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S04.E08: Screech, Thwack, Pow

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Crazy Shepard is now talking peace and being the voice of reason? The CIA did a good job with breaking her down.

Weller had no problem telling Patterson and Rich: Remi is back and he's sure Jane will return. Sure! Keep her around sensitive information in the FBI building, the other agents don't need to know!

The writers are taking the easy way out giving Remi a way to get back to being Jane. 

Two redshirt guards weren't killed. This show is losing its touch!

We need to get some progress to the Zapata/Reade/Burke story. It's beyond boring now.

I wonder how long it took the great method actor Sullivan Stapleton to get his "crash face" down pat?

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I will miss this crazy show when it is gone ( and it's not really looking good for a renewal, though I've thought that before). So many things defy logic that you just have to roll your eyes and accept it and enjoy the ride ! It's not a great show with great writing, but it is fun.

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56 minutes ago, mxc90 said:

The writers are taking the easy way out giving Remi a way to get back to being Jane. 

I expected as much, this wasn't the type of show that would kill off its main lead so they needed a convenient out for her.

57 minutes ago, mxc90 said:

We need to get some progress to the Zapata/Reade/Burke story. It's beyond boring now.

Agreed, Zapata is basically nothing more than a glorified henchman and Reade/Burke are just wasting time chasing her.

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Kind of a weird reference to the movie Grey Gardens, around 47 minutes in. Since the movie aired in 1975, is the term really in the culture still?

Weller shouldn't stand a chance against Remi's fighting skills.  They've built the whole show around them.

This FBI must really, really want Zapata alive.  Any other show, they would have ventilated her at the moment she swung around and pointed the gun at Reade.

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9 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

Weller shouldn't stand a chance against Remi's fighting skills.  They've built the whole show around them.

That's probably where the plot convenient Zip poisoning kicks in.

2 hours ago, MissLucas said:

*sigh* this show keeps some of my favorite characters/actors around and yet it's utterly boring. Everybody deserves better.

Probably because they don't know what to do with them most of the time, especially Reade/Zapata recently.

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Nice shout out to Grey's Anatomy with Boston telling Rich "you're my person." TM Meredith and Christina

If I were Boston, I'd totally hate Rich after Rich scares an "I love you": out of him. If I were Rich, I'd be watching my back. That relationship s/b over.

As should the Weller/Jane/Remy love triangle. Weller: "I know my wife." BS. You need to put "your wife" either in prison or back in a bag, permanent like.

Too funny Shepard is now all straight while Remy is all crazy ass.

I don't even get the Zapata story line. Yeah, she would be shot a zillion times after she whirled and pointed the gun at Reade (or whomever it was). IRL people get shot for just holding a cell phone, or walking away from police. I wish she would get shot/killed to put that story line out of its misery.

And yeah, LOL at the close up of Weller as his car careens down a hill for ages, knocking down trees (I guess) when the car rolls up against them. I can see him practicing in front of a mirror.

That ZIP poisoning needs to hurry up and kill Jane/Remy. Pronto!

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12 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

Kind of a weird reference to the movie Grey Gardens, around 47 minutes in. Since the movie aired in 1975, is the term really in the culture still?

1 hour ago, Writing Wrongs said:

There was a 2009 film.


And a Tony Award winning musical. The documentary still has cache in the gay community.

It also happened to be such a longstanding fan joke about one of the Real Housewives of New York that the show actually made the woman use a reference to Grey Gardens as her intro on the show. It then morphed into a put down that the other women would use against her.

Additionally, the documentary That Summer, which included the footage that the Maysles shot before deciding to focus only on the Beales, came out last year. There had been a rumor that Lee Radziwill scrapped the earlier footage because it didn't focus enough on her. That might be true. However, the admission that Black Jack Bouvier (Jackie and Lee's father) was an inveterate cheater who also deflowered Little Edie in her teens didn't help things either. He was Little Edie's uncle and Big Edie's brother.

All of this is a long way of saying that Grey Gardens is probably more relevant now than it had been for most of the 80s and 90s.

Speaking of 80s and 90s, the episode ending on Remi and Weller running at each other preparing to fight was some really dated Mortal Kombat Street Fighter action movie cheese.

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15 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

Speaking of 80s and 90s, the episode ending on Remi and Weller running at each other preparing to fight was some really dated Mortal Kombat Street Fighter action movie cheese.

Well, the writers have to get their ideas SOMEWHERE.

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Burke: I am sure glad I killed the very competent hacker for that URGENT!! action so I could travel across the Globe and put us in a deadly situation just have to travel again to find this slightly better hacker who may or may not be willing to help.


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This show is crazy bananas!

I'd be hella mad at Rich for what he just did to Boston. Boston is only mad on the surface - that smile at the end of the scene said it all :)

Zapatta... I am so done with that plot line. Enough already!

Not gonna lie, kinda looking forward to the Remi/Weller show down :)

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Are they really going to just handwave the nuclear threat that Remi orchestrated when Jane inevitably returns and becomes a part of the FBI team again? Riots, panic, looting, fatalities etc? Really?

I love me some Rich but that prank on Boston was a step too far, asshole.

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12 hours ago, edhopper said:

Burke: I am sure glad I killed the very competent hacker for that URGENT!! action so I could travel across the Globe and put us in a deadly situation just have to travel again to find this slightly better hacker who may or may not be willing to help.


Yeah, it was so stupid and they could've just saved themselves from the trouble to begin with.

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Is it wrong that I'm really hoping that Remi kicks Weller's ass!

Also, I need to know what type of conditioner the CIA Black Sites are stocking up on because Shephard's curls were popping, even after months of torture!

On 12/7/2018 at 11:31 PM, Dowel Jones said:

Kind of a weird reference to the movie Grey Gardens, around 47 minutes in. Since the movie aired in 1975, is the term really in the culture still?

I'm just going to imagine that Remi's and Roman's decompression time from plotting terrorist acts involved watching episodes of Drag Race together.  

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18 hours ago, luckyroll3 said:

Also, I need to know what type of conditioner the CIA Black Sites are stocking up on because Shephard's curls were popping, even after months of torture!

Maybe they put a deep conditioner in her hair before they waterboarded her.

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I am beyond caring about Zapata and Burke.  I didn't like how those outdoor scenes in Mexico were filmed, it looked like it was too bright and everything was washed out.  Hard to look at.

I know that Remi is charging at Weller because she wants to kill him.  But why is Weller charging at her?  Does he think that he can physically knock the ZIP out of her?

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19 hours ago, blackwing said:

I know that Remi is charging at Weller because she wants to kill him.  But why is Weller charging at her?  Does he think that he can physically knock the ZIP out of her?

Two reasons. First, Weller's never been the sharpest tool in the shed. And (B) he might think that by charging her, she won't just calmly shoot him. Which Remi should do. But, then again, she also isn't the sharpest tool in the shed.

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On 12/10/2018 at 2:16 PM, blackwing said:

I am beyond caring about Zapata and Burke. 

I just binge watched the whole season so far to clear it off my Tivo, and oh my gosh, am I ever sick of this storyline. Mostly I hate the way that Audrey Esparza acts as "evil Tasha." I assume the flat affect and high voice and dead-eyed stare are an acting choice that she made to distinguish herself from good Tasha, but it's so grating. The last few episodes, I just skip over her because I don't care what she's saying and I just can't listen to her anymore. 

The filming and lighting of those Mexico scenes *was* very odd. 

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On 12/11/2018 at 12:43 PM, Loandbehold said:

Two reasons. First, Weller's never been the sharpest tool in the shed. And (B) he might think that by charging her, she won't just calmly shoot him. Which Remi should do. But, then again, she also isn't the sharpest tool in the shed.

Not a very good shed....Suppose Shepherd is to blame for making those tools.....

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18 hours ago, tvfanatic13 said:

Just watched and was very confused when Zapata was tearing up hearing that the hacker was in Canada. Any insight from anyone??

Zapata had gotten the other hacker who MEM's character had killed b/c he wasn't the best one. The job has to be done fast, but they go down to Mexico to find out the hacker's in Canada. Which means that the guy Zapata found was pretty much killed for no reason since at least two days have now gone by on this rush, rush job.

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Remi might be evil, delusional and dying but it still seems kind of unethical for Weller to want to force her to have massively risky brain surgery against her will just in case it makes her Jane again.

I still call bs if Tasha is anything other than deep undercover on a mission.  I don't really buy any of her motivations this season if she isn't.

And it's silly but I found Rich tricking Boston at the end messed up also and the idea that the FBI/US miltary would just overlook who did the hacking that easily is too goofy even for this show.

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