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Guilty Pleasures: Songs You're Ashamed Of Having On Your MP3 Player

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C'mon, I know you've got something on your MP3 player your ashamed of. Ennui won't judge.


I have Wrecking Ball (Miley Cyrus), My Way and Take A Look Around (Limp Bizkit) and a full 1/3 of the music on my MP3 player is in Japanese (with German, Russian and plenty of Latin throw in for good measure). I also got select songs from Pokemon and Power Rangers. These songs aren't bad, particularly the foreign ones, they (Miley, Limp) just have crap "artists" behind them. XD


I am so embarrassed someone will find it and know its me. Yes, I realize the irony. 

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Afternoon Delight - Starland Vocal Band

Half Breed - Cher (for that matter, Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves)

Hooked on a Feeling - BJ Thomas


So, I guess what stopped me from posting to this thread is that I am not really ashamed of having these songs on my playlist.  ::giggle::


At 51 I have gotten to the age I don't care too much what people think!  HA!

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I usually stay out of music threads because I'm one of those sad people who are stuck in the past and know very little about what's on the radio today.  But, I can definitely play in this thread!  My taste is basically a little bit of everything from pre-rock and roll 50s to some recent stuff, with my favorites being rock from the late 60s-early 90s.  Throw in some AM Gold, Disco, hip hop, rap, hair metal and a few novelty songs and that's good, too. 


So, some of my guilty pleasures are:


 Brand New  Key by Melanie

 Call Me Maybe  by Carly Rae Jepsen

 Copacaban a by Barry Manilow

 Delta Dawn  and I Am Woman by Helen  Reddy

Down by the Lazy River by the Osmands

Ice Ice Baby by Vanilla Ice

It's Raining Men by The Weather Girls

Mmmm Bop by Hansen (waves to spaceytraci1208)

That's Rock and Roll by Shaun Cassidy


Some Cher songs (two of which are the same as BizBuzz)

A couple of Barbara Streisand songs.

A couple of Taylor Swift songs.


Damn--there are more, too.  Ok, I feel just embarrassed enough to have to say that I also have a Led Zepplin, Queen, Billy Joel, The Eagles, Adele, Pink, David Bowie, etc, etc,  on there, as well.  I don't live on guilty pleasures alone.....

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"Wildfire" is a classic, particularly the long version! 


Other guilty classics:

"Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car" by Billy Ocean

"Oh Babe, What Would You Say?" by Hurricane Smith

"I'm Your Man" by Wham


And "Mmm Bop". Yeah.


Holy crap, I used to love this song with I was a youngin'...  and I'd forgotten all about it!  I will now have to go and find it immediately.  Thanks...I think.


And no one should ever be embarrassed about loving Led Zeppelin.  Or Barry Manilow.

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Hey! Queen can not be a guilty pleasure! I don't want to know someone who doesn't like a Queen song. I've got 3 of their songs on mp3 player even though it violates my radio rule (song can't be heard on regular radio frequently). XD

Oh no!  You misunderstood my post!  I was getting embarrassed by the number of guilty pleasure songs I have on my iphone, so I listed some good bands just to restore my cred a little  :)  Queen is awesome!  In fact, I'm married to such a huge fan of Queen that he has their logo tattooed on his shoulder and owns every single album.  I'd better love them! 


I have I'm Your Man on my song list, too. 

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Other guilty classics:

"Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car" by Billy Ocean


Billy Ocean isn't a guilty pleasure, is he? In that case, "Carribean Queen" is played heavily in my home. I have no shame.


This one is bad: Anyone remember that horrible "Cotton Eye Joe" song by Rednex. **hides**

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"Baby Got Back" by Sir Mix-a-Lot. It makes me laugh every time.

"Crazy Bitch" by Buckcherry. It's a stupid song but I like the sound of it

"Don't Want to Wait Anymore" by The Tubes. Full on schmaltzy, but it reminds me of a boy.

"Amazing" by Kanye. I have no excuse. I pretend it's not him.

Finally I will admit here to owning a Pussycat Dolls song, although in real life I will deny that!

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And no one should ever be embarrassed about loving Led Zeppelin. 

I think you misunderstood my post.  Those were the bands I have on my iphone that counter balanced all of the awful songs I have on there, lest you all think that I have the worst musical taste of any you've ever met. 



Or Barry Manilow.

Barry Manilow?  No.  Copacabana?  For me, yes. 

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Billy Ocean isn't a guilty pleasure, is he? In that case, "Carribean Queen" is played heavily in my home. I have no shame.


I would posit that not all Billy Ocean qualifies as a guilty pleasure! I think "Caribbean Queen" is pretty much considered a classic of sorts at this point, and a touchstone song for 80s. Stuff like "Loverboy" and "Get Outta My Dreams...", on the other hand, definite GP material!


Is anyone hardcore enough about their GPs to like stuff by truly irredeemable groups who put out nothing but dreck, like Paper Lace or Ace of Base? Just wondering... :)

OMG, I still own the Ace of Base The Sign CD.  I don't ever play it anymore, but for some reason I can't part with it.  Does that count as a guilty pleasure? 


That CD got me through a particularly difficult time in my life.  Getting rid of it would be like discounting that I went through that pain.  ::giggle::

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She Drives Me Crazy by The Fine Young Cannibals (I used to be ape shit crazy for the black lead singer, Roland Gift)

Wake Me Up Before You Go Go by Wham!

I Knew You Were Waiting by Aretha Franklin and George Michael

Cherry Bomb by John Cougar Mellencamp

Brandy by Looking Glass

Indian Reservation and Silver Bird by Mark Lindsay (I used to be ape shit crazy for him too)

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OMG, I still own the Ace of Base The Sign CD.  I don't ever play it anymore, but for some reason I can't part with it.  Does that count as a guilty pleasure? 


That CD got me through a particularly difficult time in my life.  Getting rid of it would be like discounting that I went through that pain.  ::giggle::


I used to have the cassette! I will confess to having "The Sign," "Don't Turn Around" and "All That She Wants" on mp3. 

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I'm a big believer in the idea that there is no shame in liking something that harms nobody (said the 31-year-old woman, looking up from the Princess Celestia toy she was busily crocheting), and thus I don't have any songs or shows or hobbies that I really consider "guilty pleasures." I roll my windows down and sing along to Call Me Maybe and Never Gonna Give You Up (although for the latter I vastly prefer the version someone made that's a mashup with The Hand That Feeds). I still listen to Linkin Park and Evanescence. I own seven Rush albums, which apparently is something I shouldn't ever admit to. I have no shame.


I do, however, have a whole subcategory of songs that I love with a fierce joy even while parts of my own brain are going, "Really? We like this? Really?" I'll admit that some of the Rush stuff is in that category. So is Coldplay's Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall, which is less "Really? We like this?" and more "Really? This makes us cry?" And right at the top of that list right now is The Phoenix by Fall Out Boy. A little voice in the back of my head keeps telling me that it's a ridiculous song and the lyrics are the dorkiest thing ever, but the rest of me is singing along too loudly to hear it.

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I'm a big believer in the idea that there is no shame in liking something that harms nobody (said the 31-year-old woman, looking up from the Princess Celestia toy she was busily crocheting), and thus I don't have any songs or shows or hobbies that I really consider "guilty pleasures."

Yeah, I'm not ashamed to admit that I love certain songs, but I do consider many of them guilty pleasures because the general opinion of the ones on my iphone are considered "blah".


I also have Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go and Brandy.  And Mickey by Toni Basil.  Also, apparently Burn It to the Ground by Nickelback is considered a terrible song, so add that to my guilty pleasures list. 


I have half a dozen songs from the  Forever Plaid soundtrack downloaded.


How about  a subcategory of novelty songs?  I used to love Dr. Demento, so I enjoy funny songs.  Like:


The Streak by Ray Stevens

My Ding-a-Ling by Chuck Berry

So Long Mom and The Element Song by Tom Lehrer

The Scotsman by Bryan Bowers


You know, at some point, I expect someone to highlight one of my songs and say "ding, ding, ding! We have a winner!" --I have so many guilty pleasures.... :)

Edited by Shannon L.
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I'm a big believer in the idea that there is no shame in liking something that harms nobody (said the 31-year-old woman, looking up from the Princess Celestia toy she was busily crocheting), and thus I don't have any songs or shows or hobbies that I really consider "guilty pleasures." I roll my windows down and sing along to Call Me Maybe and Never Gonna Give You Up (although for the latter I vastly prefer the version someone made that's a mashup with The Hand That Feeds). I still listen to Linkin Park and Evanescence. I own seven Rush albums, which apparently is something I shouldn't ever admit to. I have no shame.


I do, however, have a whole subcategory of songs that I love with a fierce joy even while parts of my own brain are going, "Really? We like this? Really?" I'll admit that some of the Rush stuff is in that category. So is Coldplay's Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall, which is less "Really? We like this?" and more "Really? This makes us cry?" And right at the top of that list right now is The Phoenix by Fall Out Boy. A little voice in the back of my head keeps telling me that it's a ridiculous song and the lyrics are the dorkiest thing ever, but the rest of me is singing along too loudly to hear it.


Pretty sure my brother would propose marriage to you based on the Rush collection alone. Also, just YouTubed "The Hand That Gives You Up" and it was so perverse that I couldn't stop listening to it. I listen to Fall Out Boy, too. I went from thinking they were the worst to having, like, three albums. How did that happen?

A number of years ago (maybe even as many as almost 20), humor columnist Dave Berry came out with a book called Dave Berry's Book of Bad Songs.  Has anyone ever heard of it?  I bought it because it sounded funny and I laughed my butt off.  Granted, not all of the songs were actually bad--some were great classics, but he had criteria (the biggest being the lyrics) that some of those classics did fit into.  It started when he wrote a column about how much he disliked the song I Am, I Said by Neil Diamond because it had the lyrics:


I am, I said!, to no one there;

and no one heard at all, not even the chair


like the chair would have ever stood up and shouted "I heard that!"  The column garnered his biggest response from people not only defending Neil Diamond, but submitting their own entries and he decided to write a book on it.  I'm pretty sure you can still buy it on Amazon if you want a good laugh or two. 

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Oh how fun is this. I am in my late 40s so I'm there with the 79s stuff:

Amy (artist?$

Wildfire!!!! Makes me cry. I used to sit in the rec room on an extra square of pink shag carpeting left over from my room playing superfection or simon by myself until my stupid brother came in to play ping long with a friend of his and ruined it all. That's where that song takes me (but not why it makes me cry, I just see mark Hamill pining for pretty girl with long hair and the horse! The horse!)

Sorry I can't bold song titles from. My ipad.

Word up.

(Slinking away now...)

I'm only human (human league) (with the immortal line, "while you were away, I was human too")

It's not on my iPod, but I did just write a column riffing on the title of seasons in the sun. (We had joy, we had fun ...)

Edited by lucindabelle
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Waiting for a Star to Fall - Boy Meets Girl


I freaking LOVE that song! It's in the perfect key for my voice, and I enjoy singing the crap out of it every time I hear it. Also, it's such a perfect summer song.


Word up.

(Slinking away now...)

I'm only human (human league) (with the immortal line, "while you were away, I was human too")


"Word Up" by Cameo? Because yes. Any song that has a spoken dialogue section is instantly cheesy, but I too, love "I'm Only Human."  "The Rain" by Oran Juice Jones is hilarious. So bad but so good.

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No shame. I grew up in the 90's and 2000's. Of course I love terrible pop music. Also, ABBA. But to throw out some artists I probably shouldn't like (meaning I like more than one throwaway song) The Pussycat Dolls, Ke$ha, Katy Perry, Little Mix. In defense of Ke$ha, you've probably heard all the popular singles enough to make you hate them but try Dirty Love if you don't think there's any way you can appreciate her hits (Die Young, Blah Blah Blah, etc.). It's a very solid pop song with silly lyrics and it's not that far off from Gin Wigmore. I think Natalia Kills is kind of amazing but I guess you could throw her in there too.


"Toxic" and "I'm a Slave 4 U" by Britney Spears. Sometimes I get nostalgic for New Kids on the Block.

Who the hell doesn't like Toxic?


Afternoon Delight - Starland Vocal Band

The Glee version of this always makes me giggle when it comes up in my Spotify shuffle.


However, I am proud, proud I tell you about having Gloria by Laura Brannigan not only on my iPod but in every single playlist!

I also love the Glee version of Gloria even though the parts are arranged a little weirdly because in the episode Rachel and Santana are competing.


I figured out what I'm actually a little embarrassed of. It's the sappy stuff. "I Can Love You Like That" by John Michael Montgomery popped up on one of my Pandora radio stations and since then I love it even though the lyrics couldn't be sillier. And when I think of Barry Mannilow, I think of Thumbelina and "Let Me Be Your Wings" which still makes me happy possibly because of how cheesy and terrible the lyrics are. Oh, and the gospel tracks on the Disney Hercules soundtrack are such fun guilty pleasures. I think they're great. I'd just be embarrassed to be caught playing them in a way that I wouldn't if I were just playing pop songs.

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"It Wasn't Me" by Shaggy. How can you not laugh?


Some months ago, I was taking the bus home from work and this guy's phone rang. All of a sudden, "It Wasn't Me" was blasting as his ringtone and everyone laughed.


Gotta agree with Aradia, the Muses were awesome. I have Zero to Hero and Gospel Truth on my MP3 player. I am not ashamed. :)

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If ABBA and Katy Perry are considered guilty pleasures, then I'll admit to having some of those, too.  What about Lady Gaga?  I love     Born This Way    ,     Edge of Glory     and    You and I   .  I also left  out the fact that I have a lot of Glee versions of songs on my iphone, but since  aradia22 admitted to it, I'll join her.


Last night I bought    Electric Avenue   ,   Freedom   (by Wham!, not '90 by George. I ha ve that one, too, but don't consider it a guilty pleasure),   S unglasses at Night   and The Stroke.  I think those belong on here.   



Oh, and the gospel tracks on the Disney Hercules soundtrack are such fun guilty pleasures. I think they're great. I'd just be embarrassed to be caught playing them in a way that I wouldn't if I were just playing pop songs.

[small voice] When my kids were little, I loved the High School Musical soundtrack. 

Edited by Shannon L.

]When my kids were little, I loved the High School Musical soundtrack.

@Shannon L. I've seen all three HSMs multiple times. We even went to the theater to see HSM3. I have no shame in the fact I can sing along to the entire soundtrack from 1 & most of 2. 3 was never as big a hit with my kids. I will admit to a slight bit of head hanging at how well I know the songs from Disney's Teen Beach Movie.
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Gotta agree with Aradia, the Muses were awesome. I have Zero to Hero and Gospel Truth on my MP3 player. I am not ashamed. :)

I met Lillias White in person after a concert. No joke, almost cried.

I'm not really into liking things "ironically" but I love things even when they're terrible and sometimes when they're expressly trying to be terrible. For instance, there are some great Glee covers that I really enjoy like Songbird and DROMP. But sometimes nothing makes me happier than when "Run Joey Run" starts playing on shuffle. Also, it's terrible that "With You I'm Born Again" isn't available on Spotify or iTunes. So I will sometimes open up Netflix just to watch that song. 

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I like so many songs listed in this thread, and without guilt.  The only song I am truly embarassed to have on my iPod is Donna Fargo's The Happiest Girl in the Whole U.S.A. 


Songs that probably should embarass me to own, but don't:


Bell Biv DeVoe, Do Me!

Naughty by Nature, O.P.P.

Tiffany, Should've Been Me

Bertie Higgins, Key Largo

David Allan Coe, You Never Even Call Me By My Name

Vixen, How Much Love

Trixter, One in a Million

Janie Fricke, She's Single Again

The Gatlin Brothers, All the Gold in California

Tracey Ullman, They Don't Know

Aqua, Barbie Girl

Divinyls, I Touch Myself

Quiet Riot, Cum on Feel the Noize (the spelling, yes, the song, no)

Positive K, I Got a Man

David Frizzell, I'm Gonna Hire a Wino to Decorate Our Home

Skid Row, Youth Gone Wild

Gary Wright, Dream Weaver

DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince, Parents Just Don't Understand

Pebbles, Girlfriend

Coolio, Gangsta's Paradise

Joe Nichols, Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off

Bananarama, Cruel Summer

Biz Markie, Just a Friend

Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch, Good Vibrations

Anne Murray, Now and Forever and Could I Have This Dance

T.G. Sheppard, War is Hell on the Homefront Too

The Oak Ridge Boys, Elvira

Colbie Caillat, Bubbly

Gary Puckett & The Union Gap, Young Girl


And now I am off to download Waiting for a Star to Fall ...

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