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Don't Be Tardy - General Discussion

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8 hours ago, Caseysgirl said:

Do we think that Brielle is as dumb as she’s portrayed or is this just shtick for the cameras? If this is truly her, than perhaps her mother is right to keep her at home forever.

Yes.  Unfortunately, I do think she's that dumb.  I think she's too dumb to act that dumb.

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11 hours ago, Caseysgirl said:

Do we think that Brielle is as dumb as she’s portrayed or is this just shtick for the cameras? If this is truly her, than perhaps her mother is right to keep her at home forever.

I’m honestly afraid she is that dumb and isn’t really encouraged to change it. That’s why her uncle was right about being worried for her future. You aren’t going to be a hot instahoe forever. Her only hope is to marry rich I guess. 

Edited by preciousperfect
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The problem is, somehow her mother, who is an attractive but very lazy person has managed to make a very good living with no talent, education or ambition that is visible to me. That kind of luck or good fortune doesn’t happen to everyone & Brielle is pretty but not beautiful, is not really motivated and not bright at all. I doubt lightening will strike twice & the way Mom spends & gambles away, there won’t be much left for those 6 kids.

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I like the post-heart issue Kim.  She seems to have toned it down a ton and maybe even shifted her priorities a bit.  Early on, she was focused far too much on money for my taste.  I'm sure she still is, but we don't hear about it every second.

Kim was too much for me to watch early on, but I'm back in now.

I enjoy the entire clan including Tracy and the Hispanic woman (can't recall her name).

Kim and Kroy may be lots of things, but IMO, they are great parents.  

Edited by Jextella
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15 hours ago, Jextella said:

I like the post-heart issue Kim.  She seems to have toned it down a ton and maybe even shifted her priorities a bit.  Early on, she was focused far too much on money for my taste.  I'm sure she still is, but we don't hear about it every second.

Kim was too much for me to watch early on, but I'm back in now.

I enjoy the entire clan including Tracy and the Hispanic woman (can't recall her name).

Kim and Kroy may be lots of things, but they are great parents.  

Can I ask what you are basing this on? That is not what I see from their children. 

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1 hour ago, Reality police said:

Can I ask what you are basing this on? That is not what I see from their children. 

I'd like to avoid going down a rabbit hole discussing my standards for good parenting.   I'm sure others don't feel the same, and that is OK.  We are all entitled to have our own opinions 🙂.

Nobody is perfect and we learn as we go in most things, including parenting.  There are things about Kim and Kroy as parents that I don't care for, but they are minor in the scheme of things.

I agree about the dog thing though.  I don't think they handled that situation - or the dog - well at all.  This was probably not a good example for the kids, too.  But again, we learn as we go.

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On 3/29/2019 at 11:55 PM, Caseysgirl said:

Do we think that Brielle is as dumb as she’s portrayed or is this just shtick for the cameras? If this is truly her, than perhaps her mother is right to keep her at home forever.

I think she’s legit that dumb.

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Does anyone know if the youngest female of the herd (Kaia?? or Kiaia?) has gotten breast implants or lip injections yet?  

Edited by chenoa333
Smokin' hot Jamaican
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21 hours ago, Reality police said:

Can I ask what you are basing this on? That is not what I see from their children. 

I haven't watched the show in forever and I don't plan on it but other than her kids having a potty mouth, they've never struck me as rude or that rambunctious outside of the home (maybe that has changed since they got older).  From a tangible perspective, I think they are great parents because they provide for their children. From an emotional perspective, they seem very supportive. From a psychological perspective, this is where I think Kim lacks as a parent. I think Kim's own obsession with her looks has an impact on Brielle and Ariana and will likely have the same impact on the little girl as she grows up as well. It's hard to teach your children to love themselves and accept themselves when your own example is running off to a doctor every month to nip, tuck, inject, inflate, etc. And Kim isn't even subtle about it...her looks have become so cartoonish with the work she's done and I don't see how the promotes body positivity or self-acceptance. Ariana has grown up with a bit more weight than Brielle, I wouldn't be surprised if she felt self-conscious of her weight because she's comparing herself to her mother and sister. I think it's very possible that her daughters will value sex appeal and attention as a mean to make money and be known because they see that in their mother as well and they attribute a large part of their glamorous lifestyle to the things their mother does.

I understand parenting is hard and every parent is going to make mistakes, It's an inevitable journey that will have many lessons learned along the way but the psychological aspect of parenting is the one area that I don't think is Kim's strong suit and I'm not sure she's learning lessons here either.

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1 hour ago, sATL said:

Was there another pet issue besides the pitbull that bit KJ ?

The dog that bit KJ wasn’t a pitbull.  I can’t remember what kind of dog it was, but it wasn’t a pit.  They still have the dog though.  You can check their IG or FB; I know there are pics of the dog.

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1 hour ago, farmgal4 said:

The dog that bit KJ wasn’t a pitbull.  I can’t remember what kind of dog it was, but it wasn’t a pit.  They still have the dog though.  You can check their IG or FB; I know there are pics of the dog.

It was Kash...sorry. I will correct my orginal post

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11 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

I haven't watched the show in forever and I don't plan on it but other than her kids having a potty mouth, they've never struck me as rude or that rambunctious outside of the home (maybe that has changed since they got older).  From a tangible perspective, I think they are great parents because they provide for their children. From an emotional perspective, they seem very supportive. From a psychological perspective, this is where I think Kim lacks as a parent. I think Kim's own obsession with her looks has an impact on Brielle and Ariana and will likely have the same impact on the little girl as she grows up as well. It's hard to teach your children to love themselves and accept themselves when your own example is running off to a doctor every month to nip, tuck, inject, inflate, etc. And Kim isn't even subtle about it...her looks have become so cartoonish with the work she's done and I don't see how the promotes body positivity or self-acceptance. Ariana has grown up with a bit more weight than Brielle, I wouldn't be surprised if she felt self-conscious of her weight because she's comparing herself to her mother and sister. I think it's very possible that her daughters will value sex appeal and attention as a mean to make money and be known because they see that in their mother as well and they attribute a large part of their glamorous lifestyle to the things their mother does.

I understand parenting is hard and every parent is going to make mistakes, It's an inevitable journey that will have many lessons learned along the way but the psychological aspect of parenting is the one area that I don't think is Kim's strong suit and I'm not sure she's learning lessons here either.

Thank you. I have such a low opinion of Kim that I have blinders on because I just don't like her. I really wanted to see her through eyes that weren't biased. 

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“Checkin out my shine-uh shine-uh” FFS Kim, please stop trying to make your voice happen, it’s not going to happen. 

Every time I see Kim & Kroy in their TH, I cackle at Kroy’s face of full stage makeup. 

I don’t know why I can’t bring mysef to stop watching this show!!!

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Felippe, I hope you weren’t hitching your wagon to THAT star. My god- she can’t even carry a tune. I’m more convinced than ever that DBT was successful because Kandi produced it, not because of Kim’s great talent.  The more I watch this show, the more I’m convinced that Kim must be capable of hypnotizing people because Kroy  adores her; both of her daughters consider her their  best friend and I’m still watching this dreck.  

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13 hours ago, Batwings said:

Every time I see Kim & Kroy in their TH, I cackle at Kroy’s face of full stage makeup. 

😁 Kroy looks hideous! I'll bet Kim does his make up! Because it's SO obvious he's wearing it. Just like Kim! And dat bitch thinks he's smokin' hot! NOT. Maybe a decent dad, but NOT hot. His teeth are distracting. Like a character from True Blood with the long incisor teeth. 

But damn, I love to hate them!

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Kroy - in case you missed this little commercial... Micheal Jordan and Haynes have been in partnership for 30 years. Has trading cards in Haynes products - get "while supplies last" in specially marked packages....

Now if MJ can peddle drawers for decades and Kim keeps mentioning your tight ass (which may no longer be) is what first attracted her, can't you give Fruit of the Loom, or somebody a call ?

Edited by sATL
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18 minutes ago, sATL said:

Kroy - in case you missed this little commercial... Micheal Jordan and Haynes have been in partnership for 30 years. Has trading cards in Haynes products - get "while supplies last" in specially marked packages....

Now if MJ can peddle drawers for decades and Kim keeps mentioning your tight ass (which may no longer be) is what first attracted her, can't you give Fruit of the Loom, or somebody a call ?

Endorsements are the way to go but he didn't seem to have the career for it. He didn't strike when the iron was hot. I think he has or had a fun personality because he did the dancing with the local stars thing where he met Kim. You have to be an extrovert to do something like that. 

Edited by LemonSoda
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The female Biermanns lack a work ethic. Passion often follows effort, dedication and hard work. It is sad really because they will not experience the joy that comes from follow-through and a job well done.

Their bodies do not appear to be toned in the nearly-naked selfies. 

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On 3/31/2019 at 8:14 PM, chenoa333 said:

Does anyone know if the youngest female of the herd (Kaia?? or Kiaia?) has gotten breast implants or lip injections yet?  

Don't know of any procedures yet but she has been photo shopped before. 

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What is great is that Km and Kroy really love their kids.   They are so lucky to have a large brood.   It's nice to see the little boys with classic hair cuts. As opposed to say a mohawk. They look clean cut like Kroy.  While the girls look so awful .. like their mom.   Kroy is more sensible than Kim. I feel bad for him, because it seems impossible to reign Kim in... She just wont listen; buying the Louis Vuitton luggage: spending obscene amounts on parties.  He also tries to discipline. Tries. Wish Kim would tone down  the cursing.  Such a bad example for the younger ones.  And she needs to stop with the plastic surgery and the lip fillers.   And start being tougher on the kids   Especially Brielle and Ariana.  Also, still kind of surprised Kroy, who is more mainstream,  is into Kim .   With the wigs, stilettos all the time, the make up, trashy clothes ( even to the swim with dolphins), constant use of the f word.   They are so different.   

; ; ;

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On 3/27/2019 at 12:44 AM, raiderred1 said:

I'm just getting around to post on this wench. She is such a narcissist that twice she mentioned to her brother not seeing her, Kroy or the kids but her pigsty HOUSE first. Materialistic much, wig? I'm so glad he and his wife were eye rolling most of the time. Her bro seemed outspoken but dickish at the same time. It must run in the Zolziak family. The kids seem like simpletons, I guess because their parents are dumb as loud mouthed hicks.

Kim, great job raising kids with "Failure to Launch" syndrome. Effing idiot!

God I can't wait for them to go bankrupt!  Now that's a show I'd tune into live on pay per-vue!

Agree that all four of the Zolziaks are tough!  Not at all warm and fuzzy.  It’s odd to me.  Sigh.  

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Every time I watch this show I feel the way Kroy’s parents must feel, like WTF? An NFL player with a half way decent career ahead of him meets up with a slightly used reality person who is 8 years older and as crass, selfish and phobic as can be and quickly impregnates her with not 1 but 4 babies!  He loses his career, he’s saddled with his own plus two dumb and shallow step daughters who will never leave home.  Kim looks like no fun at all -she can’t even have fun on a vacation and wants to ruin it for everyone else. He’s always having to give up hos own dreams for what she wants but honestly, if he left , the  four littles would be bereft. 

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I love this family.  Kim loves all six of her children and Kroy seems to love her and be an excellent co parent to all the kids.  He stepped right up to the two girls and I think they really like and respect him too.

I see Kim as the idea person but I see Kroy at the main wheel.  Making it happen and being such a great support person.

I love the cook and the maid and really like the cook and Brielle together.  Those two could do stand up comedy if they wanted to.

I'm sorry they don't try and mend fences with their parents but as I remember Kim's mother was quite crazy lady so there's that.  I'm not real sure about Kroy's family?

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1 hour ago, Jeanne222 said:

I'm not real sure about Kroy's family?

I don't watch this show anymore but I used to. Back when Kroy's parents were still in his life and I always saw them as just sweet, kind, down to earth folks. But who knows why they don't speak anymore. Kroy's parents are elderly (Im guessing 70's) so probably not going to live to be grandparents. Not that it matters because Kim and Kroy probably wont let them see Brielle or Ariannas children......when they do have them and I'm betting it will be real soon.

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25 minutes ago, chenoa333 said:

Kroy's parents are elderly (Im guessing 70's) so probably not going to live to be grandparents.

They're already grandparents, aren't they?  Kroy's children with Kim are their grandchildren.  Not counting any other grandkids they might have from his sister.  Children that Brielle and Arianna might produce would be their great-grandchildren, based on the fact that Kroy adopted both girls.  Hard to believe they'd be much interested in those babies, though, considering there's no contact between them and their actual blood grandkids.

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8 minutes ago, Mondrianyone said:

They're already grandparents, aren't they?  Kroy's children with Kim are their grandchildren.  No

Lol! Thanks for correcting that embarrassing comment I made! 😁 Yes, Kroy's parents ARE grandparents. So sad they aren't part of the kids lives. My grandparents raised me after my parents died before I was 12. My grandparents were awesome and one never knows when we might need support from family. 

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They're all apparently more interested in nurturing their own petty grudges than in holding out a hand to make sure those kids have some kind of extended family.  Having grandparents is part of knowing where you came from.  These kids seem to be growing up in a vacuum--no sense of their history, no sense of where they could be going.  Although if it's just a family full of grudge holders, maybe the kids are better off.  So messy and ridiculous.

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If I'm not mistaken didnt Brielle reach out to Kims mother, her grandmother, and ask if she would like to meet for lunch?

I think she did and Kim's mother said she was too busy!

I could never be too busy!

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10 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

If I'm not mistaken didnt Brielle reach out to Kims mother, her grandmother, and ask if she would like to meet for lunch?

I think she did and Kim's mother said she was too busy!

I could never be too busy!

Kim's entire family is fucked up so her mom's response isn't surprising but I don't think the same would apply to Kroy's family. They still send their grandkids presents on every birthday and Christmas - I think they would welcome a relationship with their grandchildren. Essentially, they were cut off because they didn't approve of Kim and the marriage and I can't help but think how many families have in-laws like this and yet the grandchildren still have the opportunity to build a relationship with their grandparents. Unless they're absolutely rude to Kim and would trash her in front of their grandchildren, the decision to not have anything to do with his parents is selfish on their part and only reinforces the parent's feelings that Kim is not a good person for their son. 

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Kim may have good reasons to keep her distance from her mother but I find it so puzzling that Kroy can so easily turn his back on his family. He turned out well so I assume he has some amount of “good parenting” to thank for it. Why is he so ungrateful and cruel? Maybe he’s too immature to realize his own children might do the same thing to him one day. 

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4 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

Kim's entire family is fucked up so her mom's response isn't surprising but I don't think the same would apply to Kroy's family. They still send their grandkids presents on every birthday and Christmas - I think they would welcome a relationship with their grandchildren. Essentially, they were cut off because they didn't approve of Kim and the marriage and I can't help but think how many families have in-laws like this and yet the grandchildren still have the opportunity to build a relationship with their grandparents. Unless they're absolutely rude to Kim and would trash her in front of their grandchildren, the decision to not have anything to do with his parents is selfish on their part and only reinforces the parent's feelings that Kim is not a good person for their son. 

I forgot the thing about Kroy’s parents not approving of Kim and thus Kroy chose his wife over his parents.

From what I remember of the episode where Kim interacted with Kroy’s family, she was very much “Kim being Kim”. She showed little sensitivity toward his parents who seemed to be salt-of-the-earth Montana folks who rarely come into contact with a creature like Kim. She looked down on his family and acted like everything was weird or disgusting. So selfish, immature, and entitled! 

But hey, she is his baby mama and wife, so Kroy thinks he is doing the “honorable thing” to stand up for her. However, cutting his parents off so complety that they don’t know their grandchildren is NOT honorable. 

Is it possible that they DO now have a relationship that is kept hidden, because Show? 

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19 minutes ago, RedHawk said:

Kim may have good reasons to keep her distance from her mother but I find it so puzzling that Kroy can so easily turn his back on his family. He turned out well so I assume he has some amount of “good parenting” to thank for it. Why is he so ungrateful and cruel? Maybe he’s too immature to realize his own children might do the same thing to him one day. 

I never understood that either.  Is he that controlled by Kim that he turns his back on his own family?  That makes me sad to think about that being true but I know it happens!

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27 minutes ago, RedHawk said:

I forgot the thing about Kroy’s parents not approving of Kim and thus Kroy chose his wife over his parents.

From what I remember of the episode where Kim interacted with Kroy’s family, she was very much “Kim being Kim”. She showed little sensitivity toward his parents who seemed to be salt-of-the-earth Montana folks who rarely come into contact with a creature like Kim. She looked down on his family and acted like everything was weird or disgusting. So selfish, immature, and entitled! 

But hey, she is his baby mama and wife, so Kroy thinks he is doing the “honorable thing” to stand up for her. However, cutting his parents off so complety that they don’t know their grandchildren is NOT honorable. 

Is it possible that they DO now have a relationship that is kept hidden, because Show? 

He's an idiot. He chose Kim by marrying her, but he also chose to remove his parents from his life because, by all accounts, it doesn't seem like a decision that his parents made for both families. They didn't approve of Kim but they still showed up to the wedding, they still acknowledge their grandchildren. I think they would be perfectly fine putting up with Kim for the sake of having a relationship with their son and his kids. Who cares if they don't love Kim? As long as they aren't trashing the mother of your children publicly or in front of your children, the most you should ask of your parents is to simply give your wife a chance and by cordial with her on the occasional times they are visiting each other. He didn't even give his parents a chance to possibly warm up to Kim. To maybe not love her as a person but to love her as the woman raising their grandchildren and taking care of them. If there was something deeper than 'they didn't approve of my marriage to Kim', then it would have been said by now. Kroy has simply proven to his family that he made a poor choice in a wife. One who doesn't even value family enough to encourage her husband to work through it.

I mean, their 25-year-old professional footballer son brought home a woman 7 years older than him who is known to date men with money to support her lavish lifestyle for herself and her 2 kids. She conveniently gets pregnant 3 months into the relationship - how do the optics of this look good to them? I think the average parent who believes they have raised their child right, honest and with humility would be suspect if that's how they were introduced to their children's new partner. 

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3 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

He's an idiot. He chose Kim by marrying her, but he also chose to remove his parents from his life because, by all accounts, it doesn't seem like a decision that his parents made for both families. They didn't approve of Kim but they still showed up to the wedding, they still acknowledge their grandchildren. I think they would be perfectly fine putting up with Kim for the sake of having a relationship with their son and his kids. Who cares if they don't love Kim? As long as they aren't trashing the mother of your children publicly or in front of your children, the most you should ask of your parents is to simply give your wife a chance and by cordial with her on the occasional times they are visiting each other. He didn't even give his parents a chance to possibly warm up to Kim. To maybe not love her as a person but to love her as the woman raising their grandchildren and taking care of them. If there was something deeper than 'they didn't approve of my marriage to Kim', then it would have been said by now. Kroy has simply proven to his family that he made a poor choice in a wife. One who doesn't even value family enough to encourage her husband to work through it.

I mean, their 25-year-old professional footballer son brought home a woman 7 years older than him who is known to date men with money to support her lavish lifestyle for herself and her 2 kids. She conveniently gets pregnant 3 months into the relationship - how do the optics of this look good to them? I think the average parent who believes they have raised their child right, honest and with humility would be suspect if that's how they were introduced to their children's new partner. 

It has been.  I feel like ya'll forget this on purpose because of the Kim dislike lol.  It was a trillion years ago during an episode when the Biermann's went camping. Kim & Kroy were talking about his side of the family rift.  He said it wasn't simply about their disapproval, but also their vocal and continuous disparagement (my word) of his soon to be wife.  He added that while he respected their opinion and told them so, he also expected the slick talk to stop once and because he'd made it clear to them that Kim was his decision.  What cemented it after that was that he asked his parents to apologize for what they'd said to/about her.  The way that he articulated it was, it was disrespectful to him.   They refused.  If you can't stand somebody, it's easier to paint em like this here:  this money grubbing whoooer isolated this poor man from his family and there's a whole heap of kids who don't know their grandparents.   Ya'll? 


this man is not a hostage and his parents are not victims.   He asked them to meet a condition about the way in which they spoke to and about his wife.  They've chosen not to.  Now that's sad for everybody involved.  But ya'll are really gone need to stop putting that on Kim just because she's unlikeable.   In that same episode, Kroy mentions that the few conversations he's had with his parents had been at Kim's encouragement. 

Modern medicine is making advancements everyday, but it's still pretty difficult to conveniently get pregnant without some help lol.  

Edited by ZaldamoWilder
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5 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

I never understood that either.  Is he that controlled by Kim that he turns his back on his own family?  That makes me sad to think about that being true but I know it happens!

I absolutely believe he is that PW'd by Kim.  She makes my skin crawl and those kids will be nuts like her if they can't even leave the house when of age or visit their grandparents and extended family. Kim always acts so paranoid of everything in life and it will get worse as she reaches menopause. I cried for those kids, especially the small ones.

Edited by Raiderred
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1 hour ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

It has been.  I feel like ya'll forget this on purpose because of the Kim dislike lol.  It was a trillion years ago during an episode when the Biermann's went camping. Kim & Kroy were talking about his side of the family rift.  He said it wasn't simply about their disapproval, but also their vocal and continuous disparagement (my word) of his soon to be wife.  He added that while he respected their opinion and told them so, he also expected the slick talk to stop once and because he'd made it clear to them that Kim was his decision.  What cemented it after that was that he asked his parents to apologize for what they'd said to/about her.  The way that he articulated it was, it was disrespectful to him.   They refused.  If you can't stand somebody, it's easier to paint em like this here:  this money grubbing whoooer isolated this poor man from his family and there's a whole heap of kids who don't know their grandparents.   Ya'll? 


this man is not a hostage and his parents are not victims.   He asked them to meet a condition about the way in which they spoke to and about his wife.  They've chosen not to.  Now that's sad for everybody involved.  But ya'll are really gone need to stop putting that on Kim just because she's unlikeable.   In that same episode, Kroy mentions that the few conversations he's had with his parents had been at Kim's encouragement. 

Modern medicine is making advancements everyday, but it's still pretty difficult to conveniently get pregnant without some help lol.  

I wasn't trying to put his discontinued relationship with his parents on Kim. That's on him but that also doesn't mean that it can't be pointed out when she readily seemed to support that decision. I probably watched one season in full and that was later down the road so I'm not basing my information on the episodes, I'm basing it on the things I've read or seen either of them say in interviews and I haven't come across anything about Kim trying to help nurture that relationship but if she did, then I stand corrected on that front - but I still stand by the fact that there can be attempts from both sides to try and mend the relationships and the grandchildren would be the best way to do that. If they can't respect Kim in order to have their grandchildren in their lives then you can't really do more than walk away from that and protect the integrity of your family but it seems like something he walked away from very quickly. Lots of families go through this when someone new is brought in...again, the optics of how she was presented to his family weren't the best either. That's not her fault but I can see why not every set of parents would take kindly to that kind of introduction to a woman in their son's life and it may take some patience to earn that respect and trust...you certainly won't earn it by never seeing or communicating with them. If every family ex-communicated the moment someone married or knocked up someone the parents didn't like, there would be a lot more broken families in the world. 

We often give our families a lot of leeways and I certainly do believe that when family dynamics become too toxic, you definitely should put yourself first and walk away but I will always advocate that you do all you reasonably can to see if you repair it.

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17 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

If I'm not mistaken didnt Brielle reach out to Kims mother, her grandmother, and ask if she would like to meet for lunch?

I think she did and Kim's mother said she was too busy!

I could never be too busy!

i think she initially tried to reach out to her grandpa because she thought that might be a little easier but then she got grandma on the phone instead and grandma put the kabosh on it. 

7 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

Kim's entire family is fucked up so her mom's response isn't surprising but I don't think the same would apply to Kroy's family. They still send their grandkids presents on every birthday and Christmas - I think they would welcome a relationship with their grandchildren. Essentially, they were cut off because they didn't approve of Kim and the marriage and I can't help but think how many families have in-laws like this and yet the grandchildren still have the opportunity to build a relationship with their grandparents. Unless they're absolutely rude to Kim and would trash her in front of their grandchildren, the decision to not have anything to do with his parents is selfish on their part and only reinforces the parent's feelings that Kim is not a good person for their son. 

I have a good friend who's family is on the outs with her husband's family, and not because of her, because of her husband, even though the family blames her - I can't even imagine why, she wouldn't wish harm on anyone - but no, their kids do not have a relationship with that side of the family. And it's not because they don't want them to, it's just not easy to do when you don't speak to your family members so I would expect that to be the norm.  It's not like a parent and kid custodial situation where visitation is planned and often set by court.  In order for grandparents to have a relationship with their grandchildren, people have to communicate, and that isn't going to happen if people aren't willing to do that. Parents aren't going to want to send their kids to the grandparents' house if they're being mutual buttheads. 

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11 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

I never understood that either.  Is he that controlled by Kim that he turns his back on his own family?  That makes me sad to think about that being true but I know it happens!

Kim, I sense, is very controlling and narcissistic. She sees everyone/anyone as a threat/competition. Even Kroy's parents. Kroy obviously loves his kids very much. So much that he's willing to let Kim be the Alpha dog and control everyone's life. I don't think it's going to turn out well for any of them. But I do believe someday Kroy will grow his balls back and do what he needs to do. 

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6 hours ago, Dmarie019 said:

i think she initially tried to reach out to her grandpa because she thought that might be a little easier but then she got grandma on the phone instead and grandma put the kabosh on it. 

I have a good friend who's family is on the outs with her husband's family, and not because of her, because of her husband, even though the family blames her - I can't even imagine why, she wouldn't wish harm on anyone - but no, their kids do not have a relationship with that side of the family. And it's not because they don't want them to, it's just not easy to do when you don't speak to your family members so I would expect that to be the norm.  It's not like a parent and kid custodial situation where visitation is planned and often set by court.  In order for grandparents to have a relationship with their grandchildren, people have to communicate, and that isn't going to happen if people aren't willing to do that. Parents aren't going to want to send their kids to the grandparents' house if they're being mutual buttheads. 

Well I'm not suggesting never speak to your parents while sending your kids to spend time with them. I was thinking more along the lines of having a cordial relationship with your parents where you can occasionally take your kids to visit and have them spend time with the grandparents who always remember every birthday and Christmas even when they were kept away from them.  Our anecdotal experiences probably shape what we think the norm is. For example, I would need all my hands and feet to count the amount of people who I know who were in the exact same situation where their in-laws didn't like them and they all overcame it with some time and patience - Kroy not putting in the effort in the long run could be a disservice to his wife and children. I just stand by the opinion that unless you've exhausted all reasonable options, then you didn't do enough. When I picture a kid or parent walking away from one another, I just picture something extreme. If your friend's situation was one where they gave it time, patience and boundaries and nothing worked, then like I said, I'm not against walking away from family that is toxic and not good for your own well-being, but unlike your friends and partners, you don't choose your parents and your parents don't choose their kids. It's why the family dynamic is often dysfunctional and complicated because it's about finding a balance of how to co-exist with people that you genuinely love but a lot of times don't often like.

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I hate-watch this thing, and I think that Kroy is worse than Kim in a lot of ways.  Kroy seems to be from a solid family and he knows better.  Yet, there he is, week in, week out, with a full face of makeup and lipstick, feeding into his wife's bullshit.

I also think Kroy is very aware of the fact that he's 32 and he's overcompensating. When he told Brielle a few episodes ago that she could move out, but that if she moved out, there was no coming home, I was like, "where the hell is the logic behind that?"  They are living in a big, beautiful home.  No one is wanting for space, nor has Brielle broken the house rules repeatedly.  Young people sometimes move in and out.  That whole "you can't come back" thing just seemed like something Kroy made up to be more like a dad to a young woman.  It was nonsensical.

Ariana also really irritates me.  It was like she was her own person who didn't buy into the family's bullshit until five minutes ago, and now she is exactly like the rest of them.  Also, she thought it prudent to wear a thong bathing suit to play with the dolphins with her family this past episode?  Girl friend, you are not thong ready.  Not in any sense.

I think Kroy is a better parent to the littles, but they need to start keeping an eye on KJ.  He is seven and I bet dollars to doughnuts that he is weighing in at over 100 lbs.  It's not healthy and it's not fair to the kid.  Let him make his own choices when he's 18.  

I think Brielle is really gross.  She looks gross.  Her hair is straight-up grey/silver.  The lips look horrible.  But those are just cosmetic problems that could be cleaned up in a weekend.  What I find the most gross is that she has no class, manners or intellectual curiosity.  Yes, look at who her mom is, but she is 21 and she can choose to be her own person, not a clone of her mom.  

I loathe Kim.  I think she is a beast.  But she has street-smarts and she knows how to hustle, which cannot be said about her daughters.  I think they are some of the worst people on reality TV.  And, whether you love them or hate them, NOTHING like the Kardashians.  The Kardashians are who they are.  The Biermanns have absolutely nothing authentic going on whatsoever.

I would totally hang out with Tracy IRL though.  I think she's really cool, laid-back, and she seems like she can have fun doing anything or nothing.  She also still looks like a person under her makeup, so there's that.  The rest of them look completely fake, like if you take off the wigs and the makeup, there will literally be nothing left.  Goose chills. 

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48 minutes ago, LibertarianSlut said:

I hate-watch this thing, and I think that Kroy is worse than Kim in a lot of ways.  Kroy seems to be from a solid family and he knows better.  Yet, there he is, week in, week out, with a full face of makeup and lipstick, feeding into his wife's bullshit.

I also think Kroy is very aware of the fact that he's 32 and he's overcompensating. When he told Brielle a few episodes ago that she could move out, but that if she moved out, there was no coming home, I was like, "where the hell is the logic behind that?"  They are living in a big, beautiful home.  No one is wanting for space, nor has Brielle broken the house rules repeatedly.  Young people sometimes move in and out.  That whole "you can't come back" thing just seemed like something Kroy made up to be more like a dad to a young woman.  It was nonsensical.

Ariana also really irritates me.  It was like she was her own person who didn't buy into the family's bullshit until five minutes ago, and now she is exactly like the rest of them.  Also, she thought it prudent to wear a thong bathing suit to play with the dolphins with her family this past episode?  Girl friend, you are not thong ready.  Not in any sense.

I think Kroy is a better parent to the littles, but they need to start keeping an eye on KJ.  He is seven and I bet dollars to doughnuts that he is weighing in at over 100 lbs.  It's not healthy and it's not fair to the kid.  Let him make his own choices when he's 18.  

I think Brielle is really gross.  She looks gross.  Her hair is straight-up grey/silver.  The lips look horrible.  But those are just cosmetic problems that could be cleaned up in a weekend.  What I find the most gross is that she has no class, manners or intellectual curiosity.  Yes, look at who her mom is, but she is 21 and she can choose to be her own person, not a clone of her mom.  

I loathe Kim.  I think she is a beast.  But she has street-smarts and she knows how to hustle, which cannot be said about her daughters.  I think they are some of the worst people on reality TV.  And, whether you love them or hate them, NOTHING like the Kardashians.  The Kardashians are who they are.  The Biermanns have absolutely nothing authentic going on whatsoever.

I would totally hang out with Tracy IRL though.  I think she's really cool, laid-back, and she seems like she can have fun doing anything or nothing.  She also still looks like a person under her makeup, so there's that.  The rest of them look completely fake, like if you take off the wigs and the makeup, there will literally be nothing left.  Goose chills. 


Tell me you saw the picture of this kid in a car seat?  I think she tweeted it out last year because her hashtag said he was 6 (I might be thinking of the other one, what's his name Kash?).    Them comments that came back to her?  Lol I could not breathe.  Somebody said his feet fully touching the seat in front of him, if ya'll don't get this full grown man a job and driver's license and quit playin.......

Ah shit.  I told myself babies are off limits to laugh at, but....

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On 4/14/2019 at 9:04 AM, Caseysgirl said:

Every time I watch this show I feel the way Kroy’s parents must feel, like WTF? An NFL player with a half way decent career ahead of him meets up with a slightly used reality person who is 8 years older and as crass, selfish and phobic as can be and quickly impregnates her with not 1 but 4 babies!  He loses his career, he’s saddled with his own plus two dumb and shallow step daughters who will never leave home.  Kim looks like no fun at all -she can’t even have fun on a vacation and wants to ruin it for everyone else. He’s always having to give up hos own dreams for what she wants but honestly, if he left , the  four littles would be bereft. 

On 4/14/2019 at 6:20 PM, Jeanne222 said:

I love this family.  Kim loves all six of her children and Kroy seems to love her and be an excellent co parent to all the kids.  He stepped right up to the two girls and I think they really like and respect him too.

I see Kim as the idea person but I see Kroy at the main wheel.  Making it happen and being such a great support person.

I love the cook and the maid and really like the cook and Brielle together.  Those two could do stand up comedy if they wanted to.

I'm sorry they don't try and mend fences with their parents but as I remember Kim's mother was quite crazy lady so there's that.  I'm not real sure about Kroy's family?

I don't know how it's possible, but I agree with both of these posts.

On the one hand, I think Kim got knocked up intentionally before Kroy could blink. 

On the other hand, I do think there is much about Kim Kroy really likes (maybe even loves).

And, on the one hand, it's kinda sad that a young man like Kroy with a decent career got stuck with Kim + kids, etc.

On the other hand, he was/is an adult and responsible for his own choices.

I dunno.  Compared to most marriages, theirs might be considered one of the good ones.  I happen to like Kroy a lot and I give him a lot of points for taking responsibility where he should.  Arianna and Brielle are far better for having Kroy in their lives than they would be without, IMO.

Another thing I wonder about often is what Kroy would be doing post-football without Kim and the kids.  Hi sfootball career didn't last long - and my understanding is that he wasn't paid a ton.  He doesn't seem to be super smart or ambitious in the traditional sense and it could be he is far better off with the role on the show than he would be doing anything else. 

Also, I should clarify ... Kroy is so quiet and Kim is so dominating.  It's hard to see the full Kroy.   I suspect he's smarter and more ambitious than we are shown.  

Edited by Jextella
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Kroy seems lazy as hell and Kim has no talent but has somehow made a successful career out of it.  She has hussle and needs someone to carry her bags and raise her children.   They seem to be perfectly matched.

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On 4/16/2019 at 12:03 PM, Jextella said:

I suspect he's smarter and more ambitious than we are shown.  

Yeah. Kroy is suffering from a condition called "suppressed ambition"! 😁

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I don't watch this show anymore so that's why I'm asking: what ever happened to that group of Kroy's "Bros" that Kim invited over years ago to celebrate some occasion (Kroy's Bday? or pre-engagement party???) It was held in the basement /rec room of their Atlanta home? Anyone seen/heard from these guys in recent (last 3 years) episodes? Not that I'm implying anything negative about Kroy's buddies. I'm just wondering.

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On 4/21/2019 at 7:38 PM, chenoa333 said:

I don't watch this show anymore so that's why I'm asking: what ever happened to that group of Kroy's "Bros" that Kim invited over years ago to celebrate some occasion (Kroy's Bday? or pre-engagement party???) It was held in the basement /rec room of their Atlanta home? Anyone seen/heard from these guys in recent (last 3 years) episodes? Not that I'm implying anything negative about Kroy's buddies. I'm just wondering.

Not sure but I hope they still hang out. I hope that their lives are more than what we see. Remember Kim's real best friend who doesn't like being filmed? I hope they're still close. 

I hate watch like many but my eyes watered a bit seeing the kids go off to school. That's a huge milestone moment. They're all growing up so fast. 

I hope Kroy's family gets to know their grandchildren sometime. Lost time is gone forever, we never get it back. They're all missing so much. 

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