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Worst Cooks In America - General Discussion

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On 8/15/2019 at 1:27 PM, preeya said:

Just because they are "worst cooks"ย  doesn't mean they are "dumb cooks." I've never cooked a lobster or a wellington but I know the basic concept of how it looks and what goes into preparing it.ย  I could also be called a "worst baker." My wife bakes and from that, I basically know about dough, mixers, egg whites, flour, sugar, etc. But I wouldn't be able to bake something presentable.

Well I wouldn't say dumb. I'm going by how it was from the first season through to this season.ย  First season, they didn't know anything except to put something in the microwave-no knife skills, no knowledge of what was a vegetable, etc. Many don't know the basics(supposedly), yet to know something like how to properly kill a lobster is a wee bit more knowledge than they would, again supposedly know. We're talking about people who don't know what a food processor is, how to turn on an oven, etc.ย  With each season some of the cooks know more than what the "worst" cooks would know. That's why I say some of them are not the "worst". They are either brought in by producers, or making up their lack of cooking skills.ย  I'm just being realistic as to how most of these shows are. When they started getting child actors to be on MC Junior, thatย  pretty much nailed it. It's not to say, some are not really bad......but I just don't believe someone that bad would know to do that w/out someone telling him.ย 

I don't understand why Bobby keeps saving Gina.ย  She's ridiculous.ย  I keep wondering what she really does in a bank.ย  She seems much too flighty and disorganized to be a teller much less theย educated professional I picture when I see the term "banker."ย ย 

None of the men annoy me, not even the hyperย exercise guy.ย  All of the women do.ย ย 

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Every time Gina does something stupid and Bobby asks if she wants him to do it for her instead, I want to lead her outdoors during a rainstorm and have her look up just to see if she'd drown like it's said over-bred domestic turkeys might do. It's irrational, but there's something about willful stupidity that makes me feel cruel.

Edited by CoderLady
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1 hour ago, mlp said:

None of the men annoy me, not even the hyperย exercise guy.ย  All of the women do.ย ย 

You must be a very even-tempered person, @mlp.ย  'Cause Laith annoys the fuck out of me.ย  I'm so tired of his extended audition for voice-over work that I could thcuh-REEEEEEAM!ย  (That's my Daffy Duck, complete with lisp.)

Tonight made my editor nerves a little twitchy.ย  I get that some people just don't know when it's "Anne and I" versus "Anne and me," but Bobby got it wrong at least twice tonight.ย  Just take the name out and you know which pronoun to use.ย  And the fact that Chef Anne doesn't know how to pronounce Groo-YARE is bad enough, but she kept correcting people to mispronounce it.ย  It's not Groy-air, for Pierre's sake.

Father Adam's joke about making water holy by boiling the hell out of it actually made me laugh out loud.

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On 8/25/2019 at 11:38 PM, Mondrianyone said:

I get that some people just don't know when it's "Anne and I" versus "Anne and me," but Bobby got it wrong at least twice tonight.

I noticed that too.ย  And cringed.ย  I know he dropped out of high school but he's no dummy.ย  You'd think he'd have figured it out by now.ย  OTOH I used to work for a hospital administrator who had a master's degree from Notre Dame and he still said "I seen it" and "I done it" and "I have went......" and so on.ย  I guess you talk like you were raised unless you make a deliberate effort to improve.

I don't mind Laith at all.ย  Shrug.ย  ๐Ÿ™‚

Edited by mlp
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On 8/26/2019 at 12:38 AM, Mondrianyone said:

Tonight made my editor nerves a little twitchy.ย  I get that some people just don't know when it's "Anne and I" versus "Anne and me," but Bobby got it wrong at least twice tonight.ย  Just take the name out and you know which pronoun to use.ย  And the fact that Chef Anne doesn't know how to pronounce Groo-YARE is bad enough, but she kept correcting people to mispronounce it.ย  It's not Groy-air, for Pierre's sake.

I know, sheย bugged me no end!ย  She's a freaking CHEF, she should know better!ย  I kept thinking that perhaps she was showing her upstate NY roots with that pronunciation.ย  And ditto on the I/me grammar issue.ย  Don't watch reality showsย if you don't want to end up throwing your TV out the window.ย  BTW, Bobby has that New York "street smarts" (which does count for something) but sometimes it's evident thatย he is a high school drop out.ย  Then again, so is my husband (from NY, HS dropout but has a GED) yet he doesn't commit such offenses.

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On 8/27/2019 at 5:09 AM, Yeah No said:

Bobby has that New York "street smarts" (which does count for something) but sometimes it's evident thatย he is a high school drop out.ย 

Can't speak for NY schools, but we had to learn nominative and subjective case in seventh grade, not high school.

On 8/25/2019 at 9:38 PM, Mondrianyone said:

Father Adam's joke about making water holy by boiling the hell out of it actually made me laugh out loud.

It's a very old joke.ย  Kinda like this show.

This is the first season my daughter's seen, and I myself have skipped the last few seasons, but I've had to explain to her that they used to show the chefs doing actual instruction, where a novice cook might even learn something, but of course all that's gone.ย  And that Anne used to have a really good stand-and-stir show but she's given up all pretense of respectability.ย  I am not easily amused, but my daughter is, andย she hasn't laughed at anything she's seen.

I didn't comment on last week's show, but I will never understand the stupid "advantage" of poaching someone from another team.ย  Bobby and Anne are geared to pick the best person from the other team, who's now your new "teammate," increasing the likelihood of you being aufed, so that's an advantage to you how???

This Sharon/Lorraine crap is not only unfunny, it's downright creepy.

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I can't watch the show anymore, but I'm looking forward to hanging around this thread for updates. Now, if there was only some way to keep from being ambushed by the constant bombardment of ads featuring Gina's slack jawed, bug-eyed face staring at the fire she's started, and that dramatic "Ohhhhhh!" she does, I'll be much happier. And funny as it was in context, I don't need to hear "This! Is! Bootcamp!" ever again.

I have an idle question for anyone who's watched multiple seasons: has the show always had that cartoon-like background music? Other Food Network and Cooking Channel competition shows use their music cues for drama and tension for the most part but this show lays goofiness on so thickly it really stands out in comparison.

19 minutes ago, CoderLady said:

I have an idle question for anyone who's watched multiple seasons: has the show always had that cartoon-like background music?

I've watched since Season 10, and it's always been kind of goofy. Other people who've been around longer than me say it used to be more serious. Honestly, this season's been a touch more on the serious side, with slightly less goofiness and more cooking.ย 

I also want to point out that there have been EIGHT (8) seasons in the space of three years.ย 

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Honestly, I think other series have been worse with the "pow!" & the " splat! " kind of cartoon stuff unless I'm thinking of a different show. But this year seems game in comparison.

I do wish the cheftestants had more space & that they marked their ovens with a sticky note. Come on. That's just first grade sharing stuff. These people are such slobs.

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I am really enjoying Bobby's reactions to everything as it's like he's my avatar in not believing the incompetency of the contestants.ย  He also seems to be on the floor more to help his team as if he's afraid there will be an explosion or some other type of disaster.ย  I know he's been on the show before (and won), but I wonder if things have really changed to the degree that he's just in disbelief most of the time.

I also enjoy the editing when the editors make fun of the contestants.ย  Hey, they signed up for this show so, you know... I was glad that both Karma and Sara were eliminated this week (they both annoyed me in different ways).ย ย 

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Can't believe freakin' Gina is still on board. There's no way she makes it to the final, or does she?ย 

I figure Julianne will win, she seems to be taking it seriously and is actually learning how to cook. Of course she's on Anne's team.

A good mole takes days to make. WTF.

I still echo Tyler's comment from lastย season, "My soul hurts."

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And Gina survives another week.ย  Blecch.ย  Can anyone actually imagine her getting to the finale?ย  Just get rid of her now.ย  And on the subject of surviving, where did Laith get the idea that talking smack to the chef who decides his fate would be a good idea?

WTF was the meaning of Anne drawing Pete's middle finger red?ย  What did he do wrong?ย  Meowdaughter and I rewound and watched again and still didn't see him do anything awful.ย  We decided we like Pete because he pretty much just puts his head down and tries to do his work.

Could we have one season where they don't insinuate creepy associations between female contestants and Bobby Flay?ย  It's pretty damn gross.

Everyone got a critique, Anne.ย  You voiced a criticism.ย  Critique โ‰  criticism.ย ย 

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2 hours ago, meowmommy said:

WTF was the meaning of Anne drawing Pete's middle finger red?ย  What did he do wrong?ย  Meowdaughter and I rewound and watched again and still didn't see him do anything awful.ย  We decided we like Pete because he pretty much just puts his head down and tries to do his work.

She marksย people's index fingers with red magic marker when she sees them put them on the top spine of a chef's knife when chopping vegetables as it's wrong form to do so.ย  Not sure why she would mark a middle finger unless she marked the wrong one (or perhaps you saw it wrong).ย  She has made a big deal on camera about this in previous seasons but there has been no mention of it so far this time.ย  Same goes for her obsession with precise knife cuts, which she has called the contestants to task about in previous seasons but has so far notย mentioned much if at all.

Edited by Yeah No
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I donโ€™t know- maybe there was some weird lighting going on, but Ginaโ€™sย was the only tenderloinย I would have felt 100% confident eating (Kaylaโ€™s was probably fine too, but I personally donโ€™t want anyย pink in my pork). ย The boysโ€™ tenderloinsย both looked rare in the center, and I was surprised they both werenโ€™t in the bottom. ย Yes, Bobby said they both did a good job, but it also looked like he was cutting from the edges.

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4 hours ago, Chyromaniac said:

I donโ€™t know- maybe there was some weird lighting going on, but Ginaโ€™sย was the only tenderloinย I would have felt 100% confident eating (Kaylaโ€™s was probably fine too, but I personally donโ€™t want anyย pink in my pork). ย The boysโ€™ tenderloinsย both looked rare in the center, and I was surprised they both werenโ€™t in the bottom. ย Yes, Bobby said they both did a good job, but it also looked like he was cutting from the edges.

I agree. I would never eat rare pork. I donโ€™t care how safe someone says it is.ย 

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I would like to watch more teaching moments in the show and less comedy, even if they have cut a lot in the slapstickย comedy they used to doย a few years ago.

I have seen chef Burrell cook impressive dishes before , but she seems to be a very difficultย ย person to work with.

By the way, why in the food network nobody canย pronounce โ€œpaellaโ€.ย 

All theย chefs say โ€œpayellaโ€.ย 

And donโ€™t let me start writing about the chorizo in the paella...๐Ÿคฏ

Edited by El maestro
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Finally!ย  Gina should have gone three weeks ago.ย  She seemed far more interested in acting "cute" and being on TV than in learning to cook.ย  Adrian is hyper but he seems to be serious about doing well in spite of that.ย  I'm finding him likable despite his antics and the ring in his nose.

The best part of tonight's show was watching Bobby crack up.ย  He had me LOL.

I like Father Adam and I hope he wins.

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I saw more laughing and smiles from Bobby on this episode than in close to 20 years of seeing him on TV.ย 

When Bobby was choosing who to send home I predicted the internet would blow up if he DIDN'T pick Gina.ย  As she was leaving it looked to me like he and Anne were sad to see her go.ย  Somehow I guess they liked her.ย  Whatever they saw in her escapes me unless she's really that much of a kiss-up.ย ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ

ย Adrian jumps around too much but he has grown on me as has the priest.ย  When the latter said "crap", I was LOL.

I knew Anne wouldn't send home her darling little cheerleader.ย  Maybe it would have been more believable if she didn't praise Peter's dish so much.ย ๐Ÿ˜

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It took me four (F-O-U-R) attempts to get through this mess on DVR.

I like the priest, if he really is one.ย  On this show you never know.

Gina was exhausting with her unending "aren't I stupid/cute" antics. Yes, you are stupid.ย  No, you're not cute.ย  Buh-bye.

Ms. Cheerleader America and Dancing Queen can go next.ย ย  I'm tired of both of them.

Now on to Cutthroat Kitchen as a palate cleanser.

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