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Ghost Hunters - General Discussion

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Interesting - Jason announced back in April that he along with Steve & Tango would have a new show on Travel Channel called Ghost Nation.  Now A&E has announced that at the end of August Ghost Hunters will return with Grant Wilson and his "handpicked team".  As far as I can find though neither of them has mentioned the other one or the other show.

I might give both shows a chance just to see what's new, what's different...



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I...kind of liked the reboot. Most of the team seemed levelheaded and interesting, but I still miss Jason and Steve. The two investigators who were friends (Rachel and someone) didn't really do anything for me though. Maybe they just didn't get as much camera time.

Loved seeing them debunk stuff again right off the bat, while still being open-minded. I miss that aspect on these shows.

I'm still surprised that a school principal would pursue being on this sort of show, even with some of the footage getting posted online. I suppose it helped tamp down some of the rumors and legends a bit.

I missed if there was a preview of the season but I hope they go back to visiting individual homes too. Kindred Spirits does, but that show just got ridiculous. 

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I kind of liked it too.  The debunking was my favorite part, but I thought the electrician got the short shrift.  I wanted them to have the electrician examine the wiring for any problems, not merely to prop up the idea that supernatural forces were causing drains on the electrical system.  The school as a whole was pretty cool though.  And for a 1974 update to the library, it was a nice update and didn't scream mid-70s ugly, which is about as mysterious as the EVPs and lighting issues.

I hope they do get back to people's actual houses.  I tried a couple of episodes of Dead Files, and when the "psychic" chick said that it was demon aliens from outer space, I had to quit watching.  I don't even really believe in ghosts but I find the search for them interesting.  However, demon aliens was a bridge too far for me to take anything seriously on that show. 

Oh, and Mustafa is one of the most attractive men I've ever seen on one of these ghost shows, so I might just watch to ogle him. LOL

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1 hour ago, Lizzing said:

I tried a couple of episodes of Dead Files, and when the "psychic" chick said that it was demon aliens from outer space, I had to quit watching.  I don't even really believe in ghosts but I find the search for them interesting.  However, demon aliens was a bridge too far for me to take anything seriously on that show. 

Agreed.  I tried DF for a while, but the show seems pretty much the same every week, and the aliens were too much for me as well. 

I only caught a bit of the first show last night and DVRd the rest.  It seems impossible that it's 7 years since Grant left to be with his children.  

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7 hours ago, Lizzing said:

I thought the electrician got the short shrift.  I wanted them to have the electrician examine the wiring for any problems, not merely to prop up the idea that supernatural forces were causing drains on the electrical system. 

I agree.  I wanted to see him inspect the building. They kept saying, we're calling in an electrician and all they did is ask him a question.

I started watching Ghost Hunters when it first aired and thought it was really creepy but kind of lost interest when all the drama started with the one guy with bad teeth, can't remember his name. Then the collar tug of Grant's coat really nailed the coffin shut on it for me.

I'm on the fence with the reboot, I thought it was kind of boring. I've grown tired of GA too because Zac is a drama queen and demon, demon, demon everywhere they go. But at least they have energy and are entertaining. GH crew had no energy, but I did like that Tesla energy device they had too bad it didn't work on them, lol.

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I never really watched the original show save for a few episodes, and I don't bother with the repeats airing on A&E... However, I decided to tune in for Kristen Luman, who was on "Ghost Mine" a few years back. I liked this. I like the team and I enjoyed the location. I do agree with the electrician getting the short end of the stick. I too wanted to see him actually look at some wiring. This show is no "Ghost Adventures" in terms of energy but I will continue to watch. Plus, as someone mentioned above, Mustafa is hot, lol. 

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I liked it, but I found Grant's explanation a little disingenuous about "everyone from the original team is already on TV with their own shows." Except for Kindred Spirits, I can't think of anyone original who's on TV. If I'm missing Jason, Steve, Tango, etc., I'd love to know. (Chris from Ghost Hunters Academy is on Haunted Towns, but he was barely a blip on GH.)

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1 hour ago, ChicagoCita said:

I liked it, but I found Grant's explanation a little disingenuous about "everyone from the original team is already on TV with their own shows." Except for Kindred Spirits, I can't think of anyone original who's on TV. If I'm missing Jason, Steve, Tango, etc., I'd love to know. (Chris from Ghost Hunters Academy is on Haunted Towns, but he was barely a blip on GH.)

Jason, Steve & Tango are going to be on a show called "Ghost Nation" starting on 10/11/19 on Travel. https://corporate.discovery.com/discovery-newsroom/the-boys-are-back-paranormal-pioneers-jason-hawes-steve-gonsalves-and-dave-tango-star-in-new-series-ghost-nation-on-travel-channel/

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16 hours ago, Lizzing said:

Jason, Steve & Tango are going to be on a show called "Ghost Nation" starting on 10/11/19 on Travel.

Thanks, @Lizzing! Weird that they are all in new shows, but not the same one. Oh, well, more to watch. I've pretty much had it with all the screaming from the dudebros on Ghost Adventures.

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I used to adore this show, back in it's original form, but stopped watching when these types of shows sprouted like mushrooms and they all started going to the same places and the claims got more and more ridiculous.  I can't say this reboot kindled a renewed love of the genre, but it was entertaining enough.  Can't say I'll watch it on the reg.  I am intrigued by the fact that Jay and Steve are on another show.  Could be a fun compare and contrast. 

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I thought last night’s episode was fine. I’m preferring the new show to the original. Or maybe I just like the new team better.... In any case, it’s just nice to have new episodes of a paranormal show. 

That was a cool house, too. I can’t imagine spending all that time and money to repair it just to sell it. I hope the owner decides to keep it.

I'm enjoying it. I am really skeptical about the ghosts, but I do find it entertaining. Somehow my DVR started picking up the old reruns of the original GH and I was delighted to see those guys back in the day. I forgot how hilarious Brian Harnois was. Remember how when they went to foreign countries, they'd be trying to do EVPs in English? Sure, all ghosts have built-in Universal Translators. Anyhow. I'm going to keep watching.

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The Albion house was super cool.  I couldn't figure out why anyone would need a big ballroom up there, though.  It's so far out in the country, but maybe party goers came from miles around?  The house is on the market though--and I kinda think the guy put more money into renovating it than the asking price. (The "ghost" evidence was unpersuasive to me, but I was largely watching this episode for the house.) https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/13800-W-County-House-Rd-Albion-NY-14411/71203209_zpid/?

St. Augustine's is one of my favorites! I'll have to look for it. Aren't they doing a lighthouse this new season? Is it a St. Augustine re-visit by chance? I'd love that!

I think what I like about this show, is that compared to say...Ghost Adventures (which I also watch regularly) it's just so nice, quiet, and low-key. 

And I can't believe that he's selling that house from last week's ep for only $450,000.00. That certainly seems like he really wants someone to take it off his hands. I figured it would go for at least a million. 

Edited by scarletine
Real Estate
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$450K seems incredibly cheap. In my still slightly dicey part of Chicago, a nice 3-bedroom condo goes for $350K-$385K, so a luxurious, historic six-bedroom mansion for only $100K more seems unbelievable.

I wish there were some middle ground between Grant's "I don't need any more excitement from the paranormal" and Ghost Adventures' shrieks of panic/getting possessed every other episode. Frankly, I do watch paranormal shows for excitement. Loved the Stanley Hotel, Eastern Penn State Sanitorium, and St. Augustine lighthouse GH eps for exactly that reason. I'm finding this reboot a little too laid-back (although preferable to Zak and the "bros" on GA).

I do like Kindred Spirits and Paranormal Lockdown for striking some middle ground. Jury's still out on Haunted Towns, but I watch it. 😉

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On 8/30/2019 at 2:18 PM, scarletine said:

Aren't they doing a lighthouse this new season? Is it a St. Augustine re-visit by chance? I'd love that!

I originally thought they were, but in the team intro episode they had a bit where everyone mentioned their favorites episodes and someone said the St Augustine lighthouse, so I think that what I took for a clip from the new show was really a clip from the old show.   On the other hand, I just this second saw a commercial for the show, and they do have an image of a lighthouse, so maybe we're in luck.  Lighthouses always seem to have sadness and tragedy associated with them. 

20 hours ago, ChicagoCita said:

Frankly, I do watch paranormal shows for excitement. Loved the Stanley Hotel, Eastern Penn State Sanitorium, and St. Augustine lighthouse GH eps for exactly that reason.

Also the Mount Washington Hotel.  Remember the Princess?  I once stayed there for one night on a bus tour and I was too scared to close my eyes and left the lights on all night.  

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I'm not sure if it was Ghost Hunters who went to the Copper Queen Hotel in Bisbee, Arizona, but there's supposed to be a little ghost boy there who like shiny objects. We brought lots of costume jewelry and left it out on the dresser. I was like a kid at Christmas, I woke up every hour to check on it. Alas, it didn't move overnight.

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22 hours ago, Quilt Fairy said:

I just this second saw a commercial for the show, and they do have an image of a lighthouse, so maybe we're in luck.  Lighthouses always seem to have sadness and tragedy associated with them. 

This Wednesday's show is a return to St. Augustine. It's a twofer with a visit to a home in Pennsylvania, though, so I'm not expecting too much. The program guide says Grant returns to the lighthouse after getting reports of increased paranormal activity.

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I found the return to St. Augustine's to be...underwhelming. I don't know why they didn't devote the whole hour to it. The poor guys out in the woods, didn't even get to explore the lighthouse itself (at least that we saw), and one of the women on the team only got airtime during the set up and breakdown. 

I thought the other case was interesting, but I would have been happier to see that paired with another case, on a different episode. 

I did enjoy watching the original St. A's again though. If only they'd had better cameras back then, like they do now. That episode was fun to watch. 

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I just watched the one down in Loudenville Ohio at the lodge..ive been there...I dont live far from there and nothing bothered me...and I have been to the hotel in Eureka Springs Ark and nothing bothered me.  I guess ghosts are afraid of me...I imagine my countenance is scary...I love Ghost adventures just  for the pure entertainment factor...my daughter met Zak a few weeks ago at Blossom in Cleveland she told him that her mom is a big fan...he gave her a kiss for me LOL...I like all the ghost shows but as entertainment...at almost 70 not much scares me anymore.

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I've had plenty of paranormal things happen when I'm around, and while they do startle me, I'm never afraid. I think because they happen in our long-time family home, and I'm the one who does the genealogy and restores tombstones, etc., they're not causing any harm. I like Ghost Hunters best because they rarely say the spirits mean to hurt people. I like their explanation that they're people, just without bodies. I get tired of the ghost shows all claiming hauntings are demons. GH is great in that respect.

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7 hours ago, ChicagoCita said:

I've had plenty of paranormal things happen when I'm around, and while they do startle me, I'm never afraid. I think because they happen in our long-time family home, and I'm the one who does the genealogy and restores tombstones, etc., they're not causing any harm. I like Ghost Hunters best because they rarely say the spirits mean to hurt people. I like their explanation that they're people, just without bodies. I get tired of the ghost shows all claiming hauntings are demons. GH is great in that respect.

Yes that and Dead Files. I know it is not a ghost hunting show but still...all demons, native Americans ECT wanting to do you harm.

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I’m giving the “new” Ghost Hunters a shot. Can I complain for a moment? I am not thrilled with that woman Richelle (I think that’s her name) and her friend. They always investigate together. They bug me for some reason. Richelle just seems to feel sick and needs to sit or lie down, and the guy won’t stay to continue the investigation, he leaves with her. I know there’s only been a couple episodes but...

It’s probably just me but these 2 annoy me. 

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 I like Ghost Hunters best because they rarely say the spirits mean to hurt people. I like their explanation that they're people, just without bodies. I get tired of the ghost shows all claiming hauntings are demons. GH is great in that respect.


Yes that and Dead Files. I know it is not a ghost hunting show but still...all demons, native Americans ECT wanting to do you harm.

I'm glad you both brought this up.  I've posted before in the Dead Files forum how sick I get of them slandering the reputations of perfectly upstanding dead people.  David the farmer who died in 1850 and spent his life raising a family and going to church, probably isn't spending his time in the afterlife attempting to harm and kill the occupants of his former home.  Geesh.

Along these lines, Ghost Hunters did a great thing on the episode last night about the Madison Seminary.  Mustafa (I think) met with the local historian who said that the seminary did a lot of good and the claims of over 200 people dying there were perfectly normal, considering many of the residents spent a good portion of their later life years living there and would have died of natural causes.  And that claims of ill treatment of the residents were not necessarily true.  So maybe the former residents weren't feeling the need to live in unrest and scare and torment the living? Imagine that.  

I wonder how many of these stories about hauntings are made up by the owners for business purposes?  Madison Seminary needs a draw for ghost tours and hotels especially, like Landoll's Mohican Castle, need to keep the visitors coming.   


I complain for a moment? I am not thrilled with that woman Richelle

I haven't found him particularly bothersome but she doesn't seem to bring much to the table, for sure. 

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I watched last night. It's going to take me a while to get used to and to sort out the new crew. I agree with upthread poster, Mustafa is cute as a button, I believe you said "hot", but I'm old enough to be his grandmother, so I'll stick with "cute as a button." 

I guess Grant got the name "Ghost Hunters" and Jason got "TAPS"? Grant was my favorite on the original show, I'll try to remember to watch again next week. Yesterday, I caught the introduction show, I rather enjoyed that and a couple of others including the Madison Seminary. I am looking forward to Jason's new show if I can remember to watch when it comes on.

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On 9/19/2019 at 3:37 PM, Kiki620 said:

I wonder how many of these stories about hauntings are made up by the owners for business purposes?  Madison Seminary needs a draw for ghost tours and hotels especially, like Landoll's Mohican Castle, need to keep the visitors coming.   

I just finished the Landoll Castle episode (trying to clear some DVR space) and I had the thought that given (1) the history of fires, (2) the history of faulty fire alarms, (3) the kitchen gas leak, and (4) the fire place & heat on full blast in the suite, the owners were trying to shore up a fire insurance claim to cover their eventual arson to burn the whole thing down.  Or maybe one was gonna murder the other one in a fire, instead of going after the insurance money.  Or both!  Clearly I have watched too much ID & Dateline in recent weeks! 🙄

@hookedontv RIchelle bugs too, with the always feeling sick or faint or whatever.  First, there is no way that anyone watching the show can verify that, so I don't want to hear it as part of the proof.  And if she just took a moment, like after smelling gas, to get some fresh air and let the place air out a bit, then went back to investigating, I'd be okay with it.  The whole feeling sick thing just shuts down what could be a fun investigation.

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22 hours ago, UpTooLate said:

They seem to be burning these new episodes, two a night, so I wonder if that means the reboot isn't drawing?

Grant seems more interested in debunking than anything. (I mean, I know, if there are no ghosts, there are no ghosts, but I live for the thrill and possibility!)

Anyone know if there's a forum for Jason's Ghost Nation?

I tried to find one for Ghost Nation but struck out.

9 hours ago, TheGourmez said:

I tried to find one for Ghost Nation but struck out.

It is on Friday night on the Travel Channel. I like that Jason said no to the Ghost Hunters reboot because they did not want Steve and Tango. After the jacket pull episode of the original Ghost Hunters I had no respect for Grant. I find it laughable that he is the great debunker now.

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I do not find Any and Adam from Kindred Spirits formerly of Ghost Hunters interesting. I cannot believe they even got their own show Kindred Spirits. I never licked watching those two or Kris Williams who I guess took Donna's place. When they came on I stopped watching . I love Grant and Jason thr same and I watch both of their shoes Ghost Nation and Ghosthunters with Grants new team. I will never get bored because I have watched many episodes of all the different paranormal shows and these are my favorites. I have been a fan of Ghosthunters from it's first season. I miss Brisn. I love Steve and Tango on Ghost Nation but on the new Ghosthunters not crazy about the young blonde woman and the bearded guy her friend. I love the rest of Grant's team  though. Ghost adventures is a joke . Zack not a fan of and he borders crazy man to o me when he locked up his associate in a room on an episode. It is just too dramatic. Grant and Jason are more professional and NO they don't overdue it compared to the other shoes especially. I loved the original Ghosthunters the best and the Ghost hunters International at first was ok then all the new people I did not care to see. Who cares about Amy and Adam they are boring and not as good as Jason, Grant, Steve and Tango. Those are my favs. Not crazy about Brit from Ghosthunters 1 but liked D.J better and Dustin. I will definitely watch both new shows minus kindred spirits. 


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