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Heather Thomson: Inventor of Yummie Tummie

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I guess it is more interesting than anything else that this particular scene is discussed in such length. I know to some it was pivotal, but it never got more than a mention after it happened. IMO it appeared that Amanda, Sonja and Heather were all drunk.  The main thing is that none of the characters involved who were there seemed to hold onto any grief or disappointment about it. Most times when this gets mentioned it is discussed how horrible for it to have all gone down at Lu's house. Again, Lu didn't give two shits. Most of the characters involved didn't really give two shits after it was over. Carole seemed fine with Heather "inserting" herself on her behalf, and it didn't appear that Sonja was suffering any trauma with regard to having to witness such a scene. The only people who were really bothered were Aviva and Amanda, and since by then it was clear they were horrible people, no one - including Lu - particularly cared that they were bothered.  Only a few weeks after this Jonathan and Heather had that awesome Anniversary Party, so my guess is he was able to get through whatever hurt or trauma this might have caused him.  Right after this Aviva and Heather sat down and called a truce of a sort, and thankfully I don't think we ever had to see Amanda again.  Did I mention she was horrible? I read at the time that she was so horrible that all of the girls said they would have nothing to do with her in the future. This was just a ROL deal, so who knows how much truth is there, but it was interesting that at first she was always around, and then she was just gone girl.

Oh, thank you for this reminder. I really liked that anniversary party. Heather looked phenomenal there! And, yeah, Jonathan wasn't so broken up over the Hamptons blah. I mean, he bought his wife caviar.


Since last season is on Hulu, I'm think I'm going to have a select season six re-watch.

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I guess it is more interesting than anything else that this particular scene is discussed in such length. I know to some it was pivotal, but it never got more than a mention after it happened. IMO it appeared that Amanda, Sonja and Heather were all drunk.  The main thing is that none of the characters involved who were there seemed to hold onto any grief or disappointment about it. Most times when this gets mentioned it is discussed how horrible for it to have all gone down at Lu's house. Again, Lu didn't give two shits. Most of the characters involved didn't really give two shits after it was over. Carole seemed fine with Heather "inserting" herself on her behalf, and it didn't appear that Sonja was suffering any trauma with regard to having to witness such a scene. The only people who were really bothered were Aviva and Amanda, and since by then it was clear they were horrible people, no one - including Lu - particularly cared that they were bothered.  Only a few weeks after this Jonathan and Heather had that awesome Anniversary Party, so my guess is he was able to get through whatever hurt or trauma this might have caused him.  Right after this Aviva and Heather sat down and called a truce of a sort, and thankfully I don't think we ever had to see Amanda again.  Did I mention she was horrible? I read at the time that she was so horrible that all of the girls said they would have nothing to do with her in the future. This was just a ROL deal, so who knows how much truth is there, but it was interesting that at first she was always around, and then she was just gone girl. 


I think it is indeed interesting for the very fact that so much bad behavior was glossed over.


Our mileage clearly varies, and I think it's safe to say we regard different aspects of the episode as the point. To wit, for me, that Jonathan and Heather were evidently reconciled several days later doesn't somehow validate her behavior. Kristen is apparently as happy as a clam with Josh; however, I recall many viewers last year characterizing his behavior toward her as "abuse" and a lot still regard him as problematic because of the impression he advanced in his time on screen. Sonja forgave Aviva; does that qualify the bizarre points of Aviva's rage in St. Barth's? Kyle and Brandi became friends after rocky beginnings; doesn't mean they didn't behave antagonistically toward each other prior to that, imo. And so on and so forth.


I have a difficult time imagining that if Josh directed Kristen (or Mario told Ramona, Bethenny told Jason, etc), "excuse me, get out of this right now," (and pointed their fingers while saying it) that there would be the propensity to retcon (as I see the characterizations of "honey, please stay out of this" and "this is my fight," dear, etc).


As for Lu, even though I appreciate some dimensions of her personality, it's been noted that she's selective about her application of ethical codes and her outrage over breaches of them. At the time, she (again, to me) transparently cared about the scene playing out in her house - she attempted to corral the women on the patio, later implored everyone to desist with the screaming and enjoy pie, and then finally ushered everyone out. That she didn't clutch her pearls over Heather's outbursts was, from my point of view, a manifestation of her propensity to whitewash the conduct of herself and her allies.


Amanda was uncharismatic and odd; it was a weird strategy to adopt such aggressive unpleasantness (such as her digs at the Cabaret) immediately after starting her trial. But Heather's apoplexy that night stays with me because it was so spectacularly over the top and there appeared to be no direct stimulus, other than Amanda doing what Heather had just done herself. I think it's admirable when friends try to advocate for each other, but that's true for everyone, not just Heather. And Heather, in my regard, didn't just support Carole; she essentially reconfigured the drama so that she was at its center.


At different points during season six, I found the behavior of all three members of the Kristen/Carole/Heather triumvirate downright "weird" (to borrow one of Carole's favored adjective), even in the context of heightened show histrionics. Kristen when she starts telling Aviva at the finale party "there's something bigger going on with you and you need to be honest about what it is!" and then literally starts clutching her chest with LuAnn; Carole when she grabbed Aviva's face in her home and then runs to both Reid and Harry to disparage their wife; and Heather when she spontaneously transitions from screaming "don't tell me anything" to "don't tell me nuthin', fucking motherfucker!"

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All that.


This is one scene in the whole franchise that I will never be persuaded was anything more than 2 women, Heather and Amanda, acting like complete asses. (Well, Sonja was drunkity drunk, but we're talking Sonja.)  With Heather leading the way in assyness.  


In her blog her only harsh words were for Aviva and Amanda

I disagree.  I re-read it. She didn't say anything like that. During the scene, though, she looked shocked by Heather's words and she pretty much left Amanda alone. She couldn't get them out of her house fast enough.  I don't think it's common for people to go off at a party like Heather did.  Well, not the type of parties Lu goes to.  Nor Kristen and she said so herself.  Me, neither.  I'm grateful there are no Heathers in my life. She's ugly and she's mean and she doesn't even have to be drunk to be that way. Or in Heatherspeak, "She ugly and she mean."


And after watching the scene again, she definitely did not start pointing until she dismissed Jonathon by telling him to get out of this right now and pointing at which direction he should start walking.

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All that.


This is one scene in the whole franchise that I will never be persuaded was anything more than 2 women, Heather and Amanda, acting like complete asses. (Well, Sonja was drunkity drunk, but we're talking Sonja.)  With Heather leading the way in assyness.  


I disagree.  I re-read it. She didn't say anything like that. During the scene, though, she looked shocked by Heather's words and she pretty much left Amanda alone. She couldn't get them out of her house fast enough.  I don't think it's common for people to go off at a party like Heather did.  Well, not the type of parties Lu goes to.  Nor Kristen and she said so herself.  Me, neither.  I'm grateful there are no Heathers in my life. She's ugly and she's mean and she doesn't even have to be drunk to be that way. Or in Heatherspeak, "She ugly and she mean."


And after watching the scene again, she definitely did not start pointing until she dismissed Jonathon by telling him to get out of this right now and pointing at which direction he should start walking.

I haven't read it in a while, but it seemed like Lu was asking who Amanda was and why she was there? I could be remembering wrong, but it seemed like she thought that Amanda was the one who had gotten the situation ramped up. I completely agree that she seemed shocked by Heather's behavior, which tells me that it wasn't something that she had seen before. By this time she knew Heather quite well. Even as far back as the season before they talked about being friends away from the camera. If this was just Heather being Heather and she acted like this all the time, I would be surprised by Lu's reaction. On the other hand, Lu is also someone who will get a girl out of the house and try to minimize the issue if she finds it necessary. We saw her do this with Beth at her Hampton's house this season. She thought the mood had changed and it was uncomfortable for all, and she got Beth out of there. She seemed just fine to let Heather and Amanda go at it. Again, I think that this is one of those things that looked super dramatic, but if you were actually there, it was much less so. I think that everyone was OK with it because Amanda had been driving everyone crazy since Sonja's show and so Heather going all Dog Day Afternoon on her wasn't a big deal. For me, it would be much more telling if Lu had gone over to Heather and told her to calm the heck down or leave. If in that situation Heather would have refused or lit into Lu, I would feel differently.

I honestly think it's just a personality deal and some people are not going to dig it. I am so much like Heather in many ways, which is probably why I identify with her so much. Very loud, opinionated, and talk all the time. I have never run from any of this or denied it because that would be silly. My friends seem to love this about me and it is part of what makes me "me". I see in Heather someone who has lots of friends, so this doesn't seem to make her a social outcast or someone that people want to stay away from. She seems to be well respected and loved by many. As someone else said on another thread, I think she is quick to anger, probably says things she might regret, but she is also quick to move on and try to get to a resolution.

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Outside of anything Vicki Gunvalson related, Heather will always own my favorite HW moment ever. The scene where she decided the best way to annoy Ramona was to follow her around and be nice to her. Ramona was so pissed off. Ha! I wish I'd dvr'd that scene. I'd watch it over and over.

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On paper, in principle, I feel like I should like her.  But I just don't like her.  And I can't really put my finger on why, except maybe it goes back to the mud run when she told Kristin she'd have her back, and then literally left her behind in the dust.  That seems like quintessential Heather.

I just don't like her.


I have come to the Heather thread to read how others feel about her and I find some kindred spirits. Can't stand her and cant quite put my finger on why either.


Recall this early Heather scene  from her first season when they went to London. Heather had that dinner/staff meeting with the London sales team of Yummie and made everyone stand up and tell an anecdote - including the NY ladies. What corny hocum. That's so 1980's rah rah company team spirit.  I will bet she has those color posters with motivational sayings in the hallways at Yummie, about teams, and excellence....eyeroll.


The scrunched up nose smile does have an insincerity to it . Maybe that's unfair because we can't help our faces (unless surgery or botox).


But that instant nicknaming of people that she hardly knows, Lu, Radzi, Beth, Mama. Just no. Cloying, Trying too hard to be cool. Lockeroomish. Why doesn't Heather snap towels across the others' asses while she's at it. Now, I am sure that if any of these ladies didn't want their names said like that, they would correct Heather and certainly let her know how they wish to be addressed. When Heather did the instant shortening of Bethenny at some restaurant, Beth said to Heather's face that she didn't care (which I thought to be untrue). Then in Bethenny's talking head she did a rant and the name shortening " Radzi, Lu, Mama" ....albeit a righteous rant that needed to be said for three seasons about Heather.

Edited by Bossa Nova
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Beth(enny), for all her bravado, didn't say anything to Heather about not calling her Beth. She was passive aggressive about it. Also, since Heather's been on the show, I've not heard any one of the women complain about nicknames bestowed upon them. Like, not a one.* Bethenny says something in a TH about her nickname (or says something about "Why can't we just keep our names?"), and suddenly it's a widespread issue?


Again, if it's an issue for Bethenny, she should have come right out and say, "Call me Bethenny. I don't like nicknames."


*LuAnn indulges in nicknames, too. 

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Well, was it shown that the nicknames were made up by Heather?  Hasn't Lu been around for awhile?  Who knows the genesis of Radzi?  I guess "mama" could be annoying but I hear that used by others a lot too and it;s not really a nickname.  Plus intent matters - if she's shortening as a sign of disrespect that's one thing but there's no evidence of that (unless I missed it).  I guess I find it such a minor thing to get so worked up about since nobody  has objected (except Bethenny in a totally weak move behind Heather's back) and nicknames, terms of endearment, etc. are so common.  Totally think others have a right to their opinion but this is mine.

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I have come to the Heather thread to read how others feel about her and I find some kindred spirits. Can't stand her and cant quite put my finger on why either.


Recall this early Heather scene  from her first season when they went to London. Heather had that dinner/staff meeting with the London sales team of Yummie and made everyone stand up and tell an anecdote - including the NY ladies. What corny hocum. That's so 1980's rah rah company team spirit.  I will bet she has those color posters with motivational sayings in the hallways at Yummie, about teams, and excellence....eyeroll.


I actually like Heather overall, although I certainly agree she can be irritating as fuck. I think of her as the kind of friend who I'd put up with their bossiness and various assorted quirks (while chronically rolling my eyes to myself) because I'd know at their core that they'd have my back and care about me, even if they tend to be a bit mothering. It's my roundabout way of saying, as phony of some of her "holla!"-ness can be, I think if you stripped that away, she'd still be an authentic person in her motivations.


I generally get the impression from her that you do know where you stand with her, unlike so many of the other HWs on these various shows, and that she doesn't view her relationships as conveniences or means-to-an-end.

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Well, was it shown that the nicknames were made up by Heather?  Hasn't Lu been around for awhile?  Who knows the genesis of Radzi?  I guess "mama" could be annoying but I hear that used by others a lot too and it;s not really a nickname.  Plus intent matters - if she's shortening as a sign of disrespect that's one thing but there's no evidence of that (unless I missed it).  I guess I find it such a minor thing to get so worked up about since nobody  has objected (except Bethenny in a totally weak move behind Heather's back) and nicknames, terms of endearment, etc. are so common.  Totally think others have a right to their opinion but this is mine.

Carole said in an interview once that she had been called "Radzi" for 25 years. Who knows about Lu. I have been calling her that since she came on, so maybe I am to blame?

I agree that I don't get why it is a big deal. If she is trying to offend than I get it, but then I tend to be a person who is all about intent. If the intent is to hurt than I am offended. Otherwise, not so much.

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Heather to me is the type of woman who sets a target and goes after it, even with friendships. She seems a little bit opportunistic in that way, quickly making Carole a close friend, and pretty much ignoring  down-on-her-luck Sonja.  Although if Sonja were to suddenly get back with her ex husband, I am sure Heather would immediately change her tune.


She tried to buddy up with Bethenny, with the excitement about her being on the show and the starting in with the nickname, but good old Bethenny wasn't having it.  


She has a friendship with Kristen, sure, but the stuff she pulls on Kristen she doesn't seem to do to Carole or Luanne, because she sees Kristen as a different kind of friend.


Just not a fan of this (or any other RH) Heather.

Edited by Jel
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I've never seen Heather as an opportunist but she rubs me the wrong way.  She is overly familiar for my tastes.  I can't stand when people think they can start handing out nicknames and getting all in your personal space and business because you've known them for a hot five minutes.  She gets way too acquainted and way too comfortable before being given the invitation to do so.  She presses and pushes and smiles with eleven hundred teeth in a manner that strikes me as aggressive and if I had to be in a room with her, I believe I'd find her off-putting.

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Yeah, it's not really the nicknames per se that's the problem for me, it's the presumptuous overfamiliarity-ness of it all as SistaLadyBug and Bossa Nova (not referring to you as "SLB and BN", nope, just not doing it! ;) have pointed out.


Her friendship-making seems to have an agenda.  I had a friend like her once; she could turn on the charm and make fast friends very easily, but she would drop people, too, when they no longer served a purpose.  Rightly or wrongly, that's how I am seeing Heather.


I want to add that is it a coincidence that the women she is simply mad about are also the ones with the titles?  

Edited by Jel
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She seems a little bit opportunistic in that way, quickly making Carole a close friend, and pretty much ignoring  down-on-her-luck Sonja.

Poor, naïve Carole, being forced into a one-sided friendship against her will.

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 And I'm going to hell on wheels for this but her fucking scrunched up nose smile irritates the shit out of me.


Heather's comment about getting a Malificent horns tattoo like Angelina Jolie.  


Then asking, no assuming, a sympatico affirming agreement would be forthcoming with her signature scrunchied up nose and wide grin, "....wouldn't that be cool !?"


Just no. I agree, Bethenney.


Imo, that ^^, was the biggest blow-off to Heather from Bethenny of them all.  Heather was SO stoked about sharing her tattoo idea. Bethenny's immediate reaction and then what she said in her TH almost made me feel sorry for Heather.


I must say, girl has some nice, healthy teeth and gums.



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Poor, naïve Carole, being forced into a one-sided friendship against her will.

My sarcasm detector just beeped.  Unless it's broken and you think their friendship is one-sided? And that one can be forced into a friendship against his or her will?


Either way, good to know Heather has some fans. Holla!

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Imo, that ^^, was the biggest blow-off to Heather from Bethenny of them all.  Heather was SO stoked about sharing her tattoo idea. Bethenny's immediate reaction and then what she said in her TH almost made me feel sorry for Heather.


I must say, girl has some nice, healthy teeth and gums.



Her smile is distracting-and she loves to use it and just shouldn't.  I wonder what she did to get such a crappy edit.  I mean she was over the top rude at Sonja's before Atlantic City.  I wonder if it was her claiming she would not talk to Sonja put her in the difficult column with the producers.  It seemed when they first got in the limo Sonja was quick to mention that heather would not be talking to her.  It sounded like the line producers had to give the group a talking to anout reality shows are all about interaction.

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I think she's getting a crappy edit because Bethenny doesn't like her. It seems to me that Bethenny's return is solely about redemption since she got beat up in mainstream press regarding her divorce and whatnot. Since Bethenny doesn't like Heather, the editors will not be nuanced at all. Why show Heather with her loving husband and her cute kids, or give her THs where we can see her reacting to Bethenny's bitchery? Instead, Bethenny essentially gets to be the narrator who reacts and no one gets to share what they think of her being abrasive and rude. 

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I wonder what she did to get such a crappy edit. 


Alls I got is that it was just her turn.  Or...Heather not knowing how to:  read a room, stop being bossy and/or nosy - went over the line with production.  I keep thinking back to her trying to direct Carole's photo shoot.  She didn't care that she was clearly annoying the photog while stepping on her toes. She wanted it done her way come hell or high water. 


Production gets to know them each, much better than we ever will.  And being human, they form opinions, too. In my fantasy, she rubbed the wrong person(s) the wrong way.

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I don't totally buy that. As fast-talking as Bethenny is; as much of a control freak as she is, if it were only down to bugging production, she'd be getting a crappy edit, too (since I have a hard time believing she doesn't talk slick to some line producer or camera person). As an example, on RHOBH Kyle is one of those HWs who comes to work, plans events, etc., and that didn't stop her from getting a crap edit when she and Lisa were on the outs. 


So, on the one hand, I agree with you, ryebread. I do think that being a control freak behind the scenes can result in a horrible edit (see: Zarin, Jill), but I also believe that if Andy adores a HW, whoever she goes up against will not be seen in a favorable light come time to air the season. That's what I truly think is happening with Heather here. 

Edited by Mozelle
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Yep, I think Heathers crap edit is about Beth. This is her season and she doesn't like Heather, clearly.

Imo Beth really wants nothing to do with any of the women but has some "respect" for the OG's so she is ok filming with them. As someone pointed out in one of these threads, Beth is friendly with Carole but surprise surprise, Carole is also Andy's friend. Not saying it is not a real friendship now, just saying, it's like Carole had a cool stamp from Andy so Beth was good with her.

Heather lucked into a crap edit because Beth.

I love Heathers smile!

Edited by imjagain
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Heather-lover here! And I wouldn't care if she called me "miss." :)


Heather and Carole are the ones I'd choose to be friends with IRL, and I also like their real-life friendship.


Plus, Heather doesn't strategically position Yummy Tummy* packaging next to her in every scene or say "I'm wearing Yummy Tummy!" If only Beth would take a page from her [fuck Skinny Girl ].


I bought one of her lower-price point items at JC Penney years back, before she was on the show, and it's awesome. Universes away from Spanx in terms of comfort, while still doing what it's supposed to.

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I don't totally buy that. As fast-talking as Bethenny is; as much of a control freak as she is, if it were only down to bugging production, she'd be getting a crappy edit, too (since I have a hard time believing she doesn't talk slick to some line producer or camera person). As an example, on RHOBH Kyle is one of those HWs who comes to work, plans events, etc., and that didn't stop her from getting a crap edit when she and Lisa were on the outs. 


Ya know what I really think?  That ALL the HWs, when you get to know them as the production people do, are probably unlikeable to different degrees.  There's a reason Andy hires a certain type


It's funny you should mention Kyle because I will forever put her in the mean girl category, even though in light of Kim's shenanigans, the tide has turned in her favor and she can do no wrong in the majority's eyes.  I wonder if anyone on production has and will always view Kyle as such?  Even if she does show up on time and plans events.


Heather, imo, is also another mean girl but because of Aviva's shenanigans, she was put in a good light last season.  


Bethenny, who was the first HW I loved to hate had a bad edit (imo) until Jill fell out of favor.  Out of the gate, she appeared to me to be manipulative, mean and needy.  Oh, and a bit of a liar and/or drama queen.  I wondered in an earlier post if that was really bad editing or just her true self. 


Beth had Jill, Heather had Aviva, Kyle had Kim.  Makes me wonder if we should be looking closer at Dorinda who might be hiding behind Ramona's antics.


If we can see some of the HWs negative traits watching them only 42 minutes a week, imagine what production sees.  Probably a lot more mean, crazy and entitlement than we'll ever see....until a HW steps too far out of bounds and production lets little things start sneaking in.  My fantasy.


But you're right.  Now that Bethenny appears to be the golden child, every one else is minced meat.  I think Carole is golden right now but is she hiding behind Bethenny's bad behavior?  She's a special case, though, because Andy likes her, too.  So all these theories go out the window.


The one about them all being unlikeable to different degrees sticks though.

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I love Heathers smile!


I like this example of Heather's smile:

h-HEATHER-THOMSON-348x516.jpg and this one:  heather_thomson_getty-300x300.jpg


But not this one. It scares me a little. LOL. I'll admit, it's probably because she annoys me but that big, two levels of teeth, wrinkled nose, jack o lantern grin looks insincere to me.  Watch under what circumstances she smiles like this and I think we'll see a pattern.  That said, after researching Heather's teeth (don't judge) I've come to my own conclusion that she isn't unattractive.



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I like this example of Heather's smile:

h-HEATHER-THOMSON-348x516.jpg and this one: heather_thomson_getty-300x300.jpg

But not this one. It scares me a little. LOL. I'll admit, it's probably because she annoys me but that big, two levels of teeth, wrinkled nose, jack o lantern grin looks insincere to me. Watch under what circumstances she smiles like this and I think we'll see a pattern. That said, after researching Heather's teeth (don't judge) I've come to my own conclusion that she isn't unattractive.


LOL! I'm sure it's because she annoys you.

I'm real with myself as well, when a housewife annoys me everything they do bugs! Even a smile or touching their hair. I know it's because I can't stand them. I try to be rational about my irrational thoughts about housewives :)

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Ya know what I really think?  That ALL the HWs, when you get to know them as the production people do, are probably unlikeable to different degrees.  There's a reason Andy hires a certain type.



I think we all have our good moments and our cringe-worthy times we'd hate to have recorded on-screen for all posterity. Production can then choose either and then craft their story arcs accordingly. I've seen enough good from Heather to keep my opinion of her.


That said, I'd love to hear some leaks and inside stories from production staff.

Edited by missy jo
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I've been looking back through family photos recently and realized that the most genuine smiles show the upper teeth but not the lower ones. I wonder if that's universal for realistic smiles or just for my family and friends. Maybe that's a tell, as my husband used to say in his law enforcement days. Fake or genuine with these ladies? What do y'all think?

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Yep, I think Heathers crap edit is about Beth. This is her season and she doesn't like Heather, clearly.

Imo Beth really wants nothing to do with any of the women but has some "respect" for the OG's so she is ok filming with them. As someone pointed out in one of these threads, Beth is friendly with Carole but surprise surprise, Carole is also Andy's friend. Not saying it is not a real friendship now, just saying, it's like Carole had a cool stamp from Andy so Beth was good with her.

Heather lucked into a crap edit because Beth.

I love Heathers smile!

I love her smile as well, it reaches her eyes. Watch the others smile, it rarely reaches/reflects in their eyes. IMO, Heather is genuinely a happy person.

Heather-lover here! And I wouldn't care if she called me "miss." :)


Heather and Carole are the ones I'd choose to be friends with IRL, and I also like their real-life friendship.


Plus, Heather doesn't strategically position Yummy Tummy* packaging next to her in every scene or say "I'm wearing Yummy Tummy!" If only Beth would take a page from her [fuck Skinny Girl ].


I bought one of her lower-price point items at JC Penney years back, before she was on the show, and it's awesome. Universes away from Spanx in terms of comfort, while still doing what it's supposed to.

I have 2 pairs of her yoga pants/leggings, love them. They are so comfortable!

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OMG AnnA. LOLOL.  First laugh of the day and I think I'm showing 2 rows of teeth.

I'm glad I could make you laugh. It's a great way to start the day.

Credit for this "inspiration" has to go to SistaLadyBug. Her "eleven hundred teeth" comment made me LOL.

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Can't stand Heather.  Haven't like her since her first season on the show.  She was a total bitch to Ramona the first season she was on and that was excused by a lot of people because Ramona herself is so polarizing.  She was lucky the same way going against Sonja and Aviva because one was a ditz and the other was so disliked, but still she was overly aggressive with them too.  I'm not a huge fan of Bethenny either, but I'm glad she is there as someone who will stand their ground against Heather's nonsense.   I'm glad that editing is starting to show more of the negative this season, like the face Heather made when Bethenny walked in. It doesn't look like she'll be getting the lucky edit this year.   Also, is it just me or is there a little less of Heather and Carole beingjustthisclose this season?



I am most certain we saw different versions of season 5.  I recall Heather being nothing but friendly towards Ramona.  And Ramona being a cold, nasty bitch to her because, according to Ramona, she smiled to much so she MUST be a phony.  Which is absurd but I digress.


Can you please explain to me in what ways was Heather a bitch to Ramona (still reeling from this train of thought...) in season 5? 

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I'm bummed to hear that Heather is getting ripped on Twitter, because her blog for this episode shows her "real" - as opposed to edited - self. She expresses herself and her frustrations really well, and also is able to take the focus off of herself and point out some interesting things about the Berkshires.


I also like that she's capable of forming real-life friendships with Carole and Dorinda. Hope she and D keep having fun in the Berkshires in the coming years.

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Unfortunately, Dorinda is riding Heather on Twitter, too. :/

Yep, Dorinda is being very hard on Heather over on Twitter. She had lunch recently with Beth and Lu and their families and posted it on Twitter. She seems to have formed a bond with Beth and is on her side. Except for some kind words regarding Heather and Jon and their relationship, she has nothing good to say about Heather at all. It's interesting because it sounds as if Dorinda has been closer to Heather recently than to either Lu or Ramona, talking about spending the summer together at the pool and cooking out with their famillies. Heather even mentioned in her blog that she has met Dorinda's father. You would never get the impression from any of Dorinda's blog entries that she is or has been close to Heather at all. Funny because in real life, when she knew Heather away from the show, she seemed to very much like her. 


Still zero word from Carole on Twitter regarding any of this. To me, this is very disappointing. She cannot give her insights in a blog, so Twitter would be her "go to" way to show some type of support for Heather. She could use some of it from her BFF right now. I am actually beginning to wonder if there is a concentrated effort to not give too much away with regard to how this relationship all turns out. For the most part, I haven't heard anyone leak how Beth and Heather feel about each other today. The relationships are all very interesting to me right now. We know that Beth, Lu and Dorinda are all close. We know that Lu's relationship with Carole and Heather is over (Heather has said they will never be friends again). At the same time we know that Carole has become friends with Beth, and that she still considers Heather to be her BFF (or as she called her in her only blog of the season "her real-life BFF". 

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We know that Lu's relationship with Carole and Heather is over (Heather has said they will never be friends again).

Wow. What happened between them? Or has that not yet been revealed. 


Can't wait for this season's reunions shows !

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Wow. What happened between them? Or has that not yet been revealed. 


Can't wait for this season's reunions shows !


My understanding is that something happened when they were in Turks & Caicos. 

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Yep, Dorinda is being very hard on Heather over on Twitter. She had lunch recently with Beth and Lu and their families and posted it on Twitter. She seems to have formed a bond with Beth and is on her side. Except for some kind words regarding Heather and Jon and their relationship, she has nothing good to say about Heather at all. It's interesting because it sounds as if Dorinda has been closer to Heather recently than to either Lu or Ramona, talking about spending the summer together at the pool and cooking out with their famillies. Heather even mentioned in her blog that she has met Dorinda's father. You would never get the impression from any of Dorinda's blog entries that she is or has been close to Heather at all. Funny because in real life, when she knew Heather away from the show, she seemed to very much like her. 


Still zero word from Carole on Twitter regarding any of this. To me, this is very disappointing. She cannot give her insights in a blog, so Twitter would be her "go to" way to show some type of support for Heather. She could use some of it from her BFF right now. I am actually beginning to wonder if there is a concentrated effort to not give too much away with regard to how this relationship all turns out. For the most part, I haven't heard anyone leak how Beth and Heather feel about each other today. The relationships are all very interesting to me right now. We know that Beth, Lu and Dorinda are all close. We know that Lu's relationship with Carole and Heather is over (Heather has said they will never be friends again). At the same time we know that Carole has become friends with Beth, and that she still considers Heather to be her BFF (or as she called her in her only blog of the season "her real-life BFF". 

I am starting feel for Heather.  At times off putting but for the most part she seems to be someone who is trying to make the show interesting.  This week was not her finest hour-it started with her bad hair at dinner and her little show off thing with Ramona's date and the journalist reference.  How uncomfortable if Ramona did not know.  There is a reason Ramona is not going to talk about her dates and what is going  on between them-she has an adult daughter. 

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It's interesting because it sounds as if Dorinda has been closer to Heather recently than to either Lu or Ramona, talking about spending the summer together at the pool and cooking out with their famillies. Heather even mentioned in her blog that she has met Dorinda's father. You would never get the impression from any of Dorinda's blog entries that she is or has been close to Heather at all. Funny because in real life, when she knew Heather away from the show, she seemed to very much like her.



This sucks!

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I read a lot about Heather being a "successful business woman" but really, is YummieTummie that successful??

I'm genuinely not being facetious; I live in the UK and I've never heard of it nor have I ever seen it anywhere since discovering it's existence through RHONY so I don't think it's giving Spanx a run for its money on this side of the Atlantic. She did that interview with Lorraine in her first season on the London trip which I only saw because of the show since like almost everyone else in the country, I watch the BBC's breakfast show, not ITV's.

Edited by FaithsMum
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I read a lot about Heather being a "successful business woman" but really, is YummieTummie that successful??

I'm genuinely not being facetious; I live in the UK and I've never heard of it nor have I ever seen it anywhere since discovering it's existence through RHONY so I don't think it's giving Spanx a run for its money on this side of the Atlantic. She did that interview with Lorraine in her first season on the London trip which I only saw because of the show since like almost everyone else in the country, I watch the BBC's breakfast show, not ITV's.

Yes, YT line is very successful here. It is sold in stores and on HSN, a home shopping show. They are nothing like Spanx though. Spanx's are compression undergarments designed to make you a clothing size smaller, whereas YT is worn as both under or outer clothing and is designed to smooth out lumps, bump and rolls.

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Yes, YT line is very successful here. It is sold in stores and on HSN, a home shopping show. They are nothing like Spanx though. Spanx's are compression undergarments designed to make you a clothing size smaller, whereas YT is worn as both under or outer clothing and is designed to smooth out lumps, bump and rolls.

Thank you for your explanation, I had obviously wrongly assumed that they were a Spanx copycat! :)

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Thank you for your explanation, I had obviously wrongly assumed that they were a Spanx copycat! :)

Your Welcome and I understand, even viewers here do not realize the difference. I have 2 pairs of her yoga pants and I love them and will be getting more this year.

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Are Kristen and Carole the only two housewives who are on good terms with Heather? This sucks for Heather because while she can abrasive, she is a very very good friend. 


Like everyone, she has unfavorable traits, but I feel her good ones outweigh her bad ones.


I should wait to see what happens for Dorinda to be going at her on twitter but right now, it seems like peer pressure to me. She is friendly with Bethenny is against Heather to please her or something. 

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Are Kristen and Carole the only two housewives who are on good terms with Heather? This sucks for Heather because while she can abrasive, she is a very very good friend. 


Like everyone, she has unfavorable traits, but I feel her good ones outweigh her bad ones.


I should wait to see what happens for Dorinda to be going at her on twitter but right now, it seems like peer pressure to me. She is friendly with Bethenny is against Heather to please her or something.

Everyone is being pretty quiet about all of this. Except for the stuff that involves Heather/Carole/Lu, I'm really not sure who is friends with whom.

Dorinda is hard on both Heather and Ramona on Twitter, but I don't think they are estranged at all. In an interview she did she said she had no problem at the end of the season with anyone. That would mean to me that she is still on good terms with Heather, although probably not in the same manner as when they started the season. I've heard nothing about Heather having any issues with Ramona either. As crazy as this will sound, I am still not convinced that Heather and Beth won't strike up a friendship before the season ends. They are giving very little away about their feelings for each other at this point.

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