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The Forgotten Characters of the Arrowverse
By RUSS BURLINGAME - March 29, 2019


Given that both Sara and Laurel have died and come back, and now Quentin is gone, it's either surprising that nobody has found a role for Quentin's ex-wife, or not surprising at all, since she does not really have any loved ones left in Star City. Still, it is hard not to love Alex Kingston, who plays the character, and considering her maiden name, it would be fun to see what the other Dinah Drake (Juliana Harkavy) had to say when somebody finally realized that there was another person with exactly the same name and one degree of separation from Team Arrow.
*  *  *
You gotta feel bad for Walter Steele. Back before Colin Salmon was playing one of the best live-action versions of General Zod ever put to film on Krypton, he was Oliver Queen's hapless stepfather. While he was teased as a potential villain in the beginning, really it turned out to be his wife who was behind all the evil. Eventually he just kind of...stopped showing up, and we assume that he has to feel pretty bad about what happened to the company he stewarded throguh[sic] some difficult times following to death of founder Robert Queen.
*  *  *
One of the most notorious disappearances in the Arrowverse is Helena Bertinelli/The Huntress, who played a big role in the early days of Arrow but vanished more or less without a trace and without comment. She has been mentioned occasionally, mostly when the story calls to acknowledge the early episodes, although recently a stalkery superhero super-fan had one of her masks, which raises a question about just how he got it.
*  *  *
Ragman is a fairly minor character within the context of DC, but a kind of cult favorite because of his cool, weird power set and strange look. It was a bit of a surprise, then, that when he came to the Arrowverse, it was on Arrow and in a fairly meaty role. It was not long before it felt like the writers decided that he was not a good fit, though, and he sacrificed his powers to save lives, leaving him effectively useless to Team Arrow since he wasn't much of a fighter and his computer skills were fine, but nothing like Felicity or Curtis. Like most of the team members to vanish over the years, Rory has been occasionally mentioned but there has been no real suggestion of what he is up to, how he is doing, or whether (as producers suggested at the time) his rags might "recover" and allow him to get back in the hero business.
*  *  *
After teaching Earth-1 Laurel to fight and preparing her for the vigilante life that ultimately got her killed, Ted "Wildcat" Grant briefly suited up again -- only to get absolutely demolished in a fight with Brick during Oliver's post-"death" disappearance. We are to understand he got better, but...that's about it. He hasn't shown back up since, in any capacity. At this point, it would be surprising to see him return since the character has been cast on Stargirl.

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I’m going to be really annoyed if we don’t see or hear about Walter again before the end of the series. I’ve wanted a scene with Oliver, Felicity and Walter since Oliver and Felicity got together because I really enjoyed Walter’s dynamic with both individually when he was around. 

And of course I want to see Rory again. (The 150th doesn’t count.) 

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58 minutes ago, tv echo said:

Given that both Sara and Laurel have died and come back,

Laurel’s still dead, my guy. The woman who stole Laurel’s life is not her daughter - Dinah Lance sucks but I’m glad she’s been spared from the plot stupids that made Quentin a stalker. 

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And so it begins... 😢

‘Arrow’: What Felicity Smoak Means To Me
Mar 30, 2019 by Sarah Cudlipp


Different is Special
*  *  *
I went through high school, always learning something new about coding and wanting to see the different things I could do with the internet. Then the show Arrow came along, and with it, Felicity Smoak. She was a nerd just like me. She loved everything about technology and could do incredible things with it. Felicity had dealt with some parental issues in her life and sought the things she could do with technology as her way to cope. Something she excelled at. I related to her in a way that I had never related to another female character before. I was 20, still shaping who I wanted to be and not exactly knowing what direction I was going in. And Felicity Smoak related to that, too.

A True Role Model
But it was so much more than that. She became a role model. Not just for me, but for women everywhere. The things Felicity could do. She was your textbook geek who had a tendency to speak before she thought about her words and it was like listening to myself. But she had confidence. Felicity Smoak didn’t care what others thought of her. She knew who she was and while she didn’t know where her life was going, she knew she was going to do incredible things. A character who saw the best in everyone she encountered and always believed people had good in them.
*  *  *
And even though she didn’t start out with fighting skills, that never stopped her from standing up to those who tried to argue with what she believed or stood for. Felicity stood her ground against anyone. She constantly stepped outside her comfort zone and never stopped making me feel empowered to do the same. There are many that may think it’s silly to look to a fictional character and find life goals or motivation. To find inspiration or a role model. But I don’t think that at all.

What She Instilled in Me
That’s why they’re created in the first place and I take pride in looking up to a character like Felicity Smoak. What you think about yourself matters more than what anyone else in the world thinks about you. Doing things for yourself, to better yourself, is equally as important as doing things for others. And Felicity has never stopped showing me that. She loves with everything she has and will always help out everyone around her, from best friends to strangers. But she never forgets who she is or where she is going along the way. She never loses the core essence of herself and Felicity never stops trying to better herself.
*  *  *
I think we can all take away from that. Because Felicity Smoak may be a fictional character, but every value, moral, and principle she possesses are very real. Young women look up to her as much as adults and I know that when someone compares even one thing I do or say to her, I’m nothing short of humbled and flattered. Felicity Smoak is iconic, unforgettable, fierce, and a trailblazer. Even though her story may be coming to an end, the lessons her character has left behind will never be forgotten. Not by me and not by any of those who continue to look back and watch her journey again and again.

Thank You
So thank you, Felicity Smoak, for showing me that it’s okay to be a complete nerd and get excited over technology and what it can do. Thank you for showing me that a woman can be an amazing leader while letting that geek flag fly. Thank you for showing me that being myself is the most important thing and everything else will follow. For teaching me that hard work absolutely does pay off and to never, ever stop trying to reach your goals and go after your dreams.
*  *  *
The last several years watching this show and not only Felicity Smoak but the way Emily Bett Rickards brought her to life, has been nothing short of incredible. I appreciate it more than I can ever express and I know that I will go back and rewatch her journey again and again. I can’t wait to see the roles Emily Bett continues to take on and how she continues being a role model in her future endeavors. So, thank you. Just, thank you.

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It really feels like Arrow didn’t really begin until Felicity Smoak graced our screens in the show’s third episode. Before that, we had a dark shell of a man that was destined to grow into our central hero and it was hard to connect with him. The tone of the show was dark. Super dark. And sometimes the lack of levity felt like it was detrimental to the overall enjoyment of the show.

I remember watching Arrow when it first debuted in 2012, and I recall how after two episodes I originally gave up. It just wasn’t enough to get invested in. If only I’d known that just one episode later the show’s savior would walk into my — and our future hero’s — life.

Ultimately, the introduction of Felicity Smoak to Arrow was a series-defining moment. It brought some much-needed light into a show that was getting swallowed up by darkness. I’ve always been one that has enjoyed the dark tone that the show has embraced, but it’s been the level of darkness that I’ve questioned.

And it’s understandable why Arrow has been a show with a darker tone. Oliver Queen was in literal hell for five years, beaten down until he became the shell of a man that couldn’t trust and couldn’t love. It was always his journey to grow from the man that stands in darkness to one that embraces the light. And perhaps the most integral character in helping him embrace the light was one that wasn’t even supposed to exist on the show.

When Oliver Queen first walked into Felicity Smoak’s office, it felt like you were watching something special. You weren’t sure what, but you knew that this was going to be grow into something special. It was the first time we actually saw Oliver smile — in three episodes. There was something in Felicity — a light, a magic — that managed to bring the human side out of Oliver. He was smitten, as were we — and as were the execs at The CW. And the rest, as they say, is history.
*  *  *
Originally a one-off character, Felicity became a central part of Arrow as a member of Team Arrow, alongside Oliver and John Diggle. The trio became the beating heart of a show that was embracing the human elements of being a superhero. Arrow worked because of Team Arrow. And Felicity was — and is — a huge part of that.
*  *  *
Felicity Smoak is a character that has grown to be so much more important than just a comic book character come to life. She’s inspired so many women, including myself, to embrace your smarts as your superpower; to be brave in the face of danger; to speak out when the situation calls for it; to embrace your light and share it with others; and to be a complete badass in your own way. It’s hard to imagine that Felicity won’t be on our screens when Arrow returns for its final season. And, quite frankly, Arrow doesn’t work without Felicity.
*  *  *
While there’s still five episodes left in season 7, it’s pretty easy to gauge three options when it comes to addressing Felicity’s absence in season 8. Let’s take a look…


*  *  *
With Emiko Queen’s desire to acquire Archer, the program that Felicity has been working on for Smoak Tech, the Ninth Circle becomes an even greater threat. The kind of threat that would be enough to send Felicity into hiding along with her unborn child.

It’s highly unlikely that Arrow doesn’t bring Felicity back for the series finale (think Nina Dobrev in The Vampire Diaries). So Arrow will find a way, find some big bad to obliterate — The Ninth Circle — in order to conveniently allow for Felicity’s return.


If there’s one universal truth when it comes to Felicity Smoak, it’s that Arrow would never kill her. At least, not for real. ...

But, much like with the first option, the Ninth Circle is a threat, and Felicity is a target. So the important thing here for Oliver is to protect her and their unborn child. While sending Felicity into hiding seems like the more likely choice, faking her death wouldn’t be far off. Because if Felicity is in hiding, she’s still “alive” and the Ninth Circle would track her down until they found her. If she’s “dead,” then the Ninth Circle wouldn’t have a reason to go looking for her.


*  *  *
To repeat from above, if there’s one universal truth when it comes to Felicity Smoak, it’s that Arrow would never kill her. At least, not for real.

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The media tributes have started:

Also, Sara Netzley, who covered Arrow for EW in a previous season, discussed the news of EBR's departure in her DCTV podcast. She and her co-host Ed sound genuinely shaken up. 
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4 minutes ago, Chaser said:

Listening to that podcast, I’m surprised at some of their impressions regarding EBR departure. 

What are they saying? I hope it isn't anything about contract disputes/wanting more money. Some of the commentary I've seen on other sites about her (both hating Felicity and also hating Emily for not coming back for 10 measly epodes and being ungrateful to her fans), is not surprising, but disappointing.

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13 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

What are they saying? I hope it isn't anything about contract disputes/wanting more money. Some of the commentary I've seen on other sites about her (both hating Felicity and also hating Emily for not coming back for 10 measly epodes and being ungrateful to her fans), is not surprising, but disappointing.

They wondered if there was bad blood behind the scenes, thought there could be some contract problems. They seem to think it was a sudden decision that surprised her cast mates (particularly SA). They don’t seem to realize the pieces were being set into place for this departure. 

I wouldn’t say they were hating on EBR, just very confused about it.

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12 minutes ago, Chaser said:

They wondered if there was bad blood behind the scenes, thought there could be some contract problems. They seem to think it was a sudden decision that surprised her cast mates (particularly SA). They don’t seem to realize the pieces were being set into place for this departure. 

I'm really interested in what they thought was going to happen when it was revealed that Felicity went into hiding in the country and no one ever knew about Mia. Maybe that the show was going to continue with O/F having adventures in that town or something? Once the news came out that she was leaving I would think that those pieces would click into place. 

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Late review of 717...

‘Arrow’ 7×17 discussion: “Inheritance”
Lynsey Neill  April 1, 2019


This episode brought up a couple of interesting topics to discuss. Particularly, the season’s theme of redemption. Who will earn it? How is it earned? I don’t really have all the answers but it’s still interesting to think about.
*  *  *
I think this Laurel storyline can 1 of 2 ways.

  1. Felicity pulls her back from her wicked ways
  2. She goes full blown Black Siren and is sent back to earth 2

And I also think that both Emiko and Laurel cannot be redeemed at the same time. One will be “evil” while one will be “good.” Or I can be full it, but that’s just what I think (or both of them will be “evil” and can be a great ship… just a thought).

I also have to point out that Black Siren has Felicity on her side which leans her more towards the land of goodness. Hey, our girl brings out the best in everyone, it’s her superpower.
*  *  *
I am someone who has never been bothered by having non-OTA members on the team. I think you can have quality OTA moments with other people in the bunker/lair and it doesn’t detract from that core bond. The show achieved that balance well with Sara, Roy, Thea, and Laurel.

And we can all agree they blundered with the additions of Curtis, Dinah, and Rene. But it’s nice to see the show course correcting. Yes, there will always be other members of Team Arrow, but there is only one OTA.

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A "legend" and a "beloved character"...

Olicity Stans Might Need to Sit Down for Stephen Amell's Farewell to Emily Bett Rickards
By Lindsay MacDonald | Apr 1, 2019 


Arrow is losing a legend as it enters its eighth and final season with the exit of Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity Smoak. While the news came as an upsetting shock to many fans, the cast of Arrow was quick to wish Rickards well and send her off with kind words.
*  *  *
Rickards' announced her exit from the show on Instagram on Saturday, revealing that she'd be departing the series after Season 7. Since then, there's been an outpouring of love for her and the beloved character she played for the past seven years.

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Why We Deserve to See More of Arrow’s Mia Smoak
by Lacy Baugher | 9:59 am, April 3rd, 2019


The CW’s Arrow episode “Star City 2040” not only solved some ongoing Season 7 mysteries involving Felicity’s future fate and the origin of the Archer system, but it also properly introduced us to the next generation hero we deserve: Mia Smoak.
*  *  *
Yes, the flash forwards feature a grizzled Roy Harper and a much older Dinah, scarred from years as the Black Canary. Rene’s now the mayor of a Glades that has become a shining beacon of success and safety. Felicity’s even around too, sporting a severe middle-aged businesswoman bob and a spotty history of her own as a vigilante known as the Calculator, attempting to atone for the sins caused by Smoak Technology’s creation of the Archer surveillance software.

But rather than focus too heavily on what has happened to the original Team Arrow in the intervening twenty years between then and now, Arrow instead decided to introduce their children. A much older William returns to Star City for the first time since the childhood days we saw earlier in Season 7, to find that Rene’s daughter has grown up to be a Canary in her own right, Diggle’s adopted son is an undercover ARGUS operative going by the name of Connor Hawke, and the mysterious female cage fighter known only as Blackstar is actually Mia Smoak, child of Oliver and Felicity Queen.
*  *  *
Mia’s status as Oliver and Felicity’s daughter automatically makes her an important figure in the future of the Arrowverse, but she’s also a fascinating character in her own right—fierce and determined, stubborn and strong-willed.
*  *  *
As a character, Mia is almost a perfect blend of both of her parents. She has Felicity’s tenacity and intelligence, as well as her mom’s survival instinct (and, apparently, her huge heart, though it seems Mia guards hers a bit more closely). She’s got plenty of Oliver’s bullheaded stubbornness, as well as his inability to turn away from injustice—even when he’d maybe rather do otherwise—and she’s a badass fighter in her own right.

Was there a more satisfying sequence in this episode than watching Mia kick off her high heels, Sara Lance-style, to better beat the crap out of half a dozen dudes? Maybe only that final iconic shot of her in a cloak and hood, holding a bow and looking every inch like her father’s child.
*  *  *
But most importantly, it introduced Mia as a fully formed character in her own right, with plenty of story of her own. Her complicated relationships with almost everyone in her life—from her mother to her half-brother to her whatever exactly Connor is—as well as her almost nonexistent understanding of who her father was, offer plenty of fodder for the future.
*  *  *
When Arrow first started, Oliver’s mission was not just to avenge his father; it was to clean up and improve the city he loved. Though his mission is apparently doomed to failure in twenty years, there’s a certain perfect symmetry in his daughter picking up his proverbial bow, and fighting to fulfill his dream in his place. Don’t take Mia Smoak away from us now, Arrowverse—not when we’ve only just met her.

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Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead and Arrow episodes used to spread malware: Report
By Avani Bagga   Apr 3, 2019


We all love spending our free time in front of our television or laptop watching our favourite TV shows. Some of us even prefer video-streaming services over human company. And maybe this is the reason that cybercriminals are now actively using new episodes of popular TV shows to distribute malware, according to a latest research.

According to a report by Kaspersky Lab, popular TV shows that are watched by scores of people across the globe including Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, and Arrow are among the shows that are receiving the most attention from spammers. Kaspersky has talked in detail about this and more in a newly published report called ‘Game of Threats: How cybercriminals use popular TV shows to spread malware.’

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What would a Blackstar spinoff mean for ‘Arrow’?
Lynsey Neill  April 5, 2019


I believe they’re called Next Generation OTA. They can’t be NTA, because that’s taken. Perhaps they aren’t even a “Team Arrow” at all. They could be OTB, “Original Team Blackstar.”

Whatever their monicker, they are a team. It’s well constructed similarities to OTA doesn’t preclude me to acknowledging the fact that I love them. It only reinforces my love for them. And Arrow knows this.
*  *  *
Oliver, Felicity, and Diggle get to retire and sit on walking chairs and drink tea while their kids will be off saving the city. And I’m okay with that.
*  *  *
Yes, Mia is the Oliver and William is the Felicity and Connor is the Diggle. But I don’t think their similarities or parallels hinder them from being their own characters. It just heightens the reasons we all love OTA in the first place.

It would be one thing if Mia, William, and Connor didn’t have any chemistry. But they do! And it’s glorious, I laugh with them, I cry with them, and marvel at their badassery. Just like I do with OTA.
*  *  *
How often do we get a show about the kids of the characters we love? Not often. And I can’t help but want to jump on this opportunity. The daughter of Olicity getting her own show?! THINK ABOUT THE EPICNESS.

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Another late review of 717...

Arrow - Inheritance - Review
Posted by Lisa Macklem at April 07, 2019


Arrow “Inheritance” was written by the team of Sarah Tarkoff and Elizabeth Kim and was directed by Patia Prouty, who is better known for costume designing and wardrobe and whose only other directed credit is Banshee Origins. Sadly, once again, this episode failed to deliver anything new. The same old tired storylines were trotted out. This might not be so bad if they were actually hiring decent actors, but Sea Shimooka as Emiko was barely watchable – except in the fight scenes…. But that would have been mostly a stunt double – and the stunt team, at least, continues to deliver.
*  *  *
I was happy to see Kacey Rohl back as Alena, and in at least a semi-permanent role as Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) hires her to be CEO of Smoak Technologies. What happened to HELIX though? Whatever – the only continuity with this show seems to be incontinuity… I did love that we are introduced to Archer the DNA surveillance technology that Felicity has invented and that Felicity is excited about all the uses that it can be put to, such as crowd control, tracking terrorists, and finding missing persons! I like that she sees more positive real-world applications for it – even if it is creepily invasive.

I loved seeing the team of Diggle (David Ramsey), Oliver, Felicity, and Rene (Rick Gonzalez) back in the lair. I also loved that Dinah (Juliana Harkavy) wasn’t there. I also loved the Diggle/Oliver pep talk that felt like old times. It was nice to see Diggle acknowledge what an idiot he’d been with Andy. Actually, Diggle, I think I’ll give you a by for that due to the writers writing you completely out of character! I even liked the Oliver/Emiko fight in the lair – right up until her pretentious hair flip at the end of it. Ugh!

The drones at the end were fun. But if Felicity could hack them enough to de-cloak them so that Oliver could shoot them – all but one anyway – why couldn’t she just take complete control of them? Stupid… Diggle letting Dante (Adrian Paul) get away was just lame.
*  *  *
While there were some good moments, the overall plot of this episode just fell short. I’m super sad about the announcement from Emily Bett Rickards that she is done with the show at the end of this season. She is consistently one of the few good things on the show. Let’s hope that she simply goes into hiding to have Mia as was shown in the flash forward. It would seem that she and Oliver were still on good terms at that time anyway. If they once more go to the well of them breaking up over lies or some other crap…. Just. No. ...

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43 minutes ago, tv echo said:

Arrow - Inheritance - Review
Posted by Lisa Macklem at April 07, 2019


I also liked that Laurel (Katie Cassidy Rodgers) came to see Felicity but didn’t shy away from telling Oliver the truth. I also liked that Felicity later stood up for Laurel with the others. Once again, I feel badly for Katie Cassidy Rodgers as the writers play ping pong with her character – is she good, is she bad? In the end, of course, she’s going to be driven back to being bad by Emiko and Dinah – and really, Dinah? If anyone is responsible for your boyfriend’s death, it’s you!

Dinah sucks, but...what?

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6 hours ago, tv echo said:

Let’s hope that she simply goes into hiding to have Mia as was shown in the flash forward. It would seem that she and Oliver were still on good terms at that time anyway. If they once more go to the well of them breaking up over lies or some other crap…. Just. No. 

LOL. “I love you so much,” Oliver tells Felicity when he’s by her side for the birth of their daughter reduced by this reviewer to “Still on good terms”. And Lisa must have missed Felicity still wearing her wedding ring in the flashforwards. And had a picture of Oliver in his GA suit as her screensaver

Edited by lemotomato
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9 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

LOL. “I love you so much,” Oliver tells Felicity when he’s by her side for the birth of their daughter reduced by this reviewer to “Still on good terms”. And Lisa must have missed Felicity still wearing her wedding ring in the flashforwards. 

It's kinda baffling to me that some people haven't put 2+2 together and figured out that they wrote the secret baby/going into hiding storyline with Emily leaving in mind, and therefore don't have to change their plans now that she's departing at the end of the season, because...they were already planning on her departing at the end of the season.

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I was happy to see Kacey Rohl back as Alena, and in at least a semi-permanent role as Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) hires her to be CEO of Smoak Technologies.

Nope.  Felicity hired Alena as CTO and kept the CEO spot for herself.

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This podcast discussion included talk about EBR's exit from Arrow before its final season (beginning at around the 14:50 mark)...

Entertainment Weekly - Superhero Insider: Morgan Faust, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
Kyle Anderson, Shirley Li and Chancellor Agard   April 5, 2019

-- On the recent news of EBR's exit after S7, Kyle Anderson: "This is kinda huge news, particularly since so much of the narrative of this season, uh, has been really built around her. There's been a lot of investment in that character... I mean, the whole flashforward... - all of the flashforwards are built around her and her progeny. And, so now, Chance, what does this mean?"  Chancellor Agard: "I don't know!"  Kyle: "Solid reporting, Chance."

-- Chance: "It's weird. It's, like, very weird to think the show is going into its final season without its ostensible co-lead, like, Emily Bett is at this point the co-lead of the show... I was talking to one of our co-workers... He made the point that, it seems these flashforwards, their main purpose at this point seems to be to have to give the show room to write her off and still keep the present intact, because, as we know, at some point, she goes off into hiding with Mia after she gives birth and just hangs out in the woods for 18 years with Nyssa al Ghul... which means Oliver must stay back in Star City whatever. And so I'm guessing Season 8 will now take place during that time when he's in Star City by himself and she's off in hiding, which seems like a weird way to end a show."

-- Kyle: "Yeah. Just because there's been so much investment in their relationship... Like, narratively speaking, they can - you can obviously do what you want. But it does feel like it's going to be weird to end this series without the two of them together."  Chance added: "Without the character who's been - who's, like, probably the breakout character of this show... Felicity Smoak was one of the highlights of Season 1 and she's been, like - she has this life outside of the show. It's like, wow, now we - I don't know, it feels weird to end without that aspect."

-- Shirley Li wanted to know when the writers knew about EBR's exit and whether it changed their original plan. Chance mentioned that TVLine recently asked Beth Schwartz about it and was told that they had an idea this was coming and wrote towards that.

-- Chance: "I still have no idea how this is going to end and now I have less of an idea... The fact that the show is now in its seventh season and, like, we have no idea how the season's going to end - that's sort of an interesting place to be."

-- Shirley: "I'm glass half-empty. Give me some god**mn clues... If I have no idea what's happening, why should I be invested?"

-- Chance: "I am very invested in the show and that makes no sense to me on a plot level, but emotionally I'm like 'ooph.'"

-- Shirley: "Where I'm coming from is just like - the emotional through-line of Arrow has been about these two people, right? So much so that it's like, I actually have a difficult time caring about their progeny... It's more about this couple at the center and their love story. So if you cut it off before the final season and the final season is not going to be about that or... giving that closure in any way, I - I can't bring myself to care as much... So who else are you going to build up at the tail end of this season to drive it forward? Anyway, that's just where I'm coming from."

-- Chance: "No, I don't disagree with that. Like, I think that's, like, a problem for the final season, not having her there... I just don't know what to make of it yet, though."  Shirley: "Well, you know what, I'll say, I'll be curious to see how they figure that out." Kyle: "If nothing else, we have that question to run on."

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8 hours ago, tv echo said:

-- Shirley: "Where I'm coming from is just like - the emotional through-line of Arrow has been about these two people, right? So much so that it's like, I actually have a difficult time caring about their progeny... It's more about this couple at the center and their love story. So if you cut it off before the final season and the final season is not going to be about that or... giving that closure in any way, I - I can't bring myself to care as much... So who else are you going to build up at the tail end of this season to drive it forward? Anyway, that's just where I'm coming from."

Has it occurred to them that the problem is that the final season is only 10 episodes, and that this is a problem of scheduling rather than of intention? Without that, EBR and Felicity could have been on a break and then returned for the bulk of the season. With only 10 episodes, if she's not available for shooting July - September, there is no time for her to be in the final season.

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2 hours ago, apinknightmare said:

This happened because I gave up and just purchased the complete season from iTunes, so you're all welcome.

Me to me:

season 7 episode 21 GIF

And here I thought it was because I finally gave in and bought the Legends season on iTunes.  Thanks for letting me off the hook. 😂🤦🏻‍♀️😢

ETA:  Well nevermind - Legends is still unavailable.  But maybe that will be fixed soon.  As @JamieLynn832002 said, if they’re restoring the whole WB catalog, it may take awhile.

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Yeah, I just checked my Amazon account and they're all available except for 715.

The 717 description on Amazon is even more amusing than The CW's (as in, what episode did these people watch?):


Laurel (KATIE CASSIDY) learns about some damaging information that affects Emiko, and Oliver invites her to help investigate with Felicity.

Edited by insomniadreams88
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7 hours ago, apinknightmare said:

This happened because I gave up and just purchased the complete season from iTunes, so you're all welcome.

I did the same. I blame it all on Olicity pregnancy cuteness. I was powerless to resist!

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The amount of attention Emily's departure has been getting had been overwhelming, and totally deserved.

From the TV Guide article:


Per usual, no one seems to be taking the news harder than Stephen Amell. The actor has not been shy about making sure Rickards and the rest of the world know just how much he'll miss working with her, and he has been steadily breaking everyone's heart with his aching tribute posts. In the latest post, he admitted that he basically became a blubbering mess while shooting a scene with her on her final day.

"There are days when actors shed a noble tear in a scene and there are days when they ugly cry to the point of fogging up their scene partners glasses," Amell wrote on Twitter. "Today was the latter."

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From the TV Guide article:


Per usual, no one seems to be taking the news harder than Stephen Amell. The actor has not been shy about making sure Rickards and the rest of the world know just how much he'll miss working with her, and he has been steadily breaking everyone's heart with his aching tribute posts. In the latest post, he admitted that he basically became a blubbering mess while shooting a scene with her on her final day.

"There are days when actors shed a noble tear in a scene and there are days when they ugly cry to the point of fogging up their scene partners glasses," Amell wrote on Twitter. "Today was the latter."

"Per usual". They know him so well.

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I always felt like Marc, to some degree, placed limitations on Felicity. He often said Felicity would never suit up, or have a mask. We’d see why the company in S6 couldn’t be named Smoak Tech - because Curtis had to have a role. Felicity wasn’t prominent in the milestone 100th and 150th episodes because they were more focused on the masked characters.

So it makes me very happy to see so many entertainment sites referring to Emily as the co-lead and genuinely wondering how they can do a S8 without Felicity Smoak present. It’s the type of reaction I would expect to see if S8 had been announced and Stephen said he was leaving and wouldn’t be part of it. 

Emily turned Felicity into an key character and one that is loved by fans so it’s great to see her getting the recognition she deserves for everything she brought to the show.

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Josh Weiss   April 10, 2019


We're not crying, there's just some "Smoak" in our eyes. Yesterday, Emily Bett Rickards enjoyed her last day on the set of The CW's Arrow after she announced her departure from the comic book series less than two weeks ago. This was obviously very poignant for the actress, who has played Felicity Smoak, tech genius and primary love interest of Oliver Queen/Green Arrow (Stephen Amell), since the show first began back in the fall of 2012.
*  *  *
To commemorate Rickards' final day on set, members of the cast and crew posted videos/posts dedicated to (or featuring) her on social media. For example, Amell's young daughter sang an adorable song in the actress' honor.
*  *  *
Arrow, currently airing its seventh season, will end for good after a shortened eighth season expected to kick off in the fall. This is another bittersweet development, as the series helped launch The CW's entire modern slate of DC superhero programs including The Flash, Supergirl, Black Lightning, Legends of Tomorrow, and the upcoming Batwoman.

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I took the quiz and got Betty & Felicity 😃...

Everyone Is A Combo Of One "Riverdale" And One Arrowverse Character: Who Are You?
Posted on April 10, 2019   Jamie Jirak


You got: Betty Cooper & Felicity Smoak
You are incredibly smart, observant, and caring. You're not afraid to speak your mind and fight for what you believe in. Many people think you're just the girl (or boy) next door, but you definitely have a dark side.

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Arrow: Why Oliver Queen Deserves a Happy Ending
April 11, 2019  Brianna Martinez


When looking at Arrow, from the pilot to now, it’s incredible to see how far Oliver Queen has come as a person and hero.

He’s gone from the dark, brooding man who set out to right his father’s wrongs without any help, to a man who allows hope to shine through and believe that there will come a day that Star City, his city, will be safe for his family—choosing to believe it can be done with Felicity, Diggle, and the others’ help.

This transformation is why I think he deserves a happy ending, an ending that illustrates his growth through his journey, his hard-earned happiness, and his goal complete.
*  *  *
Oliver has given up so much for the city, for his friends, and for the sake of the mission over the last seven years. He gave up his happiness, his anonymity, his freedom, and at one point, his life (Arrow Season 3 Episode 9, “The Climb”).

It’s these sacrifices we’ve seen over the seasons that would make Oliver’s death a betrayal of sorts.

There’s also the matter of what Oliver’s journey has been about which reminds me of a line that Felicity says on Arrow Season 3 Episode 22, “My Name is Oliver Queen”:

Felicity: Don’t fight to die. Fight to live.
*  *  *
But he eventually finds a way, an alternative to dying, opting to strive to stay alive for the city, the mission, his friends, and his family.
*  *  *
Oliver’s finally learned to balance the darkness and the light, harnessing it to become the best version of himself. The act of killing him would utterly destroy the narrative built and devalue the hard-learned lessons over the years.

We have seen Oliver’s struggles through the years and how hard he’s worked to get where he is (after being repeatedly knocked down so many times).
*  *  *
Death as an ending would be undoing all of that work, devaluing his journey, and be a punch in the gut to fans.

It would be the antithesis of what these writers have seemingly set up over the last few seasons, despite what the flash forwards look like. Nevermind that a story like that for his children would put them in the same position their was father was in after Robert killed himself, leaving Oliver with the notebook.
*  *  *
Oliver deserves a happy ending, with Felicity and his children close, alive, and having successfully done what he and Felicity set out to do.

Edited by tv echo
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