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S07.E08: Unmasked

Lady Calypso
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This is the same Oliver who deliberately put her in Slade's Crosshairs without explaining  anything and expected her to stab him with the cure with a sword to her throat.

Plus all the other stuff she's done for him.

Edited by Featherhat
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There was so much shit wrong with this episode but the thing that I can't stop thinking about is this setup that Felicity is Dark and Bad and Not the person Oliver fell in love with because she wants to protect herself in her own home.


I mean it would be one thing if the guy attacked, got away and, then Felicity went for revenge and tortured him or something. But the argument is that, man breaks into Olicity home, Oliver fights him off and instead of hiding/cowering Felicity grabs her gun and defends herself, her house and her husband.

Again, WTF?!

I just can't with this show. I quit in March of last season this is only the 2nd episode I've watched since then. 701 wasn't a bad episode but holy crap this was everything that's been wrong with Arrow since S3. Characters drive the plot...put plot first and you end up with this shit.

Where you basically make everyone into sexist, hypocritcal, judgmental assholes.


Remember when Dinah went on a revenge spree taking down anyone in her way for months? Yeah, that's going to far.

Remember when Psycho Laurel went and beat people up because it was a drug to make her feel better about Sara? Yeah, that was going to far.

Remember when other Psycho Laurel killed a bunch of people found funsies? Yeah, that was going too far.

A woman defending herself in her own home and not feeling bad about it...not going too far...not even close.

A few technical things. Oliver can do Parkour, why did this show make it look cheesy and add those FX sounds as if he's got super powers? That bugged me.

I hate the Arrow to the moon shit. Always have.

I hate the comic book poses, they take me right out of the scene and the stupid show started with one.

Dinah sucks in present and Flash Forwards.

Rene cracks me up, he can stay

You know, I get Lyla working with Diaz, she's always existed in the grey. However, Diggle working with the guy that tried to kill Felicity and William and, just tried to kill Oliver last week? Yeah, that's a level of shitty that surprises me.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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This was proof that any episode with Dinah front and center is complete and utter garbage.

First off, this Rene/Dinah/Oliver team up was snoresville. They've managed to do some interesting dynamics this season with Felicity/BS etc but these 3? Awful. No chemistry. Boring. My attention started to drift at some point so I'm sure I missed stuff. And Oliver working with the SCPD is just another way to get Oliver working with Dinah all the time, supposedly so they can get their precious GA/BC team-up at long last, and it's all so forced and unearned. If this is where things are going, I'm out. 

I have to put up with Dinah in the present and future? The actual worst character this show has ever had is everywhere! I hate it.

As for Olicity. Great scenes initially. Love their chemistry. But then it went to shit. Oliver being a judge-y asshole and basically acting like Felicity defending herself is not the woman he fell in love with was an asshole move and really disappointed me. Felicity has loved Oliver through the very worst of himself, at his lowest point, and so for him to react like this is pretty shabby. I am not impressed, Beth. And whoever thought it was a good idea to have 7 episodes of Olicity apart and then pile on more angst is a moron. 

Also, when did Oliver apologize for his unilateral decision making? I must've missed it. And if I didn't miss it and it just happened off-screen, then it really is happening just as I feared. They put Felicity in Oliver's shoes so she learns a lesson rather than Oliver being forced to apologize and learn from HIS mistakes. I'M READY TO FIGHT.

Edited by Guest
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I know Olicity is going to be fine in the long run but what a downer of a way to head into a long break (unless the end of the crossover brings some sort of resolution. It wouldn’t be the first time major relationship stuff happened in the crossover and also 


if Barry and Oliver both find themselves “married” to each other’s spouses, I would anticipate a nice scene at the end when they return to their real lives and express gratitude for what they have. Crap, now I’m going to have to watch this thing, aren’t I?


There was a small hint of something that I thought could be really interesting — the idea that Felicity’s time alone has made her super paranoid and obsessed with security systems — but they seemingly dropped that to imply that the old her was “weak” (so not true) and that Oliver couldn’t love her the same if she’s changed (despite the fact that she’s stayed by his side through all his many incarnations as the hood, Arrow, Al-sahim, the mayor, the green arrow who kills, the green arrow who doesn’t kill, the prisoner, etc). 

I’m guessing the journos were super hyped by this ep because they weren’t spoiled by the Emiko reveal, but even so, overall the pacing felt so off. Some bits were super rushed (the anniversary scene where he just suddenly whipped off his shirt, the takedown at the club) while other bits felt way too slow (the repetitive scolding by the mayor, the flash forwards).

There was way, way too much focus on Dinah. I can’t bring myself to look at Reddit but I have no doubt they’re making a big deal out of that little smile Oliver gave her just before he went home to have an angsty convo with his wife. I just can’t. 

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I'm not mad at where they left Olicity at the end of the episode. It's obvious how much they love each other, but it feels right that they need time to re-learn each other. I'm glad Felicity got to tell Oliver what his leaving did to her. I'm shocked that he thought an apology would be enough to fix it. Well, I'm not shocked, because Oliver is an idiot like that. But I don't have a single worry that they're not going to work through their issues, so there's that.

On the other hand, I'm so pissed at the way that Oliver freaked out about Felicity defending herself with a gun in her own home. That is some bullshit. He knows what happened to her in WitSec. Why would he not expect her to have taken steps to protect herself? As many people have already noted, this "Felicity goes dark" storyline is not only stupid, but sexist. And the writers are so intent on keeping us guessing about what's going on with Felicity in the future that they're failing to write her present storyline with the nuance it deserves.

I love Maya already. I especially love Maya dragging Dinah. More of that, please! The fact that she and Will don't appear to recognize each other certainly casts doubt on the idea that she's Olicity's kid. But something about tonight's episode also made me wonder if something is off with William. I've wondered all along if he was withholding information from Roy and then Dinah and Zoe. Just like he said Maya wasn't telling them the whole truth, I'm pretty sure he isn't either. Regardless of what's going on, I hope future Felicity shows up soon, because I'd rather enjoy watching her and Maya blow up everything and everyone around them. They all deserve it.

Edited by KenyaJ
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1 minute ago, Morrigan2575 said:

There was so.much shit wrong with this episode but the thing that I can't stop thinking about is this setup that Felicity is Dark and Bad and Not the person Oliver fell in love with because she wants to protect herself in her own home.

I know - I said multiple times that Diaz infiltrating the prison last ep was the dumbest shit Arrow's ever done, but now this! This is it (so far)!

I know this dude who had her standing by his side when he did all manner of questionable shit to protect himself and his family and the city isn't judging her for working with a reforming villain and a guy WHO WAS HIS FRIEND to capture a guy who broke in to her home and tried to kill her and his kid? And then for shooting a guy who ALSO broke into her home and tried to kill her and her husband? 

Is there a carbon monoxide leak in the writer's room? 

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Oliver shouldn't be throwing stones at glass houses. He's worked with a lot of his past enemies and killed countless people, he even just became friends with Bronze Tiger all because BT tried to save Lyla. He's pushed everything aside that Malcom did because he was Theas father so get overself Oliver for Felicity working with and forming a bond with Laurel. And sure be upset that she shot a guy who was already down for the count but dont ask her why she has a gun.

And Diggle working with Diaz...like the Argus plot isnt even that strong to warrant such a thing. 

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4 minutes ago, Trisha said:

There was a small hint of something that I thought could be really interesting — the idea that Felicity’s time alone has made her super paranoid and obsessed with security systems — but they seemingly dropped that to imply that the old her was “weak” (so not true) and that Oliver couldn’t love her the same if she’s changed (despite the fact that she’s stayed by his side through all his many incarnations as the hood, Arrow, Al-sahim, the mayor, the green arrow who kills, the green arrow who doesn’t kill, the prisoner, etc). 

Yep, this and Felicity telling Watson that she jumps when doors slam in 703. Imagine if they explored that. But no, let's throw in more Dinah instead. 

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3 minutes ago, KenyaJ said:

I love Maya already. I especially love Maya dragging Dinah. More of that, please! The fact that she and Will don't appear to recognize each other certainly casts doubt on the idea that she's Olicity's kid. But something about tonight's episode also made me wonder if something is off with William. I've wondered all along if he was withholding information from Roy and then Dinah and Zoe. Just like he said Maya wasn't telling them the whole truth, I'm pretty sure he isn't either. Regardless of what's going on, I hope future Felicity shows up soon, because I'd rather enjoy watching her and Maya blow up everything and everyone around them. They all deserve it.

The Maya thing is weird. She and Dinah obviously know each other, but Dinah would know if William knew her or not at any point in their lives, and surely she would say something if she knew Maya was his sister and he didn't recognize her? Unless William and Maya are in on some covert shit together...IDK. The only thing I'm guessing now is that Roy definitely would know who she is, and that's why he wasn't at the fight. I suppose she could be his kid with Thea, but then why would she be in Star City if he wasn't? And at first I thought he hadn't been back there in a while, but he knew what the Mark of 4 (sigh) is, and that seemed to be a fairly recent development, unless they get their tattoos sometime this season. 

This is all dumb and I don't expect it to make sense but I still want to figure it out, LOL.

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Of course it doent surprise me but they keep acting like E1 Laurel wasnt Black Canary and a known partner to Oliver Queen who was the Green Arrow. Those two being in the same room together should get major press and I wonder what the Mayor thinks about her DA being a former vigilante and partner/lover to Oliver who she now wants to take down. Such a easy storyline that writes itself.

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Sigh. Felicity is so wonderful in this, stepping up and shielding Oliver through the gala.  She handles press, obnoxious "old friends" and even their "friends"

Ugh.  Max Fuller makes a comment about Oliver not being the marrying kind in the past but hey, people change or something like that.  The haters are going to hone in on that one combined with Oliver later saying some people don't change that much after all and say it's foreshadowing.  I call it fear mongering.  

I really do love the chainmail lined curtains she installed.  

Oliver's SHOCK!!!!! at Felicity having a gun makes no sense.  This is the woman that pops up with HUGE ass guns in the past.  She stopped that card cutting guy when Oliver and Diggle couldn't.  Why is he so shocked she might have a gun in her purse?  Honestly given the life she led in the past let alone the danger she was in the last 7 months it's nuts he wouldn't expect her to have one and be expertly trained.  And when she fired the gun, Oliver's eyes were completely off the guy and he was lunging.  She might have saved his ass and he acts like she kicked a puppy.  I DON'T GET IT!!!

I don't mind Oliver having some concerns afterward.  Felicity does seem to be a bit in the rabbit hole with her security program (on the upside, it seems that company she was going to do with Curtis is dead and buried) but this conversation is weird. Like Oliver being upset that she wants peace of mind. And BARELY been gone 7 months??  That's a fricken lifetime when you are fighting to stay alive.  

And Oliver freaking out because this isn't Felicity, well he's wrong there.  She always took security seriously. And even her obsessing over things is not new.  How can he not get she's traumatized?  He's allowed to jump in the shower but she's not supposed to have changed at all?  

I appreciate that when she brings up him making the choice to leave them alone that the issue is no longer getting an apology, like she said, what is she supposed to do with that?  The issue is his choice forced her to adapt.  Forced her to evolve to fill in the whole he left.  Oliver came home and wants Felicity to reset to how it was before.  She says "I'm supposed to just move on?"  It's the Diggle problem all over again.  Like on one hand they let her have emotions, the writers, but the characters keep having impossible expectations of her.  Like she should just shrug it all away rather than continue using her abilities to try and get the control she needs to feel safe.  She's still alone even with Oliver back.  And that kills me.  

As does Felicity thinking the old her was weak.  The only thing I can think of is Felicity thinks because she wasn't a physical fighter none of anything else she did mattered.  And I get why she thinks that when she's left to fend for herself after everything.  

I hate that Oliver went from Felicity saying the old her was weak to him saying but she's who I fell in love with.  I agree Felicity is tripping if she thinks she was weak but tell her WHY she is wrong, not whine but I loved that version.  How is that helpful?  Felicity isn't willing to give up being proactive.  It's what makes her feel some peace.  Don't make her feel like she has to choose between not having a constant panic attack or having your love.  

That final scene was both encouraging and heartbreaking. All the love is there.  And really, if Oliver took a step back, this change in Felicity shouldn't be a problem. She trying to protect herself, not blow up the city (no matter what they try to say about the future) that's not a horrible thing to let her continue doing.  Would he really be upset if they weren't writing him to be upset?  Felicity thinks Oliver needs her to stand down from that kind of vigilance so that means what she needs and what would be best for their relationship is at odds.  I'm going to need Oliver to be the one to come around and support her in her new more fierce habits.  

In the meantime I would be shocked if when the hiatus comes back they both aren't trying to ignore the elephant in the room. Ugh.  I do believe none of this will last, but ugh.  

Edited by BkWurm1
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5 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Yep, this and Felicity telling Watson that she jumps when doors slam in 703. Imagine if they explored that. But no, let's throw in more Dinah instead. 

They also showed it again in this episode. I didn't watch 703 but, I clearly got the impression that Felicity is scared or tired of feeling scared and has become obsessed with self protection. Either in the form of a gun or the security system she's building.

One would think it would be normal for someone who's been shot and paralyzed, used as bait, held in a gas chamber, had her boyfriend killed, attacked in her home by Darhk, attacked in her own home by Fake GA and attack in her own home by Diaz who beat the shit out of her to want to find some means to protect herself. But, nooooooo

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5 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

The Maya thing is weird. She and Dinah obviously know each other, but Dinah would know if William knew her or not at any point in their lives, and surely she would say something if she knew Maya was his sister and he didn't recognize her? Unless William and Maya are in on some covert shit together...IDK. The only thing I'm guessing now is that Roy definitely would know who she is, and that's why he wasn't at the fight. I suppose she could be his kid with Thea, but then why would she be in Star City if he wasn't? And at first I thought he hadn't been back there in a while, but he knew what the Mark of 4 (sigh) is, and that seemed to be a fairly recent development, unless they get their tattoos sometime this season. 

This is all dumb and I don't expect it to make sense but I still want to figure it out, LOL.

I got the impression that Dinah and Maya knew of each other through stories then directly knew each other which makes me think it's hard for her to be Olicity's kid if Dinah doesn't recognise her. The only other potential is that what ever fracture happened between Dinah and Felicity/Oliver(?) was so long ago that she hasn't seen Maya since she was a real little kid.

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Did Olicity break up? Cuz I'm confused!

Is he in denial that all her new found trauma is essentially caused by his decision end of s6? Cuz that's the only way I'm going to buy his attitude. That his decision destroyed the sunshine and rainbows side of her and he can't deal with it so he's being a dick but hopefully will wake up.

 Is he going to to be proactive about her this time cuz he's gaping at her with that stunned goldfish look after she says what's best for her us not what's best for them?

Was that a ffing break up?????

This really is the worst.

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30 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Does Oliver even love Felicity anymore? Cuz I'm reading all your posts and it's freaking me out. 

No, I think they did a pretty good job of showing how much Oliver wants to make it work. He was the one trying to communicate and figure out the path forward (he even stopped himself from falling into his usual “everything is my fault and I need to carry all the guilt on my shoulders” schtick, which I’d usually be really proud of him for except this time it kinda is all his fault.) Felicity was the one who said she wasn’t sure if what she needs is the same as what they need because - uh, plot? There’s clearly still all the love there and they’re going to work it out, it’s just a matter of how long they’ll drag out the angst.

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Just now, Mellowyellow said:

Was that a ffing break up?????

No, they didn't break up. We left them in a middle of a talk where they hadn't resolved exactly what was going to have to happen between them for them to work things out, and Felicity questioning if being together was the best thing at the moment. 

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44 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

And how lame to use the same fucking teaser for next week that Supergirl used. Too cheap? Betcha we’ll see the same 1:50 minutes after Flash tomorrow and LoT tonight.😒😒😒😒

FYI.  LoT isn't in the crossover.  

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5 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

I watched that clip twice and it kinda looked like she was hinting at a break up and he's gaping at her in his usual goldfish way. 


They aren't breaking up. Stephen already said that they work out their issues relatively quickly, although he must've meant quickly in show time, not real time. 

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This should have felt like a momentous episode - Oliver, freed at last, rebuilding his life, new family member(s?) revealed. And in some more subtle moments, it was. SA did a great job showing Oliver’s transition, the way people around him acted (particularly the smartphones being whipped out), his decision to go unmasked and living both sides of his life. But it can’t be triumphant  if key aspects of his life are treated like transitional scenes. I normally don’t comment on the newer characters because I feel the best response to apathy is to say nothing. Nothing about those scenes felt earned - who are these people to him? 

As for the future, the plotting and acting are too circumspect and flat - I feel like it will have meaning in like, the second to last episode. My guess is that William and Maya do know each other but are faking it to draw out the true bad guy who they think is among their parents’ former associates. Or maybe it’s a dream sequence that ends with Oliver telling a small child “and that’s what will happen if you don’t eat your broccoli”. 

22 minutes ago, Trisha said:

I know Olicity is going to be fine in the long run but what a downer of a way to head into a long break (unless the end of the crossover brings some sort of resolution. It wouldn’t be the first time major relationship stuff happened in the crossover 


This is the farthest apart they’ve felt all season and it would be depressing (and cynical, given it won’t hold) going into the break like this, so I hold on to the notion of a mid-season resolution next week. I don’t mind the stress - they’ve been through a lot this season- but we’ve been through the “Felicity is the best part of me and can’t ever wobble on the pedestal” lesson before. I hope this time it sticks. They have both changed over the course of their relationship and have loved each other for it. And to be honest, I’m not sure how she’s changed - she’s always been protective. The stakes are just continually higher.

i’m curious about Emiko, and how they’ll integrate her.

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It’s kind of amazing to me how well they are writing Felicity. Like I understand everything she’s done and her responses to everything thats been thrown at her. She’s got some serious PTSD and because of that I totally know why she would want to distance herself from Oliver. She’s confused and losing her grip.

I don’t understand anyone else on this show.  I seriously don’t get Oliver right now. Your wife clearly went throw a lot. Maybe focus on that. 

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5 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

I watched that clip twice and it kinda looked like she was hinting at a break up and he's gaping at her in his usual goldfish way. 

I don't think she was trying to break up at all.  But I think she was pointing out that if what he needs her to be is old Felicity, that's not going to happen because she needs to be someone else and yes, she understands that's a conflict between them getting back on the same page.  RIght now they are an impasse.  But it's all philosophical right now.  Oliver came home.  Felicity was being cheery.  They talked.  Didn't come up with answers but i have no reason to think they won't limp along for now until it comes to a head later when the show returns.  Or if we are really lucky, something changes Oliver's perspective in the crossover but I won't hold my breath.  This seems like the angst they like to milk.  I hope to Beth I'm wrong.  

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51 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

And how lame to use the same fucking teaser for next week that Supergirl used. Too cheap? Betcha we’ll see the same 1:50 minutes after Flash tomorrow and LoT tonight.😒😒😒😒

Yup, there was an article in EW last night after Supergirl aired and they said that they were going to use the same post-credits tag at the end of Arrow and Flash to prep everyone for the crossover, in case not everybody watches all the shows. Seems like a waste of airspace to me.

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Arrghh the writing for this show is so shit. The only thing redeeming about it is SA and EBR as Oliver and Felicity.

Even though Oliver is being a garbage judgemental dick SA still made him palatable with the dumb way he looks at Felicity. 

@Chaser Felicity is very sane, the only one who is sane really. Do the writers know this or is it a fluke?

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Dang. Well, at least there's Avalance over on Legends. And maybe "Elseworlds" irons out the more annoying wrinkles of this show. Yeah, probably not. Oliver and Felicity will go farther apart, Felicity will get darker, and her heel turn involves her declaring "Bored now" before ripping the skin off Diaz's body. And that son of a bitch would still be mumbling and growling.

Seriously, Oliver is now affiliated with the SCPD. Yeah, sure, why the fuck not? I mean, I've been watching a series about a guy who fights injustice with a bow and arrows for the past si years and change . . . so I should be good with this. Oh, and Papa Queen had a kid that's taking Ollie's place as Green Arrow whether she wants to or not. Please let her be the product of Robert Queen and Mrs. Merlyn. Just go whole-hog on the cheating. And hey! William has an aunt figure now that Thea is in the cornfield.

Dang, Blackstar can do a sleeper hold with her legs. Oh, and Rene is alive in the future. Yaaaaaaay? I shouldn't be too dickish about that. The guy hasn't said "Hoss" once this season that I can recall.

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In some ways I'm greatly encouraged by the fact that they left Olicity on such a downer note given that we can assume that this "darkness" will be continued to be explored.  If they were going for an actual eventual end to Olicity, they would have let them officially reconcile by like brushing everything under the rug and then do the secret worried looks.  Leaving it with them both worried, telegraphs to me that this is a strain, not a break.  

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Just now, BkWurm1 said:

In some ways I'm greatly encouraged by the fact that they left Olicity on such a downer note given that we can assume that this "darkness" will be continued to be explored.  If they were going for an actual eventual end to Olicity, they would have let them officially reconcile by like brushing everything under the rug and then do the secret worried looks.  Leaving it with them both worried, telegraphs to me that this is a strain, not a break.  

The fact that Stephen is reading it as don't worry it's all sorted out way implies that they will get through this tough patch. If they were heading to a permanent breakup or divorce I don't think Stephen would have been as non chalant.


But it still doesn't change that for this episode at least Oliver questioned to Felicitys face whether he could love her if she changes. That better be something he corrects big freaking time.

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51 minutes ago, ErrantViewer said:

Good job, Writers, if your goal was to send a message to young girls that standing up for themselves will cost them friends and loved ones.  I am taking a looooong break from this show.

Yeah, thats a real nice moral. "If someone tries to kill or hurt you, just let them! Especially you, ladies! If you try to defend yourself, everyone will hate you and call you evil!" Christ almighty show, what the fuck?!

And, to make matters worse, and prove that someone on the writers staff hates me, personally, Diggle is is now subjecting us to more of Mumbles, even asking for his help! Just when you think this nightmare is over, he shows up again! Haven't you already done enough, John?!

Do I even want to watch the first half of the episode? I want to meet Maya, and see Happy Olicity, but, at what cost?

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2 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

Can we talk about the Canary Network? How many are there if there's a whole NETWORK?

Is it too much to hope that we're the writers being meta about the fact that they have had 500,000 canaries on this show and the name means shit? 

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4 minutes ago, Chaser said:

Are we sure Dinah isn’t a villain? MSF are normally the big villain episodes.

I've convinced myself they're the big bads of the future. I expect to be disappointed, but the way Dinah was talking to William was creepy and if Felicity wasn't friends with her anymore, I'm sure she had a good reason. 

1 minute ago, apinknightmare said:

Can we talk about the Canary Network? How many are there if there's a whole NETWORK?

1 is too many. 

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1 minute ago, Mary0360 said:


But it still doesn't change that for this episode at least Oliver questioned to Felicitys face whether he could love her if she changes. That better be something he corrects big freaking time.

I'm trying to read it as her putting down the Felicity we've loved for 7 years and he's like "Hey I loved that girl! Don't you diss her"

Like I said.... I'm trying. 

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1 minute ago, tennisgurl said:

Yeah, thats a real nice moral. "If someone tries to kill or hurt you, just let them! Especially you, ladies! If you try to defend yourself, everyone will hate you and call you evil!" Christ almighty show, what the fuck?!

And to have that be written by a woman too. It's like when they had a woman writer have Felicity say she owes Billy sex for being too busy. 

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1 minute ago, Mellowyellow said:

I'm trying to read it as her putting down the Felicity we've loved for 7 years and he's like "Hey I loved that girl! Don't you diss her"

Like I said.... I'm trying. 

That may have been what Oliver meant but I don't think it's how Felicity interpreted it. So yeah I better see some grovelling from Oliver. 

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3 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

Does anyone follow Kat McNamara enough to know if she has an arrow tattoo on her forearm RIL like she did tonight on the show? 

Pretty sure she doesn’t. 

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3 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

Does anyone follow Kat McNamara enough to know if she has an arrow tattoo on her forearm RIL like she did tonight on the show? 

On her Instagram there's s photo of her from 6 days ago in a tank top and she doesn't appear to have any tats. 

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5 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

Yeah, thats a real nice moral. "If someone tries to kill or hurt you, just let them! Especially you, ladies! If you try to defend yourself, everyone will hate you and call you evil!" Christ almighty show, what the fuck?!

Actually it's worse (IMO). The moral I took away was hey little damsel in distress best make sure you hide and power behind the big strong man...if you step out and try to protect yourself well he might not love you anymore.

The sad thing is I'm 100% sure that's not what they intended but as with most Arrow problems the failure is in the execution. I'm sure the intent is that Oliver views Felicity as this pure, loving, compassionate person who (as he said in the beginning of the episode is the best part of him). However, bow she's all "dark" and acting just like him.

Of course I swear they did this exact storyline last season with Helix and Oliver handled it much better. Now, he just came off like an ass.

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