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Hoarders - General Discussion


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Matt was delusional so I don't believe anything he said. His beard was so crazy looking, with a few hairs longer than the rest. His poor friend, Matt must have been telling him all kinds of stuff about his mom but I agree with whoever said he probably won't be hanging out with Matt again.  

I too wonder what happened to Sherry to start her on her life of hoarding.  Sounds like she was always a crappy person. 


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2 hours ago, Sile said:

I think their sense of money is somewhat skewed.  Some old synthesizers and a portable organ from the 80s is worth 80K, but a $100 gift card will keep them in groceries for three months.

I picked up on that, too.  Hubby said, that considering the size of both of them $100 would keep them in groceries for three days.

But - honestly - do we believe these people ever go to a grocery store to buy healthy food?  I'm assuming that a LOT of that hoarded mess was wrappers from fast food runs.

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I think that Lauren was told when she called the show that a family member had to help out. I am sure that’s why she continued to come back everyday, despite the abuse. I loved her getting help from the doctor who validated that yes, her brother and her mother do indeed abuse her.

On a different note, that town was adorable! Every aerial shot was so interesting. I looked up the town of Wheeling WV and it has a fascinating (to me) history. At one point, it had the highest per capita earnings in the US!

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On 7/27/2020 at 10:45 PM, QuinnInND said:

The son and Sherry are sharing a room now. Ewww. There's a sick dynamic between mother and son. And he's 27?? I pegged him about 40. 

Lauren should cut that branch off the family tree and go have a life. 

No husband or father of the kids was mentioned. Wonder what the story is there? 

I have a theory but that's all it is. I don't know the family or anything about them.

I wondered if Lauren was conceived during a rape. Sherry worked my last good nerve and I found it hard to drum up any sympathy for her, but she did strike me as someone who had experienced pretty severe trauma - so much so that she literally built walls around her in an attempt to keep her safe. I wonder if she never wanted Lauren and hated her so much because her bio father raped Sherry (and resulted in Lauren's conception) or barring that - maybe it was a bad relationship and Lauren just physically resembles her bio dad so much that Sherry can't see past it. It's possible Matt has a different father than Lauren and Sherry has better memories of him.

I loathed Matt. I think he's overly enmeshed with his mother and gangs up with her against his sister. I think he enjoys having a mother who thinks he hung the moon and he is so work-adverse, he's willing to live in a garbage dump just so he doesn't have to pay rent. He's going to be totally nonfunctional when his mother eventually dies and leaves him alone in that mess.


But - honestly - do we believe these people ever go to a grocery store to buy healthy food?  I'm assuming that a LOT of that hoarded mess was wrappers from fast food runs.

I saw a LOT of Dominoes' pizza boxes.

I'm also still stuck on the non-working shower. Did Sherry and Matt just never bathe?


Lastly (maybe 😛 ) I wonder why Matt doesn't work.  He says he left his job in CA after 2 years  Why didn't he stay there?  Did mom guilt him into coming back?  Was he fired?  Has he tried to find a job back home?  Why doesn't he work? 

He's one of those guys who comes back to "help" an elderly parent but doesn't do anything but sponge off the free rent. I think he actually said after two years, he and his mom decided it was a good time for him to come back and help her clean up the house.

Edited by Elizzikra
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Matt looked like a cult member. A cult that worships mothers.

Sherry reminded me a lot of Leza from the previous season. She couldn't see that she was getting help, she just saw people taking her stuff and her safety from the outside world away.

Sherry was so used to living without things people consider necessities like heat, running water and refrigeration, she didn't see the need for those things even when they were made available to her. Matt is too psychologically broken to be on his own. I would say that one day someone's going to discover his mother's corpse sitting in a rocking chair in the basement, but there isn't a working shower in the house, so ...

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5 minutes ago, mmecorday said:

Matt looked like a cult member. A cult that worships mothers.

Sherry reminded me a lot of Leza from the previous season. She couldn't see that she was getting help, she just saw people taking her stuff and her safety from the outside world away.

Sherry was so used to living without things people consider necessities like heat, running water and refrigeration, she didn't see the need for those things even when they were made available to her. Matt is too psychologically broken to be on his own. I would say that one day someone's going to discover his mother's corpse sitting in a rocking chair in the basement, but there isn't a working shower in the house, so ...

And you know how they'd find her? Someone would call for a WELFARE CHECK and they'd find the body when she didn't answer the door. Honestly - that was the first indication that Matt and Sherry were completely out of touch with reality - that they really couldn't see why unanswered phone calls might lead one to believe that Sherry was trapped under a gigantic pile of crap that fell down on her in that house. Hell - if she was buried in a garbage avalanche in that house, it would be days before Matt could even find her.

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1 hour ago, Elizzikra said:

it would be days before Matt could even find her.

If her social security check was direct deposit, he wouldn't look. 

"Hey, man, if she wanted to be found, she'd dig her way out." "None of my business"

I think the festering essence of Matt is going to give a lot of us nightmares in the future. 

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4 hours ago, auntieminem said:

Matt was delusional so I don't believe anything he said. His beard was so crazy looking, with a few hairs longer than the rest. His poor friend, Matt must have been telling him all kinds of stuff about his mom but I agree with whoever said he probably won't be hanging out with Matt again.  

I too wonder what happened to Sherry to start her on her life of hoarding.  Sounds like she was always a crappy person. 


That was me! Dude will probably be ghosting Matt after seeing his true nature. 😬

1 hour ago, Elizzikra said:

And you know how they'd find her? Someone would call for a WELFARE CHECK and they'd find the body when she didn't answer the door. Honestly - that was the first indication that Matt and Sherry were completely out of touch with reality - that they really couldn't see why unanswered phone calls might lead one to believe that Sherry was trapped under a gigantic pile of crap that fell down on her in that house. Hell - if she was buried in a garbage avalanche in that house, it would be days before Matt could even find her.

Maybe they’ll end up like the Collyer brothers.

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On 7/28/2020 at 12:32 AM, LittleIggy said:

Bet Matt never saw his sensible friend anymore.

I have a feeling that that may have been the first time Matt ever saw his friend IRL. I'm thinking they may have been "friends" who played Call of Duty together. I did detect a sparkle in Matt's eyes when they told him the hoarding crew was comprised of military veterans -- almost as if he wanted to say, "Oooo! Me, too!" 

I wonder which production wizard thought giving Matt and his mother, who already have a sick co-dependent relationship, a single bedroom together was a good idea?


Lauren must have slept through the part in Serving Up Reality Show Tear Realness 101 where they instruct you to cover your face when you're "crying" to cover up the fact that no actual tears are falling from your eyes.

10 hours ago, auntieminem said:

I too wonder what happened to Sherry to start her on her life of hoarding.  Sounds like she was always a crappy person.

I really don't think there was an excuse, err, a trigger to her hoarding.

I'm tired of the "trigger" BS. Hoarders usually lie about when the hoarding started and find some dramatic event in their lives as a convenient excuse for their abusive behaviour, when the hoarding actually started way before the dramatic event occurred. As an example, I just saw the other day an episode (S02E08, Janet/Christina) when the hoarder said the hoarding started when her husband died a few years ago. And then we had the adult daughters talking about how, when they were kids, their father used to give them money to clean up but their mother would throw a tantrum afterwards and run to the trash cans to bring it all back to the house.

Everyone experiences losses in their lives. That's no excuse to abuse people.

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1 hour ago, Giant Misfit said:

Lauren must have slept through the part in Serving Up Reality Show Tear Realness 101 where they instruct you to cover your face when you're "crying" to cover up the fact that no actual tears are falling from your eyes.

LOL  Clint's face is so perfect for this show it could represent all of us while watching.

The A&e Hoarders site used to say something like, "Contact us if you have a relative who is a hoarder and you are willing to take part in the show..." That's why I think it's the Laurens and Missys who contact the show and the producers then talk the hoarder into allowing them in with vague promises about "organizing."  Because we know most of them just think they're collectors and have no intention of parting with a single pizza box.

Sherry and Matt didn't want any of this!   Sherry bragged over and over, "I've never had a kitchen!"  Not having a kitchen means never having to cook just as not having a shower means never having to bathe, and not having a washer means never having to do laundry with an extra bonus of getting to go to the thrift store and buy a wonderful, "Whole new wardrobe for what anyone else would pay for a shirt and a pair of pants." It's no wonder Sherry had to hurry up and pile stuff in the basement so the plumber couldn't get though.

I'm sure their house is hoarded up again to keep them safe from all those jewel thieves and Matt and Sherry have pushed their beds together, the better to huddle under the covers when they hear the rats scurrying in the night.  Thank heavens Lauren is now "dead to them," so she can move on and pretend her family has all passed on to that big landfill in the sky.

That yellow and brown wallpaper disturbed me.  Maybe it's the root problem.


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I'm tired of the "trigger" BS. Hoarders usually lie about when the hoarding started and find some dramatic event in their lives as a convenient excuse for their abusive behaviour, when the hoarding actually started way before the dramatic event occurred. As an example, I just saw the other day an episode (S02E08, Janet/Christina) when the hoarder said the hoarding started when her husband died a few years ago. And then we had the adult daughters talking about how, when they were kids, their father used to give them money to clean up but their mother would throw a tantrum afterwards and run to the trash cans to bring it all back to the house.

Eh - people are all different and they all have different strategies and coping mechanisms. I believe that hoarding is a psychological disorder, albeit one that tends to impact people beyond just the hoarder. Even if someone had packrat tendencies (like the wife you mention above) I can see where a trauma or loss of some sort offers the double whammy of a) being a trauma that provokes an emotional/psychological response and b) removes one of the only things that keeps the hoarding tendencies in check, allowing the disorder to become full blown.

None of that excuses causing pain to other people. But I think it's an explanation. And many psychiatric disorders are resistant to treatment. 


 Not having a kitchen means never having to cook just as not having a shower means never having to bathe, and not having a washer means never having to do laundry with an extra bonus of getting to go to the thrift store and buy a wonderful, "Whole new wardrobe for what anyone else would pay for a shirt and a pair of pants." It's no wonder Sherry had to hurry up and pile stuff in the basement so the plumber couldn't get though.

The more I think about this (someone stop me) the more questions I have. How do either Sherry or Matt expect to get a job if they can't bathe regularly - something that wasn't resolved during the episode or after? Was Sherry's failure to practice good personal hygiene part of the reason that she lost her job, in addition to "hoarding her workplace?" What did Matt's home look like in California - did he hoard there too? And why give the family a clothes washer but not a dryer? Does anyone really think Sherry or Matt are going to take out damp clothes and hang them to dry? Will they wear mildewed clothes or just leave them in a wet lump for all eternity after the first load goes in?

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It always cracks me up (in a ragey way) when hoarders say, "All this stuff is worth $80,000-$100,000! I'm gonna clean it and get that money!" LOL, you are NEVER going to clean that stuff, so therefore, it's worth nothing. Maybe to a go-getter with great savvy on Ebay but not you. Your wonderful stuff will sit in a room gathering dust and it will never earn you all that lovely money.

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2 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

Will they wear mildewed clothes or just leave them in a wet lump for all eternity after the first load goes in?

Heh. I think you've answered your own question there, Elizzikra. Like you, I believe this is a psychiatric disorder so I try not to be too hard on them although I can't seem to stop myself from making fun of them.  I think Sherry really does feel safer  from Them when she has her stuff piled against the doors and she mumbled something about how it was good that she and Matt were dirty because it kept Them away. The wellness check that seems reasonable to us is "unforgivable" to Sherry and Matt because Them entering the house in the middle of the night is truly their worst nightmare.

(Yes, I wanted the show to bring in an auctioneer to assess the value of those old computers and keyboards.}


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4 hours ago, cpcathy said:

It always cracks me up (in a ragey way) when hoarders say, "All this stuff is worth $80,000-$100,000! I'm gonna clean it and get that money!" LOL, you are NEVER going to clean that stuff, so therefore, it's worth nothing. Maybe to a go-getter with great savvy on Ebay but not you. Your wonderful stuff will sit in a room gathering dust [I'm adding: and excrement from rodents and roaches, and being nibbled by rodents], and it will never earn you all that lovely money.

Let's not forget the rodents and roaches! (ETA to clarify that I inserted the extra bolded stuff.)

And I often just SMH at the apparently super robust immune systems of the hoarders who make it onto these TV shows. Living in filth and yet not deathly physically sick. I wonder if less robust hoarders of the filthy sort, do get sick and die from the filth they live in, and we just don't hear about them. 

Every time some hoarder on one of these shows is just stubbornly in denial that a rat-excrement-coated item is ruined, I really wonder how they are still alive. Those hoarders came to mind when I watched part of a medical documentary show the other day. One of the stories was about a hardworking young man (married, with kids) who decided to earn some extra money by doing woodworking, a hobby he was really good at. He cleaned out the basement of their house to set up a proper workshop; tragically he swept up a lot of rodent droppings and the dust from those droppings gave him a fatal case of hantavirus. So fecking unfair. Nice guy cleans up his basement and dies; arsehole sicko hoarders live amid rat droppings for years and are not sick. (ETA to add, yes I know there are just a handful of rodent species that are associated with hantavirus. Thank goodness it's not all, or even most, varieties of rats and mice, or lots more people would get hantavirus. But you can get other diseases besides hantavirus from those droppings. Urgh.)

Edited by Jeeves
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On 7/25/2020 at 10:19 AM, joypa17 said:

This house is actually in the heart of Ferguson in an older, well-established area.  Ferguson has many beautiful, older homes.

Thanks for the clarification. I have family who live in St. Charles who have been through that area and I was using their info. 

Elizzikira - I though the same thing (about Lauren being conceived out of some kind of violent relationship). I thought earlier in the episode they alluded to something about trauma with Sherry, but I didn't see anything afterwards. I've learned a lot about how trauma can trigger hoarding. 


I feel sorry for the children, relatives, and pets, but also for the neighbors who have to live next to a hoard.   

CrazyInAlabama - My old neighbor rented to an older single lady that worked a lot and two of her adult kids. She ended up with two more adult kids and a couple random grandkids that were living there They ended up leaving due to non-payment of rent and piled all kinds of stuff on our tiny shared lawn in the front - clothing, trash, papers, books, etc. I knocked on their door and told them they needed to bag up all their trash before they left - and I noticed the pile on the lawn was MOVING because it was filled with roaches.  I'm still paying for an exterminator even though they have been gone for a couple of years. 

Matt was worse than Sherry IMHO. He was acting like he was taking over the actual operation of the cleaning/ sorting at times and I kept thinking "if you're so good at this, why do you have to poop in a bucket and your house is loaded with random garbage piled to the ceiling"? There's something seriously wrong with him. He reminded me of one of those guys that hangs around at the public library all day just to have something to do. . . 

Lauren -poor girl, you did what you could. Be like Elsa and "let it go" cos it's gonna destroy you inside. 


Edited by ItsHelloPattiagain
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I half watched the Carol, et al episode before this week's came on. One WTF moment was her randomly running her finger through mouse poop on a tray (I think) saying things aren't so bad and that the tray was a keeper. She's a trifecta of evil, mentally ill and manipulative. 

I remember eating dirt as a kid because I liked the way it smelled. (We were free-range children.) I rarely get sick. I think bubble wrapping our kids has a downside to the immune system's ability to tackle germs.* Or maybe I'm just lucky. Many of these Hoarder shows have kids & adults with asthma and allergies, and are gobsmacked that the filth contributes to the inability to control these issues.

*PSA – All bets off with NOVEL Covid-19. I'm a mask wearing, hand sanitizing, socially distanced zealot. 

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After watching Sherry and Matt’s episode I am still so confused about their relationship as mother and son. Why are they so mad about a welfare check and so paranoid that people are breaking in?... Why do they need all of that alone time together, what are they hiding? It’s just odd. Any normal 27 year old guy isn’t wanting to share a bedroom with mommy for longer than 1 night. I’d hate to know how this guy handles his sexual urges. 

These hoarders are so delusional thinking their piles of trash are worth $80K.... even if it actually was (it’s not)  these people are so far into debt with credit cards, unpaid utilities, rent,mortage, taxes etc that it wouldn’t even begin to make a difference to scratch the surface of The money they owe. 

Edited by Hellohappylife
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I'm betting the welfare check is what lead to the (partial) clean out.  Something got reported or something assessed and that's why the were so "agreeable" in letting go of 2 1/2 rooms of stuff.  And that's probably also another reason* why Lauren was there - it was her "fault - and why they were additionally mad at her.   On a side note, since they couldn't get more rooms cleaned, and both Matt and Sherry shut down further cleaning of his room, that's why they ended with both bed in one room.  Plus, they were already sleeping the same room before, just on top of all the hoard.  Given how extreme this hoard is/was, it was still dozens of trash bins of stuff removed.  I think they said the number, but I forgot. 

aside from her residual "love" for them.

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I'm betting the welfare check is what lead to the (partial) clean out. 

Police are mandated reporters so I can't imagine they went on the welfare check, saw that hoard and didn't call Adult Protective Services.


Why are they so mad about a welfare check and so paranoid that people are breaking in?.

They are so angry about the welfare check because it resulted in a stranger intruding into their lives and someone upsetting the (rotting) apple cart of their dysfunction.

I think Sherry is diagnosably paranoid. Whatever else is going on with her psychiatrically, she is paranoid, hence the need for her wall-of-garbage alarm system. I don't know if at some point in her past there was some trauma that helped convince her that everyone was out to get her (I think she was perhaps the victim of violence in the past). But now she's just so sick that she was convinced the Hoarders people were stealing from her.

Matt - I really don't have a good read on him. I think he has his own dysfunction. I don't think he's paranoid; he seemed to recognize that his mother's "alarm system" was ridiculous. But anyone willing to live in that filth under the guise of "helping out dear old mom" and avoiding the adult responsibility of having to support himself, has to have something going on psychiatrically. I think if Sherry died, or miraculously moved out on her own (or threw Matt out), he would still live in a hoarded home, be unemployed and unwashed, not own a razor and have a really annoying and histrionic manner of speaking (yelling!). Oh yeah, and shitting in a bucket. He's a mess.

  • Love 9
3 minutes ago, JunkFoodTV said:

I'm the president of the Itty bitty titty committee. I haven't worn a bra regularly since they were called brassieres and we were burning them. 😂

Yeah, my best friend is like that, flat as an ironing board. I have massive bazonkas but I've been living in stretchy firm support sports bras since lockdown and full-time working from home. 

As for Sherry ...



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Tonight, Aug. 3 Althia faces heavy fines for multiple vehicles, building materials, and and 60 foot semi-trailer on her residential property; her 5000 square foot unfinished dream home is filled with unsold inventory from a business that ended when her husband died.

This sounds to have the potential of a 'hoarder' who is overwhelmed.


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1 hour ago, enoughcats said:

Tonight, Aug. 3 Althia faces heavy fines for multiple vehicles, building materials, and and 60 foot semi-trailer on her residential property; her 5000 square foot unfinished dream home is filled with unsold inventory from a business that ended when her husband died.

This sounds to have the potential of a 'hoarder' who is overwhelmed.


You could be right but I have a feeling it's gonna be more of a "Sandra" type...

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Yes, Althia  is pretty much a Sandra type, just a little neater.   The neighbors must be so sick of her vehicles, storage buildings, and junked cars sitting around.   She's quite delusional too, thinking a car that's been sitting for 10 years only needs a battery, and air in the tires.    Another hoarder that will agree to clean up in theory, but never will.   

Halfway through the show, and nothing's gone yet.    

Julius, the husband, has been dead for eight years, and she's acting like he died yesterday.    Why are the relatives trying to talk sense to her?    If they don't stop saying Julius, I might scream.  

I do like Althia's sun hat though. 

Why did they drag her elderly relatives, who aren't in good health to see Althia refuse to give anything up?    This isn't a show, this is a disaster.    Her relatives should all leave.  ALthia will never give everything up, she's just giving some up for the show.   

Cory is still trying to say that Althia will give anything up.   She never will let go of anything.   I hope the code enforcement people condemn the house, bulldoze it, junk all of the cars, and free the neighbors from living next to that junk yard. 

Uncle Neal is wonderful, but she'll never give anything up.  I bet the day after this show wrapped, she was out replacing everything. 

And here she goes again "I can sell that for $3", no she can't.   The shrink says your plan to sell is wrong, but Althia hears "keep stuff and sell it". 

Sorry, clearing yard junk is nice, but the basement is still full of all kinds of junk, the dead husband's clothes, and I bet the mechanical part of the house stuff (water heater, heat and AC are down there).   They didn't clean anything but the old part of the house, and a few rooms.   

BSOJ-No aftercare, she refilled the garage with tiles she bought cheap to finish the kitchen.   My guess, everything else will be full soon.   

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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Julius sounded like a piece of work. She bought into it , money and stuff became more important than anything. Too bad she didn't do aftercare.  Her family was nice but even though she got rid of stuff, she is still choosing the stuff over them.

Watching the old show where they did 2 hoarders in one hour show.  I really like it better.  Two hours on one is too much especially when they do not learn anything. Also is everyone this season with Corey?  I like him but aI also liked all the other organizers too. 



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Did anyone see a computer in the house, or Althia with a smart phone? How does one even go about selling piles of junk like hers, other than online? Well, of course, she never actually seems to sell anything, so maybe it's a moot point. But where is she getting the money just for taxes and utilities on a 5K square foot house?

At least she wasn't a shrieking bitch like the first 2 hoarders this season. Julius sounds like he was a (delusional) hustler.

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I’ve always liked Dr. Tompkins. Loved the brother. At least Althia didn’t have piles of empty pizza boxes and other garbage in her hoard like the previous two this season. When they were in the basement, I saw an antique cash register in the background. Bet that could sell for a decent amount.

Will Matt be on this season?

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Corey nailed it when he said Althia set unreasonable prices on things because deep down she really didn’t want to get rid of anything. I have a friend who has 200 craft/art projects each about 80 percent finished. She goes on and on about how she needs to sell them to make some money but she refuses to finish them. She says she keeps them unfinished because people always want them bigger or smaller or a different shade of whatever color but that’s just an excuse. If she finished one she might actually sell it and that’s the last thing she wants to do. 

Althia is definitely a hoarder but I also think she’s stuck in her grieving process. She’s furious at Julius for not seeing their dream through and leaving her with the mess. The hoard and the house are constant reminders of that, continually feeding the anger. On some level she doesn’t want to give the anger up because once it’s gone what’s left? For many people it would be acceptance and peace but Althia’s not wired that way.

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I read somewhere that Matt Paxton is coming back for one show this season. 

I was not surprised that Althia rehoarded the garage, and I'm sure by now she's filled more of the basement, and any place that was cleared out.   She's totally deluded if she thinks anyone could ever work in the new addition, with all of that stuff crammed in there.   I liked her brother, but I hate that the show conned her mother and other relatives into making the long trip from Georgia to see how she's living.    

Althia will never leave that home voluntarily.    She'll always to stuck there, waiting for someone to come and offer her tons more than what it's worth, and accumulating junk she thinks she can sell.    Someday, they will find her in the house, under a pile of junk, and then the house clean out will be left for her relatives.  The giant addition didn't even have any space to get to the walls to put in insulation, electrical, and then eventually dry wall.   The addition was so tall that it will have to be pros, and all of the additional space on the house will mean more HVAC capacity, and probably more electrical service capacity, and probably plumbing too.  If that house is on septic, then it will need a huge new septic system.   Even though she gave up the outside stuff that the city was going to fine her over, she will never clean up.    She will never let go of her husband's dream of making a fortune buying cheap, and selling high, and finishing the house.    

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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9 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

Will Matt be on this season?

Probably not.  Matt has a new show - Legacy List - where he helps people who are moving to a new home to transition.  I saw an episode or two, and the family has a list of things that are important to them that they can't find (valuable collectibles or jewelry), and Matt and his crew help them find that as well as helping them to make sure the new house is set up efficiently.  Not bad, but not much drama.

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