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S02.E07: Look, She Made a Hat

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7 hours ago, Nidratime said:

Did you grow up in the working class, where your parents drank and there was spousal abuse -- on both sides?! Because, hey, I did and there was plenty of "language". Plenty. My ears were not virgin as a mere enfant. There were M-F-ing and all kinds of other juicy words used in my young life.

My parents were homemaker/postal worker, not rich and I heard some swearing by uncles and neighbors, but usually in my home it was "Son of a B" of "F you" by my sister, things like that. I also think there was swearing in Italian, but I never learned so I just assumed. ; )

I learned that appearances weren't an indication of what was going on in a home either. A crazy, swearing, yelling type of family could be very warm and good in many ways and the "Norman Rockwell" type on the outside, everything perfect, had many skeletons. 

I think Midge swears too much for her upbringing and education but people like her still swore, it was always considered "low class" but that also is the shock and what makes people laugh.

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I agree with what most have said about the use of the F word.  I was born in the early 60s in a middle class family and never heard that word once.  My father certainly would never have used it (or any other swear word) in front of my mother or children, and my mother never swore at all.  It wasn't until I was around 30 that I started hearing the word on a regular basis, and now it seems on the level "shit" or "damn" were in the 70s.  I don't think I even knew about the F word until I was in my mid teens, but I'm sure my siblings' kids and grandkids heard it on the school bus in kindergarten.  

I simply LOVE the clothes Midge wears this season.  Just a feast for the eyes, oozing class with the frocks, the gloves, the hats, the matching shoes and bags.  I think I'm a lot more comfortable in 2019 clothes (I'd only wear a girdle at gunpoint!) but just once I'd like to pull off that look. 

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I really didn't care for this episode.

At its best, this series is fantastic. At its worst, it's a grotesque caricature of a Jewish family. And that break-fast scene descended so far into obnoxious stereotypes that I wanted to throw something at the TV. And it wasn't even funny. Did they bring in the writers from Transparent for that bit?

I'm also so sick of the idea that Midge is such a genius at interacting with people that she can charm virtually anyone she meets, but she's also so mind-blowingly clueless about people that she thinks it's a good idea to keep her family starving while she tells them her secret.

I get the idea, she's a woman of contradictions - but this just isn't believable.

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On ‎1‎/‎8‎/‎2019 at 8:13 PM, Calvada said:

I agree with what most have said about the use of the F word.  I was born in the early 60s in a middle class family and never heard that word once.  My father certainly would never have used it (or any other swear word) in front of my mother or children, and my mother never swore at all.  It wasn't until I was around 30 that I started hearing the word on a regular basis, and now it seems on the level "shit" or "damn" were in the 70s.  I don't think I even knew about the F word until I was in my mid teens, but I'm sure my siblings' kids and grandkids heard it on the school bus in kindergarten.  

I simply LOVE the clothes Midge wears this season.  Just a feast for the eyes, oozing class with the frocks, the gloves, the hats, the matching shoes and bags.  I think I'm a lot more comfortable in 2019 clothes (I'd only wear a girdle at gunpoint!) but just once I'd like to pull off that look. 

The only outfit I didn't get was one gathering in the clubhouse in the Catskills she has on pants and blouse that were in two opposite patterns.  I think one was plaid and one was something that didn't got with plaid at all.  I didn't get what the point of that was and no one commented--not even Rose or the girlfriends.  But I was annoyed and dismayed in my living room.  Otherwise the set decoration and costuming make the show so wonderful.

Sigh... cool art references, bro. Where are you going to go next? A cafe full of notable writers? A gym full of time-period relevant athletes?

Rufus Sewell was a good cameo but he seemed to be from a different show. 

I mean, I know that we barely think about her kids but it's still a little odd that no one seems to think Miriam is any less of a catch being a divorcee with two young children. I know it's not unheard of but you'd think there would at least be some mention of it. 

I feel like that was supposed to be compelling but the actor isn't good enough for that drunken scene with Joel to be anything but lame and pathetic.

I get that it's a joke but it makes no sense for Ginger to have never seen the makeup counter. It's not like you're not allowed in the mall just because you work the switchboard.

I'm tired of artificial problems. Really? The booker couldn't do it on any other day but an important holiday?

Ugh. This trite writing with random people offering kernels of wisdom on why Midge can't be in a relationship and also be a comedian. I'm rolling my eyes so hard. What's the point of Amazon if it's just going to be the same lazy hack writing as on regular TV but with cursing?

Also, there's something ugly being implied in the way Miriam can handle herself even if she puts herself in dangerous situations with strangers behind secret panels. There's a shade of victim blaming.

Susie has siblings? Did we know this?

As quickly as she talks, Midge took a long time to get to the point. I don't blame everyone for wanting her to hurry it up.

Yay, Astrid!

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She can do what the men do, or better?  I don't know.  But the inaccuracy seems to extend to Abe, Joel, Susie of course, and probably others that I've forgotten. 

I agree. I don't mind language but it seems gratuitous. I think it's because it doesn't seem natural. The problem with it extending to the other characters is, as I think I said last season, the show doesn't distinguish the voices of the characters enough. They had to tell us that Midge was an amazing comic because everyone was cracking jokes all the time so she didn't stand out. I think they've stopped giving the other characters too many good lines but the show overall isn't as funny. I rarely laugh during episodes this season.


Of course she buys a 25 dollar painting of a woman from the woman knitting in the back room

That's another thing. This is a woman with 40,000 hats (I know it was a joke but I think that's the number Susie said) and with color-coordinated bags and shoes. She's not really the type to find the diamond in the rough.


That’s just how good the writer wants us to believe Midge is - she’s a superhero character. 

I don't have a problem with an unlikeable female character. I don't have a problem with shades of gray. It's when the writers are trying to trick me into one thing when I see something else on screen or they're blind to the character's faults. I agree the show is shaping up to be something different than I initially thought it'd be. AND YET I don't think you can be blamed for still being disappointed. They want to have it both ways. Take us seriously when we want you to take us seriously. But the rest of the time, it's fine if it's a broad comedy. And if we're problematic, you can't call us on it. 

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The only thing that bugged me was Midge making Zelda hold back the food. It's gonna get cold and people are hungry! Why won't you let the people eat?! Isn't it somewhat easier to drop your truth bombs while people are happily munching on a nice meal, instead of cranky from hunger?

This really bothered me too. She always wants that spotlight, doesn't she? Even if that means inconveniencing everyone around her.

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On January 27, 2019 at 10:02 PM, mmecorday said:
ON DECEMBER 10, 2018 AT 3:09 AM, BEC SAID:

The only thing that bugged me was Midge making Zelda hold back the food. It's gonna get cold and people are hungry! Why won't you let the people eat?! Isn't it somewhat easier to drop your truth bombs while people are happily munching on a nice meal, instead of cranky from hunger?

This really bothered me too. She always wants that spotlight, doesn't she? Even if that means inconveniencing everyone around her.

 Yes, it does show that Midge doesn't care about inconveniencing others. 
Also, food is essential to life, so I think there's a bit of symbolism going on:
To Midge, her career is more important than food,
or: Her career is essential to her life--more so than food.

Edited by shapeshifter
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On 1/16/2019 at 8:29 PM, MerBearHou said:

Very funny to me to see Francie from Gilmore Girls in the bad blond dye-job, fantasizes about how to kill her husband with a wooden leg, lives In a dockhouse,  role of Susie’s sister!

Thank you! I loved that scene - and so hilarious to see Francie this way - quite the departure from GG!

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On 12/8/2018 at 10:41 PM, txhorns79 said:

It does seem a little contrived how they always are hanging out, particularly given they seemed to have amped up the general annoyingness of the Maisel parents.  I guess you could fanwank that Yom Kippur was a special occasion so they all wanted to be together. 

It is a small point but Yom Kippur does not work that way. The break fast dinner would be at the end of N'Eilah (and the shofar blowing is at the END, not right after the al het), and it would be after 8 p.m. before you left synagogue. I guess some people do make a big deal of the break fast, so I'm fine with that, but the timing was wrong.

MORE IMPORTANTLY, When you hold the dinner YOM KIPPUR IS OVER. The way they kept saying "on Yom Kippur" was frankly bizarre.

On another note, never seen Rufus Sewell seem so dishy. The way he said "I'm never quite as drunk as people think I am." Swoon.

Edited by lucindabelle
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Hah that’s so true I can count still on the fingers of one hand the number of times we’ve seen Jewish people actually BEING Jewish in tv and it not being ABOUT that, they are just living their lives going about their business, it’s not a Very Special episode or anything. 


When I've pointed this out before people always come back to me with the characters who say they are Jewish which yes plenty. But we hardly ever see representation like this so I am grateful but wish they’d bother to get it right...for the timing all they had to do was give her a later show. 

But the thing is you fast on Yom Kippur and when the shofar blows the holiday is over. Absolutely nobody would call that a Yom Kippur dinner or that something was happening “on” Yom Kippur; it’s literally the day after because our holidays begin at sundown... (sort of like you wouldn't say it was on Christmas if it happened on Dec. 26).


... no idea why the wife who was fasting on tisha b’av would even come down to dinner in the Catskills scene. It was funny but again, bizarre. It is true that most of us who are conservative or reform forget that holiday every year, and that it is a really important one. It was funny that she was literally the only one praying. IRL I’m sure there would have been some alte kockers in the Catskills.

Edited by lucindabelle
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On 1/4/2019 at 9:12 PM, Nidratime said:

Did you grow up in the working class, where your parents drank and there was spousal abuse -- on both sides?! Because, hey, I did and there was plenty of "language". Plenty. My ears were not virgin as a mere enfant. There were M-F-ing and all kinds of other juicy words used in my young life.

Didn't have the abuse - but I grew up in the military, so I was quite fluent in potty mouth at a young age.

Late to the party as I just binge watched both seasons and I was increasingly annoyed at the language, especially Suzy's. I don't think it adds to the likability of the characters and is distracting at this point. Amazon says the first 2 seasons are included with Prime, but I don't see myself paying for the third because I don't really care that much. Midge is selfish, Suzy is annoying, I like the dr., but don't think he will be around, so why bother? I do enjoy the scenes with Lenny Bruce, though.

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I'm just glad that Midge finally told everyone (although of everyone at the table, I think her mother was the only one who still REALLY needed to know). Regardless of how they each feel about her doing standup, at least it's out in the open now.

Rufus Sewell was great as the artist.

And awwww, I'm so happy that Astrid is finally pregnant. That stinky stuff paid off!

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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On 12/20/2018 at 2:36 PM, basil said:

I'm pretty sure the timeline doesn't fit (it was too early for Ono to have been on the art scene, I think), but it was a fun little throwaway sight gag, for those who got it, and didn't affect the show in any way. I loved it.

Yoko was older than John Lennon and was already in her mid-twenties in 1959.  She was in the NYC art scene for much of the 50's.  I was happy I picked up on the reference the moment I saw her standing there looking at the painting...uh...ladder.

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On 12/19/2018 at 1:34 AM, rose711 said:

I may be in a minority but I felt this episode was way over the top and predictable. As soon as the rumor of the unseen masterpiece was floated, I knew Midge would somehow charm herself into seeing it. 

Of course she buys a 25 dollar painting of a woman from the woman knitting in the back room

Of course that painting charms the most talented artist to show her his most precious work

oh and the hat too. Ridiculous.

Could the show be any more superficial, pretentious and obvious? ( throw in Yoko Ono too while you’re at it show)

This may be the episode where I started to dislike the show and not just dislike Midge.

My dislike of Midge solidifiedin the episode where she left her baby ( but not her clothes) in the hot car and then was extremely rude to Benjamin. 

She’s an awful person even in her fake fantasy tv show world.

Everything I like about the show is the real world stuff behind the show- the energized acting, the pretty fantasy of the upper west side life, the direction. The actual show is very thin.

I’ve come to this show pretty late, but these were my thoughts during the entire “art” part of this episode. 

Also, I never once thought Midge had accidentally bought a Declan painting. He was entranced by her explanation of why she liked it, not that she had a great eye for art. 


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