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The military's brightest minds take on the United States' toughest legal challenges, inside the courtroom and out, in the only law office in the world where every attorney is trained as a prosecutor, a defense lawyer, an investigator - and a Marine. Operating out of Judge Advocate General Headquarters in Quantico, these active-duty Marines are attorneys who have chosen to serve their country in pursuit of military justice at home and abroad, often having to put aside their ideals for the sake of the truth.


  • Luke Mitchell as Captain John "Abe" Abraham
  • Dana Delany as Colonel Eisa Turnbull
  • Anna Wood as Maya Dobbins
  • Ato Essandoh as Maj. Trey Ferry
  • Raffi Barsoumian as Warrant Officer Carlton Prickett
  • Phillipa Soo as Lt. Harper Li
  • Jeff Wincott as General Carrick
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I am looking forward to this.  Particularly seeing Luke Mitchell (seems like the guy can't catch a break, his character seemingly dies on all of his recent series like "Blindspot" and "Agents of SHIELD" or his series gets cancelled like "The Tomorrow People").  Also looking forward to seeing Ato Essandoh (the doctor from "Copper" and Vernon from "Altered Carbon") and Philippa Soo who is best known as Eliza Schuyler Hamilton from the original Broadway cast.

I'm expecting the media to constantly talk about "A Few Good Men".  I hope this show succeeds.

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Jag redux. 

Only, instead of flying planes this Golden boy lawyer spends a lot of time in the back of them travelling places in this first episode. 

Was ok - needs more Dana delany screentime. 

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What in the holy hell did I just watch? Did the show hire any military technical advisor? It was bad, so bad that for me it took me out of the story.

  • Capt Abraham hair was too long.
  • Capts Abraham and Dobbins walking around outdoor without their covers on.
  • CDR Hewitt wore LT rank.
  • Maj Ferry did not zip his jacket.
  • Capt Dobbins wore her garrison cap slanted.

As for the story itself, CDR Hewitt took PFC Morehead to the fence line expecting the Major would come to the fence to get him. But there would be big uncertainty for that plan. What if the Major was otherwise unavailable? What if he delegated someone else to get Morehead? What if Morehead did not kill or the Major saw the knife?

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1 hour ago, TV Anonymous said:

Did the show hire any military technical advisor?

I was thinking the same thing.  The uniforms looked so sloppy and the guy playing Abraham was not believalbe at all.  He's got no prescence.  I also thought the story was weird and illogical.  I still don't know how Hewitt being in the background of the video proved anything.

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1 hour ago, Magnumfangirl said:

I still don't know how Hewitt being in the background of the video proved anything.

The accuse denied under oath that he had anything to do with Morehead.

This ep was waaaaaaaay too ambitious.  It would have been fine as a multi-ep arc.  So many holes.  So little time to fill them.

I did like the political references at the highest levels.  Given the explosive (pun intended) ramifications of the Marines failing to properly treat Marines, this would have been incredibly troublesome.  If not handled well, it would become massive morale issue and politicians and certain powerful lobbyists would go all out to take advantage.  

The acting was all about striking a pose.  The writing was all about striking poses.  Strangely, the widow depicted couldn't even do that.  

The epilogue was annoying as can be.  The final straw was when Abraham was about to strike a final pose with full military bearing.  He saved the Corps from enormous pain and disruption.  He did right by his best buddy and his family.  It was a moment.  and dude just haaaaaad to put on his cover jauntily and askew.  

I don't think the leads have what it takes to engender loyalty - viewer loyalty.  It's tough for many to identify with quick-witted banter, between ingenues, at all times.  If there isn't a lot of relatability coming real soon, I don't think the show makes it. 

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12 hours ago, TV Anonymous said:

Did the show hire any military technical advisor?

Capt Abraham hair was too long.

Capts Abraham and Dobbins walking around outdoor without their covers on.

CDR Hewitt wore LT rank.

Maj Ferry did not zip his jacket.

Capt Dobbins wore her garrison cap slanted.

In addition to the above listed military discrepancies, there's no way the body comes back from Afghanistan that quickly.  It's two weeks at a minimum.  The first stop is Ramstein, or a similar European base, then Dover.  From Dover, they are then sent to their final resting place.  They are not flown with full military honors within 24 hours of the incident happening, just after the family has been notified.    

I'll give it a chance with episode 2 just because this one was too "expositiony" and had to do a lot of set up, but there is almost too much to overlook just to enjoy an hour of TV.  Also, I second the Dana Delaney talk.

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I don't have any military experience but I can understand how those that do are annoyed with some of the details.  I am sure "JAG" would have gotten similar complaints if the internet and message boards like this one had been around in full force like they are today.

However, as an ignorant viewer, I quite enjoyed this show.  I like the premise and story.  I like the interaction between Abe and Ferry, they seem to have mutual respect and work very well together.

I can't tell if the show is trying to set up Abe and Dobbins for the typical "will they or won't they" scenario when two leads work with each other and there's sexual tension but they seem to hate each other but they really don't (cf. Moonlighting, the current Moonlighting-inspired Whiskey Cavalier, many other shows, etc.).  It seems obvious to me that they have a past together, they are no longer currently together, but they may possibly still be interested.

I'm quite proud for the show and for Luke Mitchell that he managed to keep his shirt on.  I thought it was going to come off at some point, even in a military show, because that seems to be his go-to move in pretty much every show he's been on.  I guess he's making an effort to be known as a serious actor haha.

I wish we had seen more of Philippa Soo.  For some reason I thought she was going to be the female lead.  I would have liked her better in the Captain Dobbins position.  As it was, she was barely in the show.  It's nice that there is some diversity in the show, but I can't help but notice that at its core, the show's two leads are two young pretty white people, while the minorities (Soo, the female Asian driver on the base, Abe's Middle Eastern irritating earnest assistant, Ferry, the judge) were just minor supporting players or glorified extras.  

Especially with Ferry.  Ferry is a Major and outranks Abe.  Here's hoping we see more from Ferry and Philippa Soo (I don't believe we even learned her character's name) in the future.

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Mostly for JAG due to Bellasario's military service came correct with military protocol. But there was some stuff to cringe at in the first few episodes. The fear is there is no Marine veteran as show runner of The Code as far as I know without Google Fu 

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For so many years of being accustomed to Luke Mitchell with his beard (on the Blindspot), I didn't recognize him until 20 minutes into the show. 

Some of the dialogue was corny/dry but I'll stick with it. 

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On 4/10/2019 at 2:30 PM, blackwing said:

I wish we had seen more of Philippa Soo.  For some reason I thought she was going to be the female lead.  I would have liked her better in the Captain Dobbins position.  As it was, she was barely in the show.  It's nice that there is some diversity in the show, but I can't help but notice that at its core, the show's two leads are two young pretty white people, while the minorities (Soo, the female Asian driver on the base, Abe's Middle Eastern irritating earnest assistant, Ferry, the judge) were just minor supporting players or glorified extras.

I agree. I wish I was surprised that the people of color were pushed to the side, but sadly I am not. I will roll my eyes so hard when the inevitable Abe/Dobbins hook up happens. 

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I am hoping that, since this was the pilot,  as the other characters will start to get more screen time.  I wish they had waited for the “big case” until a few episodes out. To me we need a few more establishing cases before hitting the big one.  There was too much telling and not enough showing.  

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I was a big JAG fan, so I was looking forward to this, but I tuned out after a few minutes. Very disappointing. If the killer had half his brain damaged, wouldn’t they investigate more before rushing ahead with charges?  The lead guy just stood his ground like a stubborn. ninny. Did something more happen after that?

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This episode, to me, was better than the first but it's still not great.  The end did give me a pang in my heart, though.  

Mostly, I was very angry at the guy on trial (don't even remember his name).  SO MANY people joined after 9/11.  But, just because you WANT to fight for your country doesn't always mean you SHOULD.  He had a serious medical condition that he hid and cost people's lives.  If he wanted to help in some way, he should've done a job that he was qualified for and could cater to his condition.  No, being a Yeoman (or whatever the Marine's title is- I was Coast Guard and it was Yeoman) isn't glamorous but it's still doing an important job and lives wouldn't have been lost.

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I don’t understand why they keep flying oversees. There are Jag officers stationed oversees. They are even in war zones not just for rules of engagement but also for crimes. My cousin was a Marine Jag Officer and was stationed in Afganistan and he even had cases there. 

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The lead guy bugs me because his voice keeps cracking whenever he’s trying to sound stern or authoritative. Why couldn’t Ato Essandoah play the lead instead? He has much better presence and gravitas. I couldn’t figure out the relationship between those two anyway. Why does the supposedly junior officer keep telling the higher ranked Marine what to do?

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I haven't watched the show yet, but I was wondering why all the lawyers appear to be Marines. 

Has procedure changed since the time of JAG when both Navy and Marine officers served in the same office?  NCIS handles cases involving both the Navy and Marine Corps.  

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58 minutes ago, buckboard said:

I haven't watched the show yet, but I was wondering why all the lawyers appear to be Marines. 

Has procedure changed since the time of JAG when both Navy and Marine officers served in the same office?  NCIS handles cases involving both the Navy and Marine Corps.  

My guess is that they just don't want to confuse us. It has been a  while since have seen the  first season of JAG before Major McKenzie and the Gunnery Sergeant joined the cast.

Like the Gunny on JAG was Force Recon , there being no USMC special operations back then, before running an office the Warrant Officer assistant on The Code is wearing wings suggesting that he was Recon or a Raider (special operations)

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On 4/16/2019 at 2:31 PM, Xantar said:

The lead guy bugs me because his voice keeps cracking whenever he’s trying to sound stern or authoritative. Why couldn’t Ato Essandoah play the lead instead? He has much better presence and gravitas. I couldn’t figure out the relationship between those two anyway. Why does the supposedly junior officer keep telling the higher ranked Marine what to do?

Unfortunately I think the obvious answer as to why Ato Essandoah isn't the lead is because he's black.  For some reason the show has decided that it revolves around the young pretty blonde white boy and his beautiful past fling (?) who he keeps being on the opposite side of.  However, I bet they are destined to rekindle their flame, I give it to episode 5 max before it happens, if the show lasts that long.

I actually don't mind Luke Mitchell, I think he brings an earnestness to the role.  He's Australian, so I think maybe the thing with the voice you are hearing is occasionally his natural accent slipping through.  He does a pretty good American accent.

Nice to see that Ferry got major screentime and had his own storyline, even if it was the B plot.  And nice to see that Harper Li got significant screentime and was more than just an extra.  The fussy male pool secretary (or whatever his actual position is) is still irritating, however.

I agree that the behaviour of Greszak was abominable.  How did he make it through training?  I suppose it is because he was self-medicating.  And then what?  He ran out of meds or forgot to take them and when he went overseas in combat he had an attack?  Why didn't the medical guy at the base who was providing him with those drugs get charged with anything?  He should have reported it.  He's partly responsible for the deaths of those Marines in Somalia because he knew this guy was unfit for duty and still helped him. 


Oh, and it was so utterly predictable that Dana Delany's son was going to bite it offscreen.  Such a trope for a military TV show.  Parent in command shown talking to child who is an enlisted soldier somewhere?  That child has one or two eps to live, tops.

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1 hour ago, blackwing said:

I agree that the behaviour of Greszak was abominable.  How did he make it through training?  I suppose it is because he was self-medicating.  And then what?  He ran out of meds or forgot to take them and when he went overseas in combat he had an attack?  Why didn't the medical guy at the base who was providing him with those drugs get charged with anything?  He should have reported it.  He's partly responsible for the deaths of those Marines in Somalia because he knew this guy was unfit for duty and still helped him. 

In regular training, not even special forces selection back in the day they checked to make sure we didn't smuggle in tylenol to mask the pain. I know the tempo of operations have slowed down in the last ten years but it seems impossible for someone to  become a team leader in special operations without previous combat deployments. That part of the plot may have worked for a pre 9/11 JAG episode.

I will give them a pass on the secondary charges to medical personnel since that was the subject of the pilot episode. And just assume like his previous drug dealer serving time at Fort Leavenworth the he was being dealt with off screen. 

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That Colonel Delaney, or whatever her name is, never enforces rank discipline and protocols, it seems unreal that her officers are EVER sent to FOBs, let alone active theatres,

Didja notice how they delayed getting back to their armored vehicles when they had been "made" by the local tango?   Then, the command decision to STOP as they drove off?  Beyond incredible.

Did anyone see military presence from Li that merited that little speech at the end as to how she was a MARINE!?  I actually appreciated her admitting she caught herself at times wondering if she were "playing dress-up."  Watching her grow as an officer would make for a good arc.

I knew the son was a goner, but it never fails to get me anytime we see notifications.  Man, what a price that is demanded.  Bless all the Gold Star families.

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I enjoyed this episode with the exception of the Princess character.  I know he's supposed to be the comic relief, but I just find him really irritating.

Surprised that Dana Delany's son hasn't been confirmed killed, I guess he's just kidnapped.  So maybe there is hope for him yet.

I was a bit unclear on what happened at the end.  Lt. Sloan keeps her promotion and command even though she lied on her application?  While General Daley pleads guilty, gets demoted and loses her career?  So in essence, the older woman sacrificing herself for the younger woman she paved the way for.  I don't think it made a whole lot of sense to me.  Sloan still lied on her application and committed a crime, and it just gets glossed over?  

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On 4/17/2019 at 1:19 AM, Raja said:

Like the Gunny on JAG was Force Recon , there being no USMC special operations back then, before running an office the Warrant Officer assistant on The Code is wearing wings suggesting that he was Recon or a Raider (special operations)

WO Prickett could not be a Raider. Nowadays Raiders are only allowed to wear the 'Marine Special Operator Insignia'. No other badge is allowed. Nor could he be a Recon as he did not wear the 'bubble' (scuba / combat diver insignia). My guess is that he was part of logistics groups that did aerial delivery (forget the name) and whose members therefore did jump.

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On 4/22/2019 at 4:58 PM, Lonesome Rhodes said:

I knew the son was a goner, but it never fails to get me anytime we see notifications.  Man, what a price that is demanded.  Bless all the Gold Star families.

Am I such a bad person that when I saw the scene I was annoyed with the Navy CACO LT holding his head dress on his right hand?

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Another Corps-shattering set of circumstances.  It's difficult for me to accept the COmmandant would insist a prosecution of the poster girl for female advancement over a leak designed to further female advancement, though.

Nothing was done to the Marines who saved the Lt.?  Everyone got all hyper-technical and there were no Courts Martial for the miscreant lads?

The worst part of this ep was the talk Col. Delaney had with our intrepid hero.  We are supposed to believe that this officer, of all her officers, is ticketed for promotion to the top?  With his regard for military niceties?  LMAO.  That dude has a very finite ceiling and it ain't all that high.  He is giving up almost nothing in a professional sense by giving his deposition.

They missed a great chance to recreate the end of Jack Nicholson's testimony when Lt. Sloan was made to recite the damning passage in her OCS application.  "The Lieutenant has rights!" could have been shouted by the intrepid Li by way of getting Sloan to stand mute.  Oh well.

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20 hours ago, Lonesome Rhodes said:

Nothing was done to the Marines who saved the Lt.?  Everyone got all hyper-technical and there were no Courts Martial for the miscreant lads?

There was no proof that they had been drinking other than the LT knowing that the one had. She said she hadn’t seen the underage one in the bar. 

I disagreed with the outcome for the Lt.  She lied on her application- that’s fraud.  She shouldn’t  get  a pass. The General sure shouldn’t be required to plead guilty in order for the Lt. to get that  pass. Although the General did need to plead guilty because she was guilty. 

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18 minutes ago, mythoughtis said:

There was no proof that they had been drinking other than the LT knowing that the one had. She said she hadn’t seen the underage one in the bar. 

The first accused admitted to being black-out drunk.  The circumstantial evidence against the underage Marine was overwhelming.  The UCMJ is much less protective of accused' rights.  So, too, the standard of conviction.  They were each toast, if charged.

Edited by Lonesome Rhodes
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I’m curious about the change in direction tonight.  Major Ferry moved from prosecution to Senior Defence Counsel.  The lead female is now relegated to “special projects”... why couldn’t she have co-counseled with Ferry?  Harper Li’s role has now significantly increased as she was moved up to prosecution co-counsel.   Wondering if it will be the same next week.

I enjoyed seeing Luke Mitchell play off against his real-life wife Rebecca Breeds.  Hope she sticks around, although it seems like he will be hooking up with his dead friend’s widow.

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I did like the little "Harper Li" and "Scout" interaction!

And finally they talk about how NCIS is investigating, but they really sneered about it.  I wonder if that is a real dynamic in the military, or if it just a show thing?

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1 hour ago, HurricaneVal said:

I did like the little "Harper Li" and "Scout" interaction!

And finally they talk about how NCIS is investigating, but they really sneered about it.  I wonder if that is a real dynamic in the military, or if it just a show thing?

If TPTB want to help boost the ratings, a crossover with "NCIS" would probably help.  I don't watch "NCIS" so I was actually googling to see if this character Scout was a crossover from one of the NCIS shows.

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17 hours ago, blackwing said:

If TPTB want to help boost the ratings, a crossover with "NCIS" would probably help.  I don't watch "NCIS" so I was actually googling to see if this character Scout was a crossover from one of the NCIS shows.

She definitely is not from the main NCIS (set in the Navy Yard).  I haven't watched NCIS New Orleans recently, but don't think she is from there.  Never have watched NCIS Los Angeles, so I don't know.  I suspect she is not from the NCIS universe, and in fairness, the case wasn't in any of their venues (Washington DC area/New Orleans/Los Angeles).

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On 5/7/2019 at 2:50 PM, blackwing said:

If TPTB want to help boost the ratings, a crossover with "NCIS" would probably help.  I don't watch "NCIS" so I was actually googling to see if this character Scout was a crossover from one of the NCIS shows.

I think that would be too bizarre of an idea. NCIS itself is a spinoff of JAG. A crossover with any of the NCIS shows places our Marines in the same universe as JAG, as Harm and Mac. Then why do we have a JAGC unit that is 100% Marines and one that is mix Navy - Marines?

Edited by TV Anonymous
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3 hours ago, TV Anonymous said:

I think that would be too bizarre of an idea. NCIS itself is a spinoff of JAG. A crossover with any of the NCIS shows places our Marines in the same universe as JAG, as Harm and Mac. Then why do we have a JAGC unit that is 100% Marines and one that is mix Navy - Marines?

The only thing that I can head canon was that JAG, which had for most of its season Admiral Chegwidden as the Judge Advocate General of the entire Department of the Navy and they answered to the Secretary of the Navy, as Director of NCIS and Gibbs often did on the main NCIS. Where as The Code is a lower level command and probably works for the Commandant of the Marine Corps but not lower than that.

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I figured out who the office nerd is supposed to be:  Data.  Given how the time-space continuum was destroyed in this ep, it makes perfect sense.  

Give an outrageously conflicted senior JAG officer the task to decide on a weapon?  Make it so!

Leaving classified intelligence on a public bench with the full knowledge it may come into the hands of a civilian?  Extra Holodeck time for everyone!

The rigidity of the court?  Klingons everywhere nod in approval.  Kaplah'!

This show needs Q to convene a court.  It would make much more sense then the ones we've seen.

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So the Senior Defense Counselor was an O-5 and he wanted that his successor to be an O-3? What? O-4 made more sense as we could fanwank that Ferry might be promotable to O-5. But a Captain to take over a Lieutenant Colonel?

No, programmers do not always put their signatures in their codes. Some do, but it is not as common as the show depicts. Besides, those in parentheses are optional. How did they prove that they point to someone specific, beyond reasonable doubt?

Lastly, 'Big Chicken Dinner' and Dishonorable Discharge apply only to enlisted personnel. Officers get dismissal. Funny how seasoned lawyers use inaccurate terms.

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Here I was, gobsmacked at how intelligently and well they were handling the widow's arc.  I saw real people dealing with multiple layers of humanity, much of it as intimate as it gets.  Each was giving the other space/deniability, yet making known real love, care, and concern.  What happened to this show?!*

Stolen valor is a particular evil.  Throw the book at ANYone who does it.  Then throw it again.  Very cool of TPTB to use it as a storyline.  But, they just haaaad to get silly with it.  That "courtesy" conference was so beyond the pale.  That defense lawyer?  Goes straight to superiors and proffers a formal complaint.  At least one career would be over.

I really liked the fierce HR colonel.  She had the appropriate regard for that JAG operation.  You don't have to respect me, but you dang well will respect my rank.  TEN-HUT!  Beautiful.  More like her, please.

I was angry at how the notification of the Colonel's son's status was portrayed.  Coming in all hang-dog?  Talking of casualties????  The clear headline was that her son made it.  In what universe would that not have been gratefully conveyed first thing?!  Unreal.

*We got our show back the instant Abe hit the stairs.  So much for nuance and the honoring of something other than impulse.  

Finally, how long did JAG take before putting the intrepid leads into direct/hot combat operations?  We're at, what, Episode 6?  

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15 hours ago, TV Anonymous said:

So the Senior Defense Counselor was an O-5 and he wanted that his successor to be an O-3? What? O-4 made more sense as we could fanwank that Ferry might be promotable to O-5. But a Captain to take over a Lieutenant Colonel?

No, programmers do not always put their signatures in their codes. Some do, but it is not as common as the show depicts. Besides, those in parentheses are optional. How did they prove that they point to someone specific, beyond reasonable doubt?

Lastly, 'Big Chicken Dinner' and Dishonorable Discharge apply only to enlisted personnel. Officers get dismissal. Funny how seasoned lawyers use inaccurate terms.

I'm not military, so everything you said here might as well be in a foreign language to me.  🙂

I thought this episode was very entertaining.  Liked the plot of the stolen valor.  And the comedic elements, with Ferry and Li going to snowy North Dakota while Abe and Dobbins going to sunny Florida, were great.

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So is Rami going to another base just cuz of the whim of the colonel (not sure of her title)? Why didn't Trey stand? That was beyond, since she was his superior?

Anyway, is that how transfers work? A superior officer gets in a snit, then sends you to Timbuktu?

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