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LMAO!: Hilarious Movie Moments

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I finally got around to watching Zootopia, and there were a few real laugh-out-loud moments - among other things, the shrew wedding where it looks normal (so to speak) at first sight, and then you get a wide shot and the whole party is taking place on a small platform with the polar bear bodyguards just standing in a circle around it. Not to mention my very favourite thing, the reveal of the streetracer in that last scene. I laughed so hard at that guilty face.

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Bring It On was re-added to Netflix, and I forgot how much I love that movie.  I think it's a major part of the reason I have such a soft-spot for Kristen Dunst (the other part being Drop Dead Gorgeous).  The whole movie makes me laugh out loud, but I have to say my favorite part is when they're talking about one of their cheerleaders that was hurt on the first day of practice:

Les: You know, everyone's saying that your ambition broke Carver's leg.
Torrance: When clearly it was the angle at which she slammed into the ground!

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On 5/3/2016 at 1:27 PM, Princess Sparkle said:

Bring It On was re-added to Netflix, and I forgot how much I love that movie.  I think it's a major part of the reason I have such a soft-spot for Kristen Dunst (the other part being Drop Dead Gorgeous).  The whole movie makes me laugh out loud, but I have to say my favorite part is when they're talking about one of their cheerleaders that was hurt on the first day of practice:

Les: You know, everyone's saying that your ambition broke Carver's leg.
Torrance: When clearly it was the angle at which she slammed into the ground!

Hahaha!!  I just posted in the "Stupid Movies we watch over and over" thread about Bring It On.  It's not stupid, it's clearly brilliant but.. you know.  Drop Dead Gorgeous is also just an underrated gem of a film.

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20 hours ago, dusang said:

Hahaha!!  I just posted in the "Stupid Movies we watch over and over" thread about Bring It On.  It's not stupid, it's clearly brilliant but.. you know.  Drop Dead Gorgeous is also just an underrated gem of a film.

Drop Dead Gorgeous really is an underrated gem.  Everyone in it is firing on all cylinders, and this might be the funniest I've ever found Kristie Alley:
"Oh my God, the swan ate my baby!"
"He sells reproductions! His furniture's as fake as my orgasms!"

I can't even pick a standout; everyone is just so funny.  And I recently discovered that Michael Patrick Jann of The State directed it, which now makes me realize why I like it so much.

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I've got to mention this, can't believe it hasn't been mentioned, but The Naked Gun baseball scenes, just all of them.

- The worst National Anthem ever.
- "Strike?"
- Frank's antics when calling strikes, in particular calling strike three the moment the pitcher releases the ball.
- The montage set to "I Love L.A."
- Frank starts making terrible calls to make sure the 7th inning stretch doesn't happen.
- "Kick him in the balls!"
- "Hey! It's Enrico Palazzo!"

Of course, you could say the entire movie belongs in this thread.

Edited by Jediknight
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Of course, you could say the entire movie belongs in this thread.

Bingo.  O.J. Simpson makes it hard to watch now (but at least Nordberg keeps getting the ever-loving shit kicked out of him), but the film is just laugh-until-it-hurts funny to me.  The baseball scenes are great, and also the shenanigans in Ludwig's office.  The student driver and her instructor.  The long-suffering mayor.  Etc.

Edited by Bastet
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3 minutes ago, Bastet said:

Bingo.  O.J. Simpson makes it hard to watch (but at least Nordberg keeps getting the ever-loving shit kicked out of him), but the film is just laugh-until-it-hurts funny to me.  The baseball scenes are great, and also the shenanigans in Ludwig's office.  The student driver and her instructor.  The long-suffering mayor.  Etc.

Word. I love it.

I LOVE Bring It On. I rewatched it last Sunday, and I think it's a genuinely good movie. It's funny, and it makes very pointed commentary about cultural appropriation. 

Princess Sparkle, that's one of my favorite lines in the movie.

I also love this exchange:

Misty: Relax, it's only cheerleading.

Torrance: I AM only cheerleading! 

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Soapdish belongs in this thread!!!

after being bummed at the ridonkulous and obscene cost for the dvd movie, and bummed it's no longer on Netflix, I read on the stupid movie thread that it's now on HBO and watched it last night!

I do wonder though why Finola Hughes, who cameod as a fake soap actress, for a fake soap, wasn't even listed in the credits!


Sally Fields is just amazingly hilarious in this, as is Whoopi Goldberg.  And I never knew that this was an Aaron Spelling production!

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Low supply, and increased demand because of the Netflix airing?  Maybe you're driving the price up with your many searches (demand)?  Heh.

I posted about some of my favorite funny moments elsewhere, but two of my favorites are Celeste's "Gloria fucking Swanson" rant about the turban and when Rose is asked to bring back a character who was killed off:

"[He was decapitated.]  How am I supposed to write for a guy who doesn't have a head?! He's got no lips, no vocal cords.  What do you want me to do?"

  • Love 7
22 hours ago, Bastet said:

Low supply, and increased demand because of the Netflix airing?  Maybe you're driving the price up with your many searches (demand)?  Heh.

I posted about some of my favorite funny moments elsewhere, but two of my favorites are Celeste's "Gloria fucking Swanson" rant about the turban and when Rose is asked to bring back a character who was killed off:

"[He was decapitated.]  How am I supposed to write for a guy who doesn't have a head?! He's got no lips, no vocal cords.  What do you want me to do?"


Oh shit! Seriously? That's just insane. Maybe I'll bite the bullet and buy a used copy. A really GOOD used copy. It's not on Netflix anymore, but is on demand via HBO.

I did see your comments in the other thread and totally agree, those are two of my favorite scenes as well. 

Robert Downey,Jr. looks like a baby, in terms of how young he looked. Not that he looks bad now, but he was really adorable-for a conniving and smarmy character that is.

Elisabeth Shue was the weakest character for me. 

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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Some from Get Smart

Farmer: "Holy shit a Ferrari."

Dalip: "Her sister's such a bitch."

Max: "I said I was sorry.  You just didn't hear me because you were in a mini coma."

Max: "Oh my God!  You and 23?  I am so sexually threatened right now."

The Chief vs the Vice President, the fact it was recorded on phones, and 23's reaction of "Nice tackle."

Shtarker: "Too bad about all the dead movie stars."
Siegfried: "Yes.  What will we do without their razor-sharp political advice."

Dalip: "Bomb didn't go off."
Siegfried: "Oh really bright eyes, what alerted you? Was it no boom-boom or the lack of a mushroom cloud?"
Shtarker: "It was the mushroom cloud for me."

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I saw that. I'm a dork in that I like to hear from the actors and interviews.

I've been watching reruns of The Avengers and Thor on tv because they've had behind the scenes interviews and looks at the filming of the movies.  It's been fascinating (and a lot of fun, too).  I told my kids that one day we'd have to sit down with all of our Marvel movies and watch  the bonus footage on all of them. 

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17 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Robert Downey,Jr. looks like a baby, in terms of how young he looked. Not that he looks bad now, but he was really adorable-for a conniving and smarmy character that is.

"Why aren't we having sex yet?"

"You know the rules. Get rid of Celeste and Mr. Fuzzy is yours."

It took me ages to be able to look at Cathy Moriarty again without thinking, "She's a man, baby!" XD

Edited by Cobalt Stargazer
to add trivia
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So, a third-party vendor had Soapdish as New, for just a couple bucks more than Prime, and I bought it! All is well in my world. I know, I know, I'm being ridiculous over a movie that came out 25 years ago. And watch, if there is a 25th Anniversary release, I hope it's in blu ray. Then I can trade in the dvd and will buy the blu ray.

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I always think of this scene in Roxanne:



C.D. Bales: [shouting through the front door] Ten more seconds and I'm leaving!

Roxanne Kowalski: [opening the door] What did you say?

C.D. Bales: I said, ten more seconds and I'm leaving! Wait a second! What did you think I said?

Roxanne Kowalski: I thought you said, "Earn more sessions by sleeving."

C.D. Bales: Well, what the hell does that mean?

Roxanne Kowalski: I don't know. That's why I came out!


It's very relatable for me.

Edited by dusang
  • Love 3
On 5/26/2016 at 10:07 AM, GHScorpiosRule said:

Soapdish belongs in this thread!!!


Yes!  My favorite part is where Cathy Moriarty chases Robert Downey Jr. around his office with a baseball bat because he hasn't managed to get rid of Sally Field's character.  She says, "We were both naked and you PROMISED!"

RDJ: "Hey!  We were never naked!"

CM: "Well we could've been!"  She goes on to lament that now she not only has Sally Field to deal with but also Elisabeth Shue, ending with (saying about Shue's character), "She's got more lines than I do and she's a goddamned mute!"

So much hilarity in Soapdish.  Now I must go watch it again.

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I wasn't feeling so hot today, so I stayed home from work and watched movies on Netflix.  I watched A League of Their Own for the 10,000th time and enjoyed every second Tom Hanks was onscreen.  I'm never sure which part I find funnier - him screaming "WHO IS LOU??" on the bus, him signing a baseball to a child with "Avoid the clap", or when he nails Stilwell with his glove and gleefully yells 'HA, got em!".  That last one might be my favorite, just because it looks like Rosie O'Donnell is genuinely laughing as herself, and not necessarily in character.

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I still giggle when he says "I'd like to thank you for that waitress in [where ever it was] last night. You know the one--she kept calling your name".  The looks on the women's faces were priceless.

Or when he's trying really hard not to yell at Evelyn because he's afraid she'll start crying again.

Edited by Shannon L.
  • Love 6
19 hours ago, Shannon L. said:

I still giggle when he says "I'd like to thank you for that waitress in [where ever it was] last night. You know the one--she kept calling your name".  The looks on the women's faces were priceless.

Or when he's trying really hard not to yell at Evelyn because he's afraid she'll start crying again.

[jowls shaking] You keep.  Missing.  The CUTOFF MAN. [jowls shaking]

  • Love 4

Oh, yes - Tom Hanks' body language as Jimmy reins himself in with Evelyn.  The hands, the face.  Wonderful.

I also love the early exchange with Mr. Harvey, starting with Jimmy apologizing for selling off the team's equipment.  And then:

-Let me be blunt. Are you still a fall-down drunk?
-No sir, I've quit drinking.
-You've seen the error of your ways.
-No, I just can't afford it.

And then Mr. Harvey says he could still be playing if he'd just laid off the booze, and Jimmy protests he hurt his knee.

-You fell out of a hotel, that's how you hurt it.
-Well, there was a fire.
-Which you started, and which I had to pay for.
-Well, now, I was going to send you a thank-you card, Mr. Harvey, but I wasn't allowed anything sharp to write with.

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I've been watching Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, and although the dialogue may not lend itself to hilarity if you haven't seen the movie, there was one bit that had me cackling and rewinding several times. The pair are trying to figure out what's afflicting Hamlet through roleplaying and question/answer:

ROS: Let me get it straight. Your father was king. You were his only son. Your father dies. You are of age. Your uncle becomes king.

GUIL: Yes.

ROS: Unusual.

GUIL: Undid me.

ROS: Undeniably.

GUIL: He slipped in.

ROS: Which reminds me -

GUIL: Well, it would.

ROS: I don't want to be personal.

GUIL: It's common knowledge.

ROS: Your mother's marriage.

GUIL: He slipped in.

I'm not even sure why I find it so funny, but Gary Oldman and Tim Roth's delivery is so brilliantly on point.

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My son and I watched Daddy's Home this afternoon and it was pretty much what I figured it would be--mostly dumb with a couple of small laughs.  Then came this part:

Brad (to the man about to start a fight with Dusty):  I wouldn't do that if I were you.

Man picking the fight:  Yeah?  Why not?

Brad: Because I'm pretty sure he kills people for a living.  He's been rather vague about it, but that's what I've surmised.

Most of it had to do with the the delivery.

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On June 12, 2016 at 0:28 PM, Bruinsfan said:

The part of Neighbors 2 that had me guffawing was Teddy running and crying after being blindsided by the request to move out while "All By Myself" played on the soundtrack.

LOL, that shouldn't have been funny (because we've all had that moment) but it was.

And then there was the cameo by Kelsey Grammar as Shelby's dad getting all weepy from being separated from his daughter.

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On 6/3/2016 at 0:24 PM, Spartan Girl said:

I just saw Neighbors 2 the other day, and I thought the montage of sorority parties was hilarious, especially the viewing party of The Fault in Our Stars.  Zac Efron loudly sobbing "THEY'RE SO YOUNG!" was too freaking funny.

 I loved that bit. My god, it was great, especially as someone who remembers sobbing at the movie during its premiere weekend two years ago. Of course, there were reasons beyond that film, but still.

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Bumping it up with several funny scenes from Star Wars: The Force Awakens; Finn's attempts to hold Rey's hand, his claims that he's a Resistance leader,BB-8's zapping Finn when he first met him and later giving him the thumbs-or rather, lighter-up, Han Solo's negotiations with the two gangs he "borrowed" (aka swindled) money from and the scene when two Stormtroopers, upon hearing Kylo Ren's latest tantrum, ever-so-slowly back away from the crazy. 

Edited by DollEyes
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This clip from the movie Nothing To Lose with Martin Lawrence and Tim Robbins applies to a few different topics, but I decided this one is the most appropriate, since I just wiped tears from my eyes laughing. I recommend watching all the way through...there's a moment at the very end that I find just as funny as the main physical comedy. Enjoy! 

I just discovered The First Wives Club is on Amazon Prime, and so I've been rewatching quite often.  The whole movie is laugh out loud from start to finish, but I have come to really appreciate just how funny Sarah Jessica Parker was in it.  The way she and Maggie Smith play off each other is hysterical, first when they're having lunch together, and then at the auction:

And then of course, I love the part where Goldie Hawn, Bette Middler, and Diane Keaton have to escape Morty's condo makes me laugh until I cry.  Goldie Hawn's pose and "Thanks!" once she realizes the couple in the window said she looks great is hilarious:

Edited by Princess Sparkle
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