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S01.E06: Kappa Spirit

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IT’S NOT ALL IN THE PAST —  With Maggie (Sarah Jeffery) trying to make up with Lucy (guest star Natalie Hall), she realizes that there is a new Kappa member she isn’t familiar with and enlists Mel’s (Melonie Diaz) help to find out what is going on.  Macy (Madeleine Mantock) is concerned about what she saw on Galvin (Ser’Darius Blain) and invites herself to his birthday party to investigate. Meanwhile, Macy is told a cryptic message about her past that she decides to share with her sisters, but her sisters have a secret from her.  Rupert Evans also stars. Jeff Byrd directed the episode written by Emmylou Diaz (#106).  Original airdate 11/18/2018 

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This series doesn't get better with the writing. Now, apparently, the Charmed Ones, who just found out they were witches maybe two months ago, are....not needing a Whitelighter anymore? Seriously? Once again, a plot that would work much later in the season, as a season finale. They cannot use the excuse that they didn't know if they'd be renewed because this could have been a season finale plot, not an episode six plot. Also, they're making it seem like the Book of Shadows is the only guide that they need. If that's the case, then what's the fucking point of Whitelighters? Or are they only assigned to non-Charmed ones? But the Elders can take the Book whenever they want so....what? 

Also, when Harry announced to all three that he was leaving, the first response was... "We'll miss you...BYEEEEEE honorary sister!" If this had been the season finale, I doubt they would have been as nonchalant about his departure, especially depending on if he's allowed to come visit. It would be kind of dumb if he was allowed to come back, since he could still help them out whenever asked. 

Galvin still pisses me off. Macy does deserve better than some jackass who decided not to tell Macy about his birthday and only invited her because she overheard. We're not supposed to be rooting for him, right? 

I see that this show's favourite power is Mel's power. They use her power every chance that they get. There IS such a thing as overusing a power. 

The whole ghost thing was....weird. I get Brenda targeting Lucy. What I don't get is how Lucy was so accepting of everything that Brenda was saying. 

*sighs* No surprise that the show couldn't resist having their mother show up when Mel and Maggie traveled to the past and just as an important conversation was taking place. 

There was absolutely no suspense to Lucy jumping because Mel was right there to freeze time. 

Also, Maggie already KNEW that she was a shitty friend. I don't know why her realization at the end was such a surprise. Also, Mel, you're a jackass for blaming Lucy for dumping a drink on Maggie. You know what your sister did. You know she was wrong. Why are you blaming Lucy for being pissed? My god, and she's supposed to have been a Women Studies professor. 

That ending with the LITERAL prophecy by the psychic. C'mon, show! A pillar leading to a key?!?!

This show is veering into snark territory for me. It's not the worst show I've seen but I find myself analyzing it to the point of critiquing it, rather than enjoying it. It still has some good moments, but not enough to overpower the eye-roll moments. 

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Well this episode was certainly refreshing in the sense that it slowed down the overall plot while still adding some mysteries and answers. 

Mel/Maggie get to deal with Kappa drama in the form of a Banshee ( Charmeds version was more interesting and just better mythological wise) from the late 70s who set her sight on Lucy....I didnt mind it to much just hated that we get another episode with the Charmed Ones split up instead of the plot converging with all 3 coming together to face the demon. I am tired of them using a glorified Alexa to search the book "show us X spell" and the pages just flip to whatever they need. The spell sending Mel/Maggie to the past at first did annoy me but once we got to see they couldnt interact with anyone and there was a time limit I was ok with it.

We get to see their mom and they immediately forget about the ghost at hand. I am guessing that they couldnt get the actress on the same day as everyone else because they CGI'd the hell out of her scene (well just bad green screen) and the sisters werent able to be in the same frame as her.

There is literally nothing about Gavin that interests me. He and Macys chemistry isnt that great and he hasnt made the greatest first impression in his biggest screen time to date last episode. His only use right now seems to help move along Macys mystery of her lineage which I am going to guess has to do with her father being a demon. The fact that she has darkness inside of her, her mom being worried about her when she was in the womb....her being sent away...I will be surprised if she isnt daughter of the Source or something, or that evil guy we've been introduced to.

So whitelighters arent a forever thing? Just there to teach witches what they need? Well they got their out now for the day they get rid of Harry permanently. The Elders  already deciding that the sisters are good at being witches that they no longer need a Whitelighter though? That was fast. I'm surprised that the sisters took the Elders word of moving Harry on so easily.  I've come to enjoy his scenes with them even if he makes things to simple. 

This version of the Charmed Ones powers dont seem to be that big of a deal when their power grows in new ways as it did in the original as Macy uses both her eyes/hands for her TK.

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Just now, Primal Slayer said:

This shows world building feels so small to me, as if they just exist in their own little bubble even with the introduction to different types of witch craft. 

This was a major issue with the original series as well. They kept it contained to the Halliwell sisters, and they did very little branching out to other witches, for example. 

I just feel like they're rushing through things. I liked the Maggie/Lucy plot and am glad it didn't get fully resolved. I do like Macy's storyline, despite its predictability of her likely being half-demon. I like Harry a lot more than I did from the pilot, even if I still dislike his method of transportation. 

12 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

So whitelighters arent a forever thing? Just there to teach witches what they need? Well they got their out now for the day they get rid of Harry permanently. The Elders  already deciding that the sisters are good at being witches that they no longer need a Whitelighter though? That was fast. I'm surprised that the sisters took the Elders word of moving Harry on so easily.  I've come to enjoy his scenes with them even if he makes things to simple. 

It's dumb because the girls here still don't know half the stuff they should. This subplot makes it sound like the Elders giving their Book back meant that Harry wasn't needed, rather than Harry's purpose as a Whitelighter being complete. 

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2 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

This was a major issue with the original series as well. They kept it contained to the Halliwell sisters, and they did very little branching out to other witches, for example. 

I just feel like they're rushing through things. I liked the Maggie/Lucy plot and am glad it didn't get fully resolved. I do like Macy's storyline, despite its predictability of her likely being half-demon. I like Harry a lot more than I did from the pilot, even if I still dislike his method of transportation. 

It's dumb because the girls here still don't know half the stuff they should. This subplot makes it sound like the Elders giving their Book back meant that Harry wasn't needed, rather than Harry's purpose as a Whitelighter being complete. 

While the original didnt do much branching out with other witches I think the thing that helped is that we at least saw them out and about SanFran and they used the Manor as the one place they'd all be together whereas 99% of this show just revolves around the University  though they are the opposite of the original in branching out to other forms of witchcraft. 

They are totally rushing to the point I am so interested to see what they have to even explore by end of the season/S2. 

Yeah the whole "you got ya book so ya dont need your whitelighter" is just so stupid. They havent even been able to go an episode without calling Harry for info or to fix a mistake they've made by outting themselves to someone.  There's nothing that indicates that they are ready to be independent. 

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I read all the posts before me.. And unless I missed something I don't get why everyone is saying harry is leaving... He's just going back to live in his condo... He was stationed at the house because the book if shadows needed to be examined for other hidden spells... But I didn't see the show getting rid of him somehow... As for macy.. This episode doesnt make my belief that she's probably part demon go away.. She's got a darkness in her.. For whatever reason ( right now maybe just expiediency)  those demons are after her blood.. She grew up away from her mom..only she can see the protection thing on galvin... The only  thing that gives me pause is... Wouldn't her mom know that the dude she made a baby with was a demon?.. ( probably a powerful one at that) 

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5 minutes ago, UNOSEZ said:

I read all the posts before me.. And unless I missed something I don't get why everyone is saying harry is leaving... He's just going back to live in his condo... He was stationed at the house because the book if shadows needed to be examined for other hidden spells... But I didn't see the show getting rid of him somehow... As for macy.. This episode doesnt make my belief that she's probably part demon go away.. She's got a darkness in her.. For whatever reason ( right now maybe just expiediency)  those demons are after her blood.. She grew up away from her mom..only she can see the protection thing on galvin... The only  thing that gives me pause is... Wouldn't her mom know that the dude she made a baby with was a demon?.. ( probably a powerful one at that) 

The way it was worded it came across more like Harry was done being their Whitelighter then just moving out.

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42 minutes ago, UNOSEZ said:

The only  thing that gives me pause is... Wouldn't her mom know that the dude she made a baby with was a demon?.. ( probably a powerful one at that) 

Their mother had prophecy/could see the future, if it was important that Macy's father be a demon, then she might have arranged it. 

I got a feeling that Harry is just going back to live in his Condo, rather than relinquishing his role as Whitelighter to the sisters. I think he was teary eyed because he couldn't wake-up early every morning and make them breakfast.

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19 minutes ago, ursula said:

Did anyone pick strong Harry/Mach gives in this episode?

Yeah I wasn't sure if I was reading Harry right. It seemed like he was "leaning" (While You Were Sleeping reference, /get off my lawn), but the show still drags Galvin into the frame, so I don't know what's going on. (I hope what's going on is Galvin. Off my screen.) Macy didn't seem to be vibing Harry (yet), but she's got a lot on her mind and at the very least the actress is convincing in portraying a person having a lot on her mind.

Of course the psychic/priestess was going to seem like a hack, and of course she had a sliver of talent; this show does not waste an opportunity to trot out a predictable plot "twist." I want to like this show but I hate when everything is so telegraphed you can practically predict and recite the dialogue in real time.

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15 minutes ago, rubyred said:

I hate when everything is so telegraphed you can practically predict and recite the dialogue in real time.

Is that really such a big deal? Maybe it's just because I'm ancient  I've consumed so much media that everything is a trope to me now. I can't remember the last time I was surprised by anything. (Heck even the twists that make zero sense don't surprise me ? because there are signs that show the difference between a well-plotted show/season and one where the writers are throwing things on the wall and/or making it up as they go).

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4 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

I got a feeling that Harry is just going back to live in his Condo, rather than relinquishing his role as Whitelighter to the sisters. I think he was teary eyed because he couldn't wake-up early every morning and make them breakfast.

Yes thank you. Unless I missed it I thought that was what was happening. It wouldn't be the proper British gentlemanly thing for him to do -- to just live with them. Plus how would be explain that at his job? He just started living there because they needed 24-7 protection.  Now that is over and he will miss it. 


Yeah, I did. I think they're working towards another whitelighter/charmed one romance.

Knew it. They have the most in common.  If this wasn't just a one off I could see it being the star crossed lover thing of a "bad" witch and a good "white lighter".   Harry is everywhere but when Macy finds out this crucial piece of information he just happens to be absent. 

 Thank god Galvin has been told to be "not for her". 


The only  thing that gives me pause is... Wouldn't her mom know that the dude she made a baby with was a demon?.. ( probably a powerful one at that) 

Not necessarily. But also, he should have been reformed. Similar to Cole in the earlier version. 

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9 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

The way it was worded it came across more like Harry was done being their Whitelighter then just moving out.

That's not how I remember it. I think he just said that he could move back to his condo. He was living with them while they didn't have their Book of Shadows because apparently they needed extra protection. Now that they have the book back they can go back to their previous arrangement where he lives in his own place and just shows up when they need him.

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Does this mean we won't see Galvin anymore? If so, then this was a great episode. What a waste of a character he is.

I think Harry is just leaving the house, but not as their official whitelighter. If the Macy/Harry ship happens he'll probably be back sooner than later. I think Harry was just sad that he had to leave, but out of all of the sisters he shared scenes with he does have more romantic chemistry with Macy. Something Galvin is devoid of.

Speaking of Galvin and Macy, their job seems to have a high death count right? I guess this means Galvin is going to die by the season finale. One could only wish...

Macy being a half demon is all but confirmed now, but my only wish is that her demon father isn't a bad guy. My least favourite thing about the original Charmed was how they treated Cole, when he tried to be good and yet Phoebe, who also had evil in her and did messed up stuff, was always seen as good no matter what. If Macy is a half demon then let her father be a Cole type who is grey, but also tries to do the good thing. And let everyone be okay with that, as in he's not treated like a pariah for breathing.

One thing that I do like about the show is how someone like Lucy and Galvin's girlfriend could easily be written as horrible people, despite being the wronged parties. And yet, the show made them both incredibly sweet. Lucy is angry because Maggie was the other woman then played the victim, while Macy tried to vanquish the new girlfriend and yet both are still level headed for the most part. The girlfriend was still nice when Macy showed up, but also told her to step off when Macy was overstepping.

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18 minutes ago, paulvdb said:
9 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

The way it was worded it came across more like Harry was done being their Whitelighter then just moving out.

That's not how I remember it. I think he just said that he could move back to his condo.

I think it's both. When he first mentions it, I got the impression that he was done being their Whitelighter. (Full confession I binge-watched the first 5 episodes so maybe some nuances escaped me). But at the end of the scene, when he's packing his bags, he clearly says he's going back to his condo so that gave me the impression that he still had his job --- he just wasn't living in the house.

Basically, imo it's clarified by the end of the episode but the initial confusion is valid. 

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Man.. Ppl really don't like Galvin... I can't say I love him.. But he hasn't really done anything in my estimation worth all this... Plus his Caribbean background seems to open up more avenues of witchcraft... So for now hes alright in my book

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31 minutes ago, paulvdb said:

That's not how I remember it. I think he just said that he could move back to his condo. He was living with them while they didn't have their Book of Shadows because apparently they needed extra protection. Now that they have the book back they can go back to their previous arrangement where he lives in his own place and just shows up when they need him.

Ahhh. Ok, that makes WAY more sense than what I clearly misinterpreted Harry's subplot to be. I was going to be quite annoyed if he was already done being their Whitelighter.

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^ He's in the promo for the next episode, so he's still with them. Just leaving the house.....which I guess ties into the theme of this episode. Maggie had to leave Kappa and accept it. Mel had to leave her grief and move on and Macy had to leave Galvin, because she's a half demon and Galvin's grandmother doesn't want bad gugu babies in her bloodline. Macy also accepted leaving Galvin.

15 minutes ago, UNOSEZ said:

Man.. Ppl really don't like Galvin... I can't say I love him.. But he hasn't really done anything in my estimation worth all this... Plus his Caribbean background seems to open up more avenues of witchcraft... So for now hes alright in my book

You're right. I'm being unfair with my Galvin hate, I just find him bland and annoying. He was okay at first, but seemed way too clingy and needy towards Macy and then getting angry when she's dealing with stuff. If he didn't know her circumstance, then I'd be more forgiving, but he knows about her dead mother and her new sisters so if she's figuring things out but still shows interest, due to the kiss, then give it to her. Instead, he acts hurt that she's putting herself before him and then dates someone when she is busy with something else.

His grandmother was a witch and it did lead the show to the psychic, who I think would be fun as a recurring character. Galvin is fine too, as long as he's not paired with Macy.

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9 minutes ago, GreyWolf said:

How do you think will we get a love triangle between Macy, Harry and Alastair? I really belive that this hottie demon won`t be indifferent to Macy and her Dark potencial....

I honestly doubt they are going to hook Macy up with 2 40yr old men. 

1 hour ago, ursula said:

I think it's both. When he first mentions it, I got the impression that he was done being their Whitelighter. (Full confession I binge-watched the first 5 episodes so maybe some nuances escaped me). But at the end of the scene, when he's packing his bags, he clearly says he's going back to his condo so that gave me the impression that he still had his job --- he just wasn't living in the house.

Basically, imo it's clarified by the end of the episode but the initial confusion is valid. 

I think with how sad they made him, it threw me off. Then I just don't understand why he can't just live with them since I doubt the Elders pay for his living expenses.

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3 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

I honestly doubt they are going to hook Macy up with 2 40yr old men.

Everything is possible in our days) And age different isn`t huge. Harry is about 9 or less years older (physically he died at 37) and Macy may be a bit older (Marisol has already been  pregnant in summer of 1989, that makes Macy`s file, where is told that she was born in 1990 fake news), so really she is 29.

Moreover Alistair is so hot, that it doesn`t matter how old is he) Besides another Craig Parker character was in love with young lady in Reign.

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When Harry first moved into the house, they explained he had moved in because the Charmed Ones needed extra security, as they could not consult TBOS on demand because the Elders had it.  Twice in this episode they had Harry discuss his moving out of the house because the book was back (once with Mel and once with Macy) and both times they mentioned that the extra security was not needed anymore.  Even when he was leaving and Maggie asked why, he said the same thing: the Elders agreed there is no need for extra security anymore, so, I'm going back to my condo.  The idea that Harry would stop being their White Lighter has never been mentioned.


I'm still undecided about this show, and it does have some major problems, but this wasn't one of them.

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Ideally, this should be the last we see of Galvin.  He is not for Macy and now we can get into her origin. Has it been said on the show that all 3 sisters have different fathers? I don't remember the Vera sisters even mentioning a father of any kind.

I see chemistry between Harry and Macy.  They do need him, but not in the house with them.  I would not be mad if Harry hooked up with Macy; we should see that at his condo instead of Vera/Vaughn Manor.

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I wondered why Macy was 28, seemed a bit old(er) for no reason. But if it's to mitigate a perceived age difference between her and Harry (ha!) then it makes more sense.

Can someone clarify: I've seen it mentioned in earlier threads that all three women have different fathers. This totally passed me by; was this addressed explicitly in the pilot? 

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2 minutes ago, rubyred said:

Can someone clarify: I've seen it mentioned in earlier threads that all three women have different fathers. This totally passed me by; was this addressed explicitly in the pilot?

I`ve seen this info in interview, yes, they all are half-sisters and Mel and Meggy don't know about that

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1 hour ago, GreyWolf said:

How do you think will we get a love triangle between Macy, Harry and Alastair? I really belive that this hottie demon won`t be indifferent to Macy and her Dark potencial....

Any other white dudes you wanna throw macy's way??  Skipping over the fact that the show seems to be intimating that macy wants to at least explore what something with Galvin would be.. Were talking about her admittedly lonely and probably damaged white lighter ( who's dead)  and a demon who's already stolen her blood and the harbinger.. And has said like 9 total words to her

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This show just isn't doing anything interesting with the sisters' powers. I get that they like the novelty of Mel's power because we see that used the most but usually it's just for laughs rather than to fix or prevent a problem. In fact Mel could have just kept freezing and unfreezing Lucy until she was about six inches off the ground - there was no need for Harry to rescue her. And beyond the pilot, Macy hasn't really used her power for anything important either. As for Maggie, her power is turning out to be even more useless than Phoebe's, and that's something I never thought I'd see. 

I also think the show still suffers by relying too much on Harry. The sisters keep calling him to save the day instead of fixing things themselves like they did in the original show. I've warmed up to the character a bit since the pilot but I wish the sisters didn't need him to solve their problems in every scene. It makes them seem too helpless and dependent. 

I hope the show will focus more on the mystery of why their mother gave up Macy and what the "darkness" is inside of her. So far all three sisters have shown a surprising lack of curiosity about that beyond a basic shoulder shrug. You would think they'd put some effort into finding a spell that would provide them with this information or trying to contact their mother's spirit. Heck they talked to their dead grandmother all the time on the original show. And why hasn't Harry explained any of this to them?

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13 hours ago, ursula said:

Did anyone pick up Harry/Macy vibes in this episode?

Oh yeah, I was definitely getting those vibes. I could get into that, as Harry and Macy are my favorite characters, and they both come off as kind of socially awkward and lonely. Charmed sure does love its forbidden white-lighter/witch romances! Plus, less Glavin! I dont hate him, I dont get any spark between him and Macy, and I think he was kind of a dick to her. "I can tell you arent into me, because you didnt spend all your time with me, and wanted to be with your sisters you just found sometimes! Bitch!" Maybe unfair, but I cant say I am a fan. 

I did like the psychic/priestess lady, she could be a fun reoccurring character. And its basically confirmed now that Macy is part demon, and thats why she was given up for adoption? That might actually be interesting! Gasp! 

There are a lot of elements in the show that I like, and a lot more that are just silly, and this show is in no way as Woke as it thinks it is. Like, for a woman's studies teacher, Mel sure does like to shame other women, huh? God, her attitude towards the sorority women was basically all those mean, pretentious Harvard woman who were mean to Elle in Legally Blond. I appreciated that they mostly came off alright in this episode (Lucy was totally right to be pissed!), but its all just so covered in stereotypes. I mean, we have our three sisters, flighty sorority girl, awkward science girl, and angry feminist lesbian girl. They've tried to add some changes and depth to that, which I like, but its just so half assed. 

The ghost was kind of fun, and I like how it turned out, although I did laugh at them going to the 80s, and we immediately jump into TV 80s, where everything that happened in the 80s is all all over the place. Its amazing that no one was break dancing or doing the moon walk. 

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2 hours ago, GreyWolf said:

Everything is possible in our days) And age different isn`t huge. Harry is about 9 or less years older (physically he died at 37) and Macy may be a bit older (Marisol has already been  pregnant in summer of 1989, that makes Macy`s file, where is told that she was born in 1990 fake news), so really she is 29.

Moreover Alistair is so hot, that it doesn`t matter how old is he) Besides another Craig Parker character was in love with young lady in Reign.

I don't doubt shows doing it. I doubt this show doing it. Unless your a hot 300 yr old Vampire, CW shows tend to stick young and hot with young and hot. 

Harry is their Giles to their Buffys. I think they will develop a fatherly relationship before they do a romantic one. 

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I am confused about something.  How long was Mel supposed to have had that teaching job before she lost it with the Nico spell?  Are we supposed to believe that missing out on that one job left Mel totally unemployed for however long that was, and she wasn't able to find any other work?  And how long was her relationship with Nico supposed to have been?  I just feel like removing Nico from the current timeline (and having it so she was never with Mel) would likely have much more serious side effects than what we've seen so far. 

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While I'm pretty Meh on him.. I do give Galvin a break.. Macy ( understandably)  has been push and pull with him.. He wasn't.. It was obvious how he felt.. And if a lady I'm feeling invites me somewhere after said push an pull an spends the entire night away from me.. I'm probably not sticking around.. But I may give  piece of my mind.. And I think he was pretty straight fwd that h thought she wasn't interested.. Even asked if he got the wrong idea.. A this latest episode after maybe having to invite her let her know his new lady friend was gonna be there to avoid or prepare for awkwardness... Compared to the behavior of some of these dudes on the CW.. Gotta say hes been decent

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I think for me with Galvin, I didn't even realize he was supposed to be a potential love interest until a couple episodes in.  I thought he was just a platonic friend, and their lo-chem/no-chem seemed to bear that out. Then all of a sudden he's in his feelings about her not paying him all the attention when Macy 1) found out her mother gave her up 2) found out her mother is dead and 3) found out she has two sisters...it wasn't a good look, IMO. First he's all supportive and encouraging, and then when it takes time away from being with him he blows her off. If he had been such a good friend he would have known that her kissing him was a major step for her, not immediately hooked up with someone and ground her face in it. 

Ironically I think the actor is doing a much better job now that Galvin is showing these layers. But I still don't like him.

Edited by rubyred
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I am confused about something.  How long was Mel supposed to have had that teaching job before she lost it with the Nico spell?  Are we supposed to believe that missing out on that one job left Mel totally unemployed for however long that was, and she wasn't able to find any other work?  

That's a good point. She should have gotten a phone call from some other boss asking her why she wasn't showing up for work. That might have been interesting - to see her trying to figure out what her job is in this altered timeline.

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25 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

That's a good point. She should have gotten a phone call from some other boss asking her why she wasn't showing up for work. That might have been interesting - to see her trying to figure out what her job is in this altered timeline.

She was living at home, right? So I wonder why Maggie or her mom didn't wake her up for the interview.

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4 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

I don't doubt shows doing it. I doubt this show doing it. Unless your a hot 300 yr old Vampire, CW shows tend to stick young and hot with young and hot. 

Harry is their Giles to their Buffys. I think they will develop a fatherly relationship before they do a romantic one. 

It is tricky because he is not quite old enough to be a Giles but you are correct it is odd for the CW to allow anyone over 35 to be in a ship with a younger character. The actor is 41 years old. I get the feeling that this show throws things up in the air and sees what sticks.  This week was the Macy flirt and they will gauge how we react.  I am for it because it is plays homage to the original and sets up a situation where Harry could have to fight her or some such -- Dark Macy. 


I also think the show still suffers by relying too much on Harry. The sisters keep calling him to save the day instead of fixing things themselves like they did in the original show. I've warmed up to the character a bit since the pilot but I wish the sisters didn't need him to solve their problems in every scene. It makes them seem too helpless and dependent.

As someone said above this show is sooo un woke. Harry not only does everything for them witch wise.. he got Mel an interview at the school. He even makes them breakfast... Lordy. Can the girls do nothing for themselves? A good midseason cliff hanger could be for Harry to disappear and they are left on their own.  I would love it if the elders banished him because they are too dependent on him. 

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On 11/19/2018 at 1:23 PM, iMonrey said:

 In fact Mel could have just kept freezing and unfreezing Lucy until she was about six inches off the ground - there was no need for Harry to rescue her.

That is debatable.  If her power is molecular immobilization/deceleration like Piper's power then she could conceivably reduce the momentum from Lucy's fall allowing her to be safely caught or hit the ground without dying (although it took Piper until like season 3 to be able to use her power like that), however if her power is actually temporal based this time then freezing would not affect her momentum at all, so even if she was frozen six inches from the ground or above someones arms she would still hit with the full force of having jumped off the roof.


That's a good point. She should have gotten a phone call from some other boss asking her why she wasn't showing up for work. That might have been interesting - to see her trying to figure out what her job is in this altered timeline.

This.  Said this in the previous episode thread, but I am also going to be disappointed if Mel does not have another girlfriend or ex-girlfriend in this altered timeline which she is unaware of since she was not dating Nico...


While I'm pretty Meh on him.. I do give Galvin a break.. Macy ( understandably)  has been push and pull with him.. He wasn't.. It was obvious how he felt.. And if a lady I'm feeling invites me somewhere after said push an pull an spends the entire night away from me.. I'm probably not sticking around.. But I may give  piece of my mind.. And I think he was pretty straight fwd that h thought she wasn't interested.. Even asked if he got the wrong idea..

She was push and pull with him, and was clearly unsure of her feelings for him at the party when she bailed on him.  However when she came back after the party, that is when they kissed making it known she was indeed interested in him like that.   Two days later Galvin talks with her and says since she has been so busy since Halloween they have not had a chance to talk, so he asks her out to a Homecoming tailgate event that night.  Her response "I would love to, I really would.  It's just I have a thing, with my sisters"  He immediately gives her a very passive aggressive sounding "I understand" accompanied by a grumpy face where he looks to the side while like chewing his cheek.  Then looks at her and says "maybe another time" to which she nods as he instantly stalks away.  Next episode we found out that he hooked up with Summer at the tailgate party that night.  Seriously after only two days of being busy post kiss, since Macy did not immediately cancel her plans with her sisters when he gave her zero notice about going to the party, he dropped her like a hot potato and slept with another woman that night.   Yeah, he is a real great guy and not a giant horny douche.


I hope the show will focus more on the mystery of why their mother gave up Macy and what the "darkness" is inside of her.

When she took that small mysterious rectangular box (which we do not see the lid of) out of the wall my mind immediately went Hollow...which dear god no!  Of all the interesting re-usable elements from the original series...that is not one I ever want to see again.  So I was super relieved when there was just a key inside as cliche as a mystery key plot usually is...

Edited by Xenith22
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On 11/19/2018 at 9:14 AM, CheezyXpressed said:

Does this mean we won't see Galvin anymore? If so, then this was a great episode. What a waste of a character he is.

If they keep killing off the heads of the research lab, Galvin may end up being Macy's boss.

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This episode was average.  I wasn't too motivated to watch it on Sunday night.  I can't say I like the subplot with Macy finding out she has "darkness" inside of her, or whatever.  Especially with the secrets they're keeping from each other now.  Galvin needs to buy longer shirts or learn to tuck them in.  If he were a normal person, Macy would have needed to wait a week before she could see the mark again.

I'm not sure why we are supposed to be so invested in Maggie and Lucy's "friendship".  Still, I guess it was nice to see them in a better place at the end.  That middle-aged sorority sister doesn't consider yelling insults into a megaphone to be bullying?  I did find the time travel visit fun to watch.  

Mel saw Nico pick a lock "once" and she can do it too?  What a quick learner.

I also don't like how the sisters are constantly calling their whitelighter for help.  They're still a bit too needy.  

Edited by Camera One
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