Sakura12 February 23, 2015 Share February 23, 2015 They've kind of set up Kurt already being born in DoFP with Azasel being his father. They showed her crying when she got to the picture of him being dead and then when she was getting her bullet wound patched up, the nurse was was looking at her blue self on the screen and wondered if she had a family. Raven very quietly answered, yes. Link to comment
KatWay February 23, 2015 Share February 23, 2015 She was crying over all the dead members of Erik's brotherhood though, and I thought it was implied that she meant Charles when she said she had family. After all she had just seen him again after ten years and he clearly still cared for her and tried to save her from Erik. I don't remember, did the brotherhood disband before Erik was thrown in jail or after? I suppose she could have had a torrid affair with Azazel in the meantime, but the movie only seemed interested in her romantic past with Erik and Hank to some degree (and her platonic one with Charles), might have felt like overkill to throw another guy in there. Link to comment
ApathyMonger February 23, 2015 Share February 23, 2015 Is Nightcrawler Mystique's son in the movie continuity? I don't think it was acknowledged at all when they met in X2. Link to comment
JBC344 February 23, 2015 Share February 23, 2015 (edited) Is Nightcrawler Mystique's son in the movie continuity? I don't think it was acknowledged at all when they met in X2. In X2, she wasn't his mother. They share one brief scene together where he asks her why she doesn't stay in "disguise" and she replies that she shouldn't have too. In the director's commentary they mention that they didn't go with that storyline for the movie despite the fact that she is his biological and Rogue's "adopted/surrogate" mother. In First Class, when Azasel shows up, a lot of us assumed that they chose to include him for the movie so they could do the Nightcrawler storyline in the future movies. When Raven was in the hospital bed I'm assuming she was referencing Charles. When she was crying in Trask's office I took it that she was crying over everyone who was killed, Angel, Emma, Azasel, and Havok. With that said that doesn't discount the fact that her and Azasel had a baby before he was killed. Edited February 23, 2015 by JBC344 1 Link to comment
Craphole Island February 25, 2015 Share February 25, 2015 Apparently Ben Hardy has been cast in a mystery role. I don't know who he is but he looks like he could be Angel. Link to comment
ApathyMonger February 25, 2015 Share February 25, 2015 Apparently Ben Hardy has been cast in a mystery role. I don't know who he is but he looks like he could be Angel. He's a UK soap actor. He had tested for Cyclops, but obviously will be playing someone else. IIRC, Angel was relatively young in The Last Stand, so I don't know if it being him makes sense. He could be one of Apocalypse's Horsemen. Link to comment
Craphole Island February 25, 2015 Share February 25, 2015 I guess I'm confused if the old timeline was wiped clean? So maybe Angel could have been born earlier now? Idk Link to comment
JBC344 February 26, 2015 Share February 26, 2015 I think outside of Jean being killed in The Last Stand, we are supposed to dismiss and forget about the events of The Last Stand. With DOFP sort of resetting everything Angel could easily be born earlier now. Also he is part of the Apocalypse storyline. With Professor X being alive now, I can easily accept Angel being born earlier. Link to comment
ApathyMonger February 26, 2015 Share February 26, 2015 I think outside of Jean being killed in The Last Stand, we are supposed to dismiss and forget about the events of The Last Stand. With DOFP sort of resetting everything Angel could easily be born earlier now. Also he is part of the Apocalypse storyline. With Professor X being alive now, I can easily accept Angel being born earlier. But for him to be a teenager in the early 1980s, he'd have to be born in the mid-1960s. Changing time in the 1970s would not cause that to happen. Link to comment
JBC344 February 26, 2015 Share February 26, 2015 (edited) But for him to be a teenager in the early 1980s, he'd have to be born in the mid-1960s. Changing time in the 1970s would not cause that to happen. Sorry I think my post was confusing. I didn't mean to imply that DOFP would change The Last Stand. I meant that we (the real world) are literally supposed to pretend that The Last Stand movie doesn't exist. It seems more like a "course correction" since Angel is part of the Apocolypse storyline to begin with. Edited February 26, 2015 by JBC344 Link to comment
stealinghome February 26, 2015 Share February 26, 2015 Yeah, I believe I read an interview given around the time of DoFP where someone from the production company said that The Last Stand isn't considered canon with the newest reboot. 1 Link to comment
KatWay February 26, 2015 Share February 26, 2015 True but it stil happened once upon a time in the alternate universe (since Logan still remembered it) and not a lot had actually changed, right? Everyone was the same age, looked exactly the same and was basically almost in the exact same position. Jean still with Scott, Rogue dating Bobby, like she did in TLS. Rogue still had the silver streak so at least the events of X1 happened. I mean the events haven't happened, but mainly the character should work the same, since they went through such trouble to try and reconcile the Mystiques of the two movies eras. Link to comment
ApathyMonger February 26, 2015 Share February 26, 2015 Frasier-Beast from The Last Stand was still around too, and presumably Ellen Page as Kitty was still there (I can't remember if we actually see her in the new timeline). Link to comment
JBC344 February 26, 2015 Share February 26, 2015 True but it stil happened once upon a time in the alternate universe (since Logan still remembered it) and not a lot had actually changed, right? Everyone was the same age, looked exactly the same and was basically almost in the exact same position. Jean still with Scott, Rogue dating Bobby, like she did in TLS. Rogue still had the silver streak so at least the events of X1 happened. I mean the events haven't happened, but mainly the character should work the same, since they went through such trouble to try and reconcile the Mystiques of the two movies eras. I don't think its a matter of "The Last Stand" didn't happen necessarily even in an alternate universe. I think its more the producers are sort of asking us the general public to hand wave and just "pretend" it doesn't exist. For example in DOFP, we see in Logan's mind that he still has the memories of Jean as Phoenix and killing her. But we are also supposed to just dismiss The Last Stand because Professor X is alive in the future before Wolverine goes back in time which is impossible. So in essence you can't have both things exist in the same movie, same timeline. That's why it isn't a matter of the movies connecting it's more of a matter of the producers just want us to forget about The Last Stand in order to really get into the subsequent movies. 2 Link to comment
FurryFury February 26, 2015 Share February 26, 2015 I think Xavier was revealed to be alive in the stinger to Last Stand, so his appearance in DoFP doesn't contradict this movie. Now, Moira being in her 40s is another thing... 1 Link to comment
Sakura12 February 26, 2015 Share February 26, 2015 I think Logan remembers the Last Stand alternate timeline, but none of that happened in the rebooted timeline. Whatever happened with Jean as Phoenix turned out differently,mostly being she and Cyclops survived. Link to comment
JBC344 February 26, 2015 Share February 26, 2015 I think Xavier was revealed to be alive in the stinger to Last Stand, so his appearance in DoFP doesn't contradict this movie. Now, Moira being in her 40s is another thing... Xavier transported his mind into Moira's coma patient, but that doesn't explain him being "himself" in DOFP. Unless the guy who was in a coma was Charles's twin brother it still doesn't make sense. Link to comment
Dandesun February 26, 2015 Share February 26, 2015 Xavier and Magneto are like Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald. Enemies who deep down love each other. My take, anyway. I consider First Class to be a full on love story. It is the love story of Erik and Charles. It plays out as such... it's a tragic love story, certainly, but a love story all the same and it was damned irritating to have Charles rail at Erik in DOFP about how he'd stolen her (meaning Mystique) while I'm like, "Charles, that's not what you're angry about. You're angry about losing your true love to his own baggage and manpain... and you're right to be angry! Erik is being a major douche about it all!" 5 Link to comment
Bruinsfan February 28, 2015 Share February 28, 2015 Xavier transported his mind into Moira's coma patient, but that doesn't explain him being "himself" in DOFP. Unless the guy who was in a coma was Charles's twin brother it still doesn't make sense I suppose technically Xavier could just be making everyone see him as his old self, although the new body being confined to a wheelchair is a bit of a stretch. Link to comment
ApathyMonger March 28, 2015 Share March 28, 2015 WOLVERINE ...ONE LAST TIME. HJ I'm not sure what he means by "One Last TIme." Is he doing X-Men: Apocalypse, but Wolverine 3 is cancelled for some reason? Or that he's doing Wolverine 3 but not Apocalypse? That would be an odd thing to announce. Maybe he means this is his last "X-Men" movie? Link to comment
Kromm April 2, 2015 Share April 2, 2015 Since "Deadpool" is part of the Fox X-verse... 1 Link to comment
dusang April 6, 2015 Share April 6, 2015 (edited) I'm just rewatching DoFP on Netflix and things that vaguely bothered me in theatres are really bothering me now. My thoughts are kind of all over the place but generally I hate the timeline they created and destroyed for the film. As others have debated Charles' being alive at the beginning of DoFP and how that would relate to X3 -- if Mystique were caught and experimented on in 1973 how would she have been free with Magneto in X1 and X2? If the Sentinel program were launched in 1973 how would those movies have happened at all? So it seems the future timeline is entirely new for DoFP. And Wolverine prevented that, so something else happened -- what we actually saw for X1/2/3 with some changes? Who knows. I guess we can consider the original trilogy scrapped Star Trek stylez. Which is a little upsetting because I really liked X1 & X2. And Mystique in X1 & X2 is THE BEST, so every deviation from that awesomeness is fundamentally distressing to me. But what really bothered me was the idea of "her first kill" being some big effing deal. Wolverine wakes up and kills three randos in like 15 seconds and it's no big but Mystique killing someone just ruins everything forever? It just seems so like "the little lady has to stay pure of heart" and other such bullshit. And, although I generally like Mystique's fighting style (as she is THE BEST) some of the choreography kind of bugged -- the long pauses for significant close-ups just screamed, JUST SHOOT HER SHE'S STANDING STILL to me. Also, I just hated the 1973 version of Charles. In the plane confrontation between Charles and Eric I personally think Eric was on the moral high ground and Charles is a whiny little bratty baby. I've always loved that Magneto has possibly the most sympathetic origin story of any villain and the X-Men generally have a far greyer view of good vs. evil than the average superhero story but Charles was just a douchetard -- it kind of unbalanced the whole thing. Edited April 6, 2015 by dusang Link to comment
PrincessEnnui April 7, 2015 Share April 7, 2015 I'm not sure what he means by "One Last TIme." Is he doing X-Men: Apocalypse, but Wolverine 3 is cancelled for some reason? Or that he's doing Wolverine 3 but not Apocalypse? That would be an odd thing to announce. Maybe he means this is his last "X-Men" movie? I wish someone would explain to me the appeal of Wolverine. I liked him well enough as kid. That was mostly because out of all the X-Men, aside from Jubilee, he seemed the most normal. When Cyclops was sulking about being unable to control his eye lasers, Jean struggling with levitating an endtable, and Charles being self righteous, those two would go out and have a bit of fun and enjoy their power. Sometimes, I shake my head at the movie franchise. So many interesting characters and stories to tell in this series, and they give us yet another goddamned love triangle with more Wolverine focus than ever. Also, at this point I am willing to go with Final Fantasy XIII-2's "change the future and you change the past" time travel logic. Square should know, they made Chrono Trigger. 2 Link to comment
Dandesun April 7, 2015 Share April 7, 2015 I can't stand Wolverine so I can't explain the appeal. I can certainly explain the appeal of Hugh Jackman but even that bloom is fading after making Wolverine the focus of Days of Future Past when that's Kitty's story. I'm also tired of Mystique so I'm looking forward to a break from her. I love the Charles/Magneto dynamic... that's something they've consistently gotten right, I think. In the comics, I loved Magneto, Gambit, Kitty, Kurt, Jean, Storm, Polaris, Rogue, Iceman... Back in the 90s I was heavily involved in X-Men fanfic which was prolific and exciting and fascinating because you had a lot of different people exploring different aspects of story and character and amazing stories got written that never made the comics. I think my favorite period of the books were the Australian outback years unless you count Excalibur because that shit was crazy and hilarious and weird and dark. But there are so many mutants and so many female mutants that are amazing and that's what makes the movies continued focus on Wolverine even more annoying. Movie!Storm is not Ororo Goddamn Munroe. Movie!Kitty is not Kitty Fucking Pryde. And Rogue?! What the hell did they do to my flying brick?! I understand that you can't play out characters the same way... I GET that... but they took all of Rogue's sass and fire and made her mutant power audible swallowing while her character was a freaking wallflower. What. The. Hell?! Movie!Bobby is NOTHING like comic!Bobby. And while I can appreciate that the movies were trying to bring a 'realistic moody' tone to the table basically everyone was dour and humorless. Oh, unless Wolverine was calling Scott a dick. Har! ::grumble:: I'm hoping for more. I want more. Give me more!! 3 Link to comment
Bruinsfan April 8, 2015 Share April 8, 2015 I think Wolverine's appeal begins and ends with Hugh Jackman's charisma. I've never been able to stand the character in the comics, and am sincerely happy that he's currently dead. 2 Link to comment
dusang April 9, 2015 Share April 9, 2015 I think Wolverine's appeal begins and ends with Hugh Jackman's charisma. I've never been able to stand the character in the comics, and am sincerely happy that he's currently dead. That may be true, but HJ's charisma can go a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong way in my book. :) 1 Link to comment
Dandesun April 9, 2015 Share April 9, 2015 That may be true, but HJ's charisma can go a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong way in my book. :) It can and has gone a long way but it's time to focus elsewhere... which is what I think they're doing with the casting of Jean, Scott, Ororo and Kurt for Apocalypse. I'd like to think that even a movie studio can recognize that they can't milk the Hugh Jackman cow forever. Wolverine may not age much but Hugh does so they really do need to invest some time and care into the many other X-characters out there. 1 Link to comment
dusang April 9, 2015 Share April 9, 2015 (edited) It can and has gone a long way but it's time to focus elsewhere... which is what I think they're doing with the casting of Jean, Scott, Ororo and Kurt for Apocalypse. I'd like to think that even a movie studio can recognize that they can't milk the Hugh Jackman cow forever. Wolverine may not age much but Hugh does so they really do need to invest some time and care into the many other X-characters out there. True. Honestly, I've never read the comics and haven't followed the cartoon in decades so I evaluate the films as very stand-alone entities. I enjoyed the first one, loved X2 (possibly because Nightcrawler's opening fight was so fun), despised X3 and everything it represented, was excited by First Class, and ultimately disappointed by DoFP. (And let's not even discuss the Wolverine stand-alones.) Edited April 9, 2015 by dusang Link to comment
Jeebus Cripes April 11, 2015 Share April 11, 2015 Back in the 90s I was heavily involved in X-Men fanfic which was prolific and exciting and fascinating because you had a lot of different people exploring different aspects of story and character and amazing stories got written that never made the comics. I think my favorite period of the books were the Australian outback years unless you count Excalibur because that shit was crazy and hilarious and weird and dark. But there are so many mutants and so many female mutants that are amazing and that's what makes the movies continued focus on Wolverine even more annoying. Movie!Storm is not Ororo Goddamn Munroe. Movie!Kitty is not Kitty Fucking Pryde. And Rogue?! What the hell did they do to my flying brick?! I understand that you can't play out characters the same way... I GET that... but they took all of Rogue's sass and fire and made her mutant power audible swallowing while her character was a freaking wallflower. What. The. Hell?! Movie!Bobby is NOTHING like comic!Bobby. And while I can appreciate that the movies were trying to bring a 'realistic moody' tone to the table basically everyone was dour and humorless. Oh, unless Wolverine was calling Scott a dick. Har! Yes, the there was some amazing fanfic floating about back then! Good times. ITA with every word in the second paragraph. A thousand times over, THIS! ^^^ I've really come to loathe what they did to those characters. I kind of grumbled and accepted it after the first movie, because I thought they might grow into their characters as the films progressed, but that shit never happened. Link to comment
thuganomics85 April 13, 2015 Share April 13, 2015 Another new mutant for X-Men Apocalypse: Olivia Munn will be playing Psylocke Link to comment
Joe April 13, 2015 Share April 13, 2015 That really surprised me at first. I was like, She's Japa-- hang on. Yeah. Too early in the morning. Can she act? 1 Link to comment
thuganomics85 April 13, 2015 Share April 13, 2015 That really surprised me at first. I was like, She's Japa-- hang on. Yeah. Too early in the morning. Can she act? Depends on who you ask. I know some who aren't fans of her and I use to not be all that wild about her, but I actually really enjoyed her as Sloan on The Newsroom. That said, considering how huge this cast is getting, I'm really wondering just how many characters/actors will actually have time to leave lasting impressions in the film. 1 Link to comment
Dandesun April 13, 2015 Share April 13, 2015 Is she starting out as British Betsy? Link to comment
Joe April 13, 2015 Share April 13, 2015 Update! She's biracial. So I don't know if she's English or Japanese Betsy. Maybe Singer has something cool in mind, but by casting a biracial actor it looks like he's going for 'close enough.' And that annoys me. If it was me, I'd cast an English actor and a Japanese actor, put the switch in the movie. considering how huge this cast is getting, I'm really wondering just how many characters/actors will actually have time to leave lasting impressions in the film. It'll probably end up like the other movies. A focus on several, then a bunch of cameos to make us all get excited. Link to comment
PrincessEnnui April 14, 2015 Share April 14, 2015 It'll probably end up like the other movies. A focus on several, then a bunch of cameos to make us all get excited. So, the usual then. I don't get why Fox or whoever licenses all these characters who often aren't even officially introduced and then usually disappeared or killed off in the same scene. Did no one learn anything from Sony's(?) Spiderman 3? Link to comment
Jeebus Cripes April 14, 2015 Share April 14, 2015 If it was me, I'd cast an English actor and a Japanese actor, put the switch in the movie. It'll probably end up like the other movies. A focus on several, then a bunch of cameos to make us all get excited. But then you'd actually be following comic canon... how outrageous of you to even suggest it. **gives Singer and FOX the stinkeye** 2 Link to comment
ApathyMonger April 14, 2015 Share April 14, 2015 (edited) I think adapting the whole Kwannon storyline would be ridiculous. And not just because it's confusing as hell, especially if you really want to follow the comics and bring all the Spiral stuff in. I'd rather Psylocke was still British, but Olivia Munn was as good as an actress could be on The Newsroom. Edited April 14, 2015 by ApathyMonger 1 Link to comment
MrsRafaelBarba April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 Another new mutant for X-Men Apocalypse: Olivia Munn will be playing Psylocke Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... Link to comment
ApathyMonger April 22, 2015 Share April 22, 2015 With all the recent talk of directors for Captain Marvel and Wonder Woman, isn't it odd that Fox haven't announced a director for Gambit yet? It's opening in less than 18 months, and all we really know is that Channing Tatum will be in it. Link to comment
Dandesun April 22, 2015 Share April 22, 2015 Yeah... it's worrying. Remy ranks among my absolute favorites and I really want this to be good. Come on, Fox. Don't be that guy. 1 Link to comment
Jeebus Cripes April 23, 2015 Share April 23, 2015 And here I am fervently hoping the film never gets made, at least not with Tatum in it. So, the guy playing Havok will be back for Apocalypse. Why, Singer? WHY? That guy's appeal is completely lost on me. He is awful. 1 Link to comment
Bruinsfan April 23, 2015 Share April 23, 2015 I thought he was OK, though McAvoy, Fassbender, and Hoult are the only First Class actors I feel any real enthusiasm about seeing again. Link to comment
JessePinkman April 24, 2015 Share April 24, 2015 I thought he was OK, though McAvoy, Fassbender, and Hoult are the only First Class actors I feel any real enthusiasm about seeing again. Me too. I'll never get over DoFP being sacrificed to the fame of Jennifer Lawrence. 3 Link to comment
stealinghome April 24, 2015 Share April 24, 2015 Eh, if DoFP was sacrificed to anyone, it was Wolverine. That should've been Kitty's film. 1 Link to comment
JessePinkman April 24, 2015 Share April 24, 2015 Eh, if DoFP was sacrificed to anyone, it was Wolverine. That should've been Kitty's film. Well, yes, it was Kitty's story but they were clearly capitalizing on the popularity of Jennifer Lawrence. Wolverine didn't really DO anything in DoFP, he was just sort of there. Link to comment
Jeebus Cripes April 24, 2015 Share April 24, 2015 Well, yes, it was Kitty's story but they were clearly capitalizing on the popularity of Jennifer Lawrence. Wolverine didn't really DO anything in DoFP, he was just sort of there. He did manage to convince the needed players that he was from the future and got things changed because of it. So, I guess he did something. I do agree about the superfluous use of JLaw, though. 1 Link to comment
HoodlumSheep April 24, 2015 Share April 24, 2015 Eh, if DoFP was sacrificed to anyone, it was Wolverine. That should've been Kitty's film. All i remember about film kitty was that she was super bland, so I'm fine with it not being kitty focused (isn't she supposed to be a bazillion times more amazing in the comics?) And I'll sadly admit that most of my x-men knowledge comes from the 90s cartoon. I loved Gambit in that cartoon, so I'm upset that Tatum's supposed to play him. :( i just can't see him as Gambit??? Channing's got his work cut out for him; I'll accept nothing less than an oscar-worthy performance, or I think I'll automatically delete the movie from my mind. 1 Link to comment
Bruinsfan April 25, 2015 Share April 25, 2015 (edited) Sadly, they'd already cast the perfect Gambit in the otherwise horrible mess that was Wolverine: Origins. I guess studios are (unfairly) skittish about using Kitsch after Disney's marketing department torpedoed John Carter to the tune of a $200 million writedown. Edited April 25, 2015 by Bruinsfan 1 Link to comment
Jeebus Cripes April 25, 2015 Share April 25, 2015 (edited) It upsets me that there was seemingly no casting process involved for this new Gambit film. I mean, I can't be certain, but it seems like the movie and Tatum's casting just came from nowhere. Tatum as Gambit --BAM, decided. It's like the dude expressed his love for the character, and without even exploring any options, FOX or whomever is charge of casting just jumped all over that shit because he's such a big deal, without even considering who might be best suited for the actual role. It pisses me off. Edited April 25, 2015 by Jeebus Cripes 3 Link to comment
Enigma X April 26, 2015 Share April 26, 2015 Gambit is my favorite X-Man. It also bothers me that an actor, who in my opinion, is the epitome of the boy next door category is portraying an X-Man who is quite opposite of that. 1 Link to comment
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