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S07.E08: Unmasked

Lady Calypso
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57 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I think he says "Let me get this thing off." 

I think that’s what he says while taking his shirt off. I’m referring to the one right before. Hold on, lemme find a clip. It’s at the 1:52 mark, right before Felicity nods. 

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11 minutes ago, Chaser said:

I have a question cause I feel like I missed something. Dinah said the tattoo means that If one of them is in trouble, the others would be there. If that’s the message sent to Roy/William, and it leads them to Felicity, why is the assumption she’s evil? Shouldn’t the assumption be she needs help?

I guess we're supposed to: 

A) Question whether Felicity even has one of these tattoos, and 
B) Dinah said that Felicity had changed, and had been ~evil for a while, so I suppose we're supposed to think that even if she did have the "Mark of the Four" that the rules they agreed to didn't apply to her anymore. 

10 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

I think that’s what he says while taking his shirt off. I’m referring to the one right before. Hold on, lemme find a clip. It’s at the 1:52 mark, right before Felicity nods. 

I don't hear him say anything - I thought Felicity was nodding because he was starting to take off his shirt.

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5 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I guess we're supposed to: 

A) Question whether Felicity even has one of these tattoos, and 
B) Dinah said that Felicity had changed, and had been ~evil for a while, so I suppose we're supposed to think that even if she did have the "Mark of the Four" that the rules they agreed to didn't apply to her anymore. 

I don't hear him say anything - I thought Felicity was nodding because he was starting to take off his shirt.

Does Dinah think Felicity is asking them to blow up the city for her?

This is stupid. 

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10 minutes ago, Chaser said:

Does Dinah think Felicity is asking them to blow up the city for her?

This is stupid. 

Well, Dinah doesn't think that Felicity is the one sending the messages that brought William to Star City since she "died" when they started coming, so no. I'm pretty sure we're supposed to think that Felicity went bad either before the Mark of Four was a thing, or has been so evil since that the help pact no longer applies to her. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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SA mumbles something in the clip but I couldn't make it out.

I would be surprised if Felicity had a tattoo. What it says to it's wearers, she already has with Oliver.  Also, it's only for the cool kids, the ones who wear leather and fight.

Maybe I'm wrong but as I understand the storyline,William got some information from Felicity that told him that the hozen contained the co-ordinates for something he needed to do. This took him to Lian Yu and Roy, which in turn took him back to nightmare Star City, where he was surprised to find that Felicity had died two weeks earlier. Then Dinah showed him the tattoo and explained it's meaning. I got the impression that it was all separate from Felicity, whom Dinah had long thrown to the wolves.

I'll have to watch it again to know if that's what it is.

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1 hour ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

I noticed something during another rewatch of the first Olicity scene. Just before Oliver takes off his shirt, Oliver tells Felicity something and she nods. Could it just be him saying he’s taking off his shirt? There’s no dialogue in the closed captioning, unfortunately. Maybe I should watch again. For science. 😊

I thought he said "Let's stay home." LMAO everyone hears something different.

43 minutes ago, Chaser said:

I have a question cause I feel like I missed something. Dinah said the tattoo means that If one of them is in trouble, the others would be there. If that’s the message sent to Roy/William, and it leads them to Felicity, why is the assumption she’s evil? Shouldn’t the assumption be she needs help?

Because Dinah is a f*cking idiot. Also she clearly doesn't like or trust Felicity for whatever reason they'll probably choose when they need to elaborate. 

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1 hour ago, Angel12d said:


Because Dinah is a f*cking idiot. Also she clearly doesn't like or trust Felicity for whatever reason they'll probably choose when they need to elaborate. 

Seriously if Dinah is not fucking evil by the end of this Im going to throw an Annie size tantrum:



Cause if she's not evil and Felicity's not really evil then she's not going to apologise or feel any responsibility for smugly jumping to acceptance that Felicity is the big bad. She'll probably blame Felicity for not trusting her or some such nonsense.

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4 hours ago, apinknightmare said:

whether Felicity even has one of these tattoos, and 

Here's my question, why would people that have known and worked with each other for years and supposedly already have all the trust and loyalty they need between each other (I know, let's pretend that included Dinah) need a fricken tatoo in order to come when one of their other friends needs help? The tattoo would only really make sense if it was to be worn or used with strangers but if it's all among long time friends and family, um, why?  

I'm kind of hoping Oliver stuck trackers on all of them under the ink.  That would explain how Felicity knew to send William to Lian Yu to find Roy and would make me laugh my arse off if after the fiasco over tracking their cell phones for one day if Oliver had them secretly lowjacked the rest of their lives.    

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44 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

Here's my question, why would people that have known and worked with each other for years and supposedly already have all the trust and loyalty they need between each other (I know, let's pretend that included Dinah) need a fricken tatoo in order to come when one of their other friends needs help? The tattoo would only really make sense if it was to be worn or used with strangers but if it's all among long time friends and family, um, why? 

Exhibit 1: Diggle John, season7

Exhibits 2 - 4: Drake,Dinah, Ramirez, Rene and Holt, Curtis seasons 6 and 7.  When I think of them, I find myself hoping that the tattoo can discharge an electric shock to the holder if they don't follow through.

Edited by statsgirl
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31 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

Here's my question, why would people that have known and worked with each other for years and supposedly already have all the trust and loyalty they need between each other (I know, let's pretend that included Dinah) need a fricken tatoo in order to come when one of their other friends needs help?

I'm trying to imagine Oliver being all, "Hey guys! I designed this tattoo. Let's all get them!"

It does not compute. Were there massive amounts of drugs or weed or mirakuru involved?

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Is there some sort of lull in the constant wave of suck that is Star City? Because if not, designing/getting matching tattoos so you know can trust people you've already trusted for years seems like maybe not the best use of vigilante time. Calling it now, Star City went to complete shit because Oliver suddenly started wasting all his time on tattoo design and the criminals figured out the tattoo and got them too so the team had to trust them. 

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8 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

Here's my question, why would people that have known and worked with each other for years and supposedly already have all the trust and loyalty they need between each other (I know, let's pretend that included Dinah) need a fricken tatoo in order to come when one of their other friends needs help? The tattoo would only really make sense if it was to be worn or used with strangers but if it's all among long time friends and family, um, why?  

I'm kind of hoping Oliver stuck trackers on all of them under the ink.  That would explain how Felicity knew to send William to Lian Yu to find Roy and would make me laugh my arse off if after the fiasco over tracking their cell phones for one day if Oliver had them secretly lowjacked the rest of their lives.    

Simple answer for me? Because this new head writer, and everyone else, is making shit up as they go along. Getting vibes of Smallville here, where the "new" show runners who took over after AlMiles, SUCKED hard and the irony was, they had been with the show since day one. Just like Schwartz, right?

8 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Exhibit 1: Diggle John, season7

Exhibits 2 - 4: Drake,Dinah, Ramirez, Rene and Holt, Curtis seasons 6 and 7.  When I think of them, I find myself hoping that the tattoo can discharge an electric shock to the holder if they don't follow through.


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Beth may not end up being great but I think with her we can discount the element of pettiness that existed with Bald Rat (MG).

So if Beth tells a terrible story, it's because Beth is a terrible writer, not because she is a petty turd like Bald Rat (who was also a terrible writer with bad vision).

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I'm not gonna lie, I am surprised to say I missed Siren this ep. I think her dynamic with FS is one of the best the show has had in a long time. I don't enjoy Siren and Dinah, but I think that's more to do w/JH's acting choices, she seems to repeal everyone she's working with. I have yet to see JH have chem with any of her costars. But that moment at the gala between Felicity and Laurel, where they stood up for each other, I was here for. I think there's so much potential there, I hope we get more for those two and without DD.

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10 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Simple answer for me? Because this new head writer, and everyone else, is making shit up as they go along. Getting vibes of Smallville here, where the "new" show runners who took over after AlMiles, SUCKED hard and the irony was, they had been with the show since day one. Just like Schwartz, right?

I am willing to wait and see if Beth pulls this off but I understand where you are coming from.  I've had a few of those vibes recently too.  I was reminded of how Chloe was unfairly fired as a reporter in season 7 toward the end and none of us blinked, certain she'd be back at the Planet once it was no longer run by a corrupt owner, only for it to turn out she'd been permanently removed as the show's reporter and replaced with the more unskilled johnny come lately Lois until Chloe left town for good. 

I just got a very bad vibe when suddenly it was Dinah in Oliver's ear and I realized Felicity had been exiled from that position with rare exception since Oliver lost the Mayorship.  It was understandable with Oliver in prison, but his first episode back and Overwatch is barely even tangentially a part of it?  All those old traumatic SV memories flared up about how after 7 years an integral character was systematically removed from the show in relation to the main character.  

That being said, those are my FEARS, not what I actually believe is going to happen.  For one, they are going to want BC in on the action, not sitting on a com and unless they plan on never having anyone on the coms, which seems incredibly unlikely, she's going to be back.  So yeah, I'm just falling into the DRAMA trap, which is what they want but I do know better.

Smallville was a different beast, for one, it had a bigger legend to live up to. So while I will never think Lois on Smallville was organic or earned, at least I understand the pressure to align to comic history.  Arrow has always leaned into its own identity more.  Oliver is never going to evolve into the comic GA while Smallville was still insistent that it was a prequel to how Superman became.  So while I'm seeing a parallel right now in the middle of all the change, I don't think Beth's goals will be like those of SV's wimpy string of new showrunners who thought abandoning all that made Smallville unique in order to conform to expectations was the bold choice. 

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I'm not too worried about Felicity/Overwatch yet because I think here it was because Felicity's story was freaking Oliver out by changing/using a gun (the horror!) and I'm not sure how well that have worked if she was also being Overwatch/Old Felicity (not that it worked that well anyway.)

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3 minutes ago, JamieLynn832002 said:

I'm not too worried about Felicity/Overwatch yet because I think here it was because Felicity's story was freaking Oliver out by changing/using a gun (the horror!) and I'm not sure how well that have worked if she was also being Overwatch/Old Felicity (not that it worked that well anyway.)

I think they also wanted to sell Felicitys tunnel vision over her security systems and protecting the apartment. To show that her priorities have changed.

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2 hours ago, JamieLynn832002 said:

I'm not too worried about Felicity/Overwatch yet because I think here it was because Felicity's story was freaking Oliver out by changing/using a gun (the horror!) and I'm not sure how well that have worked if she was also being Overwatch/Old Felicity (not that it worked that well anyway.)

No, no one should be too worried. I know this is MY trauma coming to haunt me. 

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I somehow missed the whole tattoo thing. I chalk it up to zoning out whenever Dinah is on-screen, much like I used to do with Laurel. Which is ironic, because now as bad Laurel Katie is actually kind of amusing to watch.

Seriously though, I want to know what Kirk Acevedo has on the Arrow writers to keep Diaz around. No offense to the actor, who I imagine is doing the best he can with what is being given to him, but Diaz wore out his welcome for me before last season was even over. I forgave it with Malcolm for years because I liked JB nearly as much as the Arrow writers did but this is getting ridiculous.

So, we've traded flashbacks for flashforwards, which are somehow even more boring to watch.

I don't give up on a show I have invested years in unless I really hate it or am just so bored I can miss entire episodes and not care. I am not quite there with Arrow but I am getting damn close.

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3 hours ago, Chaser said:

I really liked KA on Fringe. I was so happy when he was cast. What a dud he turned out to be. 

SAME! He was terrific!  He's playing a terribly written villain that he's playing as on the page with no nuance.  Like Chase could have been an equally terrible villain but Josh gave him nuance and layers beyond the writing. 

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KA attitude for me really brought the enjoyment down for me as well.  And I'm not even talking about picking petty fights on Twitter.  Everything he talked about was him, him, him.  There wasn't the generosity or excitement in interviews or in social media that I'd come to expect from a guest star.   And his vision for the character seemed less about his character and more about devaluing existing characters. 

That does seem reflected though in how Diaz is used. Now it's Dyla's turn to be hurt by his existence.  They had to undo who those characters are supposed to be at their core (or at least Diggle) in order to explain why Diaz is still involved.  That should always be the red flag for a bad character that needs to go.  

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3 hours ago, Chaser said:

I really liked KA on Fringe. I was so happy when he was cast. What a dud he turned out to be. 

Yeah, and I liked him on 12 Monkeys, too (at least until for a while he also was bitten by the "MY SON!" bug). This role and his off-screen stuff have lowered him a lot in my opinion. 

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5 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

That does seem reflected though in how Diaz is used. Now it's Dyla's turn to be hurt by his existence.  They had to undo who those characters are supposed to be at their core (or at least Diggle) in order to explain why Diaz is still involved.  That should always be the red flag for a bad character that needs to go.  

They also have to make everyone else stupid in order for Diaz to be win. For example, the last episode where SCPD sent their most dangerous prisoner to Slabside with only one guard who he turned.

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It's amazing how much better an episode of Arrow is with the Arrow in it.

Having said that, I find this whole 'Felicity gone dark' thing weirdly offensive and sexist in a way I almost can't enunciate. Why are the women in this show constantly held to a higher standard of behaviour than the men?

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I find it sexist and gross too but I'm not sure it's even really the women who are held to a higher standard, it's mostly just Felicity. Dinah was on a murder spree when Oliver met her but she's now the (extremely self-righteous) arbitrator of justice in Star City, Thea joined forces with her supervillain father and that's okay, Sara participated in horrible medical experiments and joined the league and no one but Sara ever really worried about her 'darkness' but Felicity shoots someone who was trying to kill her husband (and presumedly her) and almost kills a psychopath who tried to murder her entire family repeatedly while destroying the city and you'd think she'd tried to burn down an orphanage. Oliver not wanting this for his wife makes sense but he should have thought of that before he put bulleyes on her and his son and then left them with only shady as hell ARGUS to protect them.

Edited by JamieLynn832002
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42 minutes ago, JamieLynn832002 said:

I find it sexist and gross too but I'm not sure it's even really the women who are held to a higher standard, it's mostly just Felicity. Dinah was on a murder spree when Oliver met her but she's now the (extremely self-righteous) arbitrator of justice in Star City, Thea joined forces with her supervillain father and that's okay, Sara participated in horrible medical experiments and joined the league and no one but Sara ever really worried about her 'darkness' but Felicity shoots someone who was trying to kill her husband (and presumedly her) and almost kills a psychopath who tried to murder her entire family repeatedly while destroying the city and you'd think she'd tried to burn down an orphanage. Oliver not wanting this for his wife makes sense but he should have thought of that before he put bulleyes on her and his son and then left them with only shady as hell ARGUS to protect them.

Plus Felicity of season 7 is being held to a higher standard then Felicity of previous seasons. Let's not forget that she directly asked or encouraged Oliver to kill Slade and Ras Al Ghul and Oliver didn't gasp and clutch his pearls in horror in those instances.  She wasn't called ruthless or had her morality or heroism questioned. She jabbed a syringe in a mass murders neck, she picked up a machine gun to defend her self against a card throwing villian, she redirected a nuclear bomb to a town with a smaller population to lessen the death toll impact, she helped release a bad guy from argus custody in order to catch a bigger threat, she blackmailed and threatened a member of the Bratva in order to stop a nuclear bomb threat, she stood witness to and didn't stop the many murders and illegal activities that Oliver and the team have partook in, she fell in love with and married Oliver despite all his "darkness". She's not some pure, wholesome, saintly, naive, innocent, delicate snowflake who must be protected from the evils of the world by Diggle and Oliver. 


She understands the complexity of their line of work. She's the person who has spent 6 years helping and emotionally supporting Oliver to deal with the two sides of himself. And she's still being that person for Oliver despite her supposed "darkness". She was the one who encourage him to show Star City who Oliver Queen is and protected him through his post Slabside jitters. She's still Felicity- she's just a Felicity who's feeling rattled after having a pyscho almost kill her and her son and not been able to stop it and then seeing it happen again when another intruder cane into her home to kill her and her husband. 


It's just annoying because this season has done well at giving Felicity some agency in her choices and shown her as a proactive player, yet then completely undermines that by behaving like her choices are unacceptable and goes against some childlike patronising damsel version of Felicity that's not who Felicitys been. It's as though the characters are talking to season 1 Queen Consolidated tech Girl Felicity and not the Felicity she's evolved into. And all for the sake of a flash forward "Evil Felicity" storyline that's almost likely not going to be true. 

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The line that really annoyed me was "Since when are you so concerned with security?"

And I'm like "since always"???? Did I miss something? Who do you think she is? What is happening?

I think I've decided it's not sexism at all (although the show's sexism bulges out in odd moments). It's the same crappy writing that had Oliver repainted as a cold-blooded assassin in the earlier season when he clearly wasn't. 

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One thing I don't understand is how Oliver taking responsibility for shooting the hitman worked. I get why he wanted to but the guy wasn't dead so wouldn't he have at some point mentioned to the police that Felicity shot him? I guess Oliver knocking him out could have addled his memory but it still seems like a less than excellent plan.

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3 minutes ago, JamieLynn832002 said:

One thing I don't understand is how Oliver taking responsibility for shooting the hitman worked. I get why he wanted to but the guy wasn't dead so wouldn't he have at some point mentioned to the police that Felicity shot him? I guess Oliver knocking him out could have addled his memory but it still seems like a less than excellent plan.

Their word against his plus with Laurel2 in the DA's office and Dinah I am guessing they can say anything they want.

I'd like to think that L2 would back up Felicity. I actually think she would...which is really weird...

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I think it wasn't that he purposefully did, but that Dinah assumed he was the one who shot him, and Oliver just didn't correct her because it just confirmed that Felicity was secretly carrying a gun even from their "friends." So he was more concerned with questioning her about that than clearing with Dinah.

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17 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

Their word against his plus with Laurel2 in the DA's office and Dinah I am guessing they can say anything they want.

I'd like to think that L2 would back up Felicity. I actually think she would...which is really weird...

Maybe he'd prefer to say the GA shot him than his wife, lol.  

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708 (Unmasked) – No Oliver Queen voiceover.

708 (Unmasked) – Oliver and Felicity acknowledge their first wedding anniversary together:
(Oliver is taking a shower when he sees a shadow behind the shower curtain. He quickly pulls the curtain back, surprising Felicity, who gives a short scream.)
Felicity: "Hi! It's just me."
(Oliver sighs.)
* *  *
(Felicity is dressed in a fancy gown and standing in front of a mirror. Oliver is in casual clothes.)
Felicity: "Hey. Sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to freak you out."
Oliver: "No, I'm just, um, getting used to being home." (Zips up the back of her dress)
Felicity: "Mmm, I missed that."
Oliver: "Having someone to zip your dress?"
Felicity: "Well, that... and you. And I really miss William."
Oliver: "Yeah, Christmas vacation feels like it's 20 years from now."
Felicity: "So why aren't you dressed?"
Oliver: "I'm going to sit this one out."
Felicity: "Oh, no, no, no. I don't think that's how this works, especially when you're the one being honored. Besides, you've been spending more time in the shadows recently than when you were the Green Arrow."
Oliver: "The last time I faced the city, I was in cuffs. A lot of people are mad at me, Felicity. I lied to them. They have a right to be mad at me."
Felicity: "Which is exactly why this event is so important. They want to publicly recognize you as a hero. And after all the lives you saved at Slabside, let them see you for who you really are, without a mask."
Oliver: "I mean, you're probably right."
Felicity: "Oh, I'm always right."
(Oliver caresses the wedding ring on Felicity's finger.)
Oliver: "You will always be the best part of me. For the rest of my life."
Felicity: "You remember."
Oliver: "Of course I remember. Happy anniversary."
Felicity: "Happy anniversary."
(They kiss.)
Oliver: “Get this thing off.” (Taking off his shirt)
(Oliver picks up Felicity. They fall back on the bed, kissing.)

708 (Unmasked) – Oliver and Felicity attend the “Star City Initiative for Inmate Rights Gala Fundraiser” party, and Felicity runs interference for Oliver with reporters and someone from his past:
Reporter 1: "Oliver, what's it like to be out of prison?"
Reporter 2: "How does it feel to be back home with everyone knowing you're the Green Arrow?"
Reporter 3: "Are you going to put on the hood now that you're back?"
Felicity: "My husband is very grateful to be home with his family. Thank you."
Max Fuller: "Queen!"
Oliver: "Max Fuller."
Max: "Hey, man, I know we've had some bad history."
Oliver: "You, uh, had your bodyguards kick the crap out of me and Tommy at your club."
Max: "Right. Well, you slept with my wife. Well, now my ex-wife. Dude, all that is in the past, okay? You're the freaking Green Arrow."
Felicity: "Well, I'm Felicity. I am the wife of the freaking Green Arrow. That sounded a little less strange in my head."
Max: "Impressed. You see, he didn't used to be the marriage type."
Felicity: "Ahh, umm."
Max: "Yeah. But, hey, people change, right?"
Felicity: "Yes, they do. And we are just gonna say 'hi' to some friends, if you'll excuse us."
Max: "Yeah. Please."
(Oliver and Felicity leave Max.)
Felicity: "Is it just me, or is that guy the absolute worst?"
Oliver: "Uh -"

708 (Unmasked) – At the party, Oliver and Felicity talk with Diggle and Lyla, Curtis, Dinah, Rene, and E2 Laurel: 
Curtis: "I never got to ask you. What was your first meal when you got back?"
Felicity: "Double Double at Big Belly Burger."
Rene: "That's what I'm talking about."
Diggle: "Taking a while to get those sea legs back, huh?"
Rene: "Speaking of, you thinking about getting back out there, trying on that old suit for size?"
Dinah: "Shh, shh. No, no, no. He's absolutely not, just like we don't do that anymore."
Oliver: "Dinah's right. I'm very much enjoying not being in prison."
Lyla: "So what now?"
Oliver: "I don't know. Find a different way to help the city, the way you guys did."
Curtis: "What about you, Felicity?"
Felicity: "Well, I'm developing a new security system."
E2 Laurel (coming up): "Well, then I'm sure it's the best one in town."
Lyla: "We're friends with her now?"
Dinah: "It's more like frenemies."
Diggle: "It's a long story."
E2 Laurel: "Relax. I'm just here keeping up appearances. D.A., remember?"
Felicity: "Actually, we should all really be thanking Laurel. I mean, she is the one who did the trade to get Oliver out of prison."
Oliver: "That's true. I'm very grateful. I know that I haven't always given you the benefit of the doubt."
E2 Laurel: "Well, it was really Felicity who was willing to do anything to stop Diaz. She's ruthless."

708 (Unmasked) – Oliver offers to be a legal consultant to the S.C.P.D. in tracking down the new Green Arrow:
Mayor Pollard (to reporters): "The attack perpetrated by the Green Arrow this evening is further proof why we, as a city, cannot trust men who hide behind masks. There is a reason why the anti-vigilante law exists. Thank you."
*  *  *
Rene: "Look, I know how this looks, but this wasn't the new Green Arrow. He hasn't murdered anyone."
Diggle: "That you know of."
Oliver: "Has anyone actually seen who's behind the mask?"
Dinah: "Well, no. But whoever it is has been helping the city."
Felicity: "And helped us take down Diaz."
Oliver: "This was cold-blooded murder. Now, I appreciate how all of you feel as though the new Green Arrow is an ally, but I would like to be sure."
Felicity: "And how are you going to do that if you're a no-go on the Arrow?"
Oliver: "Is there a law against me consulting?"
Curtis: "You mean an investigative consultant, like The Mentalist? I love that show."
Dinah: "I can't think of a better way to investigate a copycat Green Arrow than with the original."
Rene: "I can. With my help, because I'm not sitting this one out."
Dinah: "I appreciate it, but there's nothing left to be done tonight, so go home. Let my guys work the scene, and if I need help, I'll call you tomorrow."
(Oliver looks at Felicity and nods his head, and they leave together.)

708 (Unmasked) – In a flashforward scene, Adult William, Adult Zoe and Older Dinah search for Blackstar (per script):
(Adult Zoe's codename was "Anna" in the earlier scripts for spoiler purposes.)

708 (Unmasked) – In a flashforward scene, Adult William, Adult Zoe and Older Dinah meet Blackstar (who we now know is Mia Smoak):
Adult Zoe: "How do you know Felicity Smoak?
Blackstar: "I don't."
Adult William: "Well, that's strange, because you were the last person she called before she was killed."
Blackstar: "Felicity's dead?"
Adult Zoe: "Oh, so you do know her."
Blackstar: "We worked together sometimes."
Older Dinah: "What kind of work was that?"
Blackstar: "The kind that's none of your business."
Older Dinah: "So, illegal."
Blackstar: "Well, you're one to talk, Canary. You're not as smart as you think you are. But you want to come in here and judge me? At least I'm not lying to everyone, pretending to be some kind of hero. At least I'm not a vigilante."
Older Dinah: "You don't know what you're talking about, kid. You know, you're part of the reason Star City's in the shape it's in right now."
Blackstar: "Really? 'Cause I could've sworn, the story goes, it's because of you."
Adult Zoe: "Hey! Just tell us why Felicity called you. Then we'll leave you alone."
Blackstar: "I work as a broker. I help people find certain items. Felicity asked me to find her an electrical firing circuit and a couple transmitters."
Adult William: "Those are mechanisms for triggering a bomb."
Blackstar: "I don't know why she needed them. I didn't ask. As long as I get paid, you can ask for whatever you want."
Adult William: "Sounds like you two had a lot in common."
Blackstar: "If that's it, I have my next fight coming up and I really should stretch."
Adult William: "Yeah. I'm done here anyway."
Blackstar: "Word of advice. Asking questions about Felicity Smoak will not end well... for anyone."

708 (Unmasked) –  A second copycat Green Arrow attacks Oliver and Felicity in their home, and Oliver is shocked by Felicity's new ruthlessness:
Oliver (entering): "Hey."
Felicity: "Hey."
Oliver: "Sorry I'm late."
Felicity: "That's okay. I'm still getting used to you coming home at all. How did things go with Fuller?"
Oliver: "Max Fuller is hiding something. Do you mind looking into it?"
Felicity: "Of course. Hey, you just came in the front door, and none of my security measures triggered."
Oliver: "You sure?"
(Door explodes open. Male copycat Green Arrow enters.)
Oliver: "Felicity!"
(Oliver fights the copycat Green Arrow. Felicity goes for the gun in her purse. Oliver knocks the copycat Green Arrow to the ground.)
Oliver: "Who are you?"
Felicity (pointing gun at copycat Green Arrow): "My husband asked you a question!"
Oliver (shocked): "Where'd you get that?"
Felicity: "We'll talk about it later."
(The copycat Green Arrow gets up and Felicity shoots him in the leg.)
Felicity: "Stay down!"
Oliver: "Hey!" (Knocks out the copycat Green Arrow)
(Oliver turns to look at Felicity in disbelief.)

708 (Unmasked) – Oliver struggles to come to terms with the new Felicity:
Felicity: "He must've somehow countered my alarm by sonically hacking into the sensors."
Oliver: "Felicity."
Felicity: "That's a design flaw that could take weeks to fix."
Oliver: "We need to talk about this."
Felicity: "No. We need to be safe. This security system was supposed to bring peace of mind."
Oliver: "You mean like owning a gun?"
Felicity: "Yeah."
Oliver: "Where'd you even get a gun? Your new best friend Laurel?"
Felicity: "Of course not. I got it from your ex-best friend Anatoly."
Oliver: "You - what? I've barely been gone seven months, and you've aligned yourself with two of the most immoral people that we know."
Felicity: "Oliver, you don't get to judge me."
Oliver: "You just shot a man in our living room."
Felicity: "Something you've done a million times."
Oliver: "Hey, this isn't you. You don't obsess over security. You certainly don't carry a gun."
Felicity: "This is me, Oliver. Not because I was influenced by Laurel or Anatoly. This is me because of you. You were the one that decided all on your own that you were going to sacrifice yourself, leaving your son and your wife alone at home as sitting ducks for Diaz. And the best part about the whole thing is that you didn't even ask us about how we felt about it."
Oliver: "I've already apologized for this. I don't know how many times you need me to apologize."
Felicity: "What am I supposed to do with an apology, Oliver? I'm just supposed to move on? While you were gone, I had to figure out how to survive. And I am glad that I did, because the old me, she was weak."
Oliver: "How could you possibly think that? The old you was the person I fell in love with."
Felicity: "Well... she's gone. And she's not coming back."

708 (Unmasked) – In a flashforward scene, Older Dinah shows Adult William her “Mark of Four” tattoo:
Older Dinah: “Thought you didn’t drink.”
Adult William: “Well, it’s been a tough week.”
Older Dinah: “I know the feeling.”
Adult William: “You know, Roy told me this would only bring me pain, and he was right… I'm going home.”
Older Dinah: “Just like that, huh. Without any answers.”
Adult William: “Felicity is dead. And before that, she had a plan to blow up an entire city. So I'm not sure exactly why I'm supposed to care about what happened to her. I'm just sorry I dragged you all into this.”
Older Dinah: “You need to see something. (Shows him the tattoo on her arm) It's called the Mark of Four. Your dad came up with it.”
Adult William: “I don't remember that.”
Older Dinah: “You were already gone. It was right before… everything. It symbolizes the four pillars of heroism - courage, compassion, selflessness, and loyalty. We all got them, as a reminder that, no matter what happened, if one of us was in trouble, the other ones would be there. That's why Roy came with you back to Star City. He saw the symbol written on the inside of your father's bow.”
Adult William: “So that's why you're helping us?”
Older Dinah: “I didn't know what to make of you at first. Hmm. Trust doesn't come so easily to me.”
Adult William: “Yeah? So what changed?”
Older Dinah: “I started seeing the best parts of your dad in you The strength that made him a hero.”
Adult William: “I am not that.”
Older Dinah: “You sure about that? 'Cause your dad, he had this way of looking into things, of seeing beyond the evidence. So what does your gut tell you about Blackstar?”
Adult William: “That she isn't telling us the whole story.”
Older Dinah: “Good. Let's find out what she's hiding.”

708 (Unmasked) – Oliver and Felicity have a heartbreaking talk about their relationship:
News Anchor (on TV): "With the successful arrest of Max Fuller assisted by Oliver Queen, the Green Arrow will officially be working on the side of the law, hand in hand with the S.C.P.D., marking a new era for Star City."
(Oliver turns off the TV.)
Felicity: "Well, it looks like you're famous... again. Could you have imagined seven years ago that you'd be working unmasked and alongside the cops?"
Oliver (chuckling): "A lot has changed."
Felicity: "Yeah."
Oliver: "All those months at Slabside, there wasn't a day that went by, there wasn't an hour that went by, I didn't think about you and William and getting our life back."
Felicity: "Me too."
Oliver: "Okay. So what's changed?"
Felicity: "I think time apart forced us to move in different directions."
Oliver: "Okay. But how do we start pushing in the same direction again?"
Felicity: "I want to. But you're right. You know, I've changed. More than you know. I almost killed Diaz, and I would've killed him if Laurel hadn't stopped me. And I know that you're going to want to talk me down to the old Felicity, the one that you met chewing that red pen. While you were gone, I had to learn how to protect myself."
Oliver: "I put you in the position where you had to do that, and I'm sorry."
Felicity: “No. This isn’t on you."
Oliver: "Well, okay."
Felicity: "I love you more than a human being should love another human being. (Oliver smiles) I just don’t know if what’s best for me right now is the same thing as what’s best for us.”

Edited by tv echo
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