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The Starling City Times: News and Media about Arrow

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I get it as an argument in general but in this particular case the writers tried to make LL fit into the show for four years even after they changed direction, even after they wrote a better BC and when they killed her they brought the actress back as another version of the character. If anything it can be used as an argument to show the difference of treatment she got in comparison to Waller or Carly and say they shouldn't do a BLM episode because they value the white girl more than the black women.

Also I don't find them particularly good writers but it doesn't mean that if they were they would be more equipped to tackle a BLM episode. They could be good and still ignorant about an issue.

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1 hour ago, looptab said:

I must've missed something - when did they say they wanted to address BLM?

MG announced it in a recent interview as the topic for this season's "very special episode".   But it's all good 'cause he'll bring in a "guy" to his otherwise all white writing staff.   Sigh.  

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6 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

MG announced it in a recent interview as the topic for this season's "very special episode".   But it's all good 'cause he'll bring in a "guy" to his otherwise all white writing staff.   Sigh.  

Thank you :) second the sigh, sigh. 

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They're doing another very special episode? Because they did so well last season with the gun control episode? I have very low expectations for the episode but I wouldn't be surprised if it manages to be even worse than I'm expecting.

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I don't think the commentary about Laurel and Felicity belongs in that article, either. It just comes off as a personal axe to grind that the author threw in there - it doesn't directly correlate to the subject matter. Talking about the way the show handled big issues involving the characters would be more on-target (like alcoholism and addiction, paralysis, etc - other big issues it didn't have the range to adequately cover). I also disagree with the commentary about Arrow suddenly deciding to go back to its comic roots - there's been a heavy police presence on the show from the beginning, and they've covered stories about corruption within the force. Oliver is mayor - it's totally relevant show canon material to cover if they were capable of doing it justice.

Agree with the rest of the commentary though - every time I see MG's tweet about bringing a black writer in, just....ugh. If the fact that he had to do that didn't give him pause, nothing will.

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It's really irritating how some folks are using this issue to highlight the show killing off LL...I dont understand how the correlation even exists and it is down right offensive.

The way the show handled Amanda Waller's death should be the only prime example about them disrespecting female characters that are POC.

I think I even saw a tweet yesterday stating that if the show can't handle canon material, how are they going to handle BLM.....how is the canon argument even valid in this discussion.

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It seems like people who want to complain about how the show has written characters up to now are grabbing on to the Laurel Lance argument when really it's got nothing to do with this subject.  The criticisms of the gun episodes are much more on point.

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Yep I'm seeing that a lot. People hijacking the Black Lives Matter complaints to push, endorse and moan about their increadibly white female fave. Totally misses the point, totally takes away from the point, totally two different things and is about as insensitive to the issue as Marc doing a BLM episode in the first place. 

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I'd argue that Arrow has done a decent job of writing some white characters. Certainly not all, but some. I think Arrow's track record on black characters is much more mixed, to put it kindly.  Not to mention that I can't help but notice that we've gone from four black characters who regularly appeared in the show's first few episodes (Diggle, Walter, Quentin's partner and Joanna) to just two (Diggle and Curtis) in the fifth season.  Even adding Frank Pike and the television reporter to regularly appearing season five characters doesn't help much - both of them were in the first season, after all, and the television reporter isn't really a character.

Tobias Church?

Killed off by a white guy. 

It took Arrow until season 6 to add a Hispanic actor and a mixed race actor to the regular cast. The Asian characters from the first three seasons all seem to have vanished.  So, while YAY for the diversity of Team New Arrows, I think it's a bit difficult to argue that Arrow is a show with a great overall track record on diversity.  Not the worst on television right now, sure, but that's a pretty low bar. That, and the Very Special Guns episode, seem to me to be the biggest arguments against a Very Special BLM episode - not Laurel, much though I'd agree she wasn't a well written character. 

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Question for those with good memories. It's about Donna and Charlotte Ross and why she wasn't back in season five. What I remember reading is that because of all the travel and her youngish son, CR said she'd only come back if she was made a regular.  I also remember MG saying that they'd had ideas for her return, but availability was an issue.  (Or couldn't come to terms, something like that)

Someone somewhere else said MG was on record saying her departure from the story was them wanting to try new things.  But I have zero memory of her not being around being explained like that.  Not saying he didn't say it but it seems very different to basically say they wrote away from her inclusion compared to them not being able to come to terms with the actor.  I would think I would have remembered if he'd said that but yeah, I was getting pretty burnt out on MG's interviews last season so it's possible I skipped that one.  What do you guys remember?

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Here's all I have about CR from last season (note that some cites are to the old Spoilers thread, also I think this forum changed format since then)..


-- On returning as Donna Smoak, CR: “I’ve relished every moment playing Donna since season 3 when I was lucky enough to start being a part of this show but, we have no agreement in place for me to continue further. Things can, obviously, change but as of right now, I have no plans to return for season five."(May 18, 2016 Emertainment Monthly tweet & article, page 37 of Spoilers thread)



-- Per CR, she was asked to be on several episodes in S5, but negotiations stalled, so she moved on to other projects (a movie and a documentary about shelter dogs). She added that they have re-started talks again, though. (HVFF-San Jose, Aug. 27, 2016: lemotomato post, page 1126 of Spoiler Discussion thread)



-- On Felicity's new alliance not being her father, The Calculator, MG: "“We talked about that. We love Tom Amandes and we love that character, but there was a real appetite on my part and Wendy [Mericle]’s part — we had done her dad last year and we’d definitely love to bring him back and we’d love to bring back Charlotte as Donna, but we were kind of craving new characters. We were craving a new story, something we haven’t done before." (Jan. 8, 2017 Collider article, page 51 of Spoilers thread)

Edited by tv echo
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2 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

Question for those with good memories. It's about Donna and Charlotte Ross and why she wasn't back in season five. What I remember reading is that because of all the travel and her youngish son, CR said she'd only come back if she was made a regular.  

I can confirm this part. It's what CR told me when I talked to her at HVFF San Jose last August. She also mentioned that another reason she wanted more than just spot appearances again was because she had been on the show for 2 years already.

I don't know what MG may have said about why CR wasn't on the show, but then again, his explanation about WH's appearances in season 5 also seemed to contradict WH's stated reasons, so I guess everyone's POV should be taken with a grain of salt.

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The Biggest TV Cliffhangers That We Need to See Resolved This Fall
by Charlie Ridgely | September 13, 2017



Just when Oliver thought he had everything under control, the Season 5 finale saw an explosion take over the entire island. Unfortunately, most of the major Arrow characters were present at the time of the incident.

The future of Oliver's team hangs in the balance, and Adrian Chase will likely be responsible for the death of several key characters.

DC fans have been stressed out at every con this summer, wondering who was able to survive the blast.

Arrow returns to The CW on Thursday, October 12 at 8 p.m. ET.

Criminal Minds
Chicago Fire
Grey's Anatomy
Kevin Can Wait
The Big Bang Theory
The Walking Dead

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21 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

"DC fans have been stressed out at every con this summer ..."

I never got this from fan reports on Twitter and Tumblr. Might be different at the actual cons, though.

Pretty sure DC fans are exasperated with the pointless cliffhanger. 

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Adrian Chase will likely be responsible for the death of several key characters.

It's like this dude has never watched Arrow before. 

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Thanks guys for the CR/Donna info.  Seems to me that if they were still trying to negotiate for her return as late as the end of August that them saying later in January they were "craving" new characters and new stories was pretty much spin after not being able to get her to return. Chances are though that they convinced themselves they got exactly what they wanted anyway, lol.  

I do hope Donna does return at some point.  I don't like how they ended the thing with Quentin but I really don't like how she just dropped out of Felicity's life after being around so much.  I'd take even random mentions if they can't get her on the show, but for them to act like she doesn't exist bugs me.  In the first two years, her absence was explained away with she and Felicity being slightly estranged, but they completely repaired their relationship so I need to hear once and a while that they still have one.   

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I think what happened to CR/Donna is probably what happened to Colin Salmon/Walter. They're both actors with busy schedules and bigger priorities and they didn't want to be bound to Arrow just for scraps after putting in their time. I'm guessing, like how they dealt with Walter's absence, we'll get throwaway mentions of Donna and why she isn't around even though she should be there.

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I'm actually okay with not seeing Donna again tbh. She really got on my nerves in s4. But I do think they should mention her a couple of times. You do generally mention your family in passing sometimes. It's normal. 

(Usually I'd say Donna should be at her daughter's wedding but I'm at the point where if they do get married, I'm not sure it's going to be a traditional wedding anyway. Probably an elopement or something.)

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28 minutes ago, TrueMyth said:

It would crack me up if they were married by a ships capital in the South China Sea.  Oliver could finally have a good boat memory! 

As long as we can see it in flashbacks at some point!

Oh no, I hope they're not already married and we have to see flashbacks to it. That's like my worst nightmare for them! My thought of elopement was later in the season and they just decide to go to City hall or something because what the hell are they waiting for? That would be my preference anyway! Haha. 

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I wouldn't mind at all if Oliver and Felicity were married when the season starts. It might - maybe? - calm down some of the BS will soon be BC and take her rightful place by Ollie's side!!1! talk. Maybe?

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3 hours ago, bethy said:

I wouldn't mind at all if Oliver and Felicity were married when the season starts. It might - maybe? - calm down some of the BS will soon be BC and take her rightful place by Ollie's side!!1! talk. Maybe?

Haha, I don't think anything will calm down or stop that kind of talk tbh. Olicity could be married with 2 kids and they'll be like "Laurel is Ollie's one true love and soon he'll realize it. It's meant to be! Because comic canon!" ?

I do see what you mean though. My concern was purely in terms of longevity, I guess? Like, if they marry them this quickly, there's more time to mess them up again. But I suppose that could happen regardless. Eh. IDK anymore. Haha.

(Also, there's part of me that would like to see a bit more of the build up to them deciding to marry, even though they were almost married before. But I'm also prepared not to get that.)

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I agree @bethy I'm actually chill about them being married over hiatus as I'm far more interested in seeing them settle down and adjusting to being a married couple then I am for seeing them have a wedding since even though it was fake I still think 4x16 vows and emotions from both Emily and Stephen can't be topped so I feel like I already saw everything I needed in terms of a wedding ceremony.  


However since they are are going on dates and Stephen hinted at them moving in together, or at least referenced a key and we've had them saying they are taking things slowly I think they are going to show a build up to a wedding. 


2 hours ago, Angel12d said:

Haha, I don't think anything will calm down or stop that kind of talk tbh. Olicity could be married with 2 kids and they'll be like "Laurel is Ollie's one true love and he'll soon he'll realize it. It's meant to be! Because comic canon!" ?

Once it happens (wedding/marriage) I expect similar to what happened in season 4. They will first try and gaslight the writers cast and crew into believing that season 6 is THE WORST season ever through writing a bunch of articles on those bs fan contribution sites like they are legitimate media, convince bigger comic book sites that Olicity/Felicity are the worst so they regurgitate the bs they read in their comment sections, harass Marc on twitter and Tumblr, try and over run every Facebook,twitter and YouTube post by the network with threats and insults, try and distract, troll and bait Olicity fans into ugly social media spats and in their denial try and convince themselves that Felicity will almost certainly die Because Comics! and in the event of her death Black Siren will be so moved by Olivers grief that she will finally realise her long suppressed heart and be the comforting shoulder for Oliver to cry on and start her path to redemption starting the Black Canary/Green Arrow/Black Siren love triangle which they will insist will bring 10 million viewers and beat This is Us. 

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So now MG will be doing True Lies, in addition to Arrow, LoT, Trollhunters, and his X-Men comics (I wasn't sure which thread to post these articles in, so hopefully I picked the right thread)...

'True Lies' TV Reboot From James Cameron Set at Fox
SEPTEMBER 15, 2017 2:00pm PT by Lesley Goldberg


For Guggenheim, True Lies marks his first broadcast project to come after the Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow EP exited his overall deal with Warner Bros. Television. The prolific comic book scribe maintains a full plate on the small screen with both DC Comics TV shows for The CW as well as Netflix's animated Trollhunters.

‘True Lies’ Movie Rebooted As TV Series By Fox With McG, Marc Guggenheim & James Cameron Producing
by Nellie Andreeva • September 15, 2017


True Lies, James Cameron’s hit 1994 action comedy movie, is headed to television. Fox has given a put pilot commitment to an hourlong reboot of the film, which comes from McG, Legends of Tomorrow co-creator Marc Guggenheim, Cameron’s Lighthouse Entertainment and 20th Century Fox TV.

Guggenheim is writing the adaptation, with McG set to direct. The two are executive producing alongside Cameron and Jon Landau via Lighthouse, as well as Rae Sanchini and Mary Viola.
*  *  *
Green Lantern scribe Guggenheim co-created and serves as a writer and executive producer on the CW’s Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow.

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1 hour ago, tv echo said:

'True Lies' TV Reboot From James Cameron Set at Fox
SEPTEMBER 15, 2017 2:00pm PT by Lesley Goldberg

‘True Lies’ Movie Rebooted As TV Series By Fox With McG, Marc Guggenheim & James Cameron Producing
by Nellie Andreeva • September 15, 2017

OMG no. I love that movie. He'll ruin it! Haha. 

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I can't help think one of these days he's going to hand Arrow off and concentrate on his other newer projects.  In practice, he must be doing close to that more than half the time already.  

I have a great fear of new showrunners being brought in.  Maybe helming Arrow will be an ego or a status thing.  The show that started it all.  Crosses fingers.  

Edited by BkWurm1
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3 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

I can't help think one of these days he's going to hand Arrow off and concentrate on his other newer projects.  In practice, he must be doing close to that more than half the time already.  

I have a great fear of new showrunners being brought in.  Maybe helming Arrow will be an ego or a status thing.  The show that started it all.  Crosses fingers.  

If MG leaves, I think they'll promote from within rather than go out to get a new showrunner, especially if WM stays on. I think Beth Shwartz or Ben Sokolowski would be likely candidates, since they've been on the show from the beginning as writers and have been producers for a while.

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28 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

If MG leaves, I think they'll promote from within rather than go out to get a new showrunner, especially if WM stays on. I think Beth Shwartz or Ben Sokolowski would be likely candidates, since they've been on the show from the beginning as writers and have been producers for a while.

I actually think Brian Ford Sullivan might be the most likely one

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Good RG interview - no spoilers (despite the headline), just his hopes and thoughts...

Exclusive: Arrow star Rick Gonzalez on Wild Dog’s role in season 6, meeting the Flash and Supergirl, and more
By Josh Wilding - Sep 15, 2017

Also, this article was written by RG for National Hispanic Heritage Month 2017...

The Hip-Hop Artist Who Made Me Feel Like I Could Do Anything
September 15, 2017 by RICK GONZALEZ

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How did it feel to come into the show at such a late stage as part of Team Arrow, a group viewers were already used to seeing in a different form?

It wasn’t challenging at all! It actually kind of felt natural in terms of being part of it. I say that giving props to the cast; Stephen, Emily, David, Paul. They didn’t make me feel like an outsider and just welcomed me which allowed me to do what I do with the character and feel comfortable doing that. I was actually excited because bringing Renee to life in the world of Star City felt like it was necessary. Renee was an energy I felt was important as we needed to see this sort of aggressiveness and bringing that to the show to give a little more flavour to the world of the DC Universe and Star City. I felt comfortable in that and saw the purpose in Renee and what he could bring. That was fun for me as an actor.




Would you ever be tempted to step into a WWE ring the same way Stephen Amell did when he battled Cody at SummerSlam a few years ago?

Absolutely! 100%. Stephen did it the right way. He just looked super friggin’ cool in that wrestling match and everything leading up to it. That would totally be me. I don’t know if I could pull off some of the things that he did [Laughs] but Stephen is such an amazing athlete. I would totally do that in a heartbeat. That’s like bucket list stuff.


RG is doing a lot better in interviews but dude still rubs me the wrong way at times.  Not a fan of how necessary he felt Rene was to the show and don't love how certain he'd was that he also would be able to look super friggin cool in a match and all the stuff leading up to it.  I still get an "anything SA can do, I can do too" vibe.   That still is an improvement because before I got an on or off the show "anything SA can do, I can do BETTER" attitude, lol.  

Edited by BkWurm1
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Two new RG interviews - since both articles are a mixture of nonspoilery and spoilery info, I quoted nonspoilery portions below and quoted spoilery portions in the New Spoilers thread)...

Arrow season 6: Rick Gonzalez interview
Rob Leane   Sep 18, 2017


For me, one of the standout episodes last year was Spectre Of The Gun, which was obviously the big one for you and for Rene. Could you talk a bit about what that was like, getting those scripts and shooting that episode?
Yeah. Marc Guggenheim wrote that episode, and I was humbled and excited. I knew how important it was, for that episode, in terms of Rene and Wild Dog. And I knew how seriously they took it, because Marc decided to take that episode and write it himself. And that meant a lot to me, knowing that my showrunner is going take over the helm and write the episode that was gonna explain the backstory – or just a small part of the backstory – for Rene. Maybe one of the most vital parts of his story, but his life is so vast. There’s so much more to it.

So that meant a lot. And I really enjoyed shooting that, because you pick up right where you think everything’s okay with Rene, you think things are fine, and then you peel the layer right away to see this turmoil in his life. And, you know, things aren’t going great. And I was always come back to – I’ve been saying this for the last few months – Rene has always been dealt a bad hand. This guy has never had it right. And this time around, being part of Team Arrow, he thought things had turned around, but the one thing that doesn’t complete the circle for him is his daughter. It’s just like, attaining that ability to be a family. And I think, ultimately, he is a family man. He is someone that cares about other people, but because life always threw him bad oranges and bad apples and bad lemons, you know, it’s hard for him to quench that thirst.
*  *  *
Another one of the treats last season was seeing yourself and Paul Blackthorne interacting so much. It was quite an unexpected pairing, and the chemistry was so great. What it was like for you, working with him and building up that rapport? Did it come quickly, or did it take a bit of time to get to know each other?
Paul is like the sweetest, most giving actor. He makes working with him so very comfortable. I knew that, him being on the show for so long, I wanted to... I could sympathise with someone being on a show for so long. And I wanted to make sure that there was something that Rene or Wild Dog could give to Lance, and, vice versa, something that Lance could give to Rene. And I think, as an actor, I took that very seriously. I wanted those moments to be meaningful for him, especially as an actor.

And I think that’s who Paul is, naturally, as a person; he cares about the work that he puts in, and he cares about his scenes and he cares what his character’s feeling. And, for me, that just puts me at ease. Um, and we just kind of connected intrinsically. We just, kind of, through the words and who our characters were... and I think the writers wrote those scenes really well... so it was just so brilliant to work with him. And I always look forward to working with him, to the point where now we are just hanging out on set, talking about family and stuff, and then they call action and stuff, and we’re working. It’s really great.

Rick Gonzalez On Becoming Wild Dog And His Hopes For Arrow Season 6
Posted by Dan Wickline September 18, 2017


DAN WICKLINE: When you got cast as Rene, how much of the backstory did they tell you about? Were you aware of his daughter and what made him become Wild Dog?
When I auditioned, it was for a generic name. Not that I knew it was a generic name. It was something like Jason Seaborn, a guy who was being court-martialed. It was a court room scene and the guy displayed the same energy that Rene has. The same attitude and lack of respect for authority. When I got the part, I thought I was playing Jason Seaborn, a guy who is going to get court-martialed. I had no idea how that was going to play into the series.

Then my costume designer, Maya Mani, called and said she needed my sized and had to fit me for a mask. And I’m like, “What? What do you mean a mask? I’m playing a guy… maybe you got this mixed up.” And she told me, “No, sweetie, you’re playing Wild Dog.” “Who?” She sent me a photo and I immediately go on-line and learn about him. And I’m jumping for joy, excited as a 10-year-old.

From there, they slowly revealed his backstory, giving it to me in doses. I wasn’t told I had a daughter for a while. I will say that how I auditioned was completely different in tone than what he became on screen. He hadn’t been regionally placed when I first read. He didn’t have the energy or regional tone that Rene has now. And that’s kudos to the executive producers and James Bamford that directed the first two episodes of last season. They came to me and said, “I know how you auditioned, but I think Rene should be closer to you. Something of what you represent having grown up in New York City. And I think that would help the world of Arrow. To give Star City and the DC Universe more color and diversity.”

I loved that idea and that we could bring different types of energy to the show. The evolution of all that happened very quickly and they were instrumental in allowing all the actors to bring themselves to the character. That’s something I love about the show.

DW: One of my favorite things in the new season was your relationship with Paul Blackthorne. To me those were some of the best scenes of the whole year. What’s it like working with Paul and tell me how you view the relationship the two of you have built up?
RG: Working with Paul if fantastic. He’s a giving actor. So kind and gentle in making it an easy space to work in. He’s always been fantastic, so I had an idea going in that even though these were to very abrasive characters, the ultimate goal of the writers was to bring two characters to the point that they got each other more than anyone else would. There’s a connection between the pain that they have both suffered. We jumped to that pretty quickly, being safe allowing the characters to be vulnerable with each other. It’s always just a sweet time to spend on these characters and bring them to life.

I love that, like Felicity, Wild Dog has been able to connect with everyone in one way or another. That’s what I love about playing Rene, his ability to mesh with everyone.

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7 minutes ago, tv echo said:

I love that, like Felicity, Wild Dog has been able to connect with everyone in one way or another. That’s what I love about playing Rene, his ability to mesh with everyone.

Excuse me? Oh, RG, you're not making it easy for me to change my mind about you and WD. Stop being thirsty.

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At least he's figured out that mentioning Felicity is the way to connect with the fandom. That's an improvement.

1 hour ago, tv echo said:

RICK GONZALEZ: When I auditioned, it was for a generic name. Not that I knew it was a generic name. It was something like Jason Seaborn, a guy who was being court-martialed. It was a court room scene and the guy displayed the same energy that Rene has. The same attitude and lack of respect for authority. When I got the part, I thought I was playing Jason Seaborn, a guy who is going to get court-martialed. I had no idea how that was going to play into the series.

Was there ever a scene like that in the show?  I think they mentioned something about a court martial but that's all.

I knew that casting sides weren't the same as the scenes on the show itself but I didn't know that they could be as if there were from a completely different time period of place.

I have to give props to the producers for making the character more ethnically based than standard white dude.

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31 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I have to give props to the producers for making the character more ethnically based than standard white dude.

When did they show the character being more ethnically based? I'm not being snarky here or anything, I usually fast-forward when it comes to WD and the noobs so I very likely missed it. I've seen comments on Twitter about WD being Latino but not being shown as one on Arrow so I'm now curious. 

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They don't address it directly, as they don't address the mixed racial pairing of Iris and Barry, but they throw in some more ethnic New York street grittiness into the character.  In the comics,  his name is "Jack Wheeler", a very WASP-y name.

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3 hours ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

Excuse me? Oh, RG, you're not making it easy for me to change my mind about you and WD. Stop being thirsty.

He dialed it down last year but it's creeping right back up this year.  Which is annoying because he's supposed to be very nice at cons so I wanted to start liking him. But I'm right back to thinking he's after the starring role and knows he was one of the teacher's pets.  And keeps pointing it out.  It's probably an actor thing, being thirsty but I don't enjoy it.  

And he called Felicity "Blondie" in an interview.  Minus 10 points.  

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Rene has been given connections to most characters on the show, more so than any other noob. He has a connection with Oliver, Diggle and Lance. He has a somewhat awkward/competitive relationship with Curtis and oddly enough a weirdly antagonistic/annoying sibling relationship with Evelyn (before she went evil). He also had a weird relationship with Thea which may/maynot end up with a romance.

Out of all of the noobs (Curtis included) they spent the most time giving Rene connections to the team. So, I'm really not seeing what's so wrong with the comment.

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