apinknightmare February 10, 2018 Share February 10, 2018 LMAO: Quote Laurel She may be evil, but you have got to admire the nobility of taking the blame for a murder she did not commit. Sure, Laurel took advantage of this to escape, but the courage remains. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/8621-the-starling-city-times-news-and-media-about-arrow/page/260/#findComment-4047214
Chaser February 10, 2018 Share February 10, 2018 Drugs are bad people. 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/8621-the-starling-city-times-news-and-media-about-arrow/page/260/#findComment-4047229
Featherhat February 10, 2018 Share February 10, 2018 Aww poor woobies. Seriously, if that's the best defence you've got, it's time to move on. Me saying "she's clearly manipulating Quentin to her advantage, maybe she'll end up more than a random henchwoman to every other villain" is more of a compliment to the actual character *who isn't actually E1LL. That said maybe the writers want people to act like Real Life Lances. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/8621-the-starling-city-times-news-and-media-about-arrow/page/260/#findComment-4047254
statsgirl February 10, 2018 Share February 10, 2018 4 hours ago, tv echo said: Barry Allen 9% For taxi service? Yeah, says a lot about the episode. It seems that she forgot about Dinah completely. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/8621-the-starling-city-times-news-and-media-about-arrow/page/260/#findComment-4047274
Morrigan2575 February 10, 2018 Share February 10, 2018 I didn't really think it was courage or motivated by anything other than self preservation. IMO she basically used the "confession" to get close to him, presumably to disable him. That was my take anyway. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/8621-the-starling-city-times-news-and-media-about-arrow/page/260/#findComment-4047297
insomniadreams88 February 10, 2018 Share February 10, 2018 I have a problem with the use of “hero” or “heroic” to describe BS or any of her actions. 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/8621-the-starling-city-times-news-and-media-about-arrow/page/260/#findComment-4047327
Primal Slayer February 10, 2018 Share February 10, 2018 1 hour ago, Morrigan2575 said: I didn't really think it was courage or motivated by anything other than self preservation. IMO she basically used the "confession" to get close to him, presumably to disable him. That was my take anyway. How would she disable him? She didnt seem to know that her collar would de-activate closer to his bomb thing. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/8621-the-starling-city-times-news-and-media-about-arrow/page/260/#findComment-4047515
BkWurm1 February 11, 2018 Share February 11, 2018 5 hours ago, Primal Slayer said: How would she disable him? She didnt seem to know that her collar would de-activate closer to his bomb thing. Got her closer so a bit more and she could have just hit him, lol and taken the device to blow up the bomb. She was buying time if nothing else 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/8621-the-starling-city-times-news-and-media-about-arrow/page/260/#findComment-4048251
Morrigan2575 February 11, 2018 Share February 11, 2018 12 hours ago, Primal Slayer said: How would she disable him? She didnt seem to know that her collar would de-activate closer to his bomb thing. Oh you mean BS doesn't know hand to hand? WTF have then been showing us every time she fights BC because it's not just screaming. So yeah, she obviously (IMO) was looking to get closer to HIT and disable him which is something we've seen her do. It's not like James was a fighter. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/8621-the-starling-city-times-news-and-media-about-arrow/page/260/#findComment-4048582
Primal Slayer February 11, 2018 Share February 11, 2018 2 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said: Oh you mean BS doesn't know hand to hand? WTF have then been showing us every time she fights BC because it's not just screaming. So yeah, she obviously (IMO) was looking to get closer to HIT and disable him which is something we've seen her do. It's not like James was a fighter. You mean that she was hand cuffed and obviously wasnt going to punch the guy. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/8621-the-starling-city-times-news-and-media-about-arrow/page/260/#findComment-4048662
tv echo February 11, 2018 Share February 11, 2018 (edited) Arrow Season 6 Episode 13 Review: Who Is The Real Villain? Araceli Aviles February 10, 2018http://www.tvovermind.com/arrow-2/arrow-season-6-episode-13-review-who-is-the-real-villain Quote One thing that does set Cayden apart from other villains is that on some level, he can be reasoned with. He takes indisputable facts into consideration. So when Oliver shows him the proof that he did not kill his son, Cayden believes him. But he needed to know if it was Diaz, Laurel, or Anatoly who killed his son and set this whole thing in motion. In this case, the enemy of my enemy will not detonate a bomb if he gets what he wants. * * * Despite Cayden’s imminent detonation of a thermoberic bomb on Star City, Dinah could not break her obsession with revenge. And despite Laurel’s actions, Quentin has not lost all faith in this Laurel. Because Laurel did hesitate, if just for a few seconds, before killing Vincent. Does that mean she can be trusted? Absolutely not. Though she confesses to killing Cayden’s son, it’s obvious she just said that for the pleasure of playing mind games. * * * Collateral damage seems to come around in the most unexpected way. There was really only one logical choice as to who betrayed Cayden. Laurel is not much of a long-term planner, so she is out. Anatoly’s motives were always personal, but aimed specifically at Oliver. Ricardo Diaz was always in this for the long haul, we just didn’t realize how deep he was building his infrastructure. He was always in it to take over the city, not level it, which makes him the first Arrow villain with that motive. Which is why Cayden had to go. He made it too personal, and was no longer an asset to Diaz. * * * -Is Alena going to be a full-fledged member of the team now? It’s not entirely out of the realm of possibility. She’s like a mini-Felicity, able to take on a lot of hands-on work to lighten Felicity’s load. It also wouldn’t be a bad idea to keep another woman who speaks Felicity in the bunker. Plus, we can tell how much working on Team Arrow has influenced her moral compass. * * * -All in all, an A+ performance by Michael Emerson all season, but especially for this episode. His final scenes with Stephen Amell were superb, striking the right level of contrite for his actions. All season, Emerson has been the cold, calculating, factual villain. In his final episode, the cracks in his emotional wall broke down bit by bit, piece by piece, until all that was left was the grieving father who wanted to see his son’s grave. In spite of all the destruction Cayden caused, even Oliver couldn’t deny Cayden that closure. Alas, it was not meant to be. Edited February 11, 2018 by tv echo 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/8621-the-starling-city-times-news-and-media-about-arrow/page/260/#findComment-4048775
tv echo February 12, 2018 Share February 12, 2018 (edited) Arrow 6x13 Recap: "The Devil's Greatest Trick" (The Curse of the Thirteenth Episode) [Contributor: Marilyn] Feb. 11, 2018http://www.itsjustaboutwrite.com/2018/02/arrow-6x13-recap-devils-greatest-trick.html Quote The thirteenth episode of each season of Arrow tends to be more hit than miss, I’ve noticed. Over six years, it’s hard not to pick up on the correlation — the thirteenth episode often is my least favorite episode of any given season. Last year, we saw the infamous “gun control” episode and that was probably my least favorite episode of Arrow ever. So it’s safe to say that I went into “The Devil’s Greatest Trick” with very low expectations. * * * Oliver shared several very tender moments with William in this episode, most notably at the end in the bunker where he promises his son he’ll never let anything happen to him. Oliver also promises to always come home to William, which his son smartly points out that he can’t exactly promise. I also can’t help but think that William is already angling toward joining the team someday, if not taking over his father’s role. There is a lot of Oliver in the boy, and the need to help and protect is strong. We also see that Siren escaped because Quentin helped her. He has her in the back of his car, promising that he’ll get through to the part of her that is just like Laurel if it’s the last thing he does. She looks at him like he’s insane and for once, I agree with Siren. Has Quentin suffered one loss too many and now has gone completely around the bend? Forget the “Can Black Siren be redeemed?” question; what about Quentin Lance? Because right now, I see total character assassination happening. * * * I’m not a huge fan of Diaz, and I’m even less of a fan of Siren. I liked Cayden, if only because I’m a fan of Michael Emerson. With him gone now, I’m nervous about the villain for the rest of this season. I have a small hope that the show will reveal that Alena has been working with Diaz the whole time, because that might help some things make sense (the doctoring of the videos and pictures, for one). So, yeah. The thirteenth episode curse lives on. There was very little Olicity, only scant OTA action, and the family feels with Oliver and William were too sparse to make up for the rest of the clunkiness. But, again, I didn’t expect much out of this episode so I’m not too disappointed. But I do wish for better in the weeks to come. I would suggest dropping the nonsensical “civil war” storyline with OTA and NTA and the whole Black Siren redemption thing, for starters. But I won’t hold my breath on that one. Edited February 12, 2018 by tv echo 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/8621-the-starling-city-times-news-and-media-about-arrow/page/260/#findComment-4051663
tv echo February 12, 2018 Share February 12, 2018 (edited) Agents of GEEK Podcast Episode 105 02/11/2018 Craig Wack & Tatiana Torreshttp://agentsofgeekpodcast.com/wordpress/ -- Craig thought that Arrow "abruptly ending the Cayden James story line" at this point in the season (613) was "unexpected" for a CW show. Tatiana scoffed at the reveal that the big bad guy who made the fake video and sent it to Cayden turned out to be "the random drug lord guy." She thought that Cayden, Damian Dahrk and Ra's al Ghul were all "scary" big bads, but Diaz was just "okay." Craig didn't like that they "sort of gutted Cayden James' scariness" by just making him a "shitty dad." -- Craig also didn't like the "Laurel redemption thing." Tatiana thought that the show "kept going back and forth" on her redemption. Last week, BS "melted the dude's brain" and Tatiana was convinced that there would be no redemption. But this week, they showed this Laurel looking at a pic of her and her dad. Tatiana just wants them to make up their mind, but she wants no redemption. Tatiana also felt bad for Quentin. Craig noted that for Quentin, BS' "one moment of indecision" on melting VInce's brain was "good enough" for Quentin, while BS keeps saying to him that she is not his daughter and that she likes killing. -- Craig thought that the show was "really stretching to keep these two teams at odds" because OTA and NTA were able to work together to defeat Cayden James. Tatiana thought that Curtis always seemed like he was ready to forgive everybody, but Wild Dog was always like, 'no, we don't need to forgive them yet.' Craig noted that Dinah has "gone so over the edge" with her revenge mission. Tatiana said that "Team B" has their own "discord" with Dinah. Craig said that the newbies were still "not being grownups" and should at least coordinate with OTA to protect the city. He thought that a clash between the two teams "just isn't going to work." -- Tatiana noted that "two weeks ago" William was fine with his dad "being a hero" because he still had Felicity and would not be made an orphan, but that this week he's "changed his mind" and is afraid of being made an orphan again. Craig agreed that the whole story line with William "made no sense." -- Craig did like Diaz's "philosophy" that taking over the city is much more profitable than just blowing it up. -- Craig is not looking forward to the return of Arrow in March because all they've teased is an unwanted Laurel redemption story and a "not very well sketched out bad guy". He said that that was not a "very strong formula for the end of the season." Tatiana said that Arrow was still better than The Flash this season. (They then segued into discussing the latest Flash episode.) Edited February 12, 2018 by tv echo 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/8621-the-starling-city-times-news-and-media-about-arrow/page/260/#findComment-4051679
tv echo February 12, 2018 Share February 12, 2018 (edited) Checking in with the Big Bads: Arrow Season 6’s Cayden James Posted by Dan Wickline February 11, 2018https://www.bleedingcool.com/2018/02/11/checking-arrow-season-6-cayden-james/ Quote So many questions. Why did James leave town and not send the air transportation for his teammates? Why’d he want them dead too? How did he find out that Green Arrow was Oliver? That Anatoly had an issue with Oliver? That Black Siren was on Lian Yu? And for that matter, how did Diaz know? How did Diaz know about James and that by killing his son and framing Green Arrow it would get the desired results? And how far was Diaz going to let it go? If he wanted to control Star City, why would he let James blow it up? If Team Arrow hadn’t stopped him, the city was going to go boom. And what is Diaz’s motivation in the first place? Can it really just be he wanted the city? That seems like such a letdown after James. Edited February 12, 2018 by tv echo 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/8621-the-starling-city-times-news-and-media-about-arrow/page/260/#findComment-4051785
Starfish35 February 12, 2018 Share February 12, 2018 (edited) From TVLine's Performer of the Week column: Quote HONORABLE MENTION | For the entirety of his Arrow run, Michael Emerson was all about delivering soft-spoken menace, a villain who with just the occasional upward inflection could make Oliver question any advantage he thought he had. That is why the flashbacks in what would be Emerson’s final episode affected us so. Finally offering perspective on the tragedy that fueled Cayden James’ ire, Emerson pulled off that rare feat of making us actually feel for the Big Bad, who in this case simply wanted to reassert himself as a proper parent by prioritizing his son’s basketball game over the latest mega-hack. When A.R.G.U.S. grunts showed up to dash Dad’s dreams by hauling him away, refusing even “a little compassion,” the wistful resignation on Emerson’s face had us wishing things could have in some way gone differently. Edited February 12, 2018 by Starfish35 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/8621-the-starling-city-times-news-and-media-about-arrow/page/260/#findComment-4051832
Trisha February 12, 2018 Share February 12, 2018 Not that this is surprising but: 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/8621-the-starling-city-times-news-and-media-about-arrow/page/260/#findComment-4052556
Morrigan2575 February 12, 2018 Share February 12, 2018 I wonder why they didn't announce all 4 at the same time 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/8621-the-starling-city-times-news-and-media-about-arrow/page/260/#findComment-4052693
BkWurm1 February 12, 2018 Share February 12, 2018 1 hour ago, Trisha said: Not that this is surprising but: I never doubted they would renew Arrow for season seven but it's always nice to get confirmation. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/8621-the-starling-city-times-news-and-media-about-arrow/page/260/#findComment-4052840
Starfish35 February 12, 2018 Share February 12, 2018 (edited) 1 hour ago, Morrigan2575 said: I wonder why they didn't announce all 4 at the same time I'm not seeing this get picked up by any of the mainstream entertainment sites yet though, so maybe it's not an official announcement yet. Edited February 12, 2018 by Starfish35 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/8621-the-starling-city-times-news-and-media-about-arrow/page/260/#findComment-4053029
tv echo February 13, 2018 Share February 13, 2018 (edited) ARROW: WILD DOG NEEDS TO CUT THE TOUGH GUY ACT AND APOLOGIZE TO OLIVER FEBRUARY 12, 2018 BY BXREPORTERhttps://www.wblzmedia.com/2018/02/12/arrow-wild-dog-needs-to-cut-the-tough-guy-act-and-apologize-to-oliver/ Quote What has happened to Arrow? Last season, the show took one of the best storylines in its history and set the future up for a bright run. Well, it’s safe to say that Arrow has fallen flat on its face this season. The idea to bring not only one big villain but a team of them together was brilliant. However, it’s what has transpired between Team Arrow that has me a bit on edge. A member of the team was set to testify that Oliver was the Green Arrow and when it was revealed that it was Wild Dog, the show took an unexpected turn for the worse. After the big fallout, the team decided to go their separate ways. It was Wild Dog who had the biggest issue with Oliver. But why? What did Oliver do that was so disrespectful that Renee still holds a grudge against him? With Oliver, Felicity, and John not knowing who the mole was, they took it upon themselves to place a tracker on Renee, Curtis, and Dinah. After the truth came out, Renee, Dinah, and Curtis started Team Arrow 2.0 but done so with the belief that it was Oliver, Felicity, and John who were the real backstabbers. This is where the new season has lost me. It seems every time the two teams get together, it’s Renee who has a serious attitude towards Oliver. I get it, they placed trackers on them but if I’m not mistaken, it was Renee who was set to send Oliver to jail in the beginning. If anyone should be mad, it should be Oliver at Renee, not the other way around. It was Oliver who pulled Renee up from the slums, got him a job on Team Arrow and one with the Mayor’s Office. It was also Oliver who helped him get another interview with Social Services to gain custody of his daughter. And yet, this is how Renee shows his gratitude? * * * Whenever the teams are in the same place it’s always the same issues with Renee. “Why are we here”? ” You guys can’t be trusted”. This is how the writers have confused me and some of their audience. It’s like we all saw the mole episode happen but yet, it’s as if the writers forgot that it happened. What we’re seeing from Renee is someone who’s immature and maybe a bit jealous. But for what? Oliver changed his life in so many ways but he was ready to do the unthinkable to a teammate and friend. Once ousted, he’s the one who caught the attitude. Every episode I watch has me thinking this could very well be my last. I was never a big fan of them adding the new team members but I just figured, there was no way the writers could mess up a storyline with so much potential. How long do we have to put up with Renee’s childish ways before enough becomes enough and Arrow is erased from our memories? Edited February 13, 2018 by tv echo 11 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/8621-the-starling-city-times-news-and-media-about-arrow/page/260/#findComment-4054981
BkWurm1 February 13, 2018 Share February 13, 2018 Quote With Oliver, Felicity, and John not knowing who the mole was, they took it upon themselves to place a tracker on Renee, Curtis, and Dinah. Or they maybe just pinged their phone's GPS and read some texts and emails? 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/8621-the-starling-city-times-news-and-media-about-arrow/page/260/#findComment-4055978
Kymmi February 13, 2018 Share February 13, 2018 6 hours ago, tv echo said: ARROW: WILD DOG NEEDS TO CUT THE TOUGH GUY ACT AND APOLOGIZE TO OLIVER FEBRUARY 12, 2018 BY BXREPORTERhttps://www.wblzmedia.com/2018/02/12/arrow-wild-dog-needs-to-cut-the-tough-guy-act-and-apologize-to-oliver/ Preach! Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/8621-the-starling-city-times-news-and-media-about-arrow/page/260/#findComment-4056053
KenyaJ February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 (edited) TV's Worst Couples: 30 Pairs We WishWe Could Forget This Valentine's Day God knows I couldn't stand Raylicity, but I'm still surprised to see them on this list. they were more of a minor irritant for me than a show-ruining experience (like the first slide, Vaughn and Lauren from Alias. I still have PTSD from them.). The full list is a pretty damning indictment of ship stalls, in general. Edited February 14, 2018 by KenyaJ 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/8621-the-starling-city-times-news-and-media-about-arrow/page/260/#findComment-4057909
apinknightmare February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 I’m surprised dear shady Susie and the object of her investigation Oliver weren’t on this list. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/8621-the-starling-city-times-news-and-media-about-arrow/page/260/#findComment-4057925
KenyaJ February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 Just now, apinknightmare said: I’m surprised dear shady Susie and the object of her investigation Oliver weren’t on this list. I'm not sure if they even seemed like enough of a couple to be worth the effort. They were a pure plot contrivance. If I had written the article, Laurel and Oliver definitely would've been on my list. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/8621-the-starling-city-times-news-and-media-about-arrow/page/260/#findComment-4057934
Guest February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 (edited) I hated Raylicity but Lauriver and Shady Susan/Oliver were way worse. LOL. Sometimes I still laugh at the look on Oliver's face after he slept with Susan. He looked like he wanted to die. Edited February 14, 2018 by Guest Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/8621-the-starling-city-times-news-and-media-about-arrow/page/260/#findComment-4057961
tv echo February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 (edited) Happy Arrowversary: ‘The Odyssey’ BY BRIANNA MARTINEZ FEBRUARY 13, 2018http://fanfest.com/2018/02/13/happy-arrowversary-the-odyssey/ Quote Welcome to the first Arrowversary of the year! Today marks five years since “The Odyssey” aired. The 15th episode of the first season of Arrow not only gave us more insight into Oliver’s time on Lian Yu but also, established what fans would come to love and affectionately call Original Team Arrow aka OTA. * * * Felicity’s reaction to finding Oliver in the backseat of her Mini Cooper is still priceless upon re-watch and seeing her immediate reaction to him bleeding out added a bit of dark comedy to the moment. Her conversation later with Diggle about how calmly she is dealing with the revelation offers a hint of what’s to come from Felicity, one of the two people that can see right through Oliver. * * * Oliver’s return to consciousness leads to Felicity agreeing to join the team provisionally as a way to track Walter down. She couldn’t leave without upgrading the system of course and offering a bit of her Felicity-brand humor that brightened the arrow himself up a bit, even temporarily. * * *Looking back at the episode now, there were hints at how integral this trio would become to the whole premise of the show. How through it all, they would end up being one of the best parts of the Arrowverse. Edited February 14, 2018 by tv echo 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/8621-the-starling-city-times-news-and-media-about-arrow/page/260/#findComment-4058805
tv echo February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 (edited) Arrow: Is It Time for Oliver & Felicity to Have a Baby? By Lindsay MacDonald | Feb 13, 2018 12:00 PM ESThttp://www.tvguide.com/news/arrow-oliver-felicity-baby/ Quote Oliver's been rocking daddy duty like a pro, but as it turns out, Felicity is kind of the unexpected MVP of step-motherhood this season. Her bond with William was slow to start — which was a great move on her part, give the boy some space — but ever since she first started taking on her duties as stepmother, she's been hitting it out of the park. * * * Pregnancy storylines on genre and action-based shows are always dicey. Babies are great plot devices for family-driven shows, but when your weekly storylines center on kicking butt and fighting bad guys, a big belly tends to get in the way. (For Arrow though, that would be less of an issue given Felicity's home base is in the bunker instead of out in the field.) Arrow doesn't necessarily need a baby right now, but let's not forget the show is getting up in years. CW shows tend to venture into baby territory once they reach Seasons 6 or 7 to help segue characters from young adult to actual adult, and just to mix it up story-wise. It wouldn't be the craziest idea to think Arrow might pull the same move. The most persuasive argument of all though, is that both Oliver and Felicity feel like they're in the right place to start family planning. They've finally said, "I do" after years of dodging, and they've reached almost every other couple milestone along the way. Now that they're refining their parenting abilities on an angsty teen, Oliver and Felicity might want to try their luck at the baby and toddler years. Edited February 14, 2018 by tv echo Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/8621-the-starling-city-times-news-and-media-about-arrow/page/260/#findComment-4058835
WindofChange February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 (edited) Valentine’s Day Goals: Top 10 TV Couples Currently Winning 2018 http://www.tvovermind.com/arrow-2/valentines-day-goals-top-10-tv-couples-currently-winning-2018 Quote -Oliver and Felicity (Arrow) They had chemistry from the very first time he brought her a bullet-riddled laptop. He was the vigilante with trust issues, she was the IT girl who made him smile for the first time in years. But it took them six years to get to the “I Do’s”. It’s tough to compress all that this couple has been through, what with their respective gunshot wounds, periods of unemployment, and the appearance of Oliver’s long-lost son in their lives. But through it all, they’ve remained partners. No amount of drama, even the unnecessary amount they put themselves through, could taint the core of their relationship. Whether you’ve been an Olicity shipper from Day 1, or you service the other team, when Oliver and Felicity finally tied the knot, everyone’s sentiment was the same: It’s about time! And given that Oliver is currently under indictment, their team is fractured, and William has just learned his father went back to vigilante duty, this couple’s battles are far from over. But so far, they’re handling everything the way a married couple should–together. LOVE this write up. Edited February 14, 2018 by WindofChange 14 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/8621-the-starling-city-times-news-and-media-about-arrow/page/260/#findComment-4059225
tv echo February 15, 2018 Share February 15, 2018 (edited) These roundtable participants do not mention Olicity at all (imo, a conspicuous omission), but I'm posting the article because of some recurring themes that appear in the TV romance and shipping sections - the shipped couple makes each other better people, the couple must have great chemistry to be shipped, mutual respect, etc. However, one person does mention Oliver & Diggle in the bromance section, and another person mentions Oliver & Laurel in the section that I'm nick-naming "WTF?!" (I never saw any chemistry between them, but ymmv),... Spoiler TV's 2018 Valentine's Day Roundtable Posted by Rantsofafangirl at February 14, 2018 https://www.spoilertv.com/2018/02/spoiler-tvs-2018-valentines-day.html Quote A bromance is a close, platonic friendship of love, support, and deep affection between two males. Sometimes awkward, yet always steadfast, a genuine bromance is today’s way for two dudes to say, “I love you, man!” What are some of your favorite bromances? ...Jamie: I don't really have any favorite bromances but I do like Oliver & Diggle (Arrow), Derek & Mark (Grey's Anatomy). * * *Sadly, some relationships pass each other like ships in the night, or grow apart. Are there any friendships or relationships you’d like to see more of or be rekindled in the future? ...Marko: Oliver and Laurel? Katie and Stephen had always so much chemistry between them. I know it won't happen but that sizzle was really great. Edited February 15, 2018 by tv echo Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/8621-the-starling-city-times-news-and-media-about-arrow/page/260/#findComment-4061135
apinknightmare February 15, 2018 Share February 15, 2018 8 minutes ago, tv echo said: These roundtable participants do not mention Olicity at all (imo, a conspicuous omission) It doesn’t surprise me. I don’t think any of the contributors on that site like Felicity. They let someone post that apology from Felicity fanfic about Barry and Iris’s wedding and retweeted it, no lie, about 10-15 times from the site’s account. There was a poll for people to vote for the best/worst on TV a few weeks ago and the person who published the results added in some of the comments they received on the poll. Most were positive, but there were a couple negatives and one of them was about Emily (and I think she came in third in that one, so she wasn’t even posting negative comments about the top vote getters). 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/8621-the-starling-city-times-news-and-media-about-arrow/page/260/#findComment-4061170
Guest February 15, 2018 Share February 15, 2018 I can’t believe there’s someone who genuinely thinks SA and KC had sizzling chemistry. Whaaaaaat. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/8621-the-starling-city-times-news-and-media-about-arrow/page/260/#findComment-4061190
apinknightmare February 15, 2018 Share February 15, 2018 I like that they used the picture from the time Oliver was trapped in an alien brainwashing and was going to leave without saying goodbye to her, haha. 16 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/8621-the-starling-city-times-news-and-media-about-arrow/page/260/#findComment-4061197
Chaser February 15, 2018 Share February 15, 2018 The Felicity hate is annoying but I get more irritated at the rewrite of Oliver and Laurel and by extension SA and KC. Their chemistry was so bad people shipped incest before an unknown guest star come along to save them. The Laurel and Oliver and Laurel problem was a near universal complaint with critics and fans. 13 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/8621-the-starling-city-times-news-and-media-about-arrow/page/260/#findComment-4061221
Primal Slayer February 15, 2018 Share February 15, 2018 I think if they wrote Lauriver like they did the first 5mins of the 100th episode, they could've salvaged the relationship earlier in the series. But of course they shot themselves in the foot by the time the pilot was done. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/8621-the-starling-city-times-news-and-media-about-arrow/page/260/#findComment-4061242
Guest February 15, 2018 Share February 15, 2018 (edited) I mean, I know chemistry is mostly subjective but Arrow changed its original plan simply because SA and KC didn't have chemistry and everyone knew it. You don't change the main couple, and a comic one at that, unless there's a big reason. Edited February 15, 2018 by Guest Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/8621-the-starling-city-times-news-and-media-about-arrow/page/260/#findComment-4061248
Belinea February 15, 2018 Share February 15, 2018 (edited) Someone should have asked if they mean the dead Laurel or the Laurel 2.0 that currently tries to kill them all. Also that sizzle he heard was the ship crashing and burning probably. Also if Oliver and Laurel had had the chemistry that they are remembering then the writers would have written towards it and not embraced the way out of it. Subjectively, I even felt that Sara was more important in his life than his relationship to Laurel. It seem as though they always told the viewers about the relationship but quickly decided to not show it anymore. Edited February 15, 2018 by Belinea 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/8621-the-starling-city-times-news-and-media-about-arrow/page/260/#findComment-4061251
SmallScreenDiva February 15, 2018 Share February 15, 2018 (edited) 47 minutes ago, apinknightmare said: I like that they used the picture from the time Oliver was trapped in an alien brainwashing and was going to leave without saying goodbye to her, haha. You'd be surprised (or maybe you won't, LOL) how many of their fans cling to that episode as all the proof they need that Oliver & Laurel are destiny. Because it showed Oliver's "perfect" world and that was marrying Laurel — never mind the explanation about alien brainwashing or that Laurel was recycling Felicity's lines. Edited February 15, 2018 by SmallScreenDiva 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/8621-the-starling-city-times-news-and-media-about-arrow/page/260/#findComment-4061309
BunsenBurner February 15, 2018 Share February 15, 2018 From@geeksvibenation EXCLUSIVE: In speaking with Marc Guggenheim he revealed that we won’t be seeing any sort of love angle between Oliver and Dinah. There will be no stories involving Oliver cheating on his wife. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/8621-the-starling-city-times-news-and-media-about-arrow/page/260/#findComment-4061358
KenyaJ February 15, 2018 Share February 15, 2018 The Arrowverse's Big Unmaskings, Ranked — From A to Zoom Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/8621-the-starling-city-times-news-and-media-about-arrow/page/260/#findComment-4061587
Cleanqueen February 15, 2018 Share February 15, 2018 3 hours ago, KenyaJ said: The Arrowverse's Big Unmaskings, Ranked — From A to Zoom The top 3 definitely deserve the spot. 4 hours ago, Primal Slayer said: I think if they wrote Lauriver like they did the first 5mins of the 100th episode, they could've salvaged the relationship earlier in the series. But of course they shot themselves in the foot by the time the pilot was done. do you mean story wise or acting wise? because story wise i dont know how you get to them trying to get married in the pilot and acting wise, i think the actors tried to make that scene work because they knew it was a one off, it wasnt sizzling chemistry by any means but Amell at least didnt look constipated. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/8621-the-starling-city-times-news-and-media-about-arrow/page/260/#findComment-4062112
kes0704 February 15, 2018 Share February 15, 2018 I agree that Stephen does okay with actresses he doesn’t have a lot of chemistry with if it’s one off, single episodes. But when it drags on and on his face progressively gives him away to the point where it looks like he’s trying to escape the scenes. Susan is a prime example of this. Their scenes started out okay, nothing amazing, but you could slowly see his nope!face starting to appear. It reached maximum intensity at the end of 512 when they ended up in bed together. The poor man just could not sell that relationship, no matter how hard he tried. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/8621-the-starling-city-times-news-and-media-about-arrow/page/260/#findComment-4062399
Mellowyellow February 15, 2018 Share February 15, 2018 13 minutes ago, kes0704 said: I agree that Stephen does okay with actresses he doesn’t have a lot of chemistry with if it’s one off, single episodes. But when it drags on and on his face progressively gives him away to the point where it looks like he’s trying to escape the scenes. Susan is a prime example of this. Their scenes started out okay, nothing amazing, but you could slowly see his nope!face starting to appear. It reached maximum intensity at the end of 512 when they ended up in bed together. The poor man just could not sell that relationship, no matter how hard he tried. See I don't think he tries! I don't think anyone could look so angry and resentful if they were trying. There are bland faces and no chemistry but he always looks either angry or zoned out. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/8621-the-starling-city-times-news-and-media-about-arrow/page/260/#findComment-4062436
Primal Slayer February 15, 2018 Share February 15, 2018 2 hours ago, Cleanqueen said: The top 3 definitely deserve the spot. do you mean story wise or acting wise? because story wise i dont know how you get to them trying to get married in the pilot and acting wise, i think the actors tried to make that scene work because they knew it was a one off, it wasnt sizzling chemistry by any means but Amell at least didnt look constipated. Them being genuinely happy together and not being all miserable. Even acting wise it was good. I think Amell has a problem where he doesn't really try that often if he isn't feeling it and he may not want to upset his status quo so he rather just go against the waves to make sure it doesnt happen. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/8621-the-starling-city-times-news-and-media-about-arrow/page/260/#findComment-4062561
BkWurm1 February 15, 2018 Share February 15, 2018 (edited) I'm dying over the picture they chose to represent all the chemistry. Hahaahaahahahahha Laurel might as well be a mannequin. I can't seem to delete the duplicate picture Edited February 16, 2018 by BkWurm1 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/8621-the-starling-city-times-news-and-media-about-arrow/page/260/#findComment-4062701
bijoux February 16, 2018 Share February 16, 2018 13 hours ago, KenyaJ said: The Arrowverse's Big Unmaskings, Ranked — From A to Zoom 10 hours ago, Cleanqueen said: The top 3 definitely deserve the spot. I can’t judge Zoom, but in my eyes Malcolm’s reveal tops Chases. When the Dark Archer took off his mask, I found it genuinely shocking. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/8621-the-starling-city-times-news-and-media-about-arrow/page/260/#findComment-4063860
Mary0360 February 16, 2018 Share February 16, 2018 11 hours ago, Primal Slayer said: Them being genuinely happy together and not being all miserable. Even acting wise it was good. I think Amell has a problem where he doesn't really try that often if he isn't feeling it and he may not want to upset his status quo so he rather just go against the waves to make sure it doesnt happen. I don't think Stephen deserves all the blame. At least in Laurel/Oliver's case. I don't really think Katie put much of an effort in either. They were both terrible together. Katie would go from super aggressive hate his guts in scenes where Stephen played Oliver as apologetic and sympathetic; to romantic and I want bang him at times which was either inappropriate to the place both Laurel and Olivers characters were in time or was not reciprocated by Stephen's performance. In season one she didn't play Laurel as nuance or conflicted, which might have made Laurel and Olivers complicated relationship more engaging. She was either straight anger, or straight romantic heroine, which only led to the audience having whiplash. Both of them didnt click as actors and subsequently characters. It takes two to tango, and while Emily and Stephen seem to treat their scenes as genuine partnership it seems Katie and Stephen did not, or at least, not consistently. 14 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/8621-the-starling-city-times-news-and-media-about-arrow/page/260/#findComment-4064031
Featherhat February 16, 2018 Share February 16, 2018 19 hours ago, SmallScreenDiva said: You'd be surprised (or maybe you won't, LOL) how many of their fans cling to that episode as all the proof they need that Oliver & Laurel are destiny. Because it showed Oliver's "perfect" world and that was marrying Laurel — never mind the explanation about alien brainwashing or that Laurel was recycling Felicity's lines. I guess its not that surprising when it was probably the best they'd ever been in 5 years (and he still didn't treat her very well). You also have to ignore that he treated her badly long before he took Sara on the Gambit. I'm currently more annoyed about Diggle's 'perfect life' though since I don't see him as being happy in a world without Lyla and Sara JJ once he'd experienced that life, even if he does feel a sense of purpose being GA in S6. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/8621-the-starling-city-times-news-and-media-about-arrow/page/260/#findComment-4064035
Belinea February 16, 2018 Share February 16, 2018 19 hours ago, SmallScreenDiva said: You'd be surprised (or maybe you won't, LOL) how many of their fans cling to that episode as all the proof they need that Oliver & Laurel are destiny He still left her at the end. He could have stayed in the hallucination but he didn't. 13 hours ago, kes0704 said: The poor man just could not sell that relationship, no matter how hard he tried. The Susan relationship really felt like he was sleepwalking through it. I don't know but it felt as though SA really didn't care for this storyline. Also he didn't care for fans questioning this relationship and Susan's weird storyline altogether. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/8621-the-starling-city-times-news-and-media-about-arrow/page/260/#findComment-4064044
tv echo February 17, 2018 Share February 17, 2018 (edited) LOL... Sydelle NoelSydelle Noel is an actress to watch for her role in the Netflix original series G.L.O.W. and the upcoming Marvel film Black Panther. Interview by Deborah Ferguson. Feb. 16, 2018http://www.contentmode.com/sydelle-noel/ Quote How is your character evolving on TV series Arrow ? Do you like shooting in Vancouver? I can’t really discuss that because I truthfully don’t know where my character is going, but I do love Vancouver and being on the show. Edited February 17, 2018 by tv echo 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/8621-the-starling-city-times-news-and-media-about-arrow/page/260/#findComment-4067406
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