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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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If you notice, Jenelle has a pretty nice style

Of course! Afterall, it was she who came up with the idea of wearing clod-hoppers as part of her court attire:




She is also the turd who has all those hideous tattoos all over her body. Yep, she has style alright. Right out of a cheap strip club.

Edited by GreatKazu
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Eh. Just because something is in style doesn't mean everyone can pull it off. Skinny jeans are in style, but I wouldn't dare get my ass in them because they look ridiculous on me. 


It's one thing to wear pretty platform high heels. It is another to wear stripper shoes which are two sizes too small. Those shoes are not appropriate for court, sorry, unless one plans on giving the judge a lap dance.


Remember this court appearance outfit? This is the one where she mentioned having to wear the high heels:



Ohhhhh, remember this dainty outfit for court?




Now, THIS is her best look:



Scarves are pretty nice too, but when people, like Kail, wear them...oy:


Short, tight shorts are in style too, but Kail keeps trying to enforce the look on her body and I just can't have it.  She looks like she has to oil herself up to get them off.

Edited by GreatKazu
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Thank you. :)


Going through Jenelle's photos was too much. I had to endure looking at photos of her in her various bikinis, the hoodie-style you pointed out, and a lot more trashy photos. Ugh! I could have shown more links, but I think the point was made.

Good thing that 'Nipples' Nathan makes up for it with his impeccable sense of style, eh? ;)

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Today's blind item:


No more Teen Mom blinds until the New Year. I promise. I usually only write about 3 or 4 of them anyway so think of it as entry level blind item guessing. This one is the drug addict. No, not the pill popper who cheats, the other one. Yeah, her. Apparently she is doing some kind of drug that is making her paranoid. She literally thinks everyone is out to get her and if you thought she could be dramatic and a pain before, then this drug is ten times worse. Jennelle Evans

Today's blind item:

Apparently she is doing some kind of drug that is making her paranoid. She literally thinks everyone is out to get her and if you thought she could be dramatic and a pain before, then this drug is ten times worse. Jennelle Evans

 I wonder if she's afraid that the dogs will drag her into one of those cages and lock her in it.

  • Love 5

According to Jenelle, Amber's new boyfriend has been obsessed with Jenelle for some time:


Also, a Blind Item revealed to be about Jenelle that says she was looking for a jeweler to give her an engagement ring for her engagement but they all passed . Now she may have to buy her own ring. http://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2015/01/blind-items-revealed-9-5.html

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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According to Jenelle, Amber's new boyfriend has been obsessed with Jenelle for some time:



"Jenelle went on to point out that her boyfriend, Nathan Griffith, wasn't even aware that she was a reality star when they first started dating."


And Miss Paranoid really believes that?? Must be Nathan's greasy 'genuality'.

Edited by cheatincheetos
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I personally loved the adjustable king sized bed, now Jenelle won't even have to exert any physical effort to sit up in bed. You know that is the most important piece of furniture in her house. I'm also amazed Jenelle secured enough money (and credit) to actually purchase a home. I'm wondering if Babs or maybe Nipples' family didn't help out a bit on that one. Jenelle isn't exactly known for being financially smart.

Also, anyone else notice that baby Kaiser was missing from every single picture of this new home? Does Jenelle still have custody or did she secretly pawn him off on one of his grandparents already?

  • Love 1

Oh....And is she wearing SCRUBS in that selfie in the John?

She thinks she's going to be a medical assistant. But, she's going find it hard to find a job with her arrest record, convictions or not. Plus, her past (and seeming present, I've seen bongs in her Instagram pictures) drug usage was shown to the world on TM2, and via public media.

No one's going to want to chance it, and hire her.

  • Love 3

She thinks she's going to be a medical assistant. But, she's going find it hard to find a job with her arrest record, convictions or not. Plus, her past (and seeming present, I've seen bongs in her Instagram pictures) drug usage was shown to the world on TM2, and via public media.

No one's going to want to chance it, and hire her.

Nevermind all the fighting and other various assaults on YouTube, her nekkid titties all over Google....yeah Jenelle does not fit the mold when it comes to anything resembling respectable. And in the medical field you have to be. No medical practice or hospital will touch her with a 10ft pole and I would be shocked if anywhere actually allows her in for her externship. She's just too much of a liability. Of course no one has probably told her this, and even if they have she wouldn't believe them. She thinks just because she says she's clean and she's changed that it will be enough. Which it might be in the TM2 universe....but not in the real world.

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Jenelle's sister announces a pregnancy and Jenelle responds by declaring war on her social media pages with her minions.




"Congrats to my sister she is having a baby girl and happy she got pregnant with all her 101 diseases she made up herself.

People began commenting asking what the deal was, and Jenelle basically said that her sister was a psycho and that all of the problems regarding Ashleigh’s health were completely fabricated and made up in her mind."

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Aaaaaaand the idiots are engaged.https://twitter.com/PBandJenelley_1/status/552634499293790208


I wonder how much she paid for her ring?  I mean, we all know Nathan doesn't have a job.

I had to leave a comment....which was "pretty ring...who'd you have to scam to get it?"


Cos we all know she either conned some jeweler into "donating" it in exchange for TM2 publicity, or she paid for it herself, which is pathetic.

Nathan and his disability checks certainly didn't buy that.

  • Love 4

Jenelle's sister announces a pregnancy and Jenelle responds by declaring war on her social media pages with her minions.


"Congrats to my sister she is having a baby girl and happy she got pregnant with all her 101 diseases she made up herself.

People began commenting asking what the deal was, and Jenelle basically said that her sister was a psycho and that all of the problems regarding Ashleigh’s health were completely fabricated and made up in her mind."

So Babs takes care of Gabriel along with Jace? Poor woman. and Jenelle is such an ass.pot called kettle Jenelle

I had to leave a comment....which was "pretty ring...who'd you have to scam to get it?"

Cos we all know she either conned some jeweler into "donating" it in exchange for TM2 publicity, or she paid for it herself, which is pathetic.

Nathan and his disability checks certainly didn't buy that.

Can it get any worse. Doesn't this chick learn

  • Love 2

Jenelle made it into The Soup's best clips of the year. Joel McHale showed the clip of her asking Jace if he was excited about Kaiser Roll being born and she kept pestering him until he said yes. Then, she asked him if he would teach Kaiser Roll things. I laughed like a maniac for the second time when Jace tells her that he wants to teach Kaiser how to kick her in the face. Joel McHale commented that Jace would have to teach him that at his Grandma's house since that's who is raising him. It was quite clear that Joel McHale thinks as highly of her as we all do.

  • Love 7

I hope they film the wedding, it should be a real treat. Hopefully Nathan can find a suit with nipple cutouts and the local meth dealer can cater the reception.

Hopefully, Jenelle will be able to find a dress that she can wear her more classier court heels with. Her Ke$ha hair feathers should look lovely on her wedding day, too. 

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Lordy, I wish I could read all these TM blogs without getting bombarded every page with those gross photos of Farrah looking like one of the characters on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duckman

Jenelle made it into The Soup's best clips of the year. Joel McHale showed the clip of her asking Jace if he was excited about Kaiser Roll being born and she kept pestering him until he said yes. Then, she asked him if he would teach Kaiser Roll things. I laughed like a maniac for the second time when Jace tells her that he wants to teach Kaiser how to kick her in the face. Joel McHale commented that Jace would have to teach him that at his Grandma's house since that's who is raising him. It was quite clear that Joel McHale thinks as highly of her as we all do.

Damn!!! I missed it. Glad she got a shout out that she deserved. Burrrrrrn!

Besides, what are the odds this marriage will go any better than her last one? Seriously these couples may as well save their money and give each other Ring Pops instead of diamonds. You know they'll end up feuding and divorced in less than 2 years. Please.

(Barbara voice) "Ya know, Jenelle...now that he got the milk for free...he's just gonna leave ya and ya fondue wedding cake for a Hootaz waitress. Or maybe for a boyyyyyfrieeennnd. I seen him with Kieeeeffa on the deercam."


Waiting for the teen mom media to issue an apology for the typo; the headline should have read, 'Jenelle and Nathan are *enraged*'.

Edited by cheatincheetos
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(Barbara voice) "Ya know, Jenelle...now that he got the milk for free...he's just gonna leave ya for a Hootaz waitress. Or maybe for a boyyyyyfrieeennnd. I seen him with Kieeeeffa on the deercam."


Waiting for the teen mom media to issue an apology for the typo; the headline should have read, 'Jenelle and Nathan are *enraged*'.


That is hilarious!!!  Ya know, the whole engagement thing... It is interesting to see the comments on facebook.  It proves how many stupid people are, and that is sad.  "Congrats Jenelle!!!  Nathan is a great guy!!!"  Ummm... NO, Nathan is NOT a great guy.  If Nathan is these people's idea of the ideal man, I feel bad for them. 

  • Love 7

That is hilarious!!!  Ya know, the whole engagement thing... It is interesting to see the comments on facebook.  It proves how many stupid people are, and that is sad.  "Congrats Jenelle!!!  Nathan is a great guy!!!"  Ummm... NO, Nathan is NOT a great guy. 

Maybe they meant, 'Jenelly, you can't do any better than that meathead' ...gotta love how they took so long to decide on getting engaged but having another baby together? Quick as ordering through the drive-thru.

Edited by cheatincheetos
  • Love 3

Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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