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The Starling City Times: News and Media about Arrow

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Ryan & Ryan were pretty scathing in their podcast in the fall though.


I think not taking it too seriously is the only way to get through it.  The problem is, it used to be a show that  you could take seriously.

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JB interview in The Northern Echo --- Evil Shot At Fame  (possibly spoilery?)


. . . I’m contracted to Warner Brothers and the CW Network and we’re in our third series of Arrow. We've been picked up for a fourth series, and been told we could be running for many more seasons,” Barrowman says.


He is delighted to have found another fantastical character along the lines of Captain Jack Harkness of Doctor Who and Torchwood fame.


“It’s the comic book world as opposed to the sci-fi world and what’s lovely is that the people who watched me previously have switched over and come along on this big journey with me,” he says about his role of Malcolm Merlyn/Dark Archer, the series recurring baddie.


“Malcolm is one of the best villains in the DC comic book world and we all came on board thinking that season one would be a nice little show to do, but it has sky-rocketed and is massive in something like 20 countries around the world,” he says.


How good is he as an archer, I ask. “I cannot hit a bulls-eye and I can tell you that truthfully. I can shoot and I have had training but Stephen Amell, who plays title character Oliver, is a much better shot. However, having had my Torchwood training I could hit a bulls-eye with a gun. Arrows are difficult, that’s why I love CGI,” Barrowman says.


He keeps a careful eye on the Arrow comic books and has noted that Malcolm is still alive and well. 

“He's not going anywhere, and I know because collect these things and I know his story and he’s an integral part of the Arrow world. I’m here until the end,”

 says the man who is also investigating turning his villain into a comic book series with his sister Carole, who is an English professor and journalist. The pair have already launched the fantasy novel series Hollow Earth . . .


[edited to add spoiler tags]

Edited by dcinmb
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I think of poor David Ramsey and how sick he must be of everyone asking him about Olicity. He gets asked this question even more than EBR and SA themselves lol.



I don't think he minds much, he seems to like the characters and actors but yeah there need to be far more respect for him and his character than that, from the media people. An occasional Olicity question once in a while is OK , not most or all the time. Its sending the wrong message that black folk are just there to prop white folk. Dig/DR's treatment in the show it already bad enough without adding the off screen bits.


Here is a nice collection of past SA pics:



I was hoping for some baby or teen pics, Oh well..

Edited by Conell
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Putting this here because it's not a spoiler for this show, although it is for others:


What are the chances for SmoaknLance happening on Arrow? –Nikki
TVLine: I like your thinking, giving Laurel’s sad dad some happiness in the form of Felicity’s got-it-going-on mom. And Paul Blackthorne himself noticed that when he tweeted out this selfie of him and Charlotte Ross, “It did seem to go down well!” He thus seconds the “SmoaknLance” idea, saying, “I think that Lance deserves some loving in his life, don’t you? And I think it’d be hilarious. He’d be sitting there across from her at dinner thinking, ‘What is this in front of me?’ and at the same time, ‘Why am I so attracted to what’s in front of me?’ I think it’d be a brilliant couple, because they’re obviously so different yet seemingly so perfect in a crazy way, so I hope it happens.” As for whether it does happen during Ross’ Episode 18 encore, you’ll just have to stay tuned.

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Here's another great article by Robert Dougherty...


CW's 'Arrow' Season 3 Should Have Been Shorter

By Robert Dougherty Mar 12, 2015 11:26 AM


I never would have thought I would have advocated a shorter season after Season 2, but this season has been such a mess that I have to agree it might have been a good idea in retrospect. I also feel like if they do want to keep longer seasons, moving forward they need to tighten up their stories. Maybe have multiple villian arcs that end in a concise time. This current season is being bogged down by filler and drawn out plots that are being drawn out to just be drawn out. TV audiences are smarter than they imagine us to be, we can tell when filler is filler & plots are being stalled for non-interesting or realistic purposes. This reviewer makes some valid points/suggestions about how the season could have been tightened up. I still think they could have spun off Ray & costumed up LL, I just think it could have been done in a less stalled fashion, because it still doesn't feel earned for either it just feels long.

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Here's another great article by Robert Dougherty...


CW's 'Arrow' Season 3 Should Have Been Shorter

By Robert Dougherty Mar 12, 2015 11:26 AM


I´ve enjoyed reading the article. Dougherty always writes very insightful analyses regarding the show. However, this time, I cannot agree 100 % with him. IMO the main problem of S3 does not consist in it´s having 23 episodes, the main problem is that they´ve omitted many things that should have been shown on screen: Had there been more screen time to show (i) Olicity during their "flirty times", (ii) some interaction between the two sisters Laurel and Sara before the latter´s death, (iii) something about the mentor-apprentice-relationship between Oliver and Roy within the Team Arrow dynamic, then many plot points would have had a much bigger emotional impact, i.e. (i) the date and the subsequent break-up between Oliver and Felicity, (ii) Laurel´s grief over Sara´s death and her desire to avenge her sister/ take up her mantle, (iii) the increasing erosion of Team Arrow and Oliver´s position as leader of the team. My overall impression is that they skipped things that would have been important from the point of view of character development and instead used their screen time for propping up stories that were of marginal or no importance for Oliver Queen´s journey (i.e. Laurel becoming Black Canary, Ray becoming The Atom, Raylicity...). They wasted precious screen time for launching new superhero spin offs instead of using it for genuine "Arrow stories" that would have deserved to be told.

Edited by Kordi
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I´ve enjoyed reading the article. Dougherty always writes very insightful analyses regarding the show. However, this time, I cannot agree 100 % with him. IMO the main problem of S3 does not consist in it´s having 23 episodes, the main problem is that they´ve omitted many things that should have been shown on screen: Had there been more screen time to show (i) Olicity during their "flirty times", (ii) some interaction between the two sisters Laurel and Sara before the latter´s death, (iii) something about the mentor-apprentice-relationship between Oliver and Roy within the Team Arrow dynamic, then many plot points would have had a much bigger emotional impact, i.e. (i) the date and the subsequent break-up between Oliver and Felicity, (ii) Laurel´s grief over Sara´s death and her desire to avenge her sister/ take up her mantle, (iii) the increasing erosion of Team Arrow and Oliver´s position as leader of the team. My overall impression is that they skipped things that would have been important from the point of view of character development and instead used their screen time for propping up stories that were of marginal or no importance for Oliver Queen´s journey (i.e. Laurel becoming Black Canary, Ray becoming The Atom, Raylicity...). They wasted precious screen time for launching new superhero spin offs instead of using it for genuine "Arrow stories" that would have deserved to be told.


Kordi, great points! I totally agree that the emotional investment this season is lacking. I hope you share these comments with Dougherty on the site.

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well.. as a jew that entire interview was kind of awkward, some of those questions were.. are you seriously asking her that? did you just say jewishness?

i'm not even religious or anything but that entire thing just made me cringe a bit.

with that being said, good on Emily for taking this side of her characters seriously and teaching herself. another example of an actor actually doing her job.

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well.. as a jew that entire interview was kind of awkward, some of those questions were.. are you seriously asking her that? did you just say jewishness?

i'm not even religious or anything but that entire thing just made me cringe a bit.

with that being said, good on Emily for taking this side of her characters seriously and teaching herself. another example of an actor actually doing her job.

Yeah, it was a bit awkward. He kept asking about "jewishness", but, what more could she say about it? 

Loved how everyone assumes Felicity is going to leave for another show and she just flat out deflected the question and started talking about normal stuff she never gets to do and her dog being on the show, haha.

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Interview with MG from PaleyFest mainly about Felicity's future on Arrow:


I find this bit rather strange re: people thinking Felicity would follow Ray to the new spinoff:

SHH: Well, I think people got ideas when Felicity ended up in bed with Ray Palmer.

Guggenheim: Yeah, but they’re getting the wrong ideas! If someone winds up in bed with someone, they should be thinking different thoughts.

What does he think the audience should be thinking? She just chose to sleep with Ray, LOL.

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Felicity much like Chloe seems to be an anomaly, even with Felicity Smoak being a DC Comic Character people still treat her as if she doesn't belong.  I could list a bunch of reasons and fans that would ascribe to those theories but it's pretty obvious.  However, fan have been saying that Felicity was going to be written off Arrow since before S2 and the EPs started pimping Baricity.  It doesn't surprise me that some fans (want or fear) Felicity getting sent to the new Spin-Off to make way for ...

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Oh I agree--the showrunners have certainly given the audience plenty of reasons to believe Felicity would leave the show (Barry relationship, Ray relationship, not a comic canon character). I was just a little taken aback that MG is so surprised that people would reach the conclusion that Felicity wasn't long for the Arrow world--especially since the writing has been all over the place for her this season. She was shown as choosing a relationship with Ray because Oliver wants nothing to do with her in a romantic sense but MG's so shocked that the rumors keep flying around that she'll be following Ray to the spinoff? Yeah, okay Marc.

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I like that many of the answers are close family members (mom is a popular choice).  I'm hoping that Arrow's version of BC is not KC's personal superhero...but since she's apparently not read the comics, I'm guessing that's who she's referencing.  Eh.  

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KC is a terrible interviewer. You'd think she'd be better having been in the business for awhile. But it completely explains why she plays Laurel the way she does.

Edited by Sakura12
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Oh KC... Not to seem ignorant, but what exactly does she do to help people who've been bullied online or what does she do to prevent it? I don't really see her doing a lot of PSAs for this issue. 

She's probably thinking of her own twitter brouhaha that she had a little while back.  It sounds like she sees herself as the bullied.

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She's probably thinking of her own twitter brouhaha that she had a little while back.  It sounds like she sees herself as the bullied.

I mean... I don't disagree that she's been bullied. But I have an issue with her statement because it seems like she's doing something about cyber bullying when she really doesn't do anything? yikes

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She's probably thinking of her own twitter brouhaha that she had a little while back.  It sounds like she sees herself as the bullied.

Can't think why.

This is a well moderate forum and she gets plenty of abuse. Christ knows what social media is like.

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Can't think why.

This is a well moderate forum and she gets plenty of abuse. Christ knows what social media is like.

Oh, I agree with you there, but something about the way she worded it with something about people standing up for themselves made me think she was thinking of that particular instance.  YMMV of course.

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That's a rather loaded word. Criticism yes. But unless she was a member here and people were attacking her directly, I would not call it "abuse".

Now people attacking her directly on Facebook and Twitter - yes, I would call that abuse. But I would not call criticism on a public forum that she has no reason to ever see "abuse".

Edited by Starfish35
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Sounds like Candice and KC both misheard the question and went with their fave superheroes, as opposed to their personal ones. Those red carpet interviews get damn noisy. Easy to misunderstand. But I gotta give it to KC, pushing her BC everywhere. If no one else is talking about her, then you'd have to start the conversation yourself, I guess.

Edited by SmallScreenDiva
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This is a well moderate forum and she gets plenty of abuse. Christ knows what social media is like.

I have been critical of the fictional character of Laurel Lance.  That's not bullying.


I have also been critical of the way Katie Cassidy does interviews, especially given that her family is three generations media-savvy, and thought that she should hire a p.r. person.  But I would never tweet or FB that to her.


One of SA's charities this year is an anti-bullying campaign. Maybe that gave her the idea.

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Everyone is entitled to their opinions, and everyone must politely respect other people's posts/opinions on this board.  If one is unable to be polite, then there's a lovely ignore button that I would encourage one to use.

Agree to disagree and move on.


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Sounds like Candice and KC both misheard the question and went with their fave superheroes, as opposed to their personal ones. Those red carpet interviews get damn noisy. Easy to misunderstand. But I gotta give it to KC, pushing her BC everywhere. If no one else is talking about her, then you'd have to start the conversation yourself, I guess.

Noticed that too. JB also answered less personal & more superhero based. So maybe its in how the interviewer asked. I also think the biggest problem w/ KC is how she answers questions in interviews. Even if she misheard the question, her answer could have been little more polished, just look @ JB & Candice's. I think she would benefit from some PR coaching. Its almost like she trys to be too personal and it comes off as self-absorbed. I have a sister-in-law & a friend like that, where even when they try to make it not about them, it still always seems about them. The biggest difference though is that they dont have to talk to the media or use social media for professional advancement. I don't think she actually intends to ever sound like how some people interpret her at times.

Edited by kismet
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Danielle Panabaker's made me laugh "No, it's mostly boys who wear costumes on our show and boys are stinky, so I stay far away!"


Sara's costume .... so much better than Laurel's.  Why did they let KC make the decisions????

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Apologies. I was actually referring to the costume itself and not Laurel as a character whom I actually like, if that helps.

That's what I at least thought you were referring to. (the costume)


I thought it interesting that SA was so adamant about never trying on someone else's costume.  "And I never will."  It does feel like kind of an odd thing to do and on Arrow, who would he even fit into the costume of?  Diggle's leather jacket? 

Edited by BkWurm1
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Maybe it's about keeping his character separate from the others.  More than anyone else on the show, Oliver is distinct and different.


He's not a method actor but maybe this is where he approaches it.  Also, he doesn't need to try on anyone else's robes, he's got the best job of all.

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I believe that SA has said that while wearing the leather you are either freezing cold or super hot.  So, I'm with DP.  Why would I want to try on some leather that another person has spent days upon days sweating in?!  Yuck!  I mean, can you even remove sweat stains/smell from leather?

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Im really trying to understand the love of the atom suit. I guess it is a pretty cool engineering and who doesn't want to fly? The concept is great & cool, so I can understand the love for that standpoint. I also respect the skill it must have taken to do some of the mechanical aspects of the suit. But it just fits so awkwardly at times or maybe its been how its been shot. When you compare it to Ironman (which is bound to happen), it just looks bulky, clunky & not sleek. It kinda seems like a bad cross between Ironman & Buzzlightyear. I keep hoping when they go to CC, Cisco can streamline it a little. The bottom of the suit I could deal with. I just wish they would do something with the helmet. The half-visor just makes it look weird and the chin portion is not proportional. IMO, the helmet/visor needs to go. I also think from a filming perspective having a fully covered face makes it easier for stunts & CGI. So Im keeping my fingers crossed they do something with the helmet.


Overall though the costumes have been really awesome on the show! I mean there are some things that make you go hmph, but they probably serve a filming purpose which is why I let it slide.

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For believability they should have made the first suit reveal ugly and bulky and inelegant as most prototype are. Oh wait....

The problem is they sunk so much money (this really annoys me, since the Arrow budget is pretty right) into the suit already, I can't see them ditching this current version.

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The Vulture review by Jenny Raftery of "The Offer" (another worthwhile read)...


Arrow Recap: Take It or League It
By Jenny Raftery   March 19, 2015 8:41 a.m.


Feeling more confident in his purpose as the Arrow, Oliver informs Maseo that Oliver will be rejecting Ra’s offer. (Dude, Felicity said I was handsome. I’m not going ANYWHERE.) Maseo’s like, hahahaha, yeah, you don’t really have a choice.
Edited by tv echo
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