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S09.E11: Disrupted

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Frank questions whether a run-in with community activists was an accident or a setup. Also, Jamie strives to rely less on Frank's input to makes decisions, Erin helps Anthony protect his daughter and ex-wife from a dangerous psychiatric patient, and Danny and his neighbor size each other up when they learn their kids are dating.

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I enjoyed this episode.  Far fetched as always, but I liked the Danny/Sean/new neighbors from Texas segment.  A touch of realistic with Sean blowing up at him.  Jamie messed up big time but he gets it.  On the fence with how Frank handled the Corey situation.

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8 hours ago, rhys said:

Did I miss something? Jamie should be in hella hot water. 

Probably only with the taxi commission.  The guy had a permit for the gun, but he wasn't supposed to be carrying it per the taxi rules.  He was driving without his license on him, but he did have one.  I think the only law he broke was not having his car registered. Or, maybe it was the gun registration.  At any rate, that's all generally the kind of stuff that cops can use their judgment on charging.  And, the kind of thing people get upset about that cops don't just let slide.  Unless something like this happens.

I got confused during the first scene, though, because I thought it was the other cop's gun that fell out.  I thought the episode was going to be about how incompetent he was.

8 hours ago, SuzieQ said:

I enjoyed this episode.  Far fetched as always, but I liked the Danny/Sean/new neighbors from Texas segment.  A touch of realistic with Sean blowing up at him.  Jamie messed up big time but he gets it.  On the fence with how Frank handled the Corey situation.

I also liked that, but wasn't so sure why the other father took such an instant hatred to Danny.  It wasn't like they walke din on the kids having sex and then Danny said "Cool," which was how the dad's reaction was coming off.

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When the cop was initially released, I didn't understand why Eddie was in the scene. She was not the arresting officer and it was an administrative matter. She had no business being there. She was a total buttinsky. 

Once again, Frank gets to chastise another unreasonable non-white community leader. That never gets old...

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2 hours ago, mojito said:

She was a total buttinsky.

That's what she's always been!  LOL!

Did Tom break the fourth wall in the dinner scene?  It felt like he was preaching directly to audience, but I don't think the nuts who need to hear that message are watching this show.

Note to New Yawker TV writers: Southerners don't say "y'all" when conversing to one person.

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8 minutes ago, Magnumfangirl said:

Note to New Yawker TV writers: Southerners don't say "y'all" when conversing to one person.

Not even when they're mocking a northerner, like he was doing to Danny?

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6 hours ago, Magnumfangirl said:

Note to New Yawker TV writers: Southerners don't say "y'all" when conversing to one person.

I think it depends on where you are in the South.  I was taught that "y'all" is the singular form and "all y'all" is the plural.  My mom was from western NC and I've heard it there.  I live in Virginia and I hear people in the southern part of the state do it this way, and I've heard it in Texas when I have visited my brother.  But it is not universal and I cringed when I heard it on this episode as it was just so cliched.  It came off as forced/unnatural and I took it as mocking, too.

I was impressed that the Texas dad had already figured out that Danny is a bad influence.  Good instincts, there!  Danny is a jerk. On that subject, this whole season has had me thinking, "Frank is really a jerk."  Why didn't he just talk to the activist when she confronted him in the diner, instead of stuffing fries in his smirking mouth?  Even if he didn't want to get into it with her there he could have offered to set up a meeting.

So, what will Nikki do after graduation? 

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2 hours ago, Blondnotstupid said:

So, what will Nikki do after graduation? 

Maybe moving on to another show where she does more than eat Sunday dinner and spew out wisecracks. (I hope)

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The music before the commercial breaks was different. It was like a 70’s cop drama. Felt different to me. At the end they went back to the soft horns, which I love! 


@preeya hilarious “wisecracking Nikki” is her new name to me. 

Edited by TV Diva Queen
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17 hours ago, Blondnotstupid said:

I was impressed that the Texas dad had already figured out that Danny is a bad influence.  Good instincts, there! 

I wouldn't be worried so much about Danny being a bad influence per se, but about the fact that getting close to him means you have an almost 100% chance of being either arrested or a victim of crime, or possibly both. And of course there's the fact that even if you somehow defy the odds and have a successful relationship with a Reagan man you end up fated to die a tragic early death.



So, what will Nikki do after graduation? 

I suspect it depends upon if anyone decides to leave the show or cut back. If everyone stays she probably gets some sort of activist/public policy job so she can still be the naive liberal shown the error of her ways. If there is a change and they decide to keep going she either joins the force or the DA's office. If they end the show I suspect they will have her join NYPD and her academy graduation will be the reason for everyone coming together to watch Frank make a speech.

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I can't stand Nikki so I'll keep my fingers crossed that she moves out of state.  If I can't have that scenario, I'll let the writers magically put her through law school over the summer.   That way she can take a job with the ACLU and we can look forward to some great Sunday dinner fun.   

Edited by AnnA
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On my recent trip to NYC, I forgot to tell you all, I was invited to Sunday dinner!  


Just now, TV Diva Queen said:

On my recent trip to NYC, I forgot to tell you all, I was invited to Sunday dinner!  


That’s not me, blacked out. Lol. It was another “guest”. ;)

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21 hours ago, AnnA said:

I can't stand Nikki so I'll keep my fingers crossed that she moves out of state.  If I can't have that scenario, I'll let the writers magically put her through law school over the summer.   That way she can take a job with the ACLU and we can look forward to some great Sunday dinner fun.   

I don't mind Nicki.  But, if the show were going to go on long enough, or if we just pretend this is real life so they're lives go on indefinitely, I think it would be cool if Nicki became a public defender.  Maybe Jack can become a judge.  Then every aspect of the justice system is represented.  Almost.  Guess Shawn will have to become a criminal.

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4 hours ago, TV Diva Queen said:


On my recent trip to NYC, I forgot to tell you all, I was invited to Sunday dinner!  


That's: "I forgot to tell y'all," if you please.

So you saw this house in person? Awesome - it's a beaut, isn't it? Is it located in Brooklyn Heights? I wonder what the mean household income is for that neighborhood? That house always looked waaaayyy out of range, considering the salary of the average beat cop, and, from what I can piece together, the house belonged to Henry back when he was still part of the rank and file, and not yet the Commish. Anyway, tell us more, Diva Q!

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8 minutes ago, Ebau said:


So you saw this house in person? Awesome - it's a beaut, isn't it? Is it located in Brooklyn Heights? I wonder what the mean household income is for that neighborhood? That house always looked waaaayyy out of range, considering the salary of the average beat cop, and, from what I can piece together, the house belonged to Henry back when he was still part of the rank and file, and not yet the Commish. Anyway, tell us more, Diva Q!

Not Brooklyn Heights.  Bay Ridge.


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17 minutes ago, Ebau said:

That's: "I forgot to tell y'all," if you please.

So you saw this house in person? Awesome - it's a beaut, isn't it? Is it located in Brooklyn Heights? I wonder what the mean household income is for that neighborhood? That house always looked waaaayyy out of range, considering the salary of the average beat cop, and, from what I can piece together, the house belonged to Henry back when he was still part of the rank and file, and not yet the Commish. Anyway, tell us more, Diva Q!

The price range in that areas is a couple million and up (according to the tour guide, I did NOT fact check it, but it seemed realistic) We were in a Christmas light bus tour that was headed to Dyker Hts and we passed this neighborhood on the way. The tour guide said that he will give Bkur Bloods fans 4 minutes to get out and take your pics. I ran off the bus. Only 4 of 50 got out. The house is beautiful as was the entire neighborhood. 

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Not sure what to think about this show. Frank continues to be an asshole. His character has worn thin with me. Might start to FF through all of his scenes.

Anthony has become one of my favorite characters. His boss Erin has turned out to be a first class bitch.

As far as Jamko it sucks having them work together. The cops in his precinct must be stupid to not see the relationship between them.

As for Danny and his neighbor it turned out well thank goodness. And ya'll is both singular and plural from the business I do with people in Texas.

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The good: Anthony's part.  The bad: Erin.  She's been in this weird head space ever since she got promoted, but I was really irked about her behavior towards Anthony.  It was a good chance to remember the serial killer that kidnapped Nikki and shock!  her family came in to help.  

As for Jamko...I'm going to give Eddie a slight pass on this for once.  I think she was feeling Jamie was acting a bit out of character.  For a guy who was a by the book cop, him letting the taxi cab driver (who I'll maintain it was Det. Fusco hiding from Samaritan because I miss Person of Interest that much) slide with the unregistered gun was surprising.   But then he sort of went off the rails when the driver came back and Eddie had to calm him down saying "you let him go when you shouldn't have.  Let's do this right this time."  

The one scene that bugged me: Sean and Jennifer having their dance party, they fall onto the couch, make googly eyes and lean in and AHHH FATHERS.  Was I supposed to "whooooo!" Saved By The Bell style?  

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I guess Blue Bloods doesn't appreciate the recent trend of right wingers like Sarah Huckabee-Sanders and Mitch McConnell having their dining out in public being disturbed by protesters, so let's do a story about Frank getting the same treatment.

First of all, of course the protest will be led by your typical angry minority college professor who is brainwashing our impressionable youths into thinking the police are Nazi storm troopers because everyone knows that's all that happens on librul elite college campuses these days. So tell us professor, what exactly is the NYPD doing that has you all riled up? Now that's a tricky question, because a specific answer might point out an NYPD policy that would cause some in the audience to have sympathy for the protestors and we can't have that. OK so we'll just leave that part of the story out.

But hold on – Houston we have a problem. If we can't get into the issue of why the protestors are so angry, how are we going to fill in the rest of the hour? I got it!  We'll just add this extraneous issue of a guy pretending that the commissioner's car ran over his foot. Now we can spend the rest of the episode watching in awe as Saint Frank exposes this lefty professor of fake news for the charlatan that she is. Problem solved in true Blue Bloods fashion!

Then to top it all off, we have Frank’s absurd speechifying at the dinner table. Something about protesting all you want when you are in college, but after you graduate, then STFU because no one will take you seriously anymore. I'm sure Rosa Parks and the other civil rights activists from the '60s would have appreciated such advice, right Frank?

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On 1/5/2019 at 5:10 PM, Blondnotstupid said:

So, what will Nikki do after graduation? 

I have no idea.  I was actually surprised she was graduating. Wasn't there a scene this season where she was still trying to figure out what to major in, or am I remembering a scene from multiple years ago?

On 1/6/2019 at 10:53 AM, wknt3 said:

I suspect it depends upon if anyone decides to leave the show or cut back. If everyone stays she probably gets some sort of activist/public policy job so she can still be the naive liberal shown the error of her ways. If there is a change and they decide to keep going she either joins the force or the DA's office. If they end the show I suspect they will have her join NYPD and her academy graduation will be the reason for everyone coming together to watch Frank make a speech.

She's someone who wants to help people, so I could see public policy of some type. I don't see her joining the NYPD. It's too out of character for her. 

On 1/7/2019 at 12:23 PM, Katy M said:

I think it would be cool if Nicki became a public defender.  

I thought it would be great if Niki had to shadow a public defender for a class she's taking. Because it's TV, the public defender she's following would be arguing a case opposite Erin. Sunday dinner would feature a discussion of public defenders. Danny and Henry hate them. Some of the people Jamie went to law school with worked in the public defender's office before moving onto other positions in the legal world, so he takes a more moderate position. 

On 1/7/2019 at 2:17 PM, Ebau said:

That house always looked waaaayyy out of range, considering the salary of the average beat cop, and, from what I can piece together, the house belonged to Henry back when he was still part of the rank and file, and not yet the Commish. 

If Henry bought the house in Bay Ridge in the 1950s, then it's fairly plausible. 

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On ‎1‎/‎10‎/‎2019 at 1:07 PM, Rambler said:

I guess Blue Bloods doesn't appreciate the recent trend of right wingers like Sarah Huckabee-Sanders and Mitch McConnell having their dining out in public being disturbed by protesters, so let's do a story about Frank getting the same treatment.

First of all, of course the protest will be led by your typical angry minority college professor who is brainwashing our impressionable youths into thinking the police are Nazi storm troopers because everyone knows that's all that happens on librul elite college campuses these days. So tell us professor, what exactly is the NYPD doing that has you all riled up? Now that's a tricky question, because a specific answer might point out an NYPD policy that would cause some in the audience to have sympathy for the protestors and we can't have that. OK so we'll just leave that part of the story out.

But hold on – Houston we have a problem. If we can't get into the issue of why the protestors are so angry, how are we going to fill in the rest of the hour? I got it!  We'll just add this extraneous issue of a guy pretending that the commissioner's car ran over his foot. Now we can spend the rest of the episode watching in awe as Saint Frank exposes this lefty professor of fake news for the charlatan that she is. Problem solved in true Blue Bloods fashion!

Then to top it all off, we have Frank’s absurd speechifying at the dinner table. Something about protesting all you want when you are in college, but after you graduate, then STFU because no one will take you seriously anymore. I'm sure Rosa Parks and the other civil rights activists from the '60s would have appreciated such advice, right Frank?

"Something about protesting all you want when you are in college, but after you graduate, then STFU because no one will take you seriously anymore. I'm sure Rosa Parks and the other civil rights activists from the '60s would have appreciated such advice, right Frank?"  I think he was referring to how easily she went with what she was told vs checking the facts. In other words leading with your heart in protesting works in college. But a full on adult should know it should involve more to get it done right.

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On 1/15/2019 at 10:41 AM, Sake614 said:
On 1/7/2019 at 10:17 AM, Ebau said:

s it located in Brooklyn Heights?

Bay Ridge, 3 blocks from me. I pass it every day when I walk the dog :)

That's very cool. Not that it's any of my business, but is your home as nice as this one? And do you think an NYPD cop could've afforded a house like that? I've always wondered about that; I've heard that Bay Ridge is more up-scale than what your average cop could afford. 

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15 hours ago, Ebau said:

is your home as nice as this one? And do you think an NYPD cop could've afforded a house like that?


OMG in my dreams lol! I live in an apartment. A nice apartment, but an apartment nonetheless :). Could he afford that house today? Likely not but they've been living in it for at least 30 years, probably longer. Prices weren't anywhere near as crazy as they are now, so I'd say the house likely cost about $150k at the time. It may have been a stretch but if they managed their money wisely, it was doable. 

ETA thinking about it some more, if all the kids were born in that house or at least grew up there, then they've lived there closer to 40+ years. 

Edited by Sake614
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Frank has said more than once, "I live in the house I grew up in." So more like 60 years, easy. On the other hand, Frank talks about growing up "in the old neighborhood" with the mob lawyer, Angelo, (Chazz Palminteri), and he doesn't seem to mean Bay Ridge. But that's Blue Bloods - often very fuzzy on the dates and details. It drives me crazy that Frank supposedly took over from Henry like, six years ago,  but Henry's in his eighties and they often stress he doesn't really know anything about the way a "modern commissioner" has to do things. Plus, can anyone tell me who the Mayor is, now?! This is the first season I can recall when the mayor has played no role. It just irks me. Best to just suspend disbelief and enjoy it. I do love the show. 

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1 hour ago, Biscuit Tin said:

Frank has said more than once, "I live in the house I grew up in." So more like 60 years, easy. On the other hand, Frank talks about growing up "in the old neighborhood" with the mob lawyer, Angelo, (Chazz Palminteri), and he doesn't seem to mean Bay Ridge. But that's Blue Bloods - often very fuzzy on the dates and details. It drives me crazy that Frank supposedly took over from Henry like, six years ago,  but Henry's in his eighties and they often stress he doesn't really know anything about the way a "modern commissioner" has to do things. Plus, can anyone tell me who the Mayor is, now?! This is the first season I can recall when the mayor has played no role. It just irks me. Best to just suspend disbelief and enjoy it. I do love the show. 

Maybe he grew up until the age of 10 or 13 or whatever in the old neighborhood, then he grew up the rest of the way at the current house.

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1 hour ago, Biscuit Tin said:

But that's Blue Bloods - often very fuzzy on the dates and details. It drives me crazy that Frank supposedly took over from Henry like, six years ago,  but Henry's in his eighties and they often stress he doesn't really know anything about the way a "modern commissioner" has to do things. P

I don't think that Frank took over from Henry. I'm pretty sure there were a couple commissioners between them. I believe that Commissioner Connors (who is apparently responsible for everything that has ever gone wrong in NYPD) came between them for instance. As you say they don't really go in for continuity but I was always under the impression that Henry had been retired for awhile when the show started and Frank had been in the job for a couple years. Can anyone with a better memory come up with any dialogue either way?

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2 hours ago, wknt3 said:

I don't think that Frank took over from Henry. I'm pretty sure there were a couple commissioners between them. I believe that Commissioner Connors (who is apparently responsible for everything that has ever gone wrong in NYPD) came between them for instance. As you say they don't really go in for continuity but I was always under the impression that Henry had been retired for awhile when the show started and Frank had been in the job for a couple years. Can anyone with a better memory come up with any dialogue either way?

I can't come up with the exact dialogue but I am pretty sure there there comissioners between Henry and Frank. I think there was a line about how Danny was pretty established in his career when Frank took over as comissioner while Jamie's entire police career was during Frank's time as comissioner. 

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On 1/5/2019 at 10:26 AM, Magnumfangirl said:

That's what she's always been!  LOL!

Did Tom break the fourth wall in the dinner scene?  It felt like he was preaching directly to audience, but I don't think the nuts who need to hear that message are watching this show.

Note to New Yawker TV writers: Southerners don't say "y'all" when conversing to one person.

I wish that were true because then I’d have to hear it a lot less often. 

I find Nicky insufferable. I’m never sure if it’s only how her character is written or how Sami plays her.

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Frank should have just let things lie with the college professor. Not worth the time engaging - she works at Hudson University, after all, so we can all assume she's not long for this world! :)

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