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I've mentioned this before and it completely made no sense to me.  Eve apparently has this gripe about not asking "Daddy" and Kim for money which seems admirable, but there is no way that she wouldn't of asked for help with Paige's college tuition.  Also it is equally nonsensical as to why Kim and Shane wouldn't pay for their own granddaughter's college education or that they wouldn't of set up a college fund for her already.

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I try not to think about Eve but as far as Jeannie Theresa I think they're either trying to punish her for getting into legal trouble in CA or are worried that if they give her money she'll buy drugs. They're depending on family to keep her employed.  But that's speculation on my part.  I'm happy she only got the one phone call from Shane and they only showed up once.  If you think Jenn and Adrienne are harpy, Patsy Pease would be into Mags territory terribleness.  Charles Shaughnessy has had a nice career outside of Days. 


Did you know he's on the web soap called The Bay?  So is Mary Beth Evans, and lots of soap folks.  


Show cannot have Charles Shaughnessy onscreen and expect anyone to buy Eve as his daughter.  They look the same age.  

I hope they're not killing off Shane.

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I really hope that is not the reason, considering some of the other parent/child examples we have gladly accepted over the years.  Billie/Kate, Lexie/Celeste, It is also the way that the actors play their characters.  I would hope that is not the reason that they are keeping Charles away. I think if that was a big enough reason they wouldn't of hired Kassie in the first place.

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Shane not setting up a college fund for Paige takes me right out of the story. I just cannot buy that. I would imagine that if they decide to write Paige out, Shane will suddenly pull through with some before unmentioned college fund so Paige can finally go to Stanford. Maybe California will bring out a sense of humor in the girl.

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Theresa came to town because she was told in Los Angeles to either get out of town or go to jail for her drug use.  She got a job at the hospital because Kayla is her aunt, but she really didn't want the job, she wanted to coast.  She was put as Jennifer's assistant, but got really pissy when Jennifer (who has no right to complain) was always telling her she actually needed to, y'know, do some work.  And Abigail, of course, got involved because Jennifer.  And since Jennifer was Theresa's sworn enemy, Theresa went after everybody else in Jennifer's family, setting JJ up for drug use just as he was trying to get out of his problems with having broken the window at the book store because his father's book was being displayed there and he had just found out about his father having raped Kayla.  And Theresa went after Daniel because he was with Jennifer at the time.  Theresa invited JJ over to her place and started trying to seduce him, and get him to do drugs with her, she took something that made her OD, and so JJ called Daniel for help.  JJ would have gotten his parole revoked if it came out that he was with Theresa doing drugs, so Daniel refused to tell anybody that it was JJ that called him, so he let everybody think he was there with Theresa to sleep with her.  Theresa pretended that she couldn't remember anything, but she really did remember it all, and she had a phone recording of JJ with her when she was doing drugs, so she blackmailed him into getting her drugs (when he first came to town, he was selling weed).  JJ managed to trap Theresa into stealing a check from the hospital and trying to use it for her own personal use, and got her on tape doing it, so they had mutual blackmail material and both dropped the issue.


Theresa hooked up with Brady when he was at a low point drinking after Kristen turned out to have raped Eric, and Theresa and Brady started drinking and doing drugs together.  They wound up flying to Las Vegas, and while Brady was extremely drunk, they got married.  They then flew back to Salem, and Brady and John got into an argument over his drinking and drug use, and Theresa threw the marriage into John's face.  Brady passed out drunk, and John and Theresa started fighting, and he offered her $1 million if she would leave Brady, and she accepted, but the fight continued, and he pushed her, and she grabbed a poker and hit John over the head with it.  John would have died were it not for the DiMera super duper special medical team, and Theresa told everybody including Brady, that Brady had hit John in self defense when John had attacked him.  When John came out of the coma, he pretended like he couldn't remember what happened because he preferred that Brady be with Theresa than with Kristen, so when Kristen left town, John let Theresa know that he knew that she had hit him with the poker, but there wasn't any evidence, so the cops didn't pursue it.

Edited by Rick Kitchen
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Thank you, Rick Kitchen!!!!! I doubt I could find a better history anywhere online!  I missed most of that as I only started watching around the time John came out of the coma.


Oh that super-duper Dimera medical team!  They giveth and also taketh away! LOL.


Was the marriage annulled or did they have to get a divorce. Were they still married when Theresa got pregnant?

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I may be remembering it wrong.  I thought the date of conception was when Brady slept with Theresa after Kristen came back to town and she cornered him.  I thought that was maybe a day or two after Theresa signed the annulment papers.  I'm assuming an annulment takes at least a couple of months to go through.  Maybe I am wrong.

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Anne feels Jennifer gets special treatment at her job because she is a Horton.  Same with Daniel.  The animosity has grown over the last couple of years.



Hasn't Anne only been on the show for a couple of years?

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Hasn't Anne only been on the show for a couple of years?


Yes, but I guess the writers have to give her something relevant to talk about. And I just love the one-liners they give her! Days without Anne's snide remarks is just plain boring.

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Hasn't Anne only been on the show for a couple of years?

Anne is a very interesting character for Days.  Usually if they bring in someone of her archetype the character is revealed to be some sort of villain or Single White Female, a la what they did with Liam's character.  Anne solely exists to be the opposition to Jennifer and Daniel.  I like that she and Theresa are a "team" but I would actually like Anne to be a little more three dimensional and for her to be incorporated in an expanded role into the show.  


The actress is great and we appreciate her slams against Dannifer but the character can grow very tired and repetitive.  Days has a real find with the actress they just need to use her in better ways.

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The actress is great 


Meredith Scott Lynn is quite the accomplished actor and has been very steadily employed for the last 25 years in both movies and television.  This is not a woman who goes begging for work.   I think she's very attractive, but her looks are such that they probably put her in the old "character actor" category, rather than leading lady.  (I'd take her over Kate Mansi ANY day).  As you say, Days is lucky to have her and is the perfect medium to use her talents to the fullest, which I think, from some of her other performances I've seen, go beyond comedic one-liners.  But leave it to Show to waste the talent they've been lucky enough to snag.

See the way they're wasting KdP for backup on that.....

Edited by boes
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Does anyone remember the last time Julie's son or grandson were even mentioned?  I was wondering about those fellows when they were showing the Horton tree.


Am I remembering it correctly that Julie had a custody battle over her son, about a million and a half years ago?  My memory is fuzzy but didn't both son and grandson leave town under a cloud?

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Julie had two sons, David Banning (whose father was David Martin) and Robert Anderson, Jr.


David was around for years, had multiple relationships and was accused multiple times of murder.  He has a son, Scotty, but I'm not sure if he ever kept Scotty or if Scotty went off with one of David's relationships.  David eventually left town.  Eve was involved with Scotty for a while, and he came and left town multiple times and then eventually left town to become a doctor.  Most recently, he was played by Rick Hearst.


Robert Jr. died as a baby.

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John and Marlena have been divorced for about six months now.


Marlena broke it off with John when John's plan to get Kristen away from Brady was to seduce and sleep with her to prove to Brady that Kristen didn't really love him.  I know it makes no sense whatsoever but go with it.  Anyway, John did all this behind Marlena's back.  John went to seduce Kristen and Kristen realizing that she does love Brady didn't fall for the trap and chose Brady over sleeping with John.  Marlena found out about John's Scooby-Doo plan and left him.


John soon left town after that, that is when Marlena teamed up with Victor and inadvertainly exposed Kristen's rape of Eric.  After the fall out John came back to town and when he ran into Marlena they had a talk, she told him there was nothing to really discuss between them and that the divorce would be final in a few weeks and they could both move on.  


John left Salem for a while and came back to help Brady, that is when he had his accident and was in the hospital.  Marlena became nostalgic and when he woke up it looks like both of them wanted to work on getting back together.

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I think the writers are trying to set up a bigger story for Aiden and Hope.  Certain family members not liking him is a round about way to try and create some doubt with Hope moving on, that may lead deeper into Aiden's "dead wife" storyline.


Doug and Julie being hard on Aiden to that degree doesn't make much sense.  They love Bo, but they should certainly understand Hope's position with the divorce.

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I guess it's "the enemy of my enemy is my friend." Both hate the DiMearas. And Rafe worked with Victor's son, Bo. That's all I've got. I don't remember too many scenes of the two of them interacting before.

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Hell if Victor could go out of his way to help Sami, who was at one point his mortal enemy, and the only person to ever really take him down. Victor getting chummy with Rafe isn't too surprising.  I agree it is more of "the enemy of my enemy" trope.

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I remembered a strange story on this show, many years ago, when I used to post about it. This posting was on AOL, which should tell you all you need to know about the period.  


There was a blond girl who was a new character on the show they seemed to be trying to "make happen." Late teens/early 20s. She was in love with a boy. They would go out on dates, and at the end of the night, she would say goodbye to him in front of this ritzy building that made her look rich. Then she would go to this dump apartment where she really lived. We would see her alone talking to herself. "OMG! He can't find out I really live in this dump!" Her landlord in the dump was a supporting character. He was always coming to the door and telling her her rent was late, and she was a bitch about it.  


Then I think she had a sister who came to town (who looked nothing like her, and was kind of plain for a soap), and she was trying to keep the sister away from the guy too, so the sister wouldn't spill the beans that she didn't really live in the nice building. 


It was a strange story! They seemed to want us to like the girl and worry that her secret would be discovered, but they were making her look shallow. I remember someone posting "Why are they making where she lives such a huge part of her story?" Also, it was hard to be sympathetic, because she was obviously spending all of her money on clothes and makeup when her rent was overdue. Some people thought the mean landlord was the character to root for. 


There may have been modeling in there too, because I'm picturing the boyfriend taking photographs of the secretly poor girl and making over-the-top "Wow, she is so amazing on camera" faces. 


Can anyone help? I stopped watching around that time. 

Edited by Asp Burger
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Thank you both! Looks like Nicole has had a good long run. And Taylor was brought back many years later and was played at different times by Natalia Livingston and Tamara Braun of GH? That is such a trip. The girl who played her when I was watching it was this mousy brunette who looked about 4 foot 5. 

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Wow, it has been so long I completely forgot that Taylor was there in the beginning.  Never thought I would say this but I really do miss Nicole having a family on screen.  When used right Taylor was a decent character, always loved Brandon, and really liked Faye.  I wish they could find a way to bring Faye back.  Loved her with her children, her relationship with Abe, her standoffs with Kate.  Really loved when she had scenes with Roman, always saw them as Jack and Christine from 90210.


Wished Nicole had more scenes with Abe and Theo and was adopted more into the Carver family.  Bring back Brandon. 

Edited by JBC344
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Have Eve and/or Theresa name checked their brother Andrew? 

No, but he should come for the anniversary to usher in the Future of the Brady family..He can interact with his cousins and get involved with Abigail...lol He can also get into a rivalry with one of the Kiriakis twins...

Edited by Apprentice79
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I watch Will's coming out story on YouTube. Was it dragged out or was it fairly quick?

Hmm, if I recall correctly, I think it went on for about a year but I am not sure. I don't think it was too quick but not too slow either.

Question about diversity... CS is half-Japanese/half-whit and what about TO'B? True O'Brien is Hailee Steinfeld's cousin, right? (though unknow to what degree). So is Paige also 1/4 black, 1/4 Filipiino? I believe she might be related to Hailee on her maternal side because her middle name is the first name of Hailee's grandmother. Hauilee's grandfather is 1/2 black and 1/2 Filipino.

Edited by Ruby Red
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I watch Will's coming out story on YouTube. Was it dragged out or was it fairly quick?

I would say that it was dragged out, but not in a negative way.  With Will's coming out story they weaved in a lot of other plot points.  Will's relationship/resentment to Sami, Will's cat and mouse game with EJ, Will/Sami/Marlena generational family issues.


All in all it was really good storytelling.

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What exactly did Clint do to Teresa?  I know he took blood but did he also drug her?  What do they need the blood for?


He did drug her. He spiked her Bloody Mary in order to facilitate drawing her blood and skipping town to finish his 'mission' for Kristen.

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Can someone give a brief Kiriakis family rundown? I was watching when Justin and Adrienne got together and I remember when he was having the affair with Angelica Devereaux, but I dropped the show in the late 80s. At what point were all these children born (Sonny, Alex, apparently there are also twins?)

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