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Carole Radziwill: She's a Real Princess!

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Yes, she has briefly touched on Anthony's death, JFKJr/CBK deaths and the couch but she has not gone into details about any of them like she has this season. She hasn't even gone into detail about her book/memoir, just a basic overview about it.


My point was and is, if you call out Carole, like LuAnn did in her blog, she needs to call out the other HW, Dorinda, that did the same thing as well and LuAnn was not talking about the book Carole wrote before joining the show. Oh, and Carole doesn't need LR permission to talk about this on the show either.


LuAnn was being an ass and trying to make sure that no one felt any sympathy for Carole, that comment was nothing more than what she, LuAnn, has been doing since before the season started, painting Carole in a bad light to keep her Apple and nothing more. LuAnn is a snake and will stop at nothing to keep her job.

Going to London collecting what remains of the remains had nothing to so whatsoever with Dorinda.  It would make no sense to include Dorinda in the comment.  It is about publicly handling the remains because essentially one of Anthony's final resting places was being disturbed.  In reality, Carole didn't have to retrieve them with cameras in tow-remains are shipped, as our bodies every day.  So I am not understanding why Dorinda would be included in LuAnn's question about televising it for a family that Carole claims guards their privacy.  LuAnn said the conversation between Dorinda and Carole was a good thing.  She also said Carole needed a hug.


Here is the deal-Carole has a history of going to the mat without any room for reconciliation as evidenced by the ghostwriting situation and Aviva.  It is making the return for next year a choice between Luann and Carole.  Carole doesn't have the star power to bump LuAnn and if Carole leaves that lessen the chance of Ramona getting bumped.   I really want Ramona to get bumped.  For next year I see Bethenny, LuAnn, Sonja, Dorinda as givens to return, Kristen is obviously out, which leaves question marks for Carole, Heather and Ramona.  If Heather opts out on her own then it is down to Carole and Ramona-Carole if she continues to spew her hatred for LuAnn she will not be coming back.  Quite simply that is why I want Carole to stay off Twitter and accept the fact she takes a paycheck for a reality show and tolerance needs to be party of deal. 

Edited by zoeysmom

Does Luann have so much star power? Her apple's nearly dropped from the tree before. Her EtiQueen act is threadbare, and Sonja can play the intermittently witty/intermittently sloshed manhunter just as well. She already has a clothing line! And Dorinda could be autotuned into next summer's pseudo pop tartlet. She already has a catch phrase T-shirt!

I think a lot of Luann's post filming virulence stems from her believing she's expendable. She's trying to show her value as a lightning rod, or get a few more licks in while someone's still paying attention.

Edited by stinkogingko
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Going to London collecting what remains of the remains had nothing to so whatsoever with Dorinda.  It would make no sense to include Dorinda in the comment.  It is about publicly handling the remains because essentially one of Anthony's final resting places was being disturbed.  In reality, Carole didn't have to retrieve them with cameras in tow-remains are shipped, as our bodies every day.  So I am not understanding why Dorinda would be included in LuAnn's question about televising it for a family that Carole claims guards their privacy.  LuAnn said the conversation between Dorinda and Carole was a good thing.  She also said Carole needed a hug.


Here is the deal-Carole has a history of going to the mat without any room for reconciliation as evidenced by the ghostwriting situation and Aviva.  It is making the return for next year a choice between Luann and Carole.  Carole doesn't have the star power to bump LuAnn and if Carole leaves that lessen the chance of Ramona getting bumped.   I really want Ramona to get bumped.  For next year I see Bethenny, LuAnn, Sonja, Dorinda as givens to return, Kristen is obviously out, which leaves question marks for Carole, Heather and Ramona.  If Heather opts out on her own then it is down to Carole and Ramona-Carole if she continues to spew her hatred for LuAnn she will not be coming back.  Quite simply that is why I want Carole to stay off Twitter and accept the fact she takes a paycheck for a reality show and tolerance needs to be party of deal. 

 LuAnn was demoted last season because she did not "share" enough of her personal life but despite Ramona refusing to talk about Mario/cheating and her treatment of Andy at the reunion she was brought back as a full HW, so I don't think she feels that Andy will get rid of Ramona anytime soon. I don't think LuAnn is as secure in her position, at least in her mind, and is going after the 2 strong HWs, Heather/Carole, that were not part of the core group and I think LuAnn feels that Kristen is not any competition for/to her, so, she leaves her alone. LuAnn is pulling out everything she can to save her Apple, she knows she is still on shaky ground.

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But here is why taking the high road does accomplish something, imo.  Using Carole's tweet as an example:



So this Tracy Wright makes the comment to Carole. Not nice but a fair question. Carole responds back like Brandi would. Some more back and forth.  


Carol's fan, Paula, chimes in with "Um, that wasn't the issue..."  The beauty of Tracy's response back to Paula?  That there wasn't one.  She ignored her. Totally could have 'Ummed' her back, etc.  Hello, high road.


The beauty of her response to Carole?  She complimented her in the end. So who comes off looking like the bothered one.  Carole or Tracy?  Carole has engaged with almost every negative tweet she's got for the past two days.  It's just not good.  Shut them down by shutting up.



This is going to shock you, mcm, but *I* gave her props.  You know I like reading their social media like it's my job.  And I was just thinking the other day that I respected Heather for not being a total Brandi on Twitter. Honest truth.


So yeah, in my head I gave her props.  But am I going to say that out loud?  Hell no. :-D  Still can't stand her but the dislike is a little less when she takes the high road when dealing with people who fight dirty, too. 


So this "Tracy" comes at Carole with something that is false on 2 levels ---she did not drop acid NOR is she "appalled" by one night stands. Not going to get into that whole thing again, but suffice it to say that Carole was upset about the safety issue.  But 2 points on this Twitter exchange: 


1. After being the one to initially come at Carole and post blatant lies, I very much disagree that Tracy comes out looking like the cool one on this "Twittersation." I see no beauty there. And


2. Carole is in the wrong for defending herself against false accusations? And should be the one to take the high road and NOT clear up the misconceptions? Ok.


And Brandi would have added at least one "fuck" in her response.  So no, their responses are really not alike at all. 

Edited by Duke2801
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Does Luann have so much star power? Her apple's nearly dropped from the tree before. Her EtiQueen act is threadbare, and Sonja can play the intermittently witty/intermittently sloshed manhunter just as well. She already has a clothing line! And Dorinda could be autotuned into next summer's pseudo pop tartlet. She already has a catch phrase T-shirt!

I think a lot of Luann's post filming virulence stems from her believing she's expendable. She's trying to show her value as a lightning rod, or get a few more licks in while someone's still paying attention.

Last year was the year of incredible stupidity by production. Taking people out of the credits, punishing LuAnn by demoting her-not salary wise but removing her from the opening credits. LuAnn saved the season last year, she sat full time at the Reunion and was a central character throughout the season with a fashion show, the home tour and a house at her party and in attendance at virtually every event once she signed her contract.  Heather, Carole and Kristen all loved having Luann as a very outspoken ally.  LuAnn was a absolute bitch to Sonja and found herself having to interact and eventually apologize.


She is the Countess, she has become out spoken.  Anyone who whines that one of these women talks behind another's back  is just plain stupid.  The confessionals  are exactly that-talking behind someone's back and no one did more of it than Carole her first season and the comments weren't kind towards LuAnn.  So she needs to remember from where she hails.   


Again whre is the one who causes the most trouble in these discussions  Oh she, Ramona, is out promoting her book with Andy Cohen.  Stay focused ladies and get rid of Ramona.

Edited by zoeysmom
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Carole responded to a complete stranger's (reasonable, imo; after years in New York nightclubs, I have never encountered a) pot as a prevailing rave drug or b) marijuana that prompts vomiting unless it's, you know, laced with something) assumption that she had ingested psychotropics by retorting - to paraphrase - "and you've done (mj), too." Sounds like something Brandi would do to me!

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Last year was the year of incredible stupidity by production. Taking people out of the credits, punishing LuAnn by demoting her-not salary wise but removing her from the opening credits. LuAnn saved the season last year, she sat full time at the Reunion and was a central character throughout the season with a fashion show, the home tour and a house at her party and in attendance at virtually every event once she signed her contract.  Heather, Carole and Kristen all loved having Luann as a very outspoken ally.  LuAnn was a absolute bitch to Sonja and found herself having to interact and eventually apologize.


She is the Countess, she has become out spoken.  Anyone who whines that one of these women talks behind another's back  is just plain stupid.  The confessionals  are exactly that-talking behind someone's back and no one did more of it than Carole her first season and the comments weren't kind towards LuAnn.  So she needs to remember from where she hails.   


Again whre is the one who causes the most trouble in these discussions  Oh she, Ramona, is out promoting her book with Andy Cohen.  Stay focused ladies and get rid of Ramona.

LuAnn was demoted because of her pay demands and that she would not share her private life, which is hysterical in light that Ramona hid many things from the cameras/Andy and now Bethenny, who refuses to tell the truth about her then BF and her rented apartment. I also credit Heather/Carole for keeping LuAnn in the mix by including her when production had already made the decision to demote her. LuAnn did not save last season, she was the one that was saved. LOL Also, it could be said that Sonja was a "bitch" to and about LuAnn last season, just as much as the reverse.


I agree, I think many fights are started by Ramona, which is why I also believe Andy/production will keep her, she keeps things stirred up to keep her Apple. This is not a "talent" that LuAnn possesses so she made herself look like a victim of some far fetched conspiracy theories she made up about Heather/Carole in order to keep her Apple. 

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LuAnn was demoted because of her pay demands and that she would not share her private life, which is hysterical in light that Ramona hid many things from the cameras/Andy and now Bethenny, who refuses to tell the truth about her then BF and her rented apartment. I also credit Heather/Carole for keeping LuAnn in the mix by including her when production had already made the decision to demote her. LuAnn did not save last season, she was the one that was saved. LOL Also, it could be said that Sonja was a "bitch" to and about LuAnn last season, just as much as the reverse.


I agree, I think many fights are started by Ramona, which is why I also believe Andy/production will keep her, she keeps things stirred up to keep her Apple. This is not a "talent" that LuAnn possesses so she made herself look like a victim of some far fetched conspiracy theories she made up about Heather/Carole in order to keep her Apple. 

I think like bullying, judgmental the term "keep their apple, orange, diamond, peach" needs to become a thing of the past with these ladies.  They all have to have storylines.  Heather got screwed this year because she actually donated the product for a good cause and got minimal exposure compared to the almighty SKINNY GIRL.  Heather also gets paired with Kristen who is just dull as dirt.  Yes she is pretty, but even in Bethenny's last blog the one she omitted was Kristen as one of the fun girls.  I presume Carole and Dorinda were omitted as they were not at the party.  Kristen most in depth conversation this season occurred with her nanny/bedazzler about not being invited to Bethenny's birthday party. 

LuAnn did what was best for her and without her last season they would have had even worse ratings.  Sonja wasn't mean to  LuAnn - LuAnn was mad over something Sonja's facialist said and Sonja not standing up for her.  That is not mean - it is Sonja's choice who she speaks up for and who she stays quiet.  LuAnn knew she could not stay mad at Sonja and keep the season moving.  The difference between Luann vs. Sonja and Luann vs, Carole is they have had this dance before, a second round is unbelievable and Carole does not let go.  She hasn't let go from Sonja last year and it shows.  There is zero relationship between the two of them.  Carole saving grace is she gets on well with Bethenny under Bethenny's terms and she had a great show this week with Dorinda.  Carole can't survive another season as a FT RH with a so so relationship with Ramona, Sonja, Dorinda and no relationship with LuAnn.  Bethenny and Heather, if she stays aren't that available to Carole or do anything really interesting together.  Carole, the person who does not do things for drama sake, already has revealed her sex dream with Bethenny, to seal the deal.

I think like bullying, judgmental the term "keep their apple, orange, diamond, peach" needs to become a thing of the past with these ladies.  They all have to have storylines.  Heather got screwed this year because she actually donated the product for a good cause and got minimal exposure compared to the almighty SKINNY GIRL.  Heather also gets paired with Kristen who is just dull as dirt.  Yes she is pretty, but even in Bethenny's last blog the one she omitted was Kristen as one of the fun girls.  I presume Carole and Dorinda were omitted as they were not at the party.  Kristen most in depth conversation this season occurred with her nanny/bedazzler about not being invited to Bethenny's birthday party. 

LuAnn did what was best for her and without her last season they would have had even worse ratings.  Sonja wasn't mean to  LuAnn - LuAnn was mad over something Sonja's facialist said and Sonja not standing up for her.  That is not mean - it is Sonja's choice who she speaks up for and who she stays quiet.  LuAnn knew she could not stay mad at Sonja and keep the season moving.  The difference between Luann vs. Sonja and Luann vs, Carole is they have had this dance before, a second round is unbelievable and Carole does not let go.  She hasn't let go from Sonja last year and it shows.  There is zero relationship between the two of them.  Carole saving grace is she gets on well with Bethenny under Bethenny's terms and she had a great show this week with Dorinda.  Carole can't survive another season as a FT RH with a so so relationship with Ramona, Sonja, Dorinda and no relationship with LuAnn.  Bethenny and Heather, if she stays aren't that available to Carole or do anything really interesting together.  Carole, the person who does not do things for drama sake, already has revealed her sex dream with Bethenny, to seal the deal.

Carole gets along with everyone other than LuAnn right now. She, LuAnn, is the one trying to make something from nothing and it shows IMO. Carole did not start this twitter battle, that blame lies on LuAnn, but she is not going to allow LuAnn's lies define her and I don't blame her. Both LuAnn and Dorinda have been horrid on twitter this season and I am puzzled by some giving them a pass while holding the subjects of their nasty tweets more accountable when they react. Yes, reacting is not always good but the person that starts it is the aggressor/instigator and that is LuAnn with Carole and Dorinda for Heather. IMO, LuAnn has been acting just like Brandi did this past BH season with the whole " we will be vindicated"  in the "next episode", then "soon" with finally, "at the reunion" when really they, Brandi/LuAnn, are just making it up as they go hoping we the viewers don't notice their game.


Oh, and what exactly IS LuAnn's storyline this season? What makes this season any different from her behavior last season other than her "dress" line that was shown on 1 episode? She has less of a storyline, personal, than any other HW IMO.

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Since this seems to be the place for Radziwll articles found this one fascinating-Lee Radziwill The most interesting story involves Steel Magnolias Princess Di, Prince Charles. and Julia Roberts.  Lee has issues and is no princess.



Thanks for the link Zooey'smom. I couldn't stop reading. Lee sounds like a pill; I did not know before that Jackie seems to have helped raise Anthony Radziwill and his sister. That must be why he and JFK jr. were so close--maybe like brothers to each other.  Yeah, from reading that blog (I have no idea who writes it but I ended up reading a lot of the other entries to--wasting my time--oh well) I do not think Lee Radziwill is some paragon of high class that Carole has to worry about offending. That woman seems to have done whatever she wanted in her life, and then drank when things did not go her way. Lee seems very self-obsessed and I doubt what Carole is doing registers with her.  Taking Julia Roberts' seat next to Charles and Di at the premiere, and then refusing to move is quite a story. Seems like Julia Roberts met her match there.  


I also spent a lot of time last week on a Carolyn Bessette Kennedy blog that someone here linked to as well.  It's all very fascinating to me.



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Here is the deal-Carole has a history of going to the mat without any room for reconciliation as evidenced by the ghostwriting situation and Aviva.  It is making the return for next year a choice between Luann and Carole.  Carole doesn't have the star power to bump LuAnn and if Carole leaves that lessen the chance of Ramona getting bumped.   I really want Ramona to get bumped.  For next year I see Bethenny, LuAnn, Sonja, Dorinda as givens to return, Kristen is obviously out, which leaves question marks for Carole, Heather and Ramona.  If Heather opts out on her own then it is down to Carole and Ramona-Carole if she continues to spew her hatred for LuAnn she will not be coming back.  Quite simply that is why I want Carole to stay off Twitter and accept the fact she takes a paycheck for a reality show and tolerance needs to be party of deal.

But what means tolerant? Lu had none when she took to Twitter to go after Carole to begin with. Why shouldn't she be scolded that she needs to be more tolerant? Didn't she start it all? She certainly had no tolerance when she wrote her song about Carole's betrayal. It seems silly and meaningless, but the Countess has taken something that happened on the show, on the reality show that she is also taking a paycheck to participate in, and turned it into a profit center for her, because she is intolerant of Carole's behavior. I feel like maybe I'm losing my mind. How on earth does the blame fall more heavily on Carole.

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 I feel like maybe I'm losing my mind. How on earth does the blame fall more heavily on Carole.

This is what I do NOT understand! The HW that starts the crap, especially with lies and innuendo's is given a pass and the HW that was attacked when they defend themselves is held to a higher standard because they reacted. IMO, that is ass backwards! LOL

Edited by WireWrap
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I don't think anything Carole does or does not do will impact Ramona's status on the show.


I agree with those who think Ramona is every bit in control of her own destiny as Bethenny. Andy may not like the Moaner, but he's never going to get rid of Ramona either. Andy loves the crazy, and she just brings too much of it for him to ever dismiss.


Poor Kristen. I'm amused beyond belief that it's a foregone conclusion that she's a goner next season and we haven't even reached this season's reunion!

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Dorinda doesn't need her stepchildren's permission to discuss her feeling regarding her husband's death.

And Carole doesn't nee​d her MIL's to discuss hers.


Are people who don't like her going to change their opinion of her if she doesn't respond? No, they will find another reason to dislike her, so she cannot win.

 Yeah, and if there's already such a very low opinion of her, then why even care what road she takes? (Then again, I've never understood the practice of stalking and dissecting the social media of someone that is immensely disliked. But, maybe there really is a fine line between love and hate.)

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Thanks for the link Zooey'smom. I couldn't stop reading. Lee sounds like a pill; I did not know before that Jackie seems to have helped raise Anthony Radziwill and his sister. That must be why he and JFK jr. were so close--maybe like brothers to each other.  Yeah, from reading that blog (I have no idea who writes it but I ended up reading a lot of the other entries to--wasting my time--oh well) I do not think Lee Radziwill is some paragon of high class that Carole has to worry about offending. That woman seems to have done whatever she wanted in her life, and then drank when things did not go her way. Lee seems very self-obsessed and I doubt what Carole is doing registers with her.  Taking Julia Roberts' seat next to Charles and Di at the premiere, and then refusing to move is quite a story. Seems like Julia Roberts met her match there.  


Lee sounds like an absolute nightmare.  She reminds me of Queen Elizabeth II's sister, Margaret.  Both Margaret and Lee were useless, spoiled creatures, who thought their "beauty" was all that mattered.  Both jealous of their famous older sisters.  Both spoiled and financially supported (at times) by said sister.  Both drank too much, and got a little too messy (if not an embarrassment) to elder sister.


I've never been a big fan of Jacqueline Kennedy's, but she seemed to be generous with her family.  Not only did she help out Lee, she helped out her Big Edie/Little Edie family.  Jackie even named her daughter after Lee.  The more I learn about Lee, I can't help but be amused that Jackie snatched Onassis right out from under Lee's nose.


Anthony really reminds me of Anderson Cooper.  Both rather normal guys, even though raised in great wealth by divas.


By the way, Anthony's father proves he's not worthy of holding the title of prince, by styling himself as "Prince Radziwill".

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But what means tolerant? Lu had none when she took to Twitter to go after Carole to begin with. Why shouldn't she be scolded that she needs to be more tolerant? Didn't she start it all? She certainly had no tolerance when she wrote her song about Carole's betrayal. It seems silly and meaningless, but the Countess has taken something that happened on the show, on the reality show that she is also taking a paycheck to participate in, and turned it into a profit center for her, because she is intolerant of Carole's behavior. I feel like maybe I'm losing my mind. How on earth does the blame fall more heavily on Carole.

You are not losing your mind-Carole is the one that continues with the battle for two weeks without a ping on Twitter from LuAnn. LATELY.  I just feel like there is no room for grey area here.  Carole, IN MY OPINION is acting like an asshole going after LuAnn, they are not clever or classy tweets.  I have already said I don't care all that much for LuAnn but she has made for a lot of storyline this year and last.  The caviar party, the Berkshires and the gossip, the interaction with Bethenny and the pretty package stuff, the cool/uncool stuff. Writing a song, even a really stupid song to go with her collection of really stupid songs makes her a presence.  She is a presence.  Just because I don't agree doesn't make me wrong. I am a viewer watching Carole had very little in the way of an interesting storyline, IMO.  I just happen to think Carole overreacted to something that didn't effect her with the naked man crap.  I don't believe these ladies sleep in unlocked rooms with 125 of beachfront . I don't like Carole, her looks, her style choice, her cockiness, her willingness to make cracks about the ladies with children of events she has allegedly seen behind closed doors namely anal sex, her name dropping, the puking, handlebar riding, cynic who comes up with a sex dream to have a storyline.  It doesn't matter to me if LuAnn has done worse things.  I just don't like Carole and as it turns out her MIL seems a pretty horrendous person.  When LuAnn said Radziwill she may have been thinking in the broader sense.  Lee hasn't been a princess ever or a Radziwill for a very long ime.  There are other children from the faux prince and his extended family and their heirs.  Any chance just one of them might feel like Carole is exploitive of the name?


Lastly, Carole knew about the situation with Anthony's remains for months if not years, so the psychic and Carole forgetting what she wrote in her book just seem to point to someone who is very into making a storyline.  I liked Carole's scenes in London what I don't like is her acting 14 years old on Twitter.


I believe one can dislike a RH acts, deeds and words without having to weigh if the person on the receiving end has done something worse in the past.  In other words, if one RH calls another a dumb ho, through a bullhorn, one doesn't have to be cool with the fact the person who battered her is getting a pass.   I may think the victim overstepped by the reaction is so far disproportionate to the original offense as to render it weak. So if Carole wants to be the one to drag LuAnn around by the hair so be it--she doesn't get a pass by me. She stooped to a really low level to extract some sort of petty revenge.

Edited by zoeysmom
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Carole gets along with everyone other than LuAnn right now. She, LuAnn, is the one trying to make something from nothing and it shows IMO. Carole did not start this twitter battle, that blame lies on LuAnn, but she is not going to allow LuAnn's lies define her and I don't blame her. Both LuAnn and Dorinda have been horrid on twitter this season and I am puzzled by some giving them a pass while holding the subjects of their nasty tweets more accountable when they react. Yes, reacting is not always good but the person that starts it is the aggressor/instigator and that is LuAnn with Carole and Dorinda for Heather. IMO, LuAnn has been acting just like Brandi did this past BH season with the whole " we will be vindicated"  in the "next episode", then "soon" with finally, "at the reunion" when really they, Brandi/LuAnn, are just making it up as they go hoping we the viewers don't notice their game.


Oh, and what exactly IS LuAnn's storyline this season? What makes this season any different from her behavior last season other than her "dress" line that was shown on 1 episode? She has less of a storyline, personal, than any other HW IMO.



But what means tolerant? Lu had none when she took to Twitter to go after Carole to begin with. Why shouldn't she be scolded that she needs to be more tolerant? Didn't she start it all? She certainly had no tolerance when she wrote her song about Carole's betrayal. It seems silly and meaningless, but the Countess has taken something that happened on the show, on the reality show that she is also taking a paycheck to participate in, and turned it into a profit center for her, because she is intolerant of Carole's behavior. I feel like maybe I'm losing my mind. How on earth does the blame fall more heavily on Carole.


I agree with both of you about LuAnn.  Initially she set her sights on Carole because "Carole broke the girl code."   LuAnn went after Carole on Twitter and then suddenly switched over to target Heather instead.     Other than the one episode about her new fashion line, LuAnn's only storyline this season was her hookup with a married man in T&C and the next day's "be cool - don't be all uncool" moment which was to promote her awful song.

Edited by AnnA
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Thanks for the link Zooey'smom. I couldn't stop reading. Lee sounds like a pill; I did not know before that Jackie seems to have helped raise Anthony Radziwill and his sister. That must be why he and JFK jr. were so close--maybe like brothers to each other.  Yeah, from reading that blog (I have no idea who writes it but I ended up reading a lot of the other entries to--wasting my time--oh well) I do not think Lee Radziwill is some paragon of high class that Carole has to worry about offending. That woman seems to have done whatever she wanted in her life, and then drank when things did not go her way. Lee seems very self-obsessed and I doubt what Carole is doing registers with her.  Taking Julia Roberts' seat next to Charles and Di at the premiere, and then refusing to move is quite a story. Seems like Julia Roberts met her match there.  


I also spent a lot of time last week on a Carolyn Bessette Kennedy blog that someone here linked to as well.  It's all very fascinating to me.

I spent the afternoon in a wikipedia hole. Lee is a piece of work. I was shocked to find out Lee was the initial motivation behind Grey Gardens. She had tried to get the Maysles brothers to film a documentary about her and Jackie's childhood. She introduced the filmmakers to her aunt and cousin. The filmmakers abandoned Lee's project and began filming Grey Gardens. Lee doesn't seem to have made any real effort to convince the Beales to not film. A couple of years before the documentary was filmed the squalor and condition of the property and the women made national news. That Lee would thoughtlessly bring these folks around her very vulnerable family is a bit callous.

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Luann just seems so matronly this season that I can't deal with her. Yeah she has a banging body, but she is boring personality wise. Where Ramona doesn't have any game in the dating thing, Luann doesn't have any game in the friend thing. She did to Carole (what do the Radziwills think) that she did to Heather (oh so you do want Ella to say F you). I just don't have any use for Luann. So I am glad that Carole is ridiculing her and going back to season one Carole, the one who didn't let Luann be her friend. Luann is throwing anything out there, hoping something will stick. 

Exactly.  When Carole needed an ally in the Carole and the ghostwriter battle, Luann was good enough to be her friend.  Now that she doesn't need Luann to battle Aviva, is screwing Luann's former chef (who Luann brought on the show for exposure) and claimed to be afraid to tell Luann about it, meanwhile filming with him and telling the others about banging him, Luann is a great person for Carole to ridicule.  Should Luann be that concerned about Carole screwing her niece's ex? Not really unless the girl was still seeing the guy or still had a thing for him, then Luann is put in an uncomfortable position, created by Carole.  I do think if Carole had been in conversations with the niece about her heart being broken over Adam and Carole banged him  then she has broken what is referred to as the "girl code" but I haven't heard that assertion lately. 


Kristen, if she comes back, will be the next one on the chopping block, Carole had no issue telling Kristen Bethenny said she was "dumb" and telling her on camera with Bethenny at the same party.  Real good friend that Carole.    

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If we're talking about what's "wrong" and "scary" about these women, I'd say physically grabbing your co-worker's face in her own home and then running to both her current and former spouse to inform them "your wife's not a good person" qualifies as both - certainly more than revisiting the scene of the accident that maimed you as a child, which is not all that different from making the retrieval of your husband's ashes a major plot point for your storyline, imo . . . From what I've gleaned of reading these boards the past couple of weeks, maybe Lu should have just added a "Carole and I have very different ethics and values" to her remarks about the Radziwillls because that statement isn't judgmental or shaming at all . . . I've always thought Lee was even more beautiful and stylish than her sister but she does indeed appear to have been self-defeating and generally destructive. For those Googling, People's website still has some interesting articles on her relationship with Newton Cope (the wedding was called off five minutes before the ceremony because she wouldn't sign a prenup) and the dissolution of her friendship with Capote (she exacted her revenge on him by supporting Gore Vidal in a legal dispute about whether or not Vidal had been ejected from a White House dinner). Despite the tumult of her midlife, I'm pretty sure she ended up alright with a property settlement from Herbert Ross. T, the NYTimes style magazine, put her on its cover a couple of years ago. The staff at her Paris apartment still calls her "Madame Princesse."

  • Love 1

Why is L​uAnn even thinking about it at all?


If one does, then they can let it be known. They certainly don't need LuAnn doing it for them.

Isn't that essentially what LuAnn did?  She has essentially called Carole out on her half stories. Since Carole's arrival it has been a big dig to Luann to bring up Carole being a princess, Carole is not a princess. Somehow Carole delighted in trumping the Countess-it is something that is important to LuAnn and Carole scoffs at her and does her side step when it comes to discussing her title and the viability or lack thereof.   Her father-in-law lost his title, there is no way Lee is a princess, she remarried and unless marrying someone who makes really good movies entitles you to even a social courtesy title, then she is not a princess. If she demands to be called that she is a bigger loser than I imaged.   As much as it pains me, the de Lesseps are the real deal and continue to be the real deal in that world of Counts and Countesses. 

  • Love 1

Isn't that essentially what LuAnn did?  She has essentially called Carole out on her half stories. Since Carole's arrival it has been a big dig to Luann to bring up Carole being a princess, Carole is not a princess. Somehow Carole delighted in trumping the Countess-it is something that is important to LuAnn and Carole scoffs at her and does her side step when it comes to discussing her title and the viability or lack thereof.   Her father-in-law lost his title, there is no way Lee is a princess, she remarried and unless marrying someone who makes really good movies entitles you to even a social courtesy title, then she is not a princess. If she demands to be called that she is a bigger loser than I imaged.   As much as it pains me, the de Lesseps are the real deal and continue to be the real deal in that world of Counts and Countesses. 

Not really, LuAnn WAS a Countess when she was still married and I don't think you can still use/claim that title after you get divorced no matter what it says in the divorce agreement, it was not her title by birth. LOL I don't remember Carole using the title "Princess" herself, the other HWs did that and they did so to tick LuAnn off. Neither Carole OR LuAnn have the right to claim a "noble" title, NEITHER! LOL

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 2

Not really, LuAnn WAS a Countess when she was still married and I don't think you can still use/claim that title after you get divorced no matter what it says in the divorce agreement, it was not her title by birth. LOL I don't remember Carole using the title "Princess" herself, the other HWs did that and they did so to tick LuAnn off. Neither Carole OR LuAnn have the right to claim a "noble" title, NEITHER! LOL

Luann is entitled to be a Countess until she remarries, just like the previous four Mrs. deLesseps. I may be mistaken but I believe Noel will become the Count at a certain age. 


What makes me crazy about Carole, is she lets everyone around her including Bravo call her princess, when she knows intellectually Stanislaus Radziwill was stripped of the title post WWII and the crown in England refused to acknowledge his lineage and title.  So when Lee married him he was no more a prince than Prince the singer.  Carole does the same BS with George Clooney, she tells Sonja, Sonja blabs, "I can see why Clooney was hitting that for a year and a half," and then Carole admits very slyly to "kissing him" and "he was a good kisser."  When further pressed it was something that "happened during the Eisenhower Administration."  Carole nor George were alive during the Eisenhower administration.


This is Carole being coy.  LuAnn on the other hand lived the Countess life, title and all.  It was hers to wear and unlike Carole, whose husband never acknowledged the title, that didn't exist, Countess' ex-husband is and still is a real Count. I kind of like making fun of the Countess but her now ex-husband is truly an international financier and doer of good deeds when it comes to things like the Myanmar Foundation.  Contrast that with Lee Radziwill, who could not take care of her own children and relied on her sister to provide for them until her marriage to Herb Ross.   So if Carole is tooting horns about her husband's family and their charity-it just isn't there.  Her husband's family being the Radziwill's not the Kennedys.

  • Love 2

Luann is entitled to be a Countess until she remarries, just like the previous four Mrs. deLesseps. I may be mistaken but I believe Noel will become the Count at a certain age. 


What makes me crazy about Carole, is she lets everyone around her including Bravo call her princess, when she knows intellectually Stanislaus Radziwill was stripped of the title post WWII and the crown in England refused to acknowledge his lineage and title.  So when Lee married him he was no more a prince than Prince the singer.  Carole does the same BS with George Clooney, she tells Sonja, Sonja blabs, "I can see why Clooney was hitting that for a year and a half," and then Carole admits very slyly to "kissing him" and "he was a good kisser."  When further pressed it was something that "happened during the Eisenhower Administration."  Carole nor George were alive during the Eisenhower administration.


This is Carole being coy.  LuAnn on the other hand lived the Countess life, title and all.  It was hers to wear and unlike Carole, whose husband never acknowledged the title, that didn't exist, Countess' ex-husband is and still is a real Count. I kind of like making fun of the Countess but her now ex-husband is truly an international financier and doer of good deeds when it comes to things like the Myanmar Foundation.  Contrast that with Lee Radziwill, who could not take care of her own children and relied on her sister to provide for them until her marriage to Herb Ross.   So if Carole is tooting horns about her husband's family and their charity-it just isn't there.  Her husband's family being the Radziwill's not the Kennedys.

Carole has never laid claim to the "Princess" title, she has not referred to herself as a Princess or asked others to do so, that was Sonja/Ramona and they did it to irk LuAnn. It was reported/rumored that during the divorce, LuAnn asked to keep her title, Countess, until she or the Count remarried, I don't know if that was true or not but IMO, it IS something LuAnn would ask for and may be part of the reason she never married Jac. As for the British Monarchy not acknowledging the Polish lineage/title, why should they have a say in it, they should not be the finale word for any lost Monarchy/lineage for countries outside their own IMO.


That Carole doesn't give details about her past dating life is no big deal IMO. Yes, her former MIL is a piece of work but that has no bearing on Carole and again, Carole does not "use/abuse" her relationship to her friends, JFKJr/CBK, she only speaks of them in terms of their friendship, her late husband/their death. It has been others on the show, Aviva/LuAnn, that seem to want to use them (the Kennedy's/Radziwill"s) and only to hurt or discredit Carole, which, IMO, is sick and speaks to the depth of their black/twisted minds. I have to ask, what does LR's behavior have to do with Carole? After all, she married Anthony, not his mom.

  • Love 8

I couldn't stand Carole in her first season, mostly due to her attitude towards Lu.

I came around to kind of being fine with her.

I have never heard Carole claim to be a princess or brag about her old boyfriends.

WireWrap is correct, Ramonja brought up the princess thing up just to get under Lu's skin.

I never heard Carole tell Sonja that she dated George Clooney on the show, she might have, idk. I'm not sure how Sonja knew, I'm sure it was out there. A few years ago I would have screamed it from everywhere that I kissed/dated/bumped into George Clooney, not so much now, he's lost his shine for me:)

WireWrap, I'm not sure if Lu never married Jacque to keep her countess title. But, I'm sure Jacque seeing Lu and the Pirate is why he didn't marry her:)

  • Love 5

Luann is entitled to be a Countess until she remarries, just like the previous four Mrs. deLesseps. I may be mistaken but I believe Noel will become the Count at a certain age. 


What makes me crazy about Carole, is she lets everyone around her including Bravo call her princess, when she knows intellectually Stanislaus Radziwill was stripped of the title post WWII and the crown in England refused to acknowledge his lineage and title.  So when Lee married him he was no more a prince than Prince the singer.  Carole does the same BS with George Clooney, she tells Sonja, Sonja blabs, "I can see why Clooney was hitting that for a year and a half," and then Carole admits very slyly to "kissing him" and "he was a good kisser."  When further pressed it was something that "happened during the Eisenhower Administration."  Carole nor George were alive during the Eisenhower administration.


This is Carole being coy.  LuAnn on the other hand lived the Countess life, title and all.  It was hers to wear and unlike Carole, whose husband never acknowledged the title, that didn't exist, Countess' ex-husband is and still is a real Count. I kind of like making fun of the Countess but her now ex-husband is truly an international financier and doer of good deeds when it comes to things like the Myanmar Foundation.  Contrast that with Lee Radziwill, who could not take care of her own children and relied on her sister to provide for them until her marriage to Herb Ross.   So if Carole is tooting horns about her husband's family and their charity-it just isn't there.  Her husband's family being the Radziwill's not the Kennedys.


I cannot see how Carole is being coy with the "Princess" deal. She addressed it head on right from the beginning. Has she secretly been requesting folks to address her as a "Princess"? She said her tagline was all in fun. I've never even heard her talk about it, save for one or two times when she first started. I honestly forget about it unless someone else on the show brings it up, like happened recently when they were in T&C. This is what she said when she first joined the show.  Seems pretty straight forward to me:



"There's been a lot made of the Countess and the Princess. Title title blah title blah Princess Countess blah. I call LuAnn, "LuAnn" and she doesn't seem to mind. Sonja calls her "Countess" and she doesn't seem to mind that either.  


I do not call myself or ask anyone else to call me Princess. I used it for the tag line in the show, but that was in fun -- I couldn't resist the word play. I married a man who had a title, but that doesn't represent who I am. My identity comes from what I've earned in my life. I'm as All-American as they come -- a product of the American Dream, really, and I'm proud of that. I respect my late husband's legacy and the legacy of his family. They have a rich and storied history that goes back centuries and is an integral part of their country. But that belonged to Anthony and his family, not to me.

I've met Princes and Counts and Dukes of Earls along the way. I even interviewed Prince Andrew for Glamour. But a title is not impressive. Character is. And that's not defined by a title, it's defined by your actions, behavior and, more importantly, how you treat others. My late husband used to say, "it doesn't matter where you start, it only matters where you end up." If LuAnn wants to use her title she should use it. People should chill out, and let her. LuAnn and I have a few bumps and scrapes along the way, but not about her letting people call her Countess."

  • Love 9

Luann is entitled to be a Countess until she remarries, just like the previous four Mrs. deLesseps. I may be mistaken but I believe Noel will become the Count at a certain age. 


What makes me crazy about Carole, is she lets everyone around her including Bravo call her princess, when she knows intellectually Stanislaus Radziwill was stripped of the title post WWII and the crown in England refused to acknowledge his lineage and title.  So when Lee married him he was no more a prince than Prince the singer.  Carole does the same BS with George Clooney, she tells Sonja, Sonja blabs, "I can see why Clooney was hitting that for a year and a half," and then Carole admits very slyly to "kissing him" and "he was a good kisser."  When further pressed it was something that "happened during the Eisenhower Administration."  Carole nor George were alive during the Eisenhower administration.


This is Carole being coy.  LuAnn on the other hand lived the Countess life, title and all.  It was hers to wear and unlike Carole, whose husband never acknowledged the title, that didn't exist, Countess' ex-husband is and still is a real Count. I kind of like making fun of the Countess but her now ex-husband is truly an international financier and doer of good deeds when it comes to things like the Myanmar Foundation.  Contrast that with Lee Radziwill, who could not take care of her own children and relied on her sister to provide for them until her marriage to Herb Ross.   So if Carole is tooting horns about her husband's family and their charity-it just isn't there.  Her husband's family being the Radziwill's not the Kennedys.


I think Noel will be a count only after his father's death and only if he's the eldest son.


I believe the Radziwills lost their title--which originated in the days before Gutenberg had a printing press--because the Soviets occupied Poland and Lithuania in the wake of World War II. So I guess technically the title was stripped, but not because of any ill-behavior. And I'm not sure that either the remaining Radziwills or Carole are in anyway accountable for Lee Bouvier's failures or peccadillos.


I prefer Carole being coy about her past romances. Coyness in general is undervalued these days. Although it kind of tickles me to imagine Carole instructing the servants, "It's Princess Radziwill." 

Edited by stinkogingko
  • Love 6

Video of Carole, admitting she's a princess but not wanting anyone to call her a princess.  Or something like that. 


Like KFC said, Carole claiming she's a princess isn't something I take issue with.  But the way she chews with her mouth open is just gross. You're been forewarned:



  • Love 2

Video of Carole, admitting she's a princess but not wanting anyone to call her a princess.  Or something like that. 


Like KFC said, Carole claiming she's a princess isn't something I take issue with.  But the way she chews with her mouth open is just gross. You're been forewarned:



Yes, she does say that her "husband" was a prince and Ramona then asks if she, Carole, is a "princess", to which Carole replies "Yes, technically" and of course Ramona goes ape because she can use it against LuAnn! LOL


The talking with food in their mouth is done by ALL the women. At least Carole was not spitting out food while she was talking like others have done on camera! LOL 

  • Love 1

Yes, she does say that her "husband" was a prince and Ramona then asks if she, Carole, is a "princess", to which Carole replies "Yes, technically" and of course Ramona goes ape because she can use it against LuAnn! LOL

The talking with food in their mouth is done by ALL the women. At least Carole was not spitting out food while she was talking like others have done on camera! LOL

I'm always baffled by the nasty open-mouthed eating I witness on these and other reality shows---wouldn't you be hyper aware of the fact that there are cameras around that could capture you looking like a wild animal mid-bite on national television?

I just don't get it.

And I'm a big Carole fan too, so it dismays me whenever I see her just chomping away with her gaping maw.

Although the absolute WORST open-mouthed eater I ever seen on this particular show would be Luanne's daughter---it was just beyond disgusting to see this supposedly well-bred and educated young girl sitting there chomping away like a common baglady off the streets. But then again, that girl always has made me uncomfortable with her awkward, dowdy rich-bitch vibe.

  • Love 4

I'm always baffled by the nasty open-mouthed eating I witness on these and other reality shows---wouldn't you be hyper aware of the fact that there are cameras around that could capture you looking like a wild animal mid-bite on national television?

I just don't get it.

And I'm a big Carole fan too, so it dismays me whenever I see her just chomping away with her gaping maw.

Although the absolute WORST open-mouthed eater I ever seen on this particular show would be Luanne's daughter---it was just beyond disgusting to see this supposedly well-bred and educated young girl sitting there chomping away like a common baglady off the streets. But then again, that girl always has made me uncomfortable with her awkward, dowdy rich-bitch vibe.

I think these women realize down the line that they really should not eat at all while on camera, which is why, we rarely see some HW vets eat on camera and food goes to waste. That said, in that clip of Carole/Ramona, we do not see any food in her mouth, she angles her head away from the camera while she is talking/eating at the same time. I think going to a dinner/lunch on camera is difficult for all of these women because they can take hours to film and they are expected to talk during  it and I'm sure they get hungry! I'm also not sure that any of the HWs on any of the HW shows just eats/chews with their mouths open I think it is that they are talking while chewing more often than not, which is gross in itself but it is their job to talk. I do have to wonder if the HW vets ask the newbies questions on camera when they are eating/chewing on purpose though! I would not put it past someone like Ramona to pull that sort of stunt on a newbie! LOL 

  • Love 3

Carole has never laid claim to the "Princess" title, she has not referred to herself as a Princess or asked others to do so, that was Sonja/Ramona and they did it to irk LuAnn. It was reported/rumored that during the divorce, LuAnn asked to keep her title, Countess, until she or the Count remarried, I don't know if that was true or not but IMO, it IS something LuAnn would ask for and may be part of the reason she never married Jac. As for the British Monarchy not acknowledging the Polish lineage/title, why should they have a say in it, they should not be the finale word for any lost Monarchy/lineage for countries outside their own IMO.


That Carole doesn't give details about her past dating life is no big deal IMO. Yes, her former MIL is a piece of work but that has no bearing on Carole and again, Carole does not "use/abuse" her relationship to her friends, JFKJr/CBK, she only speaks of them in terms of their friendship, her late husband/their death. It has been others on the show, Aviva/LuAnn, that seem to want to use them (the Kennedy's/Radziwill"s) and only to hurt or discredit Carole, which, IMO, is sick and speaks to the depth of their black/twisted minds. I have to ask, what does LR's behavior have to do with Carole? After all, she married Anthony, not his mom.

Again my point was missed-Carole doesn't do the princess thing  because others do it for her.  Andy does it, Bravo does it, Ramona did it, Heather's done it.  Same with Clooney -Sonja put it out there and Carole acts coy. Don't all reality rules apply-if it is in your background it is fair game.  Carole was not particularly well acquainted with Sonja when she disclosed her alleged (made up) relationship with Clooney.  Amazing she dated hi for 18 months and not a single photo or mention   http://parade.com/286337/iraphael/see-all-of-the-women-george-clooney-dated-before-settling-down-with-amal-alamuddin/#gallery_286337-12  There are probably 20 other sites that chronicle George's loves and not a onementions Carole.


LuAnn has keeping her title has nothing to do with the Count remarrying-just if she remarries.  it is Luann's title until she remarries-rules of Counts and Countesses.  While on the topic if you are the Prince of Poland and the country abolishes the monarchy -you are no longer a prince.  I believe they call it a courtesy title once your country throws you out.  So future wives and children and wives of your children are really not in the prince or princess category.  Carole doesn't mind it too much she has a freaking Princess pillow.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 1

While on the topic if you are the Prince of Poland and the country abolishes the monarchy -you are no longer a prince. I believe they call it a courtesy title once your country throws you out. So future wives and children and wives of your children are really not in the prince or princess category.

Just like they did in France in 1792.

  • Love 8

Again my point was missed-Carole doesn't do the princess thing  because others do it for her.  Andy does it, Bravo does it, Ramona did it, Heather's done it.  Same with Clooney -Sonja put it out there and Carole acts coy. Don't all reality rules apply-if it is in your background it is fair game.  Carole was not particularly well acquainted with Sonja when she disclosed her alleged (made up) relationship with Clooney.  Amazing she dated hi for 18 months and not a single photo or mention   http://parade.com/286337/iraphael/see-all-of-the-women-george-clooney-dated-before-settling-down-with-amal-alamuddin/#gallery_286337-12  There are probably 20 other sites that chronicle George's loves and not a onementions Carole.


LuAnn has keeping her title has nothing to do with the Count remarrying-just if she remarries.  it is Luann's title until she remarries-rules of Counts and Countesses.  While on the topic if you are the Prince of Poland and the country abolishes the monarchy -you are no longer a prince.  I believe they call it a courtesy title once your country throws you out.  So future wives and children and wives of your children are really not in the prince or princess category.  Carole doesn't mind it too much she has a freaking Princess pillow.

Anyone bringing up Carole's "Princess" title on the show is on them, not on Carole! LOL She has said that she does not use that title and doesn't want anyone else to either. It is possible that Carole and GC dated casually before he came to fame on ER, she never claimed they were exclusive or even seriously dating and there is a big difference IMO.


If it is true, about not being entitled to use a "Title" such as "Prince/Princess" because the Government or People of said country got rid of the Monarchy, then the title of "Count/Countess" does not exist either as France abolished  the Monarchy and all that goes with it before Poland/Lithuania did.

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 2

My title means so little to me that I used it as my verbal entree to my maiden season of a national television show and answered "yes" when asked if it applied to me instead of answering "no," which would have been accurate and more consistent with ascribing no value to the archaic institution of Old World nobility . . . Coyness isn't undervalued; discretion is. Of course, none of these women are discreet. Otherwise, they wouldn't be participating into the exploitation and scenery chewing of a Bravo franchise. If you want to see coyness aside from Carole, all you have to do is look at LuAnnn's "Italian friends" fabrications and insistence that she only flirted with her Scotsman on the balcony.

  • Love 5

Anyone bringing up Carole's "Princess" title on the show is on them, not on Carole! LOL She has said that she does not use that title and doesn't want anyone else to either. It is possible that Carole and GC dated casually before he came to fame on ER, she never claimed they were exclusive or even seriously dating and there is a big difference IMO.


If it is true, about not being entitled to use a "Title" such as "Prince/Princess" because the Government or People of said country got rid of the Monarchy, then the title of "Count/Countess" does not exist either as France abolished  the Monarchy and all that goes with it before Poland/Lithuania did.

This is where Carole gets coy and cute-if she were being transparent she would say my FIL was a prince in Poland until the country fell after WWII.  He was never officially recognized as a prince again.  So it is a bit of a stretch to call me Princess.  My husband never used his title so the designation has stopped.  She doesn't do that and much like Bethenny having the ability to tell Heather don't call me Beth.  These aren't difficult concepts.


Clooney and Carole did not date before ER-that is not what she alluded to.  It would have been after Anthony's death. Unless of course Carole cheated on Anthony before or after they got married. Carole never claims to be exclusive with anyone since her marriage.  Not Russ or Adam. So this would be her 18 months of booty calls with the most eligible man in the world?  Hmmm  highly unlikely.  Could there maybe be some room in there that maybe Carole was pulling someone's leg in the name dropping game and got caught up in it?  I think that is what happened.  I think she likely met Clooney during the George magazine days-which would be when she was married to Anthony, and had a little fun with Sonja.


Count titles were bestowed because of outstanding service and since 1870 during a shake up, are still recognized and are allowed to be passed to their descendants. There is no such provision in Poland.   So a Count still counts.  Interestingly enough they were also available for purchase. They currently receive no monetary benefit.    It is almost as if because Bravo thought it a cute storyline, LuAnn should be expected to give up her title.  The bottom line is Carole's FIL died long before she was in the picture, her husband never used the courtesy title allowed by the Crown for his father's use-so where does this Princess nonsense come from?

  • Love 3

This is where Carole gets coy and cute-if she were being transparent she would say my FIL was a prince in Poland until the country fell after WWII.  He was never officially recognized as a prince again.  So it is a bit of a stretch to call me Princess.  My husband never used his title so the designation has stopped.  She doesn't do that and much like Bethenny having the ability to tell Heather don't call me Beth.  These aren't difficult concepts.


Clooney and Carole did not date before ER-that is not what she alluded to.  It would have been after Anthony's death. Unless of course Carole cheated on Anthony before or after they got married. Carole never claims to be exclusive with anyone since her marriage.  Not Russ or Adam. So this would be her 18 months of booty calls with the most eligible man in the world?  Hmmm  highly unlikely.  Could there maybe be some room in there that maybe Carole was pulling someone's leg in the name dropping game and got caught up in it?  I think that is what happened.  I think she likely met Clooney during the George magazine days-which would be when she was married to Anthony, and had a little fun with Sonja.


Count titles were bestowed because of outstanding service and since 1870 during a shake up, are still recognized and are allowed to be passed to their descendants. There is no such provision in Poland.   So a Count still counts.  Interestingly enough they were also available for purchase. They currently receive no monetary benefit.    It is almost as if because Bravo thought it a cute storyline, LuAnn should be expected to give up her title.  The bottom line is Carole's FIL died long before she was in the picture, her husband never used the courtesy title allowed by the Crown for his father's use-so where does this Princess nonsense come from?

Who knows, they may have dated time to time before she got serious with Anthony or it was said as a joke, I didn't realize that this is a big thing, big enough to dislike her about.


I have no doubts that Andy knew about the "Princess title" and made sure production knew before filming started her first season. She did say to Ramona that she doesn't use it and that she doesn't want others to useit, what more should she say that would get past editing? It is possible that Andy brought Carole on to remind LuAnn that "others" have titles as well and that she is not irreplaceable, especially in light that LuAnn was demoted the following season.


Here is a very good explanation that was posted by someone else earlier today. It explains why LuAnn can still claim "Countess" even after the divorce but it also explains that the "title" (Count/Countess") is NOT used in France as a legal title/name.  http://www.idtg.org/archive/1491-de-lesseps/

  • Love 2

I believe that like Sonja saying George Clooney "did her for a year" has now morphed into 18 months, the tale of Carole and George Clooney has gotten much bigger than the actual relationship.

All Carole has ever said, to my knowledge, is that it was ages ago and he's a good kisser. I think they probably dated and/or hooked up a few times. It could have been prior to her marriage to Anthony or after.

  • Love 4

This is where Carole gets coy and cute-if she were being transparent she would say my FIL was a prince in Poland until the country fell after WWII.  He was never officially recognized as a prince again.  So it is a bit of a stretch to call me Princess.  My husband never used his title so the designation has stopped.  She doesn't do that and much like Bethenny having the ability to tell Heather don't call me Beth.  These aren't difficult concepts.


Clooney and Carole did not date before ER-that is not what she alluded to.  It would have been after Anthony's death. Unless of course Carole cheated on Anthony before or after they got married. Carole never claims to be exclusive with anyone since her marriage.  Not Russ or Adam. So this would be her 18 months of booty calls with the most eligible man in the world?  Hmmm  highly unlikely.  Could there maybe be some room in there that maybe Carole was pulling someone's leg in the name dropping game and got caught up in it?  I think that is what happened.  I think she likely met Clooney during the George magazine days-which would be when she was married to Anthony, and had a little fun with Sonja.


Count titles were bestowed because of outstanding service and since 1870 during a shake up, are still recognized and are allowed to be passed to their descendants. There is no such provision in Poland.   So a Count still counts.  Interestingly enough they were also available for purchase. They currently receive no monetary benefit.    It is almost as if because Bravo thought it a cute storyline, LuAnn should be expected to give up her title.  The bottom line is Carole's FIL died long before she was in the picture, her husband never used the courtesy title allowed by the Crown for his father's use-so where does this Princess nonsense come from?

I have an old friend of Italian American descent whose Italian descendants were members of Italian nobility.  When she travels to Italy, she is addressed by some people as 'Principessa' even though she's no more a princess than I am..  Possibly if Carole or Anthony's sister were to visit Poland, the royal ties may still be recognized by some. 


For me, the difference between Carole and Luann is that Luann built most of her life around being the wife of a count, made it very evident that she took her title very seriously, and was reluctant to let the title go after basically being humiliated by her ex-husband.  On the other hand, Carole's more public cache of being married to JFK Jr.s cousin made Anthony's title (or non-title) secondary and rather moot.  It has also afforded her that latitude of not having to pull out the Princess card because social climbing people like Sonja and Ramona pulled it out for her. 

Edited by Aunt Kiki
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I have an old friend of Italian American descent whose Italian descendants were members of Italian nobility.  When she travels to Italy, she is addressed by some people as 'Principessa' even though she's no more a princess than I am..  Possibly if Carole or Anthony's sister were to visit Poland, the royal ties may still be recognized by some. 


For me, the difference between Carole and Luann is that Luann built most of her life around being the wife of a count, made it very evident that she took her title very seriously, and was reluctant to let the title go after basically being humiliated by her ex-husband.  On the other hand, Carole's more public cache of being married to JFK Jr.s cousin made Anthony's title (or non-title) secondary and rather moot.  It has also afforded her that latitude of not having to pull out the Princess card because social climbing people like Sonja and Ramona pulled it out for her. 

I also meant to add that very possibly Carole chooses to avoid the non-title issue in deference to Anthony's mother and sister.  Whether she likes her mother in law or not, Lee Radziwell built her mystique by marrying a "Prince" and Carole would do herself no favors by destroying the fantasy..  IMO Carole has done her homework on this and realizes the what the reality is but has no desire to poke the lion's cage.   That doesn't mean that she doesn't enjoy all the perks from all the syncophants that think she's royalty.

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I've never gotten the impression that Carole wears the princess title.  On the other hand, Lu wears the countess title as much as Beth wears the horrible, raised  by wolves title.  I just don't see the comparison between Carole and Lu using the 'title'.  Sure, IIRC, she threw it out once when Lu used her title.  I got where she was coming from.  She has also stated that it's basically meaningless and that this is US, we don't have royality.

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All Carole has ever said, to my knowledge, is that it was ages ago and he's a good kisser.

Yeah, I don't recall Carole ever claiming that she and Clooney dated for over a year during/after his time on ER, so it's puzzling why something she never alleged on the show is being used to paint her as a liar. For all that's known, Carole and Clooney could've hooked up for a bit during his Facts of Life days.


(Hah, there's a pic of Darryl Hannah in the "Promoted Stories" at the bottom of the page, which makes me think of Darryl and her kittens in What Remains.)

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