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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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2 minutes ago, Mkay said:

Why are they not taking Kaiser’s word for it?! I mean, if my daughter said someone hit her with a stick (when she was 4) I’d believe her. 

I couldn’t watch it I hate him so bad.  

It’s really hard to prove at this point where the bruises came from.  It will take a lot more abuse that is documented by CPS or Nathan to prevent him from being returned.  

  • Love 5

The thing is Doris wasn’t unlawfully holding Kaiser away from them... the law in that moment decided to have Kaiser stay with her, so I doubt that Jenelle and David will legally be able to keep Kaiser from his scheduled visitation. I don’t know why Nathan wasn’t there, but I think it was probably for the best, especially with David as belligerent as he was, had Nathan responded negatively it would have just fed into it, as it is now David just looks like an idiot.

  • Love 17

The world is scary place with the amount of people supporting these abusers and calling them great parents.


I can only hope that somehow this video comes back and bites them in the arse bigtime.


David is an idiot he says himself in the video the police said for Kaiser to stay with Doris. Also if Nathan had not been there all day how did he stop Kaiser from facetiming with him .

  • Love 7

I am assuming that Doris was also informed by CPS that Kaiser needed to be returned so if Nathan had a flight it was probably better he was not there for handover. David was hyped enough with what seemed to be a calm handover, there was no trouble between Janelle & Doris they were at the door for quite awhile waiting for CPS clearance which I assume the police wanted before enforcing the return.


David is full of shit he said Nathan had not been there all weekend which we know is not true as he made the call Friday night & Sunday afternoon. Then he said he had not there all day yet he stopped the facetime call.


Nathan is still a piece of crap but I am assuming he left when he knew the outcome of the CPS investigation. What was the use of escalating the situation. Even though I would have loved to see David run like the sook he is if Nathan come out to use his 'talking words' I think David went there and pulled this stunt because he knew he was safe to talk crap without any agression in return. Posting it online was his way of proving to Nathan once again that he has control.

  • Love 11

Oh my God. Listen to what Kaiser says after David hugs him.  He’s all nervous about leaving with his toys and David tells Jenelle/us that Kaiser wants to show off his toys. Kaiser then looks at the toys and says ‘I have to hide my candy’.   His “father”day card explicitly states that David gets mad when he eats candy.  Oh Kaiser.  I’m so sorry for your abuse.  I wish adults didn’t f*ck you over.

  • Love 19

I cannot.  CANNOT.  Anymore with this shit show.  This is real kids lives not some entertainment.  I am actually living this to a certain extent.  I have fostered a boy who is now 10, been in my care since he was 8. His parents are in prison.  They have signed TPR.  But it still breaks my heart every day.  I got new info on his case last week, as we are headed to adoption and they submitted the papers on his history.  It literally made me sick at work to read the full disclosure.  I knew a lot of it, but to read it word for word in writing is a whole different story.  Bringing it back to topic.....this is fucked up and these poor babies.  No words.  MTV makes me ill.  I hope that frizzy haired bitch knows what she is enabling.

  • Love 21
2 hours ago, geauxaway said:

I have cancelled any recordings off MTV except Jersey Shore Reunion and any future JS shows.  Haven’t recorded TM or TM2 in going on 2 years (exception being the Vee special and the Gary special).  Sad but not sad times when Snookie and JWoww become better moms and role models than these trash bags. 

Good for you.  I stopped watching a long time ago but still came here to catch up. I don't even know if I'll be able to come here anymore.  I don't follow these idiots anywhere but here so if I don't read here, I'll be blissfully ignorant.  

Maybe I'll finally start a social media... something and follow Chelsea. Which is the best social media thingy to do?

  • Love 11
1 minute ago, Maharincess said:

Good for you.  I stopped watching a long time ago but still came here to catch up. I don't even know if I'll be able to come here anymore.  I don't follow these idiots anywhere but here so if I don't read here, I'll be blissfully ignorant.  

Maybe I'll finally start a social media... something and follow Chelsea. Which is the best social media thingy to do?

Not quite sure on that advice.  I don’t follow any of these fools on SM.  I get my updates on here and have a couple friends who still do watch the show.  

With all due respect, Chelsea is seeming to be a good person, but at the same time someone (anyone) needs to step up and end this madness.  She is participating by proxy.  Clearly MTV is not going to bow out.  And it’s not up to the one upstanding party (family) in this mess to put their foot down, but ay yi!  Everyone involved in the future production of this show from the lowly staff that fetches Kail’s Starbucks to the high ups and the TM’s are now contributing to child abuse as passive observers.

  • Love 6

I just need someone to go and beat David into a fucking pulp then he goes to jail and is beaten by other prisoners for being a child abuser. That sounds insane but I can’t even follow this shit anymore. David is a fucking psycho and I just don’t get how anyone could let him have custody of any children. I feel sick hearing about this and this show needs to be done. I quit watching a while ago because watching these losers makes me sick.

  • Love 18

Where the fuck was Endsley during David’s creepy IG rant while Jenelle was “rescuing kaiser”? At home with mommy Marissa?? These poor kids have no fighting chance.

I stared at my 3 year old while she was sleeping last night cuddling with her favorite toy horse and could not imagine her being physically harmed in any way or to be yelled at for asking to go potty ...then I pictured Kaiser’s sweet little voice asking to go potty and being yelled at ?...he’s only 8 months older than my little girl and he’s already witnessed and endured too much nastiness in his short life. ?

Fuck you MTV for giving these two abusers a large platform to spew hate and large bank accounts where they don’t have to worry about anything and can keep procreating on the laaaaaaand while staying high playing on social media while the rest of us work hard for our life’s treasures and treat our kids right. 

I feel like parents should hashtag #boycottmtv to get Jenelle, or the whole franchise off the air unless they agree to go back to the original premise of the show with new castmembers every two years to keep their bankroll a minimum so they will still need REAL jobs.

ETA: I hope Jenelle is not pregnant and that David is messing with us..

Edited by Calm81
  • Love 20
9 hours ago, druzy said:

UBT was F***ed up and scary in that video. 

I am seriously skeeved. My skin was crawling watching that video. This all feels so wrong to be watching on television. I feel like I'm not being a responsible person if I don't intervene or something but it feels helpless. There is no one-- not even the authorities-- looking out for this kid.

Airing this kind of thing on television is shameful but a small part of me thinks it would be more frightening if they vanished from view. I just don't know what to think of the people holding cameras there and recording things that might be seriously bad but never make it onto the air. Have they no concern whatsoever about abuse of small children?

  • Love 8
22 minutes ago, druzy said:

Who is that? Why are "they" assholes for calling a welfare check? Is that person a fan of Jenelle or something and is pissed that a call was made?

Okay so I just discovered something even more frightening than these two lunatics: the people on Twitter who love them! Someone posted that parents are soft and kids don't know the value of a spanking today and David has control in that house like that's a wonderful thing. Then we have the braindead moron who thinks that because Jenelle is smiling in all of her pictures that proves that everything is just swell.

I had to close the page. I just can't with these fucking people.

  • Love 11

I think it's time to boycott all Viacom channels. They are complicit,  and in my opinion, encouraging child abuse for ratings. I do not use social media but would appreciate any advice on how to start a mass boycott.  I don't think boycotting the show alone will do anything.  I think hitting MTV, comedy central, and in particular Nickelodeon will hurt them more then anything.  It's one thing to say this trashy tv show promotes child abuse,  it's a more powerful impact to show that the owners of a children's network,  Nickelodeon, promote child abuse for ratings.

  • Love 8
7 hours ago, Maharincess said:

Good for you.  I stopped watching a long time ago but still came here to catch up. I don't even know if I'll be able to come here anymore.  I don't follow these idiots anywhere but here so if I don't read here, I'll be blissfully ignorant.  

Maybe I'll finally start a social media... something and follow Chelsea. Which is the best social media thingy to do?

@Maharincess I would suggest following Chelsea on instagram. I check it pretty often and there are always cute (and appropriate) pics & videos.

  • Love 11

@TheRealT all good points. And I don't mean to be even more depressing, but I bet Kaiser is also enjoying the jubilant mood in the house. And maybe they're giving him presents and a lot of attention? Like a "honeymoon phase." He will come to expect that UBT treats him rough, and then he's verrrrry nice afterwards. Blech.

  • Love 17

Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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