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The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value

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Jackass Rides Horse 

Reading the hash tags under this I am terrified they're shooting a video for one of Joe's "songs".  If this doesn't get her laughed off the air, nothing will. 


Edited by teddysmom
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12 minutes ago, XOQueens said:

Hashtag bareback?

Holy mother of god, Mika.

So it wasn't just me wondering wtf she was thinking.  I'm sure she has no idea what she just hashtagged herself into. 

Rebekah is thinking, "Get this dumbass off me before I buck her into next week". 



Edited by teddysmom
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Mika & Danielle are promoting their little advice column and have named it "Am I Getting Fired", the phrase that has gone thru Mika's mind every day for 20 years.

And she suggests one of the questions you can ask is "What if my boss is hitting on me?" 

I mean you cannot make this shit up.   So, who wants to submit a question? 

What do I do when my boss is a raging moron, thinks people actually want her advice, and makes us stay up all hours folding teeshirts and telling her how pretty she is? 


Not Danielle


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" It brought me back to my childhood of riding 24/7 all the time every second I had on my best friend Strawberry!"

Hmmm. As poorly as she reads the teleprompter, with news presumably written by adults, we should be happy she doesn't write her own copy...her intelligence is not showing in this tweet. As we suspected, this is proof that her co-authors/ghost writers do all the heavy lifting on her books. (If copy and pasting from one book to another is considered heavy lifting.)

Of course she had to snag the polo player for her KYV cult. No one is safe. I'm waiting for the Publix bakery ladies to show up next.

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57 minutes ago, plumbago blues said:

Of course she had to snag the polo player for her KYV cult. No one is safe. I'm waiting for the Publix bakery ladies to show up next.



































































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8 hours ago, teddysmom said:





Jackass Rides Horse 

Reading the hash tags under this I am terrified they're shooting a video for one of Joe's "songs".  If this doesn't get her laughed off the air, nothing will. 


Seriously, what is the problem with calling these two out on their yucky behavior?

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File this under you can't make this shit up category, apparently the President is a fan of Joe's musical stylings:

Olivia Nuzzi Twitter account:


Dear diary, I’m in a Des Moines hotel lobby with roughly half of the national political press corps. Donald Trump is on the TVs while, over the speakers, “Time Rolls On” by Joe Scarborough plays.

Edited by Chloesmom
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Bringing Mika's non-reaction to Donnie Douche over here.

She didn't/doesn't respond to these moments in the way one would expect, given her "platform", because she can't. She doesn't have the capacity to process these spontaneous conversations and respond in any other way but her usual murmurs, sour faces, and head shakes. It is obvious she is mentally challenged and disengaged and can only "speak up" if someone has written the proper response for her; thus her need for her young minions to provide the material for those snazzy KYV lectures and videos. She is a fraud and poser.

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6 hours ago, plumbago blues said:

Bringing Mika's non-reaction to Donnie Douche over here.

She didn't/doesn't respond to these moments in the way one would expect, given her "platform", because she can't. She doesn't have the capacity to process these spontaneous conversations and respond in any other way but her usual murmurs, sour faces, and head shakes. It is obvious she is mentally challenged and disengaged and can only "speak up" if someone has written the proper response for her; thus her need for her young minions to provide the material for those snazzy KYV lectures and videos. She is a fraud and poser.

Mika used to be much more engaged in discussions when she was in the NY studio on a regular basis with Joe. I don't think Joe is as engaged in discussions anymore either. He rarely allows any guests that would oppose him. His monologues on religion are bizarre.

They are very lucky that the Trump Presidency provides them a lot of issues to discuss.

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On 2/8/2020 at 11:21 AM, plumbago blues said:

Bringing Mika's non-reaction to Donnie Douche over here.

She didn't/doesn't respond to these moments in the way one would expect, given her "platform", because she can't. She doesn't have the capacity to process these spontaneous conversations and respond in any other way but her usual murmurs, sour faces, and head shakes. It is obvious she is mentally challenged and disengaged and can only "speak up" if someone has written the proper response for her; thus her need for her young minions to provide the material for those snazzy KYV lectures and videos. She is a fraud and poser.

This is spot on.  She does almost no preparation and has stopped using whatever analytical abilities she had because she can coast as Joe's wife and TV sidekick.

Joe is so dominant that it is probably easy to let him take over.

Also, Joe's personal rage toward Trump makes me wonder if he somehow blames Trump for forcing his and Mika's relationship in the open.  They had a hush hush affair that people knew about but did not openly verbalize.  Then comes Trump and announces it in the media, and they had to pretend like the whole affair was legit when it had been their secret.  I think that a lot of their commentary is colored by being pissed about that, especially Joe.

Edited by nittanycougar
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13 hours ago, cased said:

Mika’s crusade for today is anti high heels

Oooooooooh. Maybe she'll burn her bra in the next video!

Duh fucking duh. Of  course you don't wear heels. You wear tank tops and bathrobes (with the occasional scarf to keep yourself occupied while the men speak) on your national tv show broadcast from your kitchen table.

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No fucking way did she ditch her Louboutin addiction. No way. 

And she's not coming for mine* either. They hurt like hell but I love them. And if she wants to look like a sow in her ugly pink sneakers, that's her prerogative. 

*I have one pair and they were a gift.

Also, her essay reads like an obnoxious, spoiled 7th grader wrote it. 

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Ok, they changed something on Twitter and I can't copy and paste tweets anymore but apparently today's guest Taylor Lorenz doesn't know her value as she is dragging Mika all over the place . . . yikes!


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Somebody tweeted that it's because Mika's a "boomer". 

No she actually isn't, she's just a dumbass. 

I'm a boomer and I do know what a meme, and GIF is, how to rotate a PDF (that was the new one yesterday), etc. 

For some reason Mika thinks not knowing anything about technology makes her seem smart. 



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Mika, it is really not a good look to demonstrate that you are willfully ignorant in order to do a comedy sketch at a guest's expense. (You just know that she thought her line about an app getting kids to vote was going to be killer.)

For all of your preaching about KYV, you were totally disrespectful to Taylor Lorenz. I was unfamiliar with her until I saw the clip she posted. Yes, she's young and she reports on a subject that you don't give a shit about, but she's a reporter for the New York Freakin' Times. That tells me that some editor at the most powerful newspaper in the country saw a need for coverage of the subject and that she is probably very good at her job.

(ETA, Mika has over 100k followers on IG. She knows damn well what an influence social media can be.)



Edited by xaxat
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3 hours ago, teddysmom said:

I don't get who this person was or why she was on the show? To explain memes? 

I'm not on IG so I didn't see all these. I saw the one where he grabbed the dog's mouth on Twitter.  

Here's the story behind Bloomberg memes.    No comment. 


Huh.  Yeah I got nothing too.

I at first got Lorenz confused with Lauren Duca at Teen Vogue who turned Tucker Carlson into a shrieking, sweaty mess by the time the literally yanked the segment off the air then I found an article I had read a while ago when she was hired by the NYT where she told everybody not to DM her with ideas or anything because she was too busy to talk with them right now.  Endearing little thing.

She also made fun of CNBC and another cable channel (thankfully she likes Hallie Jackson so there's that).


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This performance by Mika is yet another example of just how shallow and out of touch she is.  Just more evidence that her KYV crap is a total sham. The guest was a bad fit for the show and  a horrid fit for someone at Mika's level. It would have gone smoothly with Willie at the helm but Mika was struggling the whole time and, as usual, when in over her head, she over- played her dumbness. Not a good look. This "real" Mika is what makes her staged Cosmo question bullshit so laughable. She's got nothing. I don't really think she understands social media; someone made her an account and she uses it to brag about how dreamy her husband is and how fab she thinks she is. Ugh.

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Good Lord, what am I looking at?  I see Joe, I see a Cabbage Patch Doll in the background. I see a woman sitting next to Joe.  At first I thought she was a mannequin; then I thought she may be Deborah Harry.  And forsythia.  But what?  Is this Joe's latest gig?  Is that Meeka in a wig, posing as a mannequin with a guitar? Hey, I wouldn't put it past her! 


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OMG! What is this? Where did it come from??? Was this a Halloween gig? April Fools' stunt? The entertainment break at a KYV shaminar? A quiet night in? The formal end to her relationship with her (dying of embarrassment) daughters? A clip of a new MSNBC "Let's Pretend We're Hippies" music documentary? Please, please, please explain.

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I have an interesting philosophical debate question for all of you...and I'm NOT being facetious, just genuinely reflective:

How smart does one have to be to realize that Mika isn't?

I've seriously wondered about this. Most of the political commentators, hardline news reporters etc MUST realize her grasp of the issues and level of preparation falls short of expected standards. But they are also in a position of vying for favors, trying to get themselves re-booked etc. 

Her mentees like Kasie must surely also notice, but I think again 1) they probably don't have time to watch the full 3-hour show 2) her personal support of them re: babies, raises, etc trumps any professional misgivings they may have about her. I've literally been in this position myself, so I get it - in the workplace I'd rather have an unremarkable ally than a brilliant foe.

Then I wonder about their staff - and again...if you're a camera person or make-up artist or intern...like, you wouldn't necessarily KNOW that she has no idea what she's talking about, in terms of political analysis? Would you? Does that explain some of the intense loyalty these two receive?

Finally, the viewers. We'd like to think they're all pretty smart and discerning...but I keep seeing stuff on Twitter congratulating Mika on her excellent analysis etc, etc. Can people have the capacity to follow and enjoy this show without also realizing that Mika doesn't? I'm asking because I find it kind of fascinating. There's phenomena in popular cultura where I feel like I'm immediately able to define something is pretentious nonsense but other people take it at face value. I'm guessing MJ must be a similar phenomenon?


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I am not sure you have to be smart to be a "tv news" celeb.  Meeka is not dumb (well, not sure but giving her the benefit of the doubt). She - maybe because of her upbringing - is completely ignorant when it comes to relating to people. As we have discussed, there is just something missing from her.  She did tear up yesterday during the interview with the Parkland father - and I think it was genuine.      

I think she knows she is out of her league intellectually with their guests so she relies on being the Star's Wife.  She pretends to be unaware of pop culture because she thinks this makes her LOOK smart. The fact that women buy tickets to her seminars and purchase her books is a pathetic view of where we are today in the news business.

I have a grudging admiration for The Twins.  They both seem to crave attention and they have parlayed their affair and marriage to become movers and shakers in the 24-hour news cycle.  But I think without each other their individual value would plummet.    


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48 minutes ago, Kemper said:

I am not sure you have to be smart to be a "tv news" celeb.  Meeka is not dumb (well, not sure but giving her the benefit of the doubt). She - maybe because of her upbringing - is completely ignorant when it comes to relating to people. As we have discussed, there is just something missing from her.  She did tear up yesterday during the interview with the Parkland father - and I think it was genuine.      

Hmm that's interesting. I've seen this said before but I'm not sure I agree. For me what she's missing is DEFINITELY intellect. I actually think she IS quite good at relating to other people. She's compassionate, she can be charming. She has a sense of humor, though it was more pronounced a couple of years ago. To be honest I never really noticed she didn't quite have the intellectual capacity until they moved to Florida and she had to perform/give commentary on a single camera. For me, at the table, she was fine. But one-on-one it suddenly became clear she couldn't articulate her thoughts, or structure her questions, AT ALL. But does one need to be especially perceptive to notice this, I wonder?

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I have a theory. I think everyone (co-workers, guests, family) knows she's not that bright. She was born into a family and community of accomplished individuals and the accepted norm was to kind of pass her along the same channels: good schools, activities, job opportunities, despite her somewhat limited intellectual abilities. The famous last name was her ticket into the news reading business...if she couldn't make news, she could at least read it...but I doubt she was ever that capable. She drones on about being fired from CBS or wherever and blames age/sex discrimination but I wouldn't be surprised if it was just poor performance. As we all know, she sure hasn't improved her skills over time. I think to downplay her weakness she overplayed what she thought were her strengths: her looks. She was quite the stereotyped tv star, with the bleached hair, thin body, tight dresses and stilettos. I think she thought if she looked the part, no one would notice she had nothing else to offer. I remember back in the TWoP days, we used to laugh about her always ending every segment (never actually participating in the discussions) with "questions must be asked" and I used to yell back "Yeah, but not by YOU!" I think Joe, another somewhat flawed character, saw her as a ticket to higher ratings by her vampy presence and we all know how that story  ended. They empower each other and somehow hood-winked management into promoting them and their projects. I think all the people on the show tolerate them for their own exposure to a national audience. You'll notice that she never does anything alone: always needs a crutch, be it Joe or a woman with more of a story to tell than her. I think she may have some attention deficit issues, as well, as she really can't verbally stay with a story. So, I think everyone knows she's out of her league playing on a national field...one can only hope she'll soon give up, or be forced to give up, and yield the space to a more qualified individual.

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Plumbago Blues - nailed it. 

Agree she's not intellectually bright and there may be ADHD or something at play as well.  She wants to be taken seriously but she has never tried to apply herself to learn anything other than reading what's in front of her.  I think the Paris Hilton hissy fit was a light bulb moment for her "AHA! Outrage! That's my ticket to stardom".  

Look I don't know everything about international politics, foreign policy, economics,  etc. but I know how to find out what I want to know, and I know how to study it so I can at least have a conversation about it.  

That's intellectual curiosity, and Mika has zero of that. 




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Oh Dear God She's at it again.  Don't cry at work!   At least try not to!  

So, how about some perspective here, Mika. You're talking about crying because someone was mean to you? Or because Minion #2 didn't fold the teeshirts correctly? 

I "cried" I guess, or teared up, when people came over to offer condolences when Teddy died.   

But as a rule it's not even in my mind "don't cry don't cry".  Who the fuck are YOU of all people to scold people to "be professional".   

I did cry that one time my boob flew out of my top.  And my neck rash won't clear up. 


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Yowza. How low can the depths of her shallowness be? I agree with you, teddysmom: crying was never an act/option I once ever thought about at work, even in high stress ICU type work involving life and death situations where everyone is flying off the handle. This "professional" advice is proof that she has no clue about a real work place where people show up every day and do their jobs, and sometimes the jobs of others, in a calm, dogged fashion. Sure, one can cry to relieve the stress later, but not in the moment. Is she lecturing to high school girls? Are her mentees so emotionally weak that this is even a thing? I guess times have changed...making me proud to be an aging boomer who was taught right. 

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28 minutes ago, plumbago blues said:

Yowza. How low can the depths of her shallowness be? I agree with you, teddysmom: crying was never an act/option I once ever thought about at work, even in high stress ICU type work involving life and death situations where everyone is flying off the handle. This "professional" advice is proof that she has no clue about a real work place where people show up every day and do their jobs, and sometimes the jobs of others, in a calm, dogged fashion. Sure, one can cry to relieve the stress later, but not in the moment. Is she lecturing to high school girls? Are her mentees so emotionally weak that this is even a thing? I guess times have changed...making me proud to be an aging boomer who was taught right. 

Everything is "I did this and got made fun of, was yelled at, fired, etc.,  so I will  tell you, who I will wrongly assume is as  big a dipshit as I am, not to do the same". 





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2 hours ago, teddysmom said:

Look I don't know everything about international politics, foreign policy, economics,  etc. but I know how to find out what I want to know, and I know how to study it so I can at least have a conversation about it. 

Or, I don't know . . . if you were Mika you could always . . . oh, I don't know . . . LEARN FROM THE DECADES YOU SPENT WITH YOUR FATHER?

I don't know, just a thought.

Again, that whole video.  Crying at work?  Good grief.  I agree Teddysmom, when it's something personal like the loss of a loved one no problem at all (the only time I ever cried in public at work was when a department I didn't even work in but worked with allocated a chunk of their bonus money to me they were so happy to have me on board.  After the shock wore off as I had pretty much just started there I burst into tears and had a tough time pulling myself together which is very rare for me).  The fact that Meeks thinks everybody flies apart at work is just another indication that she is not (as my mom would say) not wired like the rest of her family.

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10 minutes ago, Chloesmom said:

The fact that Meeks thinks everybody flies apart at work is just another indication that she is not (as my mom would say) not wired like the rest of her family.

And the fact that she thinks her behavior is adorable.  UGH


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5 hours ago, Chloesmom said:

I agree Teddysmom, when it's something personal like the loss of a loved one no problem at all (the only time I ever cried in public at work was when a department I didn't even work in but worked with allocated a chunk of their bonus money to me they were so happy to have me on board.  After the shock wore off as I had pretty much just started there I burst into tears and had a tough time pulling myself together which is very rare for me). 

I agree with both Teddysmom and Chloesmom...both situations would cause a spontaneous reaction of tears...heck, I think I teared up about the bonus story! But I don't think these atypical situations were at all what Mika was talking about! (Funny coincidence re: the bonus story and your reaction. IIRC, Joe shared some of his bonus with Mika...and look how SHE reacted: the beginning of the affair!)

I saw that Jane Fonda has announced that she is done with plastic surgery. Mika has converted another woman into the KYV cult! I'm sure she'll be taking credit.

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20 hours ago, teddysmom said:

Plumbago Blues - nailed it. 

Agree she's not intellectually bright and there may be ADHD or something at play as well.  She wants to be taken seriously but she has never tried to apply herself to learn anything other than reading what's in front of her.  I think the Paris Hilton hissy fit was a light bulb moment for her "AHA! Outrage! That's my ticket to stardom".  

Look I don't know everything about international politics, foreign policy, economics,  etc. but I know how to find out what I want to know, and I know how to study it so I can at least have a conversation about it.  

That's intellectual curiosity, and Mika has zero of that. 

I absolutely agree.  It is the lack of curiosity which is most troubling.  I work in a federal program, and that is the only thing I am an authority on.  However, if I meet other people who work in different areas, I try to have some intelligent points to make.  If I don't know anything about their field, I ask questions about it.   She cannot even take a few hours a day to come up with intelligent questions.

I do think she was criticized by her mom based on the perception that she was as smart as her brothers.  Maybe, after being criticized, she decided it was easier not to say anything and it became a thing.

Edited by nittanycougar
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2 hours ago, nittanycougar said:

I absolutely agree.  It is the lack of curiosity which is most troubling.  I work in a federal program, and that is the only thing I am an authority on.  However, if I meet other people who work in different areas, I try to have some intelligent points to make.  If I don't know anything about their field, I ask questions about it.   She cannot even take a few hours a day to come up with intelligent questions.

I do think she was criticized by her mom based on the perception that she was as smart as her brothers.  Maybe, after being criticized, she decided it was easier not to say anything and it became a thing.

Know Your Value is "supposedly" based on women being valued for intelligence, contributions to society, their work, etc. and not how gorgeous they are.

Mika thinks because she wears cardigans and Keds, eats cake and doesn't wear $700 shoes anymore she's all of a sudden Gloria Steinem/Oprah hybrid, fighting the good fight for women. While she has interns busting their asses for her, a millionaire husband paying for her to jet off to France whenever she wants, buying her multiple homes, diamonds, etc. negotiating her seven figure salary and a staff that probably has to work 24-7 to help her not to look like a complete jackass (failing but not their fault) on the reg. 

Excusing men who harass or assault other women in the workplace if they're FOTS, scolding women who form friendships with men not based on how tight their dress is, but on mutual respect,  promising to help younger women with their career in return for them kissing her ass and telling her "I would never have gotten this show, this chance, etc, without Mika", when Mika wouldn't spit on them if they were on fire if they didn't. 

No thanks.  



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Agree with the 2 posts above. I think Mika fell into protection, financially and socially, by hooking up with Joe and either she or he (most likely he)  realized she couldn't keep up with the constant barrage of geo/political/economic news a show like this involves and decided to put her on another stage, so to speak: Be the spokesperson for women's rights or whatever it is. It was an easy choice, since all the hard work on women's lib was done about 30 years ago. No real groundbreaking research or hard thinking needed by her...just echo what the real pioneering women did oh, back when she was in high school. I can't believe this "movement" of hers can last much longer. She doesn't seem to have the support of stronger women, Arianna Huffington, Tina Brown, etc. like she once did...so now she has devolved into being the "cool work mom", addressing the pressing issues of the modern workplace, like boobage and happy hour with the boss.  

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If Mika truly wanted to be a strong liberated woman, she wouldn't have hitched her wagon to Misogyny Personified. 

What happened to that sassy gal who told Joe Scarborough: "Laugh at your show? I'd have to see it first". 

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