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The Starling City Times: News and Media about Arrow


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It's probably just wishful thinking on their part.  If you read the rest of the article, you can see where their preferences lie.


Incidentally, Talk Nerdy With Us has published their interview with ER, but I'm going to post it in the Spoilers thread because it's arguably a little spoilery as to Taiana's character.

Edited by tv echo
  • Love 2

I have to laugh at comments that people can't imagine how they can have Oliver and Felicity married and make it work because they are generally the same people who said the same thing about how Oliver can't be in a romantic relationship with her and make it work. If we've learned anything during S4 it's that Oliver and Felicity do work very well as a couple without upsetting the balance of the show.

  • Love 17

Were they not paying attention to the multiple times that "I choose this life, I don't need to be protected" was emphasized? Did I watch a different episode than they did?

I'm personally NOT a big fan of TV Fanatic or what this round table has to say most of the time and this time is no exception. I honestly sometimes wonder if some of these outlets this one in particular just make ludicrous remarks so they can generate comments for their article(s).

  • Love 3

I can guess what they prefer (I'm sure it has something to do with how Because Comics can fight and protect herself and is the bravest, strongest blah blah blah) so I'm not going to give them the benefit of a page hit. They can ship or wish whatever they want, but when they flat out ignore what actually happened in the episode to spin their viewpoint, I consider their opinions invalid. Thank you for taking one for the team, tv echo

  • Love 3

TV Overmind's writers (Andy, Sean, Jasef, Laura, Blaise, Nick and Chris) are pretty happy with S4's shift in tone, love Damien Darhk as the villain, etc. - I have quoted certain sections where you can really see each writer's personal biases (you may wish to read the entire article which is three pages long) - warning: "pretty bird" is mentioned below...


Arrow Season 4 Mid-Season Round Table
By Andy Behbakht on Dec 15, 2015

It’s clear that Arrow Season 4 is cleaning up (in all due respect) the mess that its third season left the show with back in May. What has been the biggest improvement or addition throughout the first nine episodes?  It can be a character that has improved, the introduction of a new character, a character relationship (friendly or romantically), or just the way they have been telling their stories so far.

Andy Behbakht:... In terms of improvement, it has been a beautiful experience to see the healing in Oliver’s friendship with Laurel because that dynamic has been at a rough spot since Season 2. Since the end of that season and forward, most of the time, Oliver hasn’t always been greatest friend towards her, especially last season, but things have improved after their phenomenal progression in Season 4’s fifth episode, where Oliver got the wake-up call he needed and is now being more respectful towards Laurel and treating her like an equal. Whether they are together in a romantic relationship or not, the two of them have known each other for almost their entire lives. In addition, we can’t have a Green Arrow that is being disrespectful towards his pretty bird (Oliver’s nickname for Laurel in the comics) Black Canary. Whether or not there ever is a romantic focus between these two again, I’m appreciating the fact that we actually have a great Green Arrow and Black Canary that are fighting crime together, and hopefully that will just increase as we go forward.
*  *  *
Jasef Wisener: Thea and Laurel have been the biggest improvements for me this season over what’s come before. Laurel started working her way into becoming a tolerable character with her arc last season, but fully jumping into the role and the persona of Black Canary has finally made her one of the best characters on network television. Likewise, embracing a heroic side has given Thea the drive she’s needed for three years, and I’m very pleased with how much I’m enjoying seeing this team work together now.

Laura Schinner: One of the biggest improvements to Season 4, for me, is the introduction of a big bad that actually seems threatening. Ra’s just didn’t raise the stakes or instill fear the way Slade or Damien do, and Season 3 suffered because of that. The addition of Echo as Curtis has also been a lot of fun, as has seeing Speedy become a full member of Team Arrow. While I’m still constantly frustrated by Malcolm’s existence in this show, it’s almost worth it for all the sass that Thea throws at him. Last season also distinctly lacked strong Diggle storylines, which is being made up for this season as we discover more about HIVE and his brother. And finally, it’s been a huge benefit to the show to explore Oliver and Felicity in an established relationship. In a lot of ways, Felicity has made Oliver a better person as he becomes more open to other people’s opinions and other ways of doing things. Many of the frustrating aspects of last season have been resolved, and they’ve been able to move forward with much better storytelling this season.
*  *  *
Chris King: ... My favorite part of Season 4 so far has been Oliver’s shift in personality and how he has let his guard down and truly let people in again for the first time since he returned home from the island. A big part of that is his relationship with Felicity, which has opened his heart and mind to the idea that there are people in this world who can love you, help you, and see you for the person you are now and the person you have the capability of being. That’s why the love story between them, even when it became a little tedious in some moments during last season, has been one of the best parts about Arrow since its inception: Oliver’s connection with Felicity has given him the strength and faith to not fall in love and be happy but to trust in others, thereby helping him become the most complete and best version of himself. Also, the repairing of Oliver’s friendship with Diggle was superbly handled and gave both Stephen Amell and David Ramsey some great material to play.
*  *  *
The first half of the season ended in a big way as Damien went after Oliver and Felicity after they had just gotten engaged at the very end of Arrow‘s fall finale. We have no idea what kind of state Felicity is in, and the writers are sticking to their main goal this season, which is bringing back the element of stakes and consequences. Where do you see this incident going from here?

Andy Behbakht: While Felicity is probably not dead, since it wouldn’t fit in with the “six months” aspect of this upcoming death—although she could potentially die later in the season; anyone who isn’t Oliver Queen has the potential to die, no matter how popular a character may be—I do expect to see some physically and mentally negative effects on her. I wouldn’t be surprised if her injuries were so bad that she will crippled or something along those lines. Either way, I don’t expect her to just come out of it 100% damage-free because this is a big deal. I see this event beings something that will trigger that murder-side within Oliver as that is always going to be a struggle that he has. I just hope the second half of the season doesn’t get too dar(h)k because we know how bad it went last time Arrow wanted to overplay the show’s darkness. It will be interesting to see how the characters deal with it in the winter premiere.
*  *  *
Jasef Wisener: I haven’t been a big fan of Felicity since Season 3, and I think that the writers completely destroyed her last season. The first few episodes this season have turned her around in a big way, but I really think the best thing for the show’s story (and the Oliver/Laurel relationship that I’m dying to see) is for Felicity to go away. I actually wouldn’t mind if she lived and just jumped over to help out the Legends of Tomorrow in an Oracle-esque role, but I think we’ve gotten to the point that Felicity has done just about all the good that she can on Arrow. With that said, I think the character is too popular with fans to kill off in that way, so I believe she’ll be sticking around.

Laura Schinner: As much as they’re trying to make it look like Felicity is dead, it’s pretty obvious that she won’t be (although I do love the parallels between Oliver being ‘dead’ at midseason finale last season and Felicity being ‘dead’ this season). The show knows it would lose a very vocal and passionate part of their fanbase if it were to kill Felicity off, and I just don’t see that happening. What I do think we’ll get to see is some incredible angst, as Oliver deals with nearly losing the love of his life. In Season 3, his big struggle was not wanting to be with Felicity because he didn’t want his enemies to target her. I’m hopeful that this event won’t trigger those same thoughts in Oliver, as he has come to realize that Felicity is her own person and can make her own decisions. A big theme of the midseason finale was that Oliver is NOT the boss of Felicity and if she wants to live the life they do and be with him, then he needs to accept that. Stephen Amell has already promised that if Felicity were to ever be in danger, we’d see “confusion, desperation, utter sadness, and complete rage.” I have no doubt that Amell will deliver on all these fronts, showing us an Oliver Queen that is truly desperate for Felicity to be okay and ready to take down those who hurt her.

Blaise Hopkins: I think when we return Felicity will be left in a coma. Regardless of whether she actually dies or not, it’s going to send Oliver on a hellbent mission against Darhk. I’m a big Doctor Who fan, and in the most recent series Peter Capaldi’s Doctor loses someone close to him, which delivered one of the best episodes in the show’s history and the best he’s ever performed in the role. I’m expecting Arrow to be no different, and we will see Oliver completely unleashed with what I’m hoping will be some of Stephen Amell’s best performances.

Nick Hogan: I don’t see Felicity dying (just yet), but she is going to be damaged. Remember, Oliver has a son that he hasn’t told her about, and there would be no consequences for that if she dies this soon. But, some of her innocence will vanish. She will change. She won’t just be quirky, funny Felicity anymore, but a damaged character like…well..the rest of them. Oliver, too, will be more wary of accepting happiness as normality.  One thing that will definitely happen, though? Damien Darhk will pay.

Chris King: Regarding Felicity’s state following the attack, I would say that it’s pretty much a given that the incident will leave her traumatized in some way, and possibly with some type of mental obstacle (since Felicity’s intelligence is one of her best and most celebrated attributes) that she needs to overcome. However, whatever challenges that Felicity faces will only make her stronger as a character and provide her with even more incentive to take down Damien Darhk. And speaking of how Damien will pay, I’m very curious to see how Oliver will respond to his enemy’s latest actions. The fall finale showed us that Damien has some type of family. Could Oliver (and Arrow) really go that far and become like a villain himself by going after Damien’s wife or kid as retribution? We’ve already seen Oliver try taking down Darhk in the light of day, but the harm he’s done to Felicity may cause the Green Arrow to become the darkest version of himself.

Edited by tv echo
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What if they are showing us a different timeline with Darhk and his family? Could that be the flashback girl?

I laugh at the people who think LL and OQ have any sort of chemistry on the show. They probably are watching a different show. The whole pretty bird is ridiculous. From my knowledge, Oliver hasn't even stated how beautiful Felicity is to him and he's now engaged to her. What makes them think he will say that to LL? Good Lord these people are all about the comics and can't see what is right in front of them on the show.

  • Love 4

TV Overmind's writers (Andy, Sean, Jasef, Laura, Blaise, Nick and Chris) are pretty happy with S4's shift in tone, love Damien Darhk as the villain, etc. - I have quoted certain sections where you can really see each writer's personal biases (you may wish to read the entire article which is three pages long) - warning: "pretty bird" is mentioned below...

Thanks for the warning, . I could take a Maalox before reading the excerpt.

  • Love 1

Ah.... who exactly is this person and seriously what show has he been watching? Did he not get the memo from Stephen Amell himself that the Laurel and Oliver ship has sank to the deepest levels of dark murky water and condemned there to never rise again, I can't with some of these reviewers of the show!! Say what now: "Jasef Wisener: I haven’t been a big fan of Felicity since Season 3, and I think that the writers completely destroyed her last season. The first few episodes this season have turned her around in a big way, but I really think the best thing for the show’s story (and the Oliver/Laurel relationship that I’m dying to see) is for Felicity to go away"

Edited by Ann Mack

Arrow Season 4 Mid-Season Round Table

By Andy Behbakht on Dec 15, 2015




In Season 3, his big struggle was not wanting to be with Felicity because he didn’t want his enemies to target her.


NO NO NO NO NO. If anything, this is one trope that the Arrow writers have stayed far away from, especially in season 3. It was one of the best (if one of the only good things) parts of Oliver and Felicity's pseudo-break-up in 301 and 302. It was because Oliver did not feel he was the person who could keep up his life as the Arrow and give enough love to a significant other, leading him to think it would be best for him to be alone and for her to be with someone who can give her the love, happiness, and attention that she deserves (but I digress)


Nothing loses my support in the credibility of someone's interpretation of Arrow if they believe that that was the reason Oliver didn't want a relationship with Felicity. For all the flak Arrow gets for its tropes, it has defied the superhero's love trope, minimizing Felicity as a DiD and giving legitimate reasoning for having fears for starting this relationship. I get that everyone gets his/her own opinion, but that really rips away some of the point of that entire plot line.  

  • Love 15

I just don't understand how many are saying "Felicity has served her purpose and there is no more use for her on the show". That statement has me completely confused, Oliver stated the obvious as far as GTA goes when they had the phone and he stated it was useless without Felicity's expertise to crack it or trace it. She is there technical genius! Let alone the OBVIOUS she is the Arrow's LIGHT, HEART AND LOVE. Do they not know how many stories are there to be told between these two or do some just want those stories told with Laurel (as laughable as that is). The Green Arrow and Black Canary romantic entanglement is NOT happening. If some could let go of that deranged idea maybe they could see what golden opportunities are there for Oliver and Felicity. I know its hard for some to accept but this is not a comic book love story but an adaption of a comic book where the producers have already stated they will go with what works NOT what the comic books have dictate(d)!

Edited by Ann Mack
  • Love 1


Jasef Wisener: Thea and Laurel have been the biggest improvements for me this season over what’s come before. Laurel started working her way into becoming a tolerable character with her arc last season, but fully jumping into the role and the persona of Black Canary has finally made her one of the best characters on network television. Likewise, embracing a heroic side has given Thea the drive she’s needed for three years, and I’m very pleased with how much I’m enjoying seeing this team work together now.




She is such a terrible character, as written and acted.  Does he even know who he's talking about?

  • Love 9

I believe it was @Morrigan2575 that first suggested calling Sara "Pretty Bird" in another thread... And I've got to say I can't wait until that moment when the Flarrowverse does it because it's just going to be so much fun to watch a certain portion of the fandom explode or try to rationalize it. And frankly, I could see at least 8 characters call SL "Pretty Bird" organically in a conversation and frankly I can't think of one character that would ever think to call LL "Pretty Bird" like ever even with Arrow writers' room knack for inorganic awkward conversation.

  • Love 4


Jasef Wisener: Thea and Laurel have been the biggest improvements for me this season over what’s come before. Laurel started working her way into becoming a tolerable character with her arc last season, but fully jumping into the role and the persona of Black Canary has finally made her one of the best characters on network television. Likewise, embracing a heroic side has given Thea the drive she’s needed for three years, and I’m very pleased with how much I’m enjoying seeing this team work together now.



She is such a terrible character, as written and acted.  Does he even know who he's talking about?

That was one of the most hysterical parts of the review... makes me sad to think what type of network TV this guy watches if LL/BC as written on the show is his gold standard for excellence. I watch some pretty good (& some probably some pretty bad) Network TV and I've got to say that in no way is LL/BC even one of the best worst characters on TV. He really needs to watch more network TV. Even by CW standards, LL/BC is not even that good of a character as written/acted.

  • Love 1

All Laurel had this year was a storyline that undid all her development and already pretty vague motivation to put on a mask.Other than that she stands around the arrow cave with her arms crossed and is in fight scenes where you can see the stunt double way more than we should.I really don't see any improvement,though she is so sidelined at this point she's easier to ignore this season so that makes it better for me.

I'll never get why anyone would want her to get called pretty bird on the show,it makes no sense for her character especially wanting Oliver to call her that.I agree Sara would be more likely to be called that if the nickname had to be used at all.Sara is the one with all the canary symbolism used for her character and she was in a relationship with Nyssa who refered to her as beloved so "pretty bird" wouldn't be that much of a reach.

Edited by tangerine95
  • Love 4

The best part for me is that if it weren't for Felicity wanting to do the superhero thing, Oliver would be a retired ex-billionaire ex-vigilante in suburbia right now.

Post of the day. Some serious truth tea right there. Oliver would still be wowing his obnoxious Ivy Town neighbors with his slow cooker eggs.

  • Love 11

The show has gone to such great lengths this season to make Felicity vital to the entire superheroing enterprise [Oliver stayed in town because of her, she made him the new suit, she's bankrolling everything Team Arrow related], that I'm not gonna get worked up over some serious narrative comprehension deficit.

At least when I watch tv wrong I do it on purpose.

  • Love 13

Yeesh. Even though Felicity is probably one of my most favorite characters, I wouldn't even call her one of the best characters on television. So even though I get that people have opinions, I find it hard to believe that HE believes that Laurel is the best character on TV. She's probably his favorite. Which is different.

  • Love 12

Yeesh. Even though Felicity is probably one of my most favorite characters, I wouldn't even call her one of the best characters on television. So even though I get that people have opinions, I find it hard to believe that HE believes that Laurel is the best character on TV. She's probably his favorite. Which is different.


So very much this. I watch a lot of crap TV, but I also watch some really good stuff as well. If Laurel is the best character he's watching on TV right now, he has no standards or isn't watching anything else. 

  • Love 3

I believe it was @Morrigan2575 that first suggested calling Sara "Pretty Bird" in another thread... And I've got to say I can't wait until that moment when the Flarrowverse does it because it's just going to be so much fun to watch a certain portion of the fandom explode or try to rationalize it. And frankly, I could see at least 8 characters call SL "Pretty Bird" organically in a conversation and frankly I can't think of one character that would ever think to call LL "Pretty Bird" like ever even with Arrow writers' room knack for inorganic awkward conversation.

It was me!!! I want it so bad it hurts! I even have dreams about it sometimes.

  • Love 2

I believe it was @Morrigan2575 that first suggested calling Sara "Pretty Bird" in another thread... And I've got to say I can't wait until that moment when the Flarrowverse does it because it's just going to be so much fun to watch a certain portion of the fandom explode or try to rationalize it. And frankly, I could see at least 8 characters call SL "Pretty Bird" organically in a conversation and frankly I can't think of one character that would ever think to call LL "Pretty Bird" like ever even with Arrow writers' room knack for inorganic awkward conversation.

Hah! I've been saying that since S2. In fact Sakura and I were just talking about it in the Sara thread on the LoT board. They've given everything BC related to Sara except the name and the Bark Collar. In fact LoT just gave Sara/White Canary the Comics Black Canary's symbol. I can easily see Nyssa calling Sara Pretty Bird, especially since Sara is associated with the Canary imagery (in Arrow).

Edited by Morrigan2575
  • Love 1

I could definitely hear Nyssa call Sara 'Pretty Bird.' I can't picture Oliver saying it to anyone. I mean, come on. It's such a comic thing it's actually ridiculous. There are some things that can be worked into the show pretty well, such as the boxing glove arrow, and then there are things that have no place on Arrow whatsoever. That ship has sailed. Bye bye birdie. 

Edited by Guest

I am fine with the nickname pretty bird being used on Laurel and I am fine with it never being used. Glad to see people enjoying Laurel this season even though it has been a bit rough for 3 episodes. And when it comes to relationships, people will always have hope for something, big whoop. While I am not dying at the thought of Lauriver becoming a thing again, it would take a group of really talented writers to fix what this show has damaged but I don't see them ever coming to the show. 

  • Love 1

Hah! I've been saying that since S2. In fact Sakura and I were just talking about it in the Sara thread on the LoT board. They've given everything BC related to Sara except the name and the Bark Collar. In fact LoT just gave Sara/White Canary the Comics Black Canary's symbol. I can easily see Nyssa calling Sara Pretty Bird, especially since Sara is associated with the Canary imagery (in Arrow).

This might have been what I was remembering. :)

Laurel the best character on tv. Hahahahaha.

His best character has no storyline of her own, stands in the background with her arms crossed saying the occasional awkward line while her stunt double films the fight scenes.

That does make her easier to ignore which makes it better. But it still shows how unnecessary she is. Like every season so far removing Laurel from the scene changes nothing.

Her bark collar is mostly useless, the bad guys don't even notice it or her.

Edited by Sakura12
  • Love 2
Jasef Wisener: I haven’t been a big fan of Felicity since Season 3, and I think that the writers completely destroyed her last season. The first few episodes this season have turned her around in a big way, but I really think the best thing for the show’s story (and the Oliver/Laurel relationship that I’m dying to see) is for Felicity to go away. I actually wouldn’t mind if she lived and just jumped over to help out the Legends of Tomorrow in an Oracle-esque role, but I think we’ve gotten to the point that Felicity has done just about all the good that she can on Arrow. With that said, I think the character is too popular with fans to kill off in that way, so I believe she’ll be sticking around.

Everyone is entitled to ship whoever they want.


However, I find objectionable the implication that Felicity's only function on the show was to help Oliver transition from the Arrow into the Green Arrow - and that now she has turned Oliver into a real boy from the dark toward the light, she's no longer needed and should drop out, so that Laurel can step forward and reap the benefits of a relationship with a more mature, monogamous Oliver.  On this point, I'm reminded of a Big Bang Theory episode when Penny complained that she's the one who made Leonard into someone that Priya would want to date.


Also, saying that Felicity should die or go away in order to pave the way for Laurel to have the romantic relationship with Oliver is so Smallville - that show made it seem like Lois was second choice, someone that Clark was with only because his true love, Lana, was unavailable to him.

Edited by tv echo
  • Love 7

Well, duh - who wouldn't be? Also, go to link to watch video of SA answering a bunch of fan questions...


-- In response to question as to how long Arrow would air, SA says that he'd be "amazed if the show didn't do another year after this year, but beyond that, who knows" - that they were always "built to be a five-year show" but that that doesn't mean they couldn't go six or seven years.  However, he "can't really picture beyond that, but we'll see."

-- In response to question as to having EBR appear as the next guest on facebook live, SA says he's "working on that" and that he got a lot of views when he did had RA as a guest.


Stephen Amell Says He Would Be Open To A Marvel Movie Role
Russ Burlingame- 12/15/2015

"Sure, why not?" He answered a fan question. "I'm up for roles -- movie roles -- although I've never really read Marvel Comics and I was always a DC guy even before I was a DC guy. But it's not like if I got offered an awesome Marvel superhero, I'd be like 'No, I can't.'"
Edited by tv echo

I just find this stance incredibly misogynistic -- the idea that women are forever replaceable as love interests because obviously female characters are easily interchangeable like that. /sarcasm font


Arrow has already replaced their love interest from Laurel to Felicity. They've done this storyline once already. And they actually could not figure out a way to do it without diminishing Laurel in every single way -- screen time, story importance, relevance, you name it, they took it from her to be able to pull this off.


And hey, I think it was the right thing to do -- and the greatest choice the EPs ever made. I truly believe this saved Arrow from being a terribad awful show about a shitty romance. But I'm also painfully aware of the iffy problematics of treating Love Interests as lesser characters because they can be replaced like this.


I'm pretty sure the showrunners don't want to play musical chairs wrt Love Interests ever again, since the first time was their narrative structure worst nightmare, but even so: WHY would anyone in the audience want to watch a storyline being bended backwards into a pretzel AGAIN, so that they could do this kind of switcheroo AGAIN -- something that we know took so long to be pulled off in the first place? It just sounds exhausting.

Edited by dtissagirl
  • Love 20

Andrew Kriesberg Interview with Kevin Smith, Part 2



Some tidbits that I could remember.

  • The character of Felicity was basically created by Kriesberg who had created this character for another  pilot for Sci Fi.
  • The character of Felicity was originally going to be Karen Beecher also known as Bumblebee but Bumblebee was a big character for a one off scene so they changed the name to Felicity, Firestorm's stepmom, who is just a computer person and doesn't do anything else.
  • Greg Berlanti had mentioned that the whole reason he entered  superhero TV show genre was to basically create Flash on TV. Before episode 9 of Arrow Season 1 had been telecast, he knew that in Arrow Season 2 Episode 8 and 9 Flash will be introduced and the crossover event will take place during Arrow season 3.
  • The Flarrow spinoff was originally going to be just Hawkgirl. Then, they thought about the duo of Hawkman and Hawkgirl with flashbacks dealing with each of their old lives. They finally realised that this show was never going to be bigger than Flash.
  • Kriesberg had suggested that they bring back Sara from the dead. 
  • Like Flash, Legends will come out knowing what it is right out of the gate. Supergirl is still finding its feet.
Edited by Traveller
  • Love 1

Andrew Kriesberg Interview with Kevin Smith, Part 2


Quote of the Hour...


AK (referring to GB's first time crying over a comic book when Barry died in Crisis): "It was the first time he realized that comic books were basically just soap operas for boys."


That podcast is enlightening as to why GB seems to give preferential treatment to The Flash over Arrow.


ETA: The above AK quote starts at around the 4:30 mark of the podcast.

Edited by tv echo
  • Love 6

Laurel the best character on tv. Hahahahaha.

His best character has no storyline of her own, stands in the background with her arms crossed saying the occasional awkward line while her stunt double films the fight scenes.

That does make her easier to ignore which makes it better. But it still shows how unnecessary she is. Like every season so far removing Laurel from the scene changes nothing.

Her bark collar is mostly useless, the bad guys don't even notice it or her.

Except this is IN show, Katies stunt double has nothing to do with it. That is still all Laurel, just like Theas stunt double is still all Thea.

Re: people not being able to picture how the show could pull off Oliver and Felicity being married. These kinds of comments are hilarious. What would be the difference if they are married? LOL 


I think some people are still hoping for Oliver/Felicity to break up, so if they get married that means their last hopes have been dashed. They just use "the show can't pull off a married superhero" line as an excuse.

  • Love 6

I think some people are still hoping for Oliver/Felicity to break up, so if they get married that means their last hopes have been dashed. They just use "the show can't pull off a married superhero" line as an excuse.

Yeah, that's why I find them hilarious :) They've been in a relationship for the past 9 episodes, the only difference would be a wedding band on their finger while they film their scenes. THE SHOW COULD NOT SURVIVE IT!

  • Love 20

Quote of the Hour...


AK (referring to GB's first time crying over a comic book when Barry died in Crisis): "It was the first time he realized that comic books were just soap operas for boys."


This is the best quote about comics ever.


  • The Flarrow spinoff was originally going to be just Hawkgirl. Then, they thought about the duo of Hawkman and Hawkgirl with flashbacks dealing with each of their old lives. They finally realised that this show was never going to be bigger than Flash.

Did they see this as a good or a bad thing? Or are they talking about a show starring only Hawkgirl, but now that it's a whole bunch of legends, they see it differently?

Laurel and Oliver back together and (presumably) the center of the show would be too much stupid for me handle. They're already prone to being boneheaded, mind-boggling and asinine as individual characters far removed from each other. I can't even begin to imagine what their brand of stupid would look like combined/concentrated. 


I doubt they would go to back to Laurel/Oliver. They probably learned their lesson with Sara. Enough characters/relationships have been sacrificed so Laurel could take her ~rightful~ place. 

  • Love 5
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