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S03.E05: Where Is Shelly?

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I thinks she's still alive.  They could EASILY state she died of some illness or something they believe in to get people off their back (not that that would work for Leah but at least it would be something). I think the fact that they are not saying anything speaks volumes. And why no one in that organization thinks it's weird that the head person's wife is never with him is mind blowing.

  • Love 7

I remember reading she was seen somewhere recently but was escorted by two CO$ members/guards and didn't speak to anyone.

I think it's kind of hilarious that these letters the CO$ keeps sending A&E are becoming more and more hysterical in their accusations against Leah. This is one subject that would be easy for them to disprove, simply by producing Shelley, and still nothing but hysterical letters. There's got to be a reason Shelley simply doesn't make an appearance somewhere, even on video.

  • Love 14
2 hours ago, KLJ said:

Just found this about a sighting of Shelly a few years ago.  https://tonyortega.org/2016/12/15/claim-frail-looking-shelly-miscavige-spotted-near-scientology-compound-in-california/

So it looks like she IS alive, well physically.  I can't imagine what her life must be like being monitored 24/7.  

This was the last possible sighting of Shelly and it can't be confirmed it was even her because the "Rachel" woman in the article says she was "90% sure" it was the same person she later identified on TV as Shelly Miscavige and she didn't take any photos or video of this ramshackle, frail woman behind held up and led by two men.

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55 minutes ago, luvmylabs said:

It's too late now but I wonder if either store had surveillance cameras?  Too bad someone (who would need financial backing to buy all the books, couses, etc.) couldn't infiltrate the church, take hidden photos, get stuff on tape, etc.

That would be a full-time job, something a deep undercover agent would have to do, backed by legal infiltration methods, such as the DEA does to infiltrate the drug cartels and rings, and other criminal enterprises.

On 12/19/2018 at 12:09 PM, Chaos Theory said:

I am not sure if it’s true or not but I heard that there were a lot of people who thought Suri Cruise was the reincarnation of LRH.  

That is just so twisted and gross.


On 12/19/2018 at 1:23 PM, LegalParrot81 said:

I got more of LRH setting up his little band of brain washed minions.  He knew he could more easily indoctrinate children with his crazy ranting, rules and rhetoric  and they were less likely to question/challenge anything he said.  Guess what, it worked. So many of the adult minions we hear about now were introduced into the cult as children.  

This episode was the first I'd heard that Shelley was brought in as a 12-year old.  Even her friend said that she was quite young compared to the others.  So I suppose she had longer to become brainwashed and knew no other way of life.


On 12/20/2018 at 10:26 AM, MaggieG said:

I was a little bored by the last episode, but this one had me riveted. Especially at the end when Mike went to the (CST?) compound. 

That was NUTS.  As Mike said, they were simply driving by and immediately someone was outside on his walkie talkie, taking photos.  I got the impression that the CST was on a public road...so what, these goons spend all day running back and forth taking photos of every car that goes by?  I believe it - yet, it's unbelievable.  But I loved how Mike said, "Tell him (head of Talon) that MIKE. RINDER. stopped by."  Loved.

The letter at the beginning was pretty funny..."Remini is a foaming anti-Scientologist."  Foaming??  I had to get up closer to my tv to make sure that was the word used.  Who writes these ridiculous, unintentionally funny letters?  Some flunkie with a thesaurus?  Sheesh.

Also, I knew that several houses had been built for when LRH returns, but holy cow, those are MANSIONS.  Who lives in them?  Does each house have staff that spends all day dusting the knick-knacks and sweeping the dust bunnies just in case?  Wow.

On a shallow note, Leah looked gorgeous in this episode.  And I also loved how she began and ended the episode with the same question - "where is Shelley?"  I doubt she'll give up searching.  She is such a bad-ass.

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 18

Children are easy to indoctrinate.  Their minds are sponges.  You fill it with Scientology rhetoric and it becomes truth to them.

Nazi Germany Controlled their young in the Hitler Yourh.   If you think about it Scientology is run a lot like Nazi Germany.  Dissidence In any way is not accepted.  Scientology controls all aspects of its peoples lives.  Including what they read and do In their spare time.  And their children are a big part of the control process.  

Once children are born they are told what to do what to say and what to think.  

Edited by Chaos Theory
  • Love 6
2 hours ago, laurakaye said:

Also, I knew that several houses had been built for when LRH returns, but holy cow, those are MANSIONS.  Who lives in them?  Does each house have staff that spends all day dusting the knick-knacks and sweeping the dust bunnies just in case?  Wow.

I believe so.  I remember reading somewhere that the houses have staffs that keep things clean, and keep the homes well stocked, including with cigarettes because Ellarrghaitch liked to smoke.

  • Love 9
On 12/21/2018 at 11:46 AM, laurakaye said:

Also, I knew that several houses had been built for when LRH returns, but holy cow, those are MANSIONS.  Who lives in them?  Does each house have staff that spends all day dusting the knick-knacks and sweeping the dust bunnies just in case?  Wow.


What funky-rat said above.  And yes a staff is kept at each house to clean them daily etc.  They mentioned a lot about this in an episode from an earlier season.  A new set of fresh clothing is laid out every day because apparently in this perverted version of reincarnation Hubbard would return buck naked from the clouds or whatever and need clothes right away.  And fully an adult and looking the same but maybe younger (and with better teeth??? hah) as well.  And I mention clouds because they apparently mark the grounds by these houses with signs that can be seen from the air so that a befuddled returnee Hubbard flying along can find where his houses are from the sky.

I think it is 50/50 whether Shelley is dead or a semi-walking, brainwashed zombie at this point.  I think Leah is trying to force CO$ to produce a tape of her with hopes she is still alive so it is pretty much a given she is dead or is so broken a brainwashed vegetable that it would be obvious what her condition was if they tried to video tape her to counter the charges.  So all Miss Cabbage could do is rant at a "foaming" Leah, hahaha.

And that South Park episode linked above is must see.  No one at the time thought anyone would ever have the nerve in Hollywood to openly mock CO$ like that.  No Miss Cabbage on it or at least the leaders don't physically resemble him but the cartoon versions of Tom Cruise and John Travolta do and they are both in the "closet" as well.  In fact the name of the episode is "Trapped in the Closet" and they really REALLY went after Cruise especially big time in it.  Kudos to South Park's Trey and Matt for bravely stepping up when others wouldn't back then.

And a confused Stan being worshiped as Hubbard returned was hilarious.  Sometimes humor brings down groups like this better than the law etc.  Mocking laughter can put tons of cracks in something like CO$.

Edited by green
  • Love 10

I had a thought last night - Given what that man said in this episode, the last thing he heard Shelly say was that she thought David might be going crazy.  What if David got wind of that from someone and instead used it to convince her that SHE was going crazy, not him?  Which would be his warped justification for keeping her under wraps and not allowing her to appear anywhere publicly.  And meanwhile he did his best to gaslight her into thinking she was going nuts, and used other minions around him to make her think that was true, like having "doctors" attest to her "mental instability" or whatever.  That's my theory of the week, anyway.

  • Love 3
On 12/20/2018 at 9:47 AM, Pondlass1 said:

There's this thing that's always said - that every adult has the right to disappear if they want and the police department cannot do anything about it.  But this is different.  The woman has not been seen for, what?, ten years.  Her friends are worried about her and she's in a cult that barbs its fences and imprisons its 'parishioners'. 

Surely the FBI (or whoever, I'm not American) has a case where they have the power to intervene?  Confinement is a crime.  Is she receiving proper medical care, dental, etc.  Even if she's so completely brainwashed she cannot be helped to escape, at least allow law enforcement meet face to face with her to check her mental and physical well being. 

We take the right to privacy under the 4th amendment very seriously.  There needs to be some proof of a crime and there doesn't appear to be anything concrete or they would have acted.  (Assuming it's not being covered up, which is a whole other thing.) For all we know there may be an ongoing behind-the-scenes investigation, but it's a frustrating situation.  Unfortunately, there is usually a flip side to any freedom that is often tough to swallow.

  • Love 1


"Just take a look at the raid on the FLDS compound in Texas. (The Witness Wore Red is a very interesting book with a lot about this raid). The FBI was dealing with children which gives them more leeway. The cult leader (Warren Jeffs) was on the run on sex abuse charges for which he eventually got a life sentence. "

IIRC, the smoking gun for Jeffs was that they were able to connect his DNA to a child (children) born to underage girl(s).  Also, a least one escaped girl gave testimony within the statue of limitations.

Edited by zillabreeze
  • Love 5
11 hours ago, Yeah No said:

I had a thought last night - Given what that man said in this episode, the last thing he heard Shelly say was that she thought David might be going crazy.  What if David got wind of that from someone and instead used it to convince her that SHE was going crazy, not him?  Which would be his warped justification for keeping her under wraps and not allowing her to appear anywhere publicly.  And meanwhile he did his best to gaslight her into thinking she was going nuts, and used other minions around him to make her think that was true, like having "doctors" attest to her "mental instability" or whatever.  That's my theory of the week, anyway.

Well Miss Cabbage doesn't need to get elaborate to brainwash her and there would absolutely be no doctors involved even since CO$ does not believe in psychiatry therefore psychiatrists.  No one in CO$ is allowed to see any period.

Edited by green
  • Love 1
15 hours ago, green said:

And that South Park episode linked above is must see.  No one at the time thought anyone would ever have the nerve in Hollywood to openly mock CO$ like that.  No Miss Cabbage on it or at least the leaders don't physically resemble him but the cartoon versions of Tom Cruise and John Travolta do and they are both in the "closet" as well.  In fact the name of the episode is "Trapped in the Closet" and they really REALLY went after Cruise especially big time in it.  Kudos to South Park's Trey and Matt for bravely stepping up when others wouldn't back then.

And a confused Stan being worshiped as Hubbard returned was hilarious.  Sometimes humor brings down groups like this better than the law etc.  Mocking laughter can put tons of cracks in something like CO$.

“...Cruise was so incensed by the episode that he allegedly threatened to not participate in promotion for “Mission: Impossible III” junket if a re-run of the episode was aired; Viacom owns both Comedy Central and Paramount, the studio that put out the film. Cruise’s reps denied this, though the episode was indeed pulled. Stone and Parker, for their part, put out a satirical statement on the matter:

.....“So, Scientology, you may have won THIS battle, but the million-year war for earth has just begun! Temporarily anozinizing our episode will NOT stop us from keeping Thetans forever trapped in your pitiful man-bodies. Curses and drat! You have obstructed us for now, but your feeble bid to save humanity will fail! Hail Xenu!!!”

“Trey Parker and Matt Stone, servants of the dark lord Xenu.”...


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I think it is cool that CO$ couldn't stop the episode being seen in the very end since it is posted online for anyone to view now.  And I saw it for the first time maybe last year or the year before on Comedy Central so it is being show again on the network again now despite Cruise's temper tantrums. 

Also we need someone to make up All Hail Xenu! tee shirts so we all can buy them and sport them outside CO$ buildings.  The profits from the sales could go to help CO$ refugees starting over on the outside.

Trey and Matt just can't be fazed and I love their sense of humor above.  They bided their time and the episode is back in the rotation again.  You can't really get under their skins.

Again, since we are now on page 2, the link to the episode to see it online is:  http://southpark.cc.com/full-episodes/s09e12-trapped-in-the-closet

This was in 2005 a full decade before Leah stated taking on CO$ so just imagine the uproar it caused back then.

  • Love 8
On 12/20/2018 at 11:08 AM, gunderda said:

I thinks she's still alive.  They could EASILY state she died of some illness or something they believe in to get people off their back (not that that would work for Leah but at least it would be something). I think the fact that they are not saying anything speaks volumes. And why no one in that organization thinks it's weird that the head person's wife is never with him is mind blowing.

I don't think it'd be that easy.  They could have gotten away with that in the first two to four years after she vanished in 2007. But now, after 11 years, if they state she died of an illness there will be questions and rumors that Miss Cabbage killed her, and it would be a PR nightmare for the church.  There will also be demands to produce the doctors that treated her (and if they're CO$ doctors it will only fuel the rumors as people won't believe them). Then there will be digging into the paperwork, demands to see prescriptions, death certificates, was there an autopsy and so on.

Leah has them between a rock and a hard place on this one, and I hope she keeps hitting them.  I agree with @green that Shelly is either dead or a brainwashed zombie.  If they admit she's dead, then even the notoriously corrupt LAPD will have to look into it, and if she's a vegetable that calls into question all kinds of church practices.  The only thing they can do is keep quiet but by doing so it only makes more people curious and determined to find an answer.

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On ‎12‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 5:46 AM, green said:

What funky-rat said above.  And yes a staff is kept at each house to clean them daily etc.  They mentioned a lot about this in an episode from an earlier season.  A new set of fresh clothing is laid out every day because apparently in this perverted version of reincarnation Hubbard would return buck naked from the clouds or whatever and need clothes right away.  And fully an adult and looking the same but maybe younger (and with better teeth??? hah) as well.  And I mention clouds because they apparently mark the grounds by these houses with signs that can be seen from the air so that a befuddled returnee Hubbard flying along can find where his houses are from the sky.

I think it is 50/50 whether Shelley is dead or a semi-walking, brainwashed zombie at this point.  I think Leah is trying to force CO$ to produce a tape of her with hopes she is still alive so it is pretty much a given she is dead or is so broken a brainwashed vegetable that it would be obvious what her condition was if they tried to video tape her to counter the charges.  So all Miss Cabbage could do is rant at a "foaming" Leah, hahaha.

And that South Park episode linked above is must see.  No one at the time thought anyone would ever have the nerve in Hollywood to openly mock CO$ like that.  No Miss Cabbage on it or at least the leaders don't physically resemble him but the cartoon versions of Tom Cruise and John Travolta do and they are both in the "closet" as well.  In fact the name of the episode is "Trapped in the Closet" and they really REALLY went after Cruise especially big time in it.  Kudos to South Park's Trey and Matt for bravely stepping up when others wouldn't back then.

And a confused Stan being worshiped as Hubbard returned was hilarious.  Sometimes humor brings down groups like this better than the law etc.  Mocking laughter can put tons of cracks in something like CO$.

They also keep the house stocked with Cigarettes (Kool's, IIRC) and other stuff he liked.  I also believe you are correct that the houses have odd markings on the ground outside that are to let Ellarrghaitch that this is his house.

Trapped In The Closet is my favorite South Park ep.  LOVE it.  "And then I PULL OUT MY GUN!!!".

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On ‎2‎/‎14‎/‎2019 at 8:42 PM, juliet73 said:

Ah, how does a woman shoot herself four times with a rifle? The detective's explanation makes no sense. 

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Remember that when LRH died, the official Scientology explanation was that he had ascended a level of research where the human body itself was an impediment to his studies, so he "discarded" it (you can find Miscavige's official announcement on YouTube). Given that set of beliefs, it's not hard to extrapolate that he would come again someday in a new physical form (NOTE: I'm amongst the vast majority of people who think Hubbard simply died that day, never to return).

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