighter, something they have never done with other female characters. 

And I love the fact that she will never trade her dark past, because without Canary and Green Arrow the world will be left to the villains to do whatever they want.

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I fell in love with Sara because she was this tough, yet vulnerable woman. She could kill someone before they blinked but she would also do whatever it takes to protect people, especially women in trouble. I also love that Sara has accepted all the horrible things that happened to her and the terrible things she's done as part of who she is. Changing that is not even an option for her. She can help the world because those things happened. 

They established her as the best fighter, something they have never done with other female characters.

I think a lot of that has to do with Caity Lotz being a ninja. Lol. I know she's not but I love seeing reviews that say they'd believe CL actually trained with the LoA. 

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I think when you have someone of Caity's skills playing a character like White Canary, you fully utilize them. And that's what the show did. =)

IMO, Sara is probably one of the most well-written female character on TV. She's complex, human, and layered. I've followed other female characters who started out with so much potential, and then just fizzled out. Sara Lance has not disappointed me yet, and I hope this continues.

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This is why Sara is the Black Canary for me. She's the only one out of the 3 that is skilled in many different martial arts like comic Black Canary.

Edited by Sakura12
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It's been six years but Sara Lance is still by far the best interpretation of Black Canary in the Arrowverse. She's everything we love about the character in the comics and more and all they had to do was make her the bisexual leader of a bunch of misfits travelling through time! Also not tying her completely to Oliver Queen. And also not giving her the Canary's Cry which while cool in comics and cartoons looks ridiculous in live action.

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On 12/17/2018 at 8:48 AM, VCRTracking said:

not giving her the Canary's Cry which while cool in comics and cartoons looks ridiculous in live action.

I haven't watched The Gifted in so long, I've forgotten the character's name, but she has a power similar to Canary's Cry, and it's done fairly well.

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So Adrian Paul (Highlander’s Duncan MacLeod) has just appeared on Arrow as (minor spoiler)


the season Big Bad.

Now I’m dying for him to pop up on Legends and to see him and Caity Lotz have a katana fight.😁

On that note, is it me, or has Sara not really had much to do this season as far as physical action scenes?  I think the biggest fight she’s had has been her fight in Witch Hunt.

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10 minutes ago, Starfish35 said:

Now I’m dying for him to pop up on Legends and to see him and Caity Lotz have a katana fight.😁

There can be only one!

*Someone had to say it*

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Too bad people aren’t really writing Highlander crossovers anymore (I’m betraying my age, I know, but there was a time they were all over the place).  Sara would make a great Immortal. 😁

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12 hours ago, Starfish35 said:

On that note, is it me, or has Sara not really had much to do this season as far as physical action scenes?  I think the biggest fight she’s had has been her fight in Witch Hunt.

With the emphasis on magic and Constantine's story, there hasn't been much fighting or many superheroics at all.  😣

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On 3/5/2019 at 11:05 PM, Starfish35 said:

Too bad people aren’t really writing Highlander crossovers anymore (I’m betraying my age, I know, but there was a time they were all over the place).  Sara would make a great Immortal. 😁

Totally agree, I miss the Highlander crossovers (also showing my age, ah the 90's).  But considering that Sara has yet to stay dead, she a kick-ass fighter, and has some skill with a sword, she kind of is an immortal already.

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Quite a few people here have said that they'd like to see Sara have a decent storyline that's not relationship drama with Ava.  So I'm wondering, what would you like to see?  Personally, I think that, if Caity weren't the effective lead of this theoretical ensemble show, she could be on the "her story is complete" chopping block:

  • Her father is dead alive (thanks, Oliver!).
  • Her sister is dead still dead.
  • Her primary skillset is assassin, but specializing in murder is pretty dark for what this show has become.
  • Caity's defining skillset as an actress is her martial arts skills, but the show rarely gives her a chance to use them because they don't really fight anyone.
  • "Captain" isn't really much of a thing in terms of storytelling; it's more of a catalyst and a designated person to ask Gideon to deliver exposition. It also precludes her from using her ninja assassin skills to go on long-term embedded spy missions (which might make for a really cool but totally different show).
  • She's in a reasonably stable relationship.

So, other than relationship drama, what would folks like to see them do with Sara?

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6 hours ago, MarkHB said:

So, other than relationship drama, what would folks like to see them do with Sara?

I'd like to see them bring back some of what made us fall for her when Caity first showed up. I'd like to see Sin again, or a Sin like character if the actor isn't available/interested, and that Big Sis/Little Sis relationship. I loved that Sara, who historically had a terrible relationship with her bio sister, was able to cultivate a strong sisterly bond with an abandoned girl. We've seen a strong found family bond on LOT so this would be a bit more specific. I'd also like to see more of the Arrow season 2 "no woman should suffer at the hands of men" Sara. There's a lot of ways that this can be incorporated into the existing show's structure and story so it wouldn't require her to get special character treatment. I love her friendships with Amaya and Zari, and how each has been her second in command at different points, so I'd like to see that continue when/if Zari's memories return. I've accepted the relationship with Ava is not going away but that doesn't mean I'm ok with it being Sara's only purpose on the show. To be fair, it's only been three episodes so far this season so they may go lighter on them later in the season and are going heavy now to preemptively make up for it.

They definitely need to put Sara in hand to hand combat, or at least the training, more often so she can use those skills.

6 hours ago, MarkHB said:

Personally, I think that, if Caity weren't the effective lead of this theoretical ensemble show, she could be on the "her story is complete" chopping block:

That's another reason I want her to get a story beyond being Ava's girlfriend. I remember in the run up to Laurel's death on Arrow she had exactly two stories: 1) arrange for Sara's resurrection and, 2) try a case against Damian Darhk. Neither story was a positive one for the character and only served to highlight her worst qualities. Then she got killed off. Season 4 of Arrow made it clear how little Laurel actually mattered to the show and I don't want this for Sara. The good news is that Sara already matters more to LOT than Laurel ever did to Arrow, and my hope is that she lasts for the entirety of LOT before going on to do guest appearances on the other shows and/or during the crossover once LOT has concluded, but the current lack of meaty stories makes me nervous.

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Sara and Ava's relationship isn't about Sara. At all. She is being used to promote Ava. Sara even has to "always' give into Ava's needs. It's making me miss Sara and hate Ava.

I also want to say writers don't have to get rid of characters because the plot isn't about them. You create plot for the characters!!!! New characters are just easier to write for since less history has to be maneuvered through.

And Arrow writers had their own issues. Organically Sara would have fit in a league of assassins season. Instead they killed her off.

Edited by tarotx
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1 hour ago, scarynikki12 said:

That's another reason I want her to get a story beyond being Ava's girlfriend. I remember in the run up to Laurel's death on Arrow she had exactly two stories: 1) arrange for Sara's resurrection and, 2) try a case against Damian Darhk. Neither story was a positive one for the character and only served to highlight her worst qualities. Then she got killed off. Season 4 of Arrow made it clear how little Laurel actually mattered to the show and I don't want this for Sara. The good news is that Sara already matters more to LOT than Laurel ever did to Arrow, and my hope is that she lasts for the entirety of LOT before going on to do guest appearances on the other shows and/or during the crossover once LOT has concluded, but the current lack of meaty stories makes me nervous.

Oh yeah, looking back on it, it's obvious Laurel was probably chosen for the grave early on because she had no stories and the big one she had was entirely about setting up another show in a very rushed and awkward way. 

With Sara I don't think it's quite that, at least not yet but the writers are certainly putting more effort into making Ava happen. The stories don't make Sara look bad, but they're frustrating because I want more than "oh don't show Ava her drunk singing video". She was being a good girlfriend but because of the nature of the show and other plots it would have been better if Ava had been mortified and they'd *both* laughed about it together so it doesn't feel like eggshells.

Maybe they do think "happy supportive girlfriend" is enough character development for a character who started off in the Arrowverse sleeping with her sister's boyfriend? They have DP, a fantastic actor who hasn't (yet) gone anywhere but they seem happy for him to stay year after year doing the same thing with occasional plot thrown his way.

I was happy that Sara got POV over Oliver's death both in the crossover and in LOT and was the one to "introduce" Behrad to the audience. She was also kind of being groomed as the leader of the JL in the crossover although that might change once they have the official "changing of the guard" next year.

There's a lot of frustration from me because CL was busy with directing and other things that she's not in the episodes or not as much so that is great for her but doesn't give her much opportunity on screen.

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9 hours ago, MarkHB said:
  • "Captain" isn't really much of a thing in terms of storytelling

So, other than relationship drama, what would folks like to see them do with Sara?

Sara's had the same team for awhile, but with Zari 2.0 coming in, Ray and Nora leaving, possibly some other turnover (it's needed!) - I would like to see her manage the captain role more and how she deals with parts of the family leaving and how she works to make new people feel like part of the family when it's a really weird family to be part of (before you even consider the whole time traveling thing!). 

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Some things I would like to see:

  • Them focusing on developing Sara’s relationships with the rest of the crew, not just Ava.  She used to have close friendships with a lot of the crew, Jax, Stein, Amaya, but gradually all those characters have been written out.  They don’t have to get rid of Avalance, but put it on the back burner and go back to focusing more on the found family aspect.
  • I’d like them to do an episode or two with her dad, or maybe even her mom if they could get Alex Kingston back.
  • It would be nice for them to do a storyline dealing with Sara’s assassin past.  The episode where Sara got possessed by the death totem would have been a great starting place for a storyline like that, but unfortunately it got dropped like a hot potato the very next episode in favor of the “Ava is a clone” storyline (so bitter).
  • It might be interesting to develop a storyline with a personal nemesis as the Big Bad.
  • Bring back the martial arts scenes - those are very much missed.
10 hours ago, scarynikki12 said:

I'd like to see Sin again, or a Sin like character if the actor isn't available/interested, and that Big Sis/Little Sis relationship. I loved that Sara, who historically had a terrible relationship with her bio sister, was able to cultivate a strong sisterly bond with an abandoned girl. We've seen a strong found family bond on LOT so this would be a bit more specific. I'd also like to see more of the Arrow season 2 "no woman should suffer at the hands of men" Sara.

This would be amazing - I’d love to see this.

On a different note....

As I was watching the episode tonight, I realized something. I think part of my frustration with Ava on the ship right now comes from the history with Arrow. Once before, we saw Sara shoved out (off a roof), and someone else come in and take her place, her costume, her name, her friends.  I know realistically CL probably isn’t being pushed out again, and it’s only the behind-the-scenes reasons that’s making her scarce right now, but still.  It feels like deja vu.  Ava being set up as the new captain, replacing Sara.  Ava making friends with nu!Zari after a rough start, echoing Sara making friends with old!Zari after their rough start.  Ava even appears first in the freaking new credits! 

*sigh* I know realistically I’m probably overreacting.  Hopefully once Sara gets back things will be better.  I just kind of feel like a hissing cat right now. 😾😹

Edited by Starfish35
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Like a lot of what has already been said here, there's still a lot more to Sara's story than just being a happy (boring) supportive girlfriend to Ava.

Personally, what Zari and Constantine got last season was what I would like to see happen with Sara. Zari was effectively the captain of the Legends with how she handled Mick and Ray's secrets, and bringing in Constantine and Charlie as new team members. The dark backstory that they explored with Constantine, and apparently are continuing to explore this season, could also have been Sara's days as a League assassin, leading to a Big Bad with personal ties to her, maybe someone she felt she let down. The show is not too dark for that, since they're willing to go there with Constantine.

And definitely more friendships with her teammates. More trivia nights like what she had with Ray in the crossover. Everyone Sara was close to are gone now. Caity said she wanted more female friendships back in S2, but I never felt she got one. Sara has maybe one non-mission related conversation with Amaya/Zari a season. That is not a close friendship to me. Instead, Ava will probably have a better friendship with Zari, one that continues throughout the season. 

And I will always want to see more fights. But hopefully without Ava there meeting Sara punch for punch. We get it. Ava is Sara's equal in everyway. I don't need the visual cue of Sara and Ava alternately punching bad guys.

And maybe dig into more of the smaller things, like Sara's hobbies or childhood. We got little tibits like Sara being a horror movie fan, and she loves camping. Maybe give us more of such little insight into who Sara is out of missions, and then return to it and expand upon it later. Like Ava's serial killer obsession. 

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1 hour ago, lurker22 said:

More trivia nights like what she had with Ray in the crossover. 

More fun stuff like this would be great - showing lives outside of the mission. That trivia night bit was especially great because they messed up a bit of history that resulted in getting the question wrong!

Also, with Ray leaving I'd like to see how that affects her. One, it's one of the only "originals" left which has to be hard, but how does she handle someone leaving because they can/want to, not because they're dead? That's sort of new for her. (Side note - If we have to lose CF and BR, then PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give them a happy sendoff!)

Following that thread - Mick is the only other one left on the ship she's known the whole time. How does that impact them both?

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My dream would be for Ava and Sara to break up and Ava to leave. Since I know that won't happen.

I want to see Sara's pov in that relationship. I don't even know what Sara sees in Ava or what she's getting out of it. I want to see Ava supporting Sara without making it about herself. I want Sara's issues to be dealt with. I want for Ava to learn that everything doesn't revolve around her needs. 

I want to see Sara outside her relationship with Ava. I want to see Sara talking with her team and spending time with them. 

They make jokes about Sara dying. But where did she go the first time where she was dead for a year. Being an assassin the obvious choice is Hell. So they could've tied part of the story this season to her. Sara could know one of the encores from meeting them in Hell. I would say Sara could talk to Ava about her experiences in Hell but they clearly shown Ava only cares about her issues, so she and Constantine could talk about being in Hell. 

They could have Sara think about the redemption of the encores and if she still deserves to go to Hell for everything she did as an assassin. That would be more dramatically satisfying for me to watch over Ava's 20th poor me issues. 


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This quote from Keto Shimizu (from this article posted in the Spoilers thread) just increases my frustration.  It’s like the writers are thinking of a different show than the one we’ve been watching.


like Sara Lance. For instance, to bring her dad into the story, in a way, would be a step back for her because she had to deal with the loss of her father and grew because of that. We don’t wanna muddy the story too much. 

When? When did she deal with the death of her father and grow from that? I must have missed that episode.  You know, that might be one thing if they’d shown even a moment of her reacting to his loss on Legends. I still wouldn’t agree - dealing with family is an ongoing thing throughout your life.  It’s not something that you move past (what an odd take!).  But it was never even acknowledged that it happened. If you only watched Legends you would never even know that her dad died.  So no, sorry, I don’t buy that even a little bit.  That just feels like more excuses for being more interested in writing for other characters than writing for Sara. Sorry.  I’m getting more salty about this by the moment.

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Yeah there was exactly zero indication that Sara was grieving Quentin's death and I doubt anyone who wasn't also watching/aware of Arrow would have guessed that anything had happened to him at all. Maybe she means those three seconds on Arrow when he actually died but they hardly spent any time on her so I doubt it.

14 hours ago, Starfish35 said:

She used to have close friendships with a lot of the crew, Jax, Stein, Amaya, but gradually all those characters have been written out.

Jax is the perfect example of what I'd like to see for Sara. The evolution of those two from teammates who got along to Big Sister and Little Brother was perfect. It didn't take over the show and was told in small moments beginning with them bonding over young stoner Stein. One of my favorite moments in the history of this show was Sara's hug and forehead kiss for Jax when she returned from spending most of the episode offscreen so Caity could film for the crossover. It was in the background rather than the focal point and it perfectly showed the Big Sister Little Brother dynamic that had emerged for them. And their relationship never took over the show. That's all I want.

3 hours ago, Sakura12 said:

They make jokes about Sara dying. But where did she go the first time where she was dead for a year. Being an assassin the obvious choice is Hell. So they could've tied part of the story this season to her. Sara could know one of the encores from meeting them in Hell. I would say Sara could talk to Ava about her experiences in Hell but they clearly shown Ava only cares about her issues, so she and Constantine could talk about being in Hell. 

We know the resurrection and soul restoration were horribly traumatic for Sara so she should have an opinion on the Encores. I can buy that she's more black and white with the Encores as the ones she's met so far have been horrible people so I'd like to see an Encore who maybe is only remembered as evil because those who killed them had better PR. I'd like her to be involved in Con's quest but I think they want Charlie to be his confidant for most of it so I'll just hope that Sara gets to be a part of it.

The crossover was fantastic for her so that can tide me over for now.

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22 hours ago, Sakura12 said:

I want to see Sara's pov in that relationship. I don't even know what Sara sees in Ava or what she's getting out of it.

Sara has said a couple of times that her relationship with Ava was her last chance at something real, which to me seems like Sara was just latching onto the first person who wanted to be in a relationship with her, and less about Ava herself. But I'm sure the writers meant that in a "love of my life" way instead.

22 hours ago, Starfish35 said:

This quote from Keto Shimizu (from this article posted in the Spoilers thread) just increases my frustration.  It’s like the writers are thinking of a different show than the one we’ve been watching.

When? When did she deal with the death of her father and grow from that? I must have missed that episode.  

Keto isn't the only one to make me think we're watching completely different shows. Grainne Godfree in this recent YT interview (2:07) said "they don't have to make every storyline about [Sara and Ava's] relationship". Um, that's exactly what they have done with Sara. Or maybe she's only talking about Ava. 

When there's such a great disconnect between how we and the writers see how Sara is being written, I doubt anything is going to change. And that's just going to suck for me as a Sara fan.

And yeah, Sara didn't deal with her dad's death at all. In fact, she didn't even acknowledge it on Legends. And I don't get why Keto is saying they don't focus on the characters' history. They do that all the time with Constantine, and it'll probably even take centre stage this season. It's like only he's allowed to be dark and tortured by his past, while Sara who arguably has just as dark a past as him, is only allowed to be a happy supportive girlfriend to Ava.

18 hours ago, scarynikki12 said:

Jax is the perfect example of what I'd like to see for Sara.

I had some hope when I saw Behrad and Sara in the premiere, the 2 characters had chemistry. But it seemed like they were only using Sara to introduce a new character to the audience - the old "pair an unknown character with a fan favorite to make them endearing to the audience" trick, since after that, Behrad and Sara didn't interact at all.

I actually was hoping for Nate and Sara to develop some sort of sibling relationship too, because I love how they tease each other. But nope, they sent Nate over to the TB and Ava, and he barely has any scenes with Sara.

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