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SEAL Team - General Discussion

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I like this new introspective, polite Sonny. I was worried for a minute there because he had just had his "we good?" chat with Clay and then Clay tells him about State 21. But we avoided the sitcom cliche on this one.

Awfully polite of the bad guys to leave just one trap behind. I don't know much about EOD beyond what I see on shows like this but I do know that when you find one bomb your safest bet is to assume that there could be others. A sophisticated tunnel network deep in Afghanistan? Nah, we only need one booby trap to guard that. I know they did it for the sake of brevity because no one wants to watch the team spend 15 years clearing a tunnel but still.

Did I miss what the lie was that Ray told his daughter? I remember him debating whether or not he should tell her he got hurt so are we to assume she asked him a bunch of nosy-ass kid questions and he just said everything was fine?

Regarding the Jason and Mandy booty call, I am not sure what to make of it but I personally would prefer that they stay friends. You can't unring that bell, Jason.

Also, more Hollywood shortcuts and this one bugs me a lot. Do you really expect me to believe that Mandy was sitting in her trailer hoping a friend of hers with whom she has a professional working relationship would randomly show up and start kissing her? If Mandy isn't in the mood (and based on her recent experiences we have nothing to suggest that she would be), Jason just sexually assaulted her.

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5 hours ago, Avabelle said:

I haven’t watched the last few episodes but I thought it was clear earlier in the season that Mandy was into Jason. 

I agree.  There were some indications that they had some interest in each other that was more than co-workers.

In one of the Mexico episodes, after a fight with Jason, Mandy asked him if they were still ok. In one of the Serbia episodes, she went searching for him in Belgrade after he almost got blown up, and she seemed worried about him.

She also went to meet him at a bar in the middle of the day when he was off for medical leave.  

They also talked about their dating lives, which seems pretty personal for co-workers.

Edited by nittanycougar
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4 hours ago, CooperTV said:

All I wanted to say is the fact that two the most insufferable people (and the two worst actors) on that show hooked up shows a sad state of the show this year.

Insufferable!  Glad to see someone thinks like I do.

Edited by preeya
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Mandy doesn't get to angst about her informant and then harass his obviously hostile and distraught widow as Jason drags her out the door. Jesus, woman, read the room a little and don't be a raging asshole.

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I love the show, I like the characters, I want more.  But - We need some sort of vote to see who is in the majority here, the Mandy Hate Club or the Mandy Like Club.  I suspect if there was a real poll for that it would fall on the dislike side.

I don't like Mandy very much.  She is OK to be on the show in some form, she's pretty good when she's interrogating.  But when they move into her angst and personal drama she sucks.  It's not that it's not realistic to have those feelings, I'm sure people in her position do feel the repercussions of the things they have to do, it's just that it's overdone in a bad soap opera sort of way and she further over does it with her acting to the point where it's almost caricature instead of believable.  As for her and Jason hooking  up - well that was the only sour spot in a decent finale that wasn't supposed to be a finale.  My sincere hope is this was a one night stand and we do not have a Season 4 full of should we/shouldn't we be a couple drama.

I suspect the final two episodes would have sewn up the plot around who is staying on the team and who is leaving.  I would have liked to have seen that and do wonder how they'll resolve it next season.  But for now I feel like the shortened end was mostly OK but the final scene leaves me sour, of all the ways it had to end watching those two going at it was not exactly the best final scene to be left with at all.

 Despite that I'm sill looking forward to another season and am actually happy they're already renewed.

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Guys I’m a few episode behind but what happened with Stella. I’m her only fan 🙂

As for Mandy, I hated her at first as she always came off so smug and like she was always pouting for camera time but I will say she grew on me this season. I think they best thing they did for her character was get rid of the suit and loosen her up a bit.

Davis has taken my place as most annoying character as I feel they dragged the ass out of Sonny/Lisa. I’m about 5 episodes behind though so hoping for improvement. 

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On 4/16/2020 at 9:49 AM, ctlady said:


I an SO effin' over Jason with his 'I am the master of the SEAL team universe whose sole mission in my life is to do the job, protect my men, bring my men home.  Anything outside of that is a distraction with which I can do without including children and relationships"  Jason, just because you torched your marriage, don't see your kids or can't even enjoy a dinner date because you must be SuperSealTeamLeader 24/7 doesn't mean your men can't balance their lives out.  And he thinks Clay's job offer is a distraction?  Jason, everything you went through emotionally and physically between your surgery, losing Alanna, ptsd, etc and your continuous failure to fully recognize them and balance those feelings ALONG with your SuperImportantSealLeader position is a huge distraction in my eyes.  Just his reaction when he walked in on the guys lounging around and ordered them out (he pretty much missed the dog when he kicked Brock) and then flipping the table when Clay told him he accepted his offer seriously pissed me off.  Who is he to think that Clay can't focus while on this mission because he has something else waiting for  him when he gets back?  How is that any different than Ray covering up his shoulder injury - which, to me, was worse on the job than Clay's job offer.



I completely agree.  Well put.


I really do not like that Thirty Mike guy, who's a total jerk, but when he referred to Jason and Trent as Statler and Waldorf, I cracked up.

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1 hour ago, lammykins said:

I an SO effin' over Jason with his 'I am the master of the SEAL team universe whose sole mission in my life is to do the job, protect my men, bring my men home.  Anything outside of that is a distraction with which I can do without including children and relationships"  Jason, just because you torched your marriage, don't see your kids or can't even enjoy a dinner date because you must be SuperSealTeamLeader 24/7 doesn't mean your men can't balance their lives out.  And he thinks Clay's job offer is a distraction?  Jason, everything you went through emotionally and physically between your surgery, losing Alanna, ptsd, etc and your continuous failure to fully recognize them and balance those feelings ALONG with your SuperImportantSealLeader position is a huge distraction in my eyes.  Just his reaction when he walked in on the guys lounging around and ordered them out (he pretty much missed the dog when he kicked Brock) and then flipping the table when Clay told him he accepted his offer seriously pissed me off.  Who is he to think that Clay can't focus while on this mission because he has something else waiting for  him when he gets back?  How is that any different than Ray covering up his shoulder injury - which, to me, was worse on the job than Clay's job offer.


This ↑.  Excellent.

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I dislike Mandy.  I dislike the character, and I'm not a fan of the actress either.  Her performance is bland and just there. In terms of the character, I think Mandy's terrible at her job, and yet she's still there.  She's gotten assets killed left, right, and center.  She burned an asset to get her butt demoted.  She's basically there just so she can hook up with Jason.

Speaking of Jason, I think that the writers are going way overboard with the "broken guy" aspect.  I've liked Jason, but he's becoming unlikable, even for me.  I hate how they've made him irresponsible to anything but Bravo.  He has children, and they are older, but they are still his children, and their mother is dead.  Jason's now some old military version of "The Bachelor," and it isn't a good look.

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On 5/8/2020 at 9:58 AM, Avabelle said:

Guys I’m a few episode behind but what happened with Stella. I’m her only fan

Nothing.  The last we saw of Stella was when she told Clay that she still had feelings for him.  I have a feeling this was one of the storylines where there might have been more in the two episodes that weren't finished this season.

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On 3/25/2020 at 11:57 PM, Lonesome Rhodes said:

It's TV, so I will be shocked if Clay does not somehow become the heir apparent to Jason who is stepping down.

I really think Clay's going to get bitten in the ass by the letter.  He had several scenes with Marsden, and he's talked about her several times since Yeman.  He wrote the letter, Rebecca wrote the letter, or I've seen the theory that his father wrote the letter.  However that shakes out, I think the letter traces back to him, which will affect his heir apparent status.  He'll be lucky to stay on Bravo.  The way they're setting up his departure to STA-21, something's going to happen to derail it, and I think it's the letter.

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Mandy earned her deep ambivalence and misgivings, imo.  The problem is she should have known earlier, and she would have know for SURE by now, that the Company, and the USA, pretty much fight to win.  Either the morality of the fight is sufficient, or it is not.  Great arguments can be had either way.

However, you begged to get back in the fight, Mandy.  You were removed and were in no position to place others in harm's way.  YOU fought to get back in this fight, knowing full and dang well we used people.  So, STFU.  Deal.  Can't do that?  GTFO.  Go.  Thank you for your service.

I loved the ice cold "welcome" Bravo gave Sonny upon his return.  I loved his acceptance of it.  It all seemed real and congruent.  So did his insane risk, largely made to get back in good stead with his brothers.  

I also loved the dependance Jason displayed for Sonny, his one remaining door-kicker.  He absolutely had to have him there to help him justify and affirm his world view.  That was a great scene.  Who were you trying to convince, Jason?

An RPG!  It worked great, too.  Unfortunately.

Have a great summer, Dita!


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On 5/8/2020 at 9:51 AM, sigmaforce86 said:

I love the show, I like the characters, I want more.  But - We need some sort of vote to see who is in the majority here, the Mandy Hate Club or the Mandy Like Club.  I suspect if there was a real poll for that it would fall on the dislike side.

I don't like Mandy very much.  She is OK to be on the show in some form, she's pretty good when she's interrogating.  But when they move into her angst and personal drama she sucks.  It's not that it's not realistic to have those feelings, I'm sure people in her position do feel the repercussions of the things they have to do, it's just that it's overdone in a bad soap opera sort of way and she further over does it with her acting to the point where it's almost caricature instead of believable.  As for her and Jason hooking  up - well that was the only sour spot in a decent finale that wasn't supposed to be a finale.  My sincere hope is this was a one night stand and we do not have a Season 4 full of should we/shouldn't we be a couple drama.

I suspect the final two episodes would have sewn up the plot around who is staying on the team and who is leaving.  I would have liked to have seen that and do wonder how they'll resolve it next season.  But for now I feel like the shortened end was mostly OK but the final scene leaves me sour, of all the ways it had to end watching those two going at it was not exactly the best final scene to be left with at all.

 Despite that I'm sill looking forward to another season and am actually happy they're already renewed.

Spot on.  I like Jason and Mandy's chemistry, but this had train wreck written all over it.  They were both tired and emotionally messed up.  It is a very unhealthy basis for sex or any romantic attachment.

I am looking forward to them agreeing that it was a mistake.

Edited by nittanycougar
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On 10/18/2020 at 1:57 PM, Avabelle said:

Just caught up on this now - when is is back on tv? And I’m wondering if all the guest stars will be back. I’m guessing Davis’s love interest is shady..

CBS just released Wednesday November 25, 2020 as the date of SEAL Team's return 

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On 10/22/2020 at 4:48 PM, Raja said:

CBS just released Wednesday November 25, 2020 as the date of SEAL Team's return 

It's been moved to Dec 2 as a two episode premiere due to an election preemption of The Amazing Race

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And we're back!

First and foremost, I felt way worse for Cerberus than I did for Jason during their slog across the mountain. If Jason gets his crusty old ass killed it'll be his own damn fault but do not hurt that puppy!

I am sure I have mentioned this before and I am sure the show does this for the sake of cinematography than anything else. But it must be said again: real soldiers do not stand up top of hills presenting a nice big man-shaped target for people to shoot at. The team does this in this episode. They get set up right on top of a hill and they start popping up by gophers at which point they are immediately shot at by every bad guy in the local area. Meanwhile, Jason survives, alone and armed with a pistol because he had the good sense to get off the hill and hide in a ravine where bad guys about fifty feet away from him could not see him.

I think we were cheated on the AC-130 and the A-10s that were mentioned but pretty much unseen. That "danger close" strike was just a bunch of puffs of smoke and I didn't see any bad guys get turned into chunky salsa which is what would have happened. Then again there was a high body count in this episode so I guess they had to be discreet in some places.

Did I miss something or was Jason's self-blame for his teammate dying on that mission back in the day entirely misplaced? Here's how it played out to me: Jason goes in and smokes the bad guy. Everyone is having a little moment of celebration. There is a noise and Jason checks it out. It's a kid and Jason tries luring him out with a glow stick. As he's doing this he gets a call over the radio about the man down. How is this Jason's fault? Jason was at the primary objective. He was keeping it secure and he was the first one to respond to the noise that turned out to be the kid. Some other SEAL wandering around backstage somewhere got himself killed somehow. This does not lead back to Jason being distracted earlier somehow causing the dude's death.

I was worried about Mandy at the end of last season but I see they've decided to go ahead with her being fully okay with the uninvited booty call and they even have her make a passive-aggressive attempt of her own later. So she's kind of being used by Jason but she's also using him. That's messed up and I hope she finds therapy. Well, that and a more colorful wardrobe. I can't stand how they dress her on this show.

Props to David Boreanaz for the shot in the first half where we go from present to past when Jason is putting on his helmet. I am sure this show has done fancy camera work before that I have just failed to appreciate but this is the first shot I can recall from this show that made me say "that was cool".

Not cool: Jason running his microwave empty. Safety first Jason!

Super not cool: Spenser taking the fall for Ray's mistake. Ray has been such a toxic character and this is about the third time his bullshit has affected everyone. You couldn't just go visit the Ambassador's family and tell them in person that the newspaper article was a pack of lies? You just had to write it down, didn't you, Ray? And now Clay is in the weeds because you bought a house you can't afford. Asshole. Remember when the shoe was on the other foot and the new guy on the team blamed you for a bad grenade toss (probably because of that time you killed a kid with a bad grenade toss after lying to the team about your shoulder injury)? Remember how that guy got royally turfed with a special shame ceremony where they cut his Trident off while he cried and begged for mercy? I guess the team won't have to cut yours off since you're already wiping your ass with it. But at least you're done with lying to your family... for now.


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6 hours ago, dwmarch said:

And we're back!

First and foremost, I felt way worse for Cerberus than I did for Jason during their slog across the mountain. If Jason gets his crusty old ass killed it'll be his own damn fault but do not hurt that puppy!

I am sure I have mentioned this before and I am sure the show does this for the sake of cinematography than anything else. But it must be said again: real soldiers do not stand up top of hills presenting a nice big man-shaped target for people to shoot at. The team does this in this episode. They get set up right on top of a hill and they start popping up by gophers at which point they are immediately shot at by every bad guy in the local area. Meanwhile, Jason survives, alone and armed with a pistol because he had the good sense to get off the hill and hide in a ravine where bad guys about fifty feet away from him could not see him.

I think we were cheated on the AC-130 and the A-10s that were mentioned but pretty much unseen. That "danger close" strike was just a bunch of puffs of smoke and I didn't see any bad guys get turned into chunky salsa which is what would have happened. Then again there was a high body count in this episode so I guess they had to be discreet in some places.

Did I miss something or was Jason's self-blame for his teammate dying on that mission back in the day entirely misplaced? Here's how it played out to me: Jason goes in and smokes the bad guy. Everyone is having a little moment of celebration. There is a noise and Jason checks it out. It's a kid and Jason tries luring him out with a glow stick. As he's doing this he gets a call over the radio about the man down. How is this Jason's fault? Jason was at the primary objective. He was keeping it secure and he was the first one to respond to the noise that turned out to be the kid. Some other SEAL wandering around backstage somewhere got himself killed somehow. This does not lead back to Jason being distracted earlier somehow causing the dude's death.

I was worried about Mandy at the end of last season but I see they've decided to go ahead with her being fully okay with the uninvited booty call and they even have her make a passive-aggressive attempt of her own later. So she's kind of being used by Jason but she's also using him. That's messed up and I hope she finds therapy. Well, that and a more colorful wardrobe. I can't stand how they dress her on this show.

Mandy said what happens in Jalalabad stays in Jalalabad, which suggesed they had hooked up before.  Maybe that's why she didn't seem surprised when Jason showed up at her door in the finale.

Apparently, Jessica Pare is done as Mandy.  She will direct an episode later this season. This was a depressing way for Mandy to exit the show. 

Edited by nittany cougar
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8 hours ago, dwmarch said:

Did I miss something or was Jason's self-blame for his teammate dying on that mission back in the day entirely misplaced? Here's how it played out to me: Jason goes in and smokes the bad guy. Everyone is having a little moment of celebration. There is a noise and Jason checks it out. It's a kid and Jason tries luring him out with a glow stick. As he's doing this he gets a call over the radio about the man down. How is this Jason's fault? Jason was at the primary objective. He was keeping it secure and he was the first one to respond to the noise that turned out to be the kid. Some other SEAL wandering around backstage somewhere got himself killed somehow. This does not lead back to Jason being distracted earlier somehow causing the dude's death.

The guy that went down was the one that stopped him before going in and cut the trip wire.  He was then the first one through the door and was hit but said he was good and they continued onto the primary objective.  I think the guilt is from Guz saying "you almost ended the op before it started" and now the guy that saved him is dead.

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9 hours ago, dwmarch said:

And we're back!

First and foremost, I felt way worse for Cerberus than I did for Jason during their slog across the mountain. If Jason gets his crusty old ass killed it'll be his own damn fault but do not hurt that puppy!

I am sure I have mentioned this before and I am sure the show does this for the sake of cinematography than anything else. But it must be said again: real soldiers do not stand up top of hills presenting a nice big man-shaped target for people to shoot at. The team does this in this episode. They get set up right on top of a hill and they start popping up by gophers at which point they are immediately shot at by every bad guy in the local area. Meanwhile, Jason survives, alone and armed with a pistol because he had the good sense to get off the hill and hide in a ravine where bad guys about fifty feet away from him could not see him.

I think we were cheated on the AC-130 and the A-10s that were mentioned but pretty much unseen. That "danger close" strike was just a bunch of puffs of smoke and I didn't see any bad guys get turned into chunky salsa which is what would have happened. Then again there was a high body count in this episode so I guess they had to be discreet in some places.



The plot armor was strong in this one. Besides their rifle's, rockets and mortar shells not actually hitting anything the Afghanis' seemed to be much better soldiers than the US Tier One guys.

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10 hours ago, dwmarch said:

First and foremost, I felt way worse for Cerberus than I did for Jason during their slog across the mountain. If Jason gets his crusty old ass killed it'll be his own damn fault but do not hurt that puppy!

I figured given comments by the handler in past episodes, the dog was going to end up being retired

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Marshall Tucker in the background was a perfect add to the profundity of Jason announcing he was standing down.

Ray is not honorable (In my Worf voice).  

The Spenser reveal by Ray to Jason was the Jason in the bus moment for Guz.  I liked it.  A lot.

The battles largely bore me.  IRL, I have only the greatest respect and awe for everyone who puts themselves in harm's way.  But for TV, zzzzzzz.  No principle cast will ever really die.   We did have one enemy RPG this time!  

I also really liked that Cerberus' beacon saved Jason, who saved Cerberus.  

Lindell continues to show me he understands command.  He gave Bravo Team every chance to fly right.  Missions accomplished, so he judged correctly.  Now, he is left with no real choice.  Blackburn is the first I'd reassign.  

Mandy went out good.  Not easy.  Congratulations and thank you for your service.

The insistence on mentioning that Jason was expected to have particular issues with going after the son of a super bad guy, who himself is a really bad guy now, was TV tropism at its finest; which is to say, "worst."  I half-expected Maria Ouspenskaya to make an appearance!

The biggest thing, however, is I want to give props to TPTB for directly addressing an enormous American issue.  Just what was our objective and did we meet it?  Is it still achievable?  Just what the heck IS our mission in Afghanistan?  How does a warrior deal with a realization that the sacrifice may have been for naught?  As they would say in the 60s..."Heavy, man."



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2 hours ago, Lonesome Rhodes said:

Marshall Tucker in the background was a perfect add to the profundity of Jason announcing he was standing down.

Ray is not honorable (In my Worf voice).  

The Spenser reveal by Ray to Jason was the Jason in the bus moment for Guz.  I liked it.  A lot.

The battles largely bore me.  IRL, I have only the greatest respect and awe for everyone who puts themselves in harm's way.  But for TV, zzzzzzz.  No principle cast will ever really die.   We did have one enemy RPG this time!  

I also really liked that Cerberus' beacon saved Jason, who saved Cerberus.  

Lindell continues to show me he understands command.  He gave Bravo Team every chance to fly right.  Missions accomplished, so he judged correctly.  Now, he is left with no real choice.  Blackburn is the first I'd reassign.  

Mandy went out good.  Not easy.  Congratulations and thank you for your service.

The insistence on mentioning that Jason was expected to have particular issues with going after the son of a super bad guy, who himself is a really bad guy now, was TV tropism at its finest; which is to say, "worst."  I half-expected Maria Ouspenskaya to make an appearance!

The biggest thing, however, is I want to give props to TPTB for directly addressing an enormous American issue.  Just what was our objective and did we meet it?  Is it still achievable?  Just what the heck IS our mission in Afghanistan?  How does a warrior deal with a realization that the sacrifice may have been for naught?  As they would say in the 60s..."Heavy, man."



Ha! I guess Worf learned it is not always the honorable but the Gowron's that rise to the top. There is always a Ray in military themed shows. I doubt that they go the full Peter Principle with him.

So much of the story was Jason got the credit of actually being the one who pulled the trigger on someone other than Bin Laden, as if that were a big deal back then and then Thirty claiming the same thing 13 years later as if it were a big deal now was a strange choice. While I thought the public obsession over which soldier fired the actual bullet in Pakistan was weird it would be weirder for the soldiers themselves to put an emphasis on it unless the goal truly was I won the million dollar lottery so I can  retire and sell the story.

I am still trying to figure out why Jason didn't grab a rifle when he scooped up Cerebus.

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10 minutes ago, Raja said:

I am still trying to figure out why Jason didn't grab a rifle when he scooped up Cerebus.

I had the same thought. The reason why the rest of the world outside of the US/NATO carries the AK-47 or variants is because it is cheap, rugged and ammo for it is plentiful. And it isn't like Jason would have given his position away by using the same gun the bad guys were using.

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39 minutes ago, dwmarch said:

I had the same thought. The reason why the rest of the world outside of the US/NATO carries the AK-47 or variants is because it is cheap, rugged and ammo for it is plentiful. And it isn't like Jason would have given his position away by using the same gun the bad guys were using.

Trigger happy friends might have shot at him if he was using an AK-47 (very distinctive sound) , but there were nothing but special forces there. Pretty sure those guys get trained on all weapon types (friendly or otherwise) and make use of them as needed.

He was using a handgun with a silencer not to give his position away plus its hard to fire an AK while holding the dog so it won't run.

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3 hours ago, Lonesome Rhodes said:

The biggest thing, however, is I want to give props to TPTB for directly addressing an enormous American issue.  Just what was our objective and did we meet it?  Is it still achievable?  Just what the heck IS our mission in Afghanistan?  How does a warrior deal with a realization that the sacrifice may have been for naught?  As they would say in the 60s..."Heavy, man."  

The US is used to being friends with those we went to war with and fought. 

UK for independence and war of 1812, Spain for Texas and Cuba, and Phillipines.

Germany for WW1/2, Japan for WW2 , Italy for WW2. Even Vietnam.

You look at those countries and we have pretty decent relations. Then you have Korea which one half is like us and thriving and the other half is a failed state that hates us. 

Iraq will take a long time to see how it turns out, but Afghanistan will never go past tribal wars no matter who is in charge. Our issue with Afghanistan was Al-Quida not the Taliban so as long as those types don't start training there again it could be a victory.

The problem with long wars is people get bored with them since it is a volunteer force these days and not that many people fight and die to make a fuss over it. 

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Several things bothered me about this episode. Jason definitely.  I did like that we saw the origins of his all in all the time.  Sad that it took 13 years, a failed marriage, the death of his wife( ex-wife?), his youngest child in boarding school, and  Sleeping on a mattress on the floor to  teach him life requires balance.  
Second, Jason goes from staggering across the snow heavily bleeding to carrying the dog on his shoulders - with his injured arm bending perfectly to hold the dog and then hops right into the firefight( injured shooting arm)  and the rush into the cave.  Superman? 
I was sure that Clay wrote the letter.  Disappointed that he torpedoed his career and extremely disappointed in Ray. 
Happy to see Mandy leave. And Clays current obnoxious girlfriend went, can  Thirty Mike go too? Bring Stella back. 

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Another continuing issue which cropped up in this ep was how orders in the heat of a firefight are questioned and not acted upon unless and until a discussion ensues.  All the "Focus up!" and "I'll follow you ANYwhere!" stuff is so very empty because of it.

This time, Sonny directly challenges Ray's decision to ignore Jason's problems and to devote everything to completing the mission and survival for the multiple men under his command.  It wasn't that hard a decision.  But, noooooooo.  We had to have draaaaaaama.  

Of course, if Sonny had cited Cerberus as the supreme concern, I may have had to go with his wisdom.

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Well, we could see Cerberus being the parallel to Jason's losing it coming from a mile away. Poor Cerberus - I hope Brock gets another dog, but I will miss Dita. I can't imagine them giving Cerberus a miracle turn-around like Jason will get; especially as I doubt her trainer Justin will want to misrepresent the lives of actual military dogs after that whole talk he gave as Brock about their PTSD and eventual need to retire. 

Edited by CoyoteBlue
Clarifying pronoun issues re: Dita/Cerberus
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I like Lindell. He's a straight shooter and he has no time for bullshit. It will be interesting to see how he reacts when he inevitably finds out that Clay jumped on Ray's grenade.

Mean old Sonny makes a reappearance and gives Ray and Jason the telling off they both richly deserve.

Speaking of Sonny, Davis made the right choice keeping their fling on pause for now.

Blackburn looks better without the beard.

How about we swap out Thirty as Bravo One and let Full Metal take the lead for a while? I feel like I don't know anything about him as a character whereas I know Thirty is a prick.

I know it will turn out to be actual bad guys but I couldn't help but think that cafe in Morocco got blown up by a grenade that fell out of Ray's pocket. That's kind of his move now. Let's see if the State Department disavows him seeing as to how he isn't supposed to be there and he promised he wouldn't get caught.

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"Obi-Blonde Kenobi."   Every once in awhile, Sonny delivers a gem.  Also every once in awhile, he does something incredibly stupid.   Live rounds on an exercise?!!!!!!!  Not one mention of accountability measures.  Boo!

I still can't get over the expense of ongoing training for the SEAL units.  Those planes and equipment do not move cheaply. 

Lindell continues to impress.  I do believe that man would not be giving Jason all the leeway we've seen.   He'd also be reassigning folks left and right, beginning with Blackburn.  I really did appreciate that he seems set on moving Spenser to another team.  He simply must.  

Dita (Cerberus) needs to be up for a doggie Emmy for appearing chastened when Jason discovered the torn bedding and such.  It was actually touching when he took such an understanding and loving tone with her.

Ray's home story is very compelling to me.   Our Blue Star families deserve so damn much respect and appreciation.

It's been an interesting beginning to this season.  



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2 hours ago, preeya said:

Is the team's name really "BRAVO"

The word was used 77 times in this episode.   Just sayin'.

For those who don't know "Bravo" is the NATO and US  armed forces pronunciation of "B". In an earlier life I was the XO of Bravo. But we tended to say either Bravo company  or Bravo 4.3.7. Which itself was short for B company 4th battalion 37th Armored Regiment 

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I was happy to see Cerberus got retired after all she went through and it was sweet that Jason adopted her. It will be interesting to see how each helps the other. I did assume Cerb's trainer would have adopted her. I know that happens with police K9s; is it too difficult for military ones because the trainers have to go on missions so often?

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3 hours ago, DanaK said:

I was happy to see Cerberus got retired after all she went through and it was sweet that Jason adopted her. It will be interesting to see how each helps the other. I did assume Cerb's trainer would have adopted her. I know that happens with police K9s; is it too difficult for military ones because the trainers have to go on missions so often?

There is a based on a true story movie now on Amazon Prime about a wounded Marine veteran who by congressional action was able to adopt her partner after he had deployed with other Marines. Back then they put down war dog/weapons as it was feared that they couldn't adapt to civilian life after service and the US would be legally liable for any PTSD damage the dog caused. Common played the 1st Sergeant running the dog handler training. I have noticed a couple of fictional dogs become police dogs in retirement from military service 


That SEAL or his  replacement on Bravo team will get the next trained dog to come down the pipeline 

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I did assume Cerb's trainer would have adopted her. I know that happens with police K9s; is it too difficult for military ones because the trainers have to go on missions so often?

He'll get Cerberus' replacement. So I think it wouldn't be ok for him to have Cerberus as his own dog and then the new dog as well?

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So much insanity.  I'm sad that Lindell gave in.  War by emotion causes more pain, not less.

That Algren character is the worst.  Well, unless it's Blackburn.  Did nobody make the basic points Hayes made when they were planning this op?  Why was Echo team not worthy of the best leadership from home?  Jason abandoned them every bit as much as he was accusing Lindell of doing with Ray.  Are our special forces that moronic?  That would be a big NEGATIVE. 

The Sonny conversation with Ray's daughter was powerful.  It felt right that it was Sonny who initiated it and not another team member.  

As always, the battle scenes were filled with close-ups and extreme close-ups - the better to let TPTB have any result they want to portray.  There was a whole series of Jason movies that used this technique, right? 

The best part of the ep for me, and I can't believe I'm writing this, was Stella.  She's nuts to choose the life of a special forces wife, but she sure has the makings of a great one.  Bless all the Stella's out there. 


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9 hours ago, Lonesome Rhodes said:

She was disgusted that Clay would choose to save Ray's bacon and that he had decided to be a warrior and not a politician.  She walked.

She was also realizing that Clay didn’t want the life she wanted.  She walked because he implied he would eventually 

I was happy to see Stella back and she’s learning the life.  Truthfully they only dropped the character because the actress for another show.   I like this version of Stella. 

I don’t think Jason even told his girlfriend he was leaving.all in all the time. 

still not happy that Ray wrote the letter and let Clay’s lie sit there. Also not happy Clay lied. 



Edited by mythoughtis
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I know this is probably old news, but while looking up recaps, etc., I discovered that Jim Caveziel was supposed to play Jason. I never knew that.


So, Jason has a growth spurt with admitting his feelings, and Sonny backslides. Then repents. Let's hope this time it sticks.

And Sonny and Davis aren't dead yet. Neither are  Stella and Clay.


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This is the first time I can remember the Team not being eager to grasp at straws in defense of a brother.  Have they ever tried to talk command out of a mission when there was no other Ray-oriented mission to perform?  All of this despite the incredible return of the sainted Jason, without whom (Hi Nasri!) they wouldn't even be operational.  They'd rather not follow his gut!  Riiiiight.

I could buy the dissension as to EIT ("enhanced" interrogation).  But, bottom lining it, which is what they are masters at doing, it really was not a close call.  Not for those guys, Blondie included.  

The murder of the hostage was horrible, but that was the least blood I have ever seen portrayed for such an event.  Literally none on the floor where he fell.  I bet there was one heckuva "discussion" with the suits regarding the gore allowed on a legacy network in what was once known as "family time."  I'm fine with the decision to show almost none.  

I was wrong about that guy, too.  At first, I thought he was a mole.  Was Ray trained to believe that and act accordingly?  





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On 1/14/2021 at 3:31 AM, Lonesome Rhodes said:

I was wrong about that guy, too.  At first, I thought he was a mole.  Was Ray trained to believe that and act accordingly?  





We thought he was a mole also! I can only assume any military, especially special forces, are taught not to discuss their military status in situations like that. The chances of a captor overhearing, or that guy being a mole, or simply telling him something that he could accidentally or intentionally tell the captors (thinking it would help him, or while being interrogated) would be too risky, especially for such a high value target. 

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