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Heather Thomson: Inventor of Yummie Tummie

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You're not knocking the noodle are you? :-)  I wish I'd invented the noodle.  Cheap and easy to manufacture and they'll never go out of style.  Don't hate me that I own more than one.  And often coordinate my noodle with whichever swimsuit I'm wearing. LOL Noodles are big business here in the Great Lakes State.  And I love the word noodle.  Noodle, noodle, noodle.  You can do crafts with noodles. My sis has one of these on her pool gate.  Made with a noodle and flip flops. I'm jelly.




Oh My Gosh...your sister has Luanne's newest statement necklace, this is from her Tropical Vacation line.


I'm jelly too! It's so practical..you can take a swim in the ocean and use as a life saver..and when you get back on to the beach, yank a pair of flip flops off to protect your feet from the rocks on the shore

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I wonder if Heather shared with Carole or one of the other women that she was thinking of not returning?

Someone pointed out that Lu was pissed at Carole for breaking "girl code" and now it's all about Heather. Heather has been more than kind to Lu, when Lu was made FoH, Heather made sure to include her as much as possible.

Idk I'm just trying to figure out why it seemed it was made a thing to pick on and point out every bad thing Heather did with the other women.

I do think Beth changed the dynamic of the group as well as editors showing the storyline they wanted.

I'm not even arguing that Heather is or isn't the things the woman were saying. I just wonder if both Bravo and the other women heard that Heather was thinking seriously of not returning, and that shaped a bit of the storyline?

I can see Lu, Dorinda, Sonja and Ramona hearing this and thinking that cutting ties or making Heather the outsider, wouldn't really matter much, if she was not returning.

I really don't think she said she was considering not coming back to anyone and if she did with Carole, I don't see her sharing that info. IMO, the old guard knew Bethenny was the 1 to court/kiss up to in order to keep their apple for next season and they advised Dorinda to stay on her, Bethenny's, good side. That Bethenny disliked Heather and gossiped about her to these other HW, confirmed that Heather was on shaky ground for next season. So, they made a choice and put their apples in the Bethenny basket despite that ALL of the old guard were closer to Heather than to Bethenny when B was on the show initially. Heather was THE 1 that saw everyone off season, she was the only 1 to include LuAnn in everything yet they are more worried about themselves than someone that was a good friend. JMO

I did say SkinnyWrap on a post but I should probably have written  HealthyWrap....... except that sounds like a sandwich selection at Subway  lol

Anyhoooo, congrats!

One question, do ya use floatie noodles like Ramoaner?  lol

Thank You! LOL, my granddaughter uses the noodles and has me pull her around and around the pool. No noodles for me! LOL


It is, indeed, interesting that every one of the women have had issues with Heather.  Except, imo, the one who should - Carole.  But I've always contended that if Carole would grow a pair, there'd be trouble in that paradise, too.


I don't deny that Heather has done some kind things.  As they all have.  But every once in a while she shows a really ugly side.  Again, they all have. But for each of the HWs to turn against her, I believe they must be privy to something that we're not.  As an example, Ramona and Kristen have remarked that Jonathon is weaker than Heather.  I think it's a rotten thing to say but I'll give them the benefit of a doubt because they've socialized with them more than I have.  And if Heather does boss Jonathon around and it works for them - fine.  But the other HWs might see other things about her bossiness - in her relationship with Jon and them - that makes them dislike her.  Maybe they see what Ramona saw in Heather's first season.  Something behind the megawatt smile.


If we believe that she's gotten the worst edit ever then that means Andy and production has a problem with her, too.  So what has this angel of Spandex done??  If she's got a seething mean side (which I think is likely the problem) and we've only seen it a couple times but the others have seen it many - then I'd say she's gotten a great edit up til now and that's why she's quitting.  Git while the gittin's good.

Yet, these same women have said that it is Heather that keeps in contact with them when filming ends, the ONLY 1. Ramona and Sonja do not hang out together and neither have anything to do with LuAnn at all except when filming. Heather invites them out to dinner as couples and in small "girls only" dinners and they love that she gives them YT gifts.


As for the comments Kristen said about Jon, she apologized for saying it and corrected herself that he is no doormat to/for Heather. At the point in the Montana trip where Ramona made the nasty comments about him, she did NOT know him at all. She had only met him 1 or 2 times the prior season and they had very little interaction. She, Ramona, was intent on making Heather/Jon's marriage look bad because by then she knew Mario was cheating on her and how dare Heather have a kind, loving supportive husband in a solid marriage, only she was allowed to have that, no other HW, just her.


Heather is no angle, she is far from perfect but she is closest to being the most real and the most stable of the NY HWs. She is also the fastest to apologize when there are disagreements even when she did not start it and she was not in the wrong, the F word fight is a prime example, She apologized to Dorinda even though it was LuAnn AND Dorinda that attacked her and brought her daughter, Ella, into it., also the walking into a restaurant fight. Dorinda started it and was nasty but Heather apologized because she saw her "friends" emotional state and put her "friend's" emotional needs before her own hurt/confusion/anger. When was the last time you saw any of the other HWs put someone else's feelings before their own and mean it? They all have a "mean side" but none of the others ever considers how the other HW feels as well as their own feelings. JMO

Edited by WireWrap
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I don't think it's her ego. As I said above, she faced a tough situation in her first season, so she has been through worse.  I think she doesn't see the benefits anymore, especially if they aren't going to show her "real" life on her "reality show".  Makes all the sense in the world, but I am bummed as well as happy for her. 


She can be bossy. And loud. And judgmental. I love all of those things in women, in the right dose and with mostly good intentions. My favorite all time characters, be they in fiction, movies, or TV all share that trait. Mostly I think that Heather is fiercely loyal to those she loves, and I think her priorities are nicely lined up. I love that she is willing to go all "motherfucker" on someone on behalf of someone she cares about. That is my kind of girl.  She reminds me of my all time favorite broad - Julia Sugarbaker, who would gladly get all up in your face if she felt fired up.  RIP Dixie.

MCM, loved your post.  I never had a real problem with Heather, as a matter of fact, I loved it when she very decisively excluded Ramona from the London trip.  What moxie for a newbie to dare go against one of the OG, lol.  She had her reasons, didn't cry about it, and took the heat for it.  I liked that.  She coined the "Singer Stinger" - priceless.  She went out of her way to use all of her contacts to help delusional Sonja and got her teeth kicked in.    She made a big effort to know her castmates and came away with a friend - Carole.  Not the choice I would make but whatever.  She is what some may call an overbearing friend, but she seems to have a friend's back.  Maybe she exacts a payback for that, who knows.  I wasn't particularly enamored of the way she bossed Kristin around - but - they mended their differences.


She's not perfect by any means.  IMO she has a very good heart.  She's bossy and can be annoying but I do believe she has a sensitive side that hurts when criticized.  But she is articulate, a go-getter, and she gives her all to whatever cause she is championing. She's a hard worker and has a good product out there.  I remember years ago having my sister call me and tell me about the YT shapewear she bought that was being sold at this little shop.  Heather had just launched her line and was selling in small shops.  It was good stuff and deserved to roll out nationally.  IMO she's built pretty solid relationships with the talk show circuit in addition to the shopping channels, so if she does leave HW she at least has an avenue to market her wares

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I will be glad when Heather is gone. Heather = sanctimonious.

I do believe that sanctimonious is a requirement to be a HW so Heather fits right in. lol

Even my fav, LisaV has been a sanctimonious bish, sometimes. 

You got me thinking and I cannot remember one that I have watched that has not been sanctimonious at some point.

And, shhhh, don't tell anyone but I have been the S word at times but I bet you noticed.  lol 

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It is, indeed, interesting that every one of the women have had issues with Heather.  Except, imo, the one who should - Carole.  But I've always contended that if Carole would grow a pair, there'd be trouble in that paradise, too.


I don't deny that Heather has done some kind things.  As they all have.  But every once in a while she shows a really ugly side.  Again, they all have. But for each of the HWs to turn against her, I believe they must be privy to something that we're not.  As an example, Ramona and Kristen have remarked that Jonathon is weaker than Heather.  I think it's a rotten thing to say but I'll give them the benefit of a doubt because they've socialized with them more than I have.  And if Heather does boss Jonathon around and it works for them - fine.  But the other HWs might see other things about her bossiness - in her relationship with Jon and them - that makes them dislike her.  Maybe they see what Ramona saw in Heather's first season.  Something behind the megawatt smile.


If we believe that she's gotten the worst edit ever then that means Andy and production has a problem with her, too.  So what has this angel of Spandex done??  If she's got a seething mean side (which I think is likely the problem) and we've only seen it a couple times but the others have seen it many - then I'd say she's gotten a great edit up til now and that's why she's quitting.  Git while the gittin's good.

Why should Carole be upset with Heather?


Further, Kristen was infuriated with Heather, who was IMO being an alcohol-fueled intolerable, smug bossypants bitchypants in Montana, but Kristen visibly, immediately blanched when Ramona began her cuckolded, delusional, twuntastic takedown of Jonathan as inferior to her serially unfaithful, hates-her-a-fuckton Mare-reoh.  (I flove that scene.  It is everything.  It tells you everything about their marriage.  I remember season 1 Mare-reoh somehow being unable to wear his ring....his last girlfriend was ultimately not the problem.  The problem has been there bold as goddamned day forever between them.  I digress, sorry.)


I think Ramona is a digusting, worthlss woman.  I would put out why I think so in tedious detail but this isn't her thread, but part of my thesis on why she is foul is because there is no greater vile narcissist on these franchises, including Truffle Hunter Gunvalson (from RHOOC).  I personally don't think Ramona believes other people are people, deserving of respect and decent treatment, and I also think she is up her own derry-yay to a degree where she could not possibly cherrypick traits from Heather and see something behind Heather's admittedly somewhat off-looking at times rictus grin.  All Ramona sees in looking at other people is herself, never them.  IMO.

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Heather has been generous with all the HWs and given them lots of YT items and they wear them but they never say anything in their blogs.



Ungrateful bishes. Whereas I doubt they're at home eating SkinnyGirl popcorn ...


I refuse to believe Heather's leaving, but if she does, I hope Carole follows suit. #GirlCode




She apologized to Dorinda even though it was LuAnn AND Dorinda that attacked her and brought her daughter, Ella, into it., also the walking into a restaurant fight. Dorinda started it and was nasty but Heather apologized because she saw her "friends" emotional state and put her "friend's" emotional needs before her own.



She is *such* a better person than me. I was thinking the other day, that if someone drunkenly attacked me and then had a public meltdown, I'd laugh at their tears and mock them forever. Meanwhile Heather actually goes and comforts that dumb cow.

Edited by missy jo
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So I have been a yummie addict since probably 2008-9? A friend of mine gave me a 3 panel tank that didn't fit her and it started me down the rabbit hole. I have tried everything but the bras and they are all great. Some items are tighter than others and designed for different body types but there is something for everyone. I love the jeans, I have a very flat butt, thicker midsection and chicken legs and the slim bootcut are my favorite. The skinnies are cute but too big in the leg for me, so the look like boyfriend cut. All of the jeans are high cut enough to eliminate the muffin top and higher in the back to eliminate crack. They are just soft comfortable jeans. I have my mom and sister addicted as well. The three panel tank is still my favorite shaping tank but the seamless is good too. The underwear is great. I love the Tina's.

Sometimes they get yummie merch at Ross dress for less. I have gotten 3 panels and jeans there.

I feel the need to mention I am in no way affiliated with yummie or heather, just a long time shapewear addict who has tried every brand out there lol.

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I can't give Ramona the benefit of the doubt regarding Jonathan and his marriage since she said herself that the man is practically invisible to her. And, you can't get insight from a ghost.


Anyway, if Jonathan is weak/weaker - whatever that means - then that's a reflection on him, not his wife.

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Color me confused

Why is it being stated as a fact that Heather was so "generous" to invite Luann to film with her when she was demoted as a friend?

I read several articles before last season that stated as a fact that Luann filmed the whole season as a full time housewife and was even paid as a full time housewife and only found out at the end of the season that she had been demoted to a FOH category and would not have a tag line as a punishment for refusing to discuss her break up with Jaques, does anybody else remembers this?

If such is the case then Luann owes nothing to Heather as neither Heather or Luann found out that she would be demoted until filming had wrapped up.

I am also confused at the allegations that Bethenny got a good edit and Heather a bad one, IMO they both are who they are, no bad edit can put words in your mouth you have not said, no amount of edit can edit your reactions and over reactions to situations, if Bethenny had so much power over editing and production I have no doubt that she would have edited out a lot of her sobbing scenes, but they are there to stay.

Heather's blessings last season was that her bosiness and arrogance went untied or paled in comparison to Aviva who was hated, this season however her main feuds are not even with Bethenny, her main feud were with Dorinda and favorite Luann so the results are very different and so are the viewers' reaction.

Editing can definitely play a part but it cannot invent a whole persona out of thin air, look at Brandi's crying that the editing made her look bad, but if you watch her again since season 2 you can clearly see her trashy and OTT behavior in full display, same with JillZ, I liked her the first two season but after rewatching those seasons last month I realized that her awful behavior has been there since the beginning , I just saw but wasn't actually watching. Heather has had this over the top reactions not only during this last trip, her behavior last season against Aviva was also over the top, so how is it Bethenny's fault that more and more viewers are now realizing how bossy, controlling and arrogant Heather really is?

Edited by AnnaL
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Ungrateful bishes. Whereas I doubt they're at home eating SkinnyGirl popcorn ...


I refuse to believe Heather's leaving, but if she does, I hope Carole follows suit. #GirlCode



She is *such* a better person than me. I was thinking the other day, that if someone drunkenly attacked me and then had a public meltdown, I'd laugh at their tears and mock them forever. Meanwhile Heather actually goes and comforts that dumb cow.

Then to get lectured at the jean party by Dorinda not to be sanctimonious. I would have been tempted to do a throat punch. Kidding. Sort of.

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Color me confused

Why is it being stated as a fact that Heather was so "generous" to invite Luann to film with her when she was demoted as a friend?

I read several articles before last season that stated as a fact that Luann filmed the whole season as a full time housewife and was even paid as a full time housewife and only found out at the end of the season that she had been demoted to a FOH category and would not have a tag line as a punishment for refusing to discuss her break up with Jaques, does anybody else remembers this?

If such is the case then Luann owes nothing to Heather as neither Heather or Luann found out that she would be demoted until filming had wrapped up.



There were lots of rumors about Lu's status when she signed her contract, which was only days before filming began.  In this article, you will see that it was being reported when she signed that it was for a lesser role. This from the article:


"A Bravo rep did not immediately respond to request for comment, but a source told THR that the latest contract on the table for de Lesseps was for a less-prominent role".


Many people thought that the reason she held out as long as she did was because she was negotiating for things that a "friends of" would not typically get. For instance, they don't have unfettered access to camera crews and production the way that a FT gal would. Since they don't have any solo packages, they can't just call up production and get something on the calendar anytime they want.  They need to rely on the others to invite them to things, and not just to the parties where everyone will be. They need to be invited to go shopping, to dinner, etc., or they will not have much camera time. So for that reason, yes, Lu does owe Heather, and the others something. When she stepped into that season, she wasn't getting along with Carole, had the usual relationship with Ramona - which means she probably couldn't count on Ramona to give two shits about making sure she got camera time by including her in anything, was good with Sonja and Aviva, but didn't know Kristen so couldn't count on getting anything from her. If you rewatch that season, it wasn't just about the fact that Heather included her a lot, it was the way she talked about her. In glowing terms always. Carole also said that it was Heather who asked her to give Lu a shot because if she got to know her, she thought they could be friends. Also, if what Heather said was untrue about Lu being upset about the demotion, and Heather vowing to include her in as many of her segments as possible to get her on camera is false, I would certainly think we would have heard from Lu by this point. She has given dozens of interviews since Heather said this. 



Edited by motorcitymom65
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So I have been a yummie addict since probably 2008-9? A friend of mine gave me a 3 panel tank that didn't fit her and it started me down the rabbit hole. I have tried everything but the bras and they are all great. Some items are tighter than others and designed for different body types but there is something for everyone. I love the jeans, I have a very flat butt, thicker midsection and chicken legs and the slim bootcut are my favorite. The skinnies are cute but too big in the leg for me, so the look like boyfriend cut. All of the jeans are high cut enough to eliminate the muffin top and higher in the back to eliminate crack. They are just soft comfortable jeans. I have my mom and sister addicted as well. The three panel tank is still my favorite shaping tank but the seamless is good too. The underwear is great. I love the Tina's.

Sometimes they get yummie merch at Ross dress for less. I have gotten 3 panels and jeans there.

I feel the need to mention I am in no way affiliated with yummie or heather, just a long time shapewear addict who has tried every brand out there lol.

Off topic I think, but I've been thinking about trying her stuff and just wondering how long does everything last with regular wearing and washing? 

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Color me confused

Why is it being stated as a fact that Heather was so "generous" to invite Luann to film with her when she was demoted as a friend?

I read several articles before last season that stated as a fact that Luann filmed the whole season as a full time housewife and was even paid as a full time housewife and only found out at the end of the season that she had been demoted to a FOH category and would not have a tag line as a punishment for refusing to discuss her break up with Jaques, does anybody else remembers this?

If such is the case then Luann owes nothing to Heather as neither Heather or Luann found out that she would be demoted until filming had wrapped up.

I am also confused at the allegations that Bethenny got a good edit and Heather a bad one, IMO they both are who they are, no bad edit can put words in your mouth you have not said, no amount of edit can edit your reactions and over reactions to situations, if Bethenny had so much power over editing and production I have no doubt that she would have edited out a lot of her sobbing scenes, but they are there to stay.

Heather's blessings last season was that her bosiness and arrogance went untied or paled in comparison to Aviva who was hated, this season however her main feuds are not even with Bethenny, her main feud were with Dorinda and favorite Luann so the results are very different and so are the viewers' reaction.

Editing can definitely play a part but it cannot invent a whole persona out of thin air, look at Brandi's crying that the editing made her look bad, but if you watch her again since season 2 you can clearly see her trashy and OTT behavior in full display, same with JillZ, I liked her the first two season but after rewatching those seasons last month I realized that her awful behavior has been there since the beginning , I just saw but wasn't actually watching. Heather has had this over the top reactions not only during this last trip, her behavior last season against Aviva was also over the top, so how is it Bethenny's fault that more and more viewers are now realizing how bossy, controlling and arrogant Heather really is?

You are correct.  Last season was a ridiculous power play by producers who lost their battle with talent and viewers with long protracted contract negotiations that put the show out of rotation for 18 months.  Ratings were down and punishments were handed out-Luann was demoted, Aviva was left out off the credits of several episodes and the top storylines were awful Carole vs. Aviva over the book and then Aviva vs. most everyone over not filming with them.  So in spite of punishing LuAnn be demoting her she ended up being the shining star.  Carole and heather hung out with her, Kristen was friendly and she had pretty much severed ties with Sonja and Ramona.


I think the good edit of Bethenny has far more to so with the sheer volume of "confessionals" which allow her to expand her story and the various one on ones with Andy on WWHL.  She now seems to fly solo on WWHL.    I think a lot of retooling was done after the viewers response and we are seeing some chopped up scenes.


Heather is president of a company and reports to stockholders and investors if her portrayal on the show becomes a detriment then she must weigh whether being a RH is worth the risk to the company.  When Ramona raised changed the date to T&C because Bethenny had a conflict with her daughter's dance recital, I applauded Heather for saying not an option she could not rearrange.  Kyle Richards has said being a RHOBH is pretty much a full time job between the four months of filing and the pre-season PR and the season PR and then the Reunion and fall out it is more like a schedule of a teacher than just a little part time job.  Granted Kyle is used far more extensively than any other RH for PR, she and Lisa V work their positions and bravo uses them.  Heather does not have the same type of availability a Luann has for promoting the show so again she becomes a little more dispensable.


I don't think I needed Bethenny to tell me Heather was bossy, I think Heather feels she us confident and knowledgeable and can't imagine anyone seeing her as anything but the natural leader of the pack.

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I am also confused at the allegations that Bethenny got a good edit and Heather a bad one, IMO they both are who they are, no bad edit can put words in your mouth you have not said, no amount of edit can edit your reactions and over reactions to situations, if Bethenny had so much power over editing and production I have no doubt that she would have edited out a lot of her sobbing scenes, but they are there to stay.

Heather's blessings last season was that her bosiness and arrogance went untied or paled in comparison to Aviva who was hated, this season however her main feuds are not even with Bethenny, her main feud were with Dorinda and favorite Luann so the results are very different and so are the viewers' reaction.

Editing can definitely play a part but it cannot invent a whole persona out of thin air, look at Brandi's crying that the editing made her look bad, but if you watch her again since season 2 you can clearly see her trashy and OTT behavior in full display, same with JillZ, I liked her the first two season but after rewatching those seasons last month I realized that her awful behavior has been there since the beginning , I just saw but wasn't actually watching. Heather has had this over the top reactions not only during this last trip, her behavior last season against Aviva was also over the top, so how is it Bethenny's fault that more and more viewers are now realizing how bossy, controlling and arrogant Heather really is?

Oh, but really editing can do all of that. Can they actually put words in your mouth? No, but you might have no idea when those words were actually said. For fun watch the Berkshires dinner again. Notice how Heather is sitting in different places during part of the dinner? Carole is as well. They will show Heather saying something and have one person sitting next to her, have someone else respond to Heather, then go back to Heather for a reaction shot and she is suddenly sitting by someone different than she was when she uttered her line 15 seconds before. Of course editing can change everything, but Heather is not alone in this. It happens to everyone. You are correct I think in that they cannot create a false person out of thin air. They have to be given the tools in order to do that. Heather didn't become bossy overnight. We have always seen that. She showed everyone who was boss in her first season with Ramona. Never saw anything like that before. It was all there almost from the very beginning. Some folks liked her for that, some folks didn't. The thing that is different is that we saw the whole person back then. She wasn't a one-note character because we saw the stuff with her working so hard with Sonja. Being very much in control, but keeping her cool and staying in control. We saw her want to help Sonja and being patient when others would have literally strangled her. We saw her with her family, her work, her volunteer stuff. We saw her be the voice of reason in St. Barths, when she was finally the one to tell Aviva that enough was enough and no matter how upset she was she needed to stop talking about it because she was ruining everyone else's vacation. That is what makes this season so different. We aren't seeing a lot of that stuff. We have seen almost nothing with her work, none of her extremely impressive volunteer efforts, nothing with her kids. Unless Bravo just made all of that up, and to your point they cannot, then that stuff still exists and is still part of the real Heather, but we see none of it. Until last week, she didn't have one single package of her own all season long. I dare anyone to find another HW on any show that went until episode 15 without having her own package. You won't find it because it has never happened before. That is why folks talk about editing. It's not always about what you do see, it is almost always as much about what you don't see. 

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There were lots of rumors about Lu's status when she signed her contract, which was only days before filming began.  In this article, you will see that it was being reported when she signed that it was for a lesser role. This from the article:


"A Bravo rep did not immediately respond to request for comment, but a source told THR that the latest contract on the table for de Lesseps was for a less-prominent role".


Many people thought that the reason she held out as long as she did was because she was negotiating for things that a "friends of" would not typically get. For instance, they don't have unfettered access to camera crews and production the way that a FT gal would. Since they don't have any solo packages, they can't just call up production and get something on the calendar anytime they want.  They need to rely on the others to invite them to things, and not just to the parties where everyone will be. They need to be invited to go shopping, to dinner, etc., or they will not have much camera time. So for that reason, yes, Lu does owe Heather, and the others something. When she stepped into that season, she wasn't getting along with Carole, had the usual relationship with Ramona - which means she probably couldn't count on Ramona to give two shits about making sure she got camera time by including her in anything, was good with Sonja and Aviva, but didn't know Kristen so couldn't count on getting anything from her. If you rewatch that season, it wasn't just about the fact that Heather included her a lot, it was the way she talked about her. In glowing terms always. Carole also said that it was Heather who asked her to give Lu a shot because if she got to know her, she thought they could be friends. Also, if what Heather said was untrue about Lu being upset about the demotion, and Heather vowing to include her in as many of her segments as possible to get her on camera is false, I would certainly think we would have heard from Lu by this point. She has given dozens of interviews since Heather said this. 



Everyone can be right about this-Luann held out and didn't appear to until the fourth episode.  I don't think any one RH had the juice to keep LuAnn involved-she was being paid and paid well and she was going to be used.  Heather did make amends and did appear during the looooooong hiatus hang with Luann in the Hamptons not the Berkshires.   She didn't want the decline of she and Jacques to be her central storyline.  It cost her her apple. She went on both trips that in and of itself is usually the indication someone is in as a RH and she ruled the Reunion.  FOH don't sit and run the Reunion.   I have often said she should have quit while she was on top.  Luann sold her home for a huge profit had a successful first launch of her clothing and home goods line so now it is all about wanting more. 


I really don't think Heather or Carole had much to do with Luann and her resurrection I think LuAnn knew how to work it.

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Another thing they do with editing is show the same "reaction" shot over and over. Or show the reaction shots out of sequence. If anyone is watching UnReal on Lifetime and it's even 1/10th accurate, production and editing can and will do anything for better ratings.

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Everyone can be right about this-Luann held out and didn't appear to until the fourth episode.  I don't think any one RH had the juice to keep LuAnn involved-she was being paid and paid well and she was going to be used.  Heather did make amends and did appear during the looooooong hiatus hang with Luann in the Hamptons not the Berkshires.   She didn't want the decline of she and Jacques to be her central storyline.  It cost her her apple. She went on both trips that in and of itself is usually the indication someone is in as a RH and she ruled the Reunion.  FOH don't sit and run the Reunion.   I have often said she should have quit while she was on top.  Luann sold her home for a huge profit had a successful first launch of her clothing and home goods line so now it is all about wanting more. 


I really don't think Heather or Carole had much to do with Luann and her resurrection I think LuAnn knew how to work it.

I think it was in large part Lu as well. I think at the end of the day she will go down as the smartest HW maybe of all time with regard to how she plays the game (although she did get herself demoted).  She handled it very well, but she had help. I am a huge believer that no one is completely responsible for their own success. We all get a hand up from someone, no matter how hard we work or how committed we are. Everyone needs some type of support. I think there is probably some truth to the fact that being in the good graces of Carole and Heather, and later Kristen, benefitted her very much last season. If it is indeed true that Heather did anything at all to try and get her even one additional percent of screen time, then she probably helped. 

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just re watching and

1)Heather definitely tells Carole that she opened the door from the bathroom to Bethenny's room meaning it was closed.

2) Dorinda came drunk and went to H&C bedroom and they scorted her out, I am sure that after that and listening to the loud music they locked the door and probably the bathroom.

3) They absolutely didn't knock on Sonja and Ramona's room, they barged in, if they knocked on Luann's room they certainly didn't wait for Luann to say come in.

4) why do they keep repeating that there was a guy in their room? The guy was in Bethenny's room ,

5) The guy was in Bethenny's room in the furthest bed from the door so there is no way that Heather picked a glance from the bathroom and noticed him, she had to be actually been inside Bethenny's room to be able to look at him.

6) Heather and Carole both keep repeating on Twitter that the filming crew doesn't sleep in the house, so is there another place where they sleep that is in the area? That makes it even worse because Heather had to have call them and wait for them to arrive to the house to start filming which only means that a long time had elapsed between she finding the guy and the actual filming of the scenes, more than enough time for her to calm down. This reeks of nothing that opportunistic drama from H&C

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So . . . when Bethenny hosts an event that is to be filmed, it's a basic/elementary/compulsory courtesy for her to invite *every* cast mate - and it's also a basic/elementary/compulsory courtesy for her to attend every event that's hosted by her cast mates during production. But when Heather invites and/or includes LuAnn, a cast mate (since FOH are part of the casts), it's a favor to which LuAnn is indebted to the extent of precluding her from voicing dissent at Heather's histrionics? Since everyone realized the reality that filming with Bethenny was as close to a guarantee for screen time as anyone was going to get this year, are Heather and Kristen now indebted to her since she made a more concerted effort to attend filmings? Actually, aren't *they* also indebted to LuAnn for helping facilitate that since, as B's closest friend among the cast, she functioned as the intermediary for their concerns? If we're going to start tallying up who "owes" whom (which is a weird impulse to me even when friendships go south since), why aren't Heather and Carole thanking LuAnn for losing her shit on them and perpetuating this feud? That screen time for which Heather was so desperate? Voila, it's here, courtesy of the Countess!

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just re watching and

1)Heather definitely tells Carole that she opened the door from the bathroom to Bethenny's room meaning it was closed.

2) Dorinda came drunk and went to H&C bedroom and they scorted her out, I am sure that after that and listening to the loud music they locked the door and probably the bathroom.

3) They absolutely didn't knock on Sonja and Ramona's room, they barged in, if they knocked on Luann's room they certainly didn't wait for Luann to say come in.

4) why do they keep repeating that there was a guy in their room? The guy was in Bethenny's room ,

5) The guy was in Bethenny's room in the furthest bed from the door so there is no way that Heather picked a glance from the bathroom and noticed him, she had to be actually been inside Bethenny's room to be able to look at him.

6) Heather and Carole both keep repeating on Twitter that the filming crew doesn't sleep in the house, so is there another place where they sleep that is in the area? That makes it even worse because Heather had to have call them and wait for them to arrive to the house to start filming which only means that a long time had elapsed between she finding the guy and the actual filming of the scenes, more than enough time for her to calm down. This reeks of nothing that opportunistic drama from H&C

Heather also tweeted there is a schedule and they all knew what the schedule was for the film crew to arrive. She said they were arriving when this was all happening.

Keep in mind, they felt like this was part of their room, as it was their suite. Beth said earlier when talking to Sonja that she was sharing a room with H&C. Heqther also said in one of her blogs that sharing a room with Beth had made her understand her better. When my husband and I travel, we are always excited when we get upgraded to a suite with a couple of bedrooms, so the kids can have their own. I consider the bedrooms in my suite basically part of my space and would be shocked to have someone there I didn't know about, regardless of whether we were using that extra room or not. It's all about expectations. So funny to be talking about whether this deal was wrong or right. As Heather has said, Ramona apologized and said she was wrong. Once Ramona admits her own action was wrong, you know it's over.

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Heather also tweeted there is a schedule and they all knew what the schedule was for the film crew to arrive. She said they were arriving when this was all happening.

Keep in mind, they felt like this was part of their room, as it was their suite. Beth said earlier when talking to Sonja that she was sharing a room with H&C. Heqther also said in one of her blogs that sharing a room with Beth had made her understand her better. When my husband and I travel, we are always excited when we get upgraded to a suite with a couple of bedrooms, so the kids can have their own. I consider the bedrooms in my suite basically part of my space and would be shocked to have someone there I didn't know about, regardless of whether we were using that extra room or not. It's all about expectations. So funny to be talking about whether this deal was wrong or right. As Heather has said, Ramona apologized and said she was wrong. Once Ramona admits her own action was wrong, you know it's over.

Of course Ramona was wrong, nobody is challenging that. Ramona is a selfish cow who knows when to keep her mouth close to diffuse the situation. She should have never told the guy that he could sleep in the house, no matter if it was even the couch. He should had been gone period. Nobody is disputing that.

Still IMO doesn't make okay the fact that Heather very cleverly amped up the drama for her own agenda, when she was running around like the gestapo police the moment when she was scared had long passed. heather could have handled this much differently but she used this moment for camera time and it is that fact that hurts Luann, Ramona can care less because she has never considered Heather a friend but I think that Luann was under the wrong impression that she was one of Heather's friends and she now knows that is not the case.

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Of course Ramona was wrong, nobody is challenging that. Ramona is a selfish cow who knows when to keep her mouth close to diffuse the situation. She should have never told the guy that he could sleep in the house, no matter if it was even the couch. He should had been gone period. Nobody is disputing that.

Still IMO doesn't make okay the fact that Heather very cleverly amped up the drama for her own agenda, when she was running around like the gestapo police the moment when she was scared had long passed. heather could have handled this much differently but she used this moment for camera time and it is that fact that hurts Luann, Ramona can care less because she has never considered Heather a friend but I think that Luann was under the wrong impression that she was one of Heather's friends and she now knows that is not the case.

Honestly, it would be hard to believe that lots of people think that Ramona was wrong. I mean, I know that they must, because how could someone not think that she was wrong, but the vast amount of comments - pages and pages of them - are not about Ramona and her responsibility for starting all of this, but for Heather and Carole and their reaction to it. Hell, she hardly even gets many comments about her reaction, which was to "punt" her role in it over to Lu. She had responsibility not just in starting it, but in not ending it quickly enough by just taking ownership, apologizing, and making it all stop. Even when the comments do condemn Ramona, there is usually a sentence dedicated to it. A very simple, "yea, of course Ramona was wrong", then there will be paragraph after paragraph of analysis regarding H&C. Their every possible motive has been discussed over and over again, which would make folks who wonder over to this site just assume that they were the ones who were more in the wrong in the situation. What about Ramona's possible motive? Was there one? Did she want to put the guy up there so that if he was found the next morning he wouldn't be tied to her? Maybe when the cameras arrived and he was still there, there might be a quick shot of him leaving the room with the words "Carole & Heather's suite" on the screen? I would assume this was not the case. I have zero reason to believe that as horrible as Ramona is, she would have a desire to make a married Heather look as if she was doing something tawdry. But I also have no reason to believe that H&C have any reason to want to harm any of the girls or their reputations, but it seems like people think that they might have, or at the very least that they wanted to cause drama. Why do people assume that the person who started all this wasn't looking to cause drama?


I believe that Ramona did want to cause some drama. Not that she wanted to get anyone else in trouble, or harm anyone's reputation, but that she wanted to do something really, really dramatic. Lu got tons of press after the Pirate deal. Ramona is currently single. She has been preening all season long in a way that makes me think she is saying to Mario "look what you don't have anymore". I think she knew that having a guy in the house without everyone knowing about it would at least cause some conversation. 


And out of curiosity, how does Lu now know that Heather is not her friend? Isn't Lu the one who stabbed Heather in the back? 

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Resurrecting an old grievance constitutes stabbing a friend in the back? I seem to recall Heather deciding when it was situationally convenient to do so that she couldn't countenance how Aviva how Aviva had spoken to third and fourth parties more than a year prior and well after said third and fourth parties had themselves reconciled with Aviva. If we're going to talk about Lu's emotional reversals and the time elapse before she decided she was angry about something, I think Heather takes the crown on both those counts since in the aforementioned situation she was performing her equine grave excavation over something that didn't even happen to her.

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Resurrecting an old grievance constitutes stabbing a friend in the back? I seem to recall Heather deciding when it was situationally convenient to do so that she couldn't countenance how Aviva how Aviva had spoken to third and fourth parties more than a year prior and well after said third and fourth parties had themselves reconciled with Aviva. If we're going to talk about Lu's emotional reversals and the time elapse before she decided she was angry about something, I think Heather takes the crown on both those counts since in the aforementioned situation she was performing her equine grave excavation over something that didn't even happen to her.

I don't have any idea what this is about. Was this in response to my post? I notice that sometimes you don't reply directly to a post, so it can be hard to ascertain who something might be meant for. I didn't mention an old grievance, so maybe it was meant for someone else? Either way, I cannot with the Aviva talk anymore. It just makes my head hurt. 


ETA:  That sounded rude from me about the Aviva talk. I meant I cannot talk about her anymore, not that you cannot. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
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Resurrecting an old grievance constitutes stabbing a friend in the back? I seem to recall Heather deciding when it was situationally convenient to do so that she couldn't countenance how Aviva how Aviva had spoken to third and fourth parties more than a year prior and well after said third and fourth parties had themselves reconciled with Aviva. If we're going to talk about Lu's emotional reversals and the time elapse before she decided she was angry about something, I think Heather takes the crown on both those counts since in the aforementioned situation she was performing her equine grave excavation over something that didn't even happen to her.

No, the only 1 that Aviva made up with was Sonja, NOT Ramona and NOT LuAnn, so the assumption that Heather harbored some grudge over their down time is not correct. Heather had no problems at first with Aviva the following season until the GW accusation and then she remembered how horrid Aviva was to Sonja, Ramona and LuAnn and together it got her defensive for all of her friends.  JS

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Honestly, it would be hard to believe that lots of people think that Ramona was wrong. I mean, I know that they must, because how could someone not think that she was wrong, but the vast amount of comments - pages and pages of them - are not about Ramona and her responsibility for starting all of this, but for Heather and Carole and their reaction to it.


It's hard for me to believe that it's hard to believe, honestly. I haven't seen many (anyone?) say anything good about Ramona's part of this - other than, of course, her ability to slither out of the whole thing like the snake she is. I've actually been so frustrated, personally, by the insinuation that not liking the way Heather handled things means you don't think Ramona did something wrong. I think what Ramona did was fucked up AND I disliked Heather's reaction. I love Heather as a houwewife AND I still think she sometimes doesn't handle person to person situations in the best way. I love watching Lu AND I think she could have taken a second, made a decision not to take things personally, and spoken to Heather with empathy that day. The one person I absolutely think was wrong - was Ramona. 


I've seen a couple of posts even say oh but Ramona apologized off camera or something. I think it's kind of funny. Ramona isn't being talked about here - Heather vs. Lu is, just like real life. In reality, it wasn't Lu's fault and it wasn't Heather's fault, but their reactions to one another are getting all the attention. I guess that's what happens when you tell people to go talk to your scapegoat while you hide your head under your covers. Nicely played, Ramona. 

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It's hard for me to believe that it's hard to believe, honestly. I haven't seen many (anyone?) say anything good about Ramona's part of this - other than, of course, her ability to slither out of the whole thing like the snake she is. I've actually been so frustrated, personally, by the insinuation that not liking the way Heather handled things means you don't think Ramona did something wrong. I think what Ramona did was fucked up AND I disliked Heather's reaction. I love Heather as a houwewife AND I still think she sometimes doesn't handle person to person situations in the best way. I love watching Lu AND I think she could have taken a second, made a decision not to take things personally, and spoken to Heather with empathy that day. The one person I absolutely think was wrong - was Ramona. 


I've seen a couple of posts even say oh but Ramona apologized off camera or something. I think it's kind of funny. Ramona isn't being talked about here - Heather vs. Lu is, just like real life. In reality, it wasn't Lu's fault and it wasn't Heather's fault, but their reactions to one another are getting all the attention. I guess that's what happens when you tell people to go talk to your scapegoat while you hide your head under your covers. Nicely played, Ramona.

All of these ladies frustrate me with this. As much as I am 100% on C&H's side on this, they frustrated me on WWHL as well. A caller asked why Ramona always gets away with everything, and they still wouldn't really criticize her. Heather said the same thing Beth did - that it's just impossible to stay mad at her. Carole said that it might not look like it, but that Ramona is really trying to do better. I just don't see that. I thought last season showed her in the most horrendous light, but now I think this season has. She has really been loyal to no one. I am hoping they hammer away at her during the reunion, but won't hold my breath. She is going to get off easy because the real drama will be on Heather/Carole/Lu.

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Honestly, it would be hard to believe that lots of people think that Ramona was wrong. I mean, I know that they must, because how could someone not think that she was wrong, but the vast amount of comments - pages and pages of them - are not about Ramona and her responsibility for starting all of this, but for Heather and Carole and their reaction to it. Hell, she hardly even gets many comments about her reaction, which was to "punt" her role in it over to Lu. She had responsibility not just in starting it, but in not ending it quickly enough by just taking ownership, apologizing, and making it all stop. Even when the comments do condemn Ramona, there is usually a sentence dedicated to it. A very simple, "yea, of course Ramona was wrong", then there will be paragraph after paragraph of analysis regarding H&C. Their every possible motive has been discussed over and over again, which would make folks who wonder over to this site just assume that they were the ones who were more in the wrong in the situation. What about Ramona's possible motive? Was there one? Did she want to put the guy up there so that if he was found the next morning he wouldn't be tied to her? Maybe when the cameras arrived and he was still there, there might be a quick shot of him leaving the room with the words "Carole & Heather's suite" on the screen? I would assume this was not the case. I have zero reason to believe that as horrible as Ramona is, she would have a desire to make a married Heather look as if she was doing something tawdry. But I also have no reason to believe that H&C have any reason to want to harm any of the girls or their reputations, but it seems like people think that they might have, or at the very least that they wanted to cause drama. Why do people assume that the person who started all this wasn't looking to cause drama?


Like Heather and Carole said on WWHL, people just can't stay mad at Singer. Themselves included.  She's magic, like that.  I don't agree but there ya go.


Ramona is awful but she makes good TV.  I'm one of those who believes Ramona was wrong for letting the guy stay but I'll talk for days about how Heather fakely overreacted and Carole followed right along in Mama Holla's footsteps. 


I do this because Ramona is less interesting to discuss. She is who she is and everybody knows it. No mystery to unravel there. Heather, imo, is less transparent.  I think I know who/what she is and I'd like to see that exposed - assuming I'm on the right track.  The surface was scratched (last season for me, this season for many) and it's interesting for me to have people agreeing with me about Heather this season who were vehemently disagreeing with me last season. To be honest it's not gratifying in the "Told ya so" way.  It's more like, "Whew, I'm NOT totally crazy."  Because for a while last season I really started second guessing my very strong negative feelings about her.  Although I've NEVER second guessed my negative feelings about Carole.  ;-)

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But I also have no reason to believe that H&C have any reason to want to harm any of the girls or their reputations, but it seems like people think that they might have, or at the very least that they wanted to cause drama.


I think Heather telling the viewers that she's had to carry a drunken Sonja up the stairs and to bed was harmful.  Especially when she was so bent that Aviva compared Sonja to Anna Nicole.


And Carole enjoyed the drama she created between Bethenny and Kristen.  Just as I believe she's creating drama when she says she didn't apologize to Luann.  (This aside from my belief that Carole was responsible for kicking off Bookgate.  Unpopular opinion I know - maybe it won't be next season!  A girl can dream.  But like you, I just can't anymore with Aviva.)


These are only 2 examples of why think they love to create drama and harm reputations.  I'd go on but I think I have before. LOL

Edited by ryebread
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I can't give Ramona the benefit of the doubt regarding Jonathan and his marriage since she said herself that the man is practically invisible to her. And, you can't get insight from a ghost.


Anyway, if Jonathan is weak/weaker - whatever that means - then that's a reflection on him, not his wife.


Two Heathers in one relationship? There can only be one. I think that, although partners are (should be) equals, there is usually one partner who is more assertive than the other partner, who is typically more laid back. Also I don't think a laid back go with the flow person is any "weaker" or "worse" than an assertive person. It takes all kinds. I highly doubt that John does whatever Heather says, but he may be more willing to compromise than she is. I know nothing of their marriage, I'm just saying what I assume their dynamic is based on comments from other Housewives- so grain of salt and all. And to Ramona (& Kristin??): Who cares if Heather has a stronger presence than John? If there's no abuse and John is happy- what's the problem? From the outside of a relationship things always look different. I would wager that many of the women on this very board are the more assertive partner in their relationship. And remember, John told all the women about how Heather offered him a threesome for his birthday, so marriage to Heather can't be all that bad! (Feel free to clarify this statement if I remembered incorrectly- I have a dim memory of John telling the women this while they were eating caviar.)


Anyways, Heather- I'm neither a fan nor a hater. She doesn't really impact the show much for me, so this changes nothing in my viewing habits. She has done nothing horrible in my eyes. Her worst moments (to me) were- her treatment of Kristin on vacation, and her comments on the Turks and Caicos episode that I deemed to be sexist. Neither of these things makes me angry enough to think badly on Heather, I'm just not particularly interested.

Edited by Granimal
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Two Heathers in one relationship? There can only be one. I think that, although partners are (should be) equals, there is usually one partner who is more assertive than the other partner, who is typically more laid back. Also I don't think a laid back go with the flow person is any "weaker" or "worse" than an assertive person. It takes all kinds. I highly doubt that John does whatever Heather says, but he may be more willing to compromise than she is. I know nothing of their marriage, I'm just saying what I assume their dynamic is based on comments from other Housewives- so grain of salt and all. And to Ramona (& Kristin??): Who cares if Heather has a stronger presence than John? If there's no abuse and John is happy- what's the problem? From the outside of a relationship things always look different. I would wager that many of the women on this very board are the more assertive partner in their relationship. And remember, John told all the women about how Heather offered him a threesome for his birthday, so marriage to Heather can't be all that bad! (Feel free to clarify this statement if I remembered incorrectly- I have a dim memory of John telling the women this while they were eating caviar.)


Anyways, Heather- I'm neither a fan nor a hater. She doesn't really impact the show much for me, so this changes nothing in my viewing habits. She has done nothing horrible in my eyes. Her worst moments (to me) were- her treatment of Kristin on vacation, and her comments on the Turks and Caicos episode that I deemed to be sexist. Neither of these things makes me angry enough to think badly on Heather, I'm just not particularly interested.

Just curious, what did Heather say in T&C that was "sexist"?

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And remember, John told all the women about how Heather offered him a threesome for his birthday, so marriage to Heather can't be all that bad! (Feel free to clarify this statement if I remembered incorrectly- I have a dim memory of John telling the women this while they were eating caviar.)


Jon said Heather promised him a three-way for their 10th anniversary.  Not that I'm trying very hard but I just can't see it.


He did, in fact, reveal this fact while at a caviar tasting with Carole and Kristen as the waiter stood next to the table trying to explain the menu. It was squirmingly uncomfortable to watch.

Edited by ryebread
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Just curious, what did Heather say in T&C that was "sexist"?

 I feel that this comment and my response are going to start some kind of argument.* I already said what I had to say about Heather's comments in the thread for the last episode. Anyone who is confused is welcome to read that thread. The word I used previously was "slut-shamey" and I was chastised for saying that, so I changed it to "sexist" to avoid a riot situation. I made several posts in the thread for the last episode that were read by this group, so I don't see it necessary to clarify my position. Anyone can see exactly what I think. Heather equating morality with sexuality in women bothered me. I posted her exact comments in that thread. I post it as I see it. I am not a fan or detractor of Heather. I have no hidden agenda to make people dislike her. I have said nice things about Heather as well, but for some reason the smallest criticism that I have of Heather becomes a problem. If you don't agree with me, that's more than fine with me.


*Edited to avoid unintentional phrasing.

Edited by Granimal
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Jon said Heather promised him a three-way for their 10th anniversary. Not that I'm trying very hard but I just can't see it.

He did, in fact, reveal this fact while at a caviar tasting with Carole and Kristen as the waiter stood next to the table trying to explain the menu. It was squirmingly uncomfortable to watch.

Sonja found the idea sufficiently alluring to include it in her confabulated sexual memoir. We'll have to see if she adds Luann and a chandelier too.

Eta: just realized I put my ep review in wrong thread. Moving!

Edited by stinkogingko
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I think Heather telling the viewers that she's had to carry a drunken Sonja up the stairs and to bed was harmful.  Especially when she was so bent that Aviva compared Sonja to Anna Nicole.


And Carole enjoyed the drama she created between Bethenny and Kristen.  Just as I believe she's creating drama when she says she didn't apologize to Luann.  (This aside from my belief that Carole was responsible for kicking off Bookgate.  Unpopular opinion I know - maybe it won't be next season!  A girl can dream.  But like you, I just can't anymore with Aviva.)


These are only 2 examples of why think they love to create drama and harm reputations.  I'd go on but I think I have before. LOL

But how is it harmful?  I swear I am trying to just get it!  The exact context is after Sonja tried to force Heather, Kristen and Dorinda to wait in the rain for the trip to AC, when one of the idiot interns that slag-ho Sonja 'teaches' shit to, informed them that 'Lady Morgan wasn't having visitors'!  I have NO reason to believe anyone but Heather in this context.  Sonja is classist -- I don't care at ALL that she gets the 'she is so cray' excuse by some, not necessarily by you, rye -- and arrogant and a word I'm not allowed to type here, and thinks when it suits her, she can dismiss people.  [The great thing about that <-- opinion is that an upheld after many appeals judgment pretty much ratifies the same.  Fraud, thy name is Sonja Tremont [insert unknown last name of Sonja's first husband here] Morgan.]  Sonja has been a right nasty shit to people where she thought she was above them from jump, not that this was readily observed, both sober and while sloppy-ass drunk.  So Heather rightly IMO saw that she was fit to carry Sonja's drunken, takes-no-responsibilty ass and put her to bed, but NOT fit to get treated like a friend.  Sonja is a fucking hypocrite user skankmonster, but Heather has to constantly smile (but not in a creepy way!), 'take the high road' and...why now?  Why?  Why is no one obliged to treat HER as they demand she treats them?


Heather was bent about Aviva's comment because this was when she was TRYING to know, help, and otherwise be a friend to Sonja.  Can't people change when they see more of someone?  I just don't understand!  Can't Heather reflect, 'Well (motherfucking fuck me), Sonja lied and was sneeringly high-handed with my creative team when I tried to help her with the marketing for her imaginary toaster oven, plus she's been a bitch in TH's, plus now more time has passed and I've seen her shit-faced and drunk-assed more times than I can count...but Imma keep all that waaaaaaaay buried within now, and just drag my luggage to Starbucks and laugh when Ramona smirks that SHE got to use Lady Morgan's corroded bathroom facilities, because I somehow owe that to Sonja or to a false and impossible concept of dignity, because...?'


Was TMZ out to create reputational harm when they posted an uncut video of Sonja near-vomiting on everyone's shoes about a year ago?  Do they have nefarious intent too?  Why can no one call a (motherfucking) spade a spade?  Why can't Heather say, the way you treated me was BULLSHIT after my attempts to be a good friend to you?  Come on!

Edited by Midnight Cheese
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 I feel that this comment and my response are going to start some kind of argument.* I already said what I had to say about Heather's comments in the thread for the last episode. Anyone who is confused is welcome to read that thread. The word I used previously was "slut-shamey" and I was chastised for saying that, so I changed it to "sexist" to avoid a riot situation. I made several posts in the thread for the last episode that were read by this group, so I don't see it necessary to clarify my position. Anyone can see exactly what I think. Heather equating morality with sexuality in women bothered me. I posted her exact comments in that thread. I post it as I see it. I am not a fan or detractor of Heather. I have no hidden agenda to make people dislike her. I have said nice things about Heather as well, but for some reason the smallest criticism that I have of Heather becomes a problem. If you don't agree with me, that's more than fine with me.


*Edited to avoid unintentional phrasing.

I was asking because I did/do not remember what you posted earlier and I was not trying to start an argument! ;)

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Regarding the term slut. It was originally used to describe men but became exclusively used for women. Since I taught Communication Studies, I was always fascinated by words. I especially noted in crossword puzzles, when I was young, that most derogatory adjectives were applied to women with no counterpart for men. I actually gave a lecture on Gender Communication for our college titled, "Whores, Harlots, and Heretics!" to show how words easily shame women throughout history. That's my problem with slut shaming. It's gender biased. Few would slut shame men.

ETA: because slit and slut are two different things. Course, I guess you can't have one without the other...

Edited by Rhetorica
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So, on the issue where Heather mentioned that she's carried a drunk Sonja up to her bedroom versus her comments to Aviva regarding Sonja--


I find the two not comparable. What Aviva said about Sonja was that she was on a downward spiral and that she was Anna Nicole Smith-esque. I think those were very harmful comments to make about someone. Heather saying that she helped Sonja up to her room after Sonja was too drunk  during a night out? I can't see that as harmful.


On Heather's supposed slut shaming--I will say that it's interesting to me that she's being labeled as such. For all the time I've posted on PTV and going back years when I was on TWoP, when Bethenny became agitated with LuAnn's Countess act and mentioned that LuAnn flirts with and gets many men's phone numbers; when Ramona throughout her frenemy relationship with LuAnn made mention of LuAnn being a weekend mom and other comments about LuAnn stepping out, at no point were either women accused of slut shaming LuAnn. 


Call me cynical, but I feel like it's not so much rallying being LuAnn and her healthy sexual appetite, but rather general annoyance wth Heather that has turned this into some thing. 

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So, on the issue where Heather mentioned that she's carried a drunk Sonja up to her bedroom versus her comments to Aviva regarding Sonja--


I find the two not comparable. What Aviva said about Sonja was that she was on a downward spiral and that she was Anna Nicole Smith-esque. I think those were very harmful comments to make about someone. Heather saying that she helped Sonja up to her room after Sonja was too drunk  during a night out? I can't see that as harmful.


On Heather's supposed slut shaming--I will say that it's interesting to me that she's being labeled as such. For all the time I've posted on PTV and going back years when I was on TWoP, when Bethenny became agitated with LuAnn's Countess act and mentioned that LuAnn flirts with and gets many men's phone numbers; when Ramona throughout her frenemy relationship with LuAnn made mention of LuAnn being a weekend mom and other comments about LuAnn stepping out, at no point were either women accused of slut shaming LuAnn. 


Call me cynical, but I feel like it's not so much rallying being LuAnn and her healthy sexual appetite, but rather general annoyance wth Heather that has turned this into some thing. 

ITA!! At no point do I remember Heather ever say anything even remotely close to "slut shaming" or "sexist" toward LuAnn or any of the other HWs, ever.

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That's my problem with slut shaming. It's gender biased. Few would slut shame men.

Depends on the show. On Vanderpump Rules, the cast unabashedly call Jax out on his slutty ways. And on Shahs of Sunset, they've done the same with Mike but based more on the fact he's supposed to be in a committed relationship.

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Until last week, she didn't have one single package of her own all season long. I dare anyone to find another HW on any show that went until episode 15 without having her own package. You won't find it because it has never happened before.

This is not true, the scene with Heather, LuAnn and Bethenny at lunch in the third episode (Battle of the Brunches) is a Heather package.

I love this scene because know it all Heather feels the need to lecture Bethenny on her relationship with Ramona, as if Bethenny had never met Ramona before!

Edited by shoegal
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This is not true, the scene with Heather, LuAnn and Bethenny at lunch in the third episode (Battle of the Brunches) is a Heather package.

I love this scene because know it all Heather feels the need to lecture Bethenny on her relationship with Ramona, as if Bethenny had never met Ramona before!

Wait, you mean he episode where Bethenny rolls her eyes as Heather talks about the show she did to help women start up their own business? The 1 where jealously dripped off Bethenny because she wasn't the HW that was asked to do the show? We saw no footage of that show with Heather, we saw no YT products, heard nothing about any of Heathers YT products or how successful her line is.


And when did Heather "lecture" Bethenny about Ramona and their, B/R, relationship? Basically she said that Ramona has changed for the better since Ramona and Bethenny were last together and that's about it. Other than being on Bethenny's talk show 1 or 2 times and being on Behtenny's first spin off twice, Ramona and Bethenny have had no contact, zero interaction outside being on camera. LOL

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Wait, you mean he episode where Bethenny rolls her eyes as Heather talks about the show she did to help women start up their own business? The 1 where jealously dripped off Bethenny because she wasn't the HW that was asked to do the show? We saw no footage of that show with Heather, we saw no YT products, heard nothing about any of Heathers YT products or how successful her line is.

And when did Heather "lecture" Bethenny about Ramona and their, B/R, relationship? Basically she said that Ramona has changed for the better since Ramona and Bethenny were last together and that's about it. Other than being on Bethenny's talk show 1 or 2 times and being on Behtenny's first spin off twice, Ramona and Bethenny have had no contact, zero interaction outside being on camera. LOL

Ramona and Bethenny were on three seasons of the show together, Bethenny certainly did not need a lecture from Heather about the personality of Ramona Singer. Heather thinks Heather can do no wrong, so she needed to enlighten Bethenny. Um, no.

The scene was introduced as a Heather package, I don't think it needs to include Yummie Tummie to qualify?

Was that lunch/brunch a Heather package? I didn't realize. In any case, we can now up Heather's solo package to TWO in fifteen, 48-minute episodes. I mean...

The lunch scene with Heather, Bethenny and LuAnn at Dos Camino. Where Bethenny utters the infamous "get off my jock".

ETA: and in the next episode (The Art of Being a Cougar) the meal with Bethenny, Dorinda, Heather and Carol was a Heather package.

Edited by shoegal
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But how is it harmful?  I swear I am trying to just get it!  The exact context is after Sonja tried to force Heather, Kristen and Dorinda to wait in the rain for the trip to AC, when one of the idiot interns that slag-ho Sonja 'teaches' shit to, informed them that 'Lady Morgan wasn't having visitors'!  I have NO reason to believe anyone but Heather in this context. 


I'm not disagreeing with you that Sonja leaving them out in the rain or in her foyer or whatever was wrong.  Heather's statement was one of those 'low roads' that didn't need to be taken.   She had every right to take it, but I think less of her for doing so.  Would you want someone telling 1.2 million people that  she had to carry your drunk ass up the stairs and put you to bed even if it were true?  Would you view that as harmful to your rep?  I would. Sonja deserved something to be said to her but Heather dragging something up that we didn't even see was harmful and purposely done so to be hurtful and drama causing.

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 Why can't Heather say, the way you treated me was BULLSHIT after my attempts to be a good friend to you?  Come on!


She absolutely can.  I just find that her methods when it comes to fighting (and not just hers) sometimes stink. 


It's like when Kristen dogged Jonathon in Montana, "You boss Jon around."  That was bad enough.  Now had she added, "Like the night we went to Peter Luger's and you made him order a vegetable and kept hounding him until he made it all gone like a good boy."  THAT would be one of those unnecessary tidbits that is only added for further harm/hurt/embarrassment.


And before anyone gets all hysterical (not you, Midnight) I'm not saying that Heather really did that.  Illustrative purposes only.

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But ryebread, in terms of the first thing, and bringing up carrying Sonja upstairs when she was...overserved: it was germane, because it really was IMO tied into the exact situation she was talking about in the TH.  Sonja decided the Hos and production could not come upstairs.  She was apparently nasty about it and forced them downstairs, lied about the status of the car, told them to go to Starbucks in the rain.  Okay.  Heather's quote was about how she was permitted to come upstairs when Sonja relied on her to literally carry her up to bed when she was wasted, but now, she wasn't deemed suitable as upstairs company while Sonja nitwitted and Adderalled her way to throwing her glory day threads into a bag for a glorified weekend jaunt.  It was germane, IMO, very relevant, very demonstrative of Sonja's selfishness, [insert other obscenity], attitude, and worldview.  It was on-point to the exact situation Heather found herself in to explain why Sonja's behavior was deeply hypocritical, and IMO, it was.

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I think I know who/what she is and I'd like to see that exposed - assuming I'm on the right track. 

Just curious (since you've posted the above various times before), but what exactly is it that you know of Heather that other viewers are too incompetent to see?


Unpopular opinion I know - maybe it won't be next season!  A girl can dream.

But, why the need for the opinion to be popular? It's still valid whether one or a million agrees.


Two Heathers in one relationship? There can only be one.

Sorry, but I don't understand. Overall, we're pretty much in agreement.


Not that I'm trying very hard but I just can't see it.

I'm not sure Jonathan can see it, neither, given his comment about Heather probably wanting the other female all to herself.



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This is not true, the scene with Heather, LuAnn and Bethenny at lunch in the third episode (Battle of the Brunches) is a Heather package.

I love this scene because know it all Heather feels the need to lecture Bethenny on her relationship with Ramona, as if Bethenny had never met Ramona before!

Hey, when you're right, you're right!  Good catch. I actually feel better now. I was starting to think that Andy and Bravo might hate her. 

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