stealinghome June 24, 2014 Share June 24, 2014 I think David gets a bad rap. I'm not sure why or how he got that "Prince Dullard" label, when he seems to be one of the better strategic thinkers in the group. Hear, hear. I've said it before and I'm sure I'll say it again: if for no other reason than David is constantly the one going "guys, maybe we should execute Regina/let the wraith kill Regina/restrain Regina/generally not let Regina roam free to continue to do seriously evil things," he is automatically 1000% smarter than either Snow or Emma, who both seem content to bop along and let Regina go free to do whatever, and then are stunned, stunned, stunned when Regina does seriously evil things. Seriously, it's pretty clear where Henry got the Truest Stupid gene from, Snow. Don't forget that David was the one who obviously did most of the military planning in the war where Snowing beat Regina/George, too. 5 Link to comment
Dani-Ellie June 24, 2014 Share June 24, 2014 As for David Nolan coming across like a wishy-washy putz, that to me seems more like he's a husband so loyal that the lies weren't working on him, and yet at the same time he's a good enough man not to want to do the wrong thing. I agree. David's heart was pulling toward one direction and his head was pulling toward another. He knew on some base level that he didn't belong with Kathryn, and he felt it in his bones that he belonged with Mary Margaret. But everyone was telling him he loved Kathryn and he was married to Kathryn. His feelings for Mary Margaret weren't Kathryn's fault and if she was standing by him, I think he felt he owed it to her to try to make it work. Basically, I think the wishy-washiness was more him trying to protect everyone involved; it just all blew up in his face before he could really do anything about it. 1 Link to comment
Alex June 25, 2014 Share June 25, 2014 I think David gets a bad rap. I'm not sure why or how he got that "Prince Dullard" label, when he seems to be one of the better strategic thinkers in the group. He's the one who came up with a plan that outwitted Rumple so they were able to have him imprisoned. He killed the dragon with strategy, not brute force. And it's all the more impressive when you realize that he didn't get the kind of training and education a prince would get, that he was thrown into all this cold. Bringing to Prince Charming thread. (If I discover how to transfer a quote...) Link to comment
MaiLuna July 5, 2014 Share July 5, 2014 You want an unpopular opinion? I don't find the Blue Fairy shady. 10 Link to comment
Aliasscape July 5, 2014 Share July 5, 2014 You want an unpopular opinion? I don't find the Blue Fairy shady. High five on that one. I do admittedly regularly feel like the only person in the vocal online fandom (feel like the casual viewers don't care) that doesn't see a dark bone in the Blue Fairy's body. She's regularly blamed for other people's mistakes, stupidity, bad choices, cowardice, underhanded sneakiness, or clumsiness. And when it's not that, it's all her fault that OUAT makes good fairy magic pretty weak and useless in the face of everything from Dark One powers to a random poison dart. And if she's not being blamed for her actions, she's blamed for not being all-knowing, all-seeing and thus inaction in the face of not helping people who never asked for her help, or not knowing people needed her help at some particular moment when they didn't call her. Like if she's really that dark and malicious, then...she's really lazy and unmotivated to wreak havoc, and at best her ultimate con is convincing people she's powerless. In a show with child eating witches, Dark One killing people for skinning his kid's knee and orchestrating the destruction of his world, Cora and Regina, if the Blue Fairy is actually way more powerful than she's willing to let on but just doesn't want anyone to know, I'm okay with that. 7 Link to comment
InsertWordHere July 5, 2014 Share July 5, 2014 I don't think she's shady or meant to be seen as shady. I just want her to be, because it would IMO be an awesome twist (although not if it somehow absolves Rumple, then I will hate it), so that's why I joke about it so much. Link to comment
scarynikki12 July 6, 2014 Share July 6, 2014 I don't find the Blue Fairy shady. Amen! In fact, I was happy when I thought Pan had killed her, because it would finally put those specs to rest. One of my great fears for Blue is that they will listen to fans and make her the Ultimate Big Bad. I would absolutely hate that. Right now, I'm satisfied with Rumpel being the UBB and I don't want that to change (and, thankfully, Robert seems to agree). With this lot, making Blue the UBB, which would honestly come out of nowhere because nothing she's done has actually been villainous (a strict leader who trusts Geppeto to tell the Charmings the truth about the wardrobe doesn't even come close), would just scream of "let's make everything the woman's fault!" kind of contrivance. I've been watching this for years on The Vampire Diaries (the show blames everything the Salvatores and Originals do/are on women: Katherine and Esther, and won't let them take responsibility for their own actions and choices and doesn't do the same in reverse-ie, everything Katherine's done is all on her and not Klaus) and I do not want to see this mentality carry over to other shows I watch. It's bad enough that women characters are held to such impossible standards that every little error they make gets blown way out of proportion, making a character like Blue the UBB, while Rumpel's villainy is so often excused as "being for his son" (like that makes it any better), would be flat out offensive. One of the big examples of Blue being shady is that she was the fairy who gave Bae the bean and said there weren't any more. I don't see that as shady at all. I see it as establishing how long Blue's been around AND that she has limited knowledge despite her powers. Smee found a bean but he explicitly said he dealt in hard to find items. Blue has not been established as all-knowing, so I have no problem with her thinking that all the beans were gone. Besides, that was an excellent way to help Bae get what he wanted AND get rid of the Dark One. Win-win, if you ask me. Rumpel's the asshole for wanting power more than his son. Plus, Rumpel's the one who killed a seer and took her powers yet he is so narrow focused that he encountered several ways (shoes, the hat, finding where the damn beans came from in the first place) to get to the Land Without Magic, yet thought his best plan was to create a Curse so terrible that the only one who would cast it was a woman who needed to be manipulated to the point that she'd lost all tether to reality. He wasn't concerned about what he was doing to Regina or his fellow Enchanted Forest citizens, or even Bae (since he could have traveled to our realm several times but wouldn't go without bringing his precious magic), and that is what makes a villain. Blue showed up to help when she was called and, for her troubles, is considered suspicious, gets no backstory, and has been a minor supporting character a few episodes a season. No way should she be any sort of Big Bad. 2 Link to comment
Geeni July 7, 2014 Author Share July 7, 2014 I just want her to be, because it would IMO be an awesome twist (although not if it somehow absolves Rumple, then I will hate it), That seems to be the biggest reason WHY people think she's shady, or want her to be. I don't think she is, as she hasn't had enough focus beyond mostly being a plot device. 1 Link to comment
InsertWordHere July 7, 2014 Share July 7, 2014 Well then, my unpopular opinion is that I only want her to be shady in regards to the way she runs Fairyville. I don't agree with her decisions about Nova or Tink and I think there's possibly something up with her defeat of the Black Fairy. I absolutely think she was right to give Bae that bean and I don't find anything shady about her subsequent conversation with Rumple. I think her lack of knowledge or ability in Storybrooke is solely due to plot-related reasons. They cannot have a magical power that's equal to Rumple or greater than Regina in Storybrooke because then the heroes would not have to constantly bargain with the villains. To be fair, better authors than OUaT's have solved this problem by having their Gandalf or Obi Wan disappear in the middle of the first act or their Dumbledore only show up to fight one confrontation with the Big Bad and people call those things plot contrivance too. Then again, people thought (and were kind of proven right) that Dumbledore was shady too. Link to comment
Beezel November 11, 2014 Share November 11, 2014 (edited) Regarding the "full-on Disney fan fiction" aspect of the show, I really don't hate the Frozen arc, but I am growing increasingly frustrated with the non-stop allusions/jokes pulled directly from the film. It's not even clever or cute anymore, it's just tiresome. I do commend them on their restraint in not including Olaf (yet). David is seriously one of my top characters. I can't even hate him for his overused catchphrase, though it admittedly makes him a huge dork. And most unpopular, his flashback hair this season wasn't THAT bad. ;) Honestly, I desperately miss Emma and Henry being close and spending time together. There relationship was a huge reason I fell for the show in the first place, and while Jared Gilmore doesn't have the cute kid factor anymore, it would be nice to see him truly bonding with his less delusional mother, for more than a few minutes at a time. Edited November 11, 2014 by Beezel 4 Link to comment
The Cake is a Pie December 17, 2014 Share December 17, 2014 (edited) I have quite a few "unpopular opinions", but haven't really posted much on them, since I didn't really see an opportunity to without derailing threads. Here are some: - Emma and Graham had zero chemistry. He seemed to do nothing but stand around gaping whenever Emma was nearby. When he kissed Emma, it looked like it he was only interested in the flashes of memory she was triggering and wasn't at all attracted to her. I also didn't think he was all that attractive. - I will never get on board with Outlaw Queen. It has nothing to do with the morality issues between married/not married Robin and his dead/not dead wife's would-be killer. It has everything to do with that they are Robin Hood and Maid Marian and I will never accept that Robin Hood's "true love" is Regina, or really, anyone other than Maid Marian. It would be like saying Snow's true love isn't Charming, it's really Dr. Whale. NO. - Speaking of Charming, it bugs me that his nickname is Charming. Snow White's prince is Florian. Prince Charming is Cinderella's prince. - I don't need to see Emma rehashing her lost childhood and abandonment issues with her parents. It happened, the feelings came out in Neverland (and boiled milk), there's not really anything they can do to change it and she's an adult now, so it doesn't bother me that Snow and Emma haven't talked on-screen about it. I much rather see the smaller bonding moments they have given us, like David and Emma's little chats while out sheriffing. - I don't see Hook's "I'm a survivor" mantra as being cocky or foreshadowing his death. It's just his thing, like "I'll find you" is Snow and Charming's thing. If dramatic irony means he's going to die, then it should also mean at some point Snow and Charming are going to lose each other. - I don't ever want to see a Hook and Emma wedding or babies. I like them together, but I have no interest in seeing domestication for these two characters. If they want to do it as a coda to the very last episode of the series, fine, but I don't want to see any of that be a plotline on the show. I'd rather see them sailing off (on the Jolly, of course) to find adventures in other realms, after saving Storybrooke one final time. I feel better now. Edited December 17, 2014 by The Cake is a Pie 5 Link to comment
Dani-Ellie December 17, 2014 Share December 17, 2014 I don't ever want to see a Hook and Emma wedding or babies. If we ever get a Captain Swan wedding, I want it to be the series finale. Because honestly, that's the perfect "and they lived happily ever after" cap on the story of Princess Emma for me. Take her from the friendless orphan we met in the pilot to a fairy tale princess, marrying her True Love, surrounding by more family and friends than she knows what to do with. 6 Link to comment
Shanna Marie December 17, 2014 Share December 17, 2014 If we ever get a Captain Swan wedding, I want it to be the series finale. Because honestly, that's the perfect "and they lived happily ever after" cap on the story of Princess Emma for me. Take her from the friendless orphan we met in the pilot to a fairy tale princess, marrying her True Love, surrounding by more family and friends than she knows what to do with. How about the wedding on board the Jolly Roger before the happy couple sails off into the sunset? That would work for me. Emma and Graham had zero chemistry. He seemed to do nothing but stand around gaping whenever Emma was nearby. When he kissed Emma, it looked like it he was only interested in the flashes of memory she was triggering and wasn't at all attracted to her. I also didn't think he was all that attractive. The depiction of that relationship was hampered by the fact that he was a really awful actor who seemed to be struggling to read his lines off cue cards or else was dredging them from memory like a kid reciting poetry at a school assembly. I think Graham served his purpose, and if he'd stayed on the show much longer or played a bigger role, his limitations would have dragged things down. (And it wasn't just this character -- the 50 Shades trailers are painful in the same exact way.) 5 Link to comment
The Cake is a Pie December 18, 2014 Share December 18, 2014 Yep, I'm glad they killed Graham off fairly quickly. As for a wedding, eh, I think I would be fine with it in theory, I just don't trust THESE writers, on THIS show, to not drag it out for an entire season (or more), then throw in convoluted obstacles like one of them gets kidnapped, or amnesia, or kidnapped with amnesia, or sucked into another portal, or has cold feet for no good reason, until the whole plot eats the show. Then not mention it for 3 episodes until they decide to elope suddenly in a 20 second ceremony and none of the family is there because reasons. /this might be some residual bitterness from Castle, too. 2 Link to comment
buildmeupbuttercup December 18, 2014 Share December 18, 2014 If we ever get a Captain Swan wedding, I want it to be the series finale. Because honestly, that's the perfect "and they lived happily ever after" cap on the story of Princess Emma for me. Take her from the friendless orphan we met in the pilot to a fairy tale princess, marrying her True Love, surrounding by more family and friends than she knows what to do with. This. Even before we met Hook, and knew he and Emma were meant to be, this has been my wish since season 1: Emma would get everything she didn't have in the Pilot. With the way this show has villains and obstacles show up every couple days/weeks, I guess I will never believe they could ever have a "normal" happily ever after ending but they could have their series finale wedding and then the last shot could be them sailing off on the Jolly for their next adventure as a couple. But who am I kidding the last shot of this show will be Regina and Robin and her happily ever after with everything they always wanted and Henry choosing to live with her instead of Emma. 3 Link to comment
YaddaYadda December 18, 2014 Share December 18, 2014 They could have a happily ever after if they left Storybrooke and no one could follow them. Henry can stay because I just really hate him. I don't normally hate children but he's the exception to the rule. I'm not even sure that's an unpopular opinion. I don't care if Emma and Hook ever get married. They're a very unconventional pair and marriage seems to be very conventional for them. I do think they should have a kid just because it will be very pretty. That's probably not unpopular, just very shallow. I didn't really care for Graham either, but hated what happened to him. I don't see Hook's "I'm a survivor" mantra as being cocky or foreshadowing his death. It's just his thing, like "I'll find you" is Snow and Charming's thing. If dramatic irony means he's going to die, then it should also mean at some point Snow and Charming are going to lose each other. Could be, although as illustrated Hook really isn't all that good at surviving. He is pretty good in a sword fight, but everything else to do with magic? He is out of his depth and he was just born under a lucky star. By my account, he should have died about 3 times at Rumple's hands, once because of Zelena and once because of Ingrid. His ass was saved by Milah once, by Emma twice, by Belle once and Rumple didn't kill him one of those times because he wanted him to suffer. Cora squeezed his heart in his chest but didn't kill him. He did survive against Maleficent, wish we knew how exactly. And I guess he did manage to survive Neverland and that little shit Pan. Considering everything, his heart has already been threatened 3 times. Maybe they should do something about that to put the odds in his favor. Ok, well I guess he is good at surviving, especially when all the stars are aligned. 2 Link to comment
The Cake is a Pie December 18, 2014 Share December 18, 2014 Could be, although as illustrated Hook really isn't all that good at surviving. He is pretty good in a sword fight, but everything else to do with magic? He is out of his depth and he was just born under a lucky star. He really isn't even all that good at fighting, if you consider how many times he's met the floor. :D Since he's lived for over 200 years, and considering how many times he has been hurt, maimed, cursed, tied up, kidnapped, and at the brink of death, yet is still alive, I'm going to go ahead and let him have the survivor label. 2 Link to comment
ABitOFluff December 18, 2014 Share December 18, 2014 (edited) He really isn't even all that good at fighting, if you consider how many times he's met the floor. :D Since he's lived for over 200 years, and considering how many times he has been hurt, maimed, cursed, tied up, kidnapped, and at the brink of death, yet is still alive, I'm going to go ahead and let him have the survivor label. That's just it, despite all odds, you gotta admit the Captain is good at surviving. Ok, my unpopular opinion: I will forgive the writers everything if they just give me another Snow Drifts/There's No Place Like Home (or two). I want to see CS having adventures through time and dimension. Even if they screw up the space-time-continuum and have to keep fixing it. Edited December 18, 2014 by ABitOFluff 2 Link to comment
KingOfHearts December 18, 2014 Share December 18, 2014 Since he's lived for over 200 years, and considering how many times he has been hurt, maimed, cursed, tied up, kidnapped, and at the brink of death, yet is still alive, I'm going to go ahead and let him have the survivor label. He sounds kind of like a cockroach when you put it that way... 2 Link to comment
Geeni December 18, 2014 Author Share December 18, 2014 He sounds kind of like a cockroach when you put it that way... And is just as annoying. Link to comment
The Cake is a Pie December 18, 2014 Share December 18, 2014 He sounds kind of like a cockroach when you put it that way... Can you imagine... Rumple finally succeeds in absorbing all the power in the realms and as he looks out over the lands he has laid ruin to, he sees the only surviving person left ... HOOK. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA. 3 Link to comment
KingOfHearts January 12, 2015 Share January 12, 2015 (edited) I'm pretty sure this is the most unpopular opinion. :) I don't think I'll ever hop on the Regina-hate-bandwagon. I'm not even interested in her being penalized for her crimes. She can be a very fun character and all I'm really after is entertainment. Now, I'm not about to hail her as a "hero" or perfect, because she's not, but I don't mind her running around with the rest of the good guys. I'll even watch her mother Henry. Yes this show has twisted morality especially when it comes to her, but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy watching the pure fantasy of it. I do hate Outlaw Queen. Regina deserves better. I'm not fond of the crypt sex, nor the trash-talking to Emma. I'd love for Robin to die and Marian and Roland to go live somewhere happy, and I'd love for the Author thing to stop existing. Frankly, Regina hasn't been written well at all this season so far. It's been pure character assassination. Regina has always been my favorite character. That doesn't mean I always sympathize with her, think she's morally correct, or that she doesn't have huge problems you can see from space. I just find her character entertaining to watch. Edited January 12, 2015 by KingOfHearts 2 Link to comment
Dani-Ellie January 12, 2015 Share January 12, 2015 (edited) I loved to hate Regina. Now I'm just tired of her. I don't care about her anymore because all she does is freakin' whine and blame everyone else for her problems and that's not fun for me to watch. I want them to pick a damn side and let her stay there. Make her good. Make her evil. I don't really care. Just keep her wherever the hell they decide to put her so she can actually develop and not waste my time. To be perfectly honest, I liked the Regina in "Going Home." Give me that Regina, not the one who blames Emma/Snow/the wind for ruining her life. (I don't feel well today and apparently it's making me cranky, haha.) Edited January 12, 2015 by Dani-Ellie 6 Link to comment
Mari January 12, 2015 Share January 12, 2015 (edited) I loved to hate Regina. Now I'm just tired of her. I don't care about her anymore because all she does is freakin' whine and blame everyone else for her problems and that's not fun for me to watch. ... To be perfectly honest, I liked the Regina in "Going Home." Give me that Regina, not the one who blames Emma/Snow/the wind for ruining her life. (I don't feel well today and apparently it's making me cranky, haha.) Yup. I used to enjoy Regina, in an early Sue Sylvester way. But now, I pretty much hate most of her scenes--the show bounces her back and forth while blaming the other characters.And for every episode they give us with a likable Regina–and Going Home Regina was likable – they surround it with drek like the no regrets tree and her sobbing to her victims about how horrible her life is with no self-awareness whatsoever. And I hope you feel better soon and and feel less cranky. Edited January 12, 2015 by Mari 3 Link to comment
FormerMod-a1 January 12, 2015 Share January 12, 2015 My new UPO - I don't miss all the secondary and tertiary characters, in general. I am not lamenting the lack of Ruby or Granny or Anton, etc. Yes, it's nice if they pop up again here and there, but I generally don't miss them. 6 Link to comment
YaddaYadda January 12, 2015 Share January 12, 2015 I don't care for Anton because I really hated the character but I mourn what Ruby and Whale could have been together. Mourn it, I tell ya! 1 Link to comment
Curio January 12, 2015 Share January 12, 2015 My new UPO - I don't miss all the secondary and tertiary characters, in general. I am not lamenting the lack of Ruby or Granny or Anton, etc. Yes, it's nice if they pop up again here and there, but I generally don't miss them. In general, I don't really care either. That's the one thing the writers did right after Season 1 by having no more pointless flashback episodes for tertiary characters like Archie, Ruby, or Hansel and Gretel. (Now, we just have pointless villain flashbacks! Sigh.) But I do miss some secondary characters like Tink and Ruby, even though I don't think they should be around all the time. Just seeing them pop up now and then in Granny's more often or seeing them grab drinks with Emma occasionally would be nice. Conversely, Belle shouldn't be a regular anymore; just make her recurring like Robin. Oh, and Blue should have just died the first time around in 3A. 3 Link to comment
FabulousTater January 12, 2015 Share January 12, 2015 Though Regina isn't popular around these boards, I think this is unpopular: I want Regina to die. I want her killed dead dead, muerta, morte, morta, tot, <insert your language of choice here>. I hate her character so much it has completely, totally, and irrevocably ruined the show for me. I. Hate. Her. I want her whacked, axed, executed, exterminated, and scrubbed from the face of fictional existence. She's crossed the moral event horizon so many times with no remorse, no regrets, no concept of contrition, nor any feelings of remorse, nor an measly iota of guilt, that I want to UPS her ass to the fiery other side -- to her rightful place in Beelzebub's domain. I want her gone. I want her eradicated like the CDC wants Ebola gone. She opens her mouth and it's like the harrowing screams of a banshee coming to assail it's victims (because that's what happens when Regina speaks -- another character loses it's life). I want to order an aerial drone strike to Storybooke to take Regina out and then keep on bombing for another 2 days just in case she comes back as some sort of ectoplasmic parasite, and then send a squad of ninja assassins to go down there and make sure the only thing left of her are microscopic bone chips, which the ninjas can collect and seal in a canister of the holiest holy water that has ever been (to contain the blackhole of self-entitled, character assassinating, narcissistic plague, mouldering BS which infects and kills every character that comes near her) and launch that jar of festering pestilence of Regina's remains into space in a direct course towards the most powerful nuclear reactor in our solar system -- The Sun. If it were possible to also eliminate the resultant atomic particles remaining I would do that too, but that could start a whole destruction of the universal space time and Regina has done enough damage as it is. Basically, Show, I want Regina dead. I need Regina dead. And I'm. Not. Sorry. 11 Link to comment
RadioGirl27 January 12, 2015 Share January 12, 2015 (edited) I'm pretty sure this is the most unpopular opinion. :) I don't think I'll ever hop on the Regina-hate-bandwagon. I'm not even interested in her being penalized for her crimes. She can be a very fun character and all I'm really after is entertainment. Now, I'm not about to hail her as a "hero" or perfect, because she's not, but I don't mind her running around with the rest of the good guys. I'll even watch her mother Henry. Yes this show has twisted morality especially when it comes to her, but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy watching the pure fantasy of it. Regina has always been my favorite character. That doesn't mean I always sympathize with her, think she's morally correct, or that she doesn't have huge problems you can see from space. I just find her character entertaining to watch. My problem is not Regina per se. I used to like snarky Regina, but I can't stand this "purveyor of the whitest white magic ever" Regina. She is annoying and ridiculous, and she is not fun anymore. But my real problem is the way the writers have sacrificed the rest of the characters in the altar of Saint Woegina. They have done it with Snow and Henry, and they are doing it now with Emma. Edited January 12, 2015 by RadioGirl27 5 Link to comment
Mari January 12, 2015 Share January 12, 2015 (edited) Though Regina isn't popular around these boards, I think this is unpopular: I want Regina to die. I want her killed dead dead, muerta, morte, morta . .(EDITED FOR SPACE) . . . reactor in our solar system -- The Sun. If it were possible to also eliminate the resultant atomic particles remaining I would do that too, but that could start a whole destruction of the universal space time and Regina has done enough damage as it is. Basically, Show, I want Regina dead. I need Regina dead. And I'm. Not. Sorry. Hahahahaha. So, um, that 'Tater cult we were discussing this summer is a bit, um, extreme. Or passionate. I could go with passionate. (Backing away slowly and trying desperately to hide any 'TaterCult related items, while looking nervous but very, very innocent.) Edited January 12, 2015 by Mari 2 Link to comment
YaddaYadda January 12, 2015 Share January 12, 2015 Though Regina isn't popular around these boards, I think this is unpopular: I want Regina to die. I want her killed dead dead, muerta, morte, morta, tot, <insert your language of choice here>. I hate her character so much it has completely, totally, and irrevocably ruined the show for me. I. Hate. Her. I have no idea how you feel about any of this. Also, no takesies backsies on this one or blaming booze on it! 2 Link to comment
FabulousTater January 12, 2015 Share January 12, 2015 (edited) Oh, see, events related to episode 4x05 have resulted in a proportional increase of hostilities. The 2014 summer hiatus was entered with negotiable terms such as, "Can we please have Regina banished to another realm where we never have to see or hear from her ever again? She can keep Henry, so it's win-win!" Compromise was on the table. We were willing to enter into talks with the Woegina Worshippers Guild, but after 4x05, well that episode was the response from the writers and it was a spit in the face, kick in the shins, acid thrown in the face declaration of war. As a result, The Tater Cult will now show no mercy, take no prisoners. Now the only acceptable terms are the death of Regina. Quick and sudden or slow and painful, I don't care. Just as long as Regina is dead -- that's good enough for Tater Cult. ETA: Also, no takesies backsies on this one or blaming booze on it! Hehe, I regret nothing! Nothing like stone cold sober loathing to get you going on lazy Sunday evenings. Edited January 12, 2015 by FabulousTater 4 Link to comment
Shanna Marie January 12, 2015 Share January 12, 2015 Basically, Show, I want Regina dead. I need Regina dead. And I'm. Not. Sorry. Keeping your feelings bottled up isn't healthy. How do you really feel about this? :-) 3 Link to comment
FabulousTater January 12, 2015 Share January 12, 2015 (edited) Keeping your feelings bottled up isn't healthy. How do you really feel about this? :-)Heh! I mean, right, it's so hard to be clear. Maybe I should write up a manifesto. I feel it's only appropriate that if you're going to have a fictional cult whose mission is the eradication of a fictional character then you should at least have a virtual manifesto. If I have time and can work my loathing into a more manageable simmering contempt, just long enough to clear the fog of war from my eyes and put together a cogent document, I may create one. And oh, I could get a mascot. I think Alien Vampire Bunnies may be the mascot. Yes, I like this. Then we could end each meeting with a yell of "Release THE HOUNDS ALIEN VAMPIRE BUNNIES! (Though hounds are good. There's nothing wrong with a classic war cry of "Release THE HOUNDS".) ETA: I am usually a big fan of characters I love to hate, but this isn't one. I just don't like her at all.I think that's what the worst part is for me. In season 1 I loved to hate Regina. I thought she was a great villain. But now after all the BS of season 3B and 4A? Do. NOT. Want. Die, Regina, die. The character is a murdering, soul-sucking parasite and a pestilence upon the fictional landscape of this show. Edited January 12, 2015 by FabulousTater 4 Link to comment
FormerMod-a1 January 12, 2015 Share January 12, 2015 I could draw the mascot, if you'd like. This is just an example from a long neglected cartoon blog I used to do. ETA: It's bugging me that it's so small. Here's a link to the blog where you can click on the picture to see it bigger. 4 Link to comment
YaddaYadda January 12, 2015 Share January 12, 2015 (edited) 405 made me wanna gouge my eyes out and pierce my eardrums. Not sure what the writers were trying to accomplish other than have their popular girl be a bitchy nuisance to the orphan girl with self-confidence issues. It was awesome across the board to see Emma grovel and Regina be the nasty bitch that she is. You know there's something wrong with that script when Lana who eats this stuff with a spoon felt it was harsh. Edited January 12, 2015 by YaddaYadda 6 Link to comment
FabulousTater January 12, 2015 Share January 12, 2015 (edited) I could draw the mascot, if you'd like. This is just an example from a long neglected cartoon blog I used to do. ETA: It's bugging me that it's so small. Here's a link to the blog where you can click on the picture to see it bigger.A Weeping Angel Bunny. Perf. The AVB's could have levels to them too. Alien Vampire Bunny is your base class, then the next level up are Ninja Alien Vampire Bunnies, and then at the highest level are Weeping Angel Vampire Bunnies (because Weeping Angels are never not run away screaming scary). Edited January 12, 2015 by FabulousTater 3 Link to comment
Rumsy4 January 12, 2015 Share January 12, 2015 I hate her character so much it has completely, totally, and irrevocably ruined the show for me. Same here. At least I enjoyed the other characters before. But now that Emma has joined Snow and Henry in the Regina-grovelers club, the show is beyond salvageable as far as I am concerned. Regina is literally the Black Hole where all characters go to die. 4 Link to comment
Dani-Ellie January 12, 2015 Share January 12, 2015 I generally don't have a problem when Regina and Emma are working together. Their bickery banter amuses me, for the most part. The stakeout and double-con in 3x13, Regina teaching Emma magic in 3x17, that was fun (at least for me). But 4x05 was not bickery banter. It was not fun. It was an entire episode of Regina hurling verbal abuse at Emma (because that is totally what it was) and Emma Swan, of all people, sitting there and taking it. It was out of character for Emma to just follow Regina around like a kicked puppy and frankly, it was out of character for Regina, too, to spend the entire episode kicking the puppy. And when I see people (fans, certain official social media accounts, etc) touting the "I don't WANT to kill you" line as something aww-worthy? No. Sorry, but no. That's not healthy. That's not okay. That is not a basis for any kind of friendship or relationship. If the best thing you can say about someone is that you don't want to kill them (or that they don't want to kill you!), that's a run-like-hell red flag. So, sorry, show, not buying what you're selling. 11 Link to comment
KingOfHearts January 12, 2015 Share January 12, 2015 (edited) But 4x05 was not bickery banter. It was not fun. I 100% agree with this. The whole episode was the worst writing in the history of the show. I pit it below Selfless, Brave and True and Bleeding Through. It was that bad. It had me asking, "Why did I even DVR this?" It's my least favorite episode of the series. I'm pretty sure Scott Nimefro had a lot to do with the BFF business in addition to A&E. I generally don't have a problem when Regina and Emma are working together. Their bickery banter amuses me, for the most part. The stakeout and double-con in 3x13, Regina teaching Emma magic in 3x17, that was fun (at least for me). Regina and Emma work really well as non-romantic non-friend reluctant allies/co-parents. It's complicated like everything else on this show. But Emma desperately wanting Regina's approval goes on the list of Dumbest Character Moments, along with the Diner Speech and Regina's Not-So Execution. It was out of character for Emma to just follow Regina around like a kicked puppy and frankly, it was out of character for Regina, too, to spend the entire episode kicking the puppy. Agree. Emma's actions go against everything she's every done in the history of the show. Why the heck was she totally okay with Sidney being locked up? I thought Regina's constant disdain was uncalled for too. Regina can be mean, but I thought she and Emma were on better terms than what was exhibited here. What's scary is that this episode was the Swan Queen episode. It was catered just for them, even with an AU fanfic included. No offense to SQ shippers, but if this is what A&E plan to do for them, this show is going to get so much worse. Edited January 12, 2015 by KingOfHearts 3 Link to comment
regularlyleaded January 13, 2015 Share January 13, 2015 (edited) The Tater Cult will now show no mercy, take no prisoners. Now the only acceptable terms are the death of Regina. Quick and sudden or slow and painful, I don't care. Just as long as Regina is dead -- that's good enough for Tater Cult. I am with you on this one and willing to print t-shirts saying as much. I am usually a big fan of characters I love to hate, but this isn't one. I just don't like her at all. I could draw the mascot, if you'd like. This is just an example from a long neglected cartoon blog I used to do. LOL, I'm laughing so hard at this! But I've also been inspired. I'm envisioning a new web comic dedicated to mercilessly poking fun at the black hole that is Woegina and the writers' show ruining and irrational obsession with sacrificing the other characters to prop her up. I think I'll call it *Bleeping* Woegina. (or *Bleeping* Regina ?) I can see it now...the first set will be a visual rewrite of the opening credits where it's just Woegina, and the other characters are her sock puppets...because that's what they have all been reduced to - Woegina cheering, murderer excusing sock puppets. Frame 1) Weogina sits among a field of her dead bodies, her victims she "doesn't regret" klilling. She's crying her crocodile tears, *hands bloody*, keening, "Why can't I have my happy ending?! This is the storybooks fault!" Frame 2) [sock puppet Henry - which may or may not be Regina's hand covered in a Henry-like sock] sock puppet Henry pops-up and says, "Ya! The book got it wrong [camera pans to dead bodies then back to sock puppet Henry] sock puppet Henry continues - "You deserve a happy ending [camera pans back to Regina's dead victims and lingers - a new meaning to 'deadpan' is born]" Frame 3) [camera back to Woegina's crocodile tear laden face] Woegina: "It's not fair. What have I done to deserve this??? I haven't actually killed anybody in a year. A year! What more can I do?! Nothing. I don't deserve this unhappiness! *the intermittant chirp of a cricket sounds in the distance* " [camera goes once again back to the smoldering dead bodies. e ] End *Bleeping* Woegina Comic Episode 1. Edited January 13, 2015 by regularlyleaded 5 Link to comment
Curio January 13, 2015 Share January 13, 2015 (edited) I could draw the mascot, if you'd like. This is just an example from a long neglected cartoon blog I used to do. LOL, I'm laughing so hard at this! But I've also been inspired. I'm envisioning a new web comic dedicated to mercilessly poking fun at the black hole that is Woegina and the writers' show ruining and irrational obsession with sacrificing the other characters to prop her up. Man, you guys are really making me want to start up a webcomic blog I've been debating about doing for this show. Except, instead of poking fun at Regina, it'd just poke fun at every awful writing decision the show has done, with a sprinkle of some of the Offscreenville scenes we never actually get to see. I figure the content would be endless. I think I'll call it *Bleeping* Woegina. (or *Bleeping* Regina ?) Ack. Please, no. I don't think any of us can handle even more crypt sex! (I'll just see myself out...) Edited January 13, 2015 by Curio Link to comment
regularlyleaded January 13, 2015 Share January 13, 2015 (edited) Man, you guys are really making me want to start up a webcomic blog I've been debating about doing for this show. [...] I figure the content would be endless. Word. I have too...sooo many times. It's been percolating in my mind for more than a year now. I really am rather serious about making a webcomic. Ack. Please, no. I don't think any of us can handle even more crypt sex! Well, when you put it like that.. *agressively bleaching brain* I'm open to other suggestions. :) Edit: Taking additional thoughts about this to the Creativity thread. Edited January 13, 2015 by regularlyleaded 1 Link to comment
YaddaYadda January 13, 2015 Share January 13, 2015 TaterCult ACTIVATE! 5 Link to comment
FabulousTater January 13, 2015 Share January 13, 2015 (edited) TaterCult ACTIVATE! FORM OF: Web comic series! *Zap!* You guys are officially my most favorite internet board in the whole wide world of internet boards. Edited January 13, 2015 by FabulousTater 4 Link to comment
OnceUponAJen January 13, 2015 Share January 13, 2015 The fact that Regina blames a 10 year old child for "ruining my life" instead of her mother makes it hard for me to sympathize with her. Does anyone really believe that Cora wouldn't have found out about Daniel and killed him anyway? 3 Link to comment
YaddaYadda January 13, 2015 Share January 13, 2015 Does anyone really believe that Cora wouldn't have found out about Daniel and killed him anyway? It's Cora, she was probably already aware of Daniel and just bidding her time. She wanted Regina to marry a king and nothing was going to derail her from her ridiculous plan. -The End 7 Link to comment
KingOfHearts January 13, 2015 Share January 13, 2015 (edited) Does anyone really believe that Cora wouldn't have found out about Daniel and killed him anyway? I agree with YaddaYadda that she knew full well about Daniel the whole time. She probably had some sort of hint that there were going to run off together too. She just needed the information from Snow on when and where. If she didn't know about Daniel, she wouldn't have talked to her. Regina's "you told a secret!" mantra is an umbrella phrase for many, many issues. Her true disdain for Snow didn't come until later when she revered by the kingdom while Regina was miserable. It's been a jealousy problem from day one for all the Mills girls. Edited January 13, 2015 by KingOfHearts 3 Link to comment
Shanna Marie January 13, 2015 Share January 13, 2015 I agree with YaddaYadda that she knew full well about Daniel the whole time. She probably had some sort of hint that there were going to run off together too. She just needed the information from Snow on when and where. If she didn't know about Daniel, she wouldn't have talked to her. My personal theory is that she knew everything all along and only talked to Snow as part of her master plan to 1) defile Snow -- she couldn't get her to kill for her mother, so at least she can get her to break a confidence; and 2) make Regina resent Snow, setting in motion a scheme in which Regina would want to get rid of Snow, and then Regina's own child would be the heir to the throne. 5 Link to comment
El Seed January 14, 2015 Share January 14, 2015 LOL, I'm laughing so hard at this! But I've also been inspired. I'm envisioning a new web comic dedicated to mercilessly poking fun at the black hole that is Woegina and the writers' show ruining and irrational obsession with sacrificing the other characters to prop her up. I think I'll call it *Bleeping* Woegina. (or *Bleeping* Regina ?) I can see it now...the first set will be a visual rewrite of the opening credits where it's just Woegina, and the other characters are her sock puppets...because that's what they have all been reduced to - Woegina cheering, murderer excusing sock puppets. Frame 1) Weogina sits among a field of her dead bodies, her victims she "doesn't regret" klilling. She's crying her crocodile tears, *hands bloody*, keening, "Why can't I have my happy ending?! This is the storybooks fault!" Frame 2) [sock puppet Henry - which may or may not be Regina's hand covered in a Henry-like sock] sock puppet Henry pops-up and says, "Ya! The book got it wrong [camera pans to dead bodies then back to sock puppet Henry] sock puppet Henry continues - "You deserve a happy ending [camera pans back to Regina's dead victims and lingers - a new meaning to 'deadpan' is born]" Frame 3) [camera back to Woegina's crocodile tear laden face] Woegina: "It's not fair. What have I done to deserve this??? I haven't actually killed anybody in a year. A year! What more can I do?! Nothing. I don't deserve this unhappiness! *the intermittant chirp of a cricket sounds in the distance* " [camera goes once again back to the smoldering dead bodies. e ] End *Bleeping* Woegina Comic Episode 1. Man, you guys are really making me want to start up a webcomic blog I've been debating about doing for this show. Except, instead of poking fun at Regina, it'd just poke fun at every awful writing decision the show has done, with a sprinkle of some of the Offscreenville scenes we never actually get to see. I figure the content would be endless. Taking my response to the Knitting With Granny: The Realm of Creativity thread. Link to comment
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