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S32.E22: Reunion Part 2


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Second part, more shitshow. At least there's no CvS coming to try and care about. After CT's wedding, we might be off the hook for a few months. And not even the drama of CT's folks coming or not will be as ugly as what we've endured in the span of 22 weeks,

Isn't it cute to see Smashley take the moral high ground? Ugggggh. Meanwhile, nobody ended up getting killed, which must have disappointed MTV. I still think we're a few years away from someone getting seriously hurt through fighting.

Gaaaaaaah, I feel like I burnt my best material on Facebook. Like being revolted that Paulie had been crushing on Cara Maria for years. Ick. For CM, Paulie is THE fourth-place trophy. Also amazed nobody called her out for proposing that she had girls look up to her. Zach talking shit about Laurel's tweet was also priceless. Who talks shit about her? I'd have to make sure we had a few hundred miles between us before I'd talk shit about her.
Oh, and regarding Britni . . . this is a tweet from Tori Hall. You know, Brad's ex-wife.



Tori Hall‏ @ToriFiorenza 1h1 hour ago

This is so trashy and sloppy...There is a time and place to address certain actions, and national television is NOT the place to discuss the bedroom. @bradfiorenza you handled that with class. #thechallengereunion


I think "Holy SHIT" is the proper reaction. Britni suuuuuuuuuucks. So did most of the folks on stage. And Kyle and his Total Recall mutant head peeking from his shirt. Once again: I would've been great with Kam & Kayleigh winning, but I know they'll let me down the next time I see them.

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Britni.  Ma'am, no.  It's one thing to be "willing to be sexual on TV" and "talk about it openly" but you didn't need to act the fool.  I can even understand being salty with how Brad ended things but all that showing out was just way too extra and messy as hell.

I had no interest whatsover in hearing about Paulie and Cara getting together.  And if I never hear anything else about them after this Challenge, that would be okay with me.  Kyle can stay off my TV, too.

Edited by Decider
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That was an underwhelming reunion.  Johnny, Amanda, Cara, and Zach are POS. 

1 minute ago, Decider said:

Britni.  Ma'am, no.  It's one thing to be "willing to be sexual on TV" and "talk about it openly" but you looked a mess.  I can even understand being salty with how Brad ended things but all that showing out was just way too extra and messy as hell.

I had no interest whatsover in hearing about Paulie and Cara getting together.  And if I never hear anything else about them after this Challenge, that would be okay with me.  Kyle can stay off my TV, too.

Yeah, and her bragging about them sleeping together for hours and then after Brad breaks up with her just shows that they had nothing together. No substance.

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Obligatory Cara suuuuccckksss post.  She spent the entire reunion smirking and trying to make things about her. 

What was up with Amanda’s secret?  She was talking about Zach but Cara was jabbering on about people trying to ruin her and Paulie, to the point of Amanda finally telling her to STFU. 

Did Cara and Zach hook up? Maybe Amanda decided not to reveal it but Cara went on the defensive right away because she’s Cara?

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2 minutes ago, Spencer Hastings said:

Obligatory Cara suuuuccckksss post.  She spent the entire reunion smirking and trying to make things about her. 

What was up with Amanda’s secret?  She was talking about Zach but Cara was jabbering on about people trying to ruin her and Paulie, to the point of Amanda finally telling her to STFU. 

Did Cara and Zach hook up? Maybe Amanda decided not to reveal it but Cara went on the defensive right away because she’s Cara?

Amanda said it wasn't about Cara.   Cara was just trying to make all that about her.

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So with more context to the whole Johnny vs Devin thing...I shudder to ever side with Johnny on things but I don't feel bad for Devin in the least. He got his apology and then tried to milk it more at the reunion by bringing it up again and acting like nothing was resolved from that night in the house. He harassed Johnny hoping for a punch that would send Johnny home and save his team and he ended up provoking to the point where he got his feelings hurt instead. Boo hoo...don't act tough and then arbitrarily decide what the boundaries are in the game. Then he comes to reunion, stands over Johnny and tries to goad Johnny into laying hands on him and calling Johnny a spinless pussy because he won't throw down when Devin could have backed up all his macho talk and laid hands first. Devin acted like a complete bitch. In the house, I understand getting caught up in feelings but after time and an apology which you accepted off camera, to fly off like that AGAIN, bitch sit down and keep your useless threats to yourself.

Brad handled himself well on the whole Britni situation. Britni didn't deny Brad's version of things so I'm inclined to believe him and I don't feel bad for her. She continued to hook up with a guy who told her that he wasn't willing to commit to relationship with her anymore after what happened on the show and when he finally decided to cut all ties, she got mad like something was owed to her. Should I feel bad for you that you were into the casual sex until he decided to cut you off? Nah, I'll save my sympathy for someone who deserves it.

I really hope Day comes back on The Challenge. Her commentary is beyond entertaining to me. And as annoying as Paulie was on the show, I gotta give him kudos for how well he keeps himself together. He seems like it would be really hard to get under his skin which is helpful for shows like this. And why does Angela's attempt at being threatening and and intimidating require her to spread her legs like that when she's addressing something? lol.

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I remember a Challnge Final with some endurance leg where Zach was blubbering about how much pain he was in while Laurel was setting the pace.

MTV should have shown that clip.

Yeah he’s probably sexist, wanted a male partner.  But this Reckoning didn’t have too many challenges which favored strength and mass as much as previous Challenges.

Where it tended to favor males over females were the eating challenges, which were in the Final challenge and one other challenge IIRC.

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Upon seeing Ashley's walk-off/meltdown I'm immediately reminded that teasers indicated she had one during filming. I love watching an Ashley meltdown so I'm assuming it just wasn't interesting enough to show. Unless of course we're going to be saddled with a "the shit they should have shown" special. Really, enough already. 

I haven't finished yet, did they say anything about the allegations made against Joss regarding Amanda? I'd love to hear how that all shook out. 

I was glad to hear that Bananas actually manned up and apologized off camera instead of just in the confessional. It's so funny to me that Bananas is accused of doing things for the camera when, in this case, we actually saw Devin blowing things up for the camera. And really, what did those that walked off think it would accomplish? They're all egomaniacs.  

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2 hours ago, mojoween said:

Amanda is trash.  She also needs to make everything about her and I hope she is never coming back.

Did I hear CT retire from The Challenge?  Dammit Lili!

He seemed pretty upset that he didn’t have a chance to get to the Finals of this Challenge since the prize money was so high.

i think if they dangled it again, he’d be back, unless he gets a good career job.

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So, Britni. That was, um, interesting. If what she said is true, it's certainly gross. But I think her entire display speaks to why Brad doesn't feel he can be in a relationship with her.  

I also wouldn't be surprised to learn that Britni gave Brad the impression that she was up for some no-strings-attached fun, only to turn around at the end of the weekend and say/do something that compelled Brad to spell out for her that he wasn't interested in getting back together. She sort of strikes me as that kind of crazy.

Moving on to Amanda's "bomb"--I think there are three possibilities. The first, and most diabolical, is that Amanda has nothing and never had anything but stirred this whole thing up to cause drama and grief. If that was her purpose, she certainly must have succeeded in at least annoying them, because almost every social media mention I saw to Jenna in the days following that tweet from Amanda was about the "bomb." Moving onto possibility two--if Amanda does have information about Zach cheating, I think it probably came to her by way of social media. Zach isn't bright, but I highly doubt he's dumb enough to cheat on film with a crowd of people around him who know and like his girlfriend (not to mention people who hate him and would love to see him sweat). I don't think there's any way he hooked up with Cara or, IMO, any other cast member. But I could see him hooking up with someone in his regular life, assuming it will never get back to Jenna who lives across the country, only to have that person reach out to Amanda after seeing the show. However, as we all know, things people say on social media are not infallible, so what Amanda thinks she knows may or may not actually be true. Possibility three is that Amanda has just entirely made something up, which she has done in the past, so I wouldn't put it past her.

Jenna did post a picture of her and Zach kissing on instagram today. Have to imagine that it's a statement given the timing.

If Amanda truly knows something (or thinks she does), and really did decide not to air it in public but rather give Jenna the opportunity to come to her privately, I will extend her a small amount of credit.

Devin and Johnny. At this point, I'm almost entirely Team Johnny. I thought Devin handled this very, very poorly. Johnny was absolutely right that Devin followed him around ceaselessly to provoke him, and Devin refuses to acknowledge that at all. Yes, Johnny said something terrible and unnecessary. But he said it in the context of Devin essentially harrasing him, and what Devin would like is for all of us to forget that and act like Johnny just turned around and said a bunch of terrible things about his late father with no provocation. I was completely exasperated with Devin by the time he just stood there saying "so that's what I get. That's all I get," like a disappointed abusive boyfriend might in manipulating his significant other. Yes, Devin! That's what you get! You got, apparently, multiple apologies! A variety of them! Both on camera and off! What the hell did you WANT? For Johnny to punch himself in the face? 

Also, can someone explain to me why when Cory body slams Tony, who likely avoided significant injury because he was blitzed, and Devin stands up for Cory and tries to make it seem like it was an accident or Tony was also responsible he's standing by his partner, but when Tony says what Johnny said to Devin was in a context Devin helped create, Tony is a bad friend?

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This shit just makes them all look so bad. I can’t believe I’m walking away from this season with the least amount of negative feelings attached to  Johnny and Marie of all people. Damn. I used to like Cara, but this season was not good for her. 

I cant stand Devin. He was begging to get hit,  milking every bit of attention whore drama he could over those comments. Don’t fucking be the shit talking physical aggressor then just stand there. I can’t stand it when someone wants to get in someone else’s personal space in that way. I think Johnny would dismantle him. 

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On 12/5/2018 at 1:47 AM, RHJunkie said:

And why does Angela's attempt at being threatening and and intimidating require her to spread her legs like that when she's addressing something? lol.

Omg, I KNOW!!!! That irritated the b-Jesus out of me!! It was annoying.

Also, she should not wear an outfit that exposes under boob when she has obvious implant bag bulge. 

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Britni, Britni, Britni. Time and place girl. I really didn't need to hear that her and Brad fucked for hours. TMI

Am I crazy for liking Day'vonne? I really hope she comes back

Am I also crazy for liking Marie? When Kyle showed the tattoo of his ex that is on his thigh. Someone mentioned it looked like Marie and she screamed "It's me!!" That cracked me up.

Tony's proposal was sweet. Will the marriage work, probably not, but his little speech was cute.

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What did Joss allegedly say about Amanda?

I don't think it was appropriate to not also address the fact that Devin followed Johnny around for like 2 hours and didn't let up.  Bananas saying what he did wasn't cool, but, it's not like Devin walked into the room, yelled that he was going to kick Bananas ass in the ring and the Bananas yelled that back at him.  There was more to the story and to not put that part out there is wrong.  And, at the end of the day, Bananas did apologize on air (which, to be fair, were I Devin, I wouldn't really count, that was to the viewers), he apologized off air, and then again, at the reunion.  This wasn't enough, and it's pretty clear there's nothing Bananas can do.  So, own up to that, just say I can't forgive this shit, you're dead to me.

The Brit situation - you know, when you say "It's not the first time I've had guys ghost me after great sex!" I'm thinking it wasn't that great?  Seems like if it's that great, they'd come back for more?

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The way these people walk off the stage in protest and sit backstage like they are standing up for something really grinds my gears.   They need to put this fiery passion and energy into some human rights projects or some sort of actual activism. What a waste for it to be all over Johnny Bananas.  

I don't understand why any of them were laughing and cheering Brittni on.  She was not funny, cute or interesting.  It just goes to show how completely trashy and crazy every single one of these people are.  I'm sure her parents loved her saying Brad "fucked the fuck" out of her.  And I agree with you @smores the brag about Brad not being the only guy who has ghosted her after sex was really strange. I wouldn't want people to know that.  

During the show I thought Zach was tough on Amanda.  During the reunion I could finally see how awful she is.  Nothing in particular stands out, just her overall vibe. 

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I hate to side with Bananas, but I just can't with Devin.  He's made hating Bananas his life's mission.  Nothing now would ever change that.  It you follow someone around for hours tormenting them in the hopes that they'll get physical with you and sent home, you totally deserve whatever verbal insults they throw your way.  To demand a certain type of apology is just looking for validation & camera time.  Oooh, and I also chuckled when Bananas insulted his teeth.  I've noticed since his season of AYTO that they are indeed quite retched.

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Devin was milking the fuck out of the Johnny bananas situation - he’s been piggy backing off of Jb’s popularity for attention since lite brite gate. I used to really like Devin, as he always seemed smart and fair especially when he split half of his winnings with his partner when Jb took his from Sarah, but lately, I don’t like him. Annoying AF.

I still don’t like Amanda but Zach telling her she should have learned her lesson for disobeying him was too much. They were both teammates and he wanted to call the shots because he doesn’t take orders from chicks. Good luck Jenna. I don’t see him being a great husband once you lose your cute shape after popping out three kids and have zero time to get your makeup on. Unless she sees a side to him that I don’t.

Britni has the potential to be a badass player on the challenge but the way she acts ruins it for me. She’s too over the top and tries to act like a street fighter or something. Tone it down. I know a female has the right to wear what she wants but lounging in your underwear then twerking to an ex-boyfriend is grounds for a breakup - even if the current boyfriend gets one more ride on the crazy train before dumping ya. 

These people are eventually going to need to get real jobs and employers will love seeing all of this tasteless drama, especially  Britni talking about getting fucked real good before a ghosting (any future fiancé may decide to forgo the engagement if ever watched that)or Cori physically assaulting someone over tossed pasta.

Edited by Calm81
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On ‎12‎/‎5‎/‎2018 at 7:08 PM, Jillibean said:

Also, can someone explain to me why when Cory body slams Tony, who likely avoided significant injury because he was blitzed, and Devin stands up for Cory and tries to make it seem like it was an accident or Tony was also responsible he's standing by his partner, but when Tony says what Johnny said to Devin was in a context Devin helped create, Tony is a bad friend?

Logic and reasoning have no place here.

On ‎12‎/‎5‎/‎2018 at 1:47 AM, RHJunkie said:

Then he comes to reunion, stands over Johnny and tries to goad Johnny into laying hands on him and calling Johnny a spinless pussy because he won't throw down when Devin could have backed up all his macho talk and laid hands first. Devin acted like a complete bitch.

Dollars to doughnuts Devin has never been in a physical altercation in his life.  He's standing over Johnny at clear advantage and still looks like he's about to shit his pants at any minute.  This is all "Security won't let me get killed" false machismo.

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