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Lethal Weapon - General Discussion


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I floved last night's episode. It was so, so funny. I was smile and/or laughing my ass off for most of it. It might be my favorite of the entire run -or at least up there with the Palmer episodes.

The call girl line, "rethinking my wardrobe" OMFG, the writers were on fire.

In the elevator scene, my heart melt like an ice cream. Wesley Cole has to be my favorite leading man since Neal Hudson (argh, still hurts); a nice and decent guy who tries to do the right thing, without being boring or sanctimonious. Sean William Scott: nails an emotional moment, nails a funny moment, nails an action scene. Hat trick, over the span of five minutes. And then, he brought in the sexy. I know everybody says it all the time but it deserves to be said all the time, he's such a great actor and such a discovery.

He and Damon Wayans (whose health is obviously not the best, they kept him seated most of the episode) play off each other very well and their interrogation scenes were hilarious.

I said last week that the ship-tease would probably go nowhere, little did I know they'd make a run for it. Do I mind? You bet I don't. I vastly prefer sexy and light rom-com moment peppered here and there to sentimental angst. I know the writers are probably going to ruin it with some Natalie comeback but I'm so in for Cole/Erica, for the time it will last.

Trish and rum, LOL. Nice to see Bailey and I really liked the Bailey/Erica scene.

  • Love 6

I loved this episode so much, I've already rewatched it. It was so good, I didn't even realize Avery wasn't in it until my rewatch. That's how you know, heh.

Seann William Scott is just fantastic, and Cole is such a delightful character. You know, I keep praising SWS (who deserves all the praise, truly, for entering into this situation and making the best of it in a way I could not have foreseen, by his talent, charm and sheer likability) but the writing itself also deserves to be applauded. Cole could have been an uneven mix of random stereotypes, but the writing has not let him down. He has his flaws, and he has made his mistakes, but, as Erica said, he remains very likeable, He's a good person, with good motives, and the writers have taken the time to allow him to bond with all the other characters (even Harper!) and it has paid off majorly. Mostly because SWS has chemistry with anyone who comes within 3 feet of him.

Again, though, the writers deserve praise here, too. Take Cole's love interests, for example. I was rooting for him and Natalie 100%, and their chemistry was palpable, as was their warm, deep affection for each other, since they do share a child and they've known each other for so long. But when Natalie came to her senses and rejected Cole, I also loved that development. I wasn't upset my "ship" was going down, I just appreciated the wonderful acting that came out of that. And then, when Erica was introduced, I enjoyed the comedic aspect of her connection with Cole (the actress is naturally pleasant and funny, imo), and also their physical chemistry, because they did spark instantly. But there were a few more emotional moments, too, and the writers took the time to let their relationship grow. So now that they happened, I am rooting for them 100%. In a way, none of this is about ships. It's about good writing and great acting. That's all I need from a TV show. Who knew?

Speaking of, this episode's script was a doozy. I liked the pretty classic Lethal Weapon interrogation, and the play with time, and the jokes were flying left and right, but also, the action! That elevator scene! So good. I think I only saw SWS's stunt double in 2 or 3 instances, the rest was clearly him, and it made a difference.

Erica's mom was hilarious, and that entire "call girls" moment with Cole was comedy gold.

Lastly, I'm one of the people who still likes Damon Wayans and I do think he's gifted both in comedy and drama (plus I side with him in the LW debacle), but even I have to ask; does this show need him? Provided we keep Trish, the answer for me would be no. I would love to see one more season of a SWS-led Lethal Weapon. But, even if we don't get it, I'll always appreciate Season 3.

Edited by Princess Lucky
  • Love 7

I sure love this season. Better than last years, but this episode was so bad I couldn't believe it. A Detective with the LAPD informs the secret service that there is a credible threat on a United States Senator and they just push him aside? That is levels of stupid that even this show doesn't go to. After he saves her life this Senator barely acknowledges it doesn't even thank him and is more worried about who is dating her daughter? This detective would be on every TV show in the country and would be given medals for saving a Senator. Oh, and on a level of stupid possibly lower the whole Roger trying out his camera and just happening to catch an abduction taking place.

This was the kind of stupid that had me quit other shows. Hopefully this is a one off to a great season.

Still like Cole, still like SWS and if DW is hellbent on leaving and hates everybody and everything, he's still able to turn in a good performance and have great chemistry with SWS, but this was a pretty badly-written ep. Sad as I thought Ep 10 was one of the best. Weirdly confusing plot filled with coincidences and crack secret agent Cole FORGETS TO LOCK HIS DOORS???!!!!!! The places he's been, that shit will get you KILLED. Or worse Roger Jr. I could believe leaves his door unlocked by accident but not Cole. Also ew, Roger. Skidmarks? Who says things like that to their kids?! And they all LAUGHED? They would have been like WTF, dad?! That is NASTY. And weird.

Drunk Trish was fun though.

Cole and DEA moving a little fast and generically for my liking, but maybe they want to get it wrapped up before season ends. Gotta say, I did prefer him with ML though - the man has chemistry with everyone and the DEA actress sells it, but the emotional connection isn't quite the same. 

If show ends when season ends, pls to give SWS another show with same character, Fox. Thx. I still wish he was Magnum.

Edited by BaskingsharkGTX
  • Love 4

The. Mullet.

Avery's crazy Gibson Mullet of Win. Roger's displaced wig. This whole "flashback", I laughed so hard.

Cole and the very unimpressed vice-principal were also comedy gold. Cole proud of his daughter taking down a bigger kid even had a touch of sweetness to it.

I get that Maya was upset with the changes in her life, or even why she was acting up with Erica, but found it weird that she suddenly wanted her father to fight for her mother. She never lived with her parents together and she was raised for several years by Andrew. She seems to have a great relationship with him so it did seem unfair to him. She didn't cross the lines of too bratty, though, I found her attitude realistic for her age. Always a touch annoying when actually, they're lost.

I love Erica. I love Erica as much as I love Trish, three episodes left gimme scenes with them! (If there were a S4 then Trish would probably become Erica's boss and aaargh I would have loved it). She was great with Maya. She is just strict enough, also has a sense of humor and can even have silly fun. And the "buzz" when the discussion becomes inappropriate? She's tailored-made for Cole. The last scene was the most adorable I've seen on the show, bar those with Harper -maybe. I feel that she's afraid of getting hurt and that's why she's holding back (Daddy left with the baby-sitter, rather controlling mother). I wish I were sure she won't be, sigh.

I almost didn't recognize Jason Gedrick. The fight in the house, in the beginning, was a classic. Loved it! They really toned down the OTT sides of the Gute and I think she fits well. It was nice to see her.

Edited by Happy Harpy
  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Aliconehead said:

thanks.  I thought that was him and even checked IMDB but he was not listed 

I caught his name in the credits, which I usually never pay attention to :))

4 hours ago, kickingnames said:

I don’t know if the ratings are there, but I really wish they’d give this show another season with SWS. I’m really enjoying it.

Ratings are what they've been since the beginning of the season, around 0.7. Airing on January 1st or the timeslot swap didn't change much, it even ticked up a bit (whereas the Gifted collapsed). Not enough for a renewal on FOX with less scripted shows next season. I'd say it has 10% because stranger things have happened with renewals, but even The Resident with its 1.0 isn't a shoe-in. 

I do feel that they're trying to shift some characters for a possible new season, relocating Trish as the DA and preparing to phase out Murtaugh with the teaching stuff. But that's what showrunners do.  I love and enjoy S3 and I'd love for another one with SWS, yet realistically I'm just crossing my fingers so that the writers don't ruin everything at the last moment.

  • Love 1
21 hours ago, Happy Harpy said:

The. Mullet.

Avery's crazy Gibson Mullet of Win. Roger's displaced wig. This whole "flashback", I laughed so hard.

Cole and the very unimpressed vice-principal were also comedy gold. Cole proud of his daughter taking down a bigger kid even had a touch of sweetness to it.

I get that Maya was upset with the changes in her life, or even why she was acting up with Erica, but found it weird that she suddenly wanted her father to fight for her mother. She never lived with her parents together and she was raised for several years by Andrew. She seems to have a great relationship with him so it did seem unfair to him. She didn't cross the lines of too bratty, though, I found her attitude realistic for her age. Always a touch annoying when actually, they're lost.

I love Erica. I love Erica as much as I love Trish, three episodes left gimme scenes with them! (If there were a S4 then Trish would probably become Erica's boss and aaargh I would have loved it). She was great with Maya. She is just strict enough, also has a sense of humor and can even have silly fun. And the "buzz" when the discussion becomes inappropriate? She's tailored-made for Cole. The last scene was the most adorable I've seen on the show, bar those with Harper -maybe. I feel that she's afraid of getting hurt and that's why she's holding back (Daddy left with the baby-sitter, rather controlling mother). I wish I were sure she won't be, sigh.

I almost didn't recognize Jason Gedrick. The fight in the house, in the beginning, was a classic. Loved it! They really toned down the OTT sides of the Gute and I think she fits well. It was nice to see her.

They literally said what Maya's true issue was. She was scared that if Cole wasn't still fighting for Cole and her mom to get back together, he would leave again. She sees him being there as more about them than her but Cole doesn't. Him and Maya will ge okay even if their family is fractured for good which is nice.

5 hours ago, kicotan said:

So, if your kid gets suspended from school for two days they can just hang out in the conference room at your work and eat snacks from the vending machine?

Nope but saving money on sets and actors does. Also, some parents still have to deal with work with a suspended kid along for the ride.

  • Love 2
24 minutes ago, Racj82 said:

Also, some parents still have to deal with work with a suspended kid along for the ride.

Yes, this I understand, please excuse any ignorance of current workplace practices. I was fortunate enough that I was able to spend most of my kid’s childhood at home with them, and they have been grown and gone for awhile now, so maybe I’m just not current with workplace norms these days.  Is bringing your suspended-from-school-kid along with you to work acceptable at most workplaces these days?

Just now, kicotan said:

Yes, this I understand, please excuse any ignorance of current workplace practices. I was fortunate enough that I was able to spend most of my kid’s childhood at home with them, and they have been grown and gone for awhile now, so maybe I’m just not current with workplace norms these days.  Is bringing your suspended-from-school-kid along with you to work acceptable at most workplaces these days?

Not every place I'm sure but the I don't have any place for my kid to go so they come with me for the day thing does happen.  It's not just a recent thing. My mom would just stay with me in those cases but not everyone is so easy. The kids usually just get shuffled away somewhere. It's not her being there was a reward. Cole wanted to talk to her as well but he was working.

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, Racj82 said:

They literally said what Maya's true issue was. She was scared that if Cole wasn't still fighting for Cole and her mom to get back together, he would leave again.

Yes, they did say that, but what I don't get is why she didn't have a thought for Andrew, the stepdad who has been there for her for years and whom she seems to love. Pushing Cole to fight for Natalie means breaking his heart and the only family unit she ever seemed to have. She should have at least mentioned him, it didn't negate that she wanted Cole to stay.

  • Love 1
40 minutes ago, Happy Harpy said:

Yes, they did say that, but what I don't get is why she didn't have a thought for Andrew, the stepdad who has been there for her for years and whom she seems to love. Pushing Cole to fight for Natalie means breaking his heart and the only family unit she ever seemed to have. She should have at least mentioned him, it didn't negate that she wanted Cole to stay.

No matter what, he is not her Dad. Cole is. That's all she was focusing on.

11 hours ago, Happy Harpy said:

Yes, they did say that, but what I don't get is why she didn't have a thought for Andrew, the stepdad who has been there for her for years and whom she seems to love. Pushing Cole to fight for Natalie means breaking his heart and the only family unit she ever seemed to have. She should have at least mentioned him, it didn't negate that she wanted Cole to stay.

I don't think she wanted Cole to win Natalie, necessarily.  I think she wanted Cole to keeping fighting to win Natalie. 


Kid minds aren't always the brightest.  Maya isn't thinking about what would happen if Cole "wins" Natalie.  Just that as long as he's chasing Natalie, he'll stay.  Because right now, right this minute, Cole is here.  Andrew, for all his goodness with her, isn't on her mind because he's already established permanence.  He'll stick around and be there for her.  She doesn't have to question that. 


And honestly, she didn't seem that upset about the DA other than the "not chasing Mom" thing.  She didn't outright hate the interloper sleeping with Cole from the first meeting.  Just the "oh crap, Dad's leaving" and the "geez, why are you lying to me". 

  • Love 2

I'm still not watching, because it depresses me for reasons I mentioned last year, but my dad left it on LW tonight, thinking I still watched. I was checking here to see what they are doing about Damon Wayans (who I used to love). I thought I might watch this in the future, since people are loving it, I'm just not in the mood for it now. I checked IMDB, and they have listings for a full season (?). Twenty-two episodes. Is that just a mistake?

I am not sure if it has been picked up for 22 episodes but last night's episode was a repeat.  I haven't heard anything more about Wayans leaving but the episode last week (?) set it up nicely if that is what they want to do.  Roger would become a guest lecturer at the Academy, Trish becomes the DA.  But who knows? I just continue to watch because I like the episodes that have been airing.

  • Love 1

I don't get something, they seem to be rewriting history here:


Again, though, the writers deserve praise here, too. Take Cole's love interests, for example. I was rooting for him and Natalie 100%, and their chemistry was palpable, as was their warm, deep affection for each other, since they do share a child and they've known each other for so long.

Yes, they did say that, but what I don't get is why she didn't have a thought for Andrew, the stepdad who has been there for her for years and whom she seems to love. Pushing Cole to fight for Natalie means breaking his heart and the only family unit she ever seemed to have. She should have at least mentioned him, it didn't negate that she wanted Cole to stay.

No matter what, he is not her Dad. Cole is. That's all she was focusing on.


When we saw the Cole and Natalie flashback, Natalie was pregnant when she met Cole, and when they were supposed to go off together to start a life together, he joined the CIA.  And they were never 'together', she kept waiting for him and they never lived together as a family, so he never raised Maya.  I'm not pointing out that only biology matters (we adopted our son and there's no question I'm his Mom) but the timeline never made sense to me that he seems himself as Maya's Dad.  But maybe I'm  wrong, and the episode where they explained the timeline was just confusing to me.

Edited by judyri
  • Love 1

I read a couple of articles last week that the PTP are hopeful that Damon Wayans will be back.  I am vague on the details (such as who was being quoted which is very important but yeah I don't remember) but it was stated there were some changes made to the shooting schedule and whatnot because of Damon Wayons health issues and that he is much happier now.

So that is possible good news for us that are enjoying this iteration of the show! I hope it gets renewed.

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, gibasi said:

I read a couple of articles last week that the PTP are hopeful that Damon Wayans will be back.  I am vague on the details (such as who was being quoted which is very important but yeah I don't remember) but it was stated there were some changes made to the shooting schedule and whatnot because of Damon Wayons health issues and that he is much happier now.

So that is possible good news for us that are enjoying this iteration of the show! I hope it gets renewed.

It was Matt Miller, the showrunner, at the TCAs.


The FOX boss also talked of the renewal chances:


I wouldn't get my hopes up, probably it's just lip service; this season's ratings aren't the disaster that was promised (so far, it comes back after a long break this week) and it's probably an allusion to LW weathering the change of timeslot. But the problem is still the same, with less scripted slots New FOX probably won't renew shows that can't reach 1.0 and maybe a couple that can but don't stay there.

I'm still crossing my fingers for the last episodes this season to be good.

Edited by Happy Harpy

I liked this “Coyote Ugly” episode. I liked getting more of Cole’s history with his mom, and his current connection with his daughter. SWS continues to kill it in this role — he’s my highlight every episode. Hopefully he doesn’t have to keep getting shot up or put in danger to have decent interactions with Natalie. I enjoyed what the show managed to do there; this is how you show people who have a history, and still care about each other, but are clearly not together anymore.

I admit to not caring as much about the Murtaugh family drama, but it was done decently as well. Roger wasn’t overly dramatic, given the circumstances, and both he and Trish stayed true to the characters and their marriage.

I love the little moments with Avery just wanting to be kept in the loop. It’s never gonna happen, Avery, but it’s nice to dream. (Speaking of dreaming, I’m still keeping my fingers and toes crossed for a surprise season 4!)

  • Love 5

I was afraid the episode would take itself too seriously and get preachy, but thankfully it didn't. It wasn't my favorite because it took a bit of time to find its footing but the second part was great.

I noticed that unlike what happened for most of the season, almost all the supporting actors were there -Erica/Nishi is only a guest, but I'd have liked her to appear. I truly loved that. The Gute and Avery work well together (Avery saved the day, yay!) and I wondered how much of Damon Wayans was woven into the Roger/Bailey conversation.

I liked the portrayal of Cole's mother (no chance for a sister named Lorna, really? I'll take a mention of "cousin Lorna" at this point, LOL) because the rebel/free-spirit parent never expecting that joining the ranks or being more conservative would be their kid's way of rebelling, rang quite true.

I liked the Murtaughs storyline since there was a nice balance between fun and emotion (as opposed to the comic relief-only back in S2). It could have been just random, there was some depth in the end. It's nice to see Trish get her own storyline and one that could get her back more directly into the law and order fold.

I, too, hope this is the new normal between Cole and Natalie. If the story was actually about exes who learn to be exes and stay exes, it would be great. (With nowadays TV writers, I'm not holding my breath but hey, you never know!)

  • Love 1

Don't they have a baby? What the hell? The last two episodes I've literally stared at them all sitting in the kitchen talking about their family and wondering what the hell happened to the newest member? When they were talking about retiring and going on a cruise or traveling or whatever, I kept screaming, "BUT YOU GUYS HAVE A BABY!?" And this week, with the PR person - not even mentioning the kid. I just... what the what?

  • Love 1
14 minutes ago, Jennabelle88 said:

So they've been married for how long? And Roger had no idea that Trish had previously been married? And no one finds that odd? Okay... 

It is one of those situations that if you don't put it out once you start to get serious then you just start putting it off until the point you no longer even think about it. And then poof, it comes out of the woodwork to bite you in the behind

20 hours ago, Raja said:

It is one of those situations that if you don't put it out once you start to get serious then you just start putting it off until the point you no longer even think about it. And then poof, it comes out of the woodwork to bite you in the behind

I guess. I just always viewed Trish as the open and honest character. And with Roger so quick to have background checks run on EVERYONE, I find it hard to believe he'd never run one on his wife. Do marriages even show on background checks? I don't even know. Lol 

On 2/13/2019 at 1:19 PM, marcee said:

Don't they have a baby? What the hell? The last two episodes I've literally stared at them all sitting in the kitchen talking about their family and wondering what the hell happened to the newest member? When they were talking about retiring and going on a cruise or traveling or whatever, I kept screaming, "BUT YOU GUYS HAVE A BABY!?" And this week, with the PR person - not even mentioning the kid. I just... what the what?

My BF, who's been watching the last two seasons but missed the first one, didn't even realize they had a baby at all. Harper has been nearly invisible! I know babies are expensive and challenging on set, but they don't even mention her.

Just got round to watching. This was fun. Those border patrol agents are the WORST shots ever. 

Funny that the guy they cast as 18-ish Cole looked nothing like SWS back in the American Pie days.

ETA: Hmmm, he kinda sorta does in some of his imdb pictures, but didn't really look like him to me here!

Edited by BaskingsharkGTX
1 hour ago, BaskingsharkGTX said:

Funny that the guy they cast as 18-ish Cole looked nothing like SWS back in the American Pie days.

ETA: Hmmm, he kinda sorta does in some of his imdb pictures, but didn't really look like him to me here!

You know, I didn’t see any resemblance at first either, but then I kept getting flashes of “adult” Cole in the young guy’s facial expressions or his voice inflections. It was so random and brief that I couldn’t pinpoint it, but something in there kept reminding me of SWS, so I guess that must have been what got this guy cast in the part.

50 minutes ago, kickingnames said:

You know, I didn’t see any resemblance at first either, but then I kept getting flashes of “adult” Cole in the young guy’s facial expressions or his voice inflections. It was so random and brief that I couldn’t pinpoint it, but something in there kept reminding me of SWS, so I guess that must have been what got this guy cast in the part.

Yep. He might not have looked like him but when he spoke, I definitely saw it.

13 hours ago, kickingnames said:

You know, I didn’t see any resemblance at first either, but then I kept getting flashes of “adult” Cole in the young guy’s facial expressions or his voice inflections. It was so random and brief that I couldn’t pinpoint it, but something in there kept reminding me of SWS, so I guess that must have been what got this guy cast in the part.

If you go look at the actor's imdb pics you can definitely see it. He has the same sort of lopsided smirk.

I can't say I was surprised that they broke up Cole and Erica. I can't say I'm happy I was right. At least, they stayed true to their characters and didn't go OOC. I'm relieved that Erica wasn't made into an enabler and stayed true to her principles. I like mavericks and all but it's nice to have law and order people actually caring about respecting the law on TV, for once. The break-up does annoy me though, a lot, and I'm not happy at all re: the Cole/Natalie anvils.

Cole was in screw-up mode in general, so there's that. He was right, but his acts had consequences, it's a balance in the writing that I appreciate. He made a pact with the devil, it comes back to bite him in the ass.

For once, I didn't care much about the Murtaughs storyline. Can we skip to the part where Trish is elected and she and Erica are partners? (Yes, in one episode.)

Avery and the Bailey/The Gute combo made me smile.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Happy Harpy said:

The break-up does annoy me though, a lot, and I'm not happy at all re: the Cole/Natalie anvils.

Same.  I like what they did with him and Natalie.  I like what they did with him and Erica.  He's a really good guy that just might not be the best partner right now for a lot of the women he respects  I like that about the show.  They have reasonable individual desires that they stick with even if it means a painful breakup/can't be with Cole.

  • Love 1

That episode made no sense. How can Murtaugh wander around freely in an Embassy. What about the guy Cole shot. It would have made more sense if Cole extracted the guy. Murtaugh leaves the Embassy because they said the guy wasn't there. The guy is standing right outside the Embassy when Murtaugh exits and Murtaugh arrests him.

I get tired of every episode, Cole has to be beaten half to death or shot just to make it a fair fight for the bad guys. I get it, Cole is Superman.

11 hours ago, SweetTooth said:

I think the main difference between Cole and Riggs is that you don't realize Cole is losing it, because he's so self-contained. But I like the way they SHOWED rather than told you it was happening. How you see everyone around him was supporting him, but he turned his back on them and needed to do it his way. 

Usually the people fighting against the rogue dude are seen as bureaucrats who are total jerks. But here, you can tell these people genuinely care for Cole and are trying to get through to him, but he looks them in the face and lies. That is hurtful, and I'm glad Roger called him out on it.

But I do like the way the Cole cracking up is unfolding, as opposed to the way it was with Riggs. I think that wild and wacky guy who's this close to being committed works for a movie but not for an entire series. When that's your identity, it's difficult to bring him back to normalcy.

You got me with the bolded. I was actually enjoying the not-psychotic Cole, thinking how refreshing it was that crazy stuff happened TO him, but not necessarily because of decisions he was actively making. So I spent this whole episode going, “Cole, STOP!” By the end of the episode I felt bad for his daughter, after all the promises he made her (and simultaneously annoyed at the idea that he might even think about pursuing Natalie again).

  • Love 1

I didn't watch the finale yet. I don't think I will. As I feared, they botched it in the end, going for cliché and making Natalie a complete dick. Why not have her and Andrew break up when she kissed Cole, then? (Of course, then I remember the boring cliché mess that was S2 before I dropped it and I'm like, "eh, could have been worse"). Probably, the writers think they tied it up with a nice bow for everyone, LOL.

The fact that they put Cole and Natalie back together, coupled with the fact that Maggie Lawson was cast elsewhere, scream "the end". The ratings rebounded at 0.8 last week, by the way, so the show was remarkably stable in spite of several hiatus and changing timeslot twice (for the premiere and in January): It stayed where it was at the end of S2. Not enough, and I'd say the renewal has 1% chances, only because you never know with networks, lately.

I'm glad I watched S3, I loved it as a whole and it included at least two of three of my favorite episodes of LW. I hope the cast, especially Keesha Sharp, Michelle Mitchenor and Kevin Rahm, quickly rebound elsewhere. And SWS, of course; he'll be a huge incentive to watch whatever show will be smart and hire him.

  • Love 1

If it was the end it was an okay ending. I liked this episode better than last week's episode. Personally I like it when there are more interactions with Cole and Roger together. So I am not sure how much I would like it without Damon Wayans although I could see where they were possible setting it up with Trish as the DA but I don't know who they would have partnered Cole with.  Maybe Bailey? 

This season started out really strong for me. But it suffered when Cole and Roger were at odds. I could do without the Natalie drama as well. The past few episodes were not as strong but I like that they tried to wrap everything up. Family, indeed.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, AnimeMania said:

Cole and Roger both got shot in around the same body area. Cole walked several miles in the hot sun, then killed a couple of bad guys. Roger barely survived for 5 minutes.

Wow, so for once, the show went for some kind of realism? Younger physically trained soldier vs 50-going-on-60 guy who got a heart attack three seasons ago. Seems legit.

Speaking in-universe, of course, where Mel Gibson's Riggs could run after cars and catch up with them or almost, LOL.

  • Love 2
On 2/20/2019 at 11:13 PM, SweetTooth said:

Okay, I know Murtaugh's kids are spoiled brats,  but seriously, they're at an age where they should understand how important this interview was for their mother, and coming downstairs and stomping your feet, pretending that dude wasn't there, just seemed really stupid.

"It's too late for an Uber."

OMG. Has she ever taken one? She lives in suburbia. Even in the middle of the night, they arrive in less than five minutes. 

She's a grown woman at this point. The minute she realized her dad wasn't there, she should have called an Uber and made sure she got to her S.A.T.s. They're sending their little girl out into the world completely unable to take care of herself in a stressful situation.

And if she thought her dad driving her would be LESS stressful than a friendly Uber driver, she's seriously deranged.

Seriously, both their kids are basket cases. Trish was all up Roger's ass about being too hard on Roger Junior WHEN THE KID HAD JUST BOUGHT INTO A PONZI SCHEME. Rianna gets in trouble in literally every single episode. If there is an S4, it would really nice if both of them could grow up a bit. It can't exactly be much fun for the actors to play them since they're written like 5 year olds. 

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OK, that finale was pretty terrible but I don't care I liked it anyway. And I never thought Cole and Erica had anything like the chemistry Cole and Natalie did so I don't even care that Andrew got character assassinated in the DUMBEST way possible, or that they went full cliche with her dumping him at the alter, I'm glad they ended up together and I also don't even care that Cole took Natalie on a freaking revenge mission to Ecuador and left their daughter ALL BY HERSELF, everybody is where they should be and they are all friends and I swear to God I will never ever know how Keesha Sharp managed to sell some of that horrendous expository dialogue so well or how Stiffler grew up to be a likable cool leading man, but if that is the last I ever see of Roger Murtaugh and Wesley Cole, I will miss them, and I will imagine that they went on to have many many more wacky yet thrilling adventures and Natalie was exasperated with Cole but they lived happily ever after with Maya in adjoining motel rooms and the Murtaugh kids lived at home until they were well into their 40s because they are so incapable of doing anything but it's all OK, I'm happy. That was fun.

Edited by BaskingsharkGTX
The "O" key on my computer is broken because apparently $2K is not enough for Apple to provide a computer which lasts longer than 8 months without something going wrong and I had to go back and fill in all the O's.
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